Sunday, August 31, 2008

PS3 gamers out there!I need help?

May be...
  • Which 4 games would you pick out of these 7 coming out in the fall?

    1.Guitar Hero 4: World Tour

    2.Midnight Club LA

    3.Motorstorm Pacific Rift

    4.Resident Evil 5

    5.Rockband 2

    6.Call of Duty World at War

    7.Little Big Planet
  • First, NO CODWAW. its another treyarch. its going to be poop.


    1=GHWT! theres sooo many new features and songs, its going to be eternal.

    2=Rock band, if your a music person and want both, the game controllers will be cross compatible.

    3=Little big planet. it is very revolutionary and will be hella addictive.

    SOCOM is another one im waiting for, those games will consume the rest of 08 and a large part of my 09.
  • Little Big Planet will be the most fun out of all those. The rest of them are just new content for old game engines. Yawn.

    Except for maybe Motorstorm Pacific Rift, from the videos it looks like they're doing it in native 1080p, which figures Motorstorm would be the first major game to get that right. Now if they fix it so it's actually about racing instead of crashing.

    You said 4 games but there's not 2 more games worth their cover price out of the rest of them. Guitar Hero, with all the downloadable songs etc does there even need to be a Guitar Hero 4? It's a money grab. Resident Evil 5 is another kowtow to the last console generation by developers who are afraid to make anything new, so they say "big news - sequel to ps2 blockbuster coming up." It will be garbage. Rockband doesn't need a Rockband2 for the same reason there doesn't need to be a Guitar Hero 4, they're just making excuses to sell you the same instruments all over again.

    Call of Duty World at War will probably get a lot of attention, but I don't believe it deserves it after the unexplained popularity of Call of Duty 4, a shooter of mediocre quality and zero originality. Like most sequels it will probably be worse than whatever it's a sequel to. Ignore it.

    That new Star Wars Force Unleashed game, or whatever it's called, may be good. Also if the next STar Wars Battlefront is ever released.
  • Littel Big planet - my most anticiapted gmae of year.

    probs motor stomr.

    but gmaes you ddint mention

    Stawr Wars: The Foce Unleashed, got hte Demo and it was awesome, so im gonan get that.

    Far cry 2 - might be getting it on Pc instead, but either way the trialers n gmae play look awesome too, so is anther game i will be gtting.

    Ressitnace ive not palyed, but its £10 pre-owned so i mgiht get the frist one and see waht its like, it seems to have a alright amount of good reviews.
  • 1. Little Big Planet

    2. Rock Band 2

    3. Call of Duty World at War

    4. Guitar Hero 4: World Tour

    of course i'm hoping for compatible peripherals for RB2 & GH4 since i already have RB. Little Big Planet is possibly the best must-have PS3 exclusive to date (still waiting for Tekken 6 and God of War 3).

    2GUITAR HERo 4 - 3 was AWESOME

    3,4,5 all urs to pick
  • i would get:

    MC: LA

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift


  • PS3 or 360 ?

    May be...
  • I am leaning a bit towards the PS3, due to its free online service, min. overheating problems, but I would like some opinions, just to back it up.
  • I had to make the same decision a few months ago and I got a PS3. The 360 has MORE games now, but the PS3 has a very strong line-up of games for 2008-2009 and, in my opinion, has BETTER games than the Xbox 360.

    The 360 system is cheaper than the PS3, but the cost of accessories adds up really quick: $100 wireless network adapter, $20 rechargeable controller battery packs, 120GB hard drives for $180, $50 per year for x-box live. Wireless headsets for the 360 are $60.

    Xbox 360:

    Console- $350

    Wireless adapter- $100

    Rechargeable Battery Pack- $20

    1 Year of Xbox Live- $50

    120 GB Hard Drive- $180

    Wireless Headset- $60

    Grand Total- $760


    Console- $400

    Built in Wi Fi- Free

    Rechargeable Battery- Built in to controller

    Online- Free

    Bluetooth Headset- You can find good ones for $20

    Hard Drive- You could find a 160 GB hard drive for $100, more storage space than the only one you can use for the Xbox 360 and cheaper.

    Grand Total- $520 or $420 if you don't buy the bigger hard drive

    By the time you buy all the necessary accessories, the 360 is going to be much more expensive than the PS3.

    Even if you're not in to HD movies, Blu Ray discs allow a lot more data to be stored on them. (Xbox 360 discs have 9GB of memory on them; Bluray has 50GB)

    Can you imagine how big GTA4 would be if it used all 50GB instead of being stuffed onto a 9GB disc? The Xbox 360 is dragging the PS3 down and not allowing it to be used to it's full potential because of these multi-platforms

    Finally, Sony has said that the PS3 will have a 10 year life span. This means that the PS3 still has over 8 more great years in it. Microsoft has never specifically given a lifespan for the 360 but it will probably be 5-6 years ; in just 2 - 3 years, Microsoft will stop making the 360 and jam a new expensive console down people's throats.

    To sum it up, I'd highly recommend you get a PS3, but it's really your personal choice
  • The notion that xbox has many more games than ps3 is a myth left over from early 2007. Xbox fans would have you believe there are several times as many xbox games, which is nonsense. More like 30 or 40 percent more, and the difference means nothing since quality of games is what is important, besides which you will never be rich enough to own more than a tiny fraction of the games available for either console.

    The ps3 is roughly twice as powerful a computer as the xbox360 is. It runs on the revolutionary Cell Broadband Engine which consists of a 3.2ghz core processor and seven 3.2 ghz co-processors. It is the driving force of the first supercomputer ever to break the 1 petaflops barrier.

    Besides being a mighty flops factory, the Cell is able to assist the ps3's RSX graphics accelerator. The RSX on its own is better than the xbox's ATI gpu. The Xbox gpu is dependent on Direct X 9, doomed to fall behind the pc games it ports which use Direct X 10. The RSX, made by Nvidia, has its own graphics library and doesn't depend on Direct X at all.

    In addition to the graphical advantages the ps3 has extremely fast system RAM, 256 mb of XDDRAM clocked at 3.2 ghz. This is ideal for running 3d game engines.

    Here are some other advantages of the ps3:

    1) install a non-native OS, namely linux, and use the ps3 as a PC.

    2) motion-sensing controller.

    3) low malfunction rate.

    4) online is free, and very good, too.

    5) built-in web browser

    6) still the cheapest and best blu-ray player there is!

    7) upconverts a mean dvd

    8) tv tuner add-on will add DVR capability

    The "more games" thing is a relic of the launch months. The ratio of xbox games to ps3 games is at most 1.5 to 1, and is irrelevant at any rate because it's the good games that count, and there are far too many for anyone to buy
  • i don't own either, so my opinion isn't from a "fan boy" perspective. I have two friends, one has a 360, and the other a ps3. Personally i'd take the ps3 every time. if you look up the specs of each, the ps3 dominates the 360 on nearly every front, processor, memory, graphics, etc.. the components of the ps3 also seem to be better made. it seems like the 360s controllers are always malfunctioning..

    another major thing you want to consider is the ps3s release of MAG. It will be the largest online war game community ever created. up to 256 players online on the same map fighting at the same time. definitely research it a bit before you make a decision. the 360 cannot support this level of gaming. hope this helped!
  • Well youve hit on some good points.

    The Blu-ray is a major bonus, apart form HD movies the cpacity avalable on a Blu-ray is huge, MGS4 cant actualyl be ported to 360 mainly cos DVD is jsut too small, also same wiht Final Fantasy XIII, though 360 may havem anged to aqcuire theis gmae too its well known it iwll need to be multi discs, expect this in th futres as devs take advanteage of space on Blu-RAy.

    "No-one palys it" is codswalopp, theres only a few million less Ps3's in the world comapred toe 360, and the gap is quickly rising ,as Ps3 is still hot hardware and cutting edge, 360 is using DVD palyer, had HD-DVd ( which is now obsolete) and only has 3 cores, so is less liekly to be a decent paltform for much longer.

    Ps3 is getting a great line up of gmaes now that devs have got ther teeth into how to use the Cell - Uncharted, MGS4, Motorstorm, Resistance, Final Fantasy Versus, LittleBigPlanet, Gran Turismo, Heavy Rain ( stunning graphics)etc.

    and most 360 exclusives end up on so jsut have to wait a while but if you have a PCand PS3 you get best of both the Ps3 Pc and 360. - Bioshock, Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Fable etc.

    And the majority of great gmaes are corss paltform - Force Unleashed, Merchaneries, Far Cry 2 , Call of Duty, Assaisn Creed, GTA.

    You will not regret this purchase. Its The All singing all dancing one man bandof the 7th gen consoels, you pay a bit extra for it, but you get alot more for that extra cash.
  • In response to an earlier reply, its hard to compare the specs of the two systems, because they work differently. The PS3 processor is a completely different architecture than the one used with the 360. The 360 has more onbboard RAM actually.The 360 also has the better graphics processor What gives the PS3 the edge in graphics production is the 8 core processor that works in a linear fashion. I could go into detail, but you've probably already fallen asleep. This still doesnt mean much because youre comparing apples to oranges.

    Gamers should play games......not build a gaming console. These are the few reasons i bought the PS3.

