Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I have a ps3 40 gig if I installed a 60 gig or 80 HD I`ll I be able to play ps2 games?Thank you?

May be...
  • No the HDD has nothing to do with the B/C. The 20gb and 60gb had the actual emulation chip in them. They then took that out and used software to have the 80gb B/C. Now they just stopped doing B/C all together. Word on the street though is that Sony may release some sort of update or something for purchase which enables the B/C. I think thats perfect because now only the people that want B/C can get it and people that don't want it aren't wasting money on it when they are forced to buy a system that had it from the get go. I have a 60gb though and I'm not complaining because I play PS2 games all the time still. I can never stop playing FFX, GOW2, and San Andreas lol.
  • Haha.

    Sorry bro, but the backwards compatibility doesn't lie in the hard DRIVE, it's in the hardWARE. You seem the 40gb PS3's lack the Emotion Engine and GPU chip which allowed for all or some backwards compatbilitiy, respectively.

    It might be easier to just buy a PS2.
  • It's not the HD (hard-disc) which does the magic..... but it's the installed or implemented ps2 simulator which does the trick.

    And it was included in the price of the 80 HD.

    Wait and see.... the simulator will be released separately within a year.
  • No the HD has nothing to do with the emotion engine, and the software need to allow you to play PS2 games.
  • You can't because the 40gb PS3 had the PS2 emulator removed. Adding a new hard drive won't make a jot of difference.
  • umm no i don't think so

    i have the same problem i am like dying to play final fantasy 10 but i cant

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