Thursday, July 31, 2008

For online games on the Ps3 do you need a headset to talk and hear others talking?

May be...
  • Also Do other people talking come out of the headset? can you get it out of the tv too? How much for headset and where can i buy it? Is it worth the price?

    So sorry for so many questions!
  • Yes, you need a headset to talk to others while playing online on the ps3, but you don't need one to hear others talking. If someone else is talking on the headset, you can here them on your tv. If you have a headset on you, you can talk to other players, and you can hear them on your headset or on your tv. To be exact you need a bluetooth headset and it doesn't matter which model you use. You can find them anywhere like a verizon store, online, at walmart, and there is also a ps3 game called warhawk that came with a jabra bluetooth headset. Bluetooth headsets usually range about $40-50. But if you can find the warhawk game that comes with the bluetooth in store or online, i would take that deal. The game cost around $60 or even cheaper, but you also get a bluetooth headset and save money. Beware though because some stores sell the warhawk game alone without the bluetooth headset. I'd try to find the warhawk game with the headsert if i were you.
  • If you have a blue tooth headset then all you have to do is set it up quite simple actually and you can hear and talk into it. If you dont have blue tooth i have seen them on ebay for around 25 to 30 dollars but any kind will work I just use the one thats with my cell phone. I think there is a setting that you can hear it on the TV at least during set up the sound came through. I have no idea if that would work on a game or not
  • You'll hear people through the TV if you don't have a headset. You can get cheap blutooth headsets for as low as $25 at Best Buy, but I would get something a little better than the cheapo ones. I have a couple different headsets (my wife and I both use blu tooth phones) but for the price and sound quality I like my Mototrola H350. It was $45. My wife bought a Jawbone or something like that for over $100 and I think it sucks.

    You can use USB headsets as well, but once you go wireless there's no going back (at least for me and the people I know).

    Another option, if you're going to but one for games or video chat anyway, is to use the PlayStationEye as a mic. Nothing sitting on your head, the sound quality (for those listening to you) is very good, and just like if you had no mic at all, the sound would come out through your TV.

    Personally I would go with a blutooth headset in the $50 range.
  • Yeah, If you have a headset with you can hear through the hearing part or the TV.

    You can buy them at your local game store, i got mine for about 40 bucks but it broke.. getting a new one tonight.
  • Yep you can buy it. And, it works to hear the people talking and you can talk to them too.
  • Should I buy the PS3?

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  • I already have the wii but it's not really that great for me. I recently got some money(1000dollars to be exact), and would like to buy a PS3 metal gear solid bundle, but i'm not really sure. School starts again in a week so I'm not sure if I'll have enough time for it, plus saving the money for now doesn't really hurt at all. My friend told me that the 80gb was really good, but I don't really know any good games. Could anyone tell me what I should do about buying it? and if so please give some suggestions of good games, or features that i should look in to. Thanks.
  • All in All it depends on what you do with your spare time it is a lot to buy for a School kid. If you really arent into gaming then just be happy with what you have and not worry about the rest untill you get more money or the price goes down. selling the Wii is 250 to 300 easy so your almost there on price.

    I would try to sell the Wii on ebay there really pulling in good money. The MGS4 bundle my friend an XBOX faithful i mean really faithful he has bought 3 of them. He was so impressed with mine that he went out and bought one that very same day. I dont think you would go wrong. Wii is a nice console but the games are kinda not so hardcore. I traded mine for a 360 big mistake cause it red ringed on me 2 months after I got it but now Im totally happy with the PS3, WiFi Dualshock Sixaxis the MGS4 a Downloadable game, free online gaming. BluRay player plus you can surf the web on it theres no way you can go wrong.
  • It actually really depends on the type of gamer you are,and how much time you will spend on it. The PS3 is an excellent console and dont listen to the xbox fan club saying to buy the xbox because it is cheaper and better. Dont be fooled by the xbox shelf costs because you also have to buy a remote, and pay for LIVE as well which adds up to more then the ps3 over time. If you are a casual gamer who doesnt really care about graphics, just the gameplay then just go out and buy a ps2. If you are going to enjoy the graphics, internet and everything else then buy a ps3.
  • No,dont buy it save money . Very soon you will need it to buy a car or something and how much will you play with it when the shool starts. Go to your friends house and check if the ps3 is that what youre looking . if you like it than buy it .

    good games:



    god of war 3


    drakes fortune


    gran turismo 5 and many more

    Dont buy it man...
  • I would suggest waiting till September when they release the 80gb for only 399 but it does not have backwards compatibilit so your old ps2 games wont work. You could sell the wii on ebay that could cover around 200+ so the ps3 would cost less. Also consider buying your ps3 used so you can save as much money as possible. Good luck!
  • I would definatly get it. It has free wi-fi (if you have a connection). Also you can play online for free. As of right now the 360 has a better selection of games, but the ps3 is newer the the 360. The ps3 has a faster game play than the 360 for sports games.
  • Wow theanimal825 has mastered the art of copy and paste i saw the exact same answer on another question like this
  • you know i am doing the same thing i am saving money for a 80 gig ps3 even though i have a xbox 360 and a wii and i am going to have enough money for ps3 in about 2 years and for months! anyways it has cool features like dowlowding free internet and a lot more and it has games like motor storm there is going to be a motorstorm 2 soon and resistence and there is going to be god of war 3 a lot of cool games are going to be out soon rachet and clank marvel dc vs moral combat and you are going to have alot of fun playing them online so i think you should buy it and watch some blue ray dvd high defenision so yeah!!!!1
  • - ps3 has a built-in blu-ray player

    -ps3 supports 1.3 HDMI which has rich colors and xbox supports 1.2 HDMI

    - ps3 has much more and better exclusives, most of them cant go to xbox 360 because it cant handle that many data(DVD- 8.5gb, blu-ray 50gb)

    - because of the blu-ray's huge space, ps3 will have WAY better graphics than 360

    - online is free for ps3 not like 360

    - ps3 will have over 300 games released by this spring

    - you can browse the internet on ps3, no such thing for xbox 360

    - when developers get used to the system, the graphics will be WAY better than 360. should take them a year to get used to it

    - developers stated that they will start using ps3 as the lead platform and port ps3 games to xbox

    - playstation home is coming out this spring, its a virtual community where you can hang out with friends and customize your own apartment which xbox doesnt have(FREE)

    - ps3 is a true HD console. xbox 360 upscale games to 1080p and ps3 DISPLAY games up to 1080p

    - built in Wi-Fi

    - xbox 360: 33% hardware failure

    ps3: .2% hardware failure(see the decimal? less than 1%!)

    - ps3 has better back-comp except the 40gb

    - rumble returns in spring 2008

    - xbox 360 already has been maxed out to its potential with gears of war. ps3 has not been maxed out yet- look at uncharted drakes fortune, better graphics than gears and its only 30% of ps3’s potential

    - you can upgrade your harddrive without voiding warranties with any 2.5 HDD, which xbox cant because you have to buy a xbox HDD

    (they actually have the step by step on how to upgrade it on

    those are the ones that i know right off my mind but there are much more reason than this

    Now I want you to do me a favor, list all the reasons why xbox is better than ps3. I PROMISE you that nobody will get at least 5 reasons

    if you get ps3, look at this, you will be able to play metal gear solid 4, haze, killzone 2, resistance 2(60 player online!!!!), final fantasy XIII, motorstorm 2, little big planet, better version of GTA IV, god of war 3, uncharted drake's fortune, heavenly sword, ratchet and clank, SOCOM: confrontation, gran turismo 5, ETC-

    Prices as of today:

    ps3- 80gb: $499 with motorstorm

    40gb: $399 with spiderman 3 blu-ray

    xbox 360(premium)- $349

    (elite)- $449

    if you want the accessories that ps3 comes with, that would add up to over 700 dollars, so that means ps3 is cheaper

    xbox 360 pricing to match ps3's features:

    $349/$449- console

    $50- XBL subscription(only for 1 YEAR) pay $50 every year

    $100- wi-fi adaptor

    $200- HD-DVD drive add-on

    $20- rechargeable battery kit

    all comes out to $720/$820- add $50 each year you subscribe for XBL

    ps3 features:

    $399/$499- console

    spiderman 3 blu-ray movie/motorstorm

    online- free

    rechargeable battery- built in the controller

    wi-fi built in

    blu-ray player(better than HD-DVD) built in

    all comes out to $399/$499, oh my,look at that, its the same price as before

    PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

    Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

    1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

    2). PS3 has 7 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

    3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 25 (single layer) and dual layer 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 50$. Besides, HD-DVD had lost the format war with Blu-ray. Toshiba had stopped to manufacture them, Microsoft too.

    4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

    Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

    5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

    Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

    6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

    Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

    7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

    Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

    8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

    9). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

    10). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

    11). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

    12). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

    13). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

    14). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

    15). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

    16).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

    17).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

    18). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) on 15.04.2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import).

    19).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

    20).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

    21). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.
  • Ethernet cable?