    - I previously owned the PS2. I liked the controller shape and button scheme

    - integrated 802.11b/g connectivity(360 addon: $50)

    - Bluetooth connectivity for controllers and headsets(360 headset: $20)

    - Hard drive capacity(360 upgrade: $100)

    - Alternative OS install is encouraged

    - Bluray player profile v2.0 thats upgradeable via firmware

    - Media playback has been excellent, but i'd expect this to be the same for both consoles

    Granted, 360 has games like halo that have their cult following, but if you wanna buy a console based on game availability than the list above doesnt matter much. Just remember that games get old. New games are released. Its not smart to buy a console *now* based on game availability *now*
  • xbox360 has more games because its been out longer, ps3 having blueray is a definate plus because they won over hd discs. so youre almost paying for a blueray player also.. and because of the blueray technology, hopefully in the near future they will take advantage of it and theyll be able to fit a lot more content into games. i personally own a ps3 and am pretty happy with it. with a little more time, the ps3 will have more games. as a matter of fact, the next couple months, a bunch of sweet titles are being released.

    also any 360 exclusives, that would be the reason for getting the 360 over the ps3, usually come out on pc

    and just for information sake, i was watching a sony conference, where almost every game developer said flat out, that the ps3 was better than any of the competitors

    plus is shiney black.. which is pretty sweet

    you definately get your moneys worth
  • im not one of those people who will just say the console they have that's not me im not like that if i have a console and i think a different console is better i would say yeah i have the 2nd best console!

    i do not own an xbox 360 but i have played them the graphics are the same as the ps3 but 7 of my friends who own xbox 360 only 2 out of the 7 have had not had problems but the other 5 had had to send their xbox and get it repaired!

    people say xbox has more games it has that true but most of those games are really poor but the ps3 still has loads of games and their exclusives are brilliant the ps3 also has more features with free online play but the xbox 360 you have to pay and get an adapter thing for online play and when the contract runs out you have got to pay another £40 or $80 depending where your from

    the best thing to do is look at all the games that ps3 and xbox owns and what games you like better on one console get that consoel it all depends on what games you like.

    personally i would say defently get a ps3 you are leaning in the right direction

  • it has also got Blu-Ray laser disc technology, its going to get Play TV where you can pause, rewind and fast forward LIVE TV!!!!!!, faster downloads than 360, the quietest consol that i have ever known or seen, and it is going to get HOME (check out the link below to see what home really is+ is FREE!!!, i have lots ore things to say but sorry i have to go now
  • oh cmon now

    360 obviously.

    and this is coming from someone who always had a ps2, never an xbox.

    but its just so much better. the online play, the titles it the fact that even though ps3 online play is free...almost no one owns a ps3. everyone owns a 360. it's hard to play online on ps3 with your friends when they dont have a ps3
  • 360 all the way its got so many better games then the PS3. I have both and i only use my PS3 for bluray. 360 has a better variety of games.
  • I have both a ps3 and an x360 and I would personally recommend an x360 there are a lot more games for it its awesome
  • PS3
  • I got the ps3, and its the best thing I ever bought!!!
  • ps3 because it has bluray
  • X360 please believe me it's the best.because x360 have hundreds games
  • Please answer my question. i am freakin out!!!!?

    May be...
  • you see, i was playing my psp yesterday and i notices to black dots everytime the screen is dark. are they dead pixels? are dead pixels bad? will they spread? will it crash the psp??? please help me!!!!

  • No, In fact chances are they've been there all the time and you just noticed them. They will not spread or crash your PSP.

    Dead Pixels are just broken parts to the screen. An LCD display, like the one on your PSP is made up of thousands of tiny lights. A Dead pixel Is when one of these lights breaks. This is usually caused by something not getting wired correctly in the production. However, the screen getting hit or pressed on can also cause pixels to die. Since PSPs are Portable the screen is protected however a severe hit(e.g. dropped onto concrete) may cause some pixels to die.

    Unfortunately, Dead Pixels cannot be fixed, The only thing that can be done is to Replace the entire screen. Generally if its only a few pixels its best to just ignore them. You usually don't see them when playing anyways. Finally If you just recently bought the PSP you may want to check your warranty, they may cover dead pixels and you would be able to fix the screen for free.
  • yes they are dead pixels is it bad not really if you can still see the screen ok and stuff then its fine will they spread no will it crash your psp nope sure wont
  • ???/
  • Where can I find a ps3 theme creator that works and has the new icons update?

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  • i used to use the ps3 theme creator where you just point and click to change the pics, it is hosted off a freewebs website if your wondering which one im talking about.

    neways the new update that adds support for the new firmware icons (trophies and such) cause the program to give me a continous error telling me i dunt have valid images and i cant do nething about it.

    i was wondering if someone could tell me where i can find a theme editor that works and has the new firmware icons. 10 points for working program. THANKS!
  • Ok my friend told me this and I have an Undertaker theme now. I dont know any theme creators but I know a place where you can download tons of themes. All kinds. They have shows like family guy, games, wrestling themes, women theme, and more.

    Step 1:

    Go on your PS3 and open the internet search.

    Step 2:

    Type in

    Step 3:


    it should be the first one

    Step 4:

    Choose a theme then download

    Step 5:

    Go to the place where you usually put themes in and go there. The theme should be there then click on it. And you should have the theme you picked as your wallpaper or background.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • I need some help PS3 Gamers?

    May be...
  • Which 5 games do you pick out of these 9?Recommend 1 that is not on the list.

    1.Guitar Hero 4:World Tour

    2.Midnight Club LA

    3.Rockband 2

    4.Motorstorm 2:Pacific Rift

    5.Little Big Planet

    6.Resident Evil 5

    7.Prince of Persia

    8.God of War

    9.Resistance 2
  • i would get:

    1. Guitar Hero 4

    2. Rockband 2

    3. Resident Evil 5

    4. God of War

    5. Ressisstance 2

    I would recommend getting Killzone 2 looks awsome and really nice graphics
  • i say Guitar Hero 4, Little Big Planet, Resident Evil 5, God of War, and Resistance 2.(i plan on getting all these games, except GH4)

    another game not on the list you probably already have, but MGS4, Resistance 1, or Warhawk
  • 1. Killzone 2

    2. Resistance 2

    3. Little Big Planet

    4.Resident Evil 5

    5. Rockband 2
  • Midnight Club LA

    Resistance 2

    God Of War

    Far Cry 2

    Killzone 2
  • the last 5 are the most hyped out of the whole 9 and are better. I would recommend Resistance 2. With 60 online, 8 player co-op its gonna be hard to beat this.
  • resistance 2

    call of duty

    guitar hero


    god of war
  • hey where is

    socom confrontation

    cod world at war


    need for speed undercover

    street fighter iv

    ur list looks good but i dont really like midnight club that much its decent but need for speed to me is better
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • Get all 9!
  • Freezing Ps3: Need Help?

    May be...
  • Spent tons of money in my 40gb ps3, it started freezing after like 5 months after i bought it on right before last christmas. It freezes at any time, mostly around 5-15 mins of playing Call of duty or gta 4. I have'nt droppped it or aything like that. Is it over heating or sumthing? Please help, do i have to buy a cooler, or send it back? Spent $500+ for me and my brother and any help is good. I do not have a recipt, so do i have to pay? Thanks
  • i would say you should call sony and see what they can do for you or maybe take the ps3 now and take it and put it in a place where there is tons of space and see if it keeps freezing my ps3 freezes at some times and its the 60 gb but i think its because of the game not because of the system if ur ps3 is in the warranty they should be able to swap it for another system
  • Ooohh You should have kept the reciept. Even sony won't fix it for you if you don't have a reciept.

    I used to have mine in the cabinet under my TV, but I noticed that all the heat was trapped inside. So i keep it on top of my TV.

    So try moving it, or standing it up so there's less surface area on the ground, DONT put it on carpet.

    Does it only do it with those few games? Maybe try some different games.

    I have the 80gig model, so I'm not exactly knowledgable on the 40. After it freezes, feel it to see how wam it is. If it's hot, get a cooling system.

    You need a reciept. ALWAYS keep the reciept.
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • i've noticed only certain games freeze. try the air cooler first.
  • Saturday, August 30, 2008

    Why does my PlayStation 2 keep saying it can read game discs, but won't play them sometimes?

    May be...
  • Every now and then, there are days when I turn on my PlayStation 2 and, instead of playing the game, it goes to the memory card screen and says it's reading the disc, then it acknowledges that there IS a disc. But when I try doing it again, more often than not, it goes back to the same screen. When I DO manage to get the game running (somehow), the game freezes early on. What's going on?
  • Its a problem with the ps2 inner hardware

    it can also be problems with the disc formats

    i say,

    buy a ps3 and play ur ps2 games in it
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • Have you bought anything from the playstation store?? (read details)?

    May be...
  • If yes i have something to tell you. il choose best answer to whoever has bought lots of content :P

    my psn is OLiiC

    add me if u bought stuff and wana know
  • I only bought stuff for my PSP. I'm getting the new 80gb PS3 soon (& yes, I know about the 160gb announced at GC). I got almost all the games, except the nearly 1gb games because I don't know if it would fit on my memory stick. I also never got any movies, because they're all either about, at, or above 1gb. Sadly, my PSP's screen just broke, so I'm going to replace it with the new PSP-3000 (also announced at GC). I also have a 360. I play Bad Company a lot, but not as much as Battlefield 2. On my PSP, I played Combat Ops a lot & I am very well known in the community, & if you go on, you might know me as racer13fly. & since CO is a PSN game, I use my PSN profile (obviously). So you can probably add me on your PS3.

    (Hopefully) See you soon on Home or what ever!

  • my psn is tomnorthi and i have added you

    I have bought: super stardust HD, high velosity bowling, driver (ps1), ratchet and clank quest for booty and loco roco.
  • "add me if u bought stuff and wana know"

    Know what?

    Anyway, I've bought some things off the ps store, but not too much. I just actually bought movie yesterday.
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • Why Is'nt The Sims 2 Avalible For PS3 ?

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  • I Mean if EA games can make one for X Box why not PS3 because i have a PS3 & i was searching for Sims 2 for PS3 but will they make Sims 3 for PS3 only i think they should.

