Sunday, May 31, 2009

How do you purchase something from the Playstation store?

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  • Is there more than one way?
  • First, you need to add funds to your "PS3 wallet." You can either use any card that bears a Visa, MasterCard, or American Express logo or a Playstation Network Card. These PSN cards come in $25 and $50 increments. You simply input the code and you can choose how much of the card you wanna add to the wallet.

    Once you have funds in your wallet, you can buy stuff. When you choose something, the required funds are deducted from your wallet. There may be additional taxes or fees as well. Then the item begins to download.

    You can only download stuff from the PS3. You can't download items from a PC.

    You can redownload it as many times as you want via the download list icon on top of the Store's main page. You never pay for the same content twice.
  • theres the playstation cards and credit cards. i dont think they have paypal but they could possibly have it on it.
  • You go to the store and click on whatever you want to buy
  • Can you play guild wars on ps3 with linux?

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  • i want to know if u can or not b4 i even bother installing linux on my ps3
  • No.

    The reason why is it uses direct video acceleration. Even though it only requires ATI radeon 8500 32mb card or better, and the PS3's RSX is far better than that, the RSX is locked by the hypervisor from the linux OS and that's that.

    It also requires too much system RAM. OtherOS only gets about 212mb of system RAM because the graphical ram is locked, and the hypervisor is still active and takes up a portion of the remaining 256mb of system ram.

    Ps3 applications don't need a lot of system ram because they're designed to take advantage of its 3.2ghz memory speed. It's fast xddram. But pc applications like guild wars aren't designed to do that. Almost all of them are designed to use slow memory and lots of it.
  • Do u know any mlb 09 for ps3 cheats???

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  • can u tell me them please??
  • There are no cheats for mlb 09 the show (yet). For cheats for other games, check out They have walkthroughs and lists of cheats for pretty much every game out there.
  • .... There never cheat codes for baseball games...
  • Cod 5 for the ps3, some1 help me?

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  • own a PS3, and I have Call of Duty 5, when I play online, I can't find the Play Nazi Zombies online option. I'm a level 14.. Probably has to do with my low level, but if there isn't how do I play Nazi Zombies online?


    Do i have to beat story mode solo?

    Do i have to buy the map pack to get new levels for NZ?
  • yeah you gotta beat single player campaign or get invited to it

    i play it a lot add me psn: MrPursuit i made 21 rounds on both
  • You MUST complete story mode to play Nazi Zombies WITH other people.

    You do NOT need to complete story mode if you wish to play Zombies yourself.

    You can find Nazi Zombies under Co-Operative, then Play Online then Find Game and go down to Nazi Zombies.

    Your friends can invite to their game of Nazi Zombies, whether you completed the campaign or not but unless YOU complete solo campaign, you can't invite anyone or play with random people online.
  • no u dont have to beat story mode solo.

    go to coop at the main menu then select play online and then nazi zombies!!
  • DO ppl share COD 5 player tags on here?

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  • Where Can i meet ppl to share name tags n play together ?>? i went to youtube and now im here. prob gonna look for some forums. i just got the game yesterday.. i just really wanna play Zombie online.. since i still havent beaten the game =(. i play offline with my friend we made it to lvl 12 no ray guns JUST using The Tompson :D..

    my psn is Luis89 :X just incase.. I'm lvl 12 or 13..
  • psn: MrPursuit i will invite you to one so that way it will be unlocked for you to play forever if i invite you it is a cheat so that way you can do it online
  • Yeah, some people post their PSN IDs here. I suggest you go to this site to meet PS3 players.

    Here is the address:

    Or you can type something like "ps3 friends" or "psn friends" in that yahoo answers search box. You're bound to find all kinds of cool people. Good luck!
  • Is it ok to,once a day,remove the cables,which provide sound and image,which connect my PS2 to my T.V.?

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  • I meant to say,connects,not connect.Sorry!
  • There is no problem doing it with cables, but it could cause your RCA jacks to mess up on the TV. I would get an Audio Video Selector ( ) that will allow you to switch between the two consoles without having to switch out the plugs every time. This is a whole lot cheaper than replacing the TV.
  • Yea its ok I dont see why it isnt
  • I don't think it would be bad, but just make sure they don't get dirty.
  • Saturday, May 30, 2009

    Playstation 2 games and DS?

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  • any games u reccomend? based on tv or movies and other fun games nothing to complicated just plain fun
  • Are you sure you want movie based games? They will suck. I mean it. You should stay away from those games.

