Friday, February 29, 2008

How much noise does the PS3 40 Gig make?

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  • My question is specific to the 40 gig unit beause it has a smaller GPU and should require less cooling. How is the noise relative to the PS2 and Xbox 360?
  • the 40gb is the quitest console ever made, it is even quieter than the 80gb version because it dosen't have backwards compatibality. if u want comparisons check utube. the xbox 360 would actually make u loose your hearing if you put your ears next to it for too long. if u dont belive me check youtube. the ps2 is quieter than the 360. the new 360's are worse because of the type of fan that they had to put in to stop the red ring of fire.
  • All PS3 consoles make very little noise in comparison to the Xbox 360. It is really no louder than a PS2. I am an Xbox fan but I have to say it is noisy.
  • No, it just has the smaller CPU. The GPU is the same size. But it makes less noise than the 60GB, which is definitely softer than the 360. I'm not quite sure about the PS2 because I've never had them both on at the same time and actually paid attention to the noise. Just suffice to say it's quiet.

    If it appears louder, try moving it around to let more air flow to the system. The fan has a low/medium/high speed, and will seem kind of loud on high, but it should only rarely go to high. Just leave 4" of room on the sides, and don't play it in an enclosed cabinet (so if you put it an entertainment center, don't close the door when the PS3 is on). If the PS3 overheats because you did something wrong, the light will flash and it will shut off.
  • less than the 360 and thats enough.

    they make less than my PC and my chiller too
  • The sound of the PS3 isint that loud, it is like eating ice and it depends how quite your place is
  • you should have no problem with noise unless theres a problem with it, but i havent had any problems with it in about almost 2 years. While all my friends are having problems with the xbox and the ring of death or something like that, so im happy i got the ps3 instead of the xbox its overall better.
  • they make very little noise my cousin has the 40 gig ps3 and when its turned on i cant even hear it.
  • Compared to a Xbox 360 the PS3 is downright silent.

    360's have a pretty loud fan.
  • Will a psx game play on a ps1??

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  • really confused
  • PSX and PS1 are one and the same, so yes, PSX games will play on a PS1. The original name for the PS1 was PlayStation eXperimental. When the PS2 came out, the original PS was renamed PS1 to avoid confusion. Then when Sony released the slimmer Playstation One, PS1 became PSX in order to avoid confusion.

    You can download PS1 games from the Playstation Network.
  • No
  • No, the formats are totally different.
  • ignore what hypocris says hes totally wrong, go with superdor
  • PSx and PS1 are the same console ! PSX was the name used in the PS1's early design stage. PSX stood for Playstation Experimental hence the name PSX !

    Any game designed for the PS1 will play on a PSX since they are the same console. The PSX name was changed to Playstation when the system debuted in the mid 1990's !
  • Using dvi 2 hdmi cable on my ps3 but no sound wat do i do?

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  • Use the cord that came with the PS3 (the one with the yellow, red, white cords/ AV) plug into your stereo receiver (if you have one) and use that Channel (video 1,2...) for sound.

    If you don't have a receiver you might want to buy something like this

    that allows you to convert DVI to HDMI (along with your cord) ... or buy a receiver as noted earlier

    the PS3 allows you to use separate connections for sound and video

    hopefully I helped
  • DVI only carries video. You need to transfer sound to your TV or A/V receiver another way. Either by optical cable or stereo cables most likely converted to a 3.5mm jack.
  • You should have got the HDMI cord for the PS3 with video and sound
  • Suggestions here? dumb or not?

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  • I have a ps2(got it a few months ago) because I couldn't afford the PS3. NOW I can afford the PS3.


    Should I buy the PS3 and give the ps2 to my brother? Why or why not?

    I couldn't find any PS2 games I wanted to play.Other than a few. Does the games get better in PS3?
  • Yes there are "better" games on the PS3, at least there are games that are just not possible on the PS2 but if you could only find a few games that you wanted to play you may still be disappointed. The PS3 offers increased speed, resolution and capacity but it doesn't have anywhere near the choices the PS2 has.

    I gave my brother my PS2, when I got the PS3 and he just whined continuously about how I had given him a "runt" of a console and it wasn't fair that I had the PS3... so I guess it depends upon your Brother!
  • I'd recommend checking out the PS3 section at a video game store and see if there's something you'd like. The games are going to be similar because they're the same company, and you're going to have a lot of "updates" of games from the PS2.
  • Some playstation 3's don't play PS2 games, so make sure your PS3 plays PS2 games. You can't really get much for PS2's resale, so I would either give it to someone for their birthday, or if you want to give to your brother for the heck of it. Ebay has some for like 40 or 50 bucks, so.
  • The PS2 has an amazing library of games, and most can be found used in game stores for just a few dollars. There are literally thousands. If you cannot find something you like, you will probably not be very happy with PS3 which has just a fraction of the number available for ps2.
  • You should give it to your brother and then get the ps3!!

    There are exclusive games that are coming out soon Eg,





    Eight Days


    Amphibian Man

    Buzz! Quiz TV



    And there just a few!

    All them games are going to be exciting, fun and of course, Exclusive!

    So go for the PS3, You won't regret it!
  • I say keep your PS2. There are no more backwards compatible PS3s anymore and there are like a billion good games for the PS2 you can't play anywhere else. I would give mine away. If you can't decide let your brother borrow it from time to time. If he's irresponsible with it like mine is you'll make the right decision.
  • Brandon is wrong. There are still backwards compatible ps3's. They are just a bit harder to find since 1 of them (the 60 gig) is discontinued and the other (80 gig) is not in stock because of a bundle update. If you really need a ps3 right now buy online, but if you can wait, just buy one in June when the new 80 gig comes out with MGS4 and a Dualshock 3.