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  • where do i hook up my ethernet cable for my ps3 so i could play online on my ps3
  • theres an ethernet port in the back of the ps3 and there should be in the back of your modem your computer is most likely connected to the internet through .but if there isnt one in the back of your modem you will have to buy an adapter .
  • it's in the back of your ps3 where all the plugs go should be easy to find out which one is the eithernet cables. Then after that plug it in your router.
  • There should be an ethernet port behind the PS3. Then you hook that ethernet cable to your source for internet connection such as a router.
  • It's on the back of the PS3, between the HDMI port and the Digital Audio out.
  • its behind the ps3 its next to the hdmi port
  • Will a ps3 from india work here in america?

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  • well yes but certain things wont. the wires will be different, as in, have different plugs on them. also, hte blu-ray movies are region coded so blu-ray movies from america wont be able to play. ps2 games are to. ps3 games however, are not region locked. also, peripherals such as controllers and wheel arent region locked and will work with everything. so, if u want a ps3 from india and want it to play ps2 and blu-ray movies, dont get it
  • i doubt a ps3 from india would work at all... Report Abuse
  • Aside from the voltage issue it should work. Any ps3 games bought here will work but playstation 2 games wont work because of region locks.
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • Whens the MGS4 PS3 bundle over?

    May be...
  • when is it over?
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • I saw one at the local Best Buy near my house. All the 40GB PS3s were sold out.

    Only 1 MGS4 bundle left.

    Call the stores where you live to see if they have it or not. or check craigslist, ebay, amazon. etc..................

    Shouldn't be too difficult to find.
  • when they sell all of the ones they have made
  • You can sign up for HOME Beta...RIGTH NOW!?

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  • You just need to set up a Japanese account:
  • That makes me wish I hadn't deleted my japanese account... Now I'm going to have to go through the hassle of trying to recreate it if I want to preview Home...
  • Thanks for the tip, hopefully the mods won't notice you posted a non-question

    Is it possible that is just going to be a Japanese beta, though... it wouldn't be much fun if everyone is speaking Japanese
  • Why can't it be a worldwide thing XD. o well I guess I'll have to wait. I can't wait to show people all my awesome videos... lmao
  • No I won't!... cos I prefer the WORK Alpha.... LETF NOW!?
  • I heard about this but I'd imagine they wouldn't allow EU or American IP's to be accepted. It's definitely worth a try but don't get your hopes up! :D
  • Wednesday, July 30, 2008

    In Need For Speed: Carbon (PS3) Can you unlock the Audi R8 or any BMW's?

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  • Can you unlock the Audi R8 or BMW's in any races? Can you get any through a cheat code too?

    This is regarding NFS: CARBON for Play Station 3.
  • yes u can, but not to use during career mode which sucks, only for custom races
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • Could someone please tell me the KILLZONE storyline (ps3)?

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  • could someone tell me the storyline to the game killzone? i looked on wikepedia but it was very confusing. could someone please explain the storyline to me? thank you! P.S i do give best answers XD
  • So heres the basics:

    the planet Vektor is being attacked by the Helghast from Helghan. Who use to live on Vektor but were ditched on Helghan and mutated by the crappy conditions.

    So they attack Vektor but are eventually stopped, in Killzone 2 the Vektans are counter attacking Helghan.

  • everything you need to know below
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • Ps3 question please help?

    May be...
  • whats the difference between a daulshock 3 controller and a sisaxis controller
  • i hear that on some games if you have the sixaxis controller it can act like a wii controller, so you can move your controller. i think in cod4 there is a part where you have to angle your controller left to right to get someone off of you.i dont remeber if it was that game though.

    dualshock 3 controller can vibrate but sixaxis cant.

    hope this helps =]
  • Sixaxis is just the dualshock except it does not have the ability to vibrate. LIke if there is an expolosion the controller would vibrate in your hand and the sixaxis would not.
  • dual shock vibrationmuch like the ps2 controllers but the dual shock is heaver cuz of the vibrators its still sixaxis but some people dont like the vibrations i guess? + the dual shock3 cost like 10-20 dollars more depending on where you go
  • Wow. That is the simpliest question I have ever seen.

    Dualshock 3 vibrates, Six Axis doesnt.
  • Six has no rumble and the dual has rumble (The vibration)
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • dualshock 3 vibrates while sixaxes dose not
  • Extra Maps on COD 4 PS3?

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  • how do you get extra maps like Chinatown and BLoc on Cod 4 for ps3?? is there a code or sumthing, if there is leave the code...10 points
  • You can buy four extra maps off the PSN Store for $9.99. For use online and split screen.





    Maps like Bloc, Ambush, etc that aren't on your split screen selection are free but are only available online.

    If you get Call of Duty 4: Game of the Year Edition you get those 4 extra maps online for free.
  • many maps can only be played online while very few can be played in multiplayer. if you want additional maps purchase them

    the extra maps need to be purchased from the Playstation store

    which include:




    and Broadcast
  • theres a code but u have to get it at gamestop...... etc. but every code is diferent just ask abot it.

  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • get it from the internet
  • No.. you have to go to the online store and buy them. hat is the only way.... no codes or anything
  • What other games should be part of playstation greatest hits package?

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  • i think uncharted drakes fortune, heavenly sword, and GTA 4 should be part of it
  • i completely agree and they will. but they wont become greatest hits until there out awhile longer. but all 3 of those games deserve to be greatest hits. as for other ones that should be added, well i would put devil may cry 4, ratchet and clank and metal gear solid 4
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • Silent Hill 2.

    I don't even know the original games on there.
  • metal gear solid 4 and yeah grand theft auto 4..
  • Helping a STRESSFUL PS3 owner?

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  • hey guys....i'm really stressful...i just bought my PS3 23 days ago....i have 6 playstation works well with five of them with no stops and no hangings but when i insert "Assasin's Creed" blu-ray,sometimes in the beggining of play,it freezes and i can't turn the power down with my controller and with holding the console button . when i touch the console button i hear 3 beeps but nothing changes till i remove the power wire.after inserting power wire again , my PS3 only startes with console button and my controler cannot turn it on till the next shut down with it. after turning PS3 on, it plays all of the games include AC very well for every hour of play. but i am scared...very scared...since i' ve read the PS3 forum i'm always thinking does my PS3 need to replace?. WHAT SHOULD I DO??? IS THIS REALLY A THREAT?..oh..i forgot...please tell me about beeps and what do they say...
  • There were issues with Assassin's Creed for PS3 at launch that were resolved by patches a week or two later. So, it sounds like you're not online with your PS3, since you would be asked to update on starting the game otherwise.

    Just make sure the PS3 is online and that you're being logged in to the PSN. Should hopefully do the trick.
  • Okay for starters don't disconnect your PS3 form the wall w/o turning it off and when you turn it off with console button it should make like 3 beeps and the it will try to shut down but it if actually is frozen and its not the game it will take about 30 sec to attempt a shutdown and after a minute it will forcively shut itse;f off so stop disconnecting it from the wall.

    and i think it might just be the game.
  • either go to and email customer service, or call them. Seriously do this. no matter what anyone on here says, they can be wrong. if i were you, i wouldnt take the chance. unless you wanna spend 400 dollars on a new ps3.
  • this site will give you a playstation 3 just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you're broke but really want a ps3 (like me).
  • Sounds Like The Game...As For Turning It Off Use The switch In The Back... 3 Beeps Is Either No Disc Or Reseting For Me...I would Still Call Sony Though
  • disc problem, return the disc, or send problem to sony (possibly get a new one??)
  • my guess is the game disc, try another assasin's creed disk, it may work
  • Tuesday, July 29, 2008

    Call of duty 4 or Battlefield bad company (ps3)?

    May be...
  • Im thinking of getting one of them for ps3. but will the price drop fro cod 4 cause of cod world at war coming out? battlefield looks sweet, but im not sure which one to get! please help!
  • CoD 4 is better than BFBC and will be better than CoD 5.
  • i prefer both so here is my thoughts about the two games, i hope i help :

    COD4 : the story line is decent, the multiplayer is insane, alot of online modes, graphics r very good but no the best, u cannot drive vehicles

    BATTLE FIELD BAD COMPANY : the story line is very good but not that amazing, the single player is better than COD4, only on multiplayer mode, but u can ride vehicles in it ( thats the very cool thing in it especially in the multiplayer u can ride helicopters with other players and smack the hell out of the enemies )

    for me both have cons and pros, it's more about what u like, i hope i've helped u, have a nice day
  • CoD4 but you already choose
  • Metal gear solid 4 act 3?

    May be...
  • i'm at the first mission on act 3 i follow the resistance members then i see the pmc troop on their way so i try another one and that one get arrested bye a pmc troop
  • Just stay behind the res guy in full camo. have a silenced sniper and snipe the pmc before they see you. as long as you stay close to the res guy youll be good. and if he gets scared off, it's easy to find him just look on your map.
  • Kill the guards with a silenced gun or tranquilezer but don't let the resistance guy see you or he will shoot you and run away.
  • use your tranquiliser if the resistance guy gets arrested, also dont let the resistance dude see you doing it else hel shoot you
  • Kill the guys who arrest him with a sniper or something, don't let anyone see you kill them tho, especially the res. member.
  • White Ps3 Format?

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  • I am thinking of buying a white ps3 from ebay but the format of it is NTSC(North America) and im not sure if it will play games from england because i live in england, i asked the seller and they said it would but im not sure,

    best answer goes to the quickest
  • PS3 games are region free.