    For the PS2, try:

    Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy

    Kingdom Hearts I and Kingdom Hearts II

    Final Fantasy X and X-2

    Final Fantasy XII

    Gran Turismo 4

    Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3 (this game has an amazing storyline, it's probably 1/3 movie, and 2/3 game).

    For the DS, try:

    New Super Mario Bros.

    Mario Kart

    Chrono Trigger

    Final Fantasy (any FF game for DS would be good).

    Pokemon (any game).

    Sorry I didn't tell you about a lot of DS games, but I don't really own one. I just played the games that I mentioned, and they're great.

    I'm also sorry I didn't recommend movie based games, but I can't recommend them since I hate those kinds of games. I feel exactly the same about TV based games.
  • playstation ALL DAY!!!
  • PS2: check out Ape Escape
  • What is a great FPS for the ps3?

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  • I know people are going to say Killzone 2 but i played the demo and it seems kinda scripted or something. Like this guy is on the floor then from the floor on his back he scrolls up to check a guy that is dying i mean its really weird. Your partners dont die either they eat shot like alot. Is this just because its the demo or what.

    Also please name any Good Great FPS games on the Ps3(Out or coming out)

  • Good FPS games:

    Killzone 2 (the full version is better).

    Resistance: Fall of Man and Resistance 2


    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Call of Duty: World at War

    Upcoming FPS games:

    M.A.G. (256 players on the same map, online game only).

    Bioshock 2

    Modern Warfare 2
  • FEAR 2 as well Report Abuse
  • I can't answer your question, but I can definitely give good FPS games on the PS3...........1.Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare..really good campaign and excellent multiplayer,there are also classes too 2.Resistance 2...a lot of alien killing but cool story and great multiplayer. there are also classes(medic, soldier, etc.)also 60 player online, 3.Rainbow Six: Vegas 2, more of a strategic FPS which gives you a realistic feeling. You can also customize your character for online and campaign, 4.Call of Duty: World at War..I haven't played it but my friend said it's really good, 5.Battlefield: Bad Company..Really fun and interesting campaign and Multiplayer, it's also really realistic because if you throw a grenade in a house it blows up a huge wall..and if you use C4 on buildings they actually gets destroyed.

    Hope I Helped
  • Massive Action Game is an FPS game. Online only though but will have 256 online battles! It's probably coming out this fall or Q1 2010.

    Battlefield company is supposedly a fun FPS. It ( and some other games) were are now released as greatist hits for the ps3. So it's like only $30 to buy.. I hear online mode is good too..
  • that is relly how it is and if you don't like the demo you probably won't like it so thank god for demos here are some great FPS games out now

    Resistance 2

    Call of Duty World at War

    Call of Duty 4

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2
  • 1. Killzone 2

    2. Resistance 2

    3. Call of Duty: World at War

    Upcoming FPS games:


    Modern Warfare 2
  • Call of duty 4 or 5

    Resistance 2

    KIllzone 2

    does are the main FPS out there atm

    M.A.G. (256 players on the same map, online game only). wtf i never heard of this game. EPIC!!! Time to do some research
  • Should i switch to ps3?

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  • i have always been a nintendo fan since i was little...i have the wii but i was wondering buying a ps3 during the summer....should i switch to the ps3 or buy something else...i want to know if sony is worth spending $450 on? thanks to anyone who awnswers
  • Wow......this is weird. (not in a bad way)

    I was in the same EXACT situation as you a year ago I had always been a Nintendo fan. I started to get bored of the Wii and was considering buying an Xbox or PS3. It didn't take long for me to decide that PS3 was better and that it would be awesome to have, I bought mine for 400$ and I think it was worth every penny. Not only does it have great games it has a better internet browser than Wii. The Playstation Store has tons of stuff, not just classic games.

