Friday, April 3, 2009

What is this port on the back of the PS3?

May be...
  • I've had my PS3 for a week now and I just noticed on the back there is an HDMI port, AV port, ethernet port and a power port. But I just noticed there is another one that says Optical something, what is that?

    I have a 40GB
  • It's an optical audio output.

    You can connect your surround sound to it and get the most out of your PlayStation 3 System.

    It is located on all PS3 systems.
  • Optical digital output. Used for up to 5.1 surround sound audio. Could also use it to connect to a CD burner on an audio CD recorder or a PC with an optical input in the sound card, but haven't been able to confirm if the PS3 will allow the transfer of the audio for this purpose or not (wouldn't work for my Sony MD recorder for some reason). Uses laser/light to transfer the digital sound, which is why you see that red light when its active. Found on all PS2s and PS3s.
  • Optical Audio Cable Port supports up to 5.1 Dolby Digital

    whereas HDMI supports audio up to 7.1 FULL DolbyHD
  • Optical port is for high quality audio output. It is better than regular A/V(Red/white) but a little lower than HDMI.
  • Its a audio cable specially designed for peple that have 5.1 surround sound systems and they can connect it up via this cable and enjoy 5.1 sound
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