    But they Made Sims 2 For PS2 thats like saying they would Make it for Thw Wii just cause the Chucks & they wont make it for PS3 just cause PS3 Crashes or somthing like that but yea
  • Since it was released for X Box and PS2 on October 24 2005 its pretty reasonable why they didn't make it for PS3,which was only released on

    November 11 2006.

    They'd have to remake it for PS3.PS3 was also meant for more hardcore gamers (in the beginning),so something like the Sims 2 from EA games would be...Idk,too laid back than say "Resistance:Fall of Man".Sims 2 for console sucks btw,many features from Sims 1 gone.PC is way better from what I heard.
  • Quite obviously, the console version of the Sims 2 came out in mid 2005, the Xbox 360 came out in late 2005, and the wii and PS3 came out in late 2006. Again, quite obviously, the game exists on no 7th gen consoles. The wii does carry the sims 2 pets and castaway, but the sims 2 came out for the following only.



    Game Cube


    GBA SP


    Plus, if you have an earlier PS3 with backwards compatibility,

    you can play The Sims 2 on the PS3.
  • do you know that you can put ps2 games on ps3?

    you can just buy ps2 games if you cant find the same thing inn ps3
  • PSP games on the PS3 Store?

    May be...
  • Are the PSP-compatible downloads on the PS Store Ps3 compatible too?

    It doesnt say "Will not work on PS3" anywhere even inthe T&C's, but is says "PSP-Compatible" not PSP Only, so im jsut wondering, cos theres some cool looking gmaes like Echocrome, jsut wonderign if they will work on my PS3, then i might grab them
  • They won't work for PS3.

    However, I believe that Echochrome is available for PS3 as well, because I had the PS3 demo.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • Some of the games have a PSP and PS3 version that you can download.
  • Is uncharted worth getting rite now at game stop?

    May be...
  • yes!!!

    its one of the must-have titles for PS3... it has amazing graphics and great story. it takes about 10 hours to beat, although it will take a lot longer if you want to get the platinum trophy
  • No dont listen to him no replay value at all also kinda cheesy its for the trophies just rent it
  • yes its a great game its really fun and the story is great this is one i would recommend buying
  • PS3 Guitar Hero 4:World Tour?

    May be...
  • How much do downloadable songs cost individually and in packs?How would I pay for the DLC?How much memory do you recommend to have when it comes out?What do you have to do to be a "super user" on Guitar Hero 4?P.S.I never had Guitar Hero 3 for the PS3 so I don't know anything.THNX
  • If you ganna spend hundreds of bucks on guitar hero, dont. Buy a acoustic guitar or a cheap electric guitar instead. ITs funner, and cooler.
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Friday, August 29, 2008

    What control does the ps3 come with when you buy it?

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  • I'm buying a PS3, along with a game that won't play with a wireless control.
  • it comes with a sixaxis controller. At least mine did. But the controller is wireless, and I believe that all games can use the wireless controller, but not all games use the sixaxis feature. Good luck.
  • The current 40 and 80GB models come with a wireless SIXAXIS controller with no rumble feature. The MGS4 bundle comes with a Dualshock3 SIXAXIS controller, which has both motion sensing control and rumble feature. The upcomming 80GB and 160GB models will ship with the Dualshock3 SIXAXIS as a standard.
  • the new ps3 that is coming out the 160gb comes with a dualshock controller the new 80gb comes with a dualshock controller and the 40gb comes also with a dualshock controller and yes these controllers r all wireless obviously
  • It will come with either a Sixaxis controller or a new Dualshock controller. They are both wirelss and all PS3 games work with them(as do PS1 and PS2 games depending on which PS3 you are buying).
  • all games will play with a wireless controller and it comes with a wireless controller
  • dualshock 3 for MGS4 bundle 40gb comes with sixazis
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • PS3 Bluetooth Controller SIXAXIS and Wireless Controller?

    May be...
  • Are these controllers the same or different?
  • They are the same.

    ALL controllers connect to PS3 via bluetooth signal. (no wires).

    The controllers are called SIXAXIS because of the way you can tilt them. This is just their name.

    The dualshock 3 sixaxis however is a different controller. This has rumble built in as well as sixaxis technology.
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • PS3 heat issues in an entertainment center?

    May be...
  • if i put a ps3 in an entertainment center will it overheat. it will have space out the front and the side to vent. the spot that it will go is like twice as big as the ps3(volume) so it should be ok right?
  • As long as it have 10cm gap around it and it's in horizontal position - it's all good. However, it's good to remove back wall of the entertainment center or to make a big hole there.
  • Mine is standing up by itself on my entertainment console, and I could still warm a plate of food beside it. This beast of a machine puts off massive amounts of heat and I personally wouldn't recommend you cramping it into a shelf in an entertainment console unless there is no back to the shelf. I bought one of those stupid aftermarket intercoolers and while it did keep the thing cool, I couldn't hear sh*t over the noise those cooling fans were making. I hope this helps you, just giving you my personal experience.
  • if the ps3 doesnt have room to breathe then it will become very loud and if it does that it may shut off its better off to not have it in a glass console that doesnt have any space from the back dont do any of those u want it to be in a space that has alot of air to breathe from all sides of the vents
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • you'll be fine. man people worry to much lol
  • My ps2 keeps making a clicking noise?!?

    May be...
  • ok i have the old ps2 version.Since the past year it wont play anything!!

    during game play or when i first turn it on it makes a clicking noise and freezes the page completely!!!WHATS WRONG??!!!
  • Its telling you to purchase an ps3 ... :)
  • yes i have had my ps2 for about 6 years

    ive gone threw at least 5 different cd cleaners lol

    ps3 is probably best choice

    THANKS!!! Report Abuse
  • Im guessing youve had it a while, the clicking is the laser struggling to read the disk.Try a cd cleaner and wipe the disks thoroughly.It may be a matter of time before it stops working.In my experiences happens with most ps1s and ps2s eventually.Best to start saving for a Ps3 unless its under warranty
  • Don't listen to anyone else! I'll tell you what it wants:

    Please,master...I...I am weak...I need some nice old repairs and perhaps a new len,my len is old-and lagging....please take me to a repair shop,or a service would be just as good....please fuse is in your hands......
  • its sayin buy my brother

    the ps3

    ps2 died

    and i wouldnt even wanna get caught playin a ps3 wen u have the best gaming system ever

    THE PS3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • you have a broken ps2. go to gamestop 2 get it fixed.
  • Its telling you to purchase an xbox 360... :)
  • Can I Play My box 360 or ps3 on my Viewsonic 2235wm LCD Monitor ?

    May be...
  • If my monitor is not HDCP compliant then how shall i hook my 360 or ps3 to my monitor and still getting the audio ?

    Please tell me whole process step by step !
  • Hi again!

    So you found out that your monitor isn't HDCP.......

    Well, it's gonna be pretty hard for you..

    Just read it from here.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • MGS ps3 or wait for 80gb core pack in september?

    May be...
  • is it a better deal to buy the MGS pack while it is out, or wait for the 80gb core pack to come out next month?
  • While The MGS4 Pack Comes with this:


    -A voucher for a game download(Pain)

    - 4 usb ports

    -80% of PS2 games will work

    - And it has flash card readers

    - Chrome strip


    The Core

    - 2 USB Ports

    -No PS2 games will Work

    -No Flash Card readers

    -No Chrome strip

    - Only $400

    Well those are pretty much the differences,

    I Like The MGS4 Pack better, Because MGS4 is $60+Tax Anyway so for an extra $100 You Get:

    MGS4($60), Note MGS4 is a must have game!

    So For an extra $40


    2 more usb ports than the core,

    80% of PS2 games work,

    flash card readers

    and a Chrome strip in the front!
  • If you have Ps2 games and want MGS4 the MGS4 bundle is probs best idea, though its running out, so buy ASAP.

    hwoever if you still have a PS2, or dont have any Ps2 gmaes the core is cheaper, so not much point paying for a game you might nto want, or Ps2 palyback if you already have a PS2 or no Ps2 games, the extra ports n car reader dont really make much diffrence, ive never needed any mroe than the two i got.

    oh n you don need to wati till spetmebr it cmae out last firday (at least it did in UK)
  • Im in the same position and thats even the reason why i looked at this question. considering that i am on a tight budget and can only affourd the 399 one. (because my mom broke her promise on getting me one) Althought it is nice to have the more expensive console, why not, the chrome trim makes it look that much more expensive, 4 usb ports and even so you get the added bonuses of a free MGS4 game, a voucher for pain and Memory slots and play PS2 games. Hardrive isnt an issue and more and you get the dual shock 3 in both systems. If i where you i would go for the MGS4 bundle, Like me i will defintly buy this game and the rest is like bonuses for only $40, but either way u are going to get a great console. You hould already have a PS2 and if you dont the PS2 games should be a problem. and if you want 4 usb ports a memory slot chips you can buy the nyko media hub for $20 making as good as the 80gb PS3 but without the trim and PS2 games playback. If you have the money and can find one, go for the MGS4 PS3, If you dont have the money write now for the more expensive console you cant go wrong with the 80gb core model. Hope you choose the right console for you and best of all, enjoy your PS3.
  • get the mgs pack now! sure its 100 more but it also has ps2 playback the sd, pro duo, and cf card slots, also 2 more usb ports in front, the 80 gb core pack that is coming out doesnt have ps2 playback, nor the other items i mention!
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • Thursday, August 28, 2008

    Final Fantasy X! Help please! Something may be wrong?

