Thursday, July 30, 2009

How to earn money for a ps3 when your 13 and your broke?

May be...
  • i checked online for a ps3 and the price said it was in between 300-400 dollars i was going to use my christmas money but my stupid aunt used it to buy herself cds of viet pop(its awful) im moving to seattle and once i get there im going to pawn some stuff but it costs alot so im going to have to get a job and theres no way im going to work at mc donalds theres no other jobs and i only get paid 5 dollars each chore i do but i just want to know a better way of getting money in seattle(i know seattle very well i lived there for almost all my life until i moved to arlington temporarily)
  • when I was 13 or 14 I made money by knocking on doors in my neighborhood and putting flyers on telephone poles

    I let everyone know I wanted to earn some money and was willing to work for it , mowing lawns , weeding gardens , painting , washing cars or whatever they had

    after a while people would phone and ask if I could help with odd jobs and I made a ton of cash

    I actually made more once in a week than my dad did

    get the word out and do a good job and not only will your neighbors hire you again but they'll tell their friends too
  • You could make decent amounts collecting beer bottles, aluminum cans and other refunded recyclables in an urban area. Plus you're your own boss, you can work when you want.

    If your in the suburbs, you could offer yard work. But you'll probably work less and make more with the recycling.

    At 13yo you probably wont get a job anywhere.
  • Depending on who you know, you could always try to sell a kidney. You can function COMPLETELY fine on just one.

    Also, try to get close to as many old people as you can. I just takes one dead millionaire to be able to buy as many PS3s as you want.
  • I don't live in Seattle I live in Australia.

    Kids around that age usually put adverts up at the corner shops for dog walking and lawn mowing. I don't know US currency but kids around here charge around AUS $10 a job. I think that's around US $8
  • sell some stuff on
  • Kids today think they are too good for any will be lucky to even get one the way things are today in the world....Don't plan on getting a job until you turn 15 atleast. and even then the best shot you will have IS McDonalds.
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