Thursday, October 16, 2008

Question about Call of Duty 5: World at War ?

May be...
  • Hey guys this question is a little bit weired but it's important for me. In COD5 we will be killing japanese, right?so will japanese people play the game and not care about killing japanese? will it be bandinjapan. I mean COD4 was banned in middle-est because they were killing arbic people! so it's really important for me to know if japanese people will play COD5.
  • But wait. Think about Call Of Duty 4.

    You have Spetnaz vs. SAS

    You have Spetnaz vs. USMC

    You have Spetnaz vs. a few others too.

    But people play at Spetnaz too and kill USMC/SAS. So technically their own Nationalities and visa-versa.

    But if anyone takes offence to this then its a bit childish tbh.

    Just enjoy the game mate!

    P.S- I am talking about online gameplay here
  • you won't be able to find in japan in the first place if japanese don't like it. so if you see it around, that means, japs are ok with it.
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