Saturday, January 31, 2009

I dont know what to buy a ps3 or xbox360???????

May be...
  • can you please tell me what to choose

    and why?????/

    please compare it to me

    bad and good
  • Here is some advice: PUT THIS IN THE VIDEO AND ONLINE GAMES SECTION, because if you ask this in the Playstation section, people are obviously going to say PS3.

    Why you should get a PS3 and NOT a Xbox 360 or Wii

    The expected lifetimes of current home video game consoles:

    Xbox 360--2005-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Wii-2006-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Playstation 3-2015 (Sony said they made it to last 10 years, so 2006+10 years=2016, round it down just to be safe), you'll get 7 years out of it.

    The PS3 is the obvious choice here. In short, it has better reliability, multimedia capabilities, a large list of exclusives and more coming out in 2009 and in the future, it will have over-the-top graphical capabilities (google “Heavy Rain”). And to those who say the Xbox 360 is cheaper, well then just look at the following list:

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blu-Ray player, which if you wanted one of equal value would blow at least a $700 hole in your wallet, plus a mean DVD-upconverter

    -Free online service, the Playstation Network, which is only a few steps behind Xbox Live these days

    -An ever-growing list of exclusives, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)

    -More flexible in terms of hardware, e.g. swappable HDD, USB mini cable, etc.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser

    -A super sleek system complete with chrome trim and a slot loading disc drive

    -HDMI 1.3, Xbox 360 only has HDMI 1.2 (major difference despite only a 0.1 difference)

    With the Xbox 360, you get:

    -DVD Player/upconverter

    -Xbox live, which is $50/year, and not even worth it

    -Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 (that’s a lot of exclusives compared to the PS3, if you ask me: P)

    -Umm…can’t really say anything about non-proprietaryness, because Microsoft inflates the prices for their accessories.

    -A 1 in 3 failure rate (it's not "if", it's "when")s

    -Many people are on their 5th or 6th 360's already because of RROD, and my friend is on his 11th!

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console $400

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Charger $2-10--any USB mini cable will do

    Total: $517 ($2 USB mini cable)

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Play and Charge kit x2 $60 (for 2 controllers)

    Xbox Live $60

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $640

    That’s not cheaper, so get a grip on it! Sony said that they made the PS3 to last a decade. The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future for much more brighter, detailed and massive environments.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    Also, many Xbox fanboys will say "Sure, LIVE is 50 bucks a year, but you get what you pay for." Isn't this like a Sony fanboy saying "Sure, PS3 is a 100 bucks more, but that is *pretty much* all you pay for, other than games?"

    So in conclusion, the PS3 is better—you get the most bang for your buck, and it's an incredibly advanced all-in-one home media center hub. You can even install Linux or Windows XP and use it as a computer-legally! While with the Xbox 360, Microsoft will ban your 360 from certain things, if you install the OS at all (just try to bypass the security).

    Hope this helps!


    --PS3 expert--


    Q: Why do they call it a "360"?

    A: It really does a 360:

    1) You get it

    2) It breaks down

    3) You ship it to Microsoft

    4) Wait 3-4 weeks

    5) Be happy, and start again from step 1.
  • I'm not going to tell you to get a PS3 over the Box. I will tell you this: The PS3 is more powerful than the Box, but that doesn't matter when developers are not using either to their full potential. The PS3 costs more, but once you buy everything on the Box that the PS3 comes with built in, you will end up paying more for the Box. That is the reason the PS3 costs more, it comes with more straight out of the box. Micro$oft is a computer company, so their online is better than the PS3 and is more interactive.

    Basically, most games come on both systems, so the thing that is going to determine which system you want to buy depends on the games you want to play. Which exclusive games do you want to play. If you want to play Halo, get the Box. If you want to play Metal Gear Solid 4, get the PS3. Only you can make this determination. If you don't care about the exclusive games, than base your decision on what exactly do you need (do you need a Blu-ray player?) and what can you afford (can you pay a little more now to get free online with the Ps3? Are you okay with paying a monthly online charge with the Box?).
  • I have both a PS3 and an Xbox and personally I play the Xbox way more. I love it because I can plug any device into it like my zune and it will play it during the game. I love it because it has amazing games like Gears of War, Dead Space, Bioshock, Mirrors Edge and Call of Duty. If you have an HD tv you'd probably want to go with the PS3 because of blu ray and games like Resistance and Uncharted.
  • It really comes down to the games you want to play. Both are pretty similar when it comes to graphics. A lot of games are on both platforms but your decision should be based on looking at what games are exclusive to each console and choosing what you would prefer.

    EDIT: Sorry I forgot, price is a factor too. PS3 is more expensive but I hear there will be a price drop soon.
  • I Have Both.. PS3 OWNZZ.. the XBOX is overate. i had mine for 3 weeks and 3 red lights come on indicating it was broke :S there is no warranty for this so if i wanted it fixed i would have to pay £120 :@ PS3 all the way,, it also has free internet and a web browser.. You have to pay for the internet on the xbox and you dont even get a web browser on it ^o).
  • Xbox 360:

    -Internet for money

    -Not a lot of space

    -Cant download full games only demos

    -remote is complicated in every game

    -No one is buying it anymore because it is losing buisness

    -Because u can make copies of the games which is illegal

    Playstation 3:

    -Get on internet free

    -Download full free games

    -Remote is light-weighted and easy to use

    -it is making a lot of maney because of it's specialties

    -It works only on blueray games which are impossible to copy even if u try


    GET IT?????????????

    WELCOME :)
  • Do you know on the xbox, the xbox live yes you have to pay for that but on the ps3 theres asimilar thing free
  • I have had both and i have to say from a gamepplay point of view there is no difference.

    However from an online point of view - xbox online is much better
  • Playstation 3 !

    Xbox is dieing slowly as blueray is taking over, Free Online, Built in wireless, More USB ports.
  • xbox360.
  • PS3 IS KICK A**
  • ps3 better graphics free online a hard drive blu ray better than 360
  • Can anyone help, i really need call of duty 5 save file for the PS3, i lost mine?

    May be...
  • Ok, so when i reformated my ps3 it kind of wiped out all my game data, and to be honest i dont mind about most of them because i dont play them anymore but Call of duty world at war is what im looking for, can anyone help??

    i really dont wana do the whole thing again.

    thanks. :)
  • I sorry you can't recover your date once you formatted. You should buy a usb flash drive so can back up you files that if something happen you wont lose everything.
  • If you needed that data, why did you format it, you cannot get anything back once you have formatted the PS3
  • Which Should I get ps3 xbox 360 or wii?

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  • i cant wait to get the new 400$ 80 gig ps3. my mom is goin to get me the ps3 with a 2nd dualshock 3 controller and a 60$ game. i dont know if i should get this it is rated 9 out of 10 on gamestop. i want u guys to persuave me.
  • PROS:

    PS3 -

    1. Free Online, keeps getting better. Soon to match Xbox Live.

    2. Full 1080p resolution

    3. Built In Blu Ray

    4. Cheaper HardDrives to Add [320GB for $80]

    5. Comes with a USB device to charge your Controller.

    6. Internet Browser

    7. Home and Life have a lot of potential to get better, FREE also.

    8. Browse Youtube with "TV" option. [Only Wii + PS3 have this]

    9. Might make a deal with Blockbuster to make something similar to Netflix with 360.

    10. 0.2% chance of failing. Most consumer products have a 2% fail rate.


    1. Netflix.

    2. 3 year warranty


    PS3 -

    1. New PS3's can't play PS2 games

    2. 1 year warranty

    3. Cost $150 to fix it if passed your 1 year warranty.

    Xbox360 -

    1. 33% fail rate meaning you can't play it and if you want to fix it you have to send it to microsoft for them to fix it and you will get it back approx. 3 WEEKS and has 33% of it failing again [PS3 has 0.2%]

    2. Pay for online gaming $50 a year

    3. Have to buy many add ons

    4. Buy a recharger for controllers.

    5. Cost more for HardDrive [60GB $100]

    6. Buy Wifi [$100]


    I bet xbox fanboys are giving it a low score in Gamestop that's why.
  • PS3 is the Best but find out what your friends have and if they have Xbox live you can play video games online with them and talk and it is reallly fun but Wii still has a chance because it is still a really good system but it doesn't have as good graphics and game features as a xbox or ps3 does because on wii call of duty it has terrible graphics and bad game features unlike the other 2. In all and all it just depends on what games you like E=Wii M=PS3 T=Xbox 360
  • the other pples are right, get a ps3... but also if you google, ps3 price drop, april... you get a lot of results... the ps3 is gonna have a 100 dollar price drop around spring time, it's not official, but many people are talking about it, and sony hasn't denied it (at least from what i know). so wait 2 months, and you get it 10 bucks cheaper.... but you get a free 3 year warranty, wich is worth the money, little things do happen to ps3's.
  • well, your parents know better... and a lot of people is figuring out how they can buy PS3. You are lucky your parents are getting it for you.. you can't complain.
  • I asked the same question and most people went for the ps3.
  • ps3
  • u should get the ps3 wii sucks 360 has red ring of death
  • Why you should get a PS3 and NOT a Xbox 360 or Wii

    The expected lifetimes of current home video game consoles:

    Xbox 360--2005-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Wii-2006-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Playstation 3-2015 (Sony said they made it to last 10 years, so 2006+10 years=2016, round it down just to be safe), you'll get 7 years out of it.

