Thursday, September 25, 2008

I want a 60gb ps3 . Waiting for a reply?

May be...
  • How much it costs and from where ican get it
  • Sorry, The 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, and The Old Version 80GB Playstation 3 are no longer in Production by Sony.The Only Place You Can get it now is on Ebay and Amazon, Which I do not recommend because these websites only sell Used Ones now.There are no longer Unused ones for sale.The Only Systems in Production now are the 80GB and 160GB Core Systems with no Backward Compatibility, no Memory and Flashcard readers, and only 2 USB Ports instead of 4.I recommend getting the new 80GB Core System which I have.It may not have any of the Things above but its still a Playstation 3.Happy Gaming!
  • The New 80(GB) Core System Costs $399. Report Abuse
  • 60gb are extinct from the store's shelf, you can only buy them on ebay or something like that. but i recommend you get the 80gb bundle with metal gear solid. it is almost the same as the 60gb its just the backward compatible. if you still want the 60gb it will probly cost 1600, around there. GOOD LUCK AND BEST OF WISHES CHEERS BYE
  • I have one haha but i wouldnt sell it its great it has all those ports and memory slots that the new ones dont have we paid almost $900.00 for it last year money well spent!!! good Luck finding one its going to be close to 2000.00 they are very rare!!!
  • Sony no longer distributes the 60 Gb model, so if you want one you will have to buy it from a trade store or a site like ebay. The price depends on who you buy it from.
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