Thursday, October 16, 2008

Will this damage my PS3?

May be...
  • i forgot to turn the power off, (the actual power button) so the light was red. And i pulled the Power cord.. will it affect my ps3? Also when it was actually turned on, green light, i accidently tripped and pulled the power cord out.. Will any of these two scenarios affect my PS3?
  • no it doesn't. my ps3 fell from my tv. the thing u put the discs in wouldn't budge so i had to open it up and move it back into place. but other than that it was fine so that shouldn't do anything. i understand how a gamer would worry about there "baby"
  • If the red light was on, it would do nothing as it would be like flipping the switch at the back of the console off. If it was green it still wouldn't do any damage unless you were installing an update or saving something, as that is the equivalent to a power outage and they do happen. All in all unless you're saving or installing updates your PS3 should be perfectly fine if you accidentally pull the power cord or trip over it.
  • Jeez, man, put your PS3 someplace safe, will you?

    The first scenario shouldn't matter, but the second one could cause a problem with the hard drive. The only way to know is to fire it up and see if you notice anything.

    Be more careful or the PS3 Police are going to come take your machine away and replace it with an Xbox.
  • I really don't think it will harm your ps3. Really what is the difference between pressing the power button. The only thing that I that is would harm is the yanking out of the power cord. But that can easily replaced un like a new system.
  • No I do it all the time. Also when the light is RED it just means

    the battery is dead. So just charge it. You don't have to pull the plug.
  • no that's actually how you turn it of fully not the tripping part you get it on the red light then turn it of but no nothing will happen to it
  • if the red light was on that means it was kind of off so dont worry about that....when the green light was on and the cord came off it will only damage your memory if you were saving at that moment...other wise your good =D
  • possibly but most likely no..i have dropped my ps3 from a 38 inch by tripping on its power cord while it was on..and my ps3 works great
  • no the red light situation is fin and the green one should be fine to go ps3 xbox 360 sucks
  • Uh,probably
  • Does your PS3 still work? Anyway, just do not do it again.
  • NO!!!
  • yes
  • I't depends how lucky u are :)
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