Thursday, January 15, 2009

Do you agree that Xbox 360 > Wii > Ps2 > Ps3 ?

May be...
  • I got a ps3 for christmas. I LOVE the blu-ray player. I play console games ALOT. I HONESTLY have not enjoyed one second of gaming on my ps3. I bought little big planet (which got boring quick), MGS (dunno i just didn't care for it) and Resistance 2 (which pales in comparison to COD4 on 360). What are people playing on ps3? I tried "home" and didn't even enjoy that. Currently I spend most of my time playing 360,followed by the Wii, and I even play my ps2(God of war) more than my ps3!!!! I'm REALLY REALLY disappointed. What should i buy????
  • Wait for Killzone 2. Look it up on youtube.

    Games coming 2009 and my rating how they might turn out:

    Gran Turismo 5 - 10/10

    Final Fantasy Versus 13 - 10/10

    Uncharted 2 - 9.8/10

    God of War 3 - 9.5/10

    Killzone 2 - 9.3/10

    Team ICO - 9.1/10

    MAG - 9.0/10

    Heavy Rain - 9.0/10

    White Knight Chronicles - 8.9/10

    Ratchet and Clank Future 2 - 8.7/10

    inFamous - 8.7/10

    Demon's Soul - 8.6/10

    New JAK game - 8.5/10

    LA Notre - 8.3/10

    All PS3 exclusives in 2009. What will Xbox 360 have? Halo Wars, Halo ODST? Try something new.

    BTW, I own all 3 consoles just like you.

    My order:

    1. PS3

    2. 360

    3. Wii
  • the ps3 is better than any other system in my opinion, i am commenting from mine lets see u do this on 360 and microsoft has lost money on 360 totaling in 4.4 million $ and there is an issue with it scratching games plus ps3 is just getting started on games in time the choice will be an obvious one Report Abuse
  • R2 is better than CoD4 in my opinion.

    However, it just depends on your preferences. I have a PS3, my roommate has a 360, we spend an equal amount of time on both consoles.

    Our 3rd roommate had a wii, but later sold it, because we all thought it got boring fast (too gimmicky).

    No console is better than another. They each have their pros/cons.

    PS3 -> Fantastic Media device, solid games

    360 -> Decent/Good Media device, solid/great games

    PS2 -> Biggest library of games, cheap.

    Wii -> Casual gamer heaven, relatively cheap.

    It's all just a matter of opinion of course. But I'd hardly rank PS3 as the 'worst console'.
  • Yeah something's just a bit wrong with you, I' sorry.

    The real list is PS3 a tiny bit better than 360, which is better than the ps2, which is better than the Wii.
  • I disagree but just get these upcoming games that will change your mind God of War 3 Killzone 2 M.A.G and Quantum theory
  • ps3>every console ever!
  • Wii better than PS2? Hahahaha.... no.

    If anything it would be PS2 > 360 > Wii > PS3

  • Tony Hawk Proving Ground, GTA 4, Call of Duty are all good, I love my PS3
  • Well, if you don't like MGS4 and like f*cking Halo, then go sulk on the 360.You seriously are a weird gamer.The games the entire world love(given 10 off 10 by IGN and Gamespot which has only happened to one more game i.e GTA4)(gears of war couldn't even muster a 9) and envied by 360 gamers, you don't like them?I seriously cant stop laughing, have you even tried MGS4? According to me the it's probably the best game in 2008(I have nearly played all the best games which came out in 2008 both on the 360 as well as on the PS3).

    I agree God Of War is a great game and have no issues with that, but MGS4 and R2 are really of another level.

    If I were you, I would never even consider selling my PS3.Do you even know what titles are going to hit the PS3 this year?

    Killzone 2,Quantum Theory, Infamous,MAG,Twisted Metal,Heavy Rain,Uncharted 2 and finally and probably the biggest title to hit the console market(hope this changes your mind) GOD OF WAR III.

    Now, if you sell your PS3(For that 80's controller!!!!), you will probably be the biggest jerk of the century.

    I would consider selling my 360 before selling the PS3(360 only has Halo and hardly anything interesting this year).
  • Well I have PS# and my fav game is Uncharted Drake's Fortune

    MGS4 was good

    Resistance 1 was great

    Resistance 2 was good but not great

    Dead Space was great

    Bioshock for PS3 was amazing

    Far Cry 2 is great

    Darkness is very good

    To me it goes PS3>PS2>Wii>Xbox

    I find Xbox too unwieldy, too complicated which reduces the enjoyment, Wii is all kiddy games, PS2 has worse graphics but tons of fun games and PS3 is amazing in my book

    But to each their own...I would recommend though you play is better than the Xbox one
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