Friday, April 3, 2009

What's better PS3 or XBOX360?

May be...
  • Hi, i'm going to buy a new console and there is the XBOX360 Limited Edition and there is the PS3 what should i buy? If you are a PS or XBOX fanboy please dont answer this....
  • ps3 ftw.

    EDIT: you can play online on ps3 too... for free.

    IMO the ps3 has better games, Killzone 2, Resistance 2, Metal Gear Solid 4 etc...

    not much of a difference in graphics, although ps3 graphics are slightly better. it has a built in blu ray player. It has free Internet browsing, and online gameplay. the controllers are re-chargeable. they don't overheat, or break, like the xbox.

    theres tons of more benefits, but i don't feel like typing them all out.
  • trust me ( i mean it) get a ps3. You get more out of your money. I mean blueray player? Web-browsing? You can turn it into a computer with Linux? The 360 can't do that!

    Built in Wifi adapter. The wifi for 360 will cost you $100. oh yea and xbox live is another $50 a year! Playstation Network is free.

    Ps3 is compatible with SO MUCH media.

    The ps3 has more power, then the 360 and as game devolopers get used to it, you will see better and better games. More detailed and everything. The only thing the 360 has more of is problems. High failure rates. disc errors, sometimes being banned of xbox live for no reason!, picture quality..

    Sony makes quality cameras, Tv, Mp3 players. Quality console : The ps2 is the world most selling console of all time, and has 1,800. So just imagine what the ps3 can do!

    Also sony and philips devoloped the Compact Disc ( CD). They're a really good company.

    So just get a ps3. im telling you
  • Why you should get a PS3 and NOT a Xbox 360

    The *expected* lifetimes of current home video game consoles:

    Xbox 360--2005-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Wii-2006-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Playstation 3-2015 (Sony said they made it to last 10 years, so 2006+10 years=2016, round it down just to be safe), you'll get 7 years out of it.

    In short, it has better reliability, multimedia capabilities, a large list of exclusives and more coming out in 2009 and in the future and it has over-the-top graphical capabilities (google “Heavy Rain”). And to those who say the Xbox 360 is cheaper, well then just look at the following list:

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blu-Ray player, which if you wanted one of equal value would blow at least a $700 hole in your wallet

    -Free online service

    -An ever-growing list of exclusives, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time, 128 VS 128)

    -More flexible in terms of hardware, e.g. swappable HDD, USB mini cable, etc.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser

    -A super sleek system complete with chrome trim and a slot loading disc drive

    -HDMI 1.3, Xbox 360 only has HDMI 1.2 (major difference despite only a 0.1 difference)

    With the Xbox 360, you get:

    -DVD Player/upconverter

    -Xbox live, which is $50/year, and not even worth it

    -Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 (that’s a lot of exclusives compared to the PS3, if you ask me: P)

    -Umm…can’t really say anything about non-proprietaryness, because Microsoft inflates the prices for their accessories. 120GB for $150? With the PS3, you can upgrade to 500GB for $110!

    -A 1 in 3 failure rate (it's not "if", it's "when")

    -Many people are on their 5th or 6th 360's already because of RROD, and my friend is on his 12th!

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console $400

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Charger $2-10--any USB mini cable will do

    Total: $517 ($2 USB mini cable)

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Play and Charge kit x2 $60 (for 2 controllers)

    Xbox Live $60

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $640

    That’s not cheaper, so get a grip on it! The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future for much more brighter, detailed and massive environments.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look the same, if not better on the PS3. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    Xbox Live VS PSN? The only thing you are missing is cross voice chat, which can easily be solved by using a telephone, or even in PSN’s V3.00 update, which we will be seeing soon enough.

    The PS3 has sold 21 million units in 2 years. The Xbox 360 has sold 28 million in 3 years. Plus a 33% failure rate, that means that 9.24 million units are either refurbished ones or replacements. So really, the amount of one-time buyers is about 19 million. So really, the PS3 has sold 21 million in 2 years, while the Xbox 360 has sold 19 in 3 years, and the PS3 has a higher face value ($199.99 vs. $399.99)

    So in conclusion, the PS3 is better—you get the most bang for your buck, and it's an incredibly advanced all-in-one home media center hub. You can even install Linux or Windows XP and use it as a computer—legally! While with the Xbox 360, Microsoft will ban your 360 from certain things, if you install the OS at all (just try to bypass the security).

    Hope this helps!


    --PS3 expert--
  • Only the PS3 has the ability to go on internet. I am the proud owner of both systems and the Wii and I'm telling you that this system is better! Here's some reasons why...

