Saturday, February 28, 2009

Can you use your webcam as an eyetoy?

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  • can i use my pc webcam for eyetoy instead of that camera?
  • You cannot use an ordinary webcam as an "EyeToy" since it doesn't have the hardware recognition in it nor does it officially support the software and games made for it.

    You can however use a true EyeToy as an ordinary webcam via USB.
  • no Only the eyetoy works on ps3 srry to inform u
  • Is their something wrong with the playstation leaderboards?

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  • how did keyser soze get so high and gandalf all of a sudden gained 100 more BAs
  • The most likely scenario is they are cheating !
  • 1440 X 900 Dell 19 inch Monitor on PS3?

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  • hi guys i have a dell 19 inch E1909W monitor and planing to use it on my ps3..since it's maximum resolution of my monitor is 1440 X 900, can i set my display settings to 1080i?..
  • You can set the output to 1080i but be aware that there are only 900 pixels. the last 180 are not going to have anywhere on the screen real estate to be displayed. You may want to try the 720p setting. Most of the games display in that format anyway. All monitors/TV scale to the resolution of the pixels that they have available.

    CNET Quote:"If the incoming source has more pixels than the display's native resolution, you will lose some visible detail and sharpness, though often what you're left with still looks great. If the incoming source has fewer pixels than the native resolution, you're not getting any extra sharpness from the television's pixels."

    As a side note there are a plethora of arguments over what produces a better picture 720proggressive or 1080interlaced. At a 19" screen size I promise you will not be able to discern a difference. In fact put folks in a room with 55" TV's and most of them could not see any discernible difference between 720p and 1080p!

    Below is a link that will tell you everything you want to know but are afraid to ask about HDTV and more importantly their associated resolutions.
  • Is there any good ps2 game like champions of norrath or champions RTA?

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  • I dont know about many ps2 games that are rpg's ...........................................
  • I think Medal of Honour, rising sun is good:)
  • PLEASE HELP WITH ps3!!!!!!! =)?

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  • ok so my ps3 has been working great real excelent and everything. So i unhook it all to take it to my friends house and play it there. then i bring it back home to put it back to my tv and i have the hdmi cable and i plugged it in and everything. i even used the red whitee whatever cords but you dont need those for ps3 i havent been using them. Now when im on the input channel for ps3 all i hear is the sound but no picture? everything is in like before i went to my friends house so... what the ****? does anyone have an idea?
  • If you have the ps3 plugged into the television with that hdmi cable you were just talking about, and on the right input channel, then you should be getting picture and sound. If not, try unplugging the ps3 from power and then reconnecting it and seeing if that fixes it. If not..i'm not quite sure what to tell you. Try going onto, and joining there (free) and going to the ps3 forum, and asking your question there, i'm sure they'll help you.
  • Turn off your PS3, then turn it back on, however this time hold down on the ON action, until you have a picture appear on the screen.

    Doing this resets the PS3's video settings back to default so that its compatible with most TVs. You can thereafter re-customize things to match your preference.

    The reason for your problem may be due to your moving from place to place and switching TVs. - This is a common problem.

    Swet You Not.

    Good luck.
  • turn off your ps3

    then press and hold the power button till you hear 2 beeps

    then let go of the button

    your ps3 will reset and hopefully you will be able to see picture on your tv
  • Put all the yellow white and red cables into TV and then switch after you get the picture. Otherwise, there is a problem with your HDMI cable.
  • use the av cable (yellow & white).
  • POLL: PS3; 360; or Wii?

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  • i'm sure this has been asked a million times.

    but i want some feedback :)

    pls. don't say about why something is better than the other.

    i've heard it all.

    just say which one you like. &/or have.

    oh. and

    if you're like me; and have all three state that!


    what about PC vs MAC?
  • All 3.

    PC over Mac. Grew up with a PC.
  • Well, I have a PS3 and a Wii and there both great. There the best. If you feel like sitting down and playing. Pick the PS3, if you like to move around and stuff pick the wii. I would also say PC.. I'm using a dell inspiron 1525 right now. Works great.
  • PS3. PC cause I know how to use it, it has a wide range of compatible softwares, most of its hardware is fully customizable and its ideal for gaming.
  • PS3. I've had it since launch day back in 2006, and it only keeps getting better. As for a computer, MAC always pwns PC.
  • PS3 for me.

    PC>Mac. Mac is only "better" cause it has better security and stuff but I have no problems with my PC.
  • PS3

  • Ps3 and Mac
  • Xbox 360

    And I'm a PC
  • PS3

  • Friday, February 27, 2009

    Stuck in God of War Chains of Olympus on PSP?

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  • It is in this level.

    Lower Levels



    {Enemies: 8 Fireguards }

    { 1 Fire Defender }

    { 7 Fog Archers }

    { 2 Sabres }


    {Breakable }

    {Objects: 15 }


    Down the steps are 2 red orbs chests and a chest containing a phoenix feather

    (PF7). Step onto the platform and destroy the shiny objects and you'll go on

    a ride in which you must fight. When the ride is done and you've done your deeds

    get off and open those 3 red orb chests, you know you wanna. Head up the

    stairs and open the door. If you walk all the way to the left you will see two

    more red orb chests, this place is riddled with them! Press () on the pillar

    and head across it.

    So I have low health, and no magic. Every time I die, I still have low health and no magic.

    I can't get past this, help please!
  • Are you in the pits of tatarus? I don't quiet get your description.I really need to know where you are to help you out. Give more details, like have you reached the temple (Sun god) or reached Hades or defeated charon.... What difficulty are you playing the game? In tatarus, you have low health, but you must kill innocent people enchained there to regain blood.

    It might be that when you entered the last checkpoint, you health was too low, so when you die and respawn from the last checkpoint, the health is low. You should have saved the game in 2-3 files (one containing a checkpoint where your health is full and other just a normal save). Just replay it if you can if nothing else works(it's not that long you know).
  • Damn. I completed the game a really long time ago but I forgot the point you are at. Sorry
  • Best place to buy a PS3?

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  • Which shop or online store is doing the best deals for a PS3 in the UK?
  • For the best price I always use . They link to loads of stores in the uk
  • Sony PLAYSTATION 3 Console (80 GB Model) (*Get a selected game free when you buy this from

    Price: £293.59 & this item Delivered FREE in the UK
  • Try the cashconverters website. They have both new and second-hand ps3's at good prices. If your worried about what condition they're in, just send an e-mail via the site and they will tell you. I have bought a few games from them and they have been in excellent condition.
  • walmart or gamestop

    they're the best

    i dont recommend getting it online as you might not know the condition of it and whether it has warranty
  • there a place u can go to call game or go ebay
  • Best HDMI cable for PS3?

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  • What is the best HDMI cable for the PS3?
  • The cheapest one possible. HDMI is a digital signal. With a digital signal, you either get it or you don't. There is no quality loss depending on what kind of cable you get. Like how US television is switching from an analog signal to a digital one. With the old analog signal, you have quality loss depending on where you are located and how good your equipment is. Not so with a digital signal, because you either get it or you don't. HD radio is another example. With standard radio there is quality loss depending on the same factors. With HD radio, you either get it or you don't.
  • HDMI is a digital connection, so a more expensive cable will do absolutely nothing. With analog cables it is a good idea to get thick, expensive cables to shield noise from interfering with the signal and prevent a loss of the signal over a distance.

    With a digital connection, you don't have to worry much about any loss of a signal or the RF (analog) interference. If the signal gets there, it gets there and any connection that gets there will work just as well as any other because it deals with 0's and 1's. Just look around online for the cheapest cable, I found one for less than $5 and it works perfectly.
  • HDMI is a DIGITAL signal and as such cables are of ZERO consequence they will work exactly the same with a cheap cable as a £1000 one.. the signal either gets though or it doesn't

    (expensive cables are a con basically (OK bell wire isn't good for speakers but once you go over the basic 64 core oxy free copper you get nothing extra for you money - any perceived difference in sound etc is your imagination as the human ear cannot detect the subtle changes in the over 20kHZ range that can occur with silver cables etc)
  • The cheapest one you can find. The digital data will transfer just as well with an $8.00 cable as it will with a $90.00 cable. The only difference between the two is that the $8.00 one will show that you aren't a huge sucker...
  • Some people argue that the expensive ones are the best, but they have done tests and the cheap ones are just as good as the expensive ones, so i would go for a mid range one that's like £20, if ur UK or $45 in US.
  • hdmi is very efficient so there is very little to no data loss. now if you were using a 500ft cable you may notice a difference, but really why would you have your ps3 that far away anyway.
  • Make your choice :
  • Get the cheapest possible one. There is no difference that you can tell with a $100 hdmi cord and a $10 hdmi. It's just brand and prettiness. Go cheap with hdmi.
  • It doesn't really make much difference, but a gold plated connector will be better

  • Monster
  • What is the PS3/PSP game Prinny?

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  • I just found out about this game when DLC was released for it with the PS store update yesterday but I haven't heard of this game. Please enlighten me since at first I thought it was add-on content for Disgaea but apparently it's for a new game just released over here in the states.
  • here
  • Whats a prinny
  • Will Sony's Next PSP Lose the UMD Drive?

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  • Do you think they SHOULD? Here is the article :
  • thats what qj says

  • I hope so because UMD sucks. Who the hell buys UMD movies when they can get DVD movies.

    Sony should go with the mini-DVD for PSP 2.
  • What were Playstation One Discs made of? It appears to be some kind of Black plastic.?

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  • Vs. Cd's and DVD's of today Playstation 1 discs seem to be made of a differnt material. If for some reason it is just simple plastic how did they go about recording data on that?
  • a PS black disk reflects light just like any other CD. the coating was there as an early preventitive anti-copying measure, and is transparent to the Laser. unfortunately, it was easily gotten around.
  • They were made out of Regular CD-ROM's. The unique color was cause they made those Cd-r's with darker material. Nothing special though.
  • Thursday, February 26, 2009

    Linux on PS3 - How Do I Install Linux On My PS3 Console?

