Thursday, September 25, 2008

New Playstation 3 (80)GB Core Model?

May be...
  • Hi, I have the New Playstation 3 (80)GB Core Model, and I am very satisfied with it so far.The Only thing I am disappointed in is that Sony took away the Memory and Flashcard readers, Backward Compatibility and the 2 extra USB ports.The Price of this System is also good only $399 for a Gaming Console, a PSN Account, an Internet Browser, and last The Blu-ray disc player all for $399.If you have this Core PS3, please tell me if you are Satisfied with it or not and why.If you want it please say why.Thank You.Happy Gaming!
  • I have the 40gb Ps3 which is the same as 80gb core only the 80gb has bigger HDD.

    Yes I am very satisfied with it and I'm very happy with the purchase. :D

    I'm not very dissapointed at all that sony took away the Backwards Compatible feature because I have sold my Ps2 and Ps2 games to buy my HDTV lol.

    For the USB ports, I just bought a USB hub and now I got a total of 5 USB ports.

    For SD card readers etc., There is a USB hub + SD card reader made by Nyko for $20.

    Here is a link of it...

    Although I don't really need a SD card reader anyway because I use a USB cable to transfer pictures and stuff from my Digital Camera. So yeah.

    And yes, I'm very happy that it plays Blu-ray. ( Its great in HD )

    You can add me on PSN if you want.

    My PSN name: micro_soft

    Happy gaming too!

  • We have the 60GB and we bought it when they first came out for $800.00 and it has been workin just fine it has the flash card reader and memory card slots and all that good stuff i didnt know they cut all that stuff out but i guess u get wat u paid for!!!
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