Monday, March 31, 2008

Why do i get low signal strength when playing call of duty 4 online on my ps3?

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  • well im playing call of duty 4 online with a router and i keep getting low signal strength which makes me lagg and disconnect. i aslo twitch when playing like a walk forward and back and side to side. ive tried playing by wired but i seem to lagg more. so i need to know is its better to play by a router or wired ( ps3 by the way) thanks
  • i would say wired is better just a little bit of an inconvenience. i suggest having at least 3meg dsl for online gaming and alot of things come into play with wireless. your router might be failing or you might need a better one. if you need a better one go to they have the lowest prices i have seen. it is very likely that some of the lagging is your internet
  • Wired is a little better. However, the reason you may lag is because you may be connecting to a server with players from far away.
  • What is the Hero mode in Jak 3 (PS2)? How do you know whether one is playing the Hero Mode?

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  • I have read a couple of reviews and walkthroughs for Jak3 on ps2 platform and there is mention of the Hero Mode?? can someone please clarify what is this Hero Mode?
  • Hero mode is an unlock you can buy in Jak 3 with the right number of Precursor Eggs. It starts the game over, but you will have everything you unlocked that you had in your previous save. The Eggs will also be reset, so this is a good way to get every unlock easy. Hope this helps!
  • NO OFFENSE BUT Why do you want an old game system.. Do like I did. I a free ps3 on this website. I did one offer and a few people to sign up and I got my ps3 in 6 days. Thank God..


    Heres the Link
  • Hero mode is when you make a new game after finishing the old one but still keep all of your collectables, specials and weapon upgrades. You then replay the storyline of the game while having another chance to get more orbs and to enjoy the game again. One downside is that you do not begin with with all of your eco abilities like light jak's flying ability. You can buy hero mode with precursor orbs, but only after you have finished the game i think.
  • Ps3 or 360 4 u?

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  • i have both i like the ps3 better
  • This question is so often!!! :-)

    PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

    Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

    1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

    2). PS3 has 7 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

    3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 25 (single layer) and dual layer 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 50$. Besides, HD-DVD had lost the format war with Blu-ray. Toshiba had stopped to manufacture them, Microsoft too.

    4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

    Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

    5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

    Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

    6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

    Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

    7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

    Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

    8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

    9). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

    10). Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

    When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

    11). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

    12). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

    13). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

    14). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

    15). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

    16). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

    17).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

    18).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

    19). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) on 15.04.2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import).

    20).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

    21).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

    22). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.

    I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it. Leave it for kindergarten and casual games.


    and many other sources.
  • PS3
  • definitely a 360
  • I went for a PS3. I'm not sure there is a huge gaming difference but I payed the extra as I wanted a blue ray player and I'm pleased I did. Don't think you can go far wrong with either.
  • Thats great. Me, too, but I like the Xbox 360 better.

    Why do you like the PS3 better?
  • PS3, dont have either... yet
  • 360 is a good machine ad has more good game than ps3 , and is cheapest,but has reach the limit i read about a new gane that has few frames because the machine has reached the maximum level .

    i think ps3 is the future , i wait for the money and tekken

    if you can buy it take with soul calibur 4

    but i think is better wait for the next decrease of price .

    if you can t wait, take xbox 360 with soul calibu 4 (damn they keep yoda that s very cool) you can take a cheap one o ebay .
  • Hands down...the 360 for me. I'm addicted to xbox live
  • PS3 Fo Sho
  • PS3.

    Its the best system I've ever seen. And I've been playing since the 80's. Never has a system dont more. The games are amazing and Blu Ray look BETTER than real life.
  • The ps3 is better.

    >It has more than twice the processing power, 7 cores vs 3, and twice the system floating-point power, 2Teraflops to 1 Teraflops. This shows up in 3d games.

    >The games are on 25gb or 50gb blu-rays. MUCH more content. Even a launch game like Resistance Fall of Man was over 16gb, on xbox it would have had to be a double-disc set. MGS4 would have to be a 6-disc set.

    >online is free. Gives me everything I want from online network, including keeping tabs on buddy list, showing what games they're playing, instant messages and video chat rooms. Sony's servers are completely free of lag even when players are halfway around the world. Web brower is great and they keep improving it with updates, for instance youtube video now works.

    >blu-ray player. Enough said.

    >backward-compatible versions. I have the 60gb. My ps2 is dying, my ps3 lets me still play its games and it upconverts them to HD too.

    >all versions have HDMI output, and all except the launch 20gb have wireless networking.

    >motion-sensing controller. Just like that "wheeee" thing that little kids and their grandparents are so nuts about. Not quite the same kind of motion-sensing, but you can still bowl with it.

    >better-designed, and thus less likely to break down. The xbox was rushed into production to beat the ps3 to market, and so it deserves its reputation for hardware failure. It's their own fault for bad quality control.

    >plenty of games. There's no sense in repeating launch-era fanboy gossip. There are tons of ps3 titles including many good exclusives, more than you could possibly buy unless you're very rich.

    Finally to elaborate a little more on the processor. As one answerer earlier said, developers have already maxed out the potential of the xbox's cpu's and gpu. The ps3's Cell engine, on the other hand, has a long way to go. No game has even used half its capabilites, or of the RSX gpu either. The ps3 is a different type of architecture than the xbox and PC's, it concentrates on multi-cores that each operate on a specific function, and low but very fast memory. It's not what the devs are used to, and it took a while for Sony to make devkits for them. It will be years before the Cell is maxed out on the ps3, the games will get better and better for years.
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • How do you play online with the PS3?

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  • Easy 10 points here I have PSN but I don't know how to get online matches started. 1st person to answer it with some instructions gets the points
  • First of all, u must have a game that allows online playing.(look at the back of game cover)

    Then, In the game, U go to online(there should be an option)

    Now, you log in ya PSN and now join a game or create your own game!

    try this worked for me
  • in the PS3 Quick Guide phamplet there are detailled instructions on how best to set up an internet connection, wired or wireless. i would describe it here, but it is quite complicated.
  • Question:GTAIV,Ps3?

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  • Downloadable Content and Achievements on Xbox 360?
  • Better graphics. One disk(Blu-ray). We will probably have d/l content for it one day and HOME has trophies like Xbox's achievements.
  • Yes there is
  • Grand Theft Auto IV ?

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  • What do you think about these three facts

    1.)Xbox 360 has exclusive Downloadable Content coming it's way

    2.)Xbox 360 will have achievements for gta4

    3.)Copies of gta4 for Xbox 360 will outsell two-to-one when compared to ps3
  • LONG LIVE XBOX 360. PS3 is a piece of crap and were taking all their Exclusives MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA

    XBL Gamertag: Jamaican Boy954

    I rather pay $50 bucks a year for Xbox Live than have crappy PS3 online play.
  • who cares about GTA IV for PS3 or Xbox 360 ps3 has better graphics thats that

    P.S. Y r u quitting oblivion for this game?
  • 1. PS3 is supposed to have a little more built in and should get dlc in the future.

    2. Wow, don't really care.

    3. More people have 360's than PS3's. So what.

    You know, your just really f#$king stupid.
  • By the time im through with it we will have expansions and achievments.

    IT doesnt matter to me if a lot of people mad bad choices for their console, its their loss.

    And the first answerer is an idiot probably due to copious amounts of inbreeding. The amount of lag is only dependant on your internet connection . They are exactly the same except PSn is free and XBL lets you link to your msn account.

    This really isnt a question its just you trying to start a fanboy argument.


    Why the hell are you thumbs downing all the answers that arent from some drooling caps lock using retard who cant form a proper sentence or use facts. We prefer PS and are giving our opinions so stop being a douche.
  • For a start buddy, the third one is not a fact :P

    but yer it is unfair that xbox players will get new content, but you never know, ps owners may get it later!

    Thats the way the cookie crumbles im afraid. I hate the constant war between M$ and Sony Fanboys. Its a petty war purely over jealousy of your neighbour's console!
  • I could care less about Exclusive downloadable content for the Xbox 360.

    And that first guy is the biggest jackass I've ever seen. He can keep sending in his Crapbox 360 for repairs for the rest of his life, and the PS3 does not have laggy Online gameplay. I wonder what that fool will have to say when MGS4 comes out an converts 360 fanboys like him to PS3 owners.

    Anyways, I don't think that the downloadable content for the 360 is important. The downloadable content will only be a big deal for current 360 owners, not future 360 owners.

    More people played the Grand Theft Auto games on the Playstation consoles, and I predict that more people will be picking up PS3's and GTA4. People always associate the Playstation 2 with the GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas. Even though the Xbox got those GTA game too, the GTA series sold WAY more on the PS2.
  • If I can't even play GTA IV because my console died, what good is exclusive content?
  • I think your a gay xbox fan boy who is just jealous because you wasted your money on a 360 instead of a PS3. So you put these questions in the PlayStation section so you can get in an argument with someone who was smart enough to buy a PS3. Xbox shouldn't have GTA anyways. It was always a PlayStation game.

    P.S. HOME is going to be way better than them dumb *** achievements.
  • 1.) Who gives a crap? it won't be long until your 360 will have the RROD (even if its an elite). but yeah i heard about it and yeah this shows how microsoft is desperate to get people to buy the 360 just for this game.

    2.) Yeah good for you man.. Who cares? I bet when the trophy system comes out for PS HOME they'll both have the same amount of achievements

    3.) Based on facts yeah that seems like its true. but we'll see opening night which console gets the most copies of GTA IV

    R u a 360 fanboy? because if you are.. Good luck getting that piece of crap 360 to work until GTA IV comes out
  • Another xbox kid. Have you noticed the constant whining from 360 owners. If it's so good why do you bother writing those messages instead of playing the "great" 360 instead?