    I really think it's worth the 400$ Sony has always made good and reliable products. PS3 is no exception.
  • I personally enjoy the PS3, but then again I've ben a sony guy. The Xbox has the advantage of having more games out. The playstation has free internet access if your near a wifi and free online play. It's also sort of a computer in a video game system. The Playstation 3 doesn't have too many games out yet, but it does have several great titles. There is also a blu-ray player in it, as compared to the dead techology for the Xbox that's the high def dvd's. If your looking for a multiplatform system so to speak then the PS3 is a nice device, but if your just going to be playing video games until your eyes bled go with an Xbox 360, and purchase the gold membership for some online fun.
  • um I say you should because if you do you'll be able to get on the internet, play with other ps3 owners, watch BLU-RAY dvd's and buy stuff off of the playstation store. I say yes because of the games. they look alot better than any other console and the exclusive ps3 games are the best exp: inFAMOUS is awesome
  • you're memories with nintendo will last forever because nintendo is awesome. If you were thinking of getting a ps3 i would tell you to get xbox 360 instead. It has really cool exclusives games with it. Gears of War, Halo, etc. Plus it is cheaper.
  • Going to a PS3 from a nintendo or a wii will blow your mind. The PS3 is capable of so much more and it's definitely worth the price. I'd actually consider it a bargin really considering the added blue ray capability.
  • I think you should just stay with wii if you only like classic games like mario, but if you like action/killing games you should buy a ps3 for sure.
  • PS3 is great to get,fun game,blu-ray player and free online.
  • In yahoo news a few weeks ago.

    It was reported that PS2 out sold PS3 in the last sales quarter.

    And that Sony might be cutting the price by $100 or better in the next few months.

    I would wait a little to see what happens.
  • A PS3 is a great investment. You get a bluray player, media center, internet browser, wireless adapter, dvd player, music player and high definition graphics all in one package. The PS3 is the most powerful console on the market today.
  • yes the ps3 is much better then the wii. i too have been a nintendo fan since i was little. but the wii has been the worst console from Nintendo. get the ps3
  • ps3 or xbox 360 either way you'll have more fun then having a nintendo...
  • I always like to have memory so i don't think you should by something new
  • Watch out. Switching to a ps3 from a wii will make u go mad!! u will think u went to heaven :)
  • I agree with green it'll blow your mind get a PS3 and you'll have both.
  • yes
  • It all comes down to what type of game you are.If your more of a casual gamer that just plays games once in a while and just wanna have fun with it stick with the wii.If your looking for quantity more than quality and want alot of great games you can play now plus a great online service go with the xbox 360.If your more of a hardcore gamer that enjoys rpgs,first person shooters,platformers and driving games and wouldnt mind having a hd movie player on the side go with the ps3.To be honest ps3 is totally worth the money and people just cant deny it now that ps3 has all the great exclusives like these

    Final Fantasy Versus XIII

    Gran Turismo 5

    Heavy Rain

    Killzone 2

    Formula One Championship Edition



    Katamari Forever

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistance 2

    Uncharted: Drake's Fortune

    Uncharted 2

    Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    Little Big Planet

    Ratchet & Clank:Crack In Time

    Twisted Metal

    If I were you I would go with ps3.hope this helps
  • Will The Next Metal Gear Game Be On 360?

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  • p.s what other MGS game was on the xbox i know at least one was, so why not 360?

    ALSO why was 4 not on the 360?
  • No

    I think MGS3 was, but i don't know probably not


    One: Halo is to Xbox as Mario as to Nintendo and Snake is to Sony.

    Consoles gotta have mascots to support their own console. I think Sony doesn't have an official one since there are too many games that like resembles whatever...

    Second: It would take about 7 discs to fit all the Metal Gear Solid 4 cutscenes, gameplay, online, etc....

    Third: The creator (forgot his name) he wanted to create the best stealth action game ever, so by doing that he must do it on a powerful console. He chooses which platform to put the game on.
  • It wasn't on 360 because sony had an exclusivity agreement, which is basically saying they payed them to only make it for ps3. If the next one is on the 360 it will simply be because Sony didn't offer them enough money to offset what they would make selling the game as a multiplatform title. And the disc storage has nothing to do with it they are making FFXIII for the 360 using multiple discs, its just that the sales may not offset the cost of making a 2-5 disc games(which is obviously more expensive than a single disc game).
  • Metal Gear Solid 2 was on Xbox and PS2 but after all the trouble the Xbox hardware and Micrsoft people gave him me made MGS3 PS3 exclusive. MGS4 is PS3 exclusive because Xbox is not powerful enough to handle it and MGS5 very well could be on both or at least PC and PS3.
  • It probably won't. Metal Gear Solid 4 took up almost the whole blue ray disc ( 40GB!) and Dual Layer DVD's for the xbox 360 can hold only 10GB.

    That could explain why it wasn't on the 360.

