Sunday, June 14, 2009

I disconnected my ps3 from a hdmi connection with out changing the output settings?

May be...
  • now i hooked up to a regular av jacks tv and i cant hear or see a thing was i supposed to switch the setting or were they supposed to change by itself ...thanks in advance
  • With the PS3 off, hold the power button on the console for 5-6 seconds (the console will beep twice during this timespan). This resets the display settings to the A/V cables.
  • Just reset the unit, do a power down on the (_I_) switch then cut off the power on the switch in the back for about a minute or two, then turn it back on. Make sure your tv is also on the AV setting.
  • just press and hole the power button on the front of the playstation and it should reset it self to the av components
  • hold down the button until the 2th bip when you start the ps3
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