Monday, June 8, 2009

Which PS3 game to get for my birthday?

May be...
  • OK, for my birthday I'm hoping to get LBP, GTA IV, and another dualshock controller.

    Hypothetically, i will also get some cash from my relatives. If i got 60 bucks total, which of these should i buy (and i could buy more than one):

    Uncharted 1 - $60

    Resistance 1 - $30 (if i wouldn't get a $60 one, this would be one of my picks by default)

    Mirror's Edge - $30

    Assassin's Creed 1 - $30

    Killzone 2 - $60

    Keep in mind i am going to get these games one time or another, and i will NEVER just rent a game. Idk why, i'm just like that.

    SO, which 1 or two should i buy?
  • go with Resistance 1 and Assassins Creed because they are the 2 best in terms oprice they are worth every pennyi think killzone 2 can wait because of price and uncharted can too because of price too so as your third get mirror's edge and wait for price drops for the others
  • Uncharted is a very good game, have it as a choice if others aren't in stock.

    Resistance 1 is also a good game, have as secong choice.

    Mirrors edge is a short and decent game, but I wouldn't choose it.

    Assassin's Creed I'd buy as well if possible as is very cheap nowadays as it is quite short but a very good game.

    Killzone 2 I'd have as the first choice, as it is graphically the best game on PS3 (maybe on par with MGS4). Second choice Resistance and third as Uncharted.
  • Killzone, Assasins Creed and Uncharted are 1 player, so i dont recommend them. If ure giong to have a lot of friends over, then get Resistance 1 or 2, or Call of Duty.

    if you like playing yourself, then get Killzone or Assasins Creed.

    By the way, how old are you? Killzone has so much cursing.........
  • well i would not get LBP i hav it and it is not really fun because unless you have friends or online it will get boring quick i would go for Killzone 2 it is fun and the 32 player online makes it better
  • Uncharted would be my favorite out of the selection, im pretty sure you can get it cheaper than $60 though, after all, its now gone platinum.
  • how old is you? videoo games are for losers.
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