    That being said, just give your brother the ps2 if you get a backwards compatible Ps3. If you go with a 40 gig, keep the ps2 and tell him to GTFO.
  • do what the first guy said or get a xbox 360. ignore the thumb down rating.
  • get a wii
  • Will a english PS2 work in america?

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  • I moved to america and i left my PS2 there, my grandma is bringing it over soon. I want to know if it will work on the TV and stuff. Will i need to buy extra cords and equitment?
  • UK PS2 is from PAL region, US is in NTSC U/C region. Also you'll need a power converter and make sure that TV supports PAL signal. You'll be able to play only PAL games on this PS2.
  • Check the guide mannual
  • Could you play ps2 game in you ps3 system?

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  • Yes you could play some of them.
  • yes you can. my friends say that it depends on the size of the hard drive. if you have an 80 gig ps3 then it could play 80% of ps2 games. if you have 40 then its 40% and so on. you can play playstation 2 games on it, but it will depend on the game and the ps3
  • The answer depends on the PS3 version you have.

    The 60GB version has the PS2 chip in it and so the answer here is Yes, all PS2 games will work on a 60GB PS3.

    When they changed to the 40GB PS3 they took out the PS2 chip to save money and they use software to 'emulate' the PS2 but it doesn't work perfectly, some games work but not all and some work partially.

    There's a list of which PS1 and PS2 games work on the PS3 and which ones there are known issues with here:
  • you can play it on the 80gb, but not the 40gb.
  • 20gig= i dont know

    40gig= no

    60gig=100% yes

    80gig= 80% yes
  • 1). 20GB has no chrome trim, no memory card reader and no wi-fi. Not manufactured anymore. Has the best backwards compatibility with PS2 games due to Emotion Engine (PS2's CPU) and Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU) installed.

    2). NTSC 60GB has the same backwards compatibility as 20GB version, also has memory card reader and wi-fi. Has a chrome trim. Not manufactured anymore.

    3). 80GB - extended memory, but reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games, it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played. Available only in NTSC regions.

    4). 40GB - can't play PS2 games at all (all PS2 chips were removed), has 2 USBs instead of 4, no memory card reader, has wi-fi. Avalable in black and white colors. White is on sale only in Japan. Uses 65nm technology (lower power consumption). Improved cooling system. It's the latest version. 40GB doesn't support SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc).

    5). PAL 60GB - reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games. it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played.

    Wi-fi included in all models, except 20GB.

    They are all based on Blu-ray. They all play PS1 games.
  • Yes but only if it is The 20,60 and 80 gigabyte editions of Ps3. the 60 gb plays all of the ps2 and ps1 games. While the 80 gb can only play some (not for long in a future update these systems will be just as good as the 60 gb's emulation software for ps2 and ps1) ps2 and ps1 games. The 40 gb can only play ps3 games but not ps2 games or ps1.
  • Thursday, February 28, 2008

    Sony announced a 80GB Metal Gear Bundle with both hardware and software BC ! What are your thoughts ?

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  • According to reports, Sony is set to release a 80GB Metal Gear Solid bundle with both hardware and software emulator limited BC ! Is this good or bad ?
  • I assume you mean "Metal Gear Solid: Guns Of The Patriot" ! Well what's the point of releasing another 80GB version with limited Backwards Compatibility but install both hardware and software emulation ! I also read that the BC titles will be select PS1 and PS 2 titles ! I'll also assume they're going to include the Dual Shock 3 controller !

    Hmmm ! It seems to me Sony can't decide if they want to make the PS3 BC or not ! It's as if they're saying yes but also saying no at the same time !

    To boot MGS: SOTP isn't due out till later this year so I guess they expect the 40GB to continue selling ! Hmmm ! Bad move Sony !

    Here's a clue Sony ! Release this bundle for say $399 and you might sell a million consoles ! $499 is still too much for a video game system no matter what the bells and whistles are !
  • you are a maniac. KILL YOUR ORC, DORK !!!
  • bc = backwards compatability?

    i think its great for people who don't have one yet and were planning on taking the plunge when metal gear came out. i thought i heard that this bundle will have the new dual shock controller too.
  • I'm sure that Sony will sell more consoles this way. I'm sure that there are a lot of people who'll buy PS3 just because MGS 4. Also those ones who are thinking of byuing one will be convinced to buy that version.
  • This is great for me cause I'm planning on getting a ps3 int he next three months. What are your sources? Have you got a link/credible source? FANTASTIC NEWS!!
  • I think its good news. I just recieved my MotorStorm 80GB PS3 Bundle in the mail yesterday from It says they are out of stock now, and I had just ordered it Monday, so makes me think I got one of the last ones.

    Its still possible to get yours hands on this previous bundle but you have look carefully. And if your lucky you may be able to acquire it at a store soon.

    This bundle comes with the new controller. If you want more info simply search "Playstation 3" at
  • It's kind of redundant isn't it? If it has hardware BC why would it need to include software BC?

    Sony releasing the MGS bundle is sort of a good thing and a bad thing. It's a good thing because MGS 4 is a system seller. It's probably going to do for the PS3 what Gran Turismo 3 did for the PS2. On the other hand, if it's hardware BC, will it be more along the line of 500 bucks or less or will it be over 500 bucks. If it's 500 bucks or less, I can see Sony having major success with the bundle, but if it's more than 500 bucks (around 600), I can see Sony shooting itself in the foot because not too many casual gamers are going to buy a 600 buck PS3. Sony needs to target the casual gamers. That's why the Wii is having such a huge success.
  • will the bundle include anythingelse besides the game? extra controller etc?? and price range>??
  • Can i play PS2 games in PS3 console?if yes.. anything specific to be done?

