Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Is it worth repairing a PSP 1000?

May be...
  • ive contacted sony, and they said they'l replace it for £60, but is it worth it? i own a psp 3000, but i want one that i can mod, so is it worth it? or is there a cheaper place to pick one up from?
  • You could buy a second hand PSP 1000 for around £80. If they are going to REPLACE it for £60 I'd say get them to replace it. Better deal!

    £60 for a PSP is pretty impossible to beat, unless it's a really beat up second hander.

    So, take Sony up on their offer is what I would do.

    If they ask you to send them your broken one, make sure to remove your memory card to keep before sending it.
  • Is the mod worth 60... if so then yea. But then again you could get a used at ebay for much less.
  • Well my opinion is no because its just a little different from the first one
  • come on just get a ps3 its much more fun that you think
  • no
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