    The PS3 is the obvious choice here. In short, it has better reliability, multimedia capabilities, a large list of exclusives and more coming out in 2009 and in the future, it will have over-the-top graphical capabilities (google “Heavy Rain”). And to those who say the Xbox 360 is cheaper, well then just look at the following list:

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blu-Ray player, which if you wanted one of equal value would blow at least a $700 hole in your wallet, plus a mean DVD-upconverter

    -Free online service, the Playstation Network, which is only a few steps behind Xbox Live these days

    -An ever-growing list of exclusives, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)

    -More flexible in terms of hardware, e.g. swappable HDD, USB mini cable, etc.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser

    -A super sleek system complete with chrome trim and a slot loading disc drive

    -HDMI 1.3, Xbox 360 only has HDMI 1.2 (major difference despite only a 0.1 difference)

    With the Xbox 360, you get:

    -DVD Player/upconverter

    -Xbox live, which is $50/year, and not even worth it

    -Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 (that’s a lot of exclusives compared to the PS3, if you ask me: P)

    -Umm…can’t really say anything about non-proprietaryness, because Microsoft inflates the prices for their accessories.

    -A 1 in 3 failure rate (it's not "if", it's "when")s

    -Many people are on their 5th or 6th 360's already because of RROD, and my friend is on his 11th!

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console $400

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Charger $2-10--any USB mini cable will do

    Total: $517 ($2 USB mini cable)

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Play and Charge kit x2 $60 (for 2 controllers)

    Xbox Live $60

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $640

    That’s not cheaper, so get a grip on it! Sony said that they made the PS3 to last a decade. The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future for much more brighter, detailed and massive environments.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    Also, many Xbox fanboys will say "Sure, LIVE is 50 bucks a year, but you get what you pay for." Isn't this like a Sony fanboy saying "Sure, PS3 is a 100 bucks more, but that is *pretty much* all you pay for, other than games?"

    So in conclusion, the PS3 is better—you get the most bang for your buck, and it's an incredibly advanced all-in-one home media center hub. You can even install Linux or Windows XP and use it as a computer-legally! While with the Xbox 360, Microsoft will ban your 360 from certain things, if you install the OS at all (just try to bypass the security).

    Hope this helps!


    --PS3 expert--


    Q: Why do they call it a "360"?

    A: It really does a 360:

    1) You get it

    2) It breaks down

    3) You ship it to Microsoft

    4) Wait 3-4 weeks

    5) Be happy, and start again from step 1.
  • Which game do you think will be more successful??The conduit or Killzone 2?

    May be...
  • So Which game do you think will be more successful?? And which one uses their console exclusives potential?

    Me Personal I think the Conduit would do better.Killzone 2 is good and everything but come on every one knew the ps3 could have make a game like killzone 2.And every could easily make a good graphic game on the ps3.

    But in the conduit.I never knew and I am pretty sure no one else knew the wii was able to good visuals and graphic game.And I never thought a wii game could look good on grapics.

    Killzone 2(ps3)

    The Conduit(wii)

    So which game do you think would do better??
  • The Conduit will be more succesful because of all the hype for it. Killzone 2 though will also be great but The Conduit is looking much better. I am even considering getting the Wii Speak just to trash talk online! The graphics look amazing though won't really matter on my crappy 90's TV which sucks.
  • Wow, I wish I could have answered this lol. I haven't even heard of the Conduit, and I own both PS3 and Wii, so I'm not biased at all when I say that Killzone 2 hands down will be more successful given the fact of how many consoles it's going to. I have played Killzone 2, and it is breathtaking Report Abuse
  • and I don't think saying that the conduit is looking better qualifys a good answer.. that game doesn't look that good. and in that video provided for it, the developer talks about really, really basic stuff to put in a game. I can do most of that stuff in LBP on my own. Report Abuse
  • Conduit looks good. But I don't think it will have more replay value than KILLZONE 2.

    Its good how the conduit is customizable in terms of controls and etc. but will it have online play? And it probably wouldn't have enough stages to satisfy you because of the disc storage limitation.

    Killzone 2 will have 10 stages, long stages. Online play with upto 32 players, intense action and ultimate graphics.

    IMO they both look great in their own way and you have to remember that they are on different console which has different capabilties.
  • Are you serious?

    Killzone 2 will be a lot better, but sale wise, Conduit will sell a lot. Conduit will probably sell more than Halo because all the kids out there want to play a shooter and there are more Wii's out there.

    Compare the 45mil Wii's with the 20mil PS3's, obviously more chance Conduit will do better lol.
  • Are you guys serious right now? The conduit looking better than killzone 2? Are you blind? The graphics in killzone 2 are flawless and it has already gotten some very very high reviews. The conduit has sh*tty graphics and looks pretty boring. It's like going back 10 years ago and playing a ps1 game with a boring story line to match it. Killzone 2 will be amazing
  • Does it really matter which game is better?

    Since hardcore gamers would defiantly prefer Killzone 2. And kids that are like 10 years old are into The Conduit with aliens and weird monsters.

    So I don't even think that this is a comparison at all since kids will play the Conduit and Hardcore gamers play Killzone 2.

    Edit: Wait both pictures look the same. And I'm not even color blind.
  • I hate the ps 3 and xbox because all the time that I want to speak my son has to give me the speaker mic ,on the other hand wii speaker everybody who is playing can speak lol
  • Killzone 2.
  • What game is better halo or killzone ?

    May be...
  • Killzone 2 is better because it hosts 32 Player online, you can add bots to games whenever you want or you can even play with them offline if you don't have online. You can also have access to more vehicles other than a warthog on Halo.

    Halo has only 16 player online and doesnt even support HD graphics. Can't even reach 720P. Only reason why it sells is because Microsoft paid a lot of money to advertise it.

    I own all 3 systems Btw.
  • Personally I think Killzone is better, only because I'm kinda tired of the Halo concept. But you'd have to play them both to have your own opinion. If you've played a Halo game before, I would say Killzone.
  • Halo 1 > KillZone 1

    Halo 2 = KillZone 1

    Halo 3 <<<<< Killzone 2 (judged of beta gameplay and is most likely improved from the beta)

    Edit: To Mr.Ford: You think Halo 3 has better graphics than KillZone 2? You are very sadly mistaken; KillZone 2 has the best graphics I have ever seen in a game (even better than Gears of War and MGS4).
  • Killzone

    Halo was pretty good at first but 2, 3 wars, ODST are a rip off. It's pretty much the same thing over and over
  • We can't really say anything considering Killzone 2 hasn't been released yet.
  • HALO by a million!! Better graphics at the time, better story mode, better everything.
  • I don't know since I haven't played killzone 2

    But Halo looks way much better killzone looks like a rip off.
  • killzone because if u like cod4 or cod5 (search it up if u dont know cod4 or 5) its the same but a lot better. im also talking about killzone 2
  • Halo but I believe that Killzone 2 will be better than any Halo game
  • I would say halo but thats just me and probably a bunch of others.
  • HALO
  • prefer halo
  • halo for life
  • halo is my pick
  • Fallout 3 (Ps3) taking ''GOAT'' test?

    May be...
  • What do I do when I'm taking the ''GOAT'' test? I'm sitting there and everyone BUT me is testing. MY character is sitting there, doing nothing WITHOUT a test.
  • um....well, you just had to sit down on the desk TOP RIGHT of the room. Eventually, the teacher will come to your desk. There will be a little video. and you get options.

    The test isnt that get to pick whatever you want later.

    Have fun, hope you get it to work o_o......

    *dont forget to save RIGHT before you leave the vault. The place where you get to make final changes on your character. Do this so you dont have to beat this entire intro all over again. it helps :D *
  • It's a glitch. If your PS3 isn't connected to internet - connect it and download a patch (it'll do it automatically upon the game launch). If you did download that patch, well, send Bethesda an angry letter!
  • Friday, January 30, 2009

    Playstation network question?

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  • if i connect my ps3 to a laptop with an ethernet can i always unplug it an plug it back in cuz its my sisters laptop plz HELP!
  • yeah my friend does that from his ps3 to his mac all the time. It should be perfectly fine. So don't worry about it man.
  • Well...I'm not exactly sure. I've disconnected mine from a wireless signal and connected it back when I moved it from place to place. So I don't see why it won't work. I say just take out the chord and find out.
  • How many weapons in Killzone 2?

    May be...
  • is there over 10?
  • I have heard around 15.

    Don't listen to me though, I could be wrong.

    EDIT: Well looking at this, there's 13:
  • Which one: Guitar Hero: World Tour or Rock Band (One)?

    May be...
  • Hey guys,

    it's my birthday soon and I was just wondering which one of the two should I get? A lot of people are saying Rock Band, but I want your opinion. Many thanks,


    P.s. whichever one I get, it will be the bundled version, and both are similarly priced.
  • If you have a PS3, don't buy RB1! Not that it is not a good game, but if you get RB2, you can download all the songs from RB1 for $5! Just borrow or rent RB1, pay the $5 and all the songs are transferred into your hard drive and RB2.

    Personally, I went with GH:WT for the extra drum pad. I like having the two cymbals as opposed to just four pads. Then I bought RB2, ran a quick update on the game and now play both on the same instruments.

    If you have to get only one, I think RB is more fun just because of the way it handles touring. In GH:WT you just play a set of 3 to 6 songs and then move to the next block of songs. In RB2 you move from city to city, each with a few different venues, trying to get more fans. money and stars. You even can set your own set list for a show and it helps progress your band. It makes it a lot more fun and feels like you are actually moving forward instead of just unlocking another few songs.