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  • The answer is not immediately obvious, and depends on where your PS3 is from, what model it is and when you bought it.

    Initial models in the US and Japan came in 20GB and 60GB versions. These all contained the PS2's "Emotion Engine" and graphics processor. Therefore these are the best PS3 machines for playing PS2 games on.

    When the PS3 was released in Europe in 60GB flavour, Sony took the decision to remove the "Emotion Engine" which was so important in PS2's life, and instead to emulate PS2 gameplay with "software emulation"- meaning that rather than using PS2's chip (now missing), PS3's power would be put to pretending it was a PS2 to run the games. The PS2 graphics chip was still present, but now run by the software-emulated PS2 rather than a dedicated PS2 processor. This meant that while many games worked fine, there are plenty that run at a lower standard, and many that won't run at all.

    Sony Europe then made a further decision to scrap the 60GB model totally, and released only a 40GB model, which not only had the Emotion Engine removed, but also the graphics chip for PS2 compatibility. Meaning that 40GB European PS3s will not play PS2 games AT ALL.

    Eventually, the US has seen a 80GB version which featured the graphics chip but no Emotion Engine (meaning PS2 compatibility as an emulator and not 100%; more titles have problems in this environment) and a cut-down 20GB version which was the equivalent of the EU 40GB version (no PS2 compatibility).

    Therefore, we can compile a list from "most compatible" to "incompatible":

    60GB US Launch PS3: PS2 compatible (has PS2 graphics synthesizer & Emotion Engine; mostly compatible)

    20GB US Launch PS3: PS2 compatible (has PS2 graphics synthesizer & Emotion Engine; mostly compatible)

    60GB EU Launch PS3: Fairly compatible (no EE, but has has PS2 graphics synthesizer; software emulation only).

    80GB US PS3: No Emotion Engine; but has PS2 graphics synthesizer ; software emulation only; as 60GB EU PS3.

    40GB EU PS3: No compatibility

    (Note: Japan have had pretty much the same PS3s as the US).

    It is important to keep the "firmware" up-to-date on backwards-compatible PS3s, as many issues with PS2 games have been resolved as issues are ironed out. However, it is debatable as to whether Sony are still addressing issues with PS2 BC now that they have dropped it as a feature in the newer PS3s.
  • If you have a 40GB model it is impossible.

    Otherwise there is nothing you "have" to do. You simply place the disc in the PS3. You may need to check BC on sony's website though.
  • It depends on which version of the PS3 you have.

    If you have the 40 gb version, then you cannot play PS2 games on it. It's missing both the PS2's CPU and GPU, so no way to play PS2 games.

    If you have the 80 gb version, then you just need to get the latest firmware update, and for the most part, you should be able to play a lot of your PS2 games on it.

    If you have the 20 and 60 gb version, then you just need to get the latest update in order to correct some of the problems that you get from playing PS2 games on your PS3. The 20 and 60 gb should play almost all PS2 games.
  • it should
  • 1). 20GB has no chrome trim, no memory card reader and no wi-fi. Not manufactured anymore. Has the best backwards compatibility with PS2 games due to Emotion Engine (PS2's CPU) and Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU) installed.

    2). NTSC 60GB has the same backwards compatibility as 20GB version, also has memory card reader and wi-fi. Has a chrome trim. Not manufactured anymore.

    3). 80GB - extended memory, but reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games, it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played. Available only in NTSC regions.

    4). 40GB - can't play PS2 games at all (all PS2 chips were removed), has 2 USBs instead of 4, no memory card reader, has wi-fi. Avalable in black and white colors. White is on sale only in Japan. Uses 65nm technology (lower power consumption). Improved cooling system. It's the latest version. 40GB doesn't support SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc).

    5). PAL 60GB - reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games. it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played.

    Wi-fi included in all models, except 20GB.

    They are all based on Blu-ray. They all play PS1 games.
  • yes but only on the 80 Gb model

    becuase it is software emulated some games will not work

    but most should
  • Il keep it basic

    20GB - Fully compatible

    40GB - No compatibilty

    60GB - Fully compatible

    80GB - Partially compatible (so mainy just big titles i think)

    Not sure if the new 12 n 160 GB models will have it.

    First of all go to the game section of thr XMB and make an internal PS2 memory card, then just do what you do with the PS3 discs.
  • yes. nothing specific
  • PS3 Helpppppppppppp?

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  • ok i had a ps3 and i sold it but before i sold it i saved the save game data on a mp3 player and when i plug it is it recognizes it and i could copy the save game on the ps3 no problem but i am wondering did my online game play get saved aswell because i was gonna play cod4 on my new ps3 when i get it and i like playing online pleas tell me

    10 points
  • Provided you log in with the same PSN account as you did on your old PS3, you should find that Call of Duty 4 will have saved your stats. They are saved to their servers, and not to the PS3 game save, to prevent people modifying the save and thus cheating.

    Your only concern should be that you removed your account information from the old PS3 before you sold it to prevent the new owner logging on as you (for example, in case they cheat or are abusive and get you banned, or if they use your account info to purchase items from the PSN store).
  • Can you use a ps2 mem card on a 20g ps3?

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  • I am buying a ps3 on ebay and I asked the question on wheather it was backwards compatible and that was answered but someone made the comment that I would not be able to use my ps2 mem card. Any one know anything on this?
  • if you buy an adapter
  • yes, they are backward compatible
  • There right in away you can buy an attachment for it to work. But first you got to create a memory card for the ps2 on the ps3, just go to internal memory card where you load your disc and call it PS2.