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  • Is there an easy way to do this?
  • Try the Linux for PS3 Installer. It shows you how to install Linux on PS3 through guides and tutorials. The aim, of course, is to convert your console into a powerful PC so that you can get more out of it (e.g., DVD playback, loading Windows OS, etc.)
  • why put linux on ps3, its turd on a pc so why ruin the best games console on the market Report Abuse
  • I'd recommend you try Ubuntu linux. Full instructions are here:

    Bear in mind that installing Linux will require you to reformat your hard disc, so the first thing you must do is get an external USB drive of some sort so you can back up your PS3 data and restore it after reformatting the drive!
  • i never trie it because i dont want to screw up anything on my playstation
  • My PSP screen won't work?

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  • I tried to play a game this morning, and I try to turn it on, and it turns on, I can hear sound and everything, but I can not get a picture, I have tried taking out the battery, the UMD and the memory stick. I've turned it on and off repeatedly and a couple times I have gotten a patchy colored screen, and once I have gotten a full screen but with a gray line across the top, the rest are blank. I have searched up tons of stuff on this already, and I do not believe I need to replace the screen, because it keeps showing up with little patches of color here and there.

    My PSP has been dropped twice, once on grass, and the other on carpet. So that barely matters... Do I need to contact Sony, or do I need to do something else???

    Thanks in advance.
  • Regrettably I think you've broken your PSP. The fact that you're getting intermittent display points to a broken connection between the PSP and its screen.

    If you have a 'slim' PSP you should be able to connect it to your TV - that will at least confirm that the PSP is working. Anyway, this isn't something you want to try to fix yourself - the PSP is very fiddly inside.

    Send it to Sony would be my advice.
  • Anyone know if the PS3 will ever support using two screens?

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  • Well, it does have an 8 cell processor, so it would appear that it would have the capacity. You could plug in an HDMI connection along with a component cable, so technically both would be HD.
  • It has the Cell BE but it only has one gpu. Generally to have true dual-output you need to have a card with two processors. I had a pc with one, the old ATI Radeon 9200, which had a primary AGP gpu and a secondary PCI one that could output composite A/V to a tv set.

    There's no reason why you couldn't clone the video with cables. But the RSX is made to make one picture and make it well. Making dual-screen output would hurt the quality of both displays.

    I heard that at one of the e3 or tech shows in 2005, someone set up a ps3 playing gran turismo that had a psp set up as the rear-view mirror. That would be a more realistic way to get DS output. The ps3 and psp are very networkable, and using the psp as a helper for secondary video output is a great idea. That's probably why nobody has done it. The current remote play function is a joke, they could vastly improve on psp use as a ps3 accessory.

    Also, if Sony could make the ps3 emulate psp games, that would be awesome... there's a lot of psp games I would buy right off the bat if I could use them on my ps3. I'd get a psp too.

    Nobody will do anything creative with the psp until they are done fighting over who builds the next Halo. Maybe if Killzone2 is declared winner they will finally work on something besides shooters
  • The processors are not meant to distribute videos into multiple screen. The number of cells determines only the processing power and speed of the console. You can't use both HDMI and component as you are only allowed to choose one type of connection on the PS3 settings.
  • I dont think it will
  • Playstation 3 questions and inquiries?

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  • how do i do the following on my ps3?:

    - change the hard drive... from a 60gb to a 250 or 500 gb hard drive? and where can i buy these types of hard drives?

    - back up the data already on my hard drive using an external hard drive? and where can i buy an external hard drive (at least 250 gb) for cheap?

    - how to i transfer ps3 data between hard drives? (after i have the new hard drive put in.. how do i get my old data on the new hard drive?)

    ps- i live in canada.. so all questions regarding where to buy the items.. please refer me to a canadian retailer/website!

    pps- does backing up your data also save all of you psn purchases/accomplishments?

    thanks to all who answer!!

    This video has step by step tutorial on how to do it.


    Your new hard drive must be:

    * No bigger than 500GB, anything under is fine

    * A 2.5" Laptop SATA Hard drive (only one which fits in PS3)

    * Must run at 5400RPM (anything else will cause instability)

    Using the information above just find the best deal you can online, or are good places for a start. But retailers like Best Buy could also offer a good deal.


    The video above also shows you how to save all your existing settings and data onto an external hard drive for the time being.


    Again the same video will show you how to restore all your old data to your new hard drive.
  • It is a simple process. you need to buy a laptop hard drive or 2.5" Sata drive. you pop off the cover on the side of your unit and the old one will slip out. you'll then put the new one in.

    Good luck transferring your current items though. the playstation format won't work if you hook it in to a computer. there are ways of backing up your game saves and player information on a thumb drive but if you have lots of demos or media i doubt you'll be able to take those to the new drive.

    There won't be any way to swap information on the fly with the drives, buy a new one from and just throw out the old drive or sell it on ebay
  • dude, you live in canada and you haven't seen a bestbuy or futureshop flyers?

    The fact that you don't even know where to get the hard drive makes it impossible for me to think that you can even do it yourself. For one, if you are talented enough to do it, you would have checked google and youtube for it... not here...
  • Man, you're better to just stick with the 60. Money is valuable now a days. But then again, im a morman, and i dont believe in value.

    Peace brotha.

    Boats and Hoes
  • IS this game a good game for the ps3 which one and why?

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  • Bad company battlefeild or fracture which one is the best
  • Battlefield: Bad Company is much better. The online play is very well balanced, and the story is genuinely funny. Plus the nearly completely destructible environments and amazing sound effects really do make a convincing world.

    Fracture....thrown together online gameplay, very linear battles, obvious puzzles, and you character's name is freaking Jet Brody. What a joke.
  • i beat it and it is very awesome beacuse u get to destroy 96% of ur surroundings which is awesome and i have never played fracture so ya but i would really get battlefield bad company and then get the 2nd battlefoield
  • Bad Company Battlefield is much better. I would also HIGHLY suggest Army of Two, Call of Duty (either Modern Warfare or World at War), Uncharted: Drake's Fortune, Metal Gear Solid 4, and Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction.
  • Battlefield is much better than fracture.

    You could download and play the demos before buying if you want.
  • Ps3 through pc surround sound?

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  • ive got a 21 inch 1080p pc monitor i want to hook my ps3 up to cuz my tv sucks, it has hdmi input, but i also need to know how i can hook the ps3 up to my 5.1 pc surround sound. or can i just not do that at all?? it would be nice to hook it up in a way where i can just hit a switch and go back and forth between my pc and ps3, without having to unplug cords for sound and stuff, so does anyone know a way i can do this or somthin similer to this?? thanks in advnace...
  • Chances Are That You Are Not Going To Be Able To Hook Up You Computer Surround Sound To Your Playstation 3 (PS3). I Am Dead Serious. Now, You Could Always Buy A Digital Audio Cord To Plug Into Your Playstation 3 (PS3) And Run It Directly Into Your Computer Surround Sound. I Am Not Shure What Kind Of Inputs Are On Your Surround Sound But If The Digital Audio Cord Is Not Compatible With Your Computer Surround Sound System Then I Am Almost Positive That There Is A Converter Out There That Will Do The Trick For You! Hey, Not To Be Greedy Or Anything But, Could You Please Mark This Answer As A Best Answer? I Have Not Had Someone Mark Me As A Best Answer Before.
  • Wednesday, February 25, 2009

    Should i get Killzone 2 or not?

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  • Should i get Killzone 2? i heard it was good and it looks good.

    also does any one know when Call of Duty 6 or Operation Flashpoint 2 come out?
  • Totally. I have played the game (got it from a fellow reviewer) and the game is awesome. The game has so many battle sequences and all of them are epic. IT's the best shooter I have played (I even rate it higher than Gears..2 and COD4). The graphics are unlike anything you have ever seen. To just give you how complex the game is, each level in KZ2 uses approx 2 GB of textures (there are 10 levels in all). It's the best looking game on a console for sure and can be a tough competitor to Crysis. If you thought MGS4 and Gears...2 were good looking, this will blow your mind.

    The game has been rated high even by critics. The game has scored 94 on the metacritic scale which is an awesome feat (check link for scores). The game is a must play if you own a PS3.

    COD:MW2 (Modern Warfare 2) will come out later this year.
  • there is no call of duty 6. call of duty world at war is not a sequel and is not called call of duty five, jsut call of juty world at war. so technically, the next COD will be COD 5 modern warfare 2 and it will be released by infinity ward late 2009. killzone 2 is a must get. it will have the best graphics of any game on any system and is the most anticipated game of the year. the demo was fantastic.
  • You should download the demo before you decide. Don't count on trailer videos which may be doctored. Don't listen to the reviewers, their palms have all been heavily greased to rate it high, plus if they don't rate it high they won't sell their magazines.

    The demo isn't in the US store. You can get it from the Euro store. If you don't have a Euro account, it's easy to make one. Just find a site where you can get a free email address (the UK is easiest cause they're all in English), and look up their postal codes and make up a fake address. Then create a new login profile, and create a PSN account for it, located in the UK, with your UK email address and fake street address. I think the only part that has to be in the right format is the postal code, check wikipedia for the right format. Or the UK postal service site. Then you can get into the Euro store and download the Killzone 2 demo.

    What they say about Killzone2, that it has pretty graphics, is true. It does. I was not blown away by them though. Most ps3 games have very good HD graphics and I don't think Killzone 2 is all that above and beyond. The models are good, the animations are good, the textures are very good, water looks like water, but there are other games that look just as good to me. Still you could arguably call it the shooter with the prettiest graphics.