    That said, If you plan on picking up the other game later on down the road, get GH:WT, then get RB2. The extra cymbol really does make a difference and the game is still awesome to play. Both are a lot of fun, so you won't be disappointed either way!
  • Is my HP w1707 monitor capable of dislaying 720p-1080p PS3 graphics?

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  • I was wondering if my HP w1707 monitor is capable of running PS3 graphics on the screen properly? I was reading online and found out that monitors that are HDCP compliant are capable of displaying PS3 graphics with the proper setup of course. (I already know the setup). I just want to make sure this monitor is capable and will work properly with the PS3. I don't want to jump ahead and buy a PS3 and not be able to use it. 400$ paperweights are not cool.

    Heres a website with my monitors specifications.
  • Hear this... Some experts say that you can also use PS3 on any TV.

    It doesn't necessarily have to be a computer monitor.

    But you know what? You just got lucky today... YES! your monitor is HDCP compliant and you can use it with your PS3.

  • How to play certain video files on a PS3?

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  • I've been trying to play video files on my ps3 off of a flashdrive. I looked around online and found several sites saying that the PS3 supports mp4 and H264, as well as AVC and AAC codecs. Now I really don't understand that very well, but when I try to play the file it says 'unsupported data', but the file itself (I think) says it is in .mp4 format, and when I look up the 'information' on the ps3 it says that the video codec is AVC and the audio codec is AAC. (Earlier i was able to play a file that the PS3 said was in mpeg4 video codec and mp3 audio codec, and the ending was .avi) Can anyone tell me how to get these files to play on the ps3, whether I'm misinformed, or if I'm just doing something completely wrong? If you need more information please tell me. Thank you in advance!
  • well it is not bad codecs at all it is just that ps3 is operated by FAT32 not NTFS so it is limited right now with the codecs that are available. But, they do keep adding more so soon it will be caught up with all codecs. So we hope

    All you have to do is convert your video files on your home computer and then it will work fine. The best convert out right now is DIVX and it comes out ready to go. The only downfall is to convert a full movie it can take 2-3 hours.

    good luck to you
  • I hate when it does that lol, I think it's bad encoding. When that happens I usually convert the videos over and it works just fine.

    And in case you didn't know, the PS3 can also play .mpg and .wmv videos.
  • Avi = mpeg-4 so, I suggest you convert your movies with a divx converter. Much easier, takes up less space, great quality, and free. Downfall is that it takes long though.
  • Selling playstation 2?

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  • im planning on selling my ps2 to get a xbox 360 and i was wondering how much money would i get. its the old one not the thin one
  • PS2's are usually $50-$60 with everything it came with.

    If your selling PS2 games also, it will be $5-$10 each.
  • Note more than $150.
  • i sold the same old ps2 that you have at game stop and they gave me $54.78
  • Thursday, January 29, 2009

    PS3 other op system cant get it back to ps3 mode ?

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  • right i was messing with the ps3 changed it to other op system in system settings and now i cant get it back have turned it off nothing stil a black screen with a load of comand promps, PLEASE any idea how i can change it back kids r going mad with me

    the comand prompts

    sending discover....

    sending discover....

    dont understand action "leasefail"

    no lease. failing


  • you have to reset your ps3 to it's default settings. i tried to install a operating system, and it froze up, just like you're saying. you have to mess with the power button for a while. just hold it down for a minute. you might have to do this a couple times. and flip the main power switch on the back once or twice while doing this. i can't remember how many times i had to do it for mine. but it'll reset itself and go back to the xmb.

    PSN: Battered_Puppet
  • You can also hold down the power button for 5-10 seconds, whatever it may be, and it will reset your console and put you back into the PS3 OS.
  • ohh no once its changed you cant change it back you will have to send off to sony and maybe they will give you a refurb
  • Selling my PS3 - what's a good price?

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  • I have a slightly used 60 gb ps3 - which is the only version that has full backwards compatibility. Along with it I'm selling a 4 ft HDMI cable and a bluetooth headset. Also I'm selling all necessary cables and 1 sixias controller.

    And for games I'm planning to sell with it

    PS3 ones

    Oblivion Game of the Year

    Virtua Fighter 5

    Guitar Hero 3 w/ wireless Guitar

    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Enchanted Arms

    PS2 ones

    Final Fantasy 11, 12, 10 and 10-2

    Kingdom Hearts 1+2 Guides included for both games

    Dark Cloud 2

    Sims 2

    Sonic Mega Collection

    Thrillville off the Rails

    MLB 06' the Show

    Fight Night Round 3

    DDR Extreme 2

    PS1 ones


    Crash Bandicoot Warped

    Micro Maniacs Racing

    Sim Theme Park


    Crash Bandicoot 2 - Cortex Strikes Back

    CTR - Crash Team Racing

    Spyro (without case)

    Hercules Action Game

    I was thinking of selling it a base price of 500-600....does that sound like a good deal or too much....I think it's an amazing deal.
  • In my opinion, if I were to buy it, I would only get the console becasue I dont play any of the games that you listed down except for GH3 and fight night 3 for PS2. I would say, $200 for the console package (incl. cables and the sixaxis controller because it's a standard package) because it's a 2 year old console without Sony warranty anymore. You couldnt say your PS3 is slightly used with all the games that you had for the past 2 years. You cannot sell it at $500 just because it comes with al your games... thing is, everyone has their own game preference and I am not gonna pay for your games because I don't like them.

    Just sell the console and sell your games to gamestop or other game store. You can't force people to pay for the games they don't like. Esp PS one? why am I gonna play PS1 games if I already have PS3? I wouldn't get an expensive PS3 console if I am just gonna play PS1 games.

    I'm not gonna buy it, I'm just saying you couldn't sell it all together at $500.

    Consider my thoughts.

  • 2 ways go to ur local newspaper website and put an add called

    SELLING 60 GB PS3 with games for ps1,ps2,and ps3 HEADSET INCLUDED and add something like

    Games sell seperatly or with everything if u by everything put price maybe 490-520$
  • I would not mind the PS1 games I can't find hardly any around here. I think you could get 5-6 hundred for everything but are you will to drop the price a little if someone asks. Especially with the economy the way it is. Good luck.
  • I think you could get 500 for the package. If you find the right person who wants the BC which is no longer available.

    I also own a 60 gig. But I dont play any ps1 or 2 games good luck.

    PS: I would list it on craigslist
  • ide think about selling games seperatly
  • take the higest bid... they don't make the 60gb anymore, and anyone wants one
  • About $350, but yeah what that one guy said sell your games separate
  • Can i play my ps3 with my hdmi cord on my plasma more?

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  • ok i have a lcd and a plasma which both of them have hdmi ports i always play on the lcd ok so i want to play on the plasma will it break my tv or my ps3 or both i will be playing 6 hours.. on it

  • Newer plasma TVs do not have that big of a problem with burn in. Some (like mine) actually have a setting to shift the image a few pixels every so often to avoid this sort of thing (you can't tell it is doing it at all). Older plasmas and rear projection TVs were really prone to this sort of thing, but manufactures have addressed this problem. The caution on burn in usually occurs if you leave the TV on a static (frozen, not fuzzy) screen for hours on end, like a 8 hours or longer. I wouldn't suggest testing that, but it should be OK. I have played on mine for 6 to 8 hours straight and never had a problem. If you are really worried about it, shut it off every couple hours or just switch games every so often. The danger is with icons that stay on the screen and never change, like a health bar or something. But with games now, play is usually broken up by a cut scene or you call up a menu, so no part of the screen stays static for too long.

    Remember, burn in only occurs when a still image is in the same spot over a long period of time. And it is not just games. The TV does not know the difference between a game image and a movie image. The same thing can happen with a paused movie. The reason they caution specifically about games is due to games having static images like health bars and such.
  • plasma burn in is not resolved..just minimized.. meaning.. the problem is still there.. Report Abuse
  • Your PS3 won't be harmed while playing on either, however, I would recommend playing video games on the LCD only, as plasma televisions are prone to "burn in". If you are unfamiliar with "burn in" take a look at the images you see on old arcade machines, old monitors, or on teller machines, this is what happens when you have "static"(stationary images like icons or logos) images always on your screen. LCD televisions also have a longer lifespan.
  • play on the plasma!!! plasma is alot better at displaying black levels! the picture will look alot better!

    you dont have to worry about burn in on the plasma modern day plasmas have built in technology to prevent this. i have played on my 42 inch plasma for more thaan 6 hours ata atime and have even forgot it on for the weekend i whent on vacation! it wont cause any damage.
  • It should be ok, but it can burn the screen. If you paused the game for, say half an hour the paused image would burn on to the plasma screen to a more severe degree than when it does that on LCD then fades-just be aware of that.
  • No, it wont break it as long as you plug in the cord to the correct holes and stuff and make sure the PS3 doesn't overheat. You should be fine.
  • plasma is not a good screen to play games for 6 hours.. you will have a screen burn-in problem... just use the LCD. LCD is better for gaming than plasma.
  • thats what its for dude
  • Need PS3 game suggestion?

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  • I don't like RPG, sports, or music games. I mainly like adventure, action/adventure, and shooter. I am getting KZ2. Is their anything else coming out in the near future that is any good?
  • You didn't list the games you have. Get Dead Space if you don't have it already. Saints Row 2 is good too.
  • Games out now i suggest:

    Uncharted Drakes Fortune, MGS4, Resistance 2, Little Big Planet, Dead Space, Condemned 2, Stranglehold, Warhawk, Siren: Blood Curse, GTA iv, Fallout 3, and Devil may cry 4

    Games in the future :

    Resident Evil 5, Infamous, F.E.A.R. 2, God of War III, Heavy Rain, Prototype, Uncharted 2.