    BTW, if you read a little bit about games on the net, you'll see that PS3 is getting some DLC content too. Besides, PS3 is stronger and more reliable, hands down. PS3 is already outselling 360.
  • 1) boooooo!

    2) boooooo! but so will the PS3 users when Home comes out

    3) good, now I don't have to preorder it anymore
  • well this is what I think:

    1) I know that, and stop comparing them to each other, atleast its coming out for PS3

    2)dont care

    3)how can you be so sure?? its not even out yet!!

    now, What do you think about these facts:

    1) both the 360 and PS3 are good, both have their pros and cons!

    2)you are lieyng, you dont have all those systems

    3) prove it

    4) you are a fanboy!

    what do you think about that?
  • Sunday, March 30, 2008

    Hi everyone. I was wongdering if I could transport a save from my PS3 to my computer with a blank DVD or CD.?

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  • no you need a different storage media to get it off there (sd card, thumb drive, memory stick.) once its on the computer then its just a file, you'll be able to put it on whatever. but to put the file on or copy one off of the ps3 you will need those types.
  • **** man, my PS3 does not read any CD/DVD anymore :(((?

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  • i won a xbox360 too and it broke 3 times and i though PS3 would be like a tank and this **** is only for xbox 360 but i was wrong i think...

    I know im ganna call Sony about it tomorrow.

    Does anyone know how the would react ? how would they handle it ?

    I bought is on January this year from a shop


  • i had the same problem go to the menu and go to system settings and click system format and pick full it will take 4 hours but should work
  • was it used?
  • Just ring Sony , the Blue Ray drive may be broken so all you will have to do is send it into them.

    If its under warranty all you would end up paying is the postage... I think but if its not under warranty then you will have to pay full price for it to be fixed.
  • New GTA IV tralier!!!! The 4th one!!?

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  • What do you think of it?

    Go to
  • Nice one, but they could show us some actual gameplay.
  • It is pretty awesome.

    The graphics remind me of TF2 a bit.
  • Great, but the previous one the 3rd trailer is so much better.
  • Look's great especially the graphics :')
  • I think this game will be awesome. The Game Informer's review for it said that you could bounce rockets off the ground. That would be sweet.
  • i just read a 11 page story at ign it sounds awesome....u can get drunk,wat happens to me in game wont neccesiarly happen to u....if u hav to replay a mission and fail again the cut scene after u fail will be diffrent each time... i cant wait till april 29 i'll be at game for opening time
  • How Much Is This Gaming Bundle Worth?

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  • I am selling my PS2(1st generation) about 30 games(this includes Dance Dance Revolution with Mat), a wireless logitech controller, 2 sony wired controllers, 2 sony memory cards and the sony wireless universal remote. Can anyone give me an estimate of the selling value? Please try to be accurate.
  • ebay: 225

    eb/gamestop: 155

  • depends where u are selling it eb games will rip u off but i mean 30 games is alot so they might give u some for that but my best bet go on ebay sell it there someone will pick it up for at least 250
  • Well.. this deal is great..

    The 1st generation playstation 2 is around $100.00 .. 30 games (Pre owned) would sell for around 15-20 dollars each... I cant go into full details but..

    The price is very expecive... i would say around

    450- 600 dollars

    Depending on your buyer
  • My ps2 Broke & I'm saving up for somthing else. What should I buy:?

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  • Ps3,



    Xbox 360

    Other Info: I have a Xbox with only two games i that are pretty good.

    I have a lot of ps2 games i just bought & play alot.
  • You should get a ps3, especially since you say you have a lot of ps2 games that you still play.

    An 80gb ps3 would cost you $499, they will be back in stores soon with Metal Gear Solid 4 included, so you get to sneak around as Solid Snake.

    You could maybe get $100 for that xbox with games, to help you get enough for the ps3.

    The Wii is cheaper and more popular right now but is not a next-gen console, can't play in HD, it's got a weak cpu, and its games are mostly forgettable, bubble-gum party games. It won't last long beyond the analog-to-digital switch in 2009 when millions of people will get HDTV's.

    The ps3 is less likely to break than an xbox360, and is more powerful. The 7-core Cell engine in a ps3 has more processing power than a gaming PC. The RSX graphics chip is also first-rate. The ps3 will be a top-of-the-line game machine for many years. Once, long ago, there were few games for ps3, but now there are many, including many excellent exclusives.

    PS3 is free to play online, and PSN gives you connections to all your friends, with instant messaging and video chat, for free.
  • PS3 40 gb can't really play PS2 games. The PS3 80 gb can play. Report It
  • See if you can get a 60 gb ps3. They play All ps2 games, because they have the hardware to play them, unlike the newer ones that can only emulate. Report It
  • Playstation 3, the best concole and doesn't break
  • Get a PS3. You can still play your PS2 games on it (if you get the right one) I have the 80 gig and it plays all of our old PS2 games. It's also a Blu-Ray player so you won't have to buy on of those in the future.
  • PS3 short and sweet

    great system

    best system

    your system
  • PS3, amazing graphics its much better then the xbox, i'd rather get a wii then and xbox, wii is good if you have friends around alot, but if not then PS3 definetely, I'd go with PS3 you won't regret it :') !
  • Playstation Network..?

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  • I Have Cod4, resistance, and nba live 08...

    im very good, if i say so myself..

    headset broke, sorry guys..

    psn: sirkillalot92

    post your psn so all the gamers here can add you..

    ADD MEH PLEASE!!!!!!!!!
  • Wow.. don't listen to the 1st answerer. he's just a dumb 360 fanboy who is jealous of the ps3. and my psn is meco0789
  • PS3 is rubbish. Your online network stinks. Join Xbox LIVE. Get the live experience.

    XBOX 360.
  • PSN ID: DaNrOx48

    Games: Army Of Two, Assassain's Creed, Blazing Angels: Squadrons of WWII, Burnout: Paradise, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare: Guitar Hero III: Legends Of Rock, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, MotorStorm, Resistance: Fall of Man, Skate.

    To Buy List: Haze, GTAIV, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm 2, Resistance 2, MGS4

    Jack T: Stick to ur own section (xbox section, dumbass)
  • Saturday, March 29, 2008

    Guitar Hero for playstation 3?

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  • Im still on easy and i have managed to get through one entire song without getting "Bood" off the stage. I have played 5 times. when should i start getting used to it.?
  • Well everybody is different because we have different mental processing speeds and coordination levels. I started the game on medium and worked my way up until expert to finish the game but then I have a friend who has not yet completed a song on easy.

    It will take time to get the hang of it; much more than 5 times. It's fun though, don't pour your time into it unless you can enjoy it.
  • Practice makes perfect my dear.
  • keep practicing
  • keep on practicing u will get used to it..

    try wats ur hobby pretend it is cooking u have hands that are used to it in cutting and stuff so practice!

    The best song to practice is sweet child'o mine but it is gh2 so i am sorry ..

    u should play gh 1 and gh2 b4 gh 3
  • Can I use a blue tooth earphones on my PS3?

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  • How do you control the volume? Would you have adjust the sound in-game?
  • On most bluetooth headsets, there are voulme control buttons already on them, adjusting in-game sound is all preferance, although it is recommended that you keep it at 3
  • Why is the Playstation 3 60 Gigabite no longer available?

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  • I was just wondering why Sony was no longer selling the Playstation 3 60 Gig version in Britain anymore? As the 40 gig has obviously less memory and no PS2 backwards compatibility. Also does anyone know if there is plans for the release of the 80 gig version in Britain? Thanks for any answers! :)
  • the only reason Sony stop producing the 60 gig is because they could save money, instead of having 4 there are only 2 controller ports, all of the card readers have gone CF,

    SD/Mini SD, Pro, and with the backwards compatibility it all about the micro chips and programs that the PS needs to run these backwards compatibility, this all save s money so Sony have can have a major price drop within the next few years dominating even further in the console wars, soon 300 quid PS3 won't be a joke, what with the hi-def blu ray player included in the price,

    i sacrificed for a chance to get my PlayStation 3 and it was worth it.

    i say if you can't afford a PlayStation now you don't deserve one.
  • That's sony for you. They stopped the 60GB one so that everyone has to but worse technology, they'll probably bring out costly upgrades in the future
  • ps3 by far it's your home system ihave a psp and i only use it for music. with all these next gen systems out you would put down the psp and play the ps3. What a stupid question the price range is crazy. a psp is 184 with tax included and a 40gb(can't play ps2 games) is 400 with tax, how do pick a psp over a ps3
  • dont no, but i got the 60GB
  • price reduction plan

    ntn 's available except 40gb till 12 jne so m buying ps3 40gb here in india

    duh!!!!! i wish they could have had discontinued it a lil later
  • Just go get the 40gb one as it has wifi (good if it's going to be placed nowhere near a router).

    Go to the shops, buy a hard drive, take the old one out and place the new one in.

    Keep the old one as you'll need to put that one back if you take it back for warranty.

    There are guides on google on how to do this.

    Haven't taken it out, but I'm pretty sure they're 2.5" laptop drives.

    So you can have a ps3 with a 300gb hdd :)
  • The reason unfortunately is that Sony regions operate as separate companies, and the PS3 is selling so much better than the 360 in Europe so SCEE don't have to compete, so they screw the consumer.

    The 40GB is 100 pounds cheaper in the US. The European Sony store took months to sell "pain", Europe never got the 1.1 CoD4 patch because SCEE took forever to approve it.