    However it wont ply EU PS2/PS1 games or EU movies [DVD/ Blu Ray]
  • it should work lucky they did something cool making games region free =0
  • You should be fine. There is no region protection. Though online game play may lag when playing people in other countries.
  • How can I tell what PS3 I have?

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  • I'm not sure what one I have xD but It isnt 20g cause it does have wi-fi and no backwards compatibility...
  • when you turn on your PS3 go to system information and you can see how much memory you have and then you will know which PS3 you have.
  • its the 40 gb if it doesn't have bc go to settings-system settings-system information and that will tell you which ps3 you have
  • Go to settings than system info than memory and it will tell you.
  • I would say 40gb, if it as wifi and cant play ps2 games!!!
  • yup
  • How can i view the things i have downloaded on my playstation 3 hard drive?

    May be...
  • Well if you downloaded some music it should be under music or a video should be under video... But if it's not there then it didn't download. That's how it always worked for me
  • How can i view my photos that i copy on my playstation 3?

    May be...
  • it doesn't come out in my photo section
  • Are you sure u have copied them

    and check out all the media apps and also the play list they might be hiding
  • If there on a flash drive, or memory stick you gotta make sure you copy it. But if none of this works for you i think something might be wrong with your ps3
  • goto photos and press triangle
  • Monday, July 28, 2008

    What's the difference between psp fat and psp slim's battery?

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  • the psp fat battery is bigger and does not lastr as long as the psp slim because it is updated and lastes a lot longer
  • psp slim has a longer battery life, has faster load times, and is lighter in weight.
  • slims is better
  • Can I download full psp games without magic memory stick or pandora battery?

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  • Once you have the custom firmware I was telling you about you can go to this link and download this UMD dumper. You can copy all you UMD (games and movies) right to you memory card.

    Than you can go rent games and save full copy's to your memory card and save them to your computer so that you can move them on to your PSP when ever you want.

    But no you can't play full UMD copy's with out custom firmware.
  • Yes u can download full games onto your psp but they r usualy rather large. on a 1 gb memory card u can fit max of about 2 games but that all depends if they are compressed or not . the magic mem stick and pandora's battery are used for bootin back up bricked psp's
  • You can download them, but you'll need to be running custom firmware to use them.
  • i agree with nightmar
  • How do I hook my PSP up to the Internet?

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  • I have a PSP and I want to hook it up to the internet. I have verizon internet so I have a router but It's not wireless. Can somebody please help me and give me step by step instructions? Thanks
  • A router is cheap, and simple. What you do is plug the ethernet cable from your verizon modem, into the router, plug the router into your computer, then set up the router with the software that will come with it. It takes under 15 minutes.

    To connect your PSP to that router, just go to Network settings and connect. You may of made a password for your router when you set up the software. If so, just type in that password (aka SSID).

    Alternativly, if you dont want to set up a router, theres the Datel Wi-Fi Max. I linked it below. You just plug it in your computer, and connect your PSP!

    It's 30 dollars, but routers also run for that price and do alot more.

    Either way, it's a very simple task accomplished within 15 minutes.
  • first buy a wireless router and get it set up in your house with broadband.

    after that i can help you if you would like, it is a quite a long process.

    heres my email, i dont use my yahoo one.

    if u need help contact me.

    ps i cant help with router just setting up your psp.

    good luck!
  • The PSP has to have a wireless access point to be able to connect to the net. You will have to get a wireless router or wireless modem.
  • you need wifi connection
  • Whats the difference between the 80gb ps3 and the 80gb ps3 thats gonna come out his fall ?

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  • I only know one difference that the prices are different.
  • The new ps3 will be the current 40gb PS3, but with 80gbs of memory:

    That means the new 80gb:

    Will be $400

    No Memory Card slots

    No Backwards compatibility(ps2)

    Only 2 usb ports

    I belive it will come with a DS3 controller because sony doesn't like 6-axis anymore

    Everything is the same as the 40gb, just has 80gbs of memory, if you want to know more , read about the 40gb ps3.

    I believe it is coming out in september
  • The current (the MGS4 package) has 4 usb inputs (i think) and can play ps2 games. also has the MGS4 game and may come with a dualshock 3 controller. It will at least have a plain old sixaxis controller. The one coming out in the fall is just like the current 40 gb but a bigger hard drive. only 2 usb inputs and can't play ps2 games. comes with sixaxis controller.
  • there exactly the same... its just in different regions... europe always gets consoles later than everyone else in the world, they play the same games.. ALL PS3 GAMES ARE REGION FREE, apart from blu ray's, which are region locked. the only model that is different is the 60gb which can play ps2 games, has 2 more usb ports, and blah blah lol, who cares? no one plays ps2 games if they've got a ps3, n if u do? keep ur ps2 then
  • the 80gb ps3 in the fall is going to be just like the 40gb thats out now. 2 usb slots, wont be able to play ps2 games, no memory stick, compact flash, or sd slots. it just has a bigger hard drive
  • The one coming this September will basically be a 40GB with twice the hard drive.
  • Ps3 online help?

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  • i was gonan buy the PS3, and before i do i want to know if i need wi-fi to go online, cause i dont have wi-fi
  • You do not need wi-fi to go online with the ps3. In fact I actually recommend to NOT use a wi-fi connection with the ps3 especially if you intend to play games online. If you use a wi-fi connection to play some FPS games you will lag like lag is the only existence, and have an unbearably rough time playing the game.

    The Playstation Network, and playing games online thru the playstation 3 is currently free of charge, and Sony has said they have to plans currently to charge a fee for the service.

    You can however purchase things online from the playstation store. Games, game addons, and now even movies and tv shows, there are also plenty of free things you can get from the store as well.

    Costing extra is a yes and no type thing... It is possible depending on your ISP for it to cost extra, over your normal usage... Just check with your ISP, about the package you currently have, if there is a traffic limit per month for your service (max upload and download volume limit before they start charging extra). Online games are uploading and downloading all the time, and could possibly go past your traffic limit. Thats the only extra charge that I can see that might incur for you.
  • ok you dont need wi-fi for online gaming or going to internet with your ps3

    you just need to set it up like when you first started the ps3

    and no ps3 online gaming doesnt cost anything out of your pocket.
  • online serivce does not cost extra like it does with the xbox. you will not need wi-fi if u can attach it to your modem with a cable, but all u need to have wi fi is a router, and it is pretty easy to set up
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • you need a modem, it doesn't cost you...
  • Free online play

    Use a ether-net cord
  • Will a US PS3 play PAL formatted videos?

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  • I have a 60GB PS3 and I want to buy the movie [REC] it is not our here and is only available in PAL. Reading the specs it says the movie is anamorphic 16x9 but I'm not sure if the PAL formatting will prevent me from watching on the NTSC PS3.

  • It won't because the console is from the US, while the DVD is from the Europe. Region restrictions would stop it.

    An additional problem would be the movie actually displaying properly as PAL uses a different encoding for videos compared to NTSC so the video would be scrambled unless the television is compatible.
  • Movies are are region locked, so, unfortunately, you can't. :-(
  • Nope, sure won't.
  • you cant:(
  • Sunday, July 27, 2008

    Is there actual therapy for Myspace addicitons?

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  • There is a therapy for all types of online addiction, and it usually involves going outside and getting a life. Make real friends instead.
  • umm this is the wrong section but i think i can help there is 2 things you can do and i am being serious

    disconnect your internet


    get rid of your computer
  • omg

    i used to be so addicted to myspace

    i was on 24/7

    just delete ur account and spend a couple days with frends and not at home so u cant go

    but dont go to the mall

    there are computers there lol
  • i used to be addicted until i starting getting bored hahahaha

    i only get on when i have nothing to do
  • Wrong secton...and myspace used to be cool at the beging when it came out, but now its thrash.
  • y is this in the playstation section?!!?
  • Place to get my PS2 repaired?

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  • does anyone know a place where i can get my PS2 repaired? if you look up a place in Sag. MI for me then you'll get 10 points

    30 bucks ! the person below me lied
  • I hate to tell you this but getting yours repaired is going to be almost as expensive as buying another used one that has been repaired by a professional through a gaming store. I had one that I needed to have repaired and it was going to cost me 60.00 and I bought a used repaired one for 70.00
  • Contact Sony. See if they will repair your console and they will also tell you in advance how much it would cost.
  • Hi does anyone played Siren demo & found playing it disterbing?

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  • the game sux.

    it terrible. played it for 5 mnts.

    gee, i was so mad.
  • No. I like games of that nature. I'm not sure if I'll get it though, as it's a 10gb download.
  • Ps2 8mb memory card problem?

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  • Ok so i was going to continue my game of ratchet and clank going commando i had almost EVERYTHING but last night i went to play it and it said please insert a memory card that contains ratchet and clank going commando data. Thats all it said so i kept trying to plug and unplug the card but still it said the same thing. So then i go to the browser and right there i see the logo for ratchet and clank going commando. Then i went down further it one block was blue and said corrupted data or something like that. So i try the game again and still nothing!! Someone please help i need that info!!
  • This has happened to me before and it really made me mad. Come to find out when a memory card is left in the console for a long while or with age on the card, it begins to lose data. kinda like how a car battery dies when it is old or not used. I would suggest getting a replacement card and keeping it in one of your game cases when not in use. Sorry about your loss of data I know how you feel after putting in hours and then having to start all over. Good luck with your problem!
  • it happens when u leave the memory card in the ps2 for long periods of time cause the magnets inside the ps2 start 2 erase data
  • General Consumer Battery Chargers?