    All tailored to your genres of choice.
  • Metal Gear Solid 4.

    Doesnt Matter if you have played 1,2,3 it tells you most of the story.

    its crazy i almost cried at the end.

    and the cinematics are amazing!

    only ps3 game i actuly fully finished

    well and little big planet.
  • R2 is pretty good, especially if you have people at your house

    and so is COD5, it has really good online

    COD6 is supposed to be out in Summer 2009

    if you can wait that long, it will be the game to get
  • Fallout 3 fits you perfectly. Action/adv and FPS... Game is lots of fun and takes a while to beat. Easy set of trophies too.
  • uncharted drakes fortune is the best action/adventure game out there. its like tomb raider but with a dude
  • god of war 3, COD 6 (modern warfare2)..these are not good... these are the BEST games!
  • if you don't have Metal Gear Solid 4, get that
  • PS3 Users, Do You Think Killzone 2 Will Be Bigger Than MGS4?

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  • it got #2 Most Ordered on Amazon





    360 magazine said it was better than gears of war 2

    (thats some good anti-fanboyism)

    i cant wait for this game =D
  • Yes cause MGS4 was based to cater guys who knew the entire series.

    I played MGS4 without playing any previous titles and couldn't understand a thing. And as much as I liked the cut scenes first, after sometime, it became frustrating to a point where even skipping the scenes became a chore.

    K2 is meant for everyone who loves FPS accompanied with great graphics(Crysis). IGN, NG4 and various other sites who have previewed the game have given a thumbs up. I just can't wait for this game.

    By the way don't ever even look for a PS3 exclusive review from the 360 mag. Those Xbots will always fall back on their age old slogan 'Halo is better' if K2 turns out to be the best FPS. Check out below link for more reviews on K2(check the scores).
  • I have never played a Killzone game before but I am a fan of the MGS series, so I really cannot answer that question yet. I'm going to give KZ2 a shot but for now, I'm going to say MGS4 is bigger.
  • MGS4 was a big disappointment for me. Killzone is promising though but I think it has gone too much futuristic which I hated about the MGS4.
  • me too so close to release and i know it will be the best game of all time
  • Is Rogue Galaxy A Good game For PS2?

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  • i really liked Dark Cloud 1 & 2

    There my second fav ps2 game besides GT 3,4

  • If you really liked Dark Cloud (I only played the first one), you will really enjoy Rogue Galazy. It is a lot of fun, it has the same type of weapon customization, and the battles are a lot of fun. It's a long game, too, so it will definitely keep you busy. I would recommend it, it was one of the last really good RPG's to come out for PS2 before the PS3 went mainstream.
  • Wednesday, January 28, 2009

    Psp umd error????????????????????

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  • Okaii,So my psp wont play umd's!

    Is there any home method that I can do that will hopefully resolve this matter?

    Im 15,btw

    Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • you probably dropped it and broke the drive you either have to get it repaired by sony or your local electronics shop
  • try to update the firmware need to be coonected with wifi too
  • Does everyone that has a PSN have playstation home or is it only available to some people?

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  • i have it
  • Home is in open beta. While it has still not been officially released, any PS3 can download and use it.
  • everybody with a active internet connection can download it.

    but yes.

    everyone does.
  • its available to every one now who as a PSN account of course
  • its available to everyone
  • why would it only be available to some people
  • I've got it
  • me 2
  • Which Playstation 3 Model should I purchase?

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  • Hello everyone! I am getting a playstation 3 soon and I need help deciding which one to buy. I was thinking of getting the latest 80 gigabyte model or the refurbished 60 gigabyte model. I don't care about space so it doesn't really matter how much is on it. What I do care about is the backwards compatibility with ps2 games. With some more research I found out that both models have different Possessors. What is the difference between the possessors? All I know is that the 60 gig architecture is set up more like a ps2 so it can play ps2 games the best (that is if what I read is correct). Also there seem to be people talking about slowdown issues and other situations when playing. Can anyone shed light on my problem? I've never had a ps2 before yet there are a lot of games on the ps2 that I want to play so I figured I could get a ps3 that could play both. I don't know much and I need an expert too help me. Can anyone lend a helping hand?
  • Well, if you are willing to buy the PS3 that plays PS2 games, then I would suggest you get the 60GB.

    First, let me just give you information before I give you my suggestions:

    There are 6 different models for the PS3.

    -20GB - discontinued (not in stores anymore) and plays PS2 games.

    -40GB - same as the last one, but doesn't play PS2 games.

    -60GB - same as first one, but more space.

    -OLD 80GB - same as first one, but more space.

    These are the models that are currently in stores:

    -NEW 80GB - Doesn't play PS2 games

    -160GB - Doesn't play PS2 games, but currently the model that has the most space

    You should know that the ones that play PS2 games have 4 USB slots, and the ones that DON'T play PS2 games have 2 USB slots.

    So, if you are willing to get a PS3 that plays the PS2 games, then you are only able to find it online, and it is probably gonna be used, even though sometimes people just buy it and sell it before they even opened it.

    Now, you might think that there is something wrong in here, because the newer models are supposed to be better. The reason Sony stopped the older models is because when they were backwards compatible, they were very expensive, and they already lost money, so they just took the emulator out and dropped the prices.

    So, what I recommend the least, is the 40GB, because it has less space, and no backwards compatability. I would recommend either the new 80GB, or the old 60GB, which you have to buy online.

    I hope I helped you, and if you need any help just click on my profile, and feel free to email me, and I will answer you.
  • Only 3 models of the PS3 can play PS2 games and they have all been discontinued.

    So the best system for PS2 is 60GB, the other 2 are 20GB and (discontinued/old) 80GB system.
  • Since you've never had a ps2 id get the 60GB. The only difference is the 60GB uses more electricity.
  • 80 it is the only one with backwards compatibility
  • 60 all day long m8
  • If it's really important that it plays the ps2 games go w/ a 60mb It has the guts of A PS2 inside of it... But I must say there are getting harder to find and are getting more costly. Also I have a 60 (because i wanted to play ps2 games after my ps2 took a dump on me) and i haven't touched any of my ps2 games in over a year... the new games blow the old ones out of the water, and after playing the new games the old ones are just plane "out of date"

    It was like playing a NINTENDO NES game "the Original" compared to a N64... its just not the same anymore...

    The only 3 games from a ps2 that even got put into the ps3 that ive had for 2 yrs now where Madden 07, GTA San Andras, And THUG2. This was before PS3 had put out many games.
  • Are Killzone 2 controls FULLY customizable? ?

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  • and I mean FULLY, button for button, not just different control schemes. FULLY like in resistance 2
  • Oh you ment that... just now getiing that. I'm not really "allowed" to tell you cause I signed a contract but I can give you really strong hints! CoD4 reminds me of Killzone 2 in a way (can't say way) but I could make it identical to cod4 in that way (trying my best to hint... bad hinter)

    there are certain schemes that killzone 2 has (game shcemes... OTHER schemes...) You should be fine with the information you gave me
  • Ps2 backward compatibility help?

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  • i have a ps2 slim and when i put a ps1 game in, it loads and goes to the "please insert a playstation format disc" screen. Same thing happens with dvds. Oh, and yes, it is a modified version
  • It is because it is modded.
  • I'm not understanding what your question is...If your asking if it wont work because its a mod.... that is very possible, it depends on how it was modded.. Does it still work with ps2 games? Is the ps1 game an original or a copy? lots of different reasons why..
  • dude sometimes when they mod a ps2 they might break it in the process for me it was broken twice from mods

    1st it couldnt play anything at all

    2nd after 1 year of gaming it scratched my video games because of the mod chip
  • All bets are off on modded systems.
  • Final Fantasy XIII Question.?

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  • What is the difference between Final Fantasy XIII, Final Fantasy XIII Agito, and Final Fantasy XIII Versus?
  • FF XIII is going to be a traditional Japanese RPG, featuring a female lead character currently known as Lightning.

    FF Versus XIII takes place at least in the same universe, and perhaps on the same planet, but in different locations and has a totally separate plot (though they did say early on that events in one game's plot would have some sort of impact on the other game's plot. For an idea of what they might mean by this, imagine in one game, someone blows up a dam, and the other game occurs down-river, so there's suddenly flooding that has to be handled in that plot). FF Versus XIII is going to be an action RPG (think Kingdom Hearts or FF7: Dirge of Cerberus) with a much darker and sinister tone.

    I really haven't heard any details on Agito.
  • I don't know about agito but FFXIII as the above guy said has a different plot as compared to FF vs XIII.

    All I know is that FFXIII comes out on both platforms(PS3 and 360) whereas FF vs XIII is a PS3 exclusive.

    Personally I am awaiting FF vs XIII cause it has a darker story compared to FFXIII and I feel that the graphics of FF vs XIII will also be better as it's a PS3 exclusive.

    But anyways, I will probably play both games.
  • They all have different plots and characters.

    FF XII - The original FF rpg, except with really good graphics and faster combat system

    FF XII vs - A more action based FF. I recommend this one.

    FF Agito - From what I heard, this is a PSP game.
  • Different games, different characters. They might be all tied to eachother somehow, though.
  • Tuesday, January 27, 2009

    When will the price for the PS3 drop?

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  • Like which months? During the summer?
  • I'm sure that there ain't gonna be a price drop. I mean PS3 may get cheaper but it won't be the same PS3 eveyone else is enjoying right now. The April PS3 price drop rumor may not really be a price drop but a "make-affordable" price. Sony may lower the price but they have to gut out the console. Like making it a wi-fi optional console (wi-fi is not built-in) or making it PS2 controller (DS2) compatible so that they don't have to include a DS3 controller in the package and you can get a cheaper DS2 controller with wires or use your existing DS2 controllers.