    Try this

    The PS3 only has usb slots and no memory card slot like the ps2
  • Yes you can play the ps2 game on the 20gb PS3 i am assuming your american btw because if you are not then the NTSC (american) PS3's do not work in the UK.

    Anyway to use the PS2 memory cards you need 2 buy an adapter for it. I would recommend this site if you live in the UK.

    I said that PS3 consoles will not work as they are not PAL, they are NTSC. However the games are NOT region locked
  • Gibbs said that an American PS3 won't work in the UK. He is wrong. PS3 games are not region locked. Ps2 games are, so if you have an American PS3 and American PS2 games, then it will work. A japanese ps2 game, for example, will not work on an American PS3.
  • Yes, you can. Buy the memory card adapter first (it's around $15). Then, on the PS3 game menu, there's a way for you to create a "Virtual memory card", which means it sets up 8 MB space on the hard drive for a PS2 memory card. Assign it to virtual slot 1 or 2. Now plug in the memory card adapter, and insert the memory card. Now you can transfer files from the card to the PS3 hard drive. You cannot save or load PS2 games directly from the adapter. All save files must be transferred to the PS3 hard drive.

    You can change the slot assignment at any time, so you can create as many virtual cards as you need.
  • How do i take the parental control off of my PlayStation 2?

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  • press select

    (say delect code)

    put 7444

    (ask for another code)

    hit x

    (and your done)
  • If you forgot the code, your pretty much screwed. Just google your question or something is all I can tell you.
  • Erase System Preferences off of the memory card
  • How do I Fix my PS2 memory card error?

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  • Its a 64 mb MagicGate memory card that started out working fine. Now whenever i try to save somthing it gives me this error... "Save Failed. An error occured while saving game data to memory card (PS2) in MEMORY CARD SLOT 1"... and so on. It does the same thing in each MC slot so its not dirty. It ALLOWS me to load my previously saved games but CANNOT resave any of them. Ive started the Ps2 with NO CD in and when I select the memory card it pops up for half a second and then goes back to the select a card screen, so I CANNOT delete anything on the card or even look at the stuff saved. Is there anything i can do to save this card or is it garbage like everything else from Japan. HELP ME AND THANKS!!
  • Unfortunately you may have to get a new one. It sounds like the card may be damaged. I would contact Sony and see if they can help you. I don't know how old the card is but there's usually a 90 day manufacturers warranty on all consumer electronics. This shouldn't happen every other month, as it's an SCEA licensed product.

    MagicGate is a sony brand. Unless you are talking about Max, which is Datel. Either way, go to the manufacturer. Especially if you have 2 that have done the same thing. You will probably at the least get your money back. If you have the reciept you can probably still take it back to the store you bought it.

    Ebay auctions can count as viable reciepts to manufacturers if the item is listed as "new", if it's used or refurbished, then you're sol my friend. You'll probably have to buy another one. hopefully you can start your games from the saves you have, then resave them to a new memory card.

    It's not illegal to import, though you might have compatability issues. I don't know about that since I've never imported a memory card.
  • buy a new one lol
  • Some data has become corrupt. Place a small magnet on it for about 10 seconds. This will erase all of the data on the card. Be sure not to do it too long as it could damage the card.
  • Tuesday, February 12, 2008

    Dualshock 3?

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    <li>I am in China and I have a US PS3 bought in the United States. I travel back to the US often and I won&#039;t be returning until summer so i was thinking about purchasing a Japanese version in China. Will it work w/ my PS3? Will the games that I have rumble? I have Assassin&#039;s Creed, UT3, Heavenly Sword and Resistance. Thanks!</li><li>Yes, if you purchase a Dualshock 3 controller from China, it will work with your U.S. PS3. I purchased my Dualshock 3 controller from a website based in China ( and it works perfectly with my U.S. PS3.<br>
    As for the games that support the Dualshock 3 function, the majority of PS3 games support Dualshock 3, but some games don&#039;t.</li><li>Only games that support rumble will have rumble. (Im not sure which do at the moment) Yes it will work with your PS3, I have heard many stories of people buying the Dualshock 3 controller off websites overseas and them working fine.</li><li>games with rumble will probably say it on the back of the box in a little rectangle with the other features. <br>
    I doubt your games released before the dual shock 3 will have rumble, since the programmers didn&#039;t have to program it in and save them some time.</li><li>It&#039;ll work, bluetooth standard is international. As for the games - check this issue separately. Some games do support this feature, some don&#039;t.</li>

    Is there any way I can plug my Playstation 2 into the HDMI imput on my screen?

    <p>May be...</p><li>I have no other way of plugging my PS2 in, is there a converter or lead which I can use to get my PS2 plugged in to my monitor via a HDMI input?<li>The only thing I can suggest is to get component cables for the PS2, then hook those up to a Component to HDMI converter.<br>
    Though, it seems like this wouldn&#039;t be worth it since the component to HDMI converters are expensive and you might lose some HD quality if going through so many converters and different types of cables.<li>No. there is no support for hdmi on a ps2.<li>Nope, your PS2 doesn[&#039;t have an HDMI output. Only way you can &quot;convert&quot; to an HDMI would be like a DVI...but you don&#039;t have one of those either. Sorry bud. Best you can do with a ps2 is component HD cables.<li>Playstation 2 was never ever compatible with an HDMI input and never will. if you want hd cables get the component cables for ps2 at gamestop. and no there aren&#039;t any converters or leads srry. if you can try and get a ps3 or a new tv whichever is cheaper for you. but for ps3 get a 60 gb so you get full backwards compatibilty and would be able to play all your ps2 and ps1 games.<li>NO, Sorry no hdmi input on ps2, but if you want a better picture upgrade to component av cables(red white yellow are old ones)

    Hi in 3 hours, I am going to buy the PS3 80gb. What else do I need?