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  • I got a playstation portable. It has a charger ac adopter 5v - 2000 ma with a cable @ 2metres long & weighs a ton ! . Can i use another connecter of a camera i have,a 5 volt charger but as light as a feather.?
  • nO!!!!
  • No use the tool supplied for the job
  • How do I get rid of yellow dog 6.0 on my ps3?

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  • I installed yellow dog 6.0 on my ps3 last night. I was not what i expected and now I want it off. I reformatted the drive to allocate all of the hard drive for my ps3 but it is still there. Secondly, since i have done this my wifi is not working for me. I just states that the access point was not detected. Please help me!
  • same problem, mine problem was resolved becuase my ps3 broke and im getting a brand new one. i think what you could do is upgrade your hard drive and linux should be gone. before you do that go on google or terrosoft and see if there is anything about uninstalling ydl. your wifi problem could be your chance to get a new ps3. call sony and state your wifi isn't working. back up your saved games becouse they might erase your harddrive. hope that helps. YDL is a waste of time can't do anything with it. if they made mac os x is on the ps3, its a different story
  • call sony they may help u.
  • Saturday, July 26, 2008

    Would a PS3 overheat if I put it here?

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  • I am getting a PS3 soon and I would like to know if it will overheat if I put it in the place the PS2 currently is?
  • no it would not....

    The Ps3's designed to push air out in all directions and air in all directions that is why it has all the holes around it.

    anywho by any chance your PS3 does overheat it will shut off automatically for your safety and the safety of the system itself

    however DO NOT PLACE AN XBOX 360 in that same place because you will get the 3 red rings of death lol

    the PS3 has a failure rate of 0.3% and I had my Ps3 in a place similar to yours never overheated. so do not worry

    but if you do have another place for it for better ventilation I would recommend placing somewhere else just to be even safer that is what I did recently.

    enjoy you new PS3
  • No worries!! Your new ps3 will not overheat there!! It has a cooling fan in it and it stays plenty cool! Also it has a safety feature that shuts it off it starts warming up too much which is very rare, maybe in the middle of the Saharan desert lol! Hope this is what you wanted to hear!
  • No it should be ok because there is a huge fan inside the ps3 which should keep it cool to room temp. Just make sure there is a little bit of room for it to breathe. :)
  • Nope it wont shut off. The PS3 has way too many fans for it to over heat and that case looks like it does have good venting. So dont worry about it.
  • nopes
  • Nope it won't overheat, unless you keep the temperature at your house above 100 degree Fahrenheit (which I doubt). Its got a couple of fans that keep it cool. Enjoy your PS3!
  • If you put it there it will make your sother stuff look like a cheap little toy. but it wont over heat as long as it has space in the back to breath.
  • there might not be enough room but u can try and see how the fan sounds if it gets too loud then remove it and put it on the floor and you would see a difference
  • nope, ps3s shut off automatically if its too hot, which is never btw.
  • Your setup is OK. Just make sure that your PS3 has a 10cm (4 inches) gap around it for proper ventilation, that's it.
  • No, it shouldn't.
  • No it really don't mather
  • no
  • Steering wheels for PS2, Do they work with any racing or driving games?

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  • you know the steering wheels and pedals you can get for ps2's do they work with nearly all driving or racing games or just some? Also if we were to upgrade to PS3 would that steering wheel work for that?
  • it will work on PS2 driving games (though I have one that can work with games other than driving games), I think it's not gonna work with the PS3 i just don't know why don't you try it first...
  • Yes it should work on nearly all driving games i have one and i have not got a driving game yet were it does not work.
  • my cousin has one and it works with just about all driving games
  • Metal gear online help??? PLEASE ANSWER!?

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  • so I have not got the expansion, just so you know.

    ok so i have about 600 rewards, and i'm trying to get into the reward shop, but i can't. I select "reward shop", then it takes me to the screen where you select your language. I select english, and it takes me to the homepage of the official website. please tell me why it's doing this. best answer gets 10 points.
  • There was a major screw up with Konami's servers when they launched the new expansion. Although you see an option for the reward shop, you cannot access it at this time.

    Konami just fixed the MGO Shop, but have been unable to fix the Reward Shop yet. You can read about it when you start up MGO. They update you on the current status of the problem (yesterday they fixed the reward shop) and tell you whats going on.

    I wouldn't expect the reward shop to work for a while. Just keep saving up for a spending spree once they finally fix it.
  • you need to sign up with konami
  • I believe it's asking you to sign in with your Konami ID. I could be wrong though, as I'm not a fan of MGS online.
  • What do I need to know if I move my PS3 from EU to the USA.?

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  • I know all about regions restrictions, I want to know about power cords and any other complications that may occur when I move from Amsterdam to California.
  • Some PS3s have universal power supply, some don't. To be on the safe side, get a good, bulky converter (400W-500W). Don't buy cheap lightweight ones, they won't hold it. Mine weighs around 3kg. If you plan to run it on SDTV - make sure it supports PAL signal. It's not important for HDTVs.
  • Sneaky ninja extra BA reply;

    You will need Europe->USA Voltage and plug converters. These can be purchased at the Airport before you leave. If unsure, you can always ask the sales clerk.

    ;3 Thanks for the extra BA invite.
  • everything should be the same just get a power adapter because our power ports are different then yours. Oh and ad tacoslave to your friends on PS3.
  • you will need to get all of the new cables and things like that, or ur ps3 will overheat
  • What do you think the top 5 greatest games of all time are?

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  • i believe its:

    1. The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time- was overall an epic experience

    2. Mario Bros.- a game that saved video games

    3. Final Fantay VII- epic storyline and a game to remember

    4. God of War- a game that would change the way we look at action games

    5. Halo- redifined the first person shooter. it started a fenomenon
  • 1). Tetris - still a bestseller;

    2). Doom - first FPS as we know it;

    3). Max Payne - a perfect example of a perfect TPS;

    4). GTA III - a revolutionary breakthrough;

    5). Street Fighter - perfect fighting game of it's time.
  • 1. All Of The Legend Of Zelda Games!!!

    2. Golden Sun The Best Handheld RPG Of All Time

    3. God Of War

    4. Half Life 2 = AWESOME!!!

    5. Mario Bros.

    P.S. Comment Me Anyone If U Like My List!!!! Report Abuse
  • 1. San Andreas- The pure scale of the game and not to mention the missions that really mixed up the whole checkpoints and killing people GTA staples. Remember when you broke into Area 69!? and driving up the back of the plane and killing everyone on board?

    2. Halo Combat Evolved- It really did re-invent the FPS genre, its a pity most other FPS games are just trying to copy it and not re-invent further.

    3. MGS - The first 3D stealth game and the first real MGS game [im counting out MG and MG2] the bosses were amazing as well as the graphics. Especially Phsyco Mantis.

    4. Pokemon Blue Version - The first really decent Game Boy game and a game that I still play on my PSP today.

    Hmmm... Now the last one this is tough, i dont want to count out any good games. The runners up for number 5 were Jak 2, Bully and Fahrenheit [Indigo Prophecy], Oblivion and God Of war.

    But this is number 5:

    5. Hitman Blood Money- Sure its exciting doing the stealth in Splinter Cell and MGS but the most tense stealth is always in Hitman games. Assassins Creed tried to pull off social stealth but nothing compares to waring a stolenn policemans clothes in an opera house knowiung that the dead policmean was hidden in a room upstairs, the fake gun used in the performance was swapped for a live on and the chandelier above your head is rigged with explosives. Hitman games create tension like no other game out there.
  • 1. Donkey Kong just that good it never gets old

    2.GTA San Andreas do i need to say more

    3. Metal Gear Solid first of a kind

    4. God of War Yeah

    5. Hitman Silent Assassin the stealth and disguise it has to be on it

    Honorable Mentions

    Halo 2

    Super Mario 64
  • 1. Grand theft auto: Vice City (Playstation 2)

    2. Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots (Playstation 3)

    3. God of War (Playstation 2)

    4. The Sims/The Sims 2 (PC)

    5. Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (Playstation 3/ Xbox 360)
  • 1-Final Fantasy X

    2-Metal Gear Solid 3

    3-Resident evil 1

    4-Oblivion: The elder's scroll

    5-Metal Gear Solid 1
  • um. i think

    1. Legend of zelda ocarina of time

    2.Ratchet and Clank: up ur arsenal(havent played tools of destruction yet)

    3. Super smash bros

    4.Star Fox 64

  • 1. Mike Tyson's Punch Out

    2. Super Mario World

    3. Mortal Kombat 2

    4. Resident Evil

    5. Tetris
  • in no order

    Mario Bros - the first one

    The Sims (for the PC) or Sims online when it first came out

    Final Fantasy (the old school ones)

    Any Zelda game for the old Nintendo or Super Nintendo

    Xanadu for the first Nintendo
  • Killer Instinct---in my eyes, reinvented the fighter genre

    Pacman---so addicting

    Super mario 64---the best mario ever

    Medal of honor---started the war shooter trend

    Fear effect---first game I ever heard cursing in.
  • street fighter

    mortal kombat



    shadow of the colossus

  • I love you for having your picture.... LP rocks!

