Thursday, July 30, 2009

Resistance 2 Help (PS3)?

May be...
  • On cooperative mode, I played with my friend on my user account. exp. (Richie, Mine) and Richie(2, his).

    For some reason when i would level up, mine saved and his did not after we quit the game.

    My real question is; if he were to create an online account too, will he be able to keep is level and not have to restart all over? This goes for online as well. Thanks!
  • If you use the same account for both people, it won't save player 2's progress.

    Make a separate Ps3 user (not a PSN account, just a ps3 user account on the XMB)

    Then, next time you play, it will give an option to choose the profile of the new user you made. This way, it will save.
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