    <p>May be...</p><li>Hi I have Philips 38&#039;&#039;HDTV/LCD &amp; with 768P. I am going to buy the PS3 with 80gb. What else do I need? If I insert a PS3 game or Blu-ray disk to my PS3, it should be no problem right?<li>The 80GB comes with a 6ft ethernet cable, so if you would like to connect it to a wired router farther than that, you will need a longer cable. Of course there&#039;s always wireless if you have a wireless router.<br>
    With an LCD TV, you would want an HDMI cable. However, Bestbuy or wherever you will get the PS3 from will try to sell you a $100 Monster cable. Do not buy it. Instead, go to and buy the same exact cable for $10. Even if you chose overnight shipping you will pay less than the Monster cable.<br>
    Unlike someone else said, you DO NOT need a memory card. Games data and saves are put on the internal harddrive. You cannot run saves directly from a memory card; they must first be copied to the PS3. But even if you wanted to copy your save to take it to a friend&#039;s house, you can use any USB thumb drive, or CF/MS Pro or Pro Duo/SD memory card.<br>
    However, you may want an extra controller, especially if you want to play multiplayer (Motorstorm is online multiplayer only though). But you may want to wait another few weeks if you&#039;re not in extreme need of a 2nd controller, because the DualShock 3 controllers are releasing soon. Then again, you could always get a second sixaxis, then buy the DS3 when it comes out, thus giving you 3 controllers.<br>
    The PS3 controller requires you to charge it via an included mini-USB to USB &quot;A&quot; cable, but the included cable is 3&quot; long. To initially sync the controller, plug in the controller to the PS3, and press the PS button in the middle. You can then use the wireless feature of the controller, and can start/turn off the PS3 from/to standby mode by just pressing and holding the PS button.<br>
    Your PS3 controller will charge via any standard USB port, so you can always charge it with your computer. I was just mentioning the 3ft cord if you wanted to buy a slightly longer cord, or a USB extension cable. Those are also available from monoprice, for about $2-3 each.<br>
    If you decide to wait for the HDMI cable, you will need to reset the video settings when you switch to HDMI. Simply plug in your HDMI cable, put the PS3 on standby, and then press and hold the power button for 5 seconds (it will beep once, then a second time). That resets the video, so it will output over HDMI.<li>You need a memory card and a second controller.<li>Yea no problem. You got an hdmi cable?<li>Hi i have the 60gb PS3. The only extra thing u should need is an HDMI cord so that you can have your ps3 output in hi-def. And yes, if you put in a ps3 game of blu-ray disk it will be no problem<li>nice! you may want to buy a kick *** game on blue ray dic to test you console out. there are a lot of games coming out for the PS3 I would not mind havingtry Spider Man 3 in Blue ray the effects should show up good on that and really push the machine on graphics.<li>ahh you dont need a memory card thats what the 80gb is for.....You dont need anything else, execpt for games.... Call of duty 4 which is a must, Turok, and Heavenly Sword....And you are good to go<li>I think you&#039;re good to go. I have a good friend who just bought one over the weekend and had it all hooked up before he knew it. So if you&#039;re asking the question in regards to hooking it up to your 38&quot;LCD, I don&#039;t think you&#039;ll need any additions. However, Guitar Hero III would be something to look into. I&#039;ve tried it once and was hooked! Best of luck &amp; have fun with your gaming experiences!!<li>Plug it in and turn it on. Should be good to go. If your TV has RCA jacks on it then your set. If it doesn&#039;t then you should pick up an RF modulater or use your vcr or reciever. I don&#039;t remember having any problems when I got my 40G. Mine also works great online with a wireless router.<li>Get an HDMI cable for $50- when you hook it up it will make it look better and you don&#039;t need the crappy red white and yellow cables. When you hook it up change the video input to HDMI on your ps3 and your tv(only when gaming on tv)<br>
    Get a second controller if you want to play with someone else<br>
    Get Resistance: Fall of Man (GREAT GAME)<br>
    If possible get glow vertical stand so it charges your controllers and holds your ps3<br>
    If you play online get the gaming headset-mouthpeice combo<br>
    YOU SHOULD HAVE ALL THE COMPONENTS FOR A SPECTACULAR GAMING EXPERIENCE<li>Yep that should be it except and HDMI cable. You can get those cheap and don&#039;t need a good one for a PS3.<li>yeah but even if you didn&#039;t have that hdtv/lcd it still would&#039;ve worked fine.<li>all u need is a hdmi cable for awsome graphics and a nother controller<li>Just get an HDMI cable so you can get the best possible picture otherwise you are all set as everything you need is included in the box of your 80gb PlayStation 3 whether it&#039;s an etherent cable if you plan to use a wired connection or using the built in wireless card, your controller, power cable and basic AV cable which you would replace with the HDMI cable.<li>What you need is to rethink your choice of gaming platform...

    Signing up for Playstation network using ps3?

    <p>May be...</p><li>i am able to use the browser, but when i try signing up, it says error....what should i do?<li>You can only sign up under &quot;playstation network&quot; on the xross media bar. Then scroll down to &quot;account management&quot; and click on that, then follow instructions.<li>You don&#039;t use the browser...<br>
    On the Cross Media Bar (XMB) on the far right it has &quot;Create Account&quot;<li>if it kickes you off while your signing up its just a problem witht the server and if you do it a few times then you eventually get through.