    May be...
  • my final fantasy 10 game may have something wrong with it and I think that its freezing. When after you beat the snow monster, wendigo, and you fall down under and end up in a foggy place. After the cut seen it fades to black and stays that way for a REALLY long time! Do I have to wait longer or end up buying another game?!
  • it could be 2 things. the laser is starting to go, which happens all the tim or that your disc is scratched. Either case, both can be fixed
  • Relax. Its possible your disk is just dirty. I suggest cleaning it with ethyl alcohol, and a soft towel, or cotton balls or pads. Put it back in and try it. If this does not work, try putting a but of the alcohol on the pad, and dabbing it into the lens of the PS2 to clean it off. Make sure everything is dry, and clean and try it again. You also may want to try using a can of air to blow out any dust that may have accumulated inside the PS2, this can sometimes cause problems. If all else fails, just go out and buy a new FF10 game. They are only about 10 bucks now. Good luck!
  • Ps3 Question!!.... Games.. 10pts?

    May be...
  • Okay i asked this question before already, why dont my disks want to play?? I had the latest update for everygame, system update everything..

    before taking it back to the store i decided to restore all my settings to give it a last TRY =[

    when i did that everything deleted... i had to make a new account and everything.. but the games started playing =|

    But games Like GTA Deleted!!!! i heard i can pass the whole game with this trick of something can some one tell me...

    ohh yea can i still logg on my other account.. =? HOW?

    10pts who ever answers correclty
  • You can go to:

    And get an already completed gamesave.

    If youwant to go on your old account just makea new user and then go to sign up for the PSN and choose to use an existing login.
  • U can get you old account back but only thing you can get back is your friends. To get ur account back, make anew user on ur PS3, and go on the sign up for psn. then go to sign into existing user and enter ur email and password
  • Why is my ps3 no longer in HD?

    May be...
  • my power went out and now whenever i go to play my ps3 the visual isnt in high-def. please help! the ps3 is connected to an HD tv though
  • Go to Settings>> Display Settings>> Video Output >> and select HDMI and choose "Custom" setting (not Automatic). Then select 1080p. Uncheck 480, and 720.

    you may also want to tun on "Superwhite" and "Full" HDMI color.
  • Do you have HDMI cables? Are you sure that EVERYTHING is connected properly?
  • blah
  • Brian 3rd encounter GTA IV?

    May be...
  • it's already been more than on in game week & i still can't find him.... it know where is supposed to show up.

    so here is status:

    i have done almost everything to get 100%... i didn't meet the random characters until i was done the story missions

    i have done:

    passed all little jacobs missions

    beat a game of bowling, darts

    story missions

    20 vigilante missions

    30 most wanted

    unlocked all abilities from friends & done activities

    unlocked all abilities from girlfriends

    done all 9 races

    done all of brucie's car thefts

    done all stevie's car thefts

    met all random caracters & done all missions execpt for brian which is my question

    i still have to do all stunt jumps & kill all pigieons
  • well then you need to do the stunts and pigeons and do brian but i don't think he has a 3rd
  • Why is my ps3 making loud noises can you tell me what to do?

    May be...
  • well my ps3 is making loud noises after its been on for like 10 min

    and ive had it for like a year, what can i do to stop the noise, should i do the fan test PLZZ HELPP xD

    (ps i got a 60gb)
  • there is no fan test if u do that to ur ps3 it will make it even worse i would call sony and see wht they recommend
  • forget kc,

    i have both xbox 360 elite and a ps3 60gb,with a 50 inch panasonic plasma,and they all work wicked,

    plus a purpose built home cinema....god i'm stinking well off.........i love it all,over 55 blu ray movies,690 dvd's and over 48 games for both consoles...kc is talkin BS Report Abuse
  • thats wat u get for buying a stupid ps3 and if u call sony theyll charge u to fix u should have went for x box 360 there way better and x box fixes for free with thier no hassle return so thats wat u get for buying junk
  • try opening it and vacuuming all the dust out....might help
  • Some ques about psp slime and lite?

    May be...
  • 1>most imp does have loudspears in bulit coz i cant use earphones?

    2>does the graphics r good as compare to ps2?

    3>i want to have knowledge that does psp 300 is coming in near future or its jus i magination these days?
  • 1) It has speakers, and a headphonejack. The speakers are just fine, but to hear the smaller sounds like someone creeping up on you in Socom, then you should use headphones.

    2) For the most part, I would say the graphics aren't as good as the PS2, mostly because it's smaller. Ironically, it has the same amount of processing power as the PS2, but not graphical power.

    3) PSP 3000 has been announced at the Leipzeig Gaming Convention, but no date has been given.
  • I think you mean slim not SLIME
  • Wednesday, August 27, 2008

    What codes do you need from your wireless router to connect to your ps3?

    May be...
  • is a wep key and a WPA key the same thing???
  • Both WEP and WPA are encryption keys that enable you to secure your home network from hackers. WPA is a much more secure and harder to bypass. However they both do the same job. To access the internet and PSN services you will need to specifiy one of them (whichever you have). If you dont have one then i recommend it because it stops other using your bandwidth therefore making online gaming less laggy.

  • Yes WEP & WPA are the same thing, but WPA is more secure and newer than WEP, its your password to access your wireless router, it stops unwanted people from using your wireless connection, it doesnt matter which one you have, PS3 supports both.

    If you set the router up you should know it.

    Hope i helped!
  • Yes they are both of them are security codes for your internet. You shouldn't need a key unless you have a code already setup for your router. Get with who ever set it up and they should have the code there is no way of getting around the code unless you do a full reset of the router.
  • When you watch dvds and bluerays on your ps3 do you have to insall them to your ps3?

    May be...
  • No, its jsut the games as they need it to speed up loading times, movies are jsut continueos so dont need this.

    however BD 2.0 discs ( the ones that can use the interent) might install some stuff on the PS3 liek downloaded gmaes n extras, but ive not had a 2.0 disc yet.
  • NO, all you have to do is put the disc in and it will play , saving or installing the disc to the hard drive would be copyright
  • ok so you either dont have a ps3 or you have never played movies on the ps3. anyways no.
  • No it plays them back. Thats it.
  • no just put the dvd in and enjoy the show :-)
  • Where should i call or take my broken ps2 slim?

    May be...
  • it wont spin the disk. if i need to call a place please post the phone number. thank you for all answers
  • Use this website it might help:

    From there they will give you an address to send it.

    But if you need a number here it is:

    1-800-345-SONY (7669)

    Monday - Saturday 6:00 AM - 8:00 PM Pacific Time

    Sunday 7:00 AM - 6:30 PM Pacific Time
  • Best games for ps3 that are out in canada ?

    May be...
  • i heard about so many ps3 titles like kill zone 2 , resistance 2 , fallout 3 , resident evil 5 , motor storm 2 and many other but none of them are out in Canada , so what are the other MODERN FIRST PERSON SHOOTER GAMES OR STREET RACING GAMES THAT ARE OUT IN CANADA AND I CAN BUY THEM FOR MY PS3 , PLEASE HELP !
  • those aren't out in the U.S. either. i would recommend MGS 4 as your modern shooter, it's one of the best games of all time. for a racing game try Gran Turismo prologue or motorstorm
  • Help please answer!!?

    May be...
  • how do i create a password and user name for SOCOM FTB1?please no stupid answers
  • Well, i would think that you just make another psn profile.
  • Stupid answer right here man
  • Playing European/PAL Playstation 1 games on an American Playstation?

    May be...
  • Playing PAL Playstation 1 games on an American Playstation?

    I have my modded/chipped 12 year old PS1 to play non American PS1 games and backups. For the longest time I've wanted to get a copy of Vib Ribbon, ( a rare quirky Japanese video game released in Europe and Japan only 1999. I'd love to get a copy of the game, I know the PS 1 will play Japanese games due to the TV standard being the same (NTSC)

    What stops me is that the game will be in Japanese. All the text and spoken sounds. Does anyone know if I get a British or European copy of Vib Ribbon will I be able to play it since Europe uses PAL as the TV system and the US uses NTSC?

  • The PAL game will not work. You need a PAL to NTSC converter. Only the JApanese game will work. Brush up on your Japanese! :P
  • Chipped PS1 won't have a problem with the regions issue. Just make sure your TV supports PAL signal.

    As for the PAL version of the game - here you go:
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • Tuesday, August 26, 2008

    Playstation 3 Remote Problem?

    May be...
  • Playstation 3 Remote Problems?

    Additional Details


    1-I take the remote

    2-I take the PS3

    3-Connect it to PS3

    4-Press the PS Button

    5-Remote blinks for like a minute

    6-Does >>Not<< get sync


    Dualshock 3 from China,Hong Kong

    It came with Dualshock 3 and Wireless USB Communicator

    Controller is Black

    Controller is Charged.

    I tried:

    1-When I plug the PS Button it blinks for one minute

    Then wait till it stops and unplug USB cable.

    Then press PS Button.

    It still blinks.

    2-Tried alone just pressing PS Button.

    It just blinks.

    3-I've tried other things that I don't remember.

    My Playstation 3 is on
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Whats going on with playstation online?

    May be...
  • Hi,,,so whats going on...I can't sign says my network has beeen suspended...all my friends have the same thing
  • Same thing is happening to me in Seattle.

    All of my 5 accounts have been suspended.

    Try late that's what I'm gonna do.

    Try playing games you hadn't finished playing.

    Or maybe they've suspended it because they are adding something important to the system that they had to suspend everyone so that they don't have any problems.

    I'm just guessing.
  • go here -

    it says playstation network is down, probably maintanence
  • Everything's fine, it only says that because the network is currently down.
  • I think I got it. They want people to get off their PS3 and get some fresh air and to enjoy whats left of summer. It's unhealthy!!!

    I'm taking their advice...
  • Me to
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Why isnt my PS3 conneting to my TV?

