Wednesday, October 1, 2008

What is the first PS3 game I should get?

May be...
  • Choose between

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    GTA 4

    Call of Duty 4

    Soul Calibur 4

    Ratchet and Clank

    or a PSN game

    Remember if you want the best answer then give me a reason why you think I should get the game.
  • Call of Duty 4 and heres why...

    Metal Gear Solid 4 is a fantastic game but the online is so-so... After you beat the game you may be like me and play through it 7 times (thats how much that game rocks) or you may not.

    GTA4 is a great game as well. I was dissapointed to see so much removed that was in San Andreas..( no planes, no customizing cars, no buying homes or businesses...etc) The story is good though but I went through it in 4 days. Now it can last longer than that but without all the other things we used to be able to do everything but the story can get boring quick. Online is fun but sometimes it can be difficult to get enought people to play.

    Ratchet & Clank is another wonderful game but it has no online and you can go through the story in about 15-20 hours and thats with you taking your time. Great rental... not a great buy IMO.

    Soul Calibur 4... great game but I was one of the few that didn't really get into this one so I can't really tell you much...

    Call of Duty 4, Ok heres why... COD4 is still jammed packed with people and is still very popular. It has single player as well. COD5 is coming out in November but you have to keep in mind that it is not made by the same developers who made 4. COD3 blew chunks and I believe 5 will as well. I know I'll be playing this game until the day they shut down the servers for it.

    Oh a game I forgot about... PSN game...

    Warhawk, This game you can get for $29.99 right now and you can get all three expansions for $15.99... this game is online only though but after the expansions and new maps its wonderful. There are still plenty of people playing this game and its alot of fun. I play it all the time. With the new expansion you can now earn trophies, listen to music in game, and I believe it added a new map as well. This is def. a game you should look into as well.

    Hope this helps.. sorry its soo long but you wanted explinations ;o)
  • Either Metal Gear Solid 4 (If you're a fan, it's awesome!)

    or Soul Caliber 4 would be the two I'd pick if those were my choices. Resistance 2 is coming out soon, that's probably going to be excellent, although I'm bias towards the first one because it was a launch game that I actually enjoyed.

    Basically, if you want a multiplayer game so you can play with your friends when they come visit you (because with a PS3, you'll rarely see the light of day), I'd go with Soul Calibur.

    If you're just looking for an awesome single-player game, MGS4 is your best bet.
  • Get Metal Gear Solid 4.

    It is a PS3 exclusive,unlike the others(except Ratchet & Clank F:ToD).

    It is also the very first PS3 game to utilise the BD-Dual Layer format

    (with around 45-50GB total consumption).

    You can always get GTA IV,CoD 4 and Soul Calibur 4 any other time.

    After getting MGS4,save up for Gran Turismo 5.

    Again a PS3 exclusive,and will feature well over 1000 cars,special Top Gear videos,Online,DLC and much more.
  • I own all the games you have listed except Soul Caliber and I would say COD4 is by far the best of the bunch, mainly due to the fantastic online play that will keep you going for months. However, as the chap above has said COD5 is out in November so I would consider waiting for that, its gonna be ace! I was not that impressed with GTA4 to be honest, I found it a bit boring and just 'same old' routine.

    Ratchet and Clank is great fun and the fantastic graphics would be a good introduction into the world of PS3, but it won't last you all that long.

    I would go for Metal Gear Solid if you like that sort of thing, its a great game and I would highly reccomend it, then get COD5 on pre-order for November.

  • Grand Theft Auto and Call Of Duty 4 are amazing games, both games have alot of life tot hem, especially if you are online. I would say GTA as the new COD is out in november so it would probably be best to wait for that rather than get COD4. By then COD4 will have gone down in price due to COD5 being out so that is another option.

    Hope this helps.
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 by faarrrrr!

    Metal Gear Solid 4 is an exhilarating experience. It has very long cutscenes.But the gameplay blows you away.

    need to have lots of stealth

    good and quick hands

    Metal Gear Online is sooooooo much fun!
  • Call of Duty 4 and/or Grand Theft Auto 4

    Metal Gear Solid 4 is terrible, in my opinion.

    I also think that CoD5 is kinda not worth getting because it's going back to WWII, been there done that with so many games.
  • i say the good ones toward the end and in this case these are all good so get Call of Duty 4 it is one of the best but its campaign is short and its online has alot of players right now so get this one first
  • 1. Metal Gear Solid

    2. Call of Duty 4

    3. GTA IV

    If you want to see what the ps3 can really do then get gran turismo 5 prologue. It has the best graphics i have ever seen.
  • From what I know MGS4 and COD4 have good online play. GTA4 is fun especially since I like blowing things up as well as the series. But if you like fighting games get SC4 it has a nice ending to intertwine with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
  • Soul Calibur 4

    it is really fun with the customizable characters and its online play
  • Call of duty 4!!! is a great game. I play COD4 everyday! hope to see u. or ada me. alberto1990
  • Metal Gear Solid 4 hands down!!!
  • I would have to say CoD 4 is the best in that list.
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