    I think some supersmash should be up there...that game is awesome
  • ?
  • How can I get my w-fi connection to work on my PS3?

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  • I bought it second-hand from a private owner, and now when I try to connect to the internet it says I need a connection. It is a 40 gig with reverse compatibility. I have a wireless router in my home, and I know the signal is fine, as I use my laptop in the room the console is in constantly. Any suggestions?
  • well u set it up like this

    1.) go to network settings

    2.) put easy, wirless, whatever your router name is

    3.) put if it had a security( if it doesnt just put none)

    4.) save and test

  • go to network settings

    2.) put custom wirless,

    3.) choose scan and it should appear

    4.) after keep going right and choose test connection

    if it say internet succeeded any internet requiring option should work

  • uh.. not sure, do you have security on ur laptop, like a WEP key or something, u need to find that and enter it so the ps3 can us your laptops signal..other than that..not sure
  • It looks like PlayStation Home’s going to be delayed again?

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  • SCE president Kaz Hirai has said the launch date ‘doesn’t matter’ and that it won’t launch till everything’s perfect.

    The Sony boss, who was speaking to MCV, attempted to reassure gamers that a delay was for their own benefit.

    “I’d much rather make sure we take the time to have a great service rather than rush something into the market – only for consumers to say: ‘This is not enough for me.’ I want to avoid that.

    If we have the right service, it doesn’t matter when we launch – so long as it’s in a reasonable timeframe.”

    With Microsoft unveiling their avatars on the Xbox 360, Sony’s got more competition than ever in the ’social gaming’ space, but Hirai believes PlayStation Home is something else. Something special.

    “Given the fact that I’ve delayed the launch of Home twice – for which I’ve apologised – I think I’ve done it for a very good reason, and that’s because I want to bring the very best service possible to consumers around the world.

    We’re very confident in wh
  • Good games must take time to be developed. I prefer to wait than to get a collection of bugs'n'lags. Patience, my friend...
  • what's the question? anyway i think they're right. would you rather have it come out sooner with flaws or later without? i say let them take as much time needed to make it better!
  • slow and steady wins the race i think i can wait another year for HOMe and i dont own a ps3 yet still a ps2
  • Dam sony >:(

  • yeah..lets just wait :)
  • yeah its pissing me off too
  • First off, I assume you read the whole story about this like I did and are not taking anything out of context. I myself, when I first heard of this story, read that Kaz also said that the open beta was still scheduled for autumn. So that has not changed. If the full non-beta version is to be delayed, then that's fine. I ULTIMATELY JUST NEED SOMETHING NOW!!!!!

    Secondly, to all of you who are just saying "Oh let's just wait and it will be perfect", well aren't we all damn tired of waiting? Let me make my point by saying that I heard about and wanted Home this time last year, 5 MONTHS BEFORE I GOT MY PS3!!!!! And if all of you keep making excuses for Sony, we'll have Home real soon. IN TIME FOR PS4!!!!! I'm tired of hearing people telling me and people like me to stop bitchin'. Too late, and if all the rest of you have to is stick up for Sony and give them more reasons to delay it, then that's all that will happen.

    *end rant*
  • I got gamshark wheel and pedals for ps3 ?..?

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  • i got gamshark wheel and pedals for ps3 ?.. and i just got it and i tried motorstorm out on it and gas pedal was nos and brake was horn????? how do i fix this???????????????????????????
  • Change the button configuration on the steering wheel itself. There should be a button that says program. At least there is for MAD CATZ. I like SIXAXIS on that game though.
  • Do you need the ps3 remote control to play the ps3?

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  • in the main menu do i have to use the ps3 remote control or can i do it with the ps3 contoller?
  • You can use the controller for everything on the PS3 - even for playing movies.

    In general, use the d-pad to move around in the menus, and the [x] button for making your selection.

    While watching movies, again, use the d-pad to move around the menus and the [x] button to make a selection. The triggers are for FF/Rew and the top bumpers are for skipping a chapter forward or backwards. Works pretty well. Hit the Select button to bring up a more comprehensive on-screen menu system to access other lesser-used buttons that you would find on the PS3 DVD remote, such as A<->B, or Zoom. Realistically though, the controller's buttons cover most of the most common commands you'll need.
  • the ps3 controller can perform all functions for movies.
  • Try both see what happens .. =)
  • Should i buy Lost The Game for ps3?

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  • Ive seen alot of reviews and im not sure what to belive.

    Please try and help me.
  • No, its appaling, the visuals are pretty decent, but the game paly is cruddy.

    currently the most good it will done is be a trade-in to get LittleBigPlanet.
  • why not check some game play on youtube or something. usually they'll have something like that on there. I heard that it had too much dialoge and wasn't very fun cause all you did was go around and talk back and forth with people from the show and the others. too much dialoge in games = boredom
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • nahh games based off of TV shows are terrable, I got survivor, the office, and american idol and they all suck!
  • No, it is very very bad game.
  • NO!!!!
  • Was the title gears of war a rip off of god of war?

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  • i mean both titles gears of war and god of war are way to similar. and god of war did come first so....
  • OH the titles, everyone probably thinks the games

    Its just a lot of games have the war in it, they are both war games,

    Initials are the same tho GOW, but they are both on dif systems so type GOW ps2 or GOW xbox

    Who cares about titles anyway?

    its the game that matters!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • One is based on Greek Mythology, the other is a tactical third-person shooter in a warzone...

    yeah, umm a total rip-off!
  • No not at all, but I do get confused when people type GoW and you dont know which is which.
  • theyre not even a similar game
  • No, it's probably just a coincidence.
  • Not at all. There two completely different games.
  • How long is an average ps3 estimated to last before it breaks?

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  • not sure, but ive had my ps2 for a long time and its fine..if its in a good environment and not played to long and burn up, ill say over 10 yers
  • If you follow all of the directions for keeping the PS3 clean, it will last a long long time. I have had one since it first came out and it's going fine. It's still like it's right out of the box.

    PS3 also has a very small failure rate when compared to the 30% of XBox 360.

    Some things to keep in mind when handling the PS3:

    1) Keep in an open space. Don't have it right up against the wall because the hot air will just come back in on it.

    2) Keep the PS3's outside dust free. Just take a small cloth and wipe the outside and clear the vents.

    3) Don't turn the PS3 off on the back switch while the system is still running. Put it in standby mode first.

    4) Always follow the directions listed with the PS3 and do not turn it upside down. Standing it vertical does help ventilate it a little more.

    Follow those rules and the PS3 will last you this whole console generation and longer.
  • If you take care of it and don't abuse it, it will last a lifetime! Just look at the ps3's predecessors there are still people playing ps1s and especially ps2 now. With good care they will last for a very long time. I still have an Atari that works and on occasion I take it out and give it a whirl, and that was from the 70's era. Hope this helps you and have fun gaming!!
  • Based on my experience with the previous incarnations---until the PS4.

    I had a PS1...that was trouble free til I got my PS2 on launch day. My PS2 lasted until the PS3 launch. No problems beyond using compressed air to blow dust out of the tray and fan a few times.

    Sony makes solid products.
  • I have had mine over one year,used daily average of three hours,and it has been working flawlessly.
  • gta san andreas broke my ps2 but my ps1 works still. i got it in 1995 but i have to flip it upside down for it to work
  • it will only break if you break it or if u play so much you burn it
  • 10+ years if kept in a well environment.
  • Take care of it and it will live longer than Dick Clark.
  • until the ps4 comes out if its kept nicely
  • Friday, July 25, 2008

    In Rainbow six vegas 1 (ps3) is there 2 player splitscreen?

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  • yes regrettably there is two player split screen
  • yer
  • Is PS3 really worth it? (Help needed) 10 points to the person who helps me?

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  • I recently put a PS3 on lay away, I live in Australia and I got it at Big W for $688Au

    I have alot of PS2 games, I would be getting a 40gb which is not compadable with PS2 games like PS2 is with PS1, I would only be buying PS3 for GTA 4 and afew other games

    what I want to know is:

    Is set up easy like PS2, turn it on and play instantly and don't need to muck around going crap like updates and stuff

    Can you use PS3 internet if you do not have internet connection, can you browse internet still if you don't connect

    Do you really need to use internet on PS3 if you just wanna play GTA 4, do you really need to connect all that crap up

    What does PS3 require to work ok, I am not looking for anything fancy, just basic, for simply playing games and that is it, no internet because i can use computer, would it still work ok

    Is the PS3 like PS2 where you can play for hours on end

    Can you save stuff to PS3, where do memory cards go

    No computer talk plz, Might not understand
  • 1. Yes, the PS3 is very easy to set up. There are updates for the PS3 and if you have your PS3 connected to the Internet, it will automatically tell you when you have an update to download. You can also visit the Official Playstation website to download the updates to a USB drive and update your PS3 that way if your PS3 wont be connected to the internet, it's very simple.

    2. You can't browse the web if the PS3 isn't connected to the Internet.

    3. No, you don't have to use the internet on the PS3 if you just want to play GTA4. If you don't have your PS3 connected to the Internet, you'll be able to just play the single player portion of the game like the other GTA games on the PS2.