    Also Sony signed a deal saying it should stay exclusively to the Playstation 3. It was a great move on Sony's part..
  • as far as i know only mgs2 was on xbox. The only way they are doing ffxiii is because they are making 2 complete versions from the ground up so none is being ported really. 4 wasnt because sony had the rights to exclusivity and kojima said in various interviews that mgs4 was "optimized" for ps3 not 360
  • Because Hidoji Kojima decides that stuff, and he has had NO PLANS whatsoever to release to X360. I think this is because if it was released to 360, it would require up to 4 discs, seeing as PS3 discs have multi-layered functionality (Blu-Ray)
  • well there is a new metal gear game confirmed for psp (could be mpo2, mga3 or something new), so no, the next metal gear game won't be on 360

    as for mgs5, who knows, it all depends on konami and hideo kojima really
  • i dont think there has been a MGS on xbox and it wont be on xbox because its an exclusive just like you wont see halo on PS3

    and for some reason MGS4 was really not that great on my opinion i actually liked MGS3 better
  • no because the xbox cd's used can not hold all the information needed in the game. the blue ray disks used by the ps3 can.
  • well why was gears of war not on ps3 for the same reason i guess they didn't want to put it on 360 or a deal for money happened
  • New PS3 Bundles? Ratchet and clank? Infamous?

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  • I've heard that theirs going to be 2 new PS3 bundles a Ratchet and Clank:Quest for Booty with 2 controllers, and a Infamous one. Is this true? If it is when does it come out?
  • I heard this earlier this week. I think the inFamous bundle was coming out June 6th but that might be in Europe first.

    Ratchet and Clank I hear might come out in August. Not too sure.

    I don't have a ps3 yet but if these bundles were true I personally would go for the inFamous bundle because of the game. The reason why the ratchet and clank one has the extra controller is to make up for the game.

    Here are links you should check out for these bundles:
  • well it may be possible in europe but it may not come to usa if it is released because that is where all the bundles go i mena europe had littlebigplanet and killzone 2 already
  • I have not heard anything about that. It may be true though. PS3 has been having trouble with sales and competition.
  • Its called google mate?

    And if ur gonna get 1 infamous is the best game
  • Best router to use with Playstation 3?

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  • So after many failed attempts at trying to get my PS3 online, I keep getting error 80710102, something about DNS.

    I have spent hours upon hours searching online, tried EVERYTHING that I could find to get it working, and still have gotten nowhere.

    I have decided I am going to try getting a new router.

    My current router is a Netgear WGR614, and I've had it about 3 years I think. Could this router be the problem, and I just simply need a newer router, or a different brand/model?

    If so, what would be the best brand and model of router to use to connect a PS3 to?

    Any serious help would be GREATLY appreciated.

    Thanks in advance!
  • This is where I am biased, I love Netgear. Get the NETGEAR Rangemax, its awesome. It's easy to set up and works like a charm with the PS3, its what I have. You can get it from anywhere, so look around for the best price. The exact model is WPN824 RangeMax Wireless Router.

    Lorenzo Winfrey

    Owner and Editor-In-Chief

    Follow us on Twitter:
  • did u unplug the modem and router? try it for 30 seconds reconnect both of them go to network connections-internet test something..-then try to perform the test and see if you still get the same error. I have a linksys wireless g with 4 port switch and I always resolve the problem by doing this.
  • I don't think it's the router ! Maybe there's a step or two that you're missing ! To troubleshoot your wireless connection, click the link !
  • I use a Motorola Digital Cable/Phone box- to a Terayon Modem-to a (ironically) Microsoft Wireless router. Never once had a problem with slow connection or getting kicked off.
  • i have a ps3 and i use a linksys wireless and it works great i pretty much can have the console in any room in the house and have no problems.
  • Friday, May 29, 2009

    Can the PS3 play data CDS?

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  • i dont have a DVD burner but i was wondering i put a movie like on the CD as a Data cd can it be played on the playstation 3?
  • Only if you record it as a Video CD.


    You convert it to a format and audio codec recoginzed by the PS3, like MP4 or MPEG.

    You will have a hard time converting and compressing DVD video data to an ordinary CD.
  • I think the PS3 will recognize a VCD, but I don't think it'll recognize a data CD.

    It will, however, recognize a USB thumb drive. Try that instead. They're bigger, faster, reusable, and cheap.
  • There isn't a CD big enough to hold a DVD VOD iso. Just download Avi movies and put the on a USB.
  • What can the PS3 Playstation 3 do?

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  • besides playing the obvious games and blu ray, can it play dvds? I understand only certain ones can play ps2 games which idont care about. can i upload my itunes to my ps3? can i go on AIM, interent(facebook) wireless internet connection?
  • You can do these things:

    1.Play Games in High Definition

    2.Watch Movies in High Definition ( blue ray and DVDs)

    3. There is a built in wifi adapter. Your going to need to get a wireless internet connection or wired..

    4. I'm pretty sure you can connect an Ipod to a Ps3 and see your songs. I think MP3's and AAC's play best. Some itunes songs have restrictions i believe ( if their of course, bought from itunes) you can also connect external hard drives.

