Monday, February 2, 2009

PS3 going down on April is it true?

May be...
  • Ok so I heard that the PS3 will go down on April is it true? Very strong rumor

    And another question

    what are the differences between a 40Gb and 80Gb and a 120Gb besides the capacity?
  • Oh Yeah!!

    Ima try to get me one of those
  • I have the 80GB PS3 from last summer.. it's PS2 compatible. The 40GB is not. Last fall, they upgraded 40GB->80GB and 80GB->120GB, but nothing else changed. Report Abuse
  • Price drops happen, and all the time in the electronics world. I don't know of any reliable rumor about the PS3, but if you wait long enough, it will in fact go down in price. If you can wait, you might save some money... but that's true of any electronic item. So the best wisdom is to wait until you can't wait anymore, then buy it. And it's certainly a good idea to do your homework and keep at it... know as much as possible about the PS3 (or any new toy) and you'll make the best decisions about it.

    Ok, the HDD size itself can clue you into the unit features. There were 60GB and 20GB models some time ago, but let's stick to the last year or so. Last year, there was a 40GB model for $399 and an 80GB model for $499. The 40GB model did not have any sort of PS2 compatibility, it came with 2 USB ports and no memory card slots. The 80GB model has "software supported" PS2 compatibility, which means it runs most PS2 games, but does some of the support work in software, rather than extra hardware (the old 60GB model had essentially a separate PS2 inside for this). It also has four USB ports, and memory slots for MS, SD, or CF memory cards (to play stills and videos directly from still or video cameras).

    So sometime last summer, just to confuse everyone, they decided to put 80GB drives in the former-40GB model, followed by 120GB drives in the 80GB model. So you have to look closer still to ID which one you've got.

    Then again, what do you do with mine -- it has a 320GB drive....
  • In my opinion, price drop will not happen in April

    A Sony Executive said this:

    "Eurogamer: Will you cut the price of PS3 this year?

    David Reeves [Sony Exec]: As the cost of manufacturing comes down, we will look at it, as we've looked at it in the past. I'm not going to say we're going to do anything short term or anything long term on the price. At the moment, we have a value-added strategy. "

    "Eurogamer: Is the PS3 going to remain the most expensive console on the market?

    David Reeves: I think it will, yes. I'm not saying there are going to be any price cuts at all in the short term or the medium term. I'm not saying we don't need to do it"

    If that doesn't convince you they will not price drop in April, then maybe this will:

    In my opinion, they will price drop only $50 in Fall. Could drop $100, we will never know. But, there is a possibility there WILL be a price drop in April lol. People say after the fiscal year, Sony will price drop it $50, NOT $100.

    Oh also, the differences between all the 20GB, 40GB, 60GB, 80GB, 160GB:
  • Wedbush Morgan's veteran analyst Michael Pachter anticipates that the 80GB edition of the PS3 will see its price cut by a huge figure this April, dropping from $399 to $299.

    Along with this, he believes that Microsoft will announce in June, the month in which E3 takes place, that the price of the 360 Pro edition (oft called ‘Premium’) will fall $50, taking its retail value to $249. Pachter adds that the Wii – for obvious reasons – will not see a price cut.
  • The PS3s that will be released in April may be cheaper, but they won't be the same PS3s that we are enjoying right now... look what happened to 80GB.. it went down to $399 from $499 but lost the PS2 backwards compatibility... what is next? no built-in wifi? well, possible...

    Sony is not making PS3 cheaper, they are just making it more affordable by gutting the console out.
  • yes, the price will go down. and the 40 GB one is backwards compatible with ps2 and ps1 games whereas the 80GB model, only the ones from year 2k7 is backwards compatible. but the 120 GB one is totally only for ps3 games. and yes, its going down 100 bucks or more
  • you mean a price drop? well maybe but if you mean that sony is dropping it then that's a lie and as for the differences other than memory their is none except that the older 40 and 80 gig models are backwards compatible (the new models aren't)
  • Ps3 wont go down don't worry about that.

    The different models vary older 40 gbs and 80gb had 4usb and slots for mobile media. These models have been discounted for cost saving by sony.
  • I hope it wont go down, because I bought it for £299! A price drop will make me upset :\
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