Sunday, February 1, 2009

Why is Console better than PC at gamin?

May be...
  • I need alot of reasons why Consoles are better than PC because its the only way I can convince my dad to buy me a PS3

    he says i need 15 reasons why they are better than pc so i can have one
  • i got 10 more to help you

    1. the controller works better than a mouse

    2. More people can play on the PS3 at once--PC doesn't have splitscreen for shooters and good games

    3. it can run at 1080p which pc can't

    4. a bigger selection of games pc mostly has strategy and rpg while ps3 has a wider variety

    5. downloading without a risk of viruses

    6. you can get more money for trades if you don't like the game so it will have a use if you get bored of it after warranty

    7. it has a browser which can replace pc when multiple people are on it

    8. on average the accessories aren't that expensive

    9. its psn has a better movie service than pc with renting and buying blu ray movies

    10. it is quicker than pc for games and it is a benefit to your dad as well with all of its feautures as you can listen to music download game demos before you play and you can watch movies and do more than a pc which makes it etter its next gen which pc is not
  • 1. Consoles are made just for gaming. PC are made for gaming, productivity, web browsing, etc.

    2. Consoles have controllers while PC uses the keyboard (default). Controllers are better for gaming than keyboards.

    3. Consoles are cheaper. If you add the price of a PS3, 360, and Wii, it's still cheaper than a gaming PC. A good gaming PC runs almost 2000 dollars.

    4. Consoles only have 1 configuration, so you don't need to worry about compatibility. All PS3 games will work on a PS3, but not all PC games will work on a PC.
  • 1. all the ps3 exclusives.

    2. its cheaper than upgrading pc every year

    3. ps3 exclusives have better graphics than any other multiplatform

    4. ps3 has free online mulitplayer

    5. ps3 has blu-ray discs which makes games longer than any other

    6. can replace your PC for 80% of task based computing.

    7. Automatic updates and firmware

    8. Free internet browser included.

    9. Easy to upgrade hardrives (any brand)

    10. More computing power than PC. (Look up PS3 Clusters)

    11. It is a future proof BluRay Player.

    12. Can serve as a multimedia server.

    13. Cheaper than a comparable PC.

    14. Upscales most DVDs to HD (1080P) in some cases

    15. Games can get updates online (bug fixes and DLC).

    16. Has a GigaBit Ethernet port, most residential equipment use 100Mb (megabit) so it is future proof.

    17. Has free wireless connectivity included with the base model.

    18. Can view movies (Rent/Pruchase) Playstation Store.

    19. Has HMDI 1.3 standard.

    20. You are going to give me 10 points for this answer!!
  • 1. You can play on a big screen TV with 1080p

    2. You only have to upgrade once every 5 years, and just 2 or 3 times a year for more accessories (which are like $25--$70, so it's inexpensive).

    3. PS3= $400, gaming PC=$1000, excluding the monitor

    4. More people can play on the PS3 at once--PC doesn't have splitscreen for shooters and good games

    Crap, I just spilled water on my keyboard

    5. PS3 accessories usually last longer

    6. I don't like having to move around with WASD and aiming with the mouse. Analog sticks work much better for me.

    7. 8 core processor

    8. FREE online multiplayer

    9. Internet browser

    10. Wi Fi built in

    11. Blu Ray (the main selling point)

    12. Hmm...I guess the rest is just the games

    See, if you buy a PS3 ($400) over buying a gaming PC ($1000-$2000) then you will save over $600-$1600, which is a lot of money for games and accessories, not to mention you could also buy a kick@ss TV with $1600.
  • You don't have to keep up with always checking system requirements

    No overheating

    Free Blu-Ray player
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