    The Xbox 360 actually runs on the same hardware as the Playstation 2. This is the truth. Theres updated graphics, but that's all. It's the truth. The PS3 runs on 16 motors, how many does the 360 and PS2 run on? 1. That's it. 1. It's a great system, and I love my xbox 360 but the PS3 is sooooo much better, in sooooo many ways. First of all the Playstation 3 has Blu-ray disk capability, which means movies in high definition! It also plays regular DVD's. The online for the Playsation 3 is FREE too! The xbox's cost 60 bucks a year, and while this is not a lot, it is 60 buck's that could be used for better purposes. Also, unless you'r xbox 360 would sit near you'r router (a wireless device located near a computer) then you would have to pay 100 buck's to get a wireless adaptor (this let's you go on xbox live, download demo's, chat with friends and more). The Playstation 3 has a wireless adapter built in! So, in the end with both of those exspences, the PS3 is the same price as the 360, but way better! As for games the PS3 wins again. The PS3 has more exclusives then any other console! This is not a lie! Watch Sony's E3 conference, or do you'r research! It has the Ratchet and Clank series, Metal Gear Solid 4, Unchated, Resistance, Motorstorm, and sooo much more. These are both great systems but the PS3 is better then the 360, and with the prices of the wireless adaptor and the 60 bucks a year membership then it's cheaper to go with the PS3 too, and it's better. Now more people do have 360's, but over 500 million have PS3, so you'r not alone. Both are good consoles, but only the PS3 is great.


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Call of Duty 5 World at War

    Little Big Planet

    Fallout 3

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Motor Storm

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Dead Space

    Assassins Creed

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Saints Row 2


    Far Cry 2

    Killzone 2

    Resident Evil 5

    Batman Arkam Asylums(June)

    inFAMOUS (out may 2009)

    God Of War 3 (out sometime 2009)

    When you are bored with the system you can play playstation HOME it's an online social world where you interact with other people, bowl, and ect., it helps you meet some really cool people! Also, use the system for Blu-Ray, It looks great!

    On a final note I will discuss the HUGE problem with the xbox 360, that is the Red Rings of Death. Over one third of xbox 360's break within the first month of usage. I have had 8 xbox 360's in the last year! That is rediculus. It costs an additional 150 bucks to repair the console and you have to ship it to Texas which costs like $30. It is rediculus. The PS3 has a margine of only 3% breaks in the first month. Now you may think that this won't happen to you... you are wrong! So wrong! In total over 60% of xbox 360 owners have experienced harware failure. I really hope you have listened to my argument that the PS3 is better, because when you are one of the 60% of owners who expirience hardware failure, you will realize what could have been. Get the Playstation 3 and you won't be sorry. The PS3 has a free year of warranty and the 360 has none for free. The PS3 has a .02 failure rate! That's it!

    My argument-

    My honest opinion? Okay fine. I own every current system. Now I know you said not to compare it to anything else but I only told you this so you know I can tell you the truth. The Playstation 3 is... The best console on the market. The only downside of this amazingly smooth ride is price but let me break it down for you.

    Design- The design is slick it has a touch screen power button so it turns on with a touch. It is very durible! I have dropped it 3 times bringing it to my cousins. It looks and feels right. Not to mention it plays Bu-Ray disks. This is High def movies. Blu-Ray players are $250 at the minimum.

    Feel- Out of all consoles the controller feels the best here. It is simply put "Right". It runs on the six axis engine so in some games you can turn the controller to balance. I really like this feel.

    Games- The library of games for this system is growing like a majik bean stalk. It has so many exclusives. More then any system already! Many great exclusives include: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Resistance 1 and 2, Grand Taurismo, God of War III and Little Big Planet. The titles keep growing and so does the system. Many other third party multiplatform games are also on this system. Like Call of Duty World at War, Madden 09, Prince of Persia, Grand Theft Auto 4, and Burnout Paridise.

    Get the PS3
  • Actually 360 online is not at all better. The Services are equal. PS3 online gaming is completely free, there is zero lag even in 60 player matches in resistance 2, or 32 player matches in Killzone 2.Blu ray is exceptional, and you cant even get a Blu ray player for under 250 bucks hardly anywhere. You can upgrade the PS3's hard drive by buying any laptop hard drive, I put a 320gb hard drive in mine. The only thing I don't like about the PS3 is that it doesn't have online private chat while in game, but it is coming in the next patch supposedly. Oh and the PS3 has a less than 1% failure rate. Also Blu Ray discs do not scratch but it does haver slower speeds so some games require a several minute one time install before you can play a game to decrease load time. The PS3 also has a lot of sony exlusives like Uncharted, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, Metal Gear Solid, Killzone 2, Little Big Planet, etc. But their multiplatform games like GTA and Fallout 3 dont get the exclusive DLC content that the 360 does but I will get to that later.