    From the demo I noticed a few irritating things right off the bat. You've got a squad leader, but it's very hard to keep track of where the hell he is, and when he talks, it sounds like it could be coming from anybody. Movement is a bit slow, reminds me of Unreal engine. Also they've got the standard heal-all medic tool, they just zap you with electricity and you're healed, even if you've been shot a hundred times. Where does all that lead go, hmm.

    Picking up weapons from the ground is a bit slow, you have to maneuver to just the right spot till the square icon appears, before you can pick it up. Both your side and the Helghast thoughtfully fitted all the grenades with bright tracers so you can see them coming as soon as they're thrown, and jump out of the way.

    I know it's only a demo, but with only a few days till release, those are things that can't be fixed. It's already shipping, and must have been in the final version for a while. My impression is it looks and plays like a lot of ps3 shooters, just prettier and more colorful. (compared to the Resistances which is mostly brown and green)

    It is faster than GRAW2, I'll give it that. Wasn't so slow that you'd get killed because you reacted in time but the controls wouldn't. (what I didn't like about RE5)
  • YES!!!

    Killzone 2 is like coming out tomorrow, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is coming out at the end of the year and Operation Flashpoint 2 is coming out in the near the middle of the year.
  • If you like shooting games then go ahead. It really depends on what type of gamer you are if your going to choose to get Killzone 2

    Call of Duty 6 comes out I believe on Q4 09

    Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising comes out in May 26 2009
  • yes, i have preordered killzone 2, just 56 hours and 23 minutes left until its release. cant wait. cod6:mordern warfare 2 is supposde to be out at the end of this year.
  • Yes, it is a must have for any FPS lover.

    Did you know they always release a new Call of Duty November of every year?
  • well whereever you heard that it looks good and stuff they were right so get it and cod6 comes out in either december or november and operation flashpoint 2 will come out this summer
  • It;s got an average of a 9.2 of every single review in the world. That's ridiculously good.
  • I would. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 comes out late Fall 09'.
  • Get Killzone 2, it's going to be the best selling PS3 game out there. Why do you want to miss out on the fun?
  • Get it.
  • YEA
  • sure why not
  • What kind of movies are there on the PSN?

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  • What kind of movies and TV shows are on the PSN for Ps3? I'm planning to get a Ps3 and I was just wondering. I mainly watch family movies that are

    G-or-PG and some PG-13 but not any R's. And my little brother wanted to know if there is Nickelodeon shows to buy like Spongebob or other cartoons.
  • There are some amazing titles on the PSN. I'm looking at it right now and it currently has 1383 titles available...and those are just the movies. I'll get to the TV shows in a minute.

    A few that I see here for the whole family: 101 Dalmations (live action), 50 First Dates, Ace Venture (both), The Addams Family, Aladdin, Anger Management, The Aristocats, EVERY Animated Batman movie ever released, Beetlejuice, the Benchwarmers, Beverly Hills Ninja, Big Daddy, Bridge To Teribithia, A Charlie Brown Christmas...etc.

    It adds anywhere from 10-20 movies a week. It always has the new releases also...the day they come out.

    Here are the studios currently supporting it: 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, MGM, Paramount Pictures, Sony Pictures (obviously), Walt Disney Studios, and Warner Bros. With that, you obviously get all the smaller companies like Buena Vista (Disney), Twisted Pictures (Lionsgate), and Castle Rock (Warner Bros...I believe).

    About the TV, Nickelodeon has not signed on yet. However, there are talks of it being very close to signing a deal with Sony. The only reason they were cautious was because of UMD's. Now that Nickelodeon has signed on for Blu-ray, it's a sure thing that the PSN is next.

    Here are the current PSN supports: A&E, Adult Swim, Cartoon Network, Comedy Central, Discovery, Fox, FX, History Channel, Military Channel, MTV, Sony Pictures Television, Spike, TLC, truTV, and Warner Bros. It definitely doesn't have a shortage of those.

    There are shows like Afro Samurai and many other animes, American Chopper, Arrested Development (a personal favorite of mine), all the animated Batman shows...including Batman Beyone (the best one), Ben 10, Buffy, Burn Notice, Chowder, Chuck, Cops, E.R., Family Guy, Firefly (classic), Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, Friends (of do you NOT have Friends?), Fringe, Futurama, Important Things with Demetri Martin, Monty Python's Flying Circus, Mythbusters, Peanuts (in-motion versions of all the original comics), Pushing Daisies, Scooby Doo, The Simpsons, Smallville, Looney Toons, and all those shows you've asked me not to mention...haha.

    It has upwards of 200 shows available right now...just to make it a bit more clear.

    If you have any more questions, feel free to e-mail me:

    Good luck and enjoy your experience!
  • I bought Killzone 2 for ps3 although it's not officially released yet. any explanation?

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  • I bought the game "Killzone 2" for ps3 couple of days ago in UAE, and I'm noticing some glitches in the game. To my knowledge, the game is not yet released anywhere officially, but the package looks original. I know there are no pirated copies for ps3 games on cds in the market and I paid the price usually charged for new releases. Any explanation?
  • release dates are being broken everywhere, your lucky you got it early happy gaming :).
  • wow your one lucky sonsofbitche I've been dying to buy this game. The reason why you got it early is because stores get the games a few days prior to the official release and some stores even though their not allowed put it up early for sale. Or you could have been cheated cause games such as killzone 2 should never contain glitches do to the production high value put in. but please tell me how it is
  • yeah if the place that sold it do you gets caught they can get a fine up to $100 000 and are shut down, so hopefully they dont. i dont think you will be able to play online until it is released. someone else on this site had a copy and couldnt get online due to an error. i believe they open the lobby on the 27th.
  • Well well well.

    I think you've been screwed by some fraudster.

    If a game isn't released officially then, your copy is definitely pirated.

    So what if you paid 'retail' price for it, then someone just made a few extra bucks.

    Try and get your money back, hope you do.
  • NYY_fan_

    could you tell me whether the copy you got was pal or ntsc

    i live in dubai too

    i did see killzone 2 being sold at those small retailer

    could you also tell me the price and place you got it from ??

    (i know that ps3 is region free)
  • Yes. You bought a pirated version of the game. How do you know that there arent any pirated copies available? The only explanation is its a pirated copy.
  • lucky basterd :( your game is fine all games have glitches on release dates just wait till they update it thats all
  • Can you take off Blood in Killzone 2?

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  • Hey Guyz,

    I was wondering if You could possibly turn off Blood in Killzone 2. I remember for one of my Questions someone told me that their is a way to take off blood and even Swears in Killzone 2.

    Im kind of referring to Cod5 when i say this...because in Cod4 you could take off blood, so i was wondering if you could do the same for Killzone 2...

    Thx Guyz If You can find out how how to do this...WOW ILL LOVE YOU!
  • I'll message Agent 47 and ask.

    *EDIT: I just asked and he said he checked, but you can't take off blood or swearing. You must convince your parents! Beg!

    How did it do with your parents?
  • not with the game when it comes out but its rum ored it will be in dlc
  • you might be able to take it off in single player, but its doubtful. and you wouldnt be able to take it off in online play
  • On the solution to your problem with the Blood in Killzone 2, you can read here
  • On socom confrontation how do i talk on the mic?

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  • what button do i hold down
  • if you just talk then anyone within a certain radius, i dont know what it is, can hear you, even ppl on the other team. holding down L2 will allow you to talk to your entire team, but dont forget that nearby enemies can still hear you
  • My controller froze and the light won't turn off.?

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  • I turned off my system and the controller light stayed on. Then i rebooted the system by pressing the button (not on the controller) and it won't respond to the controller. Even when i plug it in. HELP!
  • This has happened to me twice now. If you have tried the reset button with the paperclip and it still didn't work like mine then do what I did. Let the battery die (it may take two or so days depending on charge levels) once it dies plug it back into the ps3 via the usb cable. Let it sit for a few minutes to get some charge into it. During this time you should boot up the ps3 manually if it wasn't already. Then just push the PS button as normal. It should assign properly to the first available controller port.
  • Usually what i do is i put the USB cable in the USB port and insert it into the controller, and wait a second and it should re-appear as player 1.

    But really when your going to turn off the system you should hold in the PS button and click 'turn off system'. then wait and both the PS3 and controller will go off.

    Hope it helps
  • My controller is screwed too, it turns the ps3 on by itself. try finding a paper clip or maybe a thumbtack and reseting the controller by pushing the little rest button on the back. Note that you will have to re assign the controller to the ps3.
  • Tuesday, February 24, 2009

    New or used ps2? Which one?

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  • My ps2, which has served me well for 5 years now died out on me yesterday. I've been thinking about getting a new one for 130 bucks. The thing that really sucks is that I just bought an 80 gig ps3 the week after christmas, which doesnt play ps2 games, only ps3.

    A used ps2 is about 60-70 dollars. And the new slim version is 130 dollars. Which one should i go for?
  • I've heard from a magazine that PS2 games are stopping production this year, near the end. However, since many PS2 games are timeless classics you should just buy a new PS2 since you should NEVER buy a used console. I'll give you a link to a few stores that have really good deals on PS2 consoles.
  • ok, the 80 gig ps3 cant play ps2 games.

    therefore, i would suggest you to get the used slim ps2 as its much quiet than the thick one, evn if it doesnt have an expansion bay for hard drive, but it does has the ethernet port.
  • The newer version 80gb aren't backwards compatible. Only the older 60gb PS3s are. I would buy a used PS2 because why are you still holdin on to old technology? Sentimental reasons?
  • i say get a used...u dont really need 2 ps2 since u got a ps3...but it is always nice goin bac 2 a ps2..but i mean dont spend 130 bucks on a ps2 when u got a ps3..get the used one.
  • Ps3 SHOULD be backwards compatible for PS2 games, unless you have burnt games...
  • Why are Japans PS3's different from the U.S.?