    SCEE haven't announced any plans for the 80GB, having previously said they don't need PS2 compatibility and ignoring what their customers are asking for it will probably not happen.
  • bcoz they use hardware emulation for playing ps2 games which will cost high and due to high price people dont want to ps3 so sony stopped producing ps3 30 gb
  • i thinks it because the 60gb chip or somthing stupid like that was too expensive to make so they stopped making them for the uk and i dont think there is a chance of an 80gb getting realesed in the uk
  • Do ps3 games work in the ps2?

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  • i don't have a ps3 but there is a game i want but it is for the ps3
  • Does VCR play DVDs?
  • if it would then no one would buy those expensive ps3
  • no ps2 doesent play ps3 games
  • why would you ask such a stupid question, they wouldn't make ps3 if u could play the games on ps2
  • PS3 games are on Bluray, which the PS2s don't support, so no. They don't work.

    The PS3s have backwards compatibility, though, and can play PS2 games.
  • nope ps3 games cant be played on a ps2

    only because... well

    those games are made with things that exceed any other ps2 game.. well.. except for that stupid denied ops game... whicjh sucked big time!!

    well yea... u cant play ps3 games on ps2...sry..
  • PS2 work on DVDs but PS3 work on BluRay discs...which is more advanced.

    PS3 can play PS2 dvds...but PS2 can play BluRay discs.

    if u want my opinion.....dont buy the PS3 doesnt have all that much of great ps3 game has shown the PS3's full potential yet......on the other hand..the PS2 has lots of great games that are not on Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3.

    what i wanna say a PS2...PS3 is not that cool yet.
  • What is your Favorite COD4 Gun?

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  • Mine is the P90
  • My favorite overall gun is the MP44 and M14!

    Favorite sub machine gun is the P90,

    My favorite assault rifle, MP44 and M14 excluded, is the M16,

    My favorite light machine gun is the S.A.W,

    My favorite Shotgun is the semi auto one

    And my favorite sniper is the one you get when you first go online!!

    Well there they all are, lol long list :)

    Actually my favorite all time gun is the golden desert eagle!!

    i also like the G3

    and the M16A1
  • My Gold Ak-47
  • m4,m14, RPD, Mini Uzi, and M240A3(green sniper) BARRET IS THE WORST SNIPER!!!!!!!!!
  • i have two favorite guns

    1.) P90 (that gun is awesome)

    2.) M14
  • Desert eagle or Sniper
  • M4 Carbine and Mini - Uzi
  • m4 carbine
  • Does anyone kno if there will be a kingdom hearts 3?

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  • theres nothing official yet but im sure that square enix is working on the title as we speak..... cuz the secret endings in the KH series usually hint sequels.... like in the 1st one in the secret ending it leaked a scenario to the 2nd one.... its the same for the 2nd one to the 3rd i guess... i saw it and im pretty sure thats the 3rd.... they wouldn't stop this franchise this quick anyway cuz it makes too much money.... and also it took a pretty long time for kh2 to come out after kh1....

    hope this helped you out!:D

    don't forget to pick a best answer!
  • All I could find is Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep for the PSP. The date is TBA and it looks like a Japan release. Sorry.
  • yeah!!!
  • Kingdom Hearts 3 hasn't even been confirmed.
  • Friday, March 28, 2008

    Im getting a ps3 tomarrow! and i need a psn name?????

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  • I'm into sports(favorite is baseball)

    im straight

    and i want a really cool name for my psn but it doesn't have to be something with sports...
  • I would avoid using weird symbols to stand for letters. I hate the people that do that, their names are so hard to read that I don't even bother anymore. I just say "hey you."

    Here's a psn name auto-generator, just pick a word from the first list, a word from the second list, and add a number or symbol to make it unique.

    list 1:



















    list 2:

























    If you want, use a word from list 2 with another word from list 2.

    examples: dark_wanderer, lethaltempest1, accursed_beast, blood-servant, bloodlegion5.

    This generator also can be used to make a name for your rock band. If I ever make a heavy metal band it will be called Unholy Sepulchre.

    good luck
  • I went with the classic thatdevingirl because it sums me up simply and quickly. However the best thing you can do is make a name you actually think fits you, I don't know you and thus am drawing a blank about a name for you...
  • playstaion_baseballer113
  • i like to play live 08 my psn name is Ricoda06
  • wait untill june 12 u can can get ps3 80 gb mgs4 bundle which consist of mgs4 game and dual shock 3 controller
  • okay lets see since you like sports we will go with nerd.... Since your straight we will go with fag...... and you want it to be cool so we will go with stupid.....

    PSN ID: StupidGayNerd
  • do you like rice? perhaps ILikeRice
  • b-balleroftheyear027
  • LOL how bout ididyourmomlastnight
  • Is prestige mode in call of duty 4 worth bothering about?

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  • And when you get to level 55 for a second time, do you need to unlock everything again?
  • I think it is, im on my 3rd prestige, i just see how fast i can rannk up, you loose all your guns though, thats the only bad thing, im just trying to get the red heart logo. also, you get put with higher ranked and more skilled people. if you dont want to, dont, if you do, go for it, then when you hit 55 again, just sit pretty and get golden guns
  • Yes you need to start all over. I did it. And NO! its not worth it at all...the only difference is a new fruity little name icon.....dont do it chief.
  • Yes you start all over again. I almost in the second prestige mode and I think that I am gonna go into it.
  • Yeah. You can go to Prestige 10 times essentially giving you like level 605. If you are going to play all the time and like completing the challenges, do it. If youre just going to pop on for a game here and there, DONT...
  • yes you start all over again

    but if you like to show off to your friends then prestige mode is worth

    it makes the game better once you have got all the weapons, at least i think so
  • people who at level 55 no prestige dont get my respect and no one will give you respect because you wont play the game right
  • When I reach 55 I'll be going into prestige mode no worries, it won't be hard to level up again.
  • How low does ping have to be to play online for the PS2?

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  • i just got high speed internet (not broadband) and i was wondering how low your ping had to be to play online with other people.
  • What do you mean "high speed but not broadband," is it one of those dial-up lines that go twice as fast as normal dial up lines, that is, 112 kbits/s? Because if so, you will be limited in the games you can play online with it. If on the other hand it's DSL, that is broadband and you'll be fine.

    As for ping time, ideally you should shoot for a ping below 100, but a ping between 100 and 200 generally will not result in any lag on most ps2 servers. On ps2 you will generally start seeing lag issues somewhere soon after 250. If there are a lot of people on the server, lag can come with less ping if there are more than one person with the high ping.

    Online multiplayer games have gotten more advanced in reducing lag and handling high ping times. On Motor Storm for ps3, for example, I hardly ever see any lag at all; I think the server actually lets the games run on the individuals machines, predicting player's control responses in some instances, and if necessary correcting itself later on. This can cause a player to suddenly teleport to a spot 20 feet away, but it prevents ping from affecting the game.

    Warhawk also is excellent at handling ping. The Sony servers always ping 99, I don't know how. I've never seen lag on one, and they routinely have players from halfway around the world in the same game, from the US west coast, to the Middle East.

    PS2 games mostly haven't got those creative, advanced ways of handling high ping, so you'll have to keep yours as low as possible. Shoot for under 100, but if you can keep it stable below 200, it should still be fine for most games.
  • What's the best programme to stream videos from my laptop to my ps3?

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  • Media player is a bit pants for streaming and will cut out randomly which annoys me, what's a good alternative?
  • TVersity. Very good program. I use it. It's free, you can download it from
  • Google and download Mediatomb, a free and quick streaming program. When you start it up, pay attention to what it says its port number is, then open your web browser and type in your pc's network address (192.168.0.x:portnumber) with that port number at the end. You'll enter the Mediatomb control screen. There you have the option of choosing anything you want on your pc's hard drive to be streamed over your network. If you so choose, you can make your entire hard drive available. You don't have to pick and stream things one at a time, you simply add folders to the "available to stream" list.

    Then go to the ps3, go to video, scroll up and hit x on the Mediatomb icon, and you will enter the folder tree of everything that you made available on your pc's hard drive. You can browse around all the available folders, select any video and play it. Essentially, Mediatomb uses streaming to create a direct file-sharing system between your pc and your ps3.

    The downside is some stuff comes up as "unsupported data." At least, it does for me. Might work better for you.
  • Yep, definitely TVersity. They work together brilliantly and buffering only takes a few seconds.
  • I use Nero MediaHome as I already have Nero Burning Software on my PC.

    Run software......Tell it which folders to share from your Laptop/PC....Start running server on Laptop/PC.

    On PS3 - search for Media Servers.....They will connect.

    Stream to your hearts content...As long as it is in a format the PS3 can play you will be able to play it.

    Job Done
  • Psp or ps3 ??

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  • i have my ps2 system and i was thinking of getting a new one so i have two choises to still have my ps2 and get a psp, or to sell my ps2 and get a ps3, i am really stuck portable is amzing i can play with it in any place but the ps3 hd games (i have an hd tv) and all the new games is in ps3 with the siaxis control plz tell me what to do ???
  • don't listen to the 1st f*cker. ps3 is great. psp is a great system but it lacks great games unlike the ps3. besides psp is great for portable use but lets face it, you probably play your videogames mostly at home so buy the ps3. ps3 is more like a home entertainment package and looks great on an hdtv. after you bought your ps3, later buy the psp because it can wirelessly sync with a ps3 acting like a controller!

