Sunday, May 3, 2009

My son put 2 discs in the PS3 how do we get them out?

May be...
  • My husband and I discovered that our 2 1/2 year old son put 2 discs in the PS3. How do we get them out?
  • You will need to void the warrenty to open the PS3..

    Here is how you can open the PS3;

    * Unplug the PS3 *

    -Look on the side of the warrenty sticker.

    -Peel it off.

    -Underneath it is a plastic peice.

    -Pick that off with a flat head screwdriver or something.

    -In that hole that you will see is a screw.

    -Undo the screw.

    -When you have done that, you will have to slide the the faceplate away from the 'sucking' fan.

    -Under this place sheet that you slided away are several more screws.

    -Undo them and you will be able to open the PLAYSTATION 3 in to two halves.

    -Now you can take a look inside.

    The screws are easily seen and can be undone easily.

    To put it back together, just do the reverse of opening it. ;)

    Don't forget - warrenty is void when you open the PS3 system.
  • You have two options in doing this: the easy way and the hard way.

    The hard way is to open it up yourself. This is very difficult and there is a high probability that you will cause more problems. Besides, it's almost certain that the disk-drive is broken, so you'd have to replace it (about £100/$130).

    The easy way is to just send it off to a Sony repairs warehouse. This is easier and will cost you less (around £70/$100)
  • Try holding down the eject button for about 10 secs ! If that fails, you may actually have to keep pressing the eject button while using something like an unfolded paper clip to pry the discs out !

    Other than that, you may have to send your system to Sony ! Call Sony at 1-800-345-7669 !

    Good luck !
  • you would have open the ps3, then take the cover off the disc drive to get the games out. but you probably need a new drive after that anyway. putting two games in there will usually break the old one.
  • Get Some Tools Take Of The Disc Cover, Take The Two Discs Out,Then You Would Have To Go To A Mechanic For He Can Screw The Disc Cover Back On.Hope This Helps You =)
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