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  • Juss wanted 2 no why theres are sliver n why cant U.S have a silver and black..n same 4 Japan..why cant they have a silver and a black?
  • Eventually, in time there will be a silver and black PS3, just like the PS2. The silver PS2 originally was prototyped in Japan, an slowly stretched it's way West. If you are considering to buy a silver PS3, that would not be the smartest thing to do because as technology advances, DVD's will start to be outdated, just as VCR tapes are now. And than Blue-ray discs will take over, but Blue-Ray discs ARE region categorized, meaning if you want to use your PS3 as a home theater thing, it will only play Blue-Ray discs all the way from Japan, meaning you will need to order each one individually, paying bundles for shipping over the years.

    If you are particularly envious of the Japanese, just give your PS3 a paint job yourself (not recommended as paint fumes are known to cause problems with electronic devices), or you can just specially order one from Sony, local to your area, for a fee of $100-200 more.
  • All Countries have different console configurations to match the people's style and demand. All PlayStation exclusives will of course originate in Japan. If you want, you can buy a console straight from Japan, from
  • i guess is according to region or maybe because they like more silver. Anyways did you know that in japan are publish a lot of games that are not publish in U.S.A and that is because the manufacturer choose where to sell it. I guess is the same with the PS3.
  • Hi has anyone played "Flower" video game?

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  • Hi when I saw the Flower thriller for the first time, I though it was boring mickey mouse video game. I read some feedbacks & it had a positive feedbacks & it is only $9.99. Has anyone played it? Thanks.
  • I have. I like the game, very much. It is a type of game that you can sit and relax. There is no health bars or timers. You can probably go through all the levels in a couple of hours. There is re-playability as I noticed that after "beating" the game, there were quite a few Trophies that I did not get. The use of the SIXAXIS is excellent. If you have played the game Flow, then you will have a better idea of what kind of game it is.
  • I bought it. You can play through it in about 2-3 hours and then another 1 or so if you want to get all the hidden petals. I think i have about 6 hours on it and have 85% of the trophies. Its a really fun game and its really soothing. Its one of those unique games that is just fun to say look at this. It worth the 10$. unless you are the kinda person that think GTA and CoD are the only games that are worth playing.
  • I haven't yet, but it does look nice though
  • no, but it looks cute.

    and it's just 10 bucks.
  • heck, no

    but the name looks cute
  • What PS3 game would you like as a present?

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  • I want to get a new game for my hubby as a surprise. I have no idea what to get. He likes Call of Duty (only online), GHWT, RB. Are there any new games that are pretty cool (on or offline). He's played role play in the past, but most didn't keep him interested. He's hard to please. Any suggestions? Thanx!
  • killzone 2! it will have the best graphics of any game on any console, will look amazing on a decent tv (and still look good on regular tvs) and has sweet online play to keep him engaged. it is an exclusive for the ps3 and is released on february 27th.
  • god of war 3

    but since it is not going to come out later on the year then i would go with killzone 2 which comes out this friday

    i would suggest reserving it tomorrow if you still can do that and pick it up on friday or just go to gamestop or best buy early on friday and hope to get a copy of the game if they still have any left
  • only killzone 2, trust me its brilliant if you like fps cod 4&5 type games, it is probably better than cod 4&5 but we dont know, i think it is because cod 4 is becoming boring and dont even get me started about cod 5,

    i think killzone 2 is a breath of fresh air and is new to the fps genre!
  • Buy him Killzone 2(a COD4 like game but is rated as the best FPS by critics-check link). He will love you for life.
  • I would suggest Resistance 2. Its got a great online mode, with 8-player co-op and 60-player competitive. Its a really great game, and one of my favorites for the PS3.
  • Killzone 2 without a doubt,it's out this friday the 27th & is much better than call of duty he will love it trust me.
  • Resistance 2

    Killzone 2
  • ESRB : 18+


    GTA 4




  • Give im Uncharted Drakes Fortune or Killzone2 coming out the 27th of february!!!!!
  • the one, the only KILLZONE 2
  • Killzone 2 is the perfect gift he will love it
  • Why do 360 players say they have better games than the ps3 when they dont.?

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  • all they have is Fable,Halo,and Gears.Ps3 has LBP,Resistance1 and2,Killzone 2,warhawk,Uncharted1 and 2.Valkyria Chronicles,Mag and motorstorm 1and2.
  • because everyone eants to feel special

    and x box is for pussys
  • Fanboys, regardless of which side they are on, are going to rave about what they have and put down the competition. That is just what they do. It makes no sense and is foolish, childish behavior. Both systems have good points and bad points, and to point out the other system's flaws without recognizing the problems your system has is classic fanboy. Don't try to figure it out, just ignore them and enjoy your gaming experience on your system of choice. All they do is ruin it for themselves and try to ruin it for other who don't agree with them.
  • I am not a fan boy i have both PS3 and Xbox 360... Recently i and a large number of friends have moved from the PS3 to the xbox 360 for the competition. Yes PS3 has allot of exclusives and good exclusives but games that are very easy to get bored of LBP only so much cuteness someone can take. Uncharted is single player yes Fable is single player but it has a huge replay value. Resistance is good but it is no longer the game it was.... Many people will agree with me that Resistance 2 flopped nothing on Halo or Gears. Valkyria never played so i will not comment on but i believe it is a Strategy game we have one of our own now Halo Wars.

    I agree Motorstorm is a very good game and challenges all xbox 360 racers.

    Now you guys are getting Killzone 2 played the demo and was amazingly disappointed online might be good we will have to see. MAG who wants to play a game with 120 players in 1 game it will be a free for all don't hold your breath on this one.

    Halo 3 still gets huge numbers online playing at points outdoing all ps3 and xbox 360 call of duty players. I seen it at 360,000 the other night.

    So yes PS3 does have some very good games but these games are games that get repetitive and boring quickly.

    Yes PS3 has good hardware but currently xbox has the best developers because they consider long term rather than £40 for a week or two.

    rrbzle that pussy comment you are so far off the mark. Xbox 360 kills the ps3 when it comes to competitive online gaming there are more tournaments.
  • Well the thing is, XBOX 360 fanboys just don't want to admit that the XBOX isn't as good as the 360, when infact most of the exclusives are coming on the PS3. Since PS3's hardware is better, 360 users try to balance the scales by saying the PS3 has no games. Hopse that helped!
  • When the ps3 first came out they used this as it was true and now they still use it even though many ace games are coming to ps3 and the xbox just has xbox live which is the same as psn but £40 a year and they say its better even though its not.
  • even wii owners would say so... as the saying goes.. "Love your own.." When they say " Xbox has better exclusives" what it exactly means is "I'm jealous I don't have PS3.. Xbox is all I got and I'm stuck with it so I have to learn to love it!".

    A very informative website you can also get much information in website
  • Simple

    More games equals more well more games to play.

    Yeah the PS3 has better hardware, better software, but it has no games.
  • some people are just biased,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

    i sometimes do that with the ps3................

    dont waste your time comparing who cares, ps3 has better games

    END OF
  • The only things better about those games is the online play they are slightly better than the ps3! P.S. i have a ps3-xbox blows! :P
  • Has a ps3 add me psn?

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  • ShawdowHogs14 im not a stalker im 17 i just want more people on my friends list so yahoo dont delete this please anyways i have 10 games put down psn name and i will add u and i will show u my face im a teenager im 17 like i said i will show my room and my face
  • xXjDogg_23Xx, Battlefield Bad Company, Skate, Madden 09, NBA 09,

    (purchasing Resistance 2 Saturday)
  • PSN: ryzigga

    Games: LittleBigPlanet, CoD4, CoD5, FIFA09
  • PSN: naouija

    I got LBP, GTA4

    Bout to get WaW and KILLZONE 2 this week!
  • edaeki
  • MrPursuit and are you getting Killzone 2
  • my psn is bigdad84
  • my psn is me_is_cool
  • Monday, February 23, 2009

    Hi is anyone have problems with "Street Fighter 4" Boss name Seth?

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  • Hi I set my SF4 on easy mode & it took me 20 times to defeat this Seth boss & it is really redicules the fight battle. Then later after defeating Seth, I just stop playing SF4 & I put Soul Calibur 4. I believe that the 2 thing that I do not like of the SF4 game is the damn boss & there is no combo breaker. What do you think & if you played & fight SF4 Boss, you know what I'm talking about. Cheers!
  • Well, I have this game for 360 and it's the same damn way haha

    Let me guess...

    Teleport, grab, teleport grab, and sucks you inside his stomach?

    Yeah, I hate it when he does that.

    I think I spent like almost 30 mins on Normal level, it's very easy to get mad at this game.

    I became a sailor mouth to my tv haha
  • He is too hard. It didn't take me 20 times but its friggin annoying when you beat him up really bad then he just sucks you inside your stomach and takes about 2/3 of your life. And he keeps disappearing and doing those stretch punches. He is just a cheap character to try and make the game seem more challenging. I don't do arcade much I just go online now
  • How can I clean the inside of my PS2?

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  • Like how do I clean the lens? Because one of my games keeps freezing and I think it may be the lens is dirty or something.

    Also, what is the proper way to clean a game disc? Like what to use to clean, what to wipe it with, ect.
  • you can get a lens cleaning disk from any gaming shop, music shops sometimes sell them or retail shops (like Tesco) heres one for £6.10(£2.86 used), you might be able to get cheaper if you have a good look

    from the inside out in a straight motion with a soft cloth like a glasses cleaning cloth, if unclear you game box should have instructions for disk cleaning at the back of the book. or you could get CD disk cleaner put a bit of fluid on the disk put it in the cleaner then turn the handle. £7.00

    or you could get the lens cleaner and the disk cleaner together for £10.04

    you should also clean out your air events on the side of you consoles to remove dust as this can cause overheating a hover will do the trick here. (i use a dyson hove on my ps3)

    hope this helped
  • You can get a lens Cleaning Kit for the PS2 from many high street shops.
  • Can playstation 2 support hdd,?