    I am thinking that Sony is waiting for all existing models (80GB and 160GB) to get sold out before they release the new and more affordable PS3 models in April.
  • When sony makes enough profit. Do you know how much money they lost on the ps3 because of the price? if they cut it without any profit...............they're done.

    but sony's gonna start making money sometime in spring so if they make alot of profit in spring, there might be one in late spring/early or mid summer

    but there's not much to worry about. They're still making cash from software and I mean, alot of cash
  • when it dropped last time they were selling it for less then it took to make (or atleats i read on yahoo) so i wouldnt guess soon.. think about it. your getting a pretty bad *** system with blue ray which is hella expansive on its own. it more worth the price then youd think
  • Not soon most likely

    Not until they start advertising or release a new system or they suddenly make millions on the PS3

    You may be able to find a good package deal appearing soon though

    or find a store with some sale/deal if you buy one
  • April of 09
  • sony is planning on it in april.
  • oh stop crying already and buy one. pony up the dough.
  • i think in april with a 100 dollar price drop
  • Call of Duty: World of War or Resistance 2 for PS3?

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  • Which is a better game? From one player mode to online play
  • Call of Duty: World of War definitly, nazi zombie online mode FTW
  • Resistance has better campaign

    World At War has more fun online, but i can get extremely frustrating

    Resistance is also better to play with friends and when people are at your house

    I'd go with which ever you can get cheaper nowadays

    But Resistance is probably better

    I have both and like both, so they are both good choices
  • Call of Duty: World of War

    End of. You wouldn't regret it at all.
  • Call Of Duty Woorld At War
  • the resistance server sucks.. COD WAW is so much better interms of game story and online maps..
  • resistance 2 is better than call of duty world at war in online and single player
  • Is the Ps3(40gb) a good console for me ?

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  • is it good i will use it for only gaming am not going to put on it any kind of music or movies i also heard that it comes with spiderman 3 blue ray disc what is a blue ray disc also does it come with a rumble controller what is a rumbler controller Easy 10 points
  • Yes, it's a good console. Don't go on the hard-drive as you can always increase it in the future. Blu-ray disc is a newer tech disc which can hold massive data's up to 50GB on a single Disc(unlike DVD which can hold up to 9GB). This can give developers a chance to create huge games and fit it onto a disc rather then them giving you 3-4 disc per game. Also, the increased storage means that Full HD movies can be fitted upon a single disc which was not possible with a DVD due to storage issues.

    Also, not all PS3 come with a rumble controller(known as dualshock). When you buy a PS3, check on the box if it's written that it comes with a DS3 controller or else, it will be a normal one.
  • For gaming use, great machine with a huge library of games to choose from, both PS2 and PS3.

    If it comes with Spiderman 3 Blu Ray, that's about a $30 savings right there.

    Blu-Ray is a high storage capacity DVD disk that can store the massive amounts of information that make up a High Definition movie. You do need a HD TV to take advantage of the technology but if you don't, you can still watch the movie on a regular TV, it just won't be in HD.

    A Rumble controller has a device in it that vibrates in tandem with the game you are playing to provide an additional level of gameplay. My PS3 didn't come with the rumble controller, I had to buy it after the fact but maybe they changed something? I know the current systems come with the Dualshock controller...
  • i am not sure about the spiderman but yeah it is a good console and blu ray discs are the discs games and blu ray movies come in and no it doesn't come with a rumble controller
  • man, you're gonna be wasting a lot of money for buying something that you dont know about. just get a wii... i'm sure you won't care about graphics since you know nothing about blu-ray.
  • Yes, I think it would be good for you. You could even upgrade to a bigger hard drive( if you need more space.

    May be...
  • okay,

    i have been serching FOR EVER

    for this game. I remember it being on a Demo disk i got When i got my first Ps2 slim.

    It was two animals Chained together A white bunny and i THINK i fox. The we're like lab rats and we being chased in a scientest building. I wanna know the name so bad. THANKS
  • Oh I rented that... it's...

  • Does Gamestop buy ps2 with bad lens?

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  • I bought a ps2 from a pawn shop and 2 weeks later my daughter knocked it over and it fell. It reads disc error if you put a game in. Will Gamestop buy it with a bad lens?
  • A Long time ago, I had a Ps2 Fat verison, and It was so broken, like pieces of it were falling off, I took to EB Games, and Sold it for 20 bucks, lol, but um The Ebay thing works the best, you`ll get more money for as well, people love buying broken stuff like that for parts.

    I think Gamestop Tests the product before they buy from you this is regard All Consoles that is.
  • no what will happen is if you attempt to bring in ur ps2, the gamestop ppl will always wanna test it out to see if it has any defects on it before they put it on sale. I had a ps2 and the disk tray button was messed up, i tired selling it but the guy was like i couldnt cause it was a defecitve console.
  • No, they won't.

    Gamestop will test multiple games and movies in the system to make sure it has no problems reading discs. If it continuously gets a disc read error, they will not buy it.
  • They will not buy back a non-working machine. You might be able to sell it on eBay as long as you are very clear that it is broken. Some people buy them for parts.
  • No,Gamestop will only buy systems that work. If they do you will not get much money i only got 15 dollars for my gamecube.

    Its usually me who buys these things thinking they work and get it home and its junk... come on man dont screw me!!!
  • Don't tell them it has a bad lens and nobody will ever know...
  • the ones around here won't anymore, but idk if yours is the same.
  • they probaly will... but they get ur information(where u live..fone numbeer stuff lyke dat) dey mite call u lata on in life but... u can try if u want
  • you are correct in saying this!!
  • i think so but you won't get 30$ for it
  • I think so.. you should call them... they will tell u for sure.
  • What are some good Ps3 game out there.?

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  • these are some really good ones

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Grand Theft Auto 4


    Resistance Fall of Man

    Resistance 2

    Uncharted Drakes Fortune

    Fallout 3


    Saints Row 2

    Dead Space

    Devil May Cry 4

    Rainbow Six Vegas

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Ninja Gaiden Sigma

    Army of Two

    Battlefield Bad Company

    Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction

    Mirror's Edge
  • What JT said plus The Orange Box (5 games in 1 for $30) and the upcoming Killzone 2.
  • Socom: Confrontation!!!

    The ONLY game I play!!!
  • mgs4





  • Monday, January 26, 2009

    Ps3 Trophy Question...?

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  • So i know a little bit ( alot) about ps3 trophies i was just wondering say like Little Big Planet...i am 48% done with it BUT their is This one Trophy On the Little Big Planet Trophy Page...that doesnt Tell You How To Get shows it as a BLACK TROPHY...but I DONT KNOW HOW TO GET IT!...can anyone tell me how to get that trophy or atleast What That Mysterious Black Trophy is...Thx :)
  • Here is a list of all the LBP trophies, and the secret ones are at the bottom. Good luck!
  • Yea... those trophies are like secret's and you'll get them randomly.
  • If I stick my Sony Ericsson w80i into my PS3 via USB, what can I expect to happen? ?

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  • (Mainly because when I stuck my 2GB SansaDisk into it, the PS3 formatted my mp3 player and erased all my data.)
  • Switch ur phone to usb mode or media transfer w/e. Then u should get a message saying W80i device( mine says "USB Device(N95 8GB)") press triangle on it from the right menu, if u want to transfer music then from ps3's music menu scroll up and press triangle on the new device that appears and select display all, then look for the music/sounds folder...i dont know anything about the w80i so i cant tell u what folder ur music is in.
  • you might destroy the earth... don't do it LOL !!

    only kidding.. it might charge the thing up !
  • it will charge up probably
  • Help ! Sonic Unleashed chun nan level stuck :( ?

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  • Ive visited the proffessor and he says there are monster robots in Chun nan... so i went there and the old man in the village said please help theres robots outside our village blah blah... but thing is i cant get to them :S Its weird because when i go through to the next bit in (chun nan) theres a wall with a zig zag of coins i can reach whether sonic is in day or night mode, what do i do? there isnt any help from the game.!! Its driving me mad. Its for the ps3....! Thanks
  • k this happened to me to heh, during daytime go back to the main city, with the university, there you go to the level select area west from the university and you should see this big thing to bounce on to the right, where there's a small space where sonic can't slide because of a laser, like in the ice level have to do that level first..and just stomp on it about three times..a lever should come down from the sky..yes like magic, and get on it and jump the wall, there's a pair of shoes there that will allow you to wall jump, then you go back to chun nan, there you go to the top of the narrow walls with rings and get his super bounce shoes and move on, need anymore help let me know ^^
  • Should I get Half Life: Source? (Only answer if you've played all HL games)?

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  • I'm currently playing HL2.

    I love it.

    Should I buy HL source once I'm done? Is it worth it?

    There are some parts of the game I don't understand because I didn't play HL1.

    I also have episode 1 and 2.

    Should I play HL1 Before episode 1 and 2?

  • Ive played them all. Yes i really recommend playing half life 1 if you dont understand some of the story. Even though half life 2 is really cool i think hl1 is still the better game. One of the things i like about it is that its VERY long. I do recommend playing it before episodes 1 and 2.

    HL:Source would be nice to get but if you want to you can just get a cheap copy of the original. Although the remake in source will of course be nicer and you might not be used to such an old game. If youre goin for the total game experience might as well get opposing force and blue shift as well. :D
  • Ps3 question..about mgs4 collectors edition!!?

