Sunday, February 1, 2009

What would gamestop do if u give them a bad system?

May be...
  • if u trade them a console that has something wrong with it and they find out afterwards what would they do?
  • we don't find out afterward. we would find out while you're standing there in the store. we test every single console that gets traded in at the time of trade in. if it don't work right, we give you less money.

    and the kid who says his brother works at GameStop is wrong. the broken values of all the systems he listed are MORE than that, PLUS there is no one value for all PS3s. the size of the hard drive decides how much each system is worth working or broken. I don't know the numbers off hand. I just know that there are different prices for each of the 6 PS3 versions.

    also, they wouldn't do anything to you after if it turned out that later on down the road the system turned out to be bad even after being tested. they won't press charges.
  • OMG. did I say "if it don't work right"? wow. I can't believe I said that. I meant "if it doesn't work right". how embarrassing... Report Abuse
  • They're going to test it,before they give you anything for it. My husband did this as well. They do give money for broken systems. If you're not honest,unless you've got the money already,they won't give you anything for it. They're one of the only places that give you money for broken systems,so...I would say something. The one that gave the guy the money and he wasn't honest,it must be ran by stupid people. Some money (at least here) would have been deducted from the credit,if any of it was any good.
  • I traded them my bad Xbox 360 (RROD) without telling them and they gave me the money for it and its been about 5 months now and i just went in there a week ago and my credit was still good.
  • a bad 360 is worth 40 a bad wii is worth 35 and a bad PS3 is worth 50 (older bro works at gamestop)
  • It is a risk, maybe nothing maybe press charges?
  • They would probably give u less money.
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