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  • The original fatty PS2 had a 40GB HDD add on ! Not sure if they still make them though !

    HD Loader was an unofficial software program that allowed entire PS2 games to be copied to the PS2 HDD ! Sony never supported HD Loader because of piracy issues !

    The software also allowed you to use some standard HDDs in the PS2, however they will not be seen in the browser, or work with games using the HDD. While some argue that this improves performance and protects the potentially fragile discs, especially from young children, others claim that this only encourages piracy as rented games can be copied and kept forever.
  • The fat model could support a 40GB HDD, which is really only for installing games so that the load times would be faster.

    You can't put music, pictures, videos, etc on it.
  • yes. look up the HD loader at some point. I'll expect a thank you later.
  • HELP! How does a bluetooth headset work for ps3?

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  • My husband just bought a ps3 and COD 5 and really wants a headset! Im seeing that people are using bluetooth headsets which would better for us since we have a 20 month old and she would trip all over the cord of a regular usb headset. How exactly does it work with the bluetooth? I dont want to buy one and then not have it work!
  • watch this
  • buy one and read the instructions... theyre very easy to set up
  • Ps3 questions on upgrades and specs about ps3 system?

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  • can i download programs to my ps3 or is there certain programs that i can download to my ps3 and another question what is the biggest hard drive that i can upgrade my ps3 with i have found info that i can upgrade to 320 gigabytes instead of just 160 gigabytes with a bigger 2.5 inch SATA drive so if any body casn answer these questions i am at
  • biggest hard drive is a terrabit. a thousand gigabites. can download any programs iv dont know of any that you cant
  • Learn to use commas, periods and question marks. Your question is so annoying to read (if it is a question at all).
  • The largest size is 500GB
  • How do you transfer music and photos from a USB Flash Drive to a PS3?

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  • I have a U3 Cruzer USB Flash Drive and while my PS3 recognizes the drive itself it never seems to be able to read the mp3 files and JPEG files on the drive. I've tried formatting the USB Flash Drive with both FAT and FAT32 file formats and the results are the same, it can see the USB Drive but not the music and photos on it.
  • 1. Try pressing triangle on the PS3's USB drive icon, then click 'display all'. This should show all the files on the memory stick.

    2. Make a folder called PS3, then a subfolder called PHOTO and MUSIC and place your files inside their. The PS3 should find them.
  • Sunday, February 22, 2009

    PS3 sound problem when I use HDMI?

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  • Whenever i go to watch a DVD on my PS3, there is no speech from the actors if i'm connected via HDMI, but there is when i use SCART. Is there any way to get speech back without having to use a SCART connector?
  • Go to Settings> Sound Settings> and change the sound options from 'Linear PCM' to 'Bitstream'. That should help. If it doesn't, then try and buy a new HDMI cable.
  • make sure its a high quality HDMI becausei try to use the $20 HDMi i bought from ebay and i had the same problem.

    then i bought $110 cable , and guess what?

    PICTURE was crystal clear

    and there was SOUND.

    so make sure you get a HIGHEND fast speed HDMI cable.
  • i saw a video onn youtube for that just type in your problem in the youtube search bar...
  • Sounds like a faulty HDMI. I use HDMI and sound its perfect.
  • My PS3 is set on HDMI aND i WANT TO KNOW HOW TO SWITCH IT BACK TO colors.?

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  • When I put it back on a regular TV with colors and my screen is black.
  • hi

    hold down the power button, wait for initial beeps keep your finger on it till you hear a second set of beeps. this should then be switched over.

    hope this helps
  • okay what you do first is go to display settings then chose video output settings after that chose Av multi for yellow, red, and white or go to component for red, green, and, blue. After yo do this it will say automatic or custom i just pick automatic its easier. after that it will take you to audio chose the one you picked from the begining. and then you are done I hope this helped.
  • Gosh, there sure are a lot of 10 year olds on here who don't know how to spell.

    Hold your PS3's Power button for 5 seconds. Use the regular cables (yellow, white and red) and then the picture should appear.
  • Everyne help me I'm in need plz help
  • If I put my Playstation 1 and my Playstation 2 together, does that make it a Playstation 3 with Blu-Ray?

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  • serious question.
  • lol
  • hahahahahaha Report Abuse
  • no because the ps1 has a cd-rom drive the other has a dvd-rom drive.

    ps3 is blu-ray and is called 3 not so you can put two original playstation's together.
  • o my god i never thought about how stupid of a quesion that is the ps1 and the ps2 combined wont even be abel to compete with the ps3 just go out and buy one chee
  • Yes.
  • No. You would just make a PS2. Maybe a PS2.5, not a PS3.
  • Serious Answer

    Yes, of course cause PS1 + PS2 = PS3

  • you are a GENIUS!!!!
  • no
  • Can i get online with a ps3 with a Ethernet cable connecting my optimum modem and ps3?

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  • thanx for askin dis

  • you might have to call your internet provider and have them reset the modem or something. Just call them and tell them what you are doing.

    Or call sony

  • yes i have wireless now but jus connect it to ur modem thn to the back of ur ps3 and go to settings....wired.....and keep filling out
  • Yes. But you might want to get a Router, so you can connect your computer as well.
  • Can you play God of war and God of war 2 on the ps3?

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  • since i can't wait for god of war 3 i wanted to play the first 2 but i wanted to know if you can even play them before i buy them
  • If you have the 20GB model, the 60GB model, or the old 80GB model with 4 USB ports.
  • It depends which model of the PlayStation 3 you have. If you have the 20 GB, 60 GB or old 80 GB, it should play fine.

    Click on the following website if you want to check the compatibility status of a PS2 game:-

    Good luck.
  • If you have the ps3's models that came out earlier, like the 80GB, and 60GB
  • Only if you have the 60gb ps3
  • Yes, if your PS3 has BC
  • if u have a ps3 that is backwards compadibilty
  • How can a 12 year old boy in the U.S.A Make money for a ps3?

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  • Title says it all. And i dont anyone to say like prizerebel and rewards1 and sites like that cuz those take 2 freekin long???? Every answer helps. First good answer gets the best answer!!
  • You can't. Maybe babysitting or working for your parents. Do newspaper or something.

    Tell your parents to buy you a PS3 at Best Buy because they are giving FREE $50 Gift Card and FREE Guitar Hero 3 if you purchase a PS3 there. It's only for this week.
  • go on ebay and look at cheap stuff like anything. then make it look better and make it work better then re-sell it from more than you payed for it origionally
  • Not much you can do since you're under the legal working age. Try mowing lawns... though this may not be the best time of year for it.
  • Take all that other stuff mommy and daddy bought you to a game store and trade it all in for store credit and cross your fingers lol!
  • prostitution ha ha ha ha
  • cut grass or shovel snow for neighbors and get paid and walla ull hav enough money for a ps3
  • Get a job
  • Saturday, February 21, 2009

    Question on Grand Theft Auto IV: The Lost And Dammed?

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  • Will it come out on Playstation 3?
  • This is a very good question.

    Many people (Xbox fanboys) will say "Noo itz a xboz xclusiv, iddiooot"

    but it is only exclusive as downloadable DLC for Xbox. Comments have been made to suggest that the PS3 and PC will be getting TLAD with the Game of the Year edition of GTA IV that should be coming out sometime this year.
  • No, Xbox 360 exclusive download-able content.
  • Microsoft paid 50 Million dollars for the Lost and Damned.

    I doubt that it'll go to PS3.
  • One day maybe IDK
  • i doubt it
  • Selling PS3 games on Ebay?

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  • Well, to put it bluntly how do I do it, how do I ship them?

    Thanks for the help.
  • The buyer will give you their address, then you put the items in a box respective to its size more or less. Make sure you pack it with newspaper or something to prevent it from breaking on its way there. Go to UPS store or Fed Ex location and give them the address. They will charge you for shipping, and it will be on its way.
  • "Where do I get the boxes or envelopes, from a Post office?"

    Yep, any post office, UPS/FedEx store will have envelopes and boxes as well as a label service.
  • You buy the boxes in fedex/usps/ups.
  • WHY DO WE ALL??????????????????????

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  • whats the best price for me to sell a psp slim for
  • I sold my regular psp with 6 or 7 games for around 250. So,

    for just the psp slim - around 150

    for a psp slim and 1-2 games - around 175

    for a psp slim with 3-5 games - around 199

    for a psp slim with 5+ games - 200+

    Hopefully my information helps you.
  • Depends what condition its in maybe 200$ in perfect condition and in fair about 150
  • 269.99
  • you should sell it 136.89
  • Ps3 question about psn?

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  • is there a way to change my psn instead of having to restart on all my games.? p.s. wich is better for a psn ArticHuski13 or syberianhuski13
  • No you have to create a new user if you want a different name... but you can always just copy your save data and put it on the other user... so you dont have to restart your games...

    I like ArticHuski13
  • No you can't not possible they won't let you change your name. and i guess syberianhuski13 only cause i have a dog which is a siberian husky
  • how about battyboy4eva, trust me this is one of the sickest usernames
  • No

  • What settings should I have on my PS3?

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  • Well right now I have have super white HDMl, RGB full range, and full screen, should I change any of these? Is there more options that I should put for better graphics/quality? Suggestions.
  • You've probably got it already but change the ratio from 4:3 to 16:9.
  • change it to super bright/white i dont know which one it is.
  • How do you send a mugshot or smugshot online in burnout paradise for ps3?

