Thursday, January 15, 2009

Should I trade in my Ps3 to GameStop, and how much $$$ will I get ?

May be...
  • I got a ps3 for christmas. I LOVE the blu-ray player. I play console games ALOT. I HONESTLY have not enjoyed one second of gaming on my ps3. I bought little big planet (which got boring quick), MGS (dunno i just didn't care for it) and Resistance 2 (which pales in comparison to COD4 on 360). What are people playing on ps3? I tried "home" and didn't even enjoy that. Currently I spend most of my time playing 360,followed by the Wii, and I even play my ps2(God of war) more than my ps3!!!! I'm REALLY REALLY disappointed. What should i buy????

    Oh, and I'm considering trading in my ps3 for these 2 things.


    Do you think its a good idea?
  • I cant wrap my head around what your saying....i guess the ps3 is not for everyone
  • No dont sell your PS3 to gamestop!, there gonna rip you off, i say they give you like maybe between 200-250 for it. Its a gift why would you want to sell it? but if you really want to I reccommend you do it by yourself. Try craigslist and post an ad in your area and sell it at a price that would be fair to you.
  • Never trade anything to gamestop. im not kidding they will give u close to nothing for it and them sell it to someone else for alot more. Trust me i sold something to them once, and ill never do it again.
  • Im not so sure......i say you should take it to your local pawn shop, but gamestop would probably pay you better.
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