    4. The only thing that's required for the PS3 to work is the A/V cables that plug into the back of the television and the power cord that plugs the PS3 into the wall outlet. It's just like the PS2, there isn't anything fancy needed to play the PS3.

    5. Yes, you can play the PS3 for hours on end, you don't need to give the PS3 rest breaks or anything because it's very reliable. I've played my PS3 for many hours non-stop with no issues.

    6. Yes, you can save stuff on the PS3. You can put videos, movies, and music on the PS3. The PS3 doesn't use Memory Cards, everything is saved on the Hard drive.

    And yes, the PS3 is worth it.
  • it is awsome and then some ! get it..
  • 1. Yes, set up is easy, you just need to plug the component video cable into your tv (red, yellow, white), and plug in the power cord into the outlet and you're set to go.

    2. If you don't have an internet connection you can't get online. This is true for all peripherals, including the computer.

    3. No, you don't need the internet to play GTA4 single player campaign. It'll be just like playing GTA san andreas on PS2.

    4. Everything you need to get the PS3 working comes in the box. All I use is the 3 colored component video cable and the power cord (none of the fancy HDMI stuff).

    5. Yes, you can play for many hours on end, but since the PS3 generates a bit more heat than the PS2 you should moniter the heat in the area. I've played for about 4 hours straight and it worked just fine.

    6. You can save stuff directly to the hard drive, so you don't need memory cards. You can also save movies, music and pictures to view them on your tv.
  • Ok, My dad just bought the PS3 for me.

    Its quite easy to set it up, its simple to set up plug in the cables, but my dad likes taking out the cables, because one of them uses the TV plug.

    Not sure bout the internet I have PSP and I need the connection to get on the internat.

    no you dont need the net to play games, I have Gran Turmismo Proluge, and it doesnt require the net.

    You can play for hours.

    No memory cards. PS3 has it built in.

    and you can play up to 6 people with the wireless remotes :D

    Dont forget you can play blueray discs in the PS3 and watch High-def movies.
  • PS3 PROS

    1)the ps3 has a built-in blue-ray dvd player which is also used for its games (you have to pay for an xbox hd dvd player) (some blue-ray players by themself can cost up to 800$$$

    2)built in wireless internet (you need to buy the wireless adapter for the xbox)

    3)music can be ripped into the ps3

    4)ps2 and ps1 titles can be played

    5)controllers have six-axis motion system and are bluetooth wireless up to 7 players + the new dual shock 3 has the vibration thingy (rumble)

    6)internet browser built into ps3

    7)files can be accessed by psp through wireless network

    8)is the most advanced gaming system on the market

    9)best graphics - up to 1080p

    10)dont have to pay for online gaming

    11)some arcade style games can be downloaded

    12)movies will eventually be available for download

    ps3 is the really worth every single cent, its an amazing system. u look quite new to these stuff, ps3 is the best for you!!!! Xbox 360 sucks (don't even think of getting it, it has a high failure rate, meaning that it can break easily unlike the ps3)
  • 1. It is very easy to set up, just like the PS2. Updates are optional, which you can get if you connect the PS3 online. You may need updates for some games.

    2. You cannot go on Playstation Internet(it's called PSN) without connecting on it a computer.

    3. You don't have to go online to play GTA IV, but if you want to it is very fun. You can play with others around the country by going online with the game.

    4. All that is required is a TV and a wall outlet. Nothing special, the things explained above are all optional.

    5. You can play PS3 for a very long time and it won't heat up.

    6. Games are saved into a hardrive(HDD). It's like a built-in memory card.

    I encourage you to go on PSN (online PS3). It is totally free and all you need is an Ethernet cable(you can ask about that later). You can play games with others, chat, get updates, play free demos, buy movies etc. Also, Playstation Home is releaseing soon! (search that on
  • its easy to set-up and use, there are a lot of updates which are easy but you can only use them if you have an internet connection

    to use the internet browser on the system you need a connection in your house

    you dont need to be connected to the internet, only if you want to play online

    all you need is a tv and an electrical outlet

    yes, you can play for hours on end

    u dont need memory cards anymore there is internal memory, hence 40gb, the games save on the hard drive
  • It is not overated, some can't afford it, or can't get their parents to buy it, then say it is overated just to make themselves feel better. If you can get it, It is well worth the money.

    Seriously, the Internet connection is a MAJOR part of the PS3. Without it, allot of the benefits of it, are rendered useless. Also without the internet connection, chances are, allot of the games will not work due to the fact the PS3 cannot update itself, or receive required game patches. I know this from experience after loaning my GTAIV to a friend without a connected PS3, the next day I had to download the 2.41 update for him on a USB stick for him to be able to play.

    My advice to you would be if you would every decide to get an internet connection for the PS3, then go ahead and get it. Otherwise, stick to your PS2 for as long a Sony supports it.
  • Yes it is worth it. For one it is basically a gaming super computer.

    ames like mgs4 and gt5 prologue wouldn't be

    posible if the ps3 wasn't out because not even the 'big and bad 360' can handle them. (if u don't believe me then ask the producers them self, u can contact them from their game websites)

    and here is a fun fact for the day: IBM's new super computer

    is using the cell for the processor.(check x play, cnet, and ibm's website for proof)

    The games coming out are awsome

    ps3 is much better games coming out exclusives:

    little big planet


    god of war 3

    socom confortation

    motorstorm 2

    and ones out

    mgs 4



    and 360 has a 33% chance of dieng ps3 only aroun 1% so ps3 is better

    and it really is cheaper than the Xbox 360 because the PS3 is everything put together

    360 you have to buy everything seperate and the controllers you have to buy batteries for

    the PS network is free but xbox live you have to pay

  • Why dont you get the 80gb so you can play your ps2 games? or maybe the 20gb one or the 60? All of the models can play ps1 games though..It worth it..You can do a lot of stuff on it..

    Yes its easy to set up..You just need to update your ps3 via usb or internet..

    No you cant browse internet if you dont have connection.

    No you dont need to have internet if you just want to play gta4,but you have some update when you buy gta 4 and you install it and then some update for the game, thats some time you need connection to update.. But if you want to play online then you need connection..But its your choice though..

    yes the ps3 will still work even if you dont have internet..

    Yes the ps3 is very reliable, it has 0.2% failure rate so you dont have to worry about playing for hours but you need yo put it on an open space area..

    Yes you can save stuff on ps3 like music,games,demos,videos and others.. No there is no memory card, It has a hard drive to save on so you dont need memory cards..

    yeah,thats all.. :) Its really worth it,

  • Yes it is as easy as the ps2 but you will need it updated to play newer games like GTA 4 but it will only take about 5 minutes

    No you need a connection to browse an go on playstation network

    No you don't need a connectipn to play it only if you want to play online

    Just the chords nothing fancy

    Yes but if you're planning to play a very long time you need a coolant system so it won't freeze

    No memory cards it saves on the hard drive it's a built in one
  • PS3 is overrated, and not worth the money wait untill it comes down in price like the ps2 did. I just stuck with my ps2 it hasent let me down.
  • i think its a waste. the only difference is the graphics and the price for the games.
  • Soul Calibur 4 Story Line?

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  • Hey I have never played a soul calibur game before could anyone tell me the story line so that i wont be confused with soul calibur 4
  • There have been 4 games already released in the "Soul Series" and while Soul Calibur 4 is the fourth Soul Calibur game it is the 6th game in the series.

    The order of games is this:

    Soul Edge

    Soul Calibur

    Soul Calibur 2

    Sould Calibur 3

    Soul Calbur: Legends [Wii exclusive]

    And then the upcoming Soul Calibur 4.

    They are all following a group of fighters with their own stories who are trying to attain the Soul Calibur and Soul Edge swords, one is evil and the other is good.
  • There isn't a story (or one that matters, at least).

    Just pick a character and then beat up your opponents one by one.
  • theres a evil sword and a good sword bad guys want evil sword good guys want good sword thats it
  • Is there any differences between the PS3 60 gb and 40 gb?

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  • Ok So I have a 60 gb PS3 and my friend has a 40 gb and I was just wondering besides the backward compatibility is there any difference? Did they upgrade any important features of the PS3? Is it a better model?
  • 1). 20GB has no chrome trim, no memory card reader and no wi-fi. Not manufactured anymore. Has the best backwards compatibility with PS2 games due to Emotion Engine (PS2's CPU) and Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU) installed.

    2). NTSC 60GB has the same backwards compatibility as 20GB version, also has memory card reader and wi-fi. Has a chrome trim. Not manufactured anymore.

    3). 80GB - extended memory, but reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games, it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played. Available only in NTSC regions.

    4). 40GB - can't play PS2 games at all (all PS2 chips were removed), has 2 USBs instead of 4, no memory card reader, has wi-fi. Avalable in black, silver and white colors. White and silver versions are on sale only in Japan. Uses 65nm technology (lower power consumption, other versions use 90nm). Improved cooling system. It's the latest version. 40GB doesn't support SACD (Super Audio Compact Disc). Has no chrome trim. Added self-cleaning function.

    5). PAL 60GB - reduced backwards compatibility with PS2 games. it has only Graphics Synthesizer (PS2's GPU). Around 60-70% of PS2 games can be played.

    Wi-fi included in all models, except 20GB.

    6). There is a new 80GB model coming this Fall. It's the same as 40GB model, but with a larger HDD.