    Will the ps3 go down to $300 by the middle of febuary?

    <p>May be...</p><li>plz i wanna buy one will it go down soon?<li>In this months EGM magazine, they anticipate that the 40GB PS3&#039;s possible price could be $299 ($300) around this summer, but it&#039;s just what they think. A PS3 for $299 this year would be WAY to cheap for a PS3 right now.<br>
    I don&#039;t think that the 40GB PS3 will drop to $300 until next year, but I&#039;m pretty sure that both PS3 models will get a price drop this year of at least $50 dollars some time this year.<br>
    The 80GB PS3 wont see a $300 dollar price in probably 2 years from now.<li>If you mean February 2008, not a chance. <br>
    February 2009, possibly.<li>i don&#039;t know but if you go to Best Buy electronics store and purchase a tv over 999$ you get 100 off a ps3 which would bring the price down to 299 w/o taxes<li>It probably won&#039;t drop in price for another year. The earliest would be about November.<br>
    Get a Wii instead, it is much better.<li>You can prob find $500 ps3&#039;s on Ebay?<br>
    But there is no chance for the playstation 3 to drop down to $300, maybe in a trade in deal it will go to $400?<li>no

    How do you create an internal memory card on the ps3 hard drive?

    <p>May be...</p><li>I want to be able to save ps2 save data on the ps3 hard drive and I heard you can do it without the memory card adapter by creating an internal memory card on the ps3&#039;s hard drive. Anyone know how to do that?<li>Create an Internal Memory Card on the PLAYSTATION 3 system HDD as follows:<br>
    1. Navigate to [Memory Card Utility (PS/PS2)] under [Game] on the XMB.<br>
    2. Press “X” to bring up the “New Internal Memory Card” option.<br>
    3. Tell the PLAYSTATION 3 which format you want it to create. PS2 or PS1.<br>
    4. Highlight “OK” and press “X” to finish creating the memory card.<br>
    Note that you can make new saves on this card while playing PS2 or PS1 games on the PS3, but it does not allow you to transfer saves from a physical memory card to the PS3&#039;s HDD. You need the memory card adapter to do that.<li>To save ps2 data into PS3, you need to buy a memory adapter which can transfer ps2 data into the ps3.<li>i thought u cant play ps2 games on a ps3<li>one way of doing it is to go to playstation store and download the free data save for ps2 games, it should be under the ps games torward the back since its been out for a while

    To everybody do you think that 360 has reached its last year of good games?

    <p>May be...</p><li>Well, in terms of good games for this year, the Xbox 360 really doesn&#039;t have that many and it will be a long while before Microsoft gets anymore good games to the Xbox 360. The next biggest games for the 360 are Gears of War 2 and Halo Wars, but that&#039;s about it really. <br>
    Some places say that Gears of War 2 may come out late 2008, but I&#039;m thinking that it wont come out until 2009 and Halo Wars isn&#039;t coming out until late 2008 as well.<br>
    But in my opinion, Sony has a WAY better lineup of exclusive games and future games than Microsoft.<li>Nope<li>im gonna give it another year and then the ps3 takes over.<li>No but Microsoft is in early development stages of the next xbox console ! I&#039;d say around 2011-2012 we&#039;ll see another new xbox !<br>
    Consoles usually have a life cycle of around 5-7 years ! Just like with PC technology, consoles are outdated soon after they hit the marketplace because you have to keep in mind that these systems have been in development for at least 3-5 years prior to actually being launched !<li>I say they have a couple more years left, but who knows for sure. If MS has already started looking at the next console then we know the 360 has a short life span. As for the ps3 they (sony management) expect the system to last for 10 years, just like the previous systems.

    Guitar Hero 3 for ps3 help?

    <p>May be...</p><li>Ok i have a ps3...i owned guitar hero 2 on ps2..and me and my girlfriend loved it...Well today when we was at target we saw guitar hero 3 for was 99.99 which is alot but if its fun the price doesnt matter...Well i know that guitar hero 2 doesnt work on ps3 or with the new guitar for ps3....but is there any idea if i buy this one...when they make guitar hero 4 for ps3...will i have to buy the bundle all over again with a different guitar or will the gh 3 guitar work u think...and when will they sale the guitar for ps3 individually...we want to play with 2 guitars but not buy the bundle again...Thanks<li>Hi there,<br>
    Most definitely the guitar hero III guitars will work for future ps3 guitar hero&#039;s. As for purchasing additional guitars that remains to be seen. But if you want to order a bundle with two guitars and guitar hero III game you can go to the redoctane website at

    I&#039;m still waiting for an individual guitar myself since I was given the game with no guitar. As far as future guitar hero bundles...I think we&#039;ll see bundles, but I know for a fact they will just sell the game individually. You can see what they did with the ps2 and also the 360.

    Ps2 emulator?

    <p>May be...</p><li>i have set up a ps2 emu on my pc (pcsx2) and it works, but it is way to slow! I dont care how much the graphics suffer i need to know how to config this thing!!!<li>sry but the only way to not make it lag is to increase ur RAM capacity to 4GB. 2Gb may still lag but im not sure. i dont think u could decrease graphics or anything like that

    PS3 Blu-Ray Problem?

    <p>May be...</p><li>ok I put a question on here earlier about how when I play call of duty 4 on my ps3 the sound would go out the when it ends the game it wouldn&#039;t load anything and freeze. I tried a different game and it froze on start up I was wondering if anyone had this problem and a solution. I got the extended warranty at circuit city and it is still under warranty with sony who should I contact?<li>contact both and ask them about it and pick the one that sounds best 4 u<li>Go back to Circuit City and have them take care of it, that way you get the problem fixed faster or your console replaced faster because you can pick it up right there versus sending it off to Sony.