    -beware, if your going to ditch your playstation 2 buy the 500 dollar model(60 gb or 80gb) because the $400 dollar model(40gb) can't play ps2 games!!
  • Ps3, since you have a hd tv. And the ps3 update 2.4 will bring in game xmb, so you can chat with friends and you the internet browser during play. So tell all the cockbox fanboys that ;) Ps3 will get a Tv adapter too. Ps3 is just amazing, although i do recommend both, get the ps3 for your HD Tv, you Hd Tv owner!
  • dont listen to the first idiot. i have the ps3 and i love it. i never really wanted a portable system till recently. now i really want the psp. i am getting it this weekend. it just looks so cool. but if i had the choice, i would still choose the ps3. its amazing. everything about it is great. either one you choose i am sure you will be pleased.
  • i advice to get the ps3 but if u are a person who is mostly out of the house i think you sould better buy a psp

    but in general ps3 is way better
  • get a 40gb ps3 and a psp ^^
  • It depends on what you really want. Do you have a lot of games you wish to play on either one?

    Sure, the PS3 has some massive amounts of good games, the graphics, the gameplay value, its genres, its wireless controller feature, but it is not relatively cheap. The company who made it is pushing the BluRay and almost rendered the PS2 obsolete. In a couple days, the PS2 will not be sold anymore, so I'd hold onto it in case you want to go back to your old game.

    The PSP may be portable and plays several games that neither the PS2 or the PS3 can play, but like the PS2, it will eventaully become useless like the PS2. People normally take it because, well, its portable. You can bring it to school and such, yes, but you risk confiscation of it.

    Just to finish it, I lean toward the PS3 due to the good games, but its your money and not mine. You have to choose which you want, but you can still hear the other peoples' opinions.
  • ps3 and then later on if you want 2 get a psp. My brother uses his psp like an extension of his ps3. You can download games on the ps3 and put them on to your psp and you can also play psp games on ur ps3 so you have a big screen. Also the ps3 gives you a blueray disc player.
  • Get a PS3, then save up and get a psp too! Just make sure you get the 80gb version if you plan on playing all your old ps2 games.
  • Since you got the ps2 you might as well get the psp so when you go places you take your psp and at home you play your psp, and ps3 but the brand new games like grand theft auto, and call of duty 4 amd other games they are not making for ps2 because it is old but if you want a ps3 you should get it but by selling your ps2 wont will give you enough money to get a ps3
  • Xbox 360/Xbox is far superior to Ps3/PsN
  • Can a game shark for the original model of the PlayStation 1 be use for the smaller version?

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  • Haah.. You're being left behind buddy.. Yeah it works.. depends upon the version of your game shark though.
  • Thursday, March 27, 2008

    Is there going to be a special edition MGS4 (game not bundle) for North America sales?

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  • I know GTA4 and Devil May Cry 4 have special editions, what about MGS4?
  • Yes, there will be a special edition.

    "The MGS4 Limited Edition will come in a metal box and contain a Blu-ray with two behind the scenes documentaries on the production of MGS4, four chapters of the MGS graphic novel and an imported Metal Gear soundtrack CD. EB is going to throw in a Metal Gear art book as well, and since you’re pre-ordering MGS4 you should also be eligible for the Metal Gear Saga 2.0 DVD, which includes the beta key to get a taste of Metal Gear Online a bit before release."
  • Im not sure, but Im pretty sure there will not be. Only time will tell. However, it is coming in an 80GB ps3 bundle with a DUALSHOCK3
  • Yes. Just saw it on's homepage this morning.
  • Can you use ps3 ncaa 08 rosters for online play?

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  • ps3 ncaa 08 rosters for online play?
  • I assume you're referring to football ! Any college sports game that you have rosters for can be used for online play ! I play 2K sports College Hoops 2k8 basketball and I have the real name rosters and they transfer to online play !
  • What the hell happened to the playstation leaderboard?

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  • I worked hard to get to 7th place providing very helpful answers now a bunch of asshats are up in first!
  • Just checked it out. Everything is normal. :-)
  • I ate it!
  • it seems right. all the people ahead of you i see answering questions all the time except for r n d. but he used to answer all the time. you are all good people so just keep up the good work. by the way, you are in 6th. i think i should be in the top 10. i give good answers. but oh well.
  • LOL yer your very helpfull but maybe they answer more .........quantity over quality.
  • Can i run burned playstation 2 games on pcsx2 ? quick 10 points?

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  • Yes pcsx2 can play burned games, but you computer has to be up to date to be able to run games at reasonable speeds on pcsx2.Just click Configure>configure in the pcsx2 menu at the top. it should bring up a configuration window. go to the cd/dvd option and select a plugin that reads from a the dvd. it should work just fine.
  • What's a PCSX2? Do you mean a PSX? There is no PSX2.

    The PSX is a PS2 combined with a DVD Recorder - not to be confused with Sony's internal name for the first Playstation. While many people used PSX to refer to the older Playstation console when the PSOne was released, that stopped when Sony released a product that had the official name of "PSX".

    Either way, you can't play burned games without first installing a mod chip, and since the PSX is a bit different than the PS2, I don't know if the modchip would work or not.
  • Isn't it better to buy a PS3 instead of a Blu-Ray player since it gets firmware updates?

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  • Well all players get firmware updates, through their website. You'll have to burn on a cd or put on like a thumb drive if you have one. But overall, you're pretty much right. Due to the PS3's constant updates, and how much easier it is to update. It's currently the only "Future-proof" player. It's been recently ugpraded to Profile 2.0 Blu-ray Player with all the new BD-Live features. The only thing the PS3 is currently missing is support for DTS-MA Audio decoding support, which is reportedly coming in the next update. Sony and Panasonic are each releasing a profile 2.0 Blu-ray player in the next 2-3 months. The cheapest, however is $599...while you can grab a ps3 40gb for $399. Hope this helps!
  • Yah cause its cheaper!!!!!
  • That's one of the reasons. Now PS3 supports BD-live (downloadable content for Blu-ray movies). Besides, you're getting state-of the-art gaming console and Media Server enabled versatile multimedia player.
  • I would think so, especially since the PS3 is cheaper than a standalone Blu-Ray player and you have a next generation gaming system too. Even if you never played the games, the PS3 Blu-ray player is cheaper, all you have to do is buy the $25 remote and there isn't much difference.
  • yes it makes much more sense to get a ps3 than a blu-ray player (unless your short on space) because the ps3 costs as much as a blu-ray player and you get a lot more for it. sony actually makes each ps3 at a loss of about $200-300 but they make money of all the games. even if you're not a big gamer but want a blu-ray player the ps3 has memory to save videos and maybe if you want you can buy a game or two. and yes ps3 does get firmware updates and the most recent one just released more updates on blu-ray playing. the ps3 is currently the best blu-ray player (and game console if you're a gamer) so if you want a hi-def movie experience, the ps3 is the way to go!!
  • Now is 2.20
  • yes, it is cheaper and better than all of the expensive blu-ray players
  • yeah that's true since blu-ray profile 2.0 might be comin out sometime this year.. but yeah it is better to buy a ps3 than a normal blu-ray player
  • yes because the Blu-Ray player costs around $450.
  • Depends. If money is a concern, then yeah, PS3 is probably the best deal if you care about gaming at all. If you care a lot about your movie watching experience and don't mind spending some extra money, it's probably better buying a standalone player (most of them can get firmware updates) because the PS3 fan can get pretty loud and distracts you from the movie.
  • Any of u have a Ps3?

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  • If u do, add Tadeh24 and Terminator127
  • i have one add me redsoxfan322 i sent my ps3 to sony and getting it on monday so add me and i will accept i have cod4 and r6v2 and do you have a headset i am getting one saturday
  • yeh i do
  • Sorry no ****** bryant fans allowed on my PS3 friends list.
  • i do, just add phonebookman321
  • Yes I have one. But I don't want any freinds.
  • Yeah i have, and been looking for some friends to add! I play rainbow six 2 and Burnout Paradise, My PSN name is billybobz2 :)
  • I do but unless you have Guitar Hero 3 or Rock Band it's pointless to add me until I get COD4.
  • HELL YEAH! 80Gb Owner. Add me: Yawnier.
  • haha ps3/psn is garbage compared to 360/live
  • Wednesday, March 26, 2008

    Does it make a difference if you dont got......?

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  • Does it make a difference if you dont got an HD TV for a PS3 game? If you play a PS3 game on a regular television does it make any difference. Are the graphics better on HD. Or do the graphics change a little on the HD.
  • Actually, it makes a BIG difference on HD. On HD, you can see things you never saw before. Even minor details like a grain of sand, a spec of dust, and even sweat. On HD, the pictures are much more crisp, sleek, shiny, and pretty real over all than on SD.

    Ive noticed on COD4 for my PS3, when i had it on the SD composite cables, the graphics were kinda crappy, and it didnt have minor things like a picture on the main menu, a nicer, more detailed gun etc. But when I got my HDMI, and put it on 720p (my HDTV only supports 720p), it looked way more nicer. Plus, the PSN store was nicer also. Why?

    The PSN on SD only has 3 things to display at a time. On HD, you can see new downloads, a most downloaded bar, featured stuff and 10 items to display at a time.

    The graphics change tremendously on HD. Everything is much more nicer and sharp. =D

    My US PSN in HD:

    My JDM (Japanese) PSN in HD:
  • The graphics on an HDTV make the PS3 look a lot better...i got a regular TV and my friends got an HDTV and you can definitely tell the difference but i mean they dont look bad on a reg TV, just kind of makes me want a better TV
  • How can do i play online?

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  • Well you need to list the Playstation model 1st.

    For a PS2, you will need a broadband connection, and an Ethernet cord. If you have a router, even better.

    For one Ethernet, just take the Ethernet from your PC, and plug it in. DONE. If you have a router, just buy another Ethernet, plug it to one port in the router and plug the ohter to the PS2.