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  • you can get a trophy for doing it but i dont know do you?
  • Simple, you connect your Playstation Eye camera or any other USB camera, you sit it on your screen or towards the wall (if you don't want people to see you) and leave it there. Once you do that go online, either take down someone or get taken out you either receive it or send it! Hope I helped!
  • Friday, February 20, 2009

    Which is a better psp game?

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  • Midnight Club: LA Remix or wwe raw vs.smackdown 2008
  • Midnight Club: LA Remix, Because i like racing games much better than Wrestling
  • Midnight club LA remix. that is only my opinion because i like racing games better than wrestling. It depends on what you like better.
  • Depends which you like better: racing or wrestling.

    I'd personally go with Midnight Club because I hate wrestling.
  • Midnight Club: LA Remix
  • Midnight Club: LA Remix because wrestling gets old quick
  • Go to There is a list of best psp games.
  • Which Is Better 360 Or PS3?

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  • Im thinking about trading in my 360..but I dont know if the PS3 has good games like Gears of War 2,Halo3,etc...and if the PS3 has good online gaming and more graphic....also if the PS3 has a menu thats like the 360 online...Game Market,Video Market,Spotlight, please help (:
  • Why you should get a PS3 and NOT a Xbox 360

    The *expected* lifetimes of current home video game consoles:

    Xbox 360--2005-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Wii-2006-2010, you'll get 1 and a half years out of it

    Playstation 3-2015 (Sony said they made it to last 10 years, so 2006+10 years=2016, round it down just to be safe), you'll get 7 years out of it.

    In short, it has better reliability, multimedia capabilities, a large list of exclusives and more coming out in 2009 and in the future and it has over-the-top graphical capabilities (google “Heavy Rain”). And to those who say the Xbox 360 is cheaper, well then just look at the following list:

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blu-Ray player, which if you wanted one of equal value would blow at least a $700 hole in your wallet

    -Free online service

    -An ever-growing list of exclusives, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time, 128 VS 128)

    -More flexible in terms of hardware, e.g. swappable HDD, USB mini cable, etc.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser

    -A super sleek system complete with chrome trim and a slot loading disc drive

    -HDMI 1.3, Xbox 360 only has HDMI 1.2 (major difference despite only a 0.1 difference)

    With the Xbox 360, you get:

    -DVD Player/upconverter

    -Xbox live, which is $50/year, and not even worth it

    -Halo 3 and Gears of War 2 (that’s a lot of exclusives compared to the PS3, if you ask me: P)

    -Umm…can’t really say anything about non-proprietaryness, because Microsoft inflates the prices for their accessories. 120GB for $150? With the PS3, you can upgrade to 500GB for $110!

    -A 1 in 3 failure rate (it's not "if", it's "when")

    -Many people are on their 5th or 6th 360's already because of RROD, and my friend is on his 12th!

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console $400

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Charger $2-10--any USB mini cable will do

    Total: $517 ($2 USB mini cable)

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Play and Charge kit x2 $60 (for 2 controllers)

    Xbox Live $60

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $640

    That’s not cheaper, so get a grip on it! The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So there's lots of wiggle room in the future for much more brighter, detailed and massive environments.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look the same, if not better on the PS3. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    Xbox Live VS PSN? The only thing you are missing is cross voice chat, which can easily be solved by using a telephone, or even in PSN’s V3.00 update, which we will be seeing soon enough.

    The PS3 has sold 21 million units in 2 years. The Xbox 360 has sold 28 million in 3 years. Plus a 33% failure rate, that means that 9.24 million units are either refurbished ones or replacements. So really, the amount of one-time buyers is about 19 million. So really, the PS3 has sold 21 million in 2 years, while the Xbox 360 has sold 19 in 3 years, and the PS3 has a higher face value ($199.99 vs. $399.99)

    So in conclusion, the PS3 is better—you get the most bang for your buck, and it's an incredibly advanced all-in-one home media center hub. You can even install Linux or Windows XP and use it as a computer—legally! While with the Xbox 360, Microsoft will ban your 360 from certain things, if you install the OS at all (just try to bypass the security).

    Hope this helps!


    --PS3 expert--
  • PS3

    -one of the best blu ray players on the market (if not THE best)

    -free online play

    -rechargeable controllers

    -VERY reliable and durable

    -will have more games than the 360 at the end of 2009 (with bigger and better titles like killzone 2, drakes fortune 2, etc.)

    -online play is great

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -game discs are blue ray (which makes better graphics than the 360)

    -only 0.2% defective rate after opened from box


    -larger online community

    -online costs money to use

    -30% defective rate after opened from box (yes, 30!)

    -breaks down and creates the ring of death (scoaring of the discs until they arent readable)

    -amazing graphics

    -great selection of games

    -has HD DVD player (which is obsolete and useless because they only make Blu Ray DVDs, not HD DVDs.)

    Dont waste your time with an xbox they will just break. i have owned both for a long time and the PS3 is by far the better choice. so its 100 dollars more...big deal. you get a larger hard drive and an amazing blu ray player. dont listen to bias people. you will get xbox lovers saying how the ps3 is junk. they are beyond ignorant. they are both amazing but the ps3 triumphs
  • Games: (Im just naming exclusives)

    If you like Gears of War get:

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Metal Gear Solid 4


    If you like Halo get:

    Resistance 2

    Fall of Man

    Killzone 2

    If you like Banjo Kazooie:

    Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    If you like racing games:

    Grand Turismo 5

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift

    Thats just to name a few.

    The best online games are:

    Resistance 2 (up to 60 players in one match)

    Warhawk (up to 32 players in one match)

    Killzone 2 (32 players in one match)

    Metal Gear Solid 4 (16 per match)

    The whole thing about Xbox Live being better than PSN is a lie, how is it so much better if Gears of War can only support 8 players in one match and it has lag, when Resistance 2 has 60 players in a match and no lag.

    Unlike Xbox Live Playstation Network is free and it comes with just as many features as Xbox Live. The quality is just as good.

    I'm not sure what you mean by online menu but the Ps3 has the XMB menu bar which is similar to the PSP's menu. The Playstation Store is like the Xbox Marketplace you can download classic Playstation One games, demos, game add-ons, game videos, movie trailers, you can download whole movies to the PS3 from the Playstation Store.

    Basically everything the Xbox does the PS3 does better.

    Of you need any help picking out games just e-mail me:
  • PS3!! PS3 has great exclusive games such as resistance 2 which has 60 player online matches!! We have the best graphics first-person shooter/best first-person shooter KILLZONE 2!!! Little Big Planet is amazing fun on and off line!

    Also the amazing Motorstorm Pacific Rift!

    PS3's now have upto 160GB storage! Lighter wireless controlers, ps3 has more presice graphics and an amazing smooth style!

    PS3's were made for fun, amazing graphic gaming! Thats why the ps3 has Blu-ray 80GB discs but the 360 only has miniscule 8GB HD DVD discs.


    My PSN by the way- OLOH1
  • i own both consoles man and honestly the only good games so far for the ps3 are some of the same that are available for the 360

    the only exception is little big planet and killzone 2 but killzone 2 is really not as good as halo 3 and resistance 2 is crap and metal gear is a good game but it gets boring after getting done with it

    the only reason to get the ps3 would be if you want a blu ray player and the only game that looks really awesome is god of war 3 which would be probably the game of the year but is still not out

    both consoles are great but the 360 has better games
  • Matters what your looking for. Since your so into halo and gears, why not get an xbox. Here are the pros and cons of each

    xbox(pros): wide variety of games, great online play, a lot of downloadble content, big hit games like halo and gears

    xbox(cons): membership fee for online play, overheating

    Ps3(pros): better graphics, hit games like metal gear solid and killzone, blue ray player, free online play

    Ps3(cons): more expensive, small variety of games and library, less enjoyable online play

    So there it is, if you want an entertainment console with blue ray but at much more expensive price and less games to play. ps3

    If you want a more enjoyable online experince and want to have a wide variety of games but worry about overheating and the yearly price of online membership. xbox 360

    I got an xbox 360
  • Half the people above me have't got a clue about the PS3.

    Online is lag free & there are millions of users.

    There are hundreds of games & very good games PS3 has the best exclusives.

    The graphics are far superior to the 360 & way more reliable.

    The average gamer on 360 is 12-17 & all mouthy rascists on PS3 the average user is 20-30 & all friendly So if you want to hear abuse stick with the 360, if you want to speak to gamers without the abuse buy a PS3.

    PS3 won best console of 2008

    And with this years exclusives over 50 is sure to win 2009

    You can download demos for FREE & buy movies & games from the psn store.

    You can upgrade the hard drive with any sata 2.5" laptop drive to 750gb

    unlike the 360 it has to be microsoft with a max 160gb.

    Killzone 2 wipes the floor with halo & gears of war & now PS3 is showing it's full power 360 will never be able to match them in the graphics department,plus games will be made for the PS3 & ported to the 360.

    360 uses dvd's 8gb in size PS3 uses bluray 54gb in size meaning bigger & better games they have also made a 400gb bluray dvd which will come to the PS3 later next year think of the games that will be on that! plus grand theft auto 4 for 360 had alot of content missing due to the small disc size it didn't even fill the bluray.

    360 is slowly dying,PS3 is the future.