    Ps3 Error?

    <p>May be...</p><li>I got this message after I tried to quit call of duty 4<br>
    ps3 error 80010514 what dose it mean?<li>I dont know, from what I read on line the Sony tech number is very helpfull. Give them a call.

    How Often Do you Play Cod4?

    <p>May be...</p><li>Everyday! As soon as I get home from work, I go online to play it! That game is too addicting!!!<li>Not at all. I have never bought a game just because everyone else did.<li>2 days after it was released i got it &amp; played it about a month .right now better games are in store and i dont waste my time with older games!<li>Everyday. At least 2 matches.<li>Every chance I have<li>I would prob prefer assassin creed...<br>
    But Cod4 is good..<br>
    But not as good as assassin creed!<br>
    IN MY OPINION<li>Not ever<li>I play it 4 times each week. I prefer playing COD4 on Xbox LIVE because more options &amp; maps then the COD4 PS3 ONLINE.<li>my friend bought it for me and i used to play it once a day until the cd stopped reading (it came in a broken case and with a deep scratch) so he sent it back, and that was 2-3 weeks ago! i really want to play it! but i dunno when i will get a new copy (ps the shop wont give my friend a new copy even though the case was broken, but will exchange the cd, my ****)<li>all the time. i get off school at noon and am on by 1. <br>
    psn is g0dEATg0d<li>i did play alot but i just bought DMC 4 yesterday so i probably wont be playing until i beat DMC!!!!!

    Whats your favourite character & favourite game!?

    <p>May be...</p><li>i go with dante(dvil may cry) &amp; metal gear solid as my favourite game! how &#039;bout u guys!?<li>Snake - Metal Gear Solid<br>
    Kratos - God of War<br>
    Agent 47 - Hitman<li>Assassin Creed<br>
    Grand Theft Auto<li>mario<br>
    super smash bros. melee<br>
    (soon to be brawl)<li>character- Kratos<br>
    game- SVR08<li>Max Payne and GTA series.<li>Any from GTA series.......

    I have a wireless netgear but when i try to connect it to the ps3 it fails?

    <p>May be...</p><li>the IP adrees fails and i want it wireless any ideas.<br>
    thanks guys.<li>I had a similar problem when I set up my Netgear DG834GT router with my PS3. To solve the problem, I logged in to my router and switched off the wireless access control (not the firewall) feature. My PS3 was then able to get an IP address.<br>
    Once my PS3 was talking to my router, I went back to the access control screens, added the MAC address of my PS3 (that was now in the devices list) and re-enabled access control. I have had no problems since. <br>
    To switch off the wireless access control you can follow these steps (it may be slightly different in your case, but you should get the gist of it).<br>
    - One the router menu, go to [wireless settings]<br>
    - Make sure that the [enable wireless access point] checkbox is selected.<br>
    - I also selected [allow broadcase of name/SSID], but this shouldn&#039;t be a requirement.<br>
    - Check your security options. I am using WPA-PSK (WiFi Protected Access Pre-shared key)<br>
    - Make a note of your PSK encryption key. Note that this key is case-sensitive.<br>
    - Click on [Apply]<br>
    - Click on the [setup access list] button<br>
    - Make sure the [turn access control on] checkbox is not set. <br>
    - Click [Apply]<br>
    The PS3 was quite happy with the easy/default configuration options.<br>
    The rest of this is optional, but is probably a good idea anyway...<br>
    - You should see your PS3 in the &quot;Available Wireless Stations&quot; table (make sure it is switched on)<br>
    - Its MAC address will look something like 00:1D:AA:BB:CC:DD:EE<br>
    - Add the PS3 as a trusted wireless station<br>
    - Enable access control<br>
    You will hopefully now have a working system.<li>some netgear routers do not work with ps3 this happens to my netgear aswell. there is nothing e can do about it I would switch to belkin but they are hopeless! It really has pissed me off!

    Can someone tell me how to make ps2 emulater a littel faster?

    <p>May be...</p><li>Its slow<li>Depends what&#039;s bottlenecking the emulator, could be your GPU, could be your CPU, could be the emulator itself, they&#039;re not on par with PS2 speeds at this point, i tried running FF12 on one about 4 months back and even on a fairly beefy computer (Q6600 @ 3.2ghz with dual 8800 GTX in SLI) it wasn&#039;t running on par with a PS2, some frame loss, lots of bugs, and graphical artifacts<br>
    I wouldn&#039;t expect to see PS2 emulators running games on par with a PS2 for a while, if ever, N64 Emulators still don&#039;t run as well as an N64

    Does the SANDISK 4GB ULTRA II 2 MEMORY STICK PRO DUO work on the slim psp?

    <p>May be...</p><li>You bet! if it&#039;s a mem stick pro duo, it&#039;ll work in the PSP, either one. Hope u got a good deal on one!<li>anything that says memory stick pro duo will work with any sony product including the psp slim.

    Should I wait for another PS3 price drop or buy now?