    For a PS3, the steps for the wired connection is the same, but you will have to go to settings > network and configure a new setting.

    For wireless, plug in the Ethernet in the INTERNET/LAN/WAN port, and the other to your DSL/CABLE box. Then plug one to your computer. Then go to your PS3, then settings > network and configure from there.
  • buy the network adaptor first
  • Where can i get an Ethernet Cable? Do they still sell them? For ps2?

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  • The PS2 uses the same ethernet format as a computer, so any ethernet cable will do fine. If you want to buy a long one for cheap, I recommend the site . They have great places for all cables in general.
  • Ethernet is Ethernet, yes you can still buy them and the work for any Ethernet connection.

    If your PS2 has the Network adapter, you can use a cable to connect it to your network.
  • You Can use a regular Ethernet Cable and yes hey can be bought still
  • Ethernet cable is the same cable PC uses. On sale in every PC store. Also called RJ-45.
  • System update problems for ps3?

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  • hi peeps,

    well i just got a playstation 3 and trying to download system update 2.20. i waited for 6 hours and got to 21% then suddenly i get a error (80710723) i dont know why but i really need help.

  • bro i think u need a turbo connection or 1mb speed of internet to be faster if it dosent work download the 2.20 update from this site ok u make in the search update -----> softwer update then u download the update to ur pc then from ur pc to ps3 u copy the update to a flash mamory then u install it to the ps3
  • I wonder did you get it from the internet or a disk I guess it would be better to get it from a disk it didn't take as long for mine though.
  • it's mainly cause of your internet connection. It's either too slow or on the brink of disconnecting wen u start the download. My advice, b4 u start downloadig the update, make sure your internet connection is strong. If it took more than 6 hours to reach 21%, then your internet connection might be a little slow....upgrade!!
  • Why does sony playstation 3 delay everything?

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  • i have a sony ps3 and i love it, but i also hate the fact that every game you anticipate coming out gets pushed back (usually numerous times). it gets annoying and is bad business. also why dont they give out a release date. instead they give out a season or a quarter . sony home (spring 2008) now (Q3)star wars (summer 2008). and the funny part is they cant even make the release dates even thought its set to these timeframes instead of a specific date. final fantasy has gotten pushed back a total year and will most likely be pushed back again, home will never come out. sony always bits off more then they can chew .i know they take longer because they want to perfect a game or whatever but then dont give out a release date or try to get ppl excited when its not gonna come out forever and people will just forget about it or not even care when it comes out. is there any other reasons?
  • The problem is really the development kit (or process) . Microsoft has the process down of a good development kit, and is actually pretty easy to make xbox 360 games (while you are making a windows game). But with all the power of a cell processor its makes development a lot harder. Thus development time is going to be longer for the PS3. Thats always the problem with Power over performance which one is better. Have more power but longer development time, or not as good of power and easier to develop for.

    Most people assumed that as people got use to the PS3 that development time would cut down, but looks like people are still struggling.
  • They delay to make the games and various things perfect. Why release a game with problems, when you can work on it some more to make it better? When something gets delayed it actually makes me happy because I know Sony is fixing a problem. I'd wait another month or so for a smooth game, than getting a broken game earlier.
  • Marketing strategy.
  • Sony doesn't delay the games because they aren't the one making the game. The game developers delay the game so the game doesn't have that many problems.
  • Perfection takes time.

    Besides, don't tell me you played and finished (100%) all of the awesome released games already?!

    Home release date might be Q3 on IGN but it will be out before the end of July I just know it.
  • They don't delay everything. They didn't delay Warhawk! They haven't delayed Metal Gear Solid 4. They didn't delay Resistance Fall of Man.

    They make those release frames targeted to the kind of people who are asking to get excited about stuff. When they make those announcements so far in advance, there is no telling what can go wrong. They are only estimating the development time, and their estimates are usually right, but sometimes not. People just pay attention to the few times when they're wrong, instead of the many times when they're right.

    So that Home, and Final Fantasy, and Haze being delayed suddenly becomes "everything" when in reality the great majority of ps3 projects have finished on time, especially since the official Sony devkit became available.

    As for Home, I suspect it is having severe problems with troublemakers. People who login just to talk trash, insult other people, or even stalkers or perverts. On game servers there are always people there just to be a nuisance, well on Home they are all basically in the same place. What to do with them, how to ban them? I bet Sony is wrestling with that issue right now. I can't see any other reason why a beta test would take more than a year.
  • The first answer was a good one. I'll also piont out that they delayed putting the system itself out because they didn't want to have a bunch of screw ups (like the XBox 360).

    Good things come in time. I do, however, wish they would hurry up with PS Home. I'm a looser like that.
  • You're asking this as if release delays are exclusive to the PS3. It's not. Delays are a problem across all type of software development. PC games have all kinds of delays. Warhammer Online just got delayed. Duke Nukem Forever? Ha! Even Windows Service Packs aren't immune to delays. XP SP3 has been delayed for what now? 2 years? Vista SP1 was delayed too.

    Giving a release date is never a good idea for the software companies, because you never know when you'll run into an unexpected problem and have to delay your release. But if they don't give a release date, then someone else will complain because they want a release date. Even if they don't release any date, someone else (ie, GameStop/EBGames) will make up a release date.
  • Favorite Multiplayer Split Screen? PS3?

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  • I am looking for your top 3 favorite games that are Split Screen (Online or Offline please specifiy).....

    I want to buy Resistance or COD4 but haven't decied which is better.... I do want online split screen and COD4 doesn't have it.... so can someone give input on this also....
  • Resistance and Army of Two are great co-op games but I would suggest Army of Two first its freaking awsome.
  • Iv got Resistance and cod4. Resistance is ok but COD4 is amazing get that. It is the best game iv ever played and when you complete it the online is amazing to.
  • Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2 is the best. You can play up to 4 people in split screens. I love this one. It provides several coop modes and solo modes so you can coop or even hunt each other in split screen mode.

    Rainbow 6 Las Vegas, Rainbow 6 Las Vegas 2 and Army of Two allow 2 players split screen.

    Currently no game is allowed split screen and online at the same time.
  • Tuesday, March 25, 2008

    What does ACOG stand for?

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  • As in the acog scopes unlocked for getting 150 kills on CoD 4 online.
  • Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight
  • Advanced Combat Optical Gunsight

    but wats the use

    i think of it as more of a punishment for getting 150 kills

    it is so overrated as an attatchment

    only good thing is the 1000 pts for getting the kills
  • Advanced Combat Optical gunsight is what it stands for. The new acogs on cod4 are amazing, especially for close range sniping
  • Other than cpacity are there any differences between the first 3 side arms on COD 4?

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  • I know the deagle is more powerful but between:

    -USP .45

    -M1911 .45


    What is the difference [i know M9 has higher capacity]
  • i dont think there is much differrence

    but from experience i would have to say that the M9 would probably kill better than the rest

    the desert eagle will still lay waste to all of them tho
  • I have 32 inch samsung lcd tv and hdmi cable when i plug it to my ps3 says 1080 i/720 p only....why not 1080p

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  • me...i wanna know why?
  • I have a samsung tv that only accepts 720p and 1080i look at your tv manual and see what signals it can take,my guess is that it cannot take a1080p signal which is classed as full HD.

    But 1080i and 720p are HD which give a much better signal than a standard signal.
  • Most and I mean most TVs under 42 inchs do not support 1080p.
  • The limitation is in your TV. It obviously only goes up to 1080i/720p. Sorry bro.
  • Are my playstation 2 games compatible with the 60 gb playstation3?

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  • the 60 has the best backwards compatibility of all the models.
  • si senorita
  • Yes Yes and...Yes. dnt worry about it.
  • yes u jut have to go too settings and enable some things but i would recommend only genuine games
  • yes
  • Yes, almost all PS2 games can be played on NTSC 60GB and ~70% of PS2 games on PAL 60GB.
  • they sure are.
  • yea
  • Playstation 3?

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  • Me and my dad wanted to play onlineon the ps3 together but every game wehave we cant play a game is there a way to play online together thanks
  • no there are no games out that can do this YET because resistance fall of man 2 which will be released soon will have this but meanwhile why don't u try resistance fall of man 1 it has a coop mode IN the campain mode so it's awsome (i play it with my cousin u can't get bored)
  • in burnout paradise and Call of duty 4 you can create private matches with your dad. this means you can create matches with no strangers but you and one other player. you cn also add more than one if you wish.

    i do it all the time with my friends
  • Ps3 red light error?

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  • My PS3 got the red light error and no longer stays booted for more than 5 secs before turning off and the light turns yellow then starts blinking red. so 2 questions:

    1: what does the red light mean and is there any way I can figure out what precisely is going wrong (i know like everything about computers so don't be afraid to say anything overly-technical)

    2: any way i can fix it myself?

    any help is appreciated.
  • the prob could be 2 things. I work at a store and me and my buddy do 360 and ps3 repairs cheaper then sonys $150 dollar repair. First once u turn mon the console from standby the front should have a solid green light. (take all discs out). If the light keeps blinking and u cant get 2 your main menu ( the one with options like games movies etc.) Then that indicates that your system is experiencing a hardware failure. Turn the console off by holding the front for 10 seconnds. once the console is on standy by turn it off from the back.

    disconnet all cords from the ps3. On the end with stickers there should be a little rectangle box to open and get your hard drive ( read the manual and remove the HDD). Once the Hdd is out reconnect all wires. turn the ps3 back on manualy and hold the on button(in front) until u here 2 beeps. If u still cant see your dashboard or menu then the ps3 console it self has a system failure. if u can see the dashboard then the hdd has a failure in it. If it is the hdd just replace it with a computer(laptop hdd) hdd. if it is the system then we got to fix it. U said u can work with computers. Then i will tell u step by step what 2 do and we can get your ps3 working again without having u send it in to sony and wait a month to have someone elses ps3. OK i will need more info like what model these companys give all models differen hardware. Email me at and i will help u trust me.
  • So when you turn it on it won't go to a green light? the red light means its in standby mode, u sure ur not talking about the 360 and its Red Ring of Death?
  • That means the Ps3 is DEAD

    To fix it you can read this article
  • You have one of the defective ps3s. Yellow lights and blinking red lights indicates general hardware failure on ps3. If your ps3 is still under warranty call Sony and they will send you a new or refurbshed one. Your ps3 is one in a billion
  • If its under warranty ring Sony :

    North America: 1-800-345-SONY (7669)

    United Kingdom: 08705 998877
  • Monday, March 24, 2008

    Can i use any bluetoth headset for my ps3?

