Monday, February 2, 2009

PS3 Wireless Online Setup?

May be...
  • I just got a new wireless router, Wireless-N Router WNR8344B, and i want to set up online on my PS3 Wireless. When i do the Internet Connection Settings it comes up with - A connection to the access point could not be established. Check the sercurity settings for the wireless LAN. (8013013E). If anyone Knows, Thank you Very Much!!!!! I really want to play online with my friends!!
  • Wow! i was hoping for a question like this.

    first of all on the back of your wireless router type in the modems IP address onto a web browser, next a user name and password box should appear on your screen, also on the back of your modem will be a default user name and password enter it in (if this does not work reset the whole modem). Next go to the tab that says wireless settings or something similar to that. Then there should be a circle to select allow wireless devices to connect..... Next click the security tab and set up a new user name and password (also check that your windows firewall is ON, it will prevent your router from hacking etc.) from there you should be able to connect from your ps3

    enter in your pass key on your ps3..... and follow the instructions etc.

    When your done setting up tell me your PS3 user name ill add you and verse you at some games.

    Have Fun
  • When setting up your network on the ps3, make sure you know the WEP code, which is a password to access the internet. Usually the guy who installed your router put a password on the connection so nobody can steal the connection unless you already approve it. So ask him what is the WEP key. Go to ps3 > network settings > set up connection > easy > WEP key > put down your key > automatic IP and then you're set to go.

    I just gave the answer on top of me a thumps up, however I recommend you to try my solution before it as it should take less hassle, and it won't mess up with the router settings.
  • Make sure you are putting in the right numbers. I had that same problem when setting up mine. It should be some where on the router it self.
  • Make sure you hook an ethernet cable between the router and the ps3
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