    May be...
  • The projector in the media room broke so I sent it to Japan, but i still want to use my PS3. So I hooked up all of the cords to my TV but its not taking. I turn on the PS3 and the screen flashes white but then nothing happens. Is it the PS3 or the red, white and yellow cables?
  • looks like you used a HD cable to connect your PS3 to your projector. and now you want to connect to your TV using yellow, white, red cables?

    if thats the case, make sure you have the PS3 hooked up to the Tv with yellow white red cable. then put the ps3 in standby mode(red light), hold down the power button on the front for about 10 seconds until you hear a beep.(it will beep when it first starts up, wait til you hear another beep) that will reset the display settings to the cable that is plugged in the PS3
  • make sure that your tv is on the right input (aka video 1, video 2, component, composite...try them all)

    make sure they cables are tight

    make sure the colors match up (even ive made that mistake before)

    to determine if its the ps3..try it on another tv. if it works, your tv is messed up, if it doesnt, try a new cable and see if thats the problem.
  • go to the settings part of your ps3 and make sure to change your hdmi setting to composite av cables it might be that you have it set to one but you can only make the ps3 work for certain connection by choosing them in settings
  • Hmmm. Probably the cables. Get new ones, and before you do that, make sure you connected the cables in the correct places. It should be input. and try all the functions - HDMI, AUX, ETC.
  • Try Turning On Your Ps3 By Holding The Power Button
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • make sure that all the cords are connected right
  • Playstation 3 Remote Problem Help?

    May be...
  • Playstation 3 Remote Problems?

    Additional Details


    1-I take the remote

    2-I take the PS3

    3-Connect it to PS3

    4-Press the PS Button

    5-Remote blinks for like a minute

    6-Does >>Not<< get sync


    Dualshock 3 from China,Hong Kong

    It came with Dualshock 3 and Wireless USB Communicator

    Controller is Black

    Controller is Charged.

    I tried:

    1-When I plug the PS Button it blinks for one minute

    Then wait till it stops and unplug USB cable.

    Then press PS Button.

    It still blinks.

    2-Tried alone just pressing PS Button.

    It just blinks.

    3-I've tried other things that I don't remember.

    My Playstation 3 is on!
  • Because you got it from Hong kong/china it may only be compatible with ps3s form there
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • Have Any Of You gotten ?

    May be...
  • Ok.

    Have any of you gotten a PlayStation Home beta invitation ?
  • no you are lucky
  • I don't think the US has gotten the extended beta invites yet. I heard we were getting them today, but apparently that isn't going to happen. Hopefully they'll be sent out this week.

    You had to download the Home Beta Application theme from the PS Store to have a chance to get in. I think you also needed a good amount of online activity.
  • nope im hoping to get one though
  • I did, and it was the best thing that happened to me. Ever. GET ONE!

    That's How for now.
  • no :( i really want one lol

    i dont understand how you get them???
  • PS3 Help?? Easy 10 Points?

    May be...
  • Why does it say im suspended from playing online when i didnt do anything, i dont have a head set or anything so im confused
  • The PSN is undergoing basic maintenance today. You probably just tried to log in while the network was down. Try again in a few minutes, and if the problem persists try calling Sony.
  • someone probably just reported you because they didn't like you.:(
  • ps3's network has been down off and on the past day, dont worry about it try again in a little bit or tommorrow
  • don't worry must be some kind of psn mantenance or something try again later
  • May be your freetrail or somthing is outof date~
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • Monday, August 25, 2008

    My PS3 froze yesterday ?

    May be...
  • And all of sudden it wont read any of my game movies or CDs what can the problem be it has a disc error display or it will play and then like in 5 seconds go back to the main menu I fully fromated my PS3 to after and did the same
  • This actually happened to about 3 days ago while I was playing Call of Duty 4. Apparently this has been happening to a lot of people lately. When I called Sony, they said they would send me a box with a list of things that I need to send in with the PS3 and they would send me a new one. They said that the whole process would take about 4-6 weeks. Also, I'm pretty sure that your lens was just faulty, as was mine. However, a lot of people think that the new update might have caused this. Which actually makes sense because it could have just completely fried the lens itself with non compatible programming. You would expect that the blu-ray lens would last at least a few years before going out. Anyways, looks like you're in the same boat as me. PS3less for the next month =[
  • The same thing happened to mine so I called Sony and they told me to take it back to where I bought it and I got a replacement as it was a problem with the hard drive.If you have the receipt and its less than a year old you should call Sony.Good luck
  • dude you gotta call sony if u have ur playstation for less than a year then it will be under warranty if not then you will ahve to pay for teh repair
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • Sony PlayStation 3???????

    May be...
  • hello am looking to buy a ps3??

    tell me every single thing you can do on ps3 download on ps3 and jus every detail?

    best answer gets 10 points and 5 stars
  • Try

    Its a freebie website where you do simple surveys and complete offers to earn "money" for cool gaming gear and video games. You can even custom order something you'd like from ebay or amazon. Best part is that it is absolutely free and 100% legit. Dont trust me? Look up forums or youtube

    Gaming lagoon is one of my fav sites. I'm a member for 5 weeks and i was able to get a pile of video games and a nintendo ds.
  • YES it the best thing ever!

    The PlayStation 3 (officially marketed PLAYSTATION 3,[5] commonly abbreviated PS3) is the third home video game console produced by Sony Computer Entertainment and successor to the PlayStation 2 as part of the PlayStation series. The PlayStation 3 competes with Microsoft's Xbox 360 and Nintendo's Wii as part of the seventh generation of video game systems.

    A major feature that distinguishes the PlayStation 3 from its predecessors is its unified online gaming service, the PlayStation Network,[6] which contrasts with Sony's former policy of relying on game developers for online play.[7] Other major features of the console include its robust multimedia capabilities,[8] connectivity with the PlayStation Portable,[9] and its use of a high-definition optical disc format, Blu-ray Disc, as its primary storage medium.[10] The PS3 was also the first Blu-ray 2.0-compliant Blu-ray player on the market.[11]

    The PlayStation 3 was first released on November 11, 2006 in Japan,[12] November 17, 2006 in North America,[13] and March 23, 2007 in Europe and Oceania.[14][15] Two SKUs were available at launch; a basic model with a 20 GB hard disk drive (HDD) and a premium model with a 60 GB HDD and several additional features[16] (The 20 GB model was not released in Europe or Oceania.)[17] Since then, several revisions have been made to the console's available models and it has faced stiff competition from the other seventh generation consoles.[18] As of July 17, 2008, the PS3 is in third place in US home console sales for its generation.[19]

    officially unveiled the PlayStation 3 to the public on May 16, 2005, during the E3 2005 conference.[20] A functional version of the system was not present there,[21] nor at the Tokyo Game Show in September 2005,[22] although demonstrations (such as Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots[21]) were held at both events on devkits and comparable PC hardware.[21][22] Video footage based on the predicted PlayStation 3 specifications was also shown (e.g. Mobile Suit Gundam: Crossfire).[23]

    The system was initially planned to have two HDMI ports, three Ethernet ports and six USB ports,[24] though, as shown at E3 2006, this was later reduced to one HDMI port, one ethernet port and four USB ports, presumably to cut costs.[16][25] Two hardware configurations were also announced for the console; a 20 GB and a 60 GB, priced at $499/€499 and $599/€599 respectively.[16] The 60 GB would be the only configuration to feature a HDMI port, Wi-Fi internet, flash card readers and a chrome trim with the logo in silver.[16] It was announced for a simultaneous worldwide release; November 11 for Japan and November 17 for North America and Europe.[26]

    On September 6, 2006, Sony announced that the PAL region (Europe and Oceania) PlayStation 3 launch would be delayed until March 2007 due to a shortage of diodes used in the Blu-ray Disc drive.[27]

    At the Tokyo Game Show on September 22, 2006, Sony announced that it would be including HDMI on the 20 GB system with a silver logo, but not the chrome trim, flash card readers or Wi-Fi.[28] Also, the launch price of the Japanese 20 GB model was reduced by over 20%,[29] and the 60 GB model was announced for an open pricing scheme in Japan.[29] During the event, Sony showed 27 playable PS3 titles running on final hardware.[30]


    Main article: PlayStation 3 launch

    The PlayStation 3 was first released in Japan on November 11, 2006 at 07:00.[12] According to Media Create, 81,639 PS3 systems were sold within 24 hours of its introduction in Japan.[31]

    Soon after its release in Japan, the PS3 was released in North America on November 17, 2006.[13] Reports of violence surrounding the release of the PS3 include a customer shot,[32] campers robbed at gunpoint,[33] customers shot in a drive-by shooting with BB guns,[34] and 60 campers fighting over 10 systems.[35]

    On January 24, 2007, Sony announced that the PlayStation 3 would go on sale on March 23, 2007 in Europe, Australia, the Middle East, Africa and New Zealand.[14][15] The system sold about 600,000 units in its first two days.[36] On March 7, 2007, the 60 GB PlayStation 3 launched in Singapore with a price of S$799.[37] The console was launched in South Korea on June 16, 2007 in a single version equipped with an 80 GB hard drive and IPTV.[38]

    Available colors Piano Black Piano Black

    Ceramic White (Asia and Japan only)

    Satin Silver (Asia and Japan only)[49]

    Gun-Metal Gray (MGS4 bundle)[50] Piano Black Piano Black Piano Black Piano Black Piano Black

    USB 2.0 ports 4 2 4 4 4 2 2

    802.11 b/g Wi-Fi No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Flash card readers No No Yes Yes Yes No No

    Chrome trim No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

    SACD support[51] Yes No Yes Yes Yes No No

    PS2 compatibility Yes

    Hardware (Emotion Engine) No Yes

    Hardware (Emotion Engine) Yes

    Software (emulation) Yes

    Software (emulation) No No

    First available November 2006 October 2007 November 2006 March 2007 Augus
  • You can do everything apart from play descent games.

