Sunday, August 16, 2009

What kind of HDD can I install in my PS3?

May be...
  • After some research I've found out that:

    -the PS3 takes max 500 GB HDD

    -5400 rpm is smarter than 7200rpm since it's less likely to overheat.

    -it needs to be a 2,5" Serial-ATA (SATA) drive

    my question is this:

    There are two different types of SATA-HDD, the serial-ATA 150 and serial-ATA 300. Which one is better, and which is supported by the PS3?
  • The 150 and 300 is the amount of the data throughput and is measured in Mb/s (Megabits per second). It is also stated as 1.5 Gb/s and 3 Gb/s (Gigabits per second), instead of 150 and 300. A 300 is better than a 150.

    The PS3 uses a 150 Mb/s as its OEM HDD, but can use a 300 Mb/s. The difference is how much data can transfer at one time, not the speed at which it transfers. Think of it like this. Normally one person can walk through a door at a time (front door for example). If you use the garage door instead of the front door, more people can walk through it at the same time (side by side). You can walk through the door slow (5400 RPM HDD) or fast (7200 RPM HDD), but the speed at which you walk through the door doesn't effect how many people (150 Mb/s or 300 Mb/s) can walk through the door.

    Either one will work with your PS3, the 300 is better, but not necessary.
  • Any 2.5 inch SATA laptop HDD will work as long as it has 5400 rpm !
  • hmm doesnt mater i believe hmm u can call gamestop and ask them or call sony
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