Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Does the 2.60 ps3 system update include the latest fallout 3 patches? (including trophy support?) Thanks!?

May be...
  • Just wanted to know because i am not able to use psn on my ps3.. but i am able to access the internet via computer.. and i would like to have the bugs fixed ... as well as the trophy support. If the system updates include patches... does it include the patches for all games?? Thanks again!
  • Version 2.60 of the ps3 does not give any added support to any game. So system update does. In order to receive support on a game, you must get the update provided by the game's manufacturer. All Sony updates apply to the system only. They never provide compatibility for PS3 games. That is up to the game's manufacturer.
  • Updates are for the ps3 not any games... when a game has a new patch, you just pop in the game and it will tell you to update before you can even play it...

    And you should already have trophy support that was put in a while ago... but not all games support trophy's
  • It will not include any patches for any individual games, but

    just for the system and its function in general

    Any game patches will usually be downloaded while starting the game

    and will be done separately from the PS3 updates
  • Yes it does.
  • yea it sure does
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