    My advice to you would to be sell the 360 before it get's the red ring of death as they all do.
  • I would say ps3. it has way more features. It has better graphics, internet access, built in wireless device to connect, free online gaming unlike xbox, menu like xbox but more choices, controllers dont take batteries, just plug into ps3 and your good to go, the power button is touch sensitive, and many more. the only negative about it is its a little more pricey and you cant play certain games like halo.
  • Oh trust me, the PS3 has great games. maybe not as many games are on the ps3 as is on the 360. but there are games that are incredible like Killzone 2, Resistance 1 & 2, Uncharted, Haze, Command & Conquer Red Alert 3, Alone in the Dark (which is much better that it's 360 counterpart). I had a 360 as well and i traded it in because all i wanted for it was Blue Dragon and Lost Oddysee. After I beat those, I hoped for something else good to come out for the system, but nothing came. So I went back to what I liked most, Sony. Get the PS3. You won't regret it.
  • If your an online kinda person then stick with 360. The only advantage ps3 has for online is its free. Other than that the connections suxs and no one ever has a ps3. For games the 360 still has so manny out their and ps3 only has a handful good ones right now. If you want to wait it out ps3 will still have better graphics and will eventual realese some good games but its gonna be at least 2 years before they will be able to compete at all. By that time they will be close to making the new xbox. The choice is a no brainer to stick with 360. Their is only 2 exclusive good titles and that are mgs 4 and reistance. but to really trade it in for 2 games is retard. 360 still has halo 3, gta 4, gears of war, oblilivion, lego games, dynasty warriors, wrestling games, bioshock, fallout 3, fable 2, madden, ncaa, basketball. Point is that they all have same type of games but u alrdy own a 360 so why sell one and pay more in long run.

    ps. Weird as it is I got 360 when it first came out and still works just as good as day I bought it. So dont give the ring of death bs.

    I think u should trade it. I own both and love both of them . I used to play my 360 more than my ps3 becuz i got my ps3 this christmas and dnt have much games but i preordered killzone 2 and got the demo. ITS THE BEST SHOOTER EVER . the gameplay feels extremely real and u feel like u are actually in the warfield with ur assault rifle. the graphics ae awesome and the atmosphere is great . multiplayer is considered as the king of online games. killzone 2 reviews are awesome with 95% on metacritic and 94 on gamerankings. I have cod 4, halo3 , gta4 on 360 and many more on 360 as i got it 2 years ago. on my ps3 i got cod4, gta4, and metal gear solid 4. honestly ,ps3 versions are better becuz of no lag and better online function. i dnt buy any more 360 games cuz im thinking of selling it and getting an itouch . i thought about it and decided to keep ps3 my game system. on game websites, they are saying ps3 is the future console. I also heard that sequels of great games like gran turismo , uncharted, and god of war are coming out. For me xbox 360 kinda feels old becuz of its games. ps3 is getting games that can only be run on ps3 . i heard gta5 gonna be a ps3 exclusive .

    if you talk about online , they feel the same , but 360 live times out and this never happened on my ps3. there is a great playstatin store with great games , demos , themes , add ons, . there is also a video store where you can buy, rent or sell blu ray, or dvd movies. the selection is pretty cool.

    SO i conclude by saying , yea trade it for ps3 cuz PS3 is the future console with games like killzone2 , and god of war 3
  • 360's dont last very long and have exellent online play. the 360 has way more capabilities and with constant updates it just gets better. although the ps3 plays blueray and plays games which saves you money because bluerays are relativley expencive they dont compare to 360
  • Well, I have a 360, I enjoy it pretty much. I'm not one of those die hard fanboys who just piss on the other system. I want to buy a ps3 if I get the chance. The xbox 360 to me seems better just because it is my personal preference.
  • Playstation 3 is the best by far, 360 is more popular tho

    I had a 360 and then 4 months later had a red ring of death and since then my ps3 that i bought has worked like a charm
  • ps3 is hella expensive and the online gaming isnt as great as the 360

    it has some games exclusively for playstation where as some xbox games are not on the ps3

    i personally like the 360
  • PSTriple if you're into fighters and JRPG's and want a generally better media experience. 360 if what you want is shooter, personally I only play shooters on the PC.
  • Metal gear solid is the best game for ps3 and little big planet(its not crap its really fun.
  • idk i have both but i have ever felt like playing em, but my brothers do, i always see them on the 360 cuz his friends r always on online.
  • PS3 in any way.
  • 360. because it has almost the same graphics as the PS3 and the 360 has ALOT of good games
  • ps3 better
  • dude... if u r gonna buy a chipped version for 360 itz the best cause u cant really chip a ps3 ... unless u r a origgnal bug.. or u live in U.S.A
  • PS3
  • hardware ps3

    xbox for fun
  • trade ur 360 in and get a ps3 because they rock
  • nooo the 360 is SOO much better than ps3. im a chick and i know that. my boyfriend makes about 100,000 a year, can buy anything he wants, and will not get a ps3
  • 360

    Better games.


    SIncerely, me!

    P.S It's time to say goodbye.
  • haha get a life thats alot better
  • never be gay enough to trade a 360 for a ps3
  • Is it worth getting a ps3?

    May be...
  • I want to sell my xbox to put towards a laptop or pc. But i've heard that you can do lots of stuff on a ps3. So much so it's almost like a computer. Is to worth having for computer use? Games are about 4th on my list of priorities.
  • yea, if you liked you 360 at all, look at this, it's a comparison on how much better the PS3 is. The PS3 can also be programmed to be a fully functional PC, if you download linux (it's even free!) or you can buy Microsoft Vista or something... But anyways here you go

    For One, the PS3 will last the longest for the next gen consoles that are out now:

    Xbox 360 was made in 2005, they've already made a different version of it (Elite) so soon they'll have the next 360, more likely the 720, probably in 2010-2012 that's not very long 1-3 years of play

    Wii- was poorly designed in 2006. They'll have to make the Wii 2 sometime soon, probably 2010-2012 as well.

    Playstation 3- was made in the same year as the Wii, 2006. Sony designed it though to last for 10 years! Meaning it will still be around and popular in 2016.

    The PS3 amazing. It has better reliability, can be turned into a PC and download Windows XP or Vista, or for free download Linux. For everything that it has, it is much cheaper then the Xbox 360, consider the following.

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blue-Ray player, and one of the best ones out so far. It is also considered new technology. If you don't have Blue-Ray players to start out with when buying the PS3, it also has a DVD upconverter, meaning that you can play normal DVD's with better quality picture.

    -The PS3 also features PSN( the (P)lay(S)tation (N)etwork). It's free to use, and download demo's such as Warhawk, and Home. Unlike Xbox Live, it doesn't cost $80 for the first year bundle, and $50 for each following year.

    -The PS3 has exlusives like no other console, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)

    -For the money, you get 80GB of space, and only 60GB on the Xbox 360, USB mini drives can also be used from the 2.0 USB ports in the front of the PS3. It also has an easily removable HDD.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser, just like a PC's

    On the Xbox 360's you get a 1 in 3 failure rate. Even though Microsoft knows of this problem, they don't even think about the red rings of death while shipping it out to unsuspecting customers

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console(there will be a $100 decrease in April 2009) $300

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Total: $415

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Xbox Live $80

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $660

    As you can see, the PS3 is cheaper by far and plus, The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So that means much better graphics in the future when they can get a grip on the PS3's power.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    So pretty much, the PS3 wins hands down. It's the best system people have seen yet! The PS3 will also progress in the future, like it's downgraded because it was so good that other people couldn't afford it. So anyways hope I helped!
  • NO!

    If gaming is 4th on priorities and you're planning on a laptop/pc go with the laptop/pc. the PS3 is only for the most hardcore of gamers. You can't do the things on a PS3 that you can do on your PC. I'm pretty sure the PS3 can't print you out a good formatted report on whatever subject you study ;)

    If gaming is your top priority, yeah, a PS3 or either one of the other consoles would serve you very well.
  • Every machine is design for an ultimate use. What do you want to do in the first place?

    Ultimate gaming console: XBOX - The number one rule of enjoying the xbox is the online gaming.

    Ultimate MMO gaming: PC - Try Warhammer or WOW and you will never eat, sleep, go out of house.

    Ultimate mobility: LAPTOP/Smartphones/iPhone

    Ultimate party gaming in a house: Wii

    Ultimate blue-ray player: PS3 (cheapest in the market)

    It's like comparing apples and oranges. It really depends on what you want to get out of what you buy.

    a computer can do tons more than a ps3. A ps3 only has processing power. You can do work on a ps3. If you just want a console for the next 10 years, sure get a ps3, but you can do tons with a pc. And if you already dont have another pc then you wont be able to do anything. That means you wont be able to connect online or do anything, but play games.

    If you can mod consoles then it would be ok to get a ps3, but in that case, you should rather get a pc, Because once you mod you void the warranty and if it breaks.... you've lost a bit of money...
  • ps3 can do lots of stuff like going online,play music and dvds and downloading games, but a laptop or computer can do much more and has faster hardware.

    so i would say if you want to play games buy the ps3 but if you want to do other stuff buy a laptop
  • Yes, the PS3 Has an internet browser, has free online play, you can access your email and play top notch games. It is the closest thing to a computer that a games console has ever been. Excellent value for money
  • If you get a keyboard and mouse for your ps3 then ya, I'd say it's worth it. I have a ps3 and it's fantastic... I use it for movies, games, internet and talking to people
  • well the only downside is the ps3 cant play PC games.

    other then that it can act as a computer,i recommend ubuntu as the operating system.
  • duh. computer beats every gaming console
  • Which PSN games do you recommend?

    May be...
  • I've only got Super Stardust HD and I'm close to achieving all the trophies.

    I'm thinking about downloading Warhawk or WipEout HD.

    What do you think?
  • Get Warhawk, its all online and great fun once u get used to it. U might find it hard at first espicially when ur against higher rank people but dont give up. learn from them. Its an awesome war game!
  • Cuboid is addictive and fun. Its cheap, takes hours and has tons of replay. Lumines Supernova is also a fun puzzle game. Enjoyable.
  • WARHAWK=29.99 or 19.99


  • get burnout paradise its the funest racing game ever
  • Burnout Paradise is a good one...
  • Steam and Lag for Orange Box on PS3?

    May be...
  • I've been thinking about getting The Orange Box for PS3, only for Team Fortress 2. Is it worth it, and will I still get updates from Steam, even though it's not for PC? And are there any outstanding lag problems?
  • I would get it. That's why I bought it in the first place. I love to play TF2 it's really fun and doesn't lag. I'm not sure about the updates though.
  • Is it possible to override a copyright protection on PS3?

