Friday, September 19, 2008

Portable Play Station ....?

May be...
  • The back of my PSP kept falling off and now I've lost it - is there anywhere I can buy a new one? (By back I mean the bit that covers the battery etc)

    Good luck and see you on PSN!

    BA please? (BA = Best answer)
  • Oh no-you killed a psp! YOU MURDERER!

    (Sorry-I just love my psp) You can get the back on ebay-I think they cost about a fiver, but they aren't easy to fix on, so get someone with half a brain to do it-don't ask me!

    By the way, get the go!cam for your psp. And the sat nav is really good, too.
  • i think you can buy them at gamestop or bestbuy. that has actually happened 2 me 2 and i think thats were i got it. check gamestop 1st. they will tell you were to find one if they dont have any
  • try ebay
  • ebay maybe
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