    Unless you only want to buy about 2...
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • My HDTV died (in my arms tonight lawl) and I hooked my Playstation 3 up to my other TV and it wont work ?

    May be...
  • I know it's doing this because I had it set to play on an HDTV (audio/video) the only way i can think to set it back now is to hook it to another HD and set the video to a/v....but I'm lacking an HD

  • hook it up to your sd tv, and then hold down the front power switch till it beeps a few times(the one on the front) and it'll reset the AV settings to default. job done.
  • okay none of these answers are specific and I've answered this 6 times press the power button for 5 seconds while the ps3 is on standby and then it will beep and you will have the settings back to SD
  • If you connect the original composite video lead (yellow Phono) the ps3 will sense that it cannot be a HDTV screen and will change to a normal PAL signal.
  • Turn your PS3 on with the button on the front of the console but keep holding the button in until five seconds after it turns on and it will reset your PS3 video settings.
  • To Jaskaran;

    Even with cruise control,

  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • Help ps3 graphic problem ?

    May be...
  • how will a ps3 look on a lcd 19 inchc monitor if i use hdmi/dvi conversation cable.
  • It will look great, I have mine hooked up to a samsung 32" LCD HDTV and the picture quality is incredible, I've also got a LCD samsung 19 or 20" TV Moniter and I hooked it up to it with an HDMI cable and it looks wicked. So to answer your question it will look awesome
  • should look pretty great, though some monitors dont have the correct refresh rates/resoltion etc to paly HD footage. I had to get a 192 HDTV to paly my ps3 on as my monitor didnt work, jsut said "Signla Out of Range".

    but HDMI-DVI cabels/adapters are pretty cheap so if it doesnt work is not a huge loss, HDMI- VGA though can cost £100+, which if that diint work it would be quite a loss.
  • it will look Kool with HD too
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • Should i get guitar hero world tour or star wars force unleashed eye of judgment and resistance 2?

    May be...
  • what should i get
  • GH!!!!!!!!!!!, I've already pre-ordered mine, You get a free bass controller if you live in the UK from
  • resistance 2 because it is clearly gonna be the best Star wars it recently has been getting bad reviews guitar hereo world tour isn't gonna be as good as rockband 2 snd eye of judgement won't be better than resistance 2 so Resistance 2 is the winner
  • What's up! I wanted to know which HD resolution is better? 720P or 1080i on my PS3?

    May be...
  • Hi I have 38"Philips HDTV/LCD with native 720P & I'm using gold HDMI 1.a cable cord from Belkin. I use my PS3 for gaming & watch Blu-ray movies. I wanted to know which HD resolution should I set it on my PS3 settings? 720P or 1080i? I called Charter & they say 1080i because it has more lines then 720P & 720P it is NOT enough pixels or something he said. Thank's!
  • Charter is stupid and is wrong. 720P is way better than 1080i. "i" means interlated and only uses half of the pixes (540) and the other half (540) is white lines. They flicker every constantly to make it appear 1080 resolution. If you pause a movie on 1080i resolution the picture will be kind of blured. This would not happen for 720p or 1080p b/c they are progressive.

    I have a ps3 and use 720p over 1080i. Better and crisp


    Oh yeh since your using HDMI, go to setting --> display settings---> RGB Full Range (HDMI) and switch it to Full. Better colors for your games.
  • The first two people got confused with 1080i and 1080p.....720p looks better, sharper and does not flicker like 1080i. 720p is enough pixels ther only few games out that are 1080p most are 720p...look at the back cover of the games.
  • 1080i is the best it has more pixels clearer look and better.
  • 1080i. trust me. it's better.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • Sunday, August 24, 2008

    I just bought a microphone for my ps3?

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  • Do i need to install it some how or do u just plug it into the usb port?
  • u usb mike will work right away, just go to settings>accessory settings > audio device settings and set it as your mike
  • How do i record on my ps2?

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  • i have an aiptek video recorder, can i just hook it up to my ps2 using the usb cable, or is it something else?
  • no you cant. nice avatar by the way XD
  • I'm sorry to report that you'll be unable to use the PS2 USB ports for recording purposes. The main reason is that you need drivers for the PS2 for it to recognize your video recorder.

    HOWEVER, the traditional method of connecting your PS2 to your video recorder through the A/V cables (& your video recorder to your TV, so you can see what you're doing) is guaranteed to work as it's normally used by world record video game players to record their submissions on VHS.
  • If you want to record any console you will have to buy a Capture Card. You install them into your computer, and then hook the other end of it to your TV. In other words, it does not connect directly to your PlayStation.
  • you can't record on a ps2 . you could record gameplay video playing on the TV with the camera hooked up.
  • Do surge protectors and Ps3 work well?

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  • Sorry, this may seem like a dumb question, but I can't seem to find a good solid answer from anybody because people are mixed on this issue and sometimes theres a lot of crap about sony not wanting you to plug your ps3 into a surge protector. I'm just wondering what other peoples experiences are, if their Ps3 has died because of a surge protector.
  • I have used a surge protector on my 60 gig since day 1 ( that's when I bought it ) and it has had no problems even after we had some really severe lightning storms and a strike hit a transformer right across the street.
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • Can some one explain why the ps3 has stopped reading discs ?

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  • it happened to me
  • Not quite sure. It could be just some hardware failure. If your warrenty is still active i would recommend going to this website to get it fixed:

    Be careful though, i've herd that PlayStation doesnt offer technical support to people who's PlayStation 3's have to must dust on them.
  • all discs or just one?

    if it's more than one you need to either take it to a shop to see if it can be fixed or not and if they cant fix it you wasted like 600 dollars

    now if it's just one disc thatn more than likely it's just the game
  • it happend to me too i stopped reading my games blu rays and dvds i was so mad i called sony and they told me i had to send it in and they sent me a box in three days and i sent it in and it cameback in one week
  • What is the best ps3 to buy??

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  • i need to noe before i make the wrong decision and buy a crappy one.i want one that has a good price tag on it.also that has a good amount of memory.NO 40GB!!only 60gb or 80gb i want.also one that can play ps2 games.cuz if it can i can sell my which one is the best one to buy.don't leave any answer that says i got this one....NO!!tell me the best one to get please?
  • if you want to play ps2 games, go out and buy the mgs4 bundle NOW. they will stop making it in a few weeks, and you will be stuck, because the other ones dont have bc. or go to gamestop and buy a used 60 gig. Hope i helped and goodluck!
  • they only make the 40 and 80 gigs now, so the best is the 80 gig Metal gear bundle, the other 80 gig ones coming out now are just 40 gigs with more memory and not backwards compatible. If you can find a 60 gig buy it, as it is truly backwards compatible, the others use an emulator.
  • they have the ps3 80gb $499.99 w/dualshock controller in is backwards compatible ps1 ps2 games movies there are no more 40gb are 60gb any more :)ava06




  • Wait for the 160GB to come out, then buy the 80GB! It's a $100 price drop!
  • the 80gb it plays ps2 games and has all the memory you need
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • PS3 40GB version and downloadable content question?

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  • I have a 40GB version of the PS3 as I went online, I saw that Castlevania was downloadable. I also learned that the 40GB has no backward capability with the PS1 game, since Castevania:SOTN is a PS1 game will it work for my 40GB?
  • ALL PS3 models are backwards compatible with PS1 games. The 40gb is compatible with PS1 games, but not compatible with PS2 games.
  • yes it can...

    all of the models of the ps3 can play ps1 games..

    40 gb can play ps1 games but not ps2 games so it should work..

    hope i helped..
  • all playstation 3s can play ps1 games but 40gb is the only one that cnt play ps2 games
  • Saturday, August 23, 2008

    PlayStation 4 announced at $1000! Video PROOF! Will you buy it?

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  • I hate you.
  • come on man that trick (and video) has gotten old. try something original and slightly funny if you're going to trick people like that.
  • Well it would of been at least worth watching the whole thing if the song was better
  • Why do you people keep asking bout Ps4.. It's gonna come out like 2015-2018 c'mon!

    p.s. does rick come bundled with it?
  • this is the 5 time today------------- come on
  • Which PS3 should I buy?

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  • 40GB(new), 60GB(would have to be used), or 80GB(new)
  • ^^^Wow. We always have to suffer a lot of retarded Wii and 360 fanboys...

    It depends on what you want. The 40GB is not the best in my opinion.


    -no PS2 compatibility

    -2 USB ports

    -no flash card readers


    -95% PS2 compatibility

    -4 USB ports

    -Flash Card readers


    80% PS2 compatibility

    4 USB ports

    Flash Card readers.

    There's a new 80GB called the 80GB Core coming very soon. It will be a 40GB with twice the hard drive.

    If you want to play many PS2 games, I recommend a 60GB. If you can care less about PS2 games, then get the 80GB. The 60 and 80GB have more stuff than the 40GB.
  • Go with the current 80GB new. I would have said go with the 60GB because it has the emotion engine allowing you to play the vast majority of ps2 games on your ps3, but I wouldn't go with a used console, just because of the warranty issues. Besides, the current 80GB has about 80% backwards compatibility so just go with that one. If you're not concerned with backwards compatibility, you should wait till fall for the core 80GB to be released... it will be the same price as the current 40GB but you get twice the HDD space.
  • The Mgs4 bundle 80gb. Its Ps2 game library is being increased every update and you will need the extra memory, trust me.
  • dont get a ps3, waste of cash, games are boring, ud be better off with a wii or 360...preferrably a wii
  • 40gb
  • check out this site, they give you a playstation 3 FOR FREE!! i got mine last week and i'm luuuuvin' it!
  • one has a ps3
  • When will TNA Impact be released in Europe for PS3?

