Thursday, October 16, 2008

Why are so many Xbots Xbox 360 owners answering questions here in the PlayStation section?

May be...
  • Such as get/buy a xbox 360 instead, and so on.
  • because their Xbox broke and have nothing else to do, but start talking crap about PS3's lol
  • i dont know i have a 360 and i dont brag about it my friend has a ps3 and i love playing its good system, and there are alot of questions here on the playstation section asking which is better ps3 or 360 thats most likely why, stupid fanboys
  • Yeah it's just fanboys Sony fanboys do the same thing only to xbox 360 and wii.And wii fanboys answer question in ps3 too.So It ps3 wii xbox 360 fanboys who do it.
  • they like to wind playstation owners up thats why. its the 360 vs PS3 and who has the better console. If you ask me i think they are both great with different pluses and minuses.
  • Just ignore them and give them a thumbs down.
  • I dunno???? Get a Wii instead!
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