    Box Contents Include : PS3 Console (sometimes with a game if its a bundle), 1 controller with charger, and a set of AV cables, and 1 power cable. You have to buy the High Definition cables seperately, preferrably a HDMI cable which is about 30 bucks nowadays.

    I also own a 360 and I like it too, but I have a million complaints about it having owned one for several years. One, the online costs money to play, and can be a hassle to set up, and cancel. The disc drive is extremely loud, and if turned vertically can scratch your discs. They have a 33% failure rate, and I am on my 2nd 360, one of my best friends is now on his 5th, and all of my other friends are at least on their 2nd console, mine was the last to die. Also, there is no Blu Ray movie watching on this console which is a shame because HD movies are absolutely stunning. One of the pros of the 360 tho is that microsoft pays companies to make DLC content exclusively for their console. For example they paid Rockstar 50 million to make the Lost and the Damned addon for GTA4. The Xbox has some good exclusives like Halo, Gears of War, Lost Odyssey, and Star Ocean to name a few. Also, their XBOX Live service does have a couple extras that the PS3's free online doesnt like the private voice chat, but as I mentioned thats changing too.

    Box Contents Include: One Xbox 360 console, 1 controller with non-rechargable battery pack which you HAVE to buy because it eats batteries which will run you 40 bucks approximately. 1 power cable, and 1 set of Component HD cables. Also the harddrive is not upgrabable unless you get an 360 specific harddrive which costs 100 bucks for 120gb, were as the 320gb I bought for my PS3 was only 60 dollars.

    I like both of the consoles but I have over the past several months disregarded my 360. I find the PS3 more entertaining for my preffered games, and entertainment needs ( I am a HUGE Blu Ray fan), and I just really love the console for all its special features that the 360, or Wii just cannot do.
  • Someone above me said that Xbox trys to solve problems they have but then why is there still the Red ring of death? All problems with PS3 are addressed quiclky and solved by Sony ASAP.

    Everything the 360 does PS3 does better. Online is free on PS3 and it is better than Xbox Live. You pay 50$ a year for Xbox's online service. Honestly you can't go wrong with PS3. Xbox's have a 33% failure rate while PS3s have just 1%. Xbox's errors are on the rise too.

    PS3 has a larger and game collection with more of a variety of games. PS3 has a lot of great games coming out this year like Killzone 2, God of War III, InFAMOUS, MAG and Uncharted: Among Thieves. PS3 has better sports games (exclusives like NBA 09 The Inside and MLB: The Show) It has better racing games (Motorstorm, Ridge Racer, Grand Turismo)Trust me you will not be disappointing in the PS3. It's cheaper too.

    If you don't believe me watch this video, all the games (except one) are PS3 exclusives and half of them have sequels:

    Everything the 360 does PS3 does better. Online is free on PS3 and it is better than Xbox Live. You pay 50$ a year for Xbox's online service. Honestly you can't go wrong with PS3. Xbox's have a 33% failure rate while PS3s have just 1%. Xbox's errors are on the rise too.

    PS3 has a larger and game collection with more of a variety of games. PS3 has a lot of great games coming out this year like Killzone 2, God of War III, InFAMOUS, MAG and Uncharted: Among Thieves. PS3 has better sports games (exclusives like NBA 09 The Inside and MLB: The Show) It has better racing games (Motorstorm, Ridge Racer, Grand Turismo)Trust me you will not be disappointing in the PS3. It's cheaper too.

    If you don't believe me watch this video, all the games are PS3 exclusives and half of them have sequels:

    Price Comparasion:

    Xbox 360 Pro (60GB): 300$

    Wi-fi Adapter: 100$

    1 Year subscription to Xbox Live: 50$

    One New game: 60$

    Total: 510$

    80GB PS3: 400$

    Wi-fi: Free

    Playstation Network (online): Free

    One New game: 60$:

    Total: 460$

    It's cheaper to get a pS3 and you get more for what you payed for.

    Blu-Ray player

    Blue-tooth capabilities


    and a lot more.

    While Xbox comes with none of those.

    PS3's controls run of a rechargeable battery. You just plug it into the PS3. While Xbox runs off Double A batteries.

    PS3 is better in every aspect. If you had a PS2 a lot of games you enjoyed have sequels only on the PS3.

    E-mail me if you want some help picking out games.
  • A PS3. Or a 360.

    Seriously, no offence to the asker but OMG, this is just going too far.

    People must stop asking this question, way too over-asked and to make it worse, what the hell can we do?

    So we make you buy a PS3 and you regret it, what, do you blame us?