    They are all based on Blu-ray. They all play PS1 games. Apart from the differences listed above - they are the same.
  • some of you people need to get laid Report Abuse

    Its a totally real website where you can get free stuff for putting in fake information to websites.

    The best part is, NO CREDIT CARD REQUIRED!!! Report Abuse
  • besides the obvious hard drive size and backwards compatibility, it only has 2 usb ports vs 4 for the 60gb. The 40gb also does NOT have the memory card slots, 60gb does.
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Which ps3 game should i get?

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  • ok, well, im buying a ps3, and would like to know which game i should get. Here is my list of thoughts. Please dont reccomend any other games.

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

    Resistance Fall of Man

    Splinter Cell Double Agent

    Timeshift (i think this one looks really good.)

    Army of Two

    Whichever one you think i should get, please tell me why i should get it. Thanks!
  • Those are all old or a bit crap.

    But the best three are

    GRAW 2




    Timeshift was a really good idea and the whole feel of the dystopian future in the game is really good, the set pieces are very atmospheric.

    However the graphics are bad, the game is short and the controls are hard too. Plus the puzzles are all pointless because you can just press a button and it gives you the types of time travel you need to solve it, removing all thought.

    Resistance Fall Of Man is really good, a classic. And you will need it if you are going to get Resistance 2 in a few months [which you should] its just a bit old.

    Army Of Two is only good with a friend and extremely short, like Timeshift it has really great set pieces and the environment keeps changing but we blew threw it in one afternoon on Hard mode.

    Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter is amazing, the graphics are pretty good for when it was released, last summer/fall and the gameplayt is really tense. The controls seem complicated at first but you get used to them. The game is good because it makes it very hard by making the bullet damage almost realistic [completely so on harder dificulties] but then it gives you all this equipment to make it much easier and balance it out. My favourite thing to do is to use the UAV to find all the enemies and then take them out with an anti-material sniper rifle through the wall.

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2 is really good for online coop and multiplayer as well as offline coop but if you play it on your own its a little less fun.

    I havent played Double Agent but i have read a few reviews and I hear the moral choice system is interesting, if a little shallow, but to be honest if you want a stealth game MGS4 is the way to go.


    I know you didn't ask for any suggestions but if you change your mind here are the top 3 crrent and upcoming games[before the end of the year]:



    GTA 4

    CoD 4



    Resistance 2

    Fallout 3
  • the timeshift one you said that looks really good is really bad by the way non of those games attract me really i think you should get call of duty 4, or uncharted drakes fortune if your in to shooters.

    if you want to see how good a game is go on to gamespot or ign they rate every game on very console hope i helped#!
  • Rainbow six vegas is awsome if you like kinda of cartoonish shooters its pretty good but i think you should go with resistance its one great game and the online is awsome
  • yeah timeshift does look good but not tat much rating but resistance have more ratings then timeshift and resistance does look good too so how bout get 2 of them, if u did get resistance, get resistances 2 coming out this nov.
  • I'm confused about Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of The Patriots.?

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  • I'm in the middle of Act II, and am still confused. Don't copy and paste no wikipedia stuff, I already read that. Basically, who are the two sides fighting and why are there private military corps? Who are "The Patriots" and who is Liquid Snake?
  • stupid noobs...or just stupid ppl..ur choice.

    the two sides fighting are the pmc vs. the rebel (south america in act 2, middle east in act 1). the patriots are a small group of men who basically control all military like functions. they control the pmc. and the rebels are like i dont wanna be controlled. its be controlled or be killed. the patriots want to have total control...liquid OCELOT wants that.

    liquid snake is solid snakes brother. they both came from big boss. if u played mgs3...the snake in that game (naked snake aka big boss after killing the boss) and eva (big mama of act 3)...those are her kids.
  • the story has played out for 4 games , so if you haven;t followed it, you would be pretty confused, it would take 10 pages to update you on everything.the private corps are cheaper than full armies . they are mercenaries. the patriots are a gruop that is like the masons. they are trying to control everything through the media and other means. hope this little bit is some help.
  • if you read the wiki pedia then you should know who liquid and the patriots, and you should have already known who they are, before you started playing, play metal gear solid 1,2,3
  • Download Metal Gear Data Base that will help you.

    If you want me to tell you who the patriots ill tell you.
  • you will find out soon enough kept playing if I told you who the patriots are it will spoil it for you
  • How much for all these Ps2 games?

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  • I have 37 ps2 games I'm going to put on ebay and I don't know what I should put as a starting price and buy it now price. They all work fine except one which works half the time. They're all PAL format so please put your prices in £'s. Thanks.

    Also alot of them were popular when they were released. If that makes a difference.
  • Smackdown vs. Raw $9.99

    Smackdown Just bring it $7.99

    Smackdown Shut your Mouth $9.99

    Smackdown Here comes the Pain $9.99

    Stuntman $3.99

    Extreme G Racing $5.99

    Spiderman 2 $6.99

    Batman Begins $9.99

    Superman Returns $9.99

    Sims Bustin Out $11

    Tony Hawk 3 Tony Hawk $2.99

    Tony Hawk 4 $4.99

    Tony Hawk Underground 2 $5.99

    Tony Hawk Underground $4.00

    Devil may cry 9.99


    The rest unknown

    the rest of these games are so old nobody may buy them

    If I were you I would just sell them to GameStop or something like that you would get ur money faster
  • Sell it at 90$ together sell seperately at 4$a piece for the newer games 3$ for older

    sell it at gamestop and get an easy 60-75$ because your not guaranteed to have buyers on ebay especially ps2 games
  • Start ur bid at one dollar or whatever that thing is. And the selling price is always reasonable when the buyers choose the price
  • My friends ps2 has a phone jack in the back of it and mine dosent why is this?

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  • and how would i connect my ps2 to the internet i have a 2wire wireless router could i get a adapter that would hook up to the usb port or do i have to have the phone jack int he back
  • Sony has a habit of making minor adjusments or redesigns of their consoles as their life progresses. This is why the PS2 currently in market is much smaller than the original launch release version. This is the same with PS3s, some PS3s depending on model and costs have different components (ie. memory card slot, additional usb ports).

    Sony probably removed equipment such as the ethernet connection because of space or usage. Nintendo did this too many years ago when they redesigned the NES and SNES consoles and removed certain aspects.
  • Your friend's PS2 is the slimline version, with an Ethernet port.

    You'll need a USB wireless gaming adapter. You can get them at any game store.

    If you want to go wired (less lag and it's cheaper too), you can try to find an ethernet adaptor for the old PS2, then get an ethernet cable to hook it to your router.

    EDIT: It's not a phone jack, it's an Ethernet port for high-speed internet. Doesn't plug into the phone line.
  • he probably has the slim edition.......that one comes with a built in "ETHERNET" outlet.......if you have the older one...(bulky) then you need to buy the adapter.......

    only that way you can hook it up tho the Internet
  • you have to get a network adapter. and your connection has to be wired with the ps2. and its actually an ethernet cable not a phone jack
  • PS2's Can't go on the Internet Only Xbox 360, WII & PS3's can go on the internet.
  • Is final fantasy versus XIII coming to xbox?

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  • i know XIII is but i really hope versus isn't
  • No, though I'm pretty sure Squaresoft will eventually bring it over to the 360.

    It's sister game, Final Fantasy XIII is going on to the Xbox 360, though.
  • no

    Please help I'm desperate;...
  • I'm sorry, i am not answering this. I am confused at the question. I love XIII!!!! What's this all about? I am more confused than you.
  • No, versus will not be on the 360, It will stay a ps3 exclusive.
  • no its a PS3 exclusive.
  • Great question for this PLAYSTATION!!! forum. If I'm on here, I care not a thing in the world about the GAYBOX.
  • yes its going to be the first one out of entire franchise to play on that system
  • Can the ps3 disc be scratch ?

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  • my friend says that how do you know that the blue ray disc can be scratch ? but i don't have enough reason to back it up so i am asking you guys to help me. is it true if so can you give me a link to show to my dear friend? thank you very much.
  • Well yes, anything can be scratched. But a Blu-Ray is harder to scratch because blu-rays have an extra, more protective coating to prevent it from being scratched so easily. You can even use steel wool, and even BURN it and it will still work.

    Why? Because all the data in the bluray is stored near the surface of the disk, unlike traditional CDs and DVDs. :]
  • If you don't believe a blu-ray can be scratched, get a paper clip and think about dragging it across the disc. I bet you decide not to. Trust me, don't do it. They're no more sturdy than DVD's or CD's.

    You don't need a link to prove something like this. It would be like proving water is wet.
  • Yes, they can be scratched, but it's difficult. Sony has added a protective coating to the discs because the data is stored near the surface. It can even take steelwool, according to tests, but I don't think it would be worth the $60 to try it out.
  • anything can be scratched. it's resistance to scratches might be high, considering the cost. but it's stupid to say something cannot be physically affected like a scratch.
  • yes, but unlike regular discs, blu-ray discs can resist scratches better. But it still does get scratched if mishandled.
  • yea it can be but its more difficult than regular discs due to an extra coating over it.
  • unless the disk is made from diamond then yes, it can be scratched
  • i agree, anything can be scratched
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • Once you completed GTA 4, what is the point of playing it again?