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  • what comes with the collectors editon? my friends got the collectors for fallout 3 and i love it, which makes me wanna get collectors now. i had fallout 3 before my friends but not the special edition. i though it was a waste of money. but back to my question.
  • It comes in a metal box and includes the soundtrack, 2 "making of" movies and a graphic novel. It's got OK contents, but unfortunately not all collector's editions are as sweet as the Fallout one. (who can beat a bobblehead and a lunchbox?)
  • What She said...But I love my collector edition no matter what.
  • How many inches wide is a ps3?

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  • I have the 80gb one and it is about a foot and 1 inch wide
  • 12.8 inches wide by 3.8 inches high by 10.8 inches long
  • The dimensions for the PS3 are:

    325mm (w) x 98mm (h) x 274mm (d)
  • Sunday, January 25, 2009

    2 GTA IV question's PS3<<<10points if answer helpes?

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  • i wanna get the trophie when u complete the story mode in under 30hours, will the time contiune going up if i had the game on pause? or will it puase the timer as well.

    and when you complete story mode what % ish will it be (estimate will be fine)
  • When you pause it stops the timer and it's 60%. The trophy Liberty City Minute (under 30hours) is very easy to get i finished the story mode in 20 hours but I left out side missions and friends. The Guide is very useful to how much percentage things take up
  • Story Mode = 60%

    Total of 90 missions.

    It's easy, I'm currently at 25 missions done in only 3hours 30minutes.

    Basically, at my pace, it will only take 12 hours 40 minutes, but I skip the cut scenes though.

    It will pause the timer when you pause :P
  • start new game then only do missions......try to skip cutscenes and use taxi a lot and u will do it in under 30hrs easy....this is prob one of the easiest tropheys in the game and some of the others are really time consuming.....a lotta people say theres nothing to do after story but i disagree there fecking tropheys are by far the hardest
  • Pause stops the timer. As for % - I have ~ 70% (but I was doing a lot of side missions).
  • the clock doesn't go on pause and about 20% percent for the main story campaign and it took me 26 hours to do it
  • What Are The Best, Must Have PS2 Games?

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  • Best Playstation 2 Games that i should get?
  • i say..God of War!
  • Can a playstation 2 game of india work in a playstation bought in spain?

    May be...
  • i am about to go to india
  • No. Not without a Freeloader or other programs avoiding the region code request. India has region code 3 and Spain has code 2.

    A very informative website, you can also get much information in website.
  • Can ps3 read iso files for ps2?

    May be...
  • i made and iso ps2 game cd will my ps3 red it i haven't tried yet cuz i gotta get my ps3 from my mom tomorrow? plz help
  • No. The PS3 is UNHACKABLE. But there are people working on it 24/7, but it is REALLY hard to hack a PS3.

    The PS2 is hackable/moddable because it is relatively easy to hack. Remember, the PS3 has 1 of its 8 total cores DEDICATED to security and OS (operating system).


    Oh yeah, if you are getting a brand new PS3 (bought from stores after September 2008), it can't play PS2 games at all, backup or original.

    The only models that play PS2 games are:

    20GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    60GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    Old 80GB-Discontinued, 80% of PS2 games

    The following DO NOT:


    New 80GB-in stores

    160GB-in stores

    All PS3's play PSone games.

    An easy way to tell if a PS3 will play PS2 games

    4USB ports=YES

    2USB ports=NO

    The reason is that the cost of putting the PS2 chip

    and the PS2 graphics card in the PS3 was VERY expensive,

    and as the PS2 only has about a year left (before it is

    discontinued), Sony saw no reason to lose even more

    money than they already are losing on the PS3, and

    hence there is no backwards compatibility on PS3's today.
  • What are the pros and cons of the PS3?

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  • I had an Xbox 360 till the red lights of death took over. I am not going to invest in another Microsoft system because of the disappointment. I don't really like the Wii so I'm probably going to get a PS3.

    I read mixed reviews about this system. Mostly criticized for the dim game selection, and that the system does not use its full potential. Is this a system that you think will excel and eventually take over the gaming industry or is it the biggest flop of all time?

    (also does it play DVDs or just Blu-Rays)
  • Pros:

    -Typically comes with larger HDDs, which even then are simple and easy to upgrade, not to mention doing so doesn't void warranty (if for some reason you need ridiculous amounts of space. Some people do, but I understand it doesn't appeal to the masses)

    -Free Online Play (Despite being free, it's quite stable)

    -Blu-Ray Player (plays DVDs and most .avi files as well)

    -Wi-Fi adapter built-in

    -Rechargeable Controllers out of box

    -Decent library after a two-year buildup

    -Hideo Kojima's current exclusivity (MGS, ZotE, etc)

    -PSN has a very nice collection over the years, with Pixeljunk [developers] being among my favorite. Arcade doesn't at all have a worse collection, but the PSN is decent nowadays to where it's still worth mentioning that you have something to substitute Arcade with.


    -Online play options aren't as robust as Live, including....

    -No cross-game chatting, yet. You get the option to send texts via virtual keyboard, but it's difficult to find people willing to use it.

    -*Slightly* smaller gaming library

    -Because there's no unified online gaming network, the difficulty in joining a friend's online game varies from title to title.

    -Wish it had Castle Crashers (though at least I have Pixeljunk :))

    Neutral Zone:

    -Six-Axis functionality (while rarely ever used *well*, at least it's not a con as it's rarely required)

    -It has Home, which presents a unique, new console experience to interact with fellow players. It gives you a way to find other like-minded gamers. This is a neutral zone, however, because the novelty of Home BETA faded very quickly. Granted, it's beta, but they may have missed with this one. It is, however, not a CON simply because it's an optional feature, so it's not like it hurts.

    And there you have it. Honestly, I think the first deciding factor ALWAYS comes down to what games you want from your exclusives. I got the Wii because I wanted Twilight Princess, and the PS3 because I was addicted to Warhawk. However, if you find yourself as more of a Gears of War or Halo guy, maybe you should get another 360. Gran Turismo, Metal Gear Solid, or Warhawk more of your thing? Get a PS3

    If you like any other shooter: guess what, they're almost always multiplatform. Do you love sports games? They're also multiplatform (I WILL admit that they are slightly better on the 360, but the difference itself is not a console decider).

    Second factor is gaming partners. It's much more entertaining to game with people you know, regardless of how the console performs.

    For me it simply came down to the fact that I was unwilling to pay for online play, though I do have a great deal of respect for how good Live is.

    As far as criticisms you've reported:

    -Dim game selection was a problem at the very beginning of the Playstation 3's life-cycle. However, at the end of two years it's shaped up. Library isn't as wide as Microsoft's, but it has a quality lineup. In fact, looking at :

    I notice that we nearly have a 2:1 advantage of PS3 games over 360 games in the top 50 rated games (granted, only one source).

    -Game developers don't use the console's true potential simply because most game developers shoot for multiplatforming their games. What does that mean? That developers don't take advantage of the processing power of the PS3 because they still want the games playable on the 360. It's not a bash on the 360, but rather explaining that it's simply the easy business decision. If people are to take advantage of the PS3's hardware power it won't be until the later half of this console generation.

    -Is it going to take over the industry? Heck no, at least not in this forseeable future. Biggest flop? HARDLY! It's a beast of a machine. Its misguided, slow start did indeed hurt it indefinitely, but the console is still selling nonetheless. It's a powerful, versatile machine with potential yet to be discovered.
  • Pros: good graphics, best system for racing games, mgs4, blu r a y

    cons: rated worst controller ever, 360 has much better games, 360 is better with sports games, loading takes longer than 360, ps2 got better ratings than ps3, 360 is better than ps3.

    my advise get another 360 when you get a rrod your just doing something wrong with it. take better care next time
  • people say a con would be that its expensive, but if you add to the xbox everything the ps3 comes with then its cheaper. another con is its harder for developers to create games for it so game releases take longer.

    pros- 3d gaming coming out this year. bluray, dvd, and divx playback. all controllers are wireless. doesnt get the red ring of death or overheat. games are on bluray so they can have 50gb of data instead of the 9 the xbox has. you can change which controller is which number instead of xbox auto assigning all controllers. free online play.
  • Pros: Free, good online play, great game selection (the Xbox 360 has more games, though not necessarily better games), tons of free, extra features, everything is built in, wireless, rechargeable controllers, everything.

    It plays everything, DVDs, Blu-ray, CDs, MP3s, basically everything except HD-DVDs.


    Home is boring as crap.

    No cross-game chat

    That's it. Pros far outweigh the cons.

    Dude cheese is f**king awesome.
  • just check out killzone 2. i have read many reviews on this game and they all more or less say that this is the the first game to truley show what the ps3 is capable of.
  • pros- good graphics/ good race games

  • I"ll compare the 360 to the PS3 briefly-

    Only the PS3 has the ability to go on internet. I am the proud owner of both systems and the Wii and I'm telling you that this system is better! Here's some reasons why...

