Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Is the PS3 worth the price ?

May be...
  • i think it is expensive, but still worth the price, because it has blu ray included

    and seriously, just a blu ray player is VERY expensive,

    so therefore on a PS3 you have a blu ray and a game player all in 1

    do you know what i mean ?

    is it worth the expensive price afterall ?

    -I was born Nov.12 1989
  • I think the PS3 is a decent value based on the incorporated Blu-Ray player. Like you said, you get both a gaming console and Blu-Ray/Standard DVD player all-in-one.

    I have a PS3 (got it about 3 months ago) that has solely been used to watch movies (I do most of my gaming on an Xbox360). There just isn't a lot of game software that blows my skirt up yet... but that will change once Little Big Planet is released. Plus, Sony may not be winning this current console war, but you can bet that they will have some pretty awesome gaming software coming soon.

    So, if you have the funds, and want to move to Blu-Ray movies and have the potential to play games, get a PS3.
  • its hard to answer your question without knowing your game preference. if you are a hard core gamer, like me, ps3 is a must. otherwise, wii is a good alternative. nonetheless i think ps3 worth the price simply because it is a combination of game machine and a blue ray player. final conclusion: MUST BUY! : )
  • Cheaper than a blue ray player(except the cheap ones) so baised on that alone. If you are just buying it for the games it seems that 360 is coming out with a lot of the games that where "PS3 exclusives" and it is much much much cheaper. So if you have the money to blow on a ps3 do it. otherwise i would go xbox.
  • by all means, get 1. think about it this way... a decent blu-ray player alone is already $300. PS3 is a bluray player with hard drive (another $50), internet browser (that's another big plus- you can check emails right at your living room), card reader ($25?), USB port, mp3 player ($100?) , photo slide show, and wifi. The game feature is almost free but it's a great game system!
  • It's worth it
  • dont get it i did and i wish i got the xbox360 =(

    my opion ps3 sucks
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