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  • If anybody talks about free PS3's i will report them
  • danny i don't blame you man iam so sick in tried of the same crap every day free this and free that >>>>>Europe: September 2008 hope this helps out alot :)ava06

  • TNA Impact will be released in September 12, 2008

    Cause i look on

    And I hope u enjoy with the new game.
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • PSP question. Easy 10 points?

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  • My WEP adress is wrong when putting internet on my psp. The thing on the left side is turned on. And I got the wep adress from the bottom of my router. I typed in all 3 codes, but none of them worked? Help?
  • The WEP key is not neccesarily the thing on your router. The WEP key is the password for your internet connection. You have an encrypted wireless signal to protect it against unauthorized use. Whatever passwor you set for your connection is what you need to gain access with your PSP.
  • well go to your router and check your code carefully usually messing one little letter or number can mess it up so write out all the codes and type them carefully in to your psp
  • What do you think of sony new mascot( Sackboy)?????

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  • so what do you think of sackboy as sony new mascot? I think sackboy looks stupid to be sony mascot.he look ugly too.They should have chose something else like snake.but they can't choose snake because he is own by konami which means its not sony.Mario is way better than sackboy too many people grew up playing mario bros. but sack boy?sony have has chosen its mascot a long time ago when the ps1 was released.

    here is sackboy

  • Ironically, I have to admit, I DON'T think the Sack-Boy would be good as Sony's mascot.

    But I don't think it's ugly, it just doesn't deserve the mascot spotlight.

    But seriously now, stop hating the PS3, at least play it before you hate it, communist. I'm not forcing you to like it, but you have to admit, it's getting better compared to it's launch.

    Also, if you're gonna call me an angry fanboy, read this first:

    EDIT: I meant before this question was asked, but I have to agree, I don't think the Sack-boy would make a good mascot
  • well it could make ps3 bigger it it sells and LittleBigPlanet can be a hit i think it can. It may be a different mascot real diferent snake would probably a better mascot but MGS4 was the ending of snake and this is the new franchise

    but it is promising it may be big so sackboy could be famous but i don't see how they can make a sequel to it
  • I think it's pretty dumb. The only way that Sackboy will work is if LittleBigPlanet becomes a huge hit. Right now, not too many people outside of gaming knows anything about LittleBigPlanet. I bet at least half the gamers out there doesn't even know who Sackboy is.
  • How is Sackboy Sony's mascot? It's a character in a game, not a mascot.....
  • Your grammar is suckish
  • Is It Worth Getting NBA Live 09 (When It Comes Out) If I Already Have 07???

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  • & BTW, Would You Rather The NBA 2K" Series Or Nba Live Series???
  • its not worth it cuz nba live games don't get much better every year so 2 years wont be a huge difference. also, nba 2k series is miles ahead of nba live in terms of realism and actual basketball gameplay. in my opinion, the original nba 2k for the dreamcast was better than nba live 06 for ps2.

    thats how pathetic nba live games are.
  • Friday, August 22, 2008

    Is it true that the new 80 GB ps3 model is coming to australia on august 27 and is going to replace the 40 GB?

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  • i read about it
  • While the new 80gb CORE ,they're not supposed to "officially" go on sale until the end of this month, it appears that many retailers are stocking their store shelves with the new 80GB Core Packs. These systems, which retail for $399, offer an upgraded version of the previous 40GB system: a larger hard drive and a DualShock 3 controller. It does not, however, provide any backwards compatibility.

    If the new 80GB Core Packs are available, that means the two current PS3 SKUs both feature 80GB hard drives. The more expensive ($499) 80GB Metal Gear Solid 4 bundle includes a copy of the popular stealth action game and offers backwards compatibility.

    So basically if they released the new 80gb CORE, the 40gb will go bye bye..I recommend you should get the core cause its just a 40gb with twice the memory..Goodluck!
  • yes. the 40gig is out of production so naturally... yea.
  • Question about the ps2 s-video cable ?

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  • do i need to plug in the yellow cable if i want pictures when i play my ps2

    can i just connect the svideo, red, and white cable to play my ps2 with picture and sounds

    sorry for the bad english
  • You need to connect the red and white cables regardless. These are the audio connections. If you use S-Video, you don't need the yellow cable and vice versa. The S-Video has a better quality over the yellow composite cable.
  • yeah he's right, you need all three for better quality.

    by the way - what do you mean 'bad english'? are you foreign?
  • Yellow dog linux on the ps3?

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  • i just added linux on my ps3, unfortunately i dont have a keyboard to hook up to my playstation. so im stuck at the linux screen trying to instal it into my ps3. i tried turning it off several times but i cant return to the normal ps3 screen. any advice?
  • Before doing something - get some info first. USB keyboard and mouse required for Linux.
  • External Hard Drive on PS3?

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  • I have a 500gb external hard drive, currently formatted with an NTFS partition. Now, I'm considering splitting the drive into two paritions, specifically taking 100gb and turning that into a FAT32 parition so I can use it on the PS3.

    I have 8 games installed, 3 demos and the MGS4 database. No music, videos or photos. With my 40gb PS3, I get 37gb and I've only got about 7gb left.

    I'd like to install any future demos or games onto the external if possible. I know about the benefits of using the external drive for copying saves, media files, or just backing up the entire hard drive but is it possible to install games on the external drive, then connect it and run them when needed?
  • If you input the external hard drive as you would conventionally do, with a USB direct connection, the ps3 would recognize it as a usb mass storage device, rather than the primary HDD. So, you will only be able to save images, video and audio on the device, not game information and system software. To make the external hard drive your primary HDD you must remove the original ps3 HDD, get a serial ATA extension cable, connect the external HDD to the ps3 HDD port via the extension cable. Now, your ps3 will recognize the external HDD as the primary HDD, and after formatting, you will be able to save game information and demos. For more info. on how to do this check out youtube... type in external ps3 hard drive.
  • Unfortunately you cannot install games or demos to an external hard drive.

    You can, however, replace the 40GB internal drive with any SATA laptop drive. Details are in the manual.
  • Why can't i use this online ID?

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  • all it says is "this online ID can not be used"

    it doesn't explain why. is it because somebody already has it, is it because of some special characters, help me out here.

    the id i want is b3y0nD l*g*nD
  • You can't use any asterisks or spaces, I think that might be the problem.

    Nice idea for an ID though :D
  • thats a pretty cool id

    i tried something with the * and it dint let me either so dont use the " * "

  • the "*"
  • yeah i dont think u can use spaces or asterisks *. The b3y0nD part is pretty sweet though. I wish I thought of that.
  • How Much does the playstation 2 slim cost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?

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  • The one at walmart it says it cost 129 but with taxes i dont know does anyone know or have experience buying it there.... i live in california..
  • i dont know how much california state tax is but every .25% is $0.325 so find out how much ur state tax is and thats your answer.

    so i looked up the state tax of california. its between 7.25% to 8.75% depending where u live. with that will be between $9.43 to $11.38.

    for the record...alex c is a retard. ps4 isnt coming out for long time (like 5-10 more years)
  • This may not be an option for you but i bought mine on ebay ( it works as well the games works great) for about 1c note and it included 12 games, some i play a lot some not so much. i am one of those that won't buy the newest and more expensive systems cause i know they will go down in price when the next better mouse trap comes out. The other up side is the games you may want to purchase after you inncurr the console get the as well.

    just my opinion, but then i am kinda cheap when it comes to entertaim,enertanmnt.

    hope this helps.
  • Well its


    +Tax, it depends how much your tax is.

    Every 10% would be $12.99

    Every 5% would be about $6.50

    If you find out the total % of your tax just simply do this:

    % of tax

    (0.?) x 129.99+129.99= your total cost

    Hope i helped, If you tell me your tax % ill do it for you
  • 130 bucks if its on sale it could be 120 or 110 bucks the ds was 130 bucks then it was on sale it was 120 bucks
  • gamestop have one too for $129.. but not sure about taxes cause every different places have diff taxes.. well prolly 140 then you can get some discount to save..goodluck.
  • Why bother getting a PS2 now? I mean the PS4 isn't to far ya just save up
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • Thursday, August 21, 2008

    PS3 trophy support - Help please?

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  • hey guys i was wonderin if u cud tell me some of the ps3 games that have trophy support and if they need patches to use trophies or if they already come with the trophy support thanx
  • Go to this site, it will tell you about the games support trophies, and which ones will be patched, and which ones never will have trophies.
  • There's uncharted drakes fortune and some games like superstar dust and pixel junk eden.

    A game like Uncharted you download a patch that comes with trophy support.A game from the PlayStation Store comes with trophies.

    I only know upcoming games like Resistance 2,Biochock,Little Big Planet.Theses games are gonna support trophies.

  • Usually Sport games

    nba live / 2k



  • here is every game that has it will have it or won't have it
  • Metal gear solid 4:story?!?

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  • could someone please fill me in on the story line of the series, i plan on going to go pick up number four this afternoon, and i hear a lot of people talking about how you should know the storyline from past games, thanks.
  • my advice to you is to buy the official mgs4 guide. it is $20, but its a good investment as it provides all sorts of helpful hints and tips, a very detailed walkthrough, AND a complete summary of the entire metal gear storyline.

    if you dont want to buy it, mgs4 is pretty self explanatory if you watch all of the cutscenes, and you can read up on anything you cant figure out on the metal gear solid database (downloadable for free from the playstation store), which is a pretty decnt source of metal gear info
  • Honestly, I recommend buying the MGS: Essential Collection. I could explain the whole series to you but theres just so much story and detail that I would be typing for way too long. The Essential Collection is 30 dollars so it not that expensive. You get the first 3 MGS games so you should be able to catch up on the story. The MGS Database isn't that great. Just a big dictionary with hundreds of terms to confuse you. Without playing the first 3, you wont really understand
  • If you go to the PSN store you can download the Metal Gear Database it has everything you need to know and all the stories in there. Also to prevent spoilers everything in MGS4 is block out and it will reveil itself as you go through the game. Good Luck
  • You will be lost without playing the other games. Even with the DataBase.