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  • any blutooth headset
  • yes, and to do this, you need to go to register bluetooth device on the accessory settings, you will also need to read your manual on your bluetooth headset to find out how to let it connect to the ps3
  • Yes
  • Yes! I suggest Bose or Sony They Have the highest frequency so you can play your ps3 from far.
  • Who has smackdown vs raw 2008 on ps2?

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  • Yeah thats a kewl game...if u need any help with it go to

    or E-Mail me @

    hope this helped =P
  • OMG i am a girl and i love that game! IT ROCKS
  • I had it but got my money back, this game is pretty much the same as the 07 game except with the storyline being a bit different
  • My brother has it.

    The graphics and the sounds differ from the ps3 and xbox 360 version, but is still the best game ever!
  • How to connect my internet on my PS3, wireless?

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  • When ever I go throught the whole process it ends up failing. Can someone please tell me what I'm doing wrong, or what else I need to do, can I get the correct and complete process anywhere else?? Thanks in Advance for those who answer!!
  • -go to settings

    -go to internet menu

    -click "scan"

    -it will scan for all the wifi connections

    -pick the strongest one (they will he %s)

    -Set everything else to "Easy" or "Automatic"

    -Your to go
  • USB cable?
  • I know what is going on. First you need to take your ps3 and stomp it while wearing moon-boots, then go to the store and buy the xbox 360. tah-dah! now you feel much smarter don't you?
  • If it is a secure connection, you will need the password to your router. You can access this by connecting a computer to the router. Other than that it should be as simple as scanning it. Is your signal strong enough, I know when mine was on the other side of my house it was a weak signal and wouldn't connect.
  • Is there anything extra that needs to be purchased to use the PS3 wi-fi feature?

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  • I am looking into purchasing a PS3, but it won't be any where near my DSL modem, so I won't be able to connect it directly. It is a wireless modem, but I want be sure if there will be any extra cost or any additional processes that need to be set up to use the wi-fi feature of the PS3. Thanks.
  • With an 80, 60, or 40 GIG PS3 the wi-fi feature will come right with your system. However, a 20-GIG PS3 doesn't come with this feature and will need to be connected with the ethernet cable into your modem. So, if you absolutely need to use wi-fi, get a 40-GIG or up.
  • No there isnt. Unlike 360 that has everything as an ad-on to get more money in the long run.
  • If you already have a wireless router or modem as you said you do then you will only need to set it up in the network settings in your PS3 and you will be online in no time.
  • Not really no. But you need to purchase a router which is really cheap if you want to use wireless internet. You also need a computer and a modem. You have to hook up a router to your DSL modem. And your DSL modem has to be hooked up to the computer and internet. Then your all set.

    Good luck. Have fun browsing the internet!
  • I'll get back to you, I have to ask my kid, I'm sure he could help you out
  • PS3 GB information?

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  • I bought a 40BG and when I looked when I got it the system said I had 37GB and now with saving one game I have I think 31GB left. Why does it take so much space for not really saving anything, and why did it start with 37GB instead of 40GB like it said it had?
  • The way that the GB is calculated, you always end up with less space than what it says. For instance, with my 8GB Ipod Touch even though I have a 8GB model, my total capacity is 7.27 GB.

    Also some of the hard drive space is used for the Operating System.
  • The PS3 uses some space for the operating system. Also maybe the game had an install which took up some space.
  • Yeah you have to take into consideration the operating system. Mine said the same thing. And the game that you have probably had to have a large install. Check the back of it and see system requirements.
  • I believe I have told you this before, when you get for this example a 40GB hard drive, some of that (usually about 7%) is used for programming and other software saving as well as 40 is a rounded number is usually the actual amount, but creators never want to use odd numbers, they want the number of GB to look more attractive. When it comes to your game saving, it depends on the game and how much information is being saved. Unless you're going to save every game for the rest of your life, you don't need to worry about that space disappearing.
  • Mine did that too. They just say 40gb to round up the number so they dont have to say 37GB PS3 because 40GB just sounds better and theres really no point in saying 37GB. Also it does take a chunk out of your memory when saving things but it will take alot to completely use up all your memory.
  • It used a lot of space in gb because like my ps3 I have 80gb and they use 20gb for backup in case of memory lost or damage.So now I have 60gb or 58 gb plus my games
  • You got taken.
  • How do i know what controller came with my ps3.?

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  • I bought a playstation 3 last year. I also boght a 2 year replacement warranty. My six axis controllers both went bad. The one that came with the ps3 and the one i bought seperate. I called best buy about replaceing my controller.They said they can only replace the controller that came in the original ps3 box. My question is how do i know witch controller came in my ps3. box.Is there a way of knowing that. I cant find any numbers that match. The guy from best buy told me to make sure i send in the original controller. Any help will be apprciated. thanks
  • Take them both and give them One then if they go this aint it give them the other one simple :).

    Dont tell them you have 2 at the start xD.

    Trust me that will work
  • If they are the same, (no rumble) then it shouldn't matter. Are you sending it somewhere or just taking it into best buy? If so just take both to best buy and tell him to pick one. I don't think it well matter.
  • I'm not sure what they are asking because there is only one kind of PS3 controller available. it is a PS3 Six Axis. the Dual Shock 3 version of this controller isn't available until April.
  • Sunday, March 23, 2008

    Does the Swap Magic Flip Top Cover work with the SCPH-77001 version of the Slim PS2?

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  • I was wondering. It is a black PS2. I watched the video for the Flip Top Cover installation steps, and the PS2 being worked on looks exactly the same as mine. Here is the link to the video. I just want to make sure my PS2 will work with it.
  • yes, as long as it's a black ps2 slim, it should work. enjoy!
  • Anbody know what this game is about?

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  • its called ''aftrika'' for the ps3
  • "Afrika" is the working title of a game being produced by Rhino Studio's. It is an adventure game set in Africa, you can look at an example of the visuals here;
  • Apparently the game is about you as a range going around africa looking at animals, saving them etc, they spelt africa wrong as well
  • Can the ps3 be chipped. and where on the web can i buy a chipped ps3?

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  • chipped ps3 links?
  • yea it can is chipped is what i think....but you dont just buy one cause i think it is illegal? but i think there are people oin craigslist who will do it for you for a couple of bucks
  • Don't, hacking it is far more effective as they can't ban you from the network. wait until it is hacked.
  • Where can I preorder a 80gb PS3 for it's release back in to stores on June 12?

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  • Currently I don't know of any places that take pre-orders on the new 80GB PS3 bundle. The new bundle is still a little over 2 months away, and I'm thinking that it wont be avaliable for pre-order until sometime in April or May.
  • free stuff go to this website
  • eb games/ gamestop
  • What game is better?

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  • assasins creed or call of duty 4
  • call of duty 4 because assassins creed gets far to repetitive
  • Hey,

    In my opinion....

    Call of Duty 4

  • assasins creed got biger maps and more game play

    but call of duty 4 got multiplayer
  • Do I have to have an HDTV for a PS3?

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  • No you don't have to have a HDTV on the PS3, but to get the most out of the PS3, a HDTV is recommended. The PS3 is an HD console and it was really meant to be played on a HDTV, but it's not necessary.
  • no but it looks way better on a hdtv.
  • No, but you should for the amazing graphics that your paying so much for.
  • Not at all, you just wont be able to get the full experience on a regular television. There really is an amazing difference between regular and HD gaming, not to mention the clarity of Blu Ray HD.
  • no my tv is really crappy when i play dvd's icant see the image but with the ps3 i can see perfectly
  • Not at all, i have one myself. I mean of you only have the HD cables you would have to have an HDTV, but i would highly recommend getting all HD because there is a lot better game quality, and not as much lag going on in the game. Also, everything's bigger in HD
  • No you don't need an HDTV but it does make the graphics look better if you have an HDTV that displays in full HD/1080P !
  • Saturday, March 22, 2008

    My electric went during playing on PS3 ?

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  • Will this damage the PS3 in anyway ?
  • If the eletricity went out while you were playing the PS3, it shouldn't damage the PS3.

    I remember I was playing my PS3 in my dorm room and all of a sudden the power went out for about 5-10 seconds and then the power came back on and my PS3 was functioning without any problems when I turned it back on.
  • this shouldn't damage it in any way, just make it angry and confused, like when you turn a pc off without shutting it down.

    what would damage your ps3 is a power surge. that could burn things :(
  • no your ps3 should be alright
  • No. Power offs are very bad only during firmware updates.
  • How much does guitar hero 3 cost for ps2???