    The Xbox 360 actually runs on the same hardware as the Playstation 2. This is the truth. Theres updated graphics, but that's all. It's the truth. The PS3 runs on 16 motors, how many does the 360 and PS2 run on? 1. That's it. 1. It's a great system, and I love my xbox 360 but the PS3 is sooooo much better, in sooooo many ways. First of all the Playstation 3 has Blu-ray disk capability, which means movies in high definition! It also plays regular DVD's. The online for the Playsation 3 is FREE too! The xbox's cost 60 bucks a year, and while this is not a lot, it is 60 buck's that could be used for better purposes. Also, unless you'r xbox 360 would sit near you'r router (a wireless device located near a computer) then you would have to pay 100 buck's to get a wireless adaptor (this let's you go on xbox live, download demo's, chat with friends and more). The Playstation 3 has a wireless adapter built in! So, in the end with both of those exspences, the PS3 is the same price as the 360, but way better! As for games the PS3 wins again. The PS3 has more exclusives then any other console! This is not a lie! Watch Sony's E3 conference, or do you'r research! It has the Ratchet and Clank series, Metal Gear Solid 4, Unchated, Resistance, Motorstorm, and sooo much more. These are both great systems but the PS3 is better then the 360, and with the prices of the wireless adaptor and the 60 bucks a year membership then it's cheaper to go with the PS3 too, and it's better. Now more people do have 360's, but over 500 million have PS3, so you'r not alone. Both are good consoles, but only the PS3 is great.


    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Call of Duty 5 World at War

    Little Big Planet

    Fallout 3

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Motor Storm

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Dead Space

    Assassins Creed

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Saints Row 2


    Far Cry 2

    Killzone 2 (out feb. 2009)

    Resident Evil 5 (out mar. 2009)

    inFAMOUS (out may 2009)

    God Of War 3 (out sometime 2009)

    When you are bored with the system you can play playstation HOME it's an online social world where you interact with other people, bowl, and ect., it helps you meet some really cool people! Also, use the system for Blu-Ray, It looks great!

    On a final note I will discuss the HUGE problem with the xbox 360, that is the Red Rings of Death. Over one third of xbox 360's break within the first month of usage. I have had 8 xbox 360's in the last year! That is rediculus. It costs an additional 150 bucks to repair the console and you have to ship it to Texas which costs like $30. It is rediculus. The PS3 has a margine of only 3% breaks in the first month. Now you may think that this won't happen to you... you are wrong! So wrong! In total over 60% of xbox 360 owners have experienced harware failure. I really hope you have listened to my argument that the PS3 is better, because when you are one of the 60% of owners who expirience hardware failure, you will realize what could have been. Get the Playstation 3 and you won't be sorry. The PS3 has a free year of warranty and the 360 has none for free. The PS3 has a .02 failure rate! That's it!

    My argument-

    My honest opinion? Okay fine. I own every current system. Now I know you said not to compare it to anything else but I only told you this so you know I can tell you the truth. The Playstation 3 is... The best console on the market. The only downside of this amazingly smooth ride is price but let me break it down for you.

    Design- The design is slick it has a touch screen power button so it turns on with a touch. It is very durible! I have dropped it 3 times bringing it to my cousins. It looks and feels right. Not to mention it plays Bu-Ray disks. This is High def movies. Blu-Ray players are $250 at the minimum.

    Feel- Out of all consoles the controller feels the best here. It is simply put "Right". It runs on the six axis engine so in some games you can turn the controller to balance. I really like this feel.

    Games- The library of games for this system is growing like a majik bean stalk. It has so many exclusives. More then any system already! Many great exclusives include: Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, Uncharted Drakes Fortune, Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction, Resistance 1 and 2, Grand Taurismo, God of War III and Little Big Planet. The titles keep growing and so does the system. Many other third party multiplatform games are also on this system. Like Call of Duty World at War, Madden 09, Prince of Persia, Grand Theft Auto 4, and Burnout Paridise.

    Get the PS3

    Here's some info on the PS3-

    I own every current system. Now I know you said not to compare it to anything else but I only told you this so you know I can tell you the truth. The Play
  • Whats wrong with my playstation 3? no shitty answers?

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  • before i was playing cod Waw 24/7 and now it takes along time to load and it only loads settings and when i chosse one it freezes i tried tocall sony at 2 am but imma try to call today CAN ANYONE HEL[P ??
  • stfu Napolean your just hating on the PS3.

    ok your problem can either be the disk or the game itself

    try another game see if it loads, if it doesnt, ten your Blu ray Lens have burned

    if its the disk, then i recomend you clean it

    if you have the 40 gig PS3 turn off the PS3 (from the back switch) and hold the "Eject Button" then while ur holding it flip the switch so it is on.

    your PS3 will make a huge noise, its doing this becasue u are cleaning the fans, once it stops your PS3 should start blinking the Red Light, just press it and your PS3 should be cleaner.

    if this doesnt work then im sorry just call sony and see if your problem gets solved
  • Sorry to tell you this mate, but you might have to get a new ps3. If you complain to sony say something like its broken because of the game, which will make them have to give you another one for free, but if you say the wrong things to them they wont give you another one and you ll have to buy another one yourself

    Glad i could help
  • i thought ps3 was gods gift to gaming and xbox 360 was the only console that had any problems.. dam the luck... lol
  • Yeah happen to me also.

    That's why I don't like Sony products.
  • Saturday, January 24, 2009

    How do I connect my PS2 to the internet?

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  • How can I use online play?
  • there is some kind of hook up thing, it is a thing you have to buy and it takes forever and it costs money so. if you want to get one then go to walmart or go to blockbuster or circut city or some videogame place .
  • by getting a ps3
  • Is Need For Speed Under Cover a good game?

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  • Is it the newest nfs and is it good??

    Also is there going to be a new nfs out and if yes when??

  • its ok, gets a bit boring after a while

    and ive heard undercover is last nfs, but some people say it isnt im not sure yet

    hope this helpes
  • well i havent tried it yet, but i think it is,coz it is always nice by NFS,im sorry i still dont have any news wen the new 1 will come out
  • that game sucks man . . . .
  • ended it in 4 days nice game though worth paying a dollar
  • yea its a good game
  • its one of the best games ever mde by cars i think
  • its a pretty decent game
  • its a wicked good game i would buy in if i were u... this one is the funnest nfs
  • yes, my cousins have it. its good! and entertaining!
  • never played it but my mate has it and tells me that you have yo pay online to get better cars.
  • How do I set up WiFi on Yellow Dog Linux on my PS3?

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  • I'm having trouble setting up a WifI connection in YDL 6.1

    My Wireless network is WEP 128 bit encrypted

    In Wicd it keeps trying to obtain IP address but it does not succeed
  • check this out, i used this site to do it on my ps3 ydl 6.1
  • Is there a way to get 100% connection for my PS3?

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  • I have a Dlink DIR 628 and my PS3 is about 20 feet away from the router. It has 75% connection sometimes 77% but is there any way to get 90% or above?
  • your ps3 isnt based on distance from the router, its based on what the router gives off... so if you lose connection or its low, its the routers fault not the PS3... you just need a stronger internet connection in the house and thatll fix the problem... dont do anything to the PS3 though
  • I think it depends if the router is close to the ps3.

    Because mine is and the signal is 97%
  • Why cant my 80gb playstation 3 play any of my playstation 2 games? is there anything i can do? Help! ?

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  • im so angry adn frustrated. none of my ps2 games can be played on my ps3(80GB) im so heated! i tried tomb rader anniversary, tomb raider legend, SSX 3, Bloodrayne 2 among others. this thing pops up saying my playstiation is not compatible or not capable of playing any ps2 software or what not. I just got this PS3 like 2 months ago. i would have figured that almost after 2 years sony would have updated there playstation 3 systems to be compatible with ps2 games. is there anything i can do to be able to play my ps2 games. do they sell any type of harddrive or something to help me fix this. IM SO ANGRY!!!!GRR! 0_0"
  • The only models that play PS2 games are:

    20GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    60GB-Discontinued, all PS2 games

    Old 80GB-Discontinued, 80% of PS2 games

    The following DO NOT:


    New 80GB-in stores

    160GB-in stores

    All PS3's play PSone games.

    An easy way to tell if a PS3 will play PS2 games

    4USB ports=YES

    2USB ports=NO

    The reason is that the cost of putting the PS2 chip

    and the PS2 graphics card in the PS3 was VERY expensive,

    and as the PS2 only has about a year left (before it is

    discontinued), Sony saw no reason to lose even more

    money than they already are losing on the PS3, and

    hence there is no backwards compatibility on PS3's today.
  • Lol.... Does your PS3 have 2 USB slots? I think so...

    If it does, then you should know that the PS3 does NOT play ps2 games... Only the old 80GB, the 60GB, and the 20GB can play PS2 games.... They all have 4 USB slots too... and they are not in stores anymore....

    The models that don't play PS2 games are:

    Your kind(the new 80GB) - 2 USB slots

    The 160GB - 2 USB slots

    The 40GB - 2 USB slots - not for sale anymore
  • No. It seems you have one of the newer 80gb models, which DO NOT play ps2 games at all. Unfortunately, there is nothing you can do to make it play ps2 games. You're best bet would be to just trade it for a refurbished 60gb.
  • You have the new 80GB, they don't play PS2 games.
  • nobut a ps1 will fit in a ps2 but nothing will work with ps3

    SORRY!!! hope this will help
  • So...what headset should I get?

    May be...
  • cheap and clear. i've played on Resistance 2 and can't understand a word they're saying...
  • Jabra BT-125. Very nice and not expensive at all. I'm using it.
  • I agree with Batareikin. The jabra is a very good headset.

    or you could buy the SOCOM confrontation bundle, but that'll cost you $60, but since the Sony headset is $50, it's like $10 more for a game+headset.
  • Go to to look at different PS3 headsets. You can read reviews of them, too.
  • the sony official headset
  • Friday, January 23, 2009

    How much does the PS3 80 GB and 40 GB cost in best buy local stores?

