Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Are all ps3's backwards compatible?

May be...
  • I assumed it was a given because my ps2 was but I someone told me it was a rare find... is this true?
  • I take it I'm going to be answering this question forever too:

    backward compatibility for the PS3 with PS2 games is as follows:

    20GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes

    60GB (4 USB slots, no longer in production) - yes

    80GB with 4 USB slots (no longer in production, bundled with MGS4 or Motor Storm) - yes

    40GB (2 USB slots, no longer in production) - NO

    80GB with 2 USB slots - NO

    160GB (2 USB slots) - NO

    any other up coming PS3's - NO

    in short: if it has 4 USB slots, yes. if it has 2 USB slots, no.

    all PS3s play PS1 games.


    the only way to play Mario games is to have a Nintendo system. that is it! there is no other way! Mario is owned by Nintendo, so you will NEVER see him on any other system! PERIOD!

    ALL PS3s play DVD and Blu-Ray. that's just common knowledge (especially on the Blu-Ray part). BUT, they will only play DVDs and Blu-Ray from your region. they, unlike the PS3 games, are region locked.
  • No, it's really a rare find. Only the very first PS3 models were able to play PS2 games.

    All PS3 consoles you find new in stores today are unable to play PS2 games. To find out if a PS3 can play PS2 games, check the model number on the retail box or the console's serial number sticker.

    If the model number starts with CECHA, -B, -C or CECHE, then you can play most PS2 games on it.

    All other model numbers are NOT able to play PS2 games.

    As for your additional details:

    Mario is a licensed property of Nintendo. You will find Mario games only on Nintendo consoles or some very old PC educational games (like Mario Teaches Typing and the likes).

    You will *never ever* officially find a Mario game on a competing console. Especially not a Sony console.

    That you were able to play Mario on an old Xbox was because the old Xbox could easily modified to play "homebrew" emulators, that simulated a Nintendo console, so illegally downloaded ROM images of (for example) Mario games could be played on such a modified console.

    Legally and officially, you will never see Mario on a Playstation console.
  • No, only the original release, 60Gig PS3's are backwards compatible. The 40gig and newer models do not have the same features as the launch 60gig models, and do not include backward compatibility.

    And no, you can't play Mario games on the playstation. Unless you hack it somehow. If you want Mario, buy a Wii. Or DS.
  • Ok, newer models can't play PS2 games anymore, check link provided for more info. ALL PS3 play DVD & Blu-Ray. You can try to play illegal games on the PS3 through disk, but I heard that you can get blocked out your system when you go online after putting in illegal disk, and that it won't load the disk anyways. You can try via emulator, I know that will work but you need to have Linux/Ubunta/Yellow Dog installed on the PS3 OS
  • The only models that play PS2 games are the ones with 4 USB ports in the front (20GB, 60GB and old Motorstorm/MGS4 80GB, not the one in stores).

    You can't play any Nintendo games on your Playstation (1, 2, Portable or 3).

    But you'll have to find them on eBay or something. But they are so expensive sometimes, i just kept my PS2 when I got a non-ps2 games playing PS3.
  • No. Unfortunately only the older versions can play ps2 games. They can all play ps1 though. The newer ones lost the backwards compatability for the ability to play blu-ray. Seems stupid to me. Hope this helps, I found out the hard way, we had the ps3 and realized it wasn't compatible with ps2.
  • no the 40gig n the 20gig r not backward compatible only the 80gb n 120gb n 60gb are

    but now adays the new ps3 s r not bacward compatible..
  • sorry mate only the 60gb.
  • nope.
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