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  • so im gonna get guitar hero 3 for my ps2 but i just need to no how much it cost. all my friends are saying diffrent prices so i dont no how much it cost. plz help!!!
  • for the whole thing that includes the guitar nd game it costs 90
  • i bought it for my husband and it was $50.00 plus tax at christmas time.
  • on a special site i forgot its name but yea you can get it for $5
  • Game alone cost $49.95

    Game used costs $40- $45

    game with wired guitar cost $ 80

    game with wireless guitar cost $90

    id recomend the game with the wired guitar(u wont lose connection and cheaper)
  • Does the ps3 have better graphics than the xbox 360? and what system is better?

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  • In terms of pure graphics output, the PS3 is superior to the 360. The 360 upscales games to 720p and 1080p, whereas the PS3 natively renders games in HD.

    In current games, 360 ports to the PS3 are terrible. Example: Madden 08 runs at 60fps on the 360, 30fps on the PS3. However, PS3 ports to the 360 result in higher quality 360 games, such as Virtua Fighter, which is one of the few 360 games that can natively run in 1080p.

    In terms of games, the 360 has a larger current library of 360 games. I'm pretty sure the 80gb PS3 has a larger library than the 360 overall, when you consider it plays ~85% of PS2 games + ~100% of PS1 games. The 40GB PS3 plays no PS2 games, but plays ~100% of PS1 games. (The 360s with the harddrive also plays some Xbox 1 games once you download the patch)

    I'd like to point out the fanboy comment #2, who states that the harddrive in the 360 is larger. It is not, except in the 360 Elite which has a 120gb drive. The Premium has a 20gb harddrive, and the Arcade has a 256mb memory card. However, the PS3 has a user upgradeable harddrive rather than a proprietary $100 20gb drive. So if you get a 360, don't get the Arcade. It's kind of a gimped model unless you want to buy a lot of memory cards for all your DLC.

    In terms of reliability, the PS3 is better than the 360. PS3's failure rate is at under 2%, whereas the current offerings of 360s are at about 16%, according to an insurance company that has to pay for repairs (like the extended warranties you buy from Gamestop. Somebody has to fund them). The original batch of 360s had failure rates in excess of 33%.

    In online play, it's debatable. The 360 charges for online multiplayer, which is free on the PC, Wii, and PS3. However, they do offer services such as enhanced matchmaking. The 360 also offers achievements, which I must say are quite fun. People do become obsessed with those, and freely give away their account information for people to farm more points (stupid, in multiple ways). Just pointing that out before you're tempted for someone to "boost your gamerscore" just by giving him your username/password. People can very easily steal credit card information once they log into your account.

    The PS3 will have the features of the 360's dashboard, along with "trophies" (can't call them achievements), by Summer 2008.

    Also, the PS3 has a Bluray player built in, allowing you to watch Full HD movies. The 360 had a HD DVD drive which is now $50 since HD DVD is dead. MS has announced no plans to offer a Bluray 360 add-on. PS3 includes wifi; the 360 has a $100 wifi add on.

    So it's really whether you want to have a wide variety (and by that I mean FPS/sports/racing since other genres for the 360 are still mediocre. There's a few gems, but the GotY candidates are from the above genres) of games now or wait for the future potential of the PS3. Those games get better by leaps and bounds, whereas the 360 is limited by the DVD9 capacity. Metal Gear Solid 4, if it came to the 360, would be 6 or 7 DVDs long. Also, search for Resistance: Fall of Man screenshots, and then screenshots from Resistance 2. That's the leap between 1st generation games and 2nd generation games. Imagine further in the future. The PS3 may not have many games now, but this year alone there are going to be over 180 titles released on the system (including multiplatform).

    So you're either buying for the now (360) or for the future (PS3). Take your pick.
  • I think that the xbox 360 has better graphics. It would also be a better system if the PS3 did not have a blu ray player.
  • I think the PS3 might have the edge in graphics, however, developers have yet to really start using the PS3's power. As a result, most games that are on both platforms (e.g. Madden, Oblivion, etc.) look pretty much the same.

    As for which is better, that's going to depend on you. The console that plays the games you want to play is the one you should buy.

    For me, thats the 360. Better selection of games, better exclusive titles, better online service.

    The PS3's biggest advantages right now are its blu-ray player, and free online play. It has a lot of games lined up for this year, but it remains to be seen if they'll actually be any good (same as any unreleased game.)
  • It depends what you want to use your system for. I got Xbox 360 because its the best system for multiplayer online gaming, has bunch of classic arcade games to download on Xbox Live, and my dad got ps3 so I have no reason to get myself one. PS3 has very little better graphics than Xbox 360, it has 6 processors backing up, has blueray dvd player, has remote play if you have a psp system, and has very little arcade games to choose from and actual games to choose from the self. I personally don't favor PS3 at all, because it doesn't have any good games that interest me and the hard drive space isn't much. So if your still have a hard time to choose on a system, think what do you want the most out of your system. Well..thats not hard to choose for me, because its a video game system. Video games are the most important for the system. Xbox 360 owns!
  • gamespot did the comparison twice ^^

    and theyr almsot the same but the 360 is like 1% better because its a little bit darker which make it more look realistic.....

    anyway the ps3 has a better hardware..... i hope developer will utilize it before the new PS gen comes :P
  • The ps3 does have better graphics than the xbox 360 because it has the blu-ray disc. I personally believe the 360 has better games and is altogether a better system. However, I have heard that the ps3 is the system of the future because the use of the blu-ray disc is expanding and the ps3 can act as a blu-ray disc player.
  • No the better system is the PS3...

    Because the tech. is newer and all is 1080p
  • This question is so often!!! :-)

    PS3 will win the console war, no doubt. Xbox 360 and Wii are so weak from technological point of view, that in couple of years they won't be capable of dealing with serious graphics. GTA IV, for instance, isn't even announced for Wii - this toy won't be able to cope with the game's requirements. Xbox 360 is getting GTA IV, however, the game is going to be released on several DVDs - Xbox 360 owners will have to interrupt gaming process and switch discs (Rockstar complained about this issue). Only PS3 will have it on single BD-DVD.

    Let's compare PS3 and XBOX 360:

    1). A third of XBOX 360 (33%) are malfunctioning right from the start. PS3 return rate is only around 0.2%. Despite some people say, that new 360 has no breakdown issues - just visit Xbox section of Yahoo answers and see for yourself an amount of complaints.

    2). PS3 has 7 kernels in Cell processor, Xbox 360 -only 3.

    3). PS3 uses advanced tech called Blu-Ray, one disc can store up to 25 (single layer) and dual layer 54 gb (in the future - up to 200 gb), Xbox 360 - regular dual layer DVD-9 (8.5GB). It's possible to get HD-DVD (max. - 30GB) for 360, but it'll cost you around 50$. Besides, HD-DVD had lost the format war with Blu-ray. Toshiba had stopped to manufacture them, Microsoft too.

    4). Calculations per sec - PS3 - 51-billion-dot-product-operati... per second

    Xbox 360 - 33.6-billion-dot-product-opera... per second

    5). PS3 has full media support - USBs, built-in 4 slots card reader (except 20GB and 40GB versions), ability to use printer and so on.

    Xbox 360 has USBs and only 2 memory slots.

    6). PS3 supports up to 7 Bluetooth Controllers

    Xbox 360 - up to 4 Controllers

    7). PS3 - wi-fi included (except 20 gb version)

    Xbox 360 - wi-fi will cost you around 100 $

    8). From the first technical sight - graphics are stronger in 360 (it has a stronger graphics chip - Xenos), BUT PS3 can use it's Cell CPU for graphics too, which gives you better graphics in total. PS3 uses a weaker RSX chip, that was developed by Nvidia exclusively for PS3. RSX runs on 550 Mhz. It's difficult to compare their graphics, because 360 has a video chip with totally different structure and operating memory is divided differently in both consoles. Xbox isn't that versatile in dividing tasks between CPU and GPU as PS3. That's why PS3 exclusives look better than 360's exclusives.

    9). Xbox 360 is widely known for so-called "red ring of death" problem - it gets overheated easily. My PS3 was running for more than 15 hours non-stop with no problems. Sometimes Xbox 360 becomes so overheated, that thermopaste on CPU melts, drips on motherboard and successfully shortcircuits it. That's why in some countries people call Xbox 360 "Coffin 360".

    10). Besides all of this, I've seen disassembled Xbox 360 - regular PC architecture - Billy Gates is an uninventive nerd (as usual).

    When I saw disassembled PS3 - it was a surprise - smart architecture, good cooling (don't buy external PS3 coolers - they make everything worse - original system is good), etc.

    11). In 2008 PS3 will get more than 300 games, including Metal Gear Solid 4, The Agent and other great exclusives. Here is the good link to the future PS3 releases.

    12). PS3 online is free, Xbox 360 - you have to pay.

    13). There were reports, that 360 scratches discs. No reports on that in PS3.

    14). The funniest thing, that right now there are no games for PS3, that show full potential of the console. Biggest games weigh only 25 GB (Xbox 360 will need more than 3 discs even for those).

    15). On PS3 you can install other OS, such as Linux Yellow Dog, Ubuntu and others. Sony officially lets you do it. There is no such thing in 360.

    16). PS3 HDD can be replaced easily with any 2.5" SATA 5400 RPM HDD (used in laptops). 250 GB will cost you around 170$. In 360 you have to buy exclusive HDD, where 20GB will cost you 100$.

    17).Sony expects PS3 to stay on the market for, at least, 7-10 years. Also Sony reduces price now. There is a cheaper 40GB version of PS3.

    18).Sony constantly upgrades PS3 software (free updates for OS) - you get new functions and improvements.

    19). PS3 controller (sixaxis) has a motion control - you move controller - game responds. Wii has it, Xbox 360 - doesn't. PS3 is getting rumble controller (Dualshock 3) on 15.04.2008, Japan already has it. On I saw those controllers on sale 50$ and up (unofficial import).