    May be...
  • We downloaded a movie on my husband's ps3. He has a DVD recorder hooked to the ps3, trying to copy the movie. It has a "copyright protection" on the movie, is there anyway around it so we can burn the movie onto a DVD?
  • Legally, no. You can buy a filter that goes between the PS3 and DVD recorder that removes the Copyright Protection. Because the product is illegal, I can not give any links, but if you do some research, you can find them to buy online.
  • No maybe you could try but I am not guarrenting. Try burning the movie on a disc that has nothing on it. then try downloading the movie. So then if it doesn't work then the copyright protection is impossible to get around
  • Thursday, February 19, 2009

    Is it hard to make a PS3 mod like this...?

    May be...

    How hard would it be to make something like this. Do you have to rip out the original like... shiny black casing, or is it overtop of it? also do you think that it uses the PS3 power outlet? or it's own
  • Man it looks cool and mean. I think the outer grill is replaced by a customized one (may be working on the power outlet or separate batteries, hard to make out). You can also get the same effect by a neon projector above, but the reason I feel it's customized, is that there is no light where 'PLAYSTATION' is written.

    I don't know any retail shop selling such a unit. But it would be cool if they did. Maybe we should have a 'Pimp my PS3' shop.
  • well if i were you i wouldn't try that because a lot of things can and will be edited and if you do do it it looks extremely hard and would be a pain to turn on off plug the controller in and out and but games and movies so I would find something easier and not as risky but if you do do it find someone that can help because then you have a better chance of getting it done good luck dude
  • I think overtop it
  • God Of War II question?.....?

    May be...
  • hi i have a question,this might sound stupid but what button is it to slow time with the statues? i havent played in so long ive forgotten lol
  • U press L1 + R1 near the statues but first u need that amulet from the very first statue to use the power....i really cant go into details cause its been ages since i played that.
  • What PS3 game in 2009 are you most looking forward to?

    May be...
  • I cant wait for Killzone 2 myself!
  • Resident Evil 5

    Killzone 2

    Street Fighter 4 (already out)

    God Of War 3

    Unchartered 2

    Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

    The Godfather 2

    Madden 2010
  • inFamous.*

    Heavy Rain.*

    God of War III.*

    M.A.G (Massive Action Game - includes 256 players in ONE online match - might not be released this year).*

    Uncharted : Among Thieves.*

    Killzone 2 (a bit confused now, demo disappointed me.)*

    Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 2.

    The ones noted with a star is only for the PS3.
  • killzone 2 (most anticipated game of the year)

    call of duty 5 (its not called call of dty 6 because world at war is not a sequel to cod 4 becasue it is set in WWII, so the newest call of duty will be titled call of duty 5)
  • I'm not trying to sound like I hate Killzone 2, but the demo disappointed me, I'm not sure how the game itself is.

    I'm wishing they make a Resistance 3, but if we get to be the chimera that would be sweet.

    BUT it would ruin the fun.
  • If God Of War 3 releases this year, then it will be THE GAME. Killzone 2 is going to be a blast as well. So in order of preference:

    1)God Of war 3

    2)Killzone 2

    3)Uncharted 2


    5)Quantum Theory.
  • 1. Starcraft 2 [I mean, the first one came out in 1997.]

    2. Killzone 2

    3. Uncharted 2

    4. inFamous

    5. MAG

    Starcraft is known as the best RTS game of all time. It's even a major SPORT in Korea lol.
  • God Of War 3

    Killzone 2

    Little Big Planet

    Uncharted: Among Thieves

    Possibly a Warhawk 2

    Possibly a LBP 2, although it wouldn't change all that much :P

    NHL 2010
  • MLB 09 The Show

    Call Of Duty 6

    Killzone 2

    Gran Turismo 5

    FIFA 10

    Madden 10

    Resident Evil 5
  • Yeah i agree with you i also can't wait for Killzone 2 i have played the demo and it blew me away! fantastic game i will be saving my penny's for this game.
  • Killzone 2

    Resident Evil 5

    Uncharted 2

    God of War 3
  • God of War III

    Final Fantasy XVIII

    Madden 2010

    Call of Duty 6 (This on the most)
  • yeah for me Killzone 2 only 8 more days it looks very good i can't wait to play it and as a choice for latter on this year i am excited for Fight Night Round 4
  • God of War 3.

    That has got to be Game of the Year. If it comes out before the end of the year
  • killzone 2

    cod modern warfare 2


    thats all

    ADD ME

  • Uncharted 2:Among Thieves - First game was amazing

    Hitman 5 - Amazing Series
  • resident evil 5

    To the guy below me

    (ratchet and clank, little big planet, reistance fall of man...)
  • God of War 3

    Unchartered 2
  • God of war 3
  • none coz ps3 is a bag of **** and has no exclusive games.. get axbo !
  • Playstation 2. Playstation 3. Wii.?

    May be...
  • Hi I'm a girl, like 17 years old. I know it sounds stupid but i love little girly games. I have a Wii. I have disney princess adventures on it. are there any other cute games like that for the wii yet?

    Also, I was thinking about getting a PS3 or PS2, which one should i get? Which has the best cute game selection for me?

    Thank you!<3
  • i found like about 50 Princess games for the play station 2 so if i were you i would chose the ps2
  • PS3 with Little Big Planet.
  • PS2.

    The PS3 (and other next gen consoles) are mostly shooters (majority is FPS) and some other fighting games and racing games.

    The library of games this gen isn't too good (IMO).

    I suggest PS2. Games are still being created for the PS2.
  • get a ps3 then get Little big planet....
  • Although the PS3 is the better console by far, the PS2 has more of the games you like so if i were you, i would get the PS2
  • The PS3 is great. Lots of people that have it use it just as a Blue-Ray player, also as a second computer (yes you can even install Windows Vista or something on it, it's THAT powerful!). Unfortunetely, there's not a very big demand for "cute games". But of course you can always shop around online, like for Little Big Planet. The PS2, is an older version of a PS3. It doesn't do HALF of the things that the PS3 can do. But here's a comparison between the Xbox and Playstation, just for you to get an idea of what the PS3 is capable of. I will also paste the link to an article, telling you about the PS3 price drop in April, this year, reducing it to $299.

    For One, the PS3 will last the longest for the next gen consoles that are out now:

    Xbox 360 was made in 2005, they've already made a different version of it (Elite) so soon they'll have the next 360, more likely the 720, probably in 2010-2012 that's not very long 1-3 years of play

    Wii- was poorly designed in 2006. They'll have to make the Wii 2 sometime soon, probably 2010-2012 as well.

    Playstation 3- was made in the same year as the Wii, 2006. Sony designed it though to last for 10 years! Meaning it will still be around and popular in 2016.

    The PS3 amazing. It has better reliability, can be turned into a PC and download Windows XP or Vista, or for free download Linux. For everything that it has, it is much cheaper then the Xbox 360, consider the following.

    With the PS3, you get:

    -A Blue-Ray player, and one of the best ones out so far. It is also considered new technology. If you don't have Blue-Ray players to start out with when buying the PS3, it also has a DVD upconverter, meaning that you can play normal DVD's with better quality picture.

    -The PS3 also features PSN( the (P)lay(S)tation (N)etwork). It's free to use, and download demo's such as Warhawk, and Home. Unlike Xbox Live, it doesn't cost $80 for the first year bundle, and $50 for each following year.

    -The PS3 has exlusives like no other console, like Resistance 2, LittleBig Planet, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Metal Gear Solid 4 and in the future: inFamous, Killzone 2, God of War 3, Uncharted 2, L.A. Noire, Heavy Rain and Massive Action Game (M.A.G.—in which over 256 players will be able to play on the same map at the same time)

    -For the money, you get 80GB of space, and only 60GB on the Xbox 360, USB mini drives can also be used from the 2.0 USB ports in the front of the PS3. It also has an easily removable HDD.

    -Built in, superior Wi-Fi

    -Web browser, just like a PC's

    On the Xbox 360's you get a 1 in 3 failure rate. Even though Microsoft knows of this problem, they don't even think about the red rings of death while shipping it out to unsuspecting customers

    So here’s a quick run-down of what you must buy with the PS3 and 360:


    Console(there will be a $100 decrease in April 2009) $300

    Game $60

    Controller $55

    Total: $415

    Really, if you bought all the things the PS3 offers SEPERATELY, you would be able to buy roughly 3 PS3's with that money (gaming console+computer+SUPERB Blu Ray player)

    Xbox 360:

    Console $300

    Game $60

    Controller $60

    Xbox Live $80

    Wi-Fi $100

    Total: $660

    As you can see, the PS3 is cheaper by far and plus, The multi-platform games are using about 25% of the PS3's graphical potential. So that means much better graphics in the future when they can get a grip on the PS3's power.

    On the other hand, most multiplatform games are using about 98% of the 360’s potential. And they look about the same. At this rate in 1 year, the PS3 will have outshone the 360 graphic wise. It’s just that the 8-core Cell Broadband Processor is very complex, and takes developers time to get used to. And they are getting the hang of things. The PS3 has a very good reliability rate: only 0.2% failure rate (note the decimal), while Xbox 360's have a 30% failure rate. So, for every 1000 of both consoles produced, 2 PS3's are defective, whilst about 330 Xbox 360's are defective. The numbers speak for themselves. Many game developers have OPENLY stated that in the near future, and right now, they will use the PS3 as a lead-developing platform, and then they will port the games to the 360.

    So pretty much, the PS3 wins hands down. It's the best system people have seen yet! The PS3 will also progress in the future, like it's downgraded because it was so good that other people couldn't afford it. So anyways hope I helped!