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  • people saying its still sick... i completed 60% it was short and wack.
  • I'm guessing that's the only game you have, since you seem so bored with it. I do admit that I was disappointed with the multiplayer option, but that's just 'cuz gta games don't seem to fit with online gaming. Anyway, just get a new game, and later on down the road, you'll see that you'll need to play gta4 again.
  • Hmm, killing sprees? Multiplayer online? You don't have to play a game 32 times in a row you know. That's like saying what do you do once you finish Final Fantasy VII? Well, you wait a year, then you play it again! If you're bored with the game buy a new one, no game has infinite replay value you know.
  • I get bored of it sometimes, ever heard of a bigger game collection?

    play other games, and when you feel like playing GTA just play it.
  • Side Missions Beating your friends in the activities

    Exterminating Pigeons

    Completing Random Charater Missions

    Try to get 100% completness
  • The sandbox enviroment allows for endless hours of pointless stunt driving & pointless murder.
  • no point really. but you can trade it for another title.
  • I stopped playing when i hit the last mission (kinda pain in the *** if you ask me). I do killing sprees. They're entertaining enough.
  • well have you try online million of players have played online and thought it was awesome maybe that why they are still playing it.
  • Practice...

    Just go to another game for a while when you get back to GTA4 it will be fun agian.

    Try Oblivion
  • there isnt any point
  • Any one else regret buying PS3?

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  • I bought it to only to play GTA 4 but it sucked, ,

    am i outgrown from video games?
  • No. It seems that you are focused on something else rather than video games. Age has nothing to do with it. But then again, if you buy an entire system for only one game, then of course you'd be regretting it, no one in the correct state of mind makes a purchase of this caliber for only one game.
  • why don't you try buying other games like call of duty 4, resistance, motorstorm, metal gear solid 4, ratchet and clank, uncharted drake's fortune, these are all great games and if you just buy a ps3 just for one game. then you shouldn't even buy a ps3 just get a 360 b rent the game then when you are done sell everything.
  • I dont regret buying the ps3, but I do regret getting my hopes up for gta4. Gta4 and Gran Turismo are the main reasons I bought my ps3 and then neither one were released on time. As for the ps3, its not perfect. I have an 80gig system that is not in an entertainment center and there is pleanty of room around it, but it overheated and died. Sony has been real helpful and they are sending a box so I can ship it back to them. This machine is 10 months old and has seen many, many hours of cod4 ( 8-10 hours at a time somtimes ) My advice would be dont regret getting the machine but if you are going to game hard get some extra air moving around to keep it cool.
  • No, but maybe you should try playing PS3 exclusives before you pass judgement? Try Uncharted or Metal Gear solid 4. GTA IV is multi-platform, it doesn't represent the PS3 at all.
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Certainly not!!!! (Unless your 6' under that is)

    So unless you are some kind of undead creature then you should NEVER outgrow video games!!!
  • it def. dissapointed me, thats why i got a 360 and got LIVE and ive been having a blast. but i play MGS every once in a while.
  • uh no. And if those are wack, id like to know what games you do like playing so i can call those wack.
  • you are just bored of gta. get another game.
  • Ask me that after Home comes out.
  • Thursday, July 24, 2008

    PSP setup internet help!?

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  • Okay well i have a computer in my room. and i want to use the internet in my PSP. but when i scan it, usually it's a differnt connection from my computer. How can i get the connection from my computer to my PSP. I have internet but it wont show when i scan it on my PSP. Any help/tips for me to get it on my PSP? i know i have internet but it wont show when i scan it.
  • Ok, first of all you have to have a wireless router. In my house we have 1 computer and two laptops. The wireless router gives a wireless connection to our laptops, Xbox 360, and PSP. Make sure you have one. If you don't you need to buy one, and have a company install it. After that you need to pay a monthly bill. We pay about $50 a month.(verizon) Then you should scan it, and find a connection. Go through all the settings. A quick tip, put no WAP settings. I hope this helps you, and helps me.....10!
  • Ebay playstation 3 advice?

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  • so im selling my 40gb on ebay

    and im thinking about adding 3 games all i need is 300 bucks the games are call of duty 4, strangleholde hold, and kane and lynch should i put all of them in for the bid and if not which ones and when should i start the bid plz help
  • Start the bid at $200.00

    Your guaranteed to get at least that,

    Then wait a while for some furious eBay bidders to spot the item and they'll do the work for you.

    I'd be surprised if you didn't get at least $300.00 if not more

    Personally, I'd pay like . . . umm . . . $350+

    Good luck to you !!
  • nice start your bid at 300 so you can at least get what your looking for. it will sell fast cause some PS3 for just the PS3 r 400 or more
  • i was gonna ask the same thing, go seperate
  • When the core pack comes out will the Metal Gear Solid 4 Bundle still be in stores?

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  • ok since we all know the core pack PS3 that is coming out this Sept. 2008 I just want to know since the core pack PS3 is not going to be PS2 compatible and like i really want to buy a PS3 that is an 80GB that can play my PS2 games. Ok my question is that will the when the new 80gb comes out, will the old 80gb be available at the new price?
  • In September the 80gb price will be $400 and will not be backwards compatible and that will be the only PS3 available to buy.
  • i think yeah like between 350-450

    May be...
  • Ok, well what ps3 games have bots if you want to play multiplayer (offline). i mean, like, say you only have 2 humans playing, which games let you add in other computer players? It might sound confusing...Sorry!
  • Unreal Tournament should have them.
  • Maybe UnreaL tOURNAMENT.
  • uuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh?????????????????
  • Medal of Honor: Rising Sun has them for PS2.
  • none do yet
  • I'm not sure it's a little hard to think of one.
  • PlayStation Network question.....?

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  • I noticed you can download PSP demos and PS3 demos. What does downloading PSP demos on PS3 going to do? Whats the point of that?

    I bought a PSP an hour ago. Do I like link the PSP and PS3 together to download it?
  • 1.) Download the psp demo off of the playstation store

    2.) Get a usb cable (any but make sure it works with the psp) and connect it to the ps3's usb port.

    3.) set your psp on usb mode.

    4.) click on the game you installed and it should be copying to your psp.
  • no just hit download on whatever gmae you want to download on the playstation store and it will download to your PS3 and then you put your memory card or plug in your PSP to your PS3 and download the demo from there. Keep the game on the PS3 just in case something happens to it or if any of your friends want the game too.
  • yea exactly use a usb cable
  • download it and u can copy it to ur psp using usb cord
  • What are the ps2 dualshock controller controls for gh3?

    May be...
  • And how (if possible) can u change them?
  • L2- green

    L1- red

    R1- yellow

    R2- blue

    O- orange (i think its O but it also could be X)

    it takes awhile to get used to it but i enjoy it just as much. you can't customize the controls. oh ya, you don't need to flick anything like on the guitar. just tap the button to hit the note
  • you can't customize the controls

    L2- green

    L1- red

    R2- yellow

    R1- blue

    X- orange...
  • Wednesday, July 23, 2008

    Should I get a US editon PS3 over eBay?

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  • So I was looking around eBay and I noticed that there was a PS3 for sale that had a power supply of 110v -220V. Is it advisable to get this US version of the PS3 or should I just buy one from Funan centre. I also just got word of the new 80GB PS3 talked about in E3 2008 from a friend that will be available in September, could someone confirm that it will also be available in Singapore?
  • As far as the power supply I wouldn't know what you use in singapore so I can't answer that part. But I would still buy a PS3 from your area even if it would work, this is because PS2 games, PS1 games, DVDs and some Blu ray discs are region locked. PS3 games are not region locked however and if that's all you plan on using your PS3 and the power supply will work in your area then go for it.

    Also I would recommend not buying a PS3 from ebay as it will be hard to get sony to honor a warranty in most cases if it breaks. Also there's a lot of scam artists on ebay.
  • Only buy it if you are American or you have the same power plugs as the Americans. Yes there will be a 80GB PS3 but don't know when it will be released. It should come out in Japan 1st then America Then the rest of the world. Rarely does something come out that gets released at the very same time in all countries. 2 games have been released around the world at the same time they are Halo 3 which sucked and Grand Theft Auto IV which kicked ar*e.
  • No I would just buy one in your area. That way it will be guarenteed to work in your area. You could have an issue with the power frequency and/or games and not be able to play it. Also the new 80GB that is coming out is basically just a 40GB that has double the storage space. It is reported that it is for North America only.
  • I would recommend you get one in your area, because if you want to play dvds on it, some dvds are region coded so you wont be able to play certain dvds from your area on your US ps3. And there will be a new 80gb ps3 but it will be the same as the 40gb ps3, just with more hard drive space.
  • yes its cheaper
  • How do you play PS3 online split screen with one PS3?

    May be...
  • Me and my bro want to play online with his PS3 in online mode instead of 2 players offline.
  • You can play two or even 4 player split screen online but you need the right game(s) two that I'm aware of that let you are Warhawk and Haze.
  • You can't play two players online at the same time on the same PS3 console on most games. If you want to play split screen you will have to play offline unless you have the games that are compatible with split screen online.
  • Sorry you cant but i wish you could you might be able to if Sony bring it out on the next update.
  • only Warhawk and Haze lets you do that so far
  • depends what game you want to play alot only do single player online on the one console