    20).On PS3 you can help sick people by running Folding Home project. Wii and Xbox 360 didn't even think about it.

    21).New 40GB is 399$ or 399 euro (depends on the region) - it has no backwards compatibility with PS2 games, has 2 USBs instead of 4, no built-in card reader, but it's the same PS3, strong, reliable, less noisy, different cooling system. The price is friendly.

    22). But, to be just, I'm not a PS3 fanboy, so (despite I own one) hear this - PS3 games (exclusives) are very hard to develop due to complicated Cell's architecture. We have to wait till developers will figure out how to develop games properly. Sometimes multiplatform games run not so good on PS3 due to the same developing issues - it's hard for developers to get a grip on such advanced technologies.

    I didn't mention Wii, because it's so weak, no point to talk about it. Leave it for kindergarten and casual games.


    and many other sources.
  • ps3 is better
  • What will be different about the new PS3 coming out in june?

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  • please give as much detail as possible
  • it is coming with the new sixaxis controller( dualshock 3)

    and better some say more powerfull cell processor and will be coming with the Metal Gear Solid 4 (exclusive only to the PS3) everything else is the same, WiFi, some say it my come with Playstation Home (beta version)

    If you are looking to buy it because It will sell fast, retailers say over 1,000,000 in First day, others say They have to sell 1 million to insure the investments were worth it.

    Buying the Bundle back will benefit you, Your getting the new control and are getting a free exclusive game.

    hope this helps not just you but everyone who reads this.
  • a bigger hardrive 120GB

    the controller with rumble : dual shock 3

    and metal gear solid maybe

    and all the features of the 80 GB model
  • There are rumors that the 80GB version being released in June will use the new 65ns Cell processor, which is more power efficient. Other than that there is no difference.

    Japan gets a new color ("Steel") to add to the Ceramic White, and Satin Silver options already available.
  • The new 80GB PS3 model due out in June will come as a bundled deal with the pack-in game "Metal Gear Solid: Guns Of The Patriot", the Dual Shock 3 controller, dual backwards compatibility meaning it'll have, according to Sony, both the PS2's "Emotion Engine" CPU that came installed on the earlier launch models 20 and 60 GB and it'll have a software emulator program as did the previous 80GB model for more stable backwards compatibility with PS2 and PS1 games.
  • I got a 4 gb memory for psp. and while something was transfering i accidentally took it out now its not workin

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  • i cant format or anything according to it it has no memory at all. is there like a program or something i can do to fix this
  • damn thats sad
  • I had the same thing happen and no matter what I did I never got it working... I ended up going to game crazy and buying a used one, then put the broken one in the box and took it back for a refund. not vary honest I know but I guess if they can charge $30.00 for a game that costs .12 Cents to make, they wont mind.
  • Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare or Rainbow Six Vegas 2 for PS3??

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  • I'm getting a PS3 this month and I need to know which game to get. I wanted one of these. I'm new to first person shooters.

    This is the kind of shooter that I want:

    It has to have a good campaign mode. A long and very fun one. Mostly I like colorful games but I dont mind dark games.

    Which campaign is better??

    It has to have co-op. The multi-player needs to be good and addictive. I really dont know the difference between tactical or gun fight. (Mostly because I'm new to shooters.) I really dont care. It has to have customization and a good ranking system. Oh, and if it will make me play for months tell me.

    Which multi-player and co-op is better??

    I dont know if graphics are a big deal since I'm not using a LCD screen t.v. but I am using a big one.Which has good graphics??

    Thank you for answering my question, and at the end of the answer put which one you like better. Call of Duty 4 or Rainbow 6 Vegas 2.

    Also you must answer all the questions above to get 10 points.
  • 100% definatly CALL OF DUTY 4 because it is an excellent game (as i have) single player is challenging but slightly short, but multiplayer is highly addictive. multiplayer is the main part of call of duty 4, that is what the developers focused on.

    Bear n mind if you do not have access to a good broadband connection then Rainbow six will be good for you. Other than that COD4 Rulz. ( i have only played the first 3 missions on cod4 and spent all the rest of my time on cod4 on multiplayer getting my level up and unlock new guns and parts)
  • COD4 has better graphics.

    COD4 has MUCH better multi-player. Trust me, the multi-player is intense in COD4.

    RSV2 has better and longer campaign.

    Overall, go for COD4, it really is great.
  • Ive only got CALL OF DUTY 4.

    I'll say the campaign is short but Very fun. about 8 missions im not sure.

    COD4 online is the greatest online game ever. simply said.

    Thats all i know i Reccommed COD4. 10/10 GAME INCREDIBLE
  • I too also only have Call of duty 4 and the multiplayer is really really awesome! the campaign for cod4 is short though. i heard RSV2 has better campaign overall. but between the two i would say Call of duty 4 its really awesome. Call of duty 4 has better graphics than RSV2 and also there isn't any online co-op in call of duty 4. but there is in RSV2. In my opinion go for COD4!
  • get COD4 i have it rules
  • even thought r6v2 is newer i would get cod4 best story mode ever and online ever must have game for ps3
  • Friday, March 21, 2008

    How much does the 80GB PS3 currently cost?

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  • The 80GB PS3 currently costs 499.99.

    The 60GB PS3 has been discontinued since last year and it is not sold in stores anymore. Almost the only place for you to find a 60GB PS3 is on Ebay or some other online site.

    If you buy a NTSC PS3, all of the games don't have to be NTSC. The PS3's games are region free and you can play PAL PS3 games on the NTSC PS3 and vice versa.
  • i think the 80 gb is 499 and i dont think they make 60 anymore
  • Are in singapore
  • 80GB costs $499.

    60GB was discontinued.

    Before release of 80GB,60GB also costs $499.
  • Right now in America the 40gb version is the only one sold, the 80gb was discontinued and the 60gb only was around for the first couple of months when the ps3 came out, then was discontinued as well. The 80gb is rumored to come back in June with a dualshock 3 and metal gear solid 4.
  • if you can find a 80gig PS3 they go for 499.99 lots of places dont have them but they will in a few months
  • 80 gb have been discontinued for only a little while (june). it will be coming back in a bundle that comes with MGS4 and A dualshock 3 controller (rumbles and motion sensor) for $500.

    60 gb have been discontinued permanently
  • 499.99 + tax
  • 80gb 499+tax and it's still in production but it's been sold out lately

    60gb been discontinued for a while found on ebay but most of them are used
  • Why is it that 60GB PS3's can only play PS2 games?

    May be...
  • i have a ps3 but mine cant play ps2 games because its a 40gb but the 60 gb now cost the same as the 40gb but we dont get the same things on a ps3
  • The 60gb was discontinued a long time ago. Maybe your thinking of the 80gb version which also was discontinued about a month ina half ago. You are right about them being the same cost now, Sony cut backwards capabilities so that would also bring down the cost.
  • Honestly it is now cheaper to produce a ps3, so they can afford to include the parts that allow you to play PS2 games. Sony, is being very strange with this product though.
  • they do not even sell/make the 60gb anymore... if you see a price for 60gb same as 40gb then its most likely used...
  • The 40GB PS3 does not cost the same as the 60GB PS3 when it was discontinued. The 60GB PS3 was $499 when it was discontinued and the 40GB PS3 costs $399.

    Sony took out backwards compatibility with the 40GB PS3 so that they could produce it much cheaper. If you wanted to play both PS1 and PS2 games, you should have got the 80G, 20GB, or 60GB it's that simple.
  • Because sony enjoy ripping eu customers off at every chance they get so they're trying to encourage you to buy the more expensive model.
  • The reason for this is, to put it quite frankly, SONY likes making money. Also, they don't like spending money. The first release of PS3's had the PS2 CPU and GPU built in, on top of the PS3's own hardware, which allowed for 100% backwards compatibility. This made the cost of producing a PS3 quite high. In order to cut costs, SONY first removed the PS3's emotion engine(the PS2's CPU) but left in the GPU so that the PS3 could still have some backwards compatibility. However, in anticipation of a price drop later this year, or early next year, SONY decided to cut costs even further by removing the PS2 GPU from all models of PS3- and in the process, eliminating all backwards compatibility.
  • because the PS3 sucks! get an Xbox360 so that you can enjoy full entertainment today! Not in 2010!
  • The 60GB version was discontinued some time ago, and if you can find one new for the same price as the 40GB, buy it, new 60GB PS3's go for $700 on ebay.

    To produce a cheaper unit Sony removed 2 USB ports, the flash readers, SACD compatibility and PS2 hardware entirely. They downsized the HDD to 40GB.

    This enabled them to offer a cheaper PS3 version that would still play every PS3 game, blu-ray, retained Wi-Fi and had the same graphical and sound outputs.

    Sony offered you a choice, pay extra and get the PS2 Compatibility, or pay less and don't.
  • The 20 and 80 gb PS3 can also play PS2 games. The 60 gb costs as much as the 80 gb, not the 40 gb. The 40 gb is 100 bucks cheaper than the 60 gb.

    The reason that Sony introduced the 40 gb is two reasons, but it's mainly 1. Sony likes to put a positive spin on things. Anyway, the reason Sony said it introduced the 40 gb is because there's going to be a lot of PS3 games, so gamers aren't going to have time to play PS2 games. The real reason is that not a lot of people are willing to spend 500 bucks on a system that doesn't have a whole lot of games, and Blu-ray and HD-DVD was still fighting it out.

    By not including either the emotion engine or the PS2's GPU, Sony saved over 100 bucks, so it can pass the savings to the gamers.
  • the 60gb is used