    Seriously, if you want the answer, look up non-biased reviews, gameplays of exclusives and play them at a friend's house or whatever.
  • Xbox has more games, but ps3 is a more powerful machine, so it all depends on what u want to play, like halo 3 and gears of war, then u would want 360, if u like killzone 2 which is a very good gam or god of war 3 then go with the ps3, im starting to wish i bought a ps3 because to play online it's free xbox is like 60$ a year but you get more features
  • If I had the money , Ill go for the PS3.

    Its got a Blue ray player in it and many other funny gadgets and stuff.

    I heard the graphics are very good...

    The price for the games itself is more or less the same...

    Id buy the PS3.
  • ps3 because if you have an X-box and it breaks you have to send it away like three times before the repair company get it right
  • PS3 is by far better. My husband and I have an Xbox 360 and a PS3. We hardly ever play the xbox anymore because PS3 is so much better.
  • if you mean the customer support and being nice to the customer

    it would be the 360 they are so much better at giving out rewards while as sony doesnt care about any of there screw ups
  • I prefer the ps3.
  • xbox 360
  • ps3
  • ps3
  • omqq i think ps3 ihts soo much fun my cuzzins have all systems soo i noe dudee ps. pik mine as the best answer [;
  • PS3! the graphics are way better and the online is free.
  • entertainment one step further with the Xbox 360 Elite Console. Featuring a sleek black enclosure, a 120GB hard drive and an HDMI port, the Elite Console brings you to the brink of innovation and the future of gaming. Incredible power from a triple-core CPU fuels gameplay, which pulses and crackles with lightning speed. Graphics climb to a new level as the 500MHz ATI processor enables games to be experienced in 1080p high-definition format. Colors appear more vivid, blacks come through deeper and images move flawlessly across the screen, resulting in a lifelike representation you'll want to reach out and touch. Add to that full stereo surround sound, filling your media room with screaming highs and booming lows, and video games as you know them will never be the same. Xbox 360 Elite also handles your favorite movies, music and digital photos with ease.

    Your gaming and entertainment world expands online with included Xbox Live Silver membership. Connect to a global network of individuals who share your interests and passions. Communicate via voice, text and video chat, or engage in global competition. You can even download content from the Xbox Live Marketplace. It isn't just about information: Xbox Live lets you create your own digital identity. It's just one aspect of the freedom Xbox 360 Elite provides, and it is sure to change your perspective on the role of video game consoles. The system comes with a black wireless controller, a black headset, an HDMI cable and two thrilling games. In LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures, you can live out the whip-cracking adventures of the one and only Indiana Jones in an entirely new way: LEGO-style. Travel with Indy to exciting locations from the first three films as your favorite movie moments come alive to hilarious new effect. Kung Fu Panda: The Game recreates the fun of the animated feature film, inviting you to play as Po, Shifu and the Furious Five as you rely on each character's unique fighting style to battle your way to victory and help Po become the legendary Dragon Warrior.

    Product Features

    Versatile next-generation technology

    Combines interactive gaming, digital media, online social forums, wireless technologies and much more.

    Symmetrical triple-core CPU

    Provides lightning speed and mind-blowing gameplay with each core running at 3.2GHz.

    500MHz ATI graphics processor

    Enables stunning 1080p high-definition visuals via the HDMI port.

    Exclusive games

    Shatter expectations with advanced customization features, high-definition graphics, full surround sound and online-enabled gameplay.

    120GB hard drive

    Offers ample storage space for games, music and other Xbox Live content.

    Backward compatibility

    Allows top-selling Xbox games to be played on Xbox 360 Elite.

    Black wireless controller

    Offers precise control from up to 30' away.

    Black Xbox Live headset

    Lets you talk to other users online and interact with voice-activated games

    HDMI cable

    Delivers up to full 1080p high definition video and multichannel surround sound via one convenient cable.

    Xbox Live Silver

    Gives you access to online chat, exclusive online content like game demos, HD movies and TV shows, downloadable games from Xbox Live Arcade and more.

    One-month subscription to Xbox Live Gold

    Upgrades your online entertainment experience with competitive online multiplayer matches, the capability to chat with more than one person at a time, unique online privileges and more.
  • xbox 360, wider variety of games, its got an incredible communication aspect with xbox live, it has better download capability's

    gameplay: the controlers are more ergonomically designed, there is no lag in the middle of your game, and the wider variety of games supplies the user endless entertainment
  • Xbox 360.

    Superior online game play, although it costs a mere $50/yr

    Superior game choice - Gears of War rocks, people say Halo does too.

    Probably 9/10 of your gaming friends from school will have a 360, more friends to play with.
  • Xbox 360. Especially after beating Metal Gear Solid I have no urge to play anything on the PS3. If you want a cheap BluRay Player then the PS3 might be for you.
  • xbox 360 is beter because you can play with your friend's online.
  • games are a menace to society
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