Monday, November 10, 2008

Kingdom hearts story questions????????

May be...
  • ok first ? what exactly is organization's XIII purpose in kingdom hearts im a little fuzzy since i never got to play the first game just the second.

    second ? what d you think that letter from mickey at the end of kh 2 was about?????????
  • A nobody is someone who lost there heart and feelings, Orginazation XIII is a group of 13 nobodies whose bodies were strong enough to loose there sould and feelings but keep there original bodies, there trying to summon Kingdom Hearts to get there heart back
  • organization XIII want to be whole, they're nobodies but really smart (or atleast thats what i thought) and have the power to summon dark powers. so in other words they want to be whole with a heart.

    and that letter it could be a hint a could be directions it could be "hello" for all i know we'll find out in KH3
  • it was about how sora will have to use the keyblade to win his heart over.
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