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  • i just need 2 know how much they cost in the shop cuz im gettin 1 and i need 2 know how much it costs
  • the PS3 costs the SAME at ALL stores. the price is not controlled by the store, it is controlled by Sony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    the 40GB does NOT exist anymore. it has been discontinued and you will more than likely only find it used at places like GameStop and EB Games. the new 80GB is $399.99.
  • You need to be more specific. Yahoo Answers is world wide, regardless where you logged in, so you must be specific to what country you are based in. US, Canada, Mexico, SA, Europe, Australia etc... ?
  • 399,499
  • Should I get Killzone 2 or Resident Evil 5?

    May be...
  • I'm not sure which one I should buy. Both look sick but I'm skeptical about Killzone 2. I'm not sure it will deliver on all fronts.
  • If you are skeptical about Killzone 2(but it looks awesome, look at the gameplay), then Resident Evil 5. You love MGS4 a lot, right? RE5 is more like it(kinda), and I bet you'd enjoy it more. Really. Either game you choose will be great! Sorry if this is also a sh+tty f+cked up answer.
  • Well, Killzone 2 is unlike anything you have seen. Even I was skeptical at first but after reading IGN's preview(see link), I think K2 is going to be huge. RE5 also looks great but, I don't think it will be as good looking as K2. K2 is more of a War like game and I really like those kind of games as you have to build some strategies and also not go shooting berserk like in RE5. I am going to buy both, but I just think that K2 will live up to the expectation(or at least I am hoping as so are millions of PS3 owners)
  • Save your money and get a gamefly account for one or two months. Or however long it will take you to beat these games. Look at it this way spend $140 for both games or $22 for one month and beat both games within the month. The replay value on RE 5 will be limited. However depending on your preferences you may be playing Killzone 2 's multiplayer for some time. If you like multiplayer buy Killzone. If you dont just rent both.
  • Depends on what genre you prefer.

    I personally would jump for Resident Evil first. :)

    I'd have to see some more gameplay videos of Killzone 2. I remember the first video they release and claimed it was gameplay. It looks like a decision between a more war-type shooter or a zombie shooter.

    It's too difficult to say which one will be more fun at this point without playing them. I like Gamefly though. :) I don't really have the money to buy games and find out that I don't like them.
  • glad you came back to ask this i though you were long gone well anyway Killzone 2 will last longer as it has a better online and single player looks to top resident evil 5 by a mile so no doubt killzone 2 will be twice as good as resident evil 4 it has the full package and resident evil 5 doesn't even compare
  • So much for "goodbye and goodnight". Nevermind.

    I would get Killzone 2. I know RE4 was a hit but seriously man Killzone 2 is going to be AMAZING. I hear the beta players give it 10/10 and the whole thing is going to be good. Oh yeah and dude it's supposed to have great 32 player online, good story mode, etc.

    Some people say not to trust reviews, (GAMESPOT...) so take it from real beta players. K1 doesn't affect how good K2 is. (It was bad.)
  • RE5
  • Both Are Nice Really But If You Can Only Pick One Go For Killzone2

    Because They Worked So Hard To Make Killzone2
  • Both games are gonna be great... i would get both im gonna... and if you cant afford both get gamefly.
  • Buy both if you can.

    If not, Resident Evil 5 first.
  • K








  • Where can I buy WipEout HD (for the PS3) online?

    May be...

    I've already looked and its not there!
  • psn store for $20 i believe. it got a good review!
  • On your boot up screen, go to the playstation store (under PSnetwork), and go to the PS3 games. I know you can get it there, but refer to my source below to show you the exact commands or location within the PSnetwork store. I would search by either Sept 2008 release date or "racing" genre. You can download for $20USD I believe.

    Hope this helps. Take care,

  • Lmao, it's a downloadable from the PlayStation Store, sly one.

    Get a Visa Gift Card (what I used), a Credit Card or a PlayStation Card and buy WipEout with those.
  • Calm down first!

    Calm? Ok, here we go...

    You start up your PS3, and it is available for download in the PSN store.
  • It's available for download in the PlayStation Store!
  • you have to get it through the playstation store
  • Whats the use of the usb slot of the ps2 aside from can be use for fans?..?

    May be...
  • can it be use to save game data?
  • Uses for the 2 USB ports located on the front of the PS2.

    - iPod Connectivity

    - Wireless controllers

    - Microphones for SingStar!TM

    - Game pads (e.g Buzz)

    I think that is about all? lol
  • you don't believe what I said? try it for yourself..-gunman Report Abuse
  • for charging your controllers, transferring MP3s and videos thru USB flashdrive, connecting camera for transfering photos, for USB adapters for PS2 to PS3 accessories, connecting an external hard drive, for mouse, PC keyboard, USB headsets, USB port hubs (if you need more USB ports), and a lot more.
  • You use it for Buzz! controllers and Singstar mics.

    You can use it for a MAX Drive to convert gamesaves but you can't save games on them
  • No, you can't save game data with them, but I know that they make wireless controllers that work off of the USB hub.
  • with Gran Turismo 4, u can save in game High Res pictures (640 x 480) onto a flash memory stick.
  • you can buy a hardrive for ps2 (comes with Final fantasy 11) and load music from your ipod
  • I put my ipod in it and played music
  • F.E.A.R 2 - Parental Guide please?

    May be...
  • Hi, I am a gamer but I am in no way in hell playing FEAR 2 all alone, so Im gonna make my 12 year old sister stay beside me. As such, I want to know if there is any stuff I don't want her seeing. I know theirs tons and tons of gore but we watch scary movies all the time. What I am concerned about is nudity/sexual themes so is there any of it in the demo? If so, please describe how much/what is seen.
  • It has strong language, lots of blood and gore, stunning moments, and there really isn't any nudity, just Alma Wade later in the game and it's blocked by her hair and legs.

    It's very scary, though.

    If she won't have nightmares about the scary parts then I think it's okay.

    Other than the blood and horror and a bit of language, it's not that bad for a twelve-year-old.


    I was her age when it first came out and I got it, and played it alone in the dark until I beat it.


    There is the F.E.A.R. 2 demo on Youtube. I was playing the original F.E.A.R. game today, and I think that you can go to the options menu in the game and turn off the gore factors. You might be able to do that for F.E.A.R. 2. It is a pretty grotesque game though.
  • Blood and Gore

    Intense Violence

    Partial Nudity

    Sexual Themes

    Strong Language

    Yeah, it's pretty bad. Click for gameplay:
  • Yeah, Suzaku has a good answer, but even though you watch a lot of scary movies, I don't think FEAR 2 would be suitable (maybe if she closed her eyes)
  • What models of the 80gb playstation 3 can play ps2 games?

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  • i'm in the market and i have a bunch of ps2 games that i'd like to still play
  • Again, all PS3's that can play PS2 games have 4 USB ports and built in memory card slots. The only 80GB PS3's that can play PS2 games are the MotorStorm 80GB bundle PS3, and the Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle PS3.

    If the PS3 doesn't have 4 USB ports and built in memory card slots, then it can't play PS2 games. You can find 80GB bundle PS3's on Amazon (search the other answers for the link I have supplied more than once, or search for "80gb bundle ps3" on Amazon).
  • Mainly only the 80gb bundles of MGS4 or MotorStorm can play ps2 games
  • There is only one (1): the old 80GB, the one that was $499

    The ones with 4 (four) USB ports.
  • Thursday, January 22, 2009

    Blu-ray acting strange ?

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  • ok i have a 40gb ps3, the laser that reads the disks died so i got it repaired, so when i got it back i put a game in to see if it would run, it was fine, but what is strange is that when i put the spiderman blu-ray disk to see if that would work, it didnt read it. how is that possible if my games are blu-ray and the movie is blu-ray how come the games worked and not the movie? and there are no scratches on the disk.
  • Who fixed your laser? Was it Sony (or Authorized Agent) or was it a third party? If it was Sony, I would give them a call and let them know. If it was a third party, then I would call the third party and let them know.

    Since you know it can read a Blu-ray disc, it may be a problem with the laser lining up correctly. Do you have other Blu-ray movies? Does it do it with all movies? Do ALL of your games work?


    Since Sony fixed it, I would call them and let them know what it is doing. Since you have put in a couple games and say they work, I would try putting the movie back in and see if it still does the same thing.

    Is it not seeing the disc? Or will it just not play it?
  • Based on what i have heard, blu ray is a waste of time, and everyone that got it and spent all that money said to stick with DVD.

    Back in the late 90s, when DVD still wasn't that big a deal, people never thought they would never get rid of their VCR, but now, they don't even make VHS anymore. IF you want it, then you have to go to a thrift store or somewhere to find one.
  • change your bluray settings under the xmb
  • Call of duty 5 question??ps3/xbox 360 ?

    May be...
  • i was looking online about the zombies for glitches but i was wondering how do you get or unlock the

    Call of Duty:World at War Nazi Zombies Abandoned Mine i see people on youtube have it but how???
  • you just have to complete the game to unlock the nazi zombie level...its brilliant...addictive...i got to round

    theres a glitch upstairs where you buy grenades on the wall..and sprint at the grenades (the words "cant stand here will come up on the screen for a sec)and crouch straight away..if you move the direction stick at all no matter in what direction he will be out of the glitch..but if you just look around aim and shoot you'll stay in it.
  • if you mean nazi zombie mode, just complete the story mode on any difficulty. if you mean something else, i don't know what it is.
  • Like last week during Double XP weekend they made it available to play cooperatively online without having to finish the story mode. This is on PS# by the way.
  • its a mod for the pc...not available for ps3 or huh

    _need best answer