Friday, September 19, 2008

PS3:Can you download while playing?

May be...
  • Eg:If I'm downloading Burnout Paradise code Chagney,can I play a game simultaneosly?

    Also,how long will it take for downloads most notably demos,on a 300+KBPS connection?

    Thank you.
  • yes, you can play games while downloading.

    There's a catch though. While most ps3 games can be played while downloading, if you play a ps2 game or a dvd, the download will basically stop while the game or dvd is playing. It won't tell you, the download will remain active, it just gets interrupted and when you go back to check it will be at the same percentage as before.

    I will assume you mean a 300 kilobits/s connection, not kilobytes. 300 kbits is basic DSL speed and will finish a 1000 megabit demo download in 50 minutes.

    If it were kilobytes, it would be downloading at 2.4 Mbits and would be done in 6 minutes.

    People get confused about connection speed all the time, the answer above assumes you mean 300 kilobytes for instance. Connection speed is measured in bits, not bytes.

    A connection with 20 Mbits/s download will not download a 20 Megabyte file in one second, it will take eight seconds.

    No internet provider would advertise a connection as 300 kilobytes/s, they would say 2.4 Mbits/s instead. So I'm sure your line is at basic DSL speed.
  • If you are playing offline - yes, online - no

    Average demo size is about 1100MB. If you held a constant speed of 300KBPS, it would take about 5.5 minutes.

    1100 x .3 = 330 seconds / 60 seconds in a minute = 5.5 minutes.

    In my experience, you will not hold a 300KBPS constant speed. My Cable internet is up to 15MBPS, it will still take at least 10-15 minutes to download the average demo.

    I also have the original 60GB PS3, and unless the message that came up in the top right corner of my screen that said "Your Download is complete - check game settings" while I was playing GTAIV offline last night was a figment of my imagination, I have to disagree with you. You are somewhat correct to an extent. If you are playing say a PS2, Psone, or watching a movie, you can not download demos, because during the period that you are doing any of the above, your console technically, is a PS2, Psone, DVD/Bluray player. Which is also the reason why you need to hit the PS button on your controller, after starting a PS2/one game. Word of advice? Make sure you know what you are talking about, before you start "correcting."

    Jeeze - I don't think I have ever had an answer pulled apart like this. Let me makesure I get this right. Megabyte is a measurement of size, and Megabit is a measurement of speed i.e. 2.4 Mbit/s?
  • I must disagree with the guy above me.

    I have one of the rare and original 60gb PS3s, and maybe they changed it, but if you're playing a game/movie or anything that involves a disc you can't download simultaneously. However, if you're playing a demo you already downloaded on your PS3, you will be able to have Burnout downloading in the background.

    This is the one thing I hate about the PS3. If I ever want to download a demo, I have to just let my system sit there while I watch tv or something until it finishes. I would play a game while waiting but it won't download in the background if I do that. Stupid if you ask me

    And I don't know how long it will take you to download that demo but it has taken up to an hour before for me and I have ridiculously fast cable connection.

    I hope this answer helps
  • No.As I know,you can not download PS3 games while playing.You can ask to the company staffs from where you got the game.(Ya nice talking to you too.I know I hurt you.Anyway I finished my assignments.You did'nt give me the answer for my question that you are Indian or not.Please say)......*Sana*
  • so the second guy is wrong. i also have a 60 gig PS3 and was playing resistance while i downloaded castlevania symphony of the night. it performs the download in the background, no matter what you're doing on your PS3.
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