    There is no way to explain the series. You can read all about it, but you will still miss it.
  • Why can't the PS3 version of Medal of Honor Airborne have 12 players?

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  • The Xbox 360 and PC versions can have up to 12 players online, when the PS3 version can only have 8 players when its the most expensive?

    PC: $20

    Xbox 360: $40

    PS3: $50
  • because when it came out, the devolopers were only getting used to the hardware, and they had to rush it out to release it with he 360 nd pc versions, thus removing 4 multiplayer slots and other features. but now that devolopers are used to the material, expect ALOT more better, and additional features exclusive to the ps3

    EDIT::: Sorry, i forgot to mention why ps3 is more money. its because the blu ray disc costs more money
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • Red Alert 3 for ps3?

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  • Will Red Alert 3 be on ps3? i heard it was delayed, but is it going to be cancelled?
  • The PS3 version isn't cancelled.

    Just on hold:

    They will release it but after the 360 and PC version.

    I blame Microsoft.
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • When does socom come out?

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  • i've seen different times but am not sure. o ya and to get the headset do you have to pre order the game or do you have to buy the game to get the headset
  • It comes out on 10/14/08 but the beta is coming out on 9/1/08 if you pre order the game and if you get the beta from Qore you get it on 9/8/08 and about the headset you get it if you buy the game with the headset which is 59.99 just the game alone is 39.99 and you can buy it online or at the store.
  • well, i saw it on ign and other web they said it is on october 14th 08.. not sure about the head set but try asking your local stores about it to be sure though..
  • Socom: Confrontation is due out October 14 ! That date could always change though !
  • Is there any way to download PS3 demos to my PC?

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  • I live on a college campus that doesn't allow game systems to access the internet. Is there any way that I can download the Star Wars: Force Unleashed demo file to my pc, then transfer it to my PS3?
  • you cnat get Demo's off the Pc then onto PS3. though i have a work around.

    I am in same setup as you (Damn Uni :D)

    Get an extra ethernet card for your desktop.

    Get a RJ45 Cat 5-e Crossover cable (most etherent cables are Patch, not crossover, so check the labeling)

    Then in your PC network settngs set up Internet Sharing, its pretty similar for both XP n Vista, jsut check the MS site for instructions. plug them together with the crossover cable, then set up your PS3 network settings.

    Just be aware gettign huge demo's might have your Uni kiciking you off the network.
  • No, if you could people could hack their PS3 very easily.
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    Can I use the Playstation 3 controllers as a remote for the Blu-Ray disc movie capability on the PS3?

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  • I want to know if I have to buy the remote to use the Blu-Ray movie capability of the PS3.
  • Yes they do.

    The Start Button: Play-Pause


    R1:Next Scene

    L1:Previous Scene

    Select:Pop Up Menu(you can play, pause, fast forward, rewind, skip, change scene and put repeats and other capabilities, from this menu)

    Any other controls needed just contact me.

    You can also play DVDs as well as Blu-Ray.

    Hope this helps.
  • yes, all your functions are in the manual and you can put films to memory stick and write them to your hard drive which allows you to play them without a disc.
  • My son says yes, because PS2 controllers work with DVDs on a PS2, therefore the same should happen on a PS3.
  • yes, they work in the same way as the ps2 used the controllers to watch dvds
  • You certainly can and its quite good too really.
  • Yeah. I do that with my dvds when I watch them on my PS3
  • yeah they do iv done it
  • Why do I lag when I play Warhawk (ps3) ?

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  • I have a good enough internet connection, I download demos and games pretty fast but when I join a ranking game server I lag, I don't know why I lag those are Sony servers,In the beginning of the game and have slight lag when I am playing. How can I fix it or what can I do?
  • what type of internet do you have, dsl? cable? fios? if you have dsl, like i do, i have lag here and there, but not often. are you playing wirelessly? if so, and if youre close enough to the router, try connecting by way of ethernet, that can reduce lag a lot. make sure nothing else on your computer is doing heavy loading on the internet, because that will make the router work on both of them at the same time, causing them both to lag. if nothing i said fixes that, try calling sony and asking them what else you might be able to do.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • About playstation home?

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  • what is playstation home and when is released.can u download playstation home if u dont have an internet connection.thanx!
  • As zUp said, it's an online virtual world, where you'll be able to create your own, very detailed avatar, decorate your own apartment, brag with your game achievements, play mini-games, watch movies, socialize with other users. There will be even a casino (for 18+ users). Open beta is arriving soon, but the final version is going to be released in the beginning of 2009.

    If you don't have an internet connection - you can't download it and use it. It's strictly online thing. It'll be free.
  • PlayStation Home is a community-based service for the PlayStation Network which has been in development since early 2005. Home allows users to create an avatar for their PlayStation 3 console. This avatar will get their own virtual apartment space, which can then be adorned with items users can receive in several different ways. In the future the service will also expand, allowing players to have more sorts of clothing or bigger apartments. Sony wants to give people the tools to create their own things, but they also want a safe place for younger users to feel comfortable.Sony is aiming for the initial download to be under 500MB..

    Home's full release was announced to be delayed until "Spring 2008".

    Well, you cant download it without internet connection ofcourse..
  • PlayStation is a soon to be online community.You can play mini game-pool bowling etc- chat with people around the world and make your home and modify your avatar think second life.But since you have no internet connection there is no point in you getting it.
  • How are you going to download it without a connection, genius?
  • what do u mean "download" it is already there ur ******* stupid
  • Do PS2 controllers work for a PS3??

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  • Do PS2 controllers work for a PS3??
  • Yes, with this adapter:

    Note: since PS2 controllers don't have a motion sensor you won't be able to play games that use motion sensor for controls. In some games you can turn off the motion sensor and switch to normal controls.
  • Yes, if you buy a special adapter to go with the PS-3.
  • yeah
  • yes u kan with the ps2 adapter
  • Rockband... ( drum stick ) PLEASE HELP!!! 10 points if u help!?

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  • I broke my friends drumbstick and I need to buy them a new one and I think they sell drumbstick.

    I was scared so I check in EB Games website and they show this...

    Is this a drumbstick??\

    PLEASE!!! HELP!!!
  • yep, those are rockband guitar sticks

    although you could probably get them cheaper probably from a music store.

    All you need are some sticks... to beat the drums with... unless your missing a foot pedal too, in that case you will need to buy another footpedal.
  • Just by cheap drumsticks from a music store.Hell i lost mine before and used my wooden flute.
  • buy the cheapest drum sticks u can find
  • PS3 Wireless question?

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  • I use wireless internet for my ps3 from nextdoor and from my house i get a 60% signal... not great but it's the only internet we have. When i go over nextdoor to play my ps3 i have a 92% internet connection and the router is in the same room as the ps3. Yet my games lag even more nextdoor and I can't play a game online without someone quitting on me because of my bad connection. Is there anything that can be done to fix this?
  • I had many problems with wireless connection so i just switched to wired and haven't had any problems.
  • you steal internet???
  • Tuesday, August 19, 2008

    Stuck on bike bit on MGS4 act three?

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  • Im really stuck on the bike bit of act 3 on metal gear solid 4. im trying to do the game on big boss hard without any kills or alerts and i just keep dying before i can knock the enemies out with tranq gun. i need advise or help maybe theres an easy way of doing it. please help!!!!!!
  • Try not to use the tranq gun, a good alternative is one of the shotguns but with v-ring ammo. Another idea is to just use nothing but smoke grenades. I went through Boss Extreme, earned the Big Boss emblem and went through that bit using mostly grenades to disrupt the Frogs, with a bit of practice you can get through with taking a bit of damage,

    The v-ring ammo should be used to shoot at gunners on hummers and the Frogs on top of the truck. Try not to throw grenades to far because since you're travelling fast, you can easily overshoot the mark.

    Since you're supposed to save at every checkpoint, if you ever start an area with low health, save the game then exit. Set your clock forward a month and try again. Snake will have full health. This is the only real way to do it if you're low on health and aren't using recovery items.
  • This is hard. It took me about 15 attempts to get it done. But it is doable.

    First off, when you start unequip all weapons and fill up your five slots with: Mk2 tranq gun, twin barrel (loaded with V.Ring), solar gun (if you've got it), P90 (for the sliders) and (assuming you've already completed the game) either blue or green smoke grenades.

    From there, equip the smoke grenades and spam the hell out of the grenade button. Throw them everywhere, trying to get as many enemies as possible. Pick off any stragglers with the Mk2.

    When you reach the section between the two roadblocks, throw more smoke grenades and when you and EVA go to jump one, equip the shotgun and shoot one of the gunners. Then get the other with the Mk2 before they start shooting.

    More grenade spamming to clear the last of them, then just survive the short trip through the frogs to the next section using grenades, solar gun and Mk2.

    After the next bit starts, make sure you save since you've hit a checkpoint. Equip your P90 and destroy the sliders and get Raven a few times with either the P90 or the Mk2 depending on your preference (don't worry, you can take down the beast form lethally as long as you don't kill the beauty form). Be careful of random gunners on armoured cars as they will sap your health, use the Mk2 or the shotgun to get rid of them before they get you.

    The next section is rather difficult and takes either precision aiming with the Mk.2 or lots of grenade spamming. I opt for the section option. It's more fun. :)

    When you get to the end, make sure you save. You really don't want to do it all again if you die at Raven's boss fight.
  • Use the gun that was just given to you, and use Autolockon. I died first time through, then used the Autolockon feature and went through it without even using a ration.

    Edit - perhaps I should read the question, missed the bit that you said you were trying not to kill anyone - my way kills them all!!