Saturday, June 13, 2009

For shooter gamers: What is wrong with camping?

May be...
  • What's wrong with camping.

    I'm tired of people's complaints about it.

    Like seriously do you want to get yourself killed in an open spot or you hide in a corner and shoot them.

    I mean your not even cheating or anything

    Give me one good reason

    why camping is such a bad thing? and i'll give you 10 points straight forward if you clearly explained it to me.
  • LOL!!! I know exactly what you mean! The way I feel is if you have played the game long enough, then you should know where the "camp" spots are. So if you are dumb enough to get killed by the same camper more than once, then sorry sir, you suck! If you don't want people camping, then light them up whenever they do it. Personally I love campers. They are pretty much a guaranteed kill, and if they keep going to the same spot, lol, that's even better! That's pretty much all I do in COD4, run from spot to spot taking the campers out. Half the time the people complaining turnaround and do the same thing anyway. I agree with you, do people really expect others to just hand them points.

    Also, for the snipers, sniping is the very definition of camping, not sure some people realize that...

    Personally I'm too impatient to camp, I can't just sit there and hope someone walks by. (which is probably why my KDR hovers around 1 and I rarely snipe)
  • Well most of the people that complain about camping don't know what it means. It's crouching with a weapon hiding in a spot. I only camp when I'm playing Search and Destroy in CoD4 or 5. But it gets real annoying when people complain about it, because they do it too. I mean how would you like it if you're the last person in Search and Destroy and you ran out a building and get sniped or shot? They shouldn't complain because it's a option, the game doesn't say you can't camp. Plus everyone has a equal chance of killing each other (unless you suck at aiming). Even if you camp they could throw a grenade or shoot you through the walls, that eliminates the problem.
  • Cause people want to play a game with someone, NOT have to look for the person and then get killed by them cause they were just waiting with there finger on the button ready to shoot.

    Campers are people who get their kills by standing still and being cheap. You ever play a cage match with a camper, its BULL. you go around the whole map looking for them and then they kill you cause they were waiting in a corner.

    That's why people hate campers.
  • I don't camp because I get restless when even attempting to. But you see people play shooting games to go out and shoot people, since it isn't real life, dying shouldn't really be a concern as long as you are good enough to get kills.

    Most campers try to use the excuse that they don't want to die, but camping is still cowardly, the fact is if they were good enough in the first place they wouldn't need to stay in one spot. That being said despite not dying campers rarely get top score so it doesn't bother me and shouldn't bother anybody else.

    People who complain about campers are stupid because they try and use campers as an excuse to why they suck. Campers are easy targets if you have grenades. So don't stop camping if you don't want to. I've been called a camper for making use of my Claymores on S&D (CoD4) but it doesn't matter
  • well camping works sometimes if you are playing noobs and if you don't camp and go all runing around shooting people your gonna die so it's best to mix them both up. If you use juggernaut then a good weapon thats your best way to mix it up. answering your question if you are playing really good people who know all the spots camping sucks but against noobs then your good and you can't camp in the same spot too often and when there is UAV don't camp. It is 50/50 depending on who you play hope i cleared it up for you
  • Camping is not bad. When I play a shooter, I want to die as few times as possible, I don't give a rats @ss how many kills I get or don't get. I'm trying to survive here.

    Besides, that's what grenades are for. Many of my deaths are because of grenades since I camp a lot.

    People that complain need to find out where the camp spots are. People like me who camp usually don't watch their back or leave the Claymore in an open area that can be seen easily. I've been shot in the back plenty of times.
  • Its not a bad thing, but it pisses many people off. I think camping is pretty dumb because you don't do anything. You just sit and wait, like wtf are you a sniper?? NO, so get your *** out there and play. And when people continue to camp the matches get dull and boring and the kill process is the same: "I know he's there waiting for me," "I'll get him" then they get killed.

    Camping is bad because its not fair to the players who play the right way. If you camp you obviously are scared to go out in the open and get killed by the other team and it shows you have no skill. Plus what if everyone camped?? If everyone camped and waiting 20 min before finally someone made a move the match would be so stupid. AND THE WORST THING I HATE WITH PEOPLE IN KILLZONE 2 IS THAT THE CAMP. K2 IS THE WORST PLACE TO CAMP. IF THEY CAMP THEY ALSO HAVE AI BOTS AND THEY CAN ADD THEIR OWN BOTS. IT'S SO ANNOYING.

    That was an example. And if you keep moving you cant get killed in an open spot.(unless the other team is CAMPING)
  • i never camp because is just boring man being on a corner the whole game and see someone shot and stay there the whole game that is just boring man i mean the game is supposed to be fun so why camping

    when i see someone camping i just know they are there and kill them next time and if i can't kill them i just stop going there and i don't even bother in complaining to them about camping since is just a game

    i don't have nothing against camping but it is kind of gay to do that
  • People get annoyed when they just die, and other players are hovering over them and are most likely going to shoot/kill them immediately. People can sometimes camp for hours on end on games like CoD, and can get very annoying.

    It's semi-okay if you do it like twice, but not heaps

    Glad I could help
  • Well when you camp your not giving people a chance to kill you. Yes, camping is easier but its how babies play the game. A real man will go out there and shoot however many people even if hes going to get shot or not. You going to re spawn anyways. You get better at the game when you dont camp.
  • It's a cheap way on getting kills. Aside from ruining the game experience for most of the other players, it shows one of two things about the camper. Either:

    -They only care about their stats (k/d ratio, etc) or,

    -They aren't good enough to go out and kill people face to face, thus forcing them to camp.
  • There is nothing wrong with it. Period. It's the same thing with Juggernaut on CoD...People will give you crap for it, but hey, it's in the game, so it's not cheating. Camping is only bad for those that get killed by campers.
  • camping is not wrong but i look down on campers because they sit in one room watching a door and then shooting whats the challenge in that and fun in that you don't have to be in the open but at least move around the map
  • theres nothing wrong with it...its just the people who are getting killed by the campers. If they are killed repeatedly by the same person they it tends to piss them off. but your right, its not cheating. So they can just deal with it.
  • hahah, the thing is there is nothing wrong with camping. the people are just upset cuz they got killed and didn't think of that camping spot. and another thing, even the people that say they hate camping secretly camp.
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