Sunday, February 8, 2009

Is there any way i can transfer my ipod songs to gh3 for the ps3?

May be...
  • anyone help me to transfer my songs
  • u cant even do that with guitar hero but u might be able to get songs on ur ps3

    but with itunes song ur screwed because the music format is protected ACC

    and guess wut the ps3 dont support ACC format sorry to tell u this

    But thanks for getting a ps3 rather than a 360
  • if you get a flash drive and download songs on to the flash drive then put the flash drive in to the ps3 it should download the songs onto your ps3. i did it
  • no you cant modify the ps3, only the ps2 and you need a mod chip to do that, It's really complected... so no you cant transfer your ipod songs to use in gh3 for the ps3 but you can do it for the ps2.
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