    <p>May be...</p><li>I live in the UK and was wondering whether I should buy a PS3 now or wait. I understand that Dualshock 3 is coming to the UK soon and there maybe a decent bundle I could buy with it included, and to be honest at the moment there still isn&#039;t that many good games out for it. Wait or buy? Cheers<li>i think you might want to buy now because worldwide this year the games for playstation 3 are going to be insane and it could turn-up like wii. hard to find so the best bet is to get a playstation 3 now. and if you want full backwards compatibilty get a 60 gb version to play your ps1 and ps2 games. and then you can probably upgrade your memory to 120 or more just like the new ones that are going to come out. this way you save money because i bet that the new ones are going to cost like the new 80 gb that came out in the UK. that is if you guys have it.<li>If you don&#039;t think there are any good games then you should wait... Theres no harm in waiting a bit longer.<br>
    I think there might be a bit of a rush when KillZone2, GTA4 and Metal Gear comes out, might want to get ahead of the pack and get 1 now.<li>If you&#039;re looking for BC (Backwards compatibility for PS2 and PS1) BUY THE 80/60 GB while you still have the chance! If not, I would at least wait until the 2008 holiday season since there are rumors of a cheaper, 120 GB PS3 coming out without BC around the time of the 2008 Holiday season. Trust me, you&#039;re not missing out on much now since games like MGS and other major Sony franchises have yet to appear on the PS3.<li>I could quote a load of great games...but that wasn&#039;t your question. I would get one now, because:<br>
    1-the price is great as it is<br>
    2-there is no way of knowing if there will be a price drop and when<br>
    3-there is no way of knowing how much the (possible) price drop will be<br>
    4-i have no fourth point<li>You should get it now. The online play is really fun(especially on Call of duty 4).<li>i&#039;m happy with the 40gb. if i want to pay another 100 for (70% backwards capability) i would look to my ps2 that can play ALL the ps2 games......i would buy now and hold out till a place offers a game with it......i held out till Xmas time got a 40gb, A GAME of my choice(heavenly sword) and a bonus blue ray remote......all for the orginal price 399<li>BUY NOW <br>
    with the great games coming out in like a month the prices are sure to skyrocket

    Buying another (ps3) need the save of my Call of duty 4?

    <p>May be...</p><li>I am getting a new Ps3 and was wondering if i can transfer my save file or my whole user name from my old ps3 to my new one? Is the online save file going to be transfered?<li>Your online file probably is associated with your PSN account, if not it will be on the save file. You need to backup the save file on a USB jump drive or some sort of Memory Card like an SD or something. I guess you could even use an external harddrive... anything to get it off the PS3.<li>Just to be sure i would try to save it to a jump drive that you can plug in the front of your ps3, idk if that works but you should try it

    Monday, February 11, 2008

    Devil May Cry 4 or Turok for PS3?

    May be...

  • What should I get?

    What one is better?

    Im Selling Resistance, Madden and NFS: Carbon to get it.

    Comments about the PS3 Sucking and the 360 being better not needed. Keep your opinion on that to yourself. I have mine u have yours congrats.
  • Turok is garbage. Read the review on and they seem to agree. DMC4 is a good game (according to the same site). You might want to take these rating into consideration before making a decision.
  • Turok is horrible! DMC4 is quite good, from the reviews movies and the demo.
  • devil may cry is interesting and cool. But selling Resistance for those games man. I dont know. you should keep Resistance. Its fun. Plus Turok was just plain bad.
  • When is the next ps3 firmware update?

    May be...

  • does any body hav any info on wen it is comin out
  • its actually mid march and it will tell you when u turn ur system on. trust me i work at best buy.
  • I think the same time as Home (the end of march)
  • Sony never announces neither date nor contents of the next update.
  • Ps3 Warhawk online question?

    May be...

  • so im hearing warhawk is a really good online ps3 game.

    i heard that you can play up to 4 player online on the same ps3 by split screen.

    does this mean that the servers which support split screen can only take upto 4 players alltogether ?

    or is it like 32 playeronline but with only 4 players on 1 ps3 each?
  • you can enter a game of 16vs16 and all play on the same split screen with your three friends, you just cant play ranked games like this.
  • you can play with 4 people but you can still go online and search for a game with split screen and you will be good to go just remember that split screen aren't ranked so any achievement you accomplish during that game won't count but it is an awesome game i play with my brother sometimes and like i said it awesome!!!! remember when you go to the main page search for your game and on the right side there is a box that informs you whether it a split screen game or not!!!

  • each split screen counts as a person... so if you wanted to play with 3 friends you would need to make sure that there is enough available space for all three of you
  • Headset stopped working on ps3...?

    May be...

  • it still turns on and off,and mute, also i can still even hear other people down it, i just can't speak myself.
  • maybe you should re-register it to your ps3, if its a bluetooth headset that is, if not perhaps you should type its name into google and see if anyone else has reported a similar problem to you.

    hope it helps.
  • Are all ps2 games in full screen?

    May be...

  • I want to play some ps2 games on my new widescreen dlp tv from my ps3 but they all seem to be in full screen with black bars on the sides. It either stays like this or I could stretch the picture to fill the screen. There probably isn't a way to solve this but I just want to make sure that these games have to be played with the black bars or stretched. Thanks a lot.
  • If you go into your ps2's settings, you can change the default aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9. That will allow you a full-screen picture when you're in broswer mode.

    unfortunately this default doesn't carry over when you load a game. Some games support widescreen, some don't. Those that do will have options in-game for switching over to widescreen.

    God of War does have widescreen, but it isn't very good. It is not quite 16:9 and will give you black on the sides anyway. But it does have progressive scan support. If you haven't already, look at your games in 480p if they support it. It looks much, much better. You'll forget about the black bars.
  • When I play PS2 games on my PS3 with my HDTV, I have to use the T.V. remote control to set the picture to 16:9 aspect ratio so that the game fills up the entire screen.
  • I know God of War II lets you play in 16:9. Some of the newer PS2 games should have a 16:9 option.
  • Some games do have a widescreen option like Socom 3 for example. It just depends on the game but most do display in full screen only.