    5. You can go on the internet. I'm not sure about Facebook but you can go on Youtube. If you want to use AIM i would suggest going to and then loging into your AIM/HOTMAIL/Yahoo Mail. etc.. If Ebuddy doesn't work then go to google and look for ebuddy mobile. That would definitely work ( it works on a PsP)

    6. You can play games online with your friends for free or people around the world!! Millions of users/. Some games like Resistance have 60 player death matches! An upcoming game for Ps3 will have 256 Player Matches!. Some soccer games like Fifa 09 have up to 20 players playing online in one match..

    7. You can Rent or Buy Movies in HD off the Playstation Store

    8. You can download free Themes, Full Games, Game Demos, and Game add ons from the Playstation Store for a fee. They have prepaid cards. In Canada I know prepaid cards are coming in June but USA already has them..

    9. You can connect up to 7 controllers to a Ps3.

    10. You can connect a Printer to a Ps3

    11. You can connect a USB Flash drive, Camera, keyboard Mouse to a Ps3

    12. You can turn a Ps3 into a mini computer with Linux. If your interested go to Youtube and search" Yellow Dog Linux Ps3 review" you will probably find videos. Google is also your friend.. Once you do that that opens you up to more things.. like Word Processors etc.

    13. You can connect ANY bluetooth headset to a PS3 for online gaming. Or any USB headset.

    14. You can SEND/RECIEVE voice and text messages from your friends on Playstation Network.

    15. You can add friends on PlayStation Network.

    16. You can have party video chat with friends..

    17. You can connect a PSP to a PS3 and then stream files or some games off your PSP anywhere in the world ( wheres there wifi)

    18. You can play your old Ps1 games and download them off the PS Store. ..

    19. You can go on PlayStation Home with a PS3. It's basically like a 3D chat world where you go around doing random stuff. You get to make your OWN avatar and have your own apartment. I hear people say it sucks though. Youtube it though.

    20. There is Life With Playstation. Check the news and weather off your ps3...

    21. You can PLAY your music on a ps3.

    22. You can view photos on a Ps3.

    23. You can upgrade your Ps3s hard drive at any time with ANY SATA 2.5" HDD ( the ones you find in laptops).

    24. You can back up your entire ps3's data at any time.

    25. You can use a playstation 3 at party's and BRAG to all your friends.

    The Ps3 can do a lot... in my oppinion.. and all this came off my head. but that I guess is from all the prior research i did weeks ago..
  • Yes it can play DVDs. You can back up photos, songs, and videos to it, including DivX files (If youre going to go hard core - movie fanatic on it, I really suggest upping the HDD to 500GB)

    The PS3 has an internet browser that can access pretty much everything. Not as good as your normal FireFox/IE, but is all good, plus its free.

    This is awesome cause I will play online on my PSP, my dad will check his email on the PC, and my sister can watch Spiderman off YouTube on the PS3 :-)

    You can install Linux if you want btw.
  • You can enter on any Internet websites without a problem,you can make your virtual world with Playstation Home,you can upload videos from your game play.God damn it!And yeah PS3 can open normal DVDs without a problem.I'm not sure that you can use Yahoo Messenger,because I've didn't try this before...PS3 in my opinion is the best console and one more....

    ....PS3 owns PC by far.........
  • You need to find that out for yourself. The Ps3 has so many features that it be hard to mention them all. Basically the ps3 is like a computer with a crazy GPU. You can upload Music, videos, and pictures through a usb component or you can even make local lan server so you can download from your own computer.
  • yes you can go on facebook...i think, i havent tried it.........but you do get wireless and you don't have to pay for an online acc. unlike X-box...and i dont know about the itunes thing...but you can put songs on it...and if i knew what AIM was i would tell ya but i dont soo there ya go.
  • the ps3 is a technilogical breakthrough you can do whatever the ps2 played dvds so that means the ps3 i going to one up to the ps2.i dont know about the internet thing or facebook
  • I don't own an iPod so im not sure about that.

    I have never tried AIM but Facebook works fine on my Wireless connection.
  • Its a toaster, it's only good for making toast.
  • Can a PS3 connect to a........?

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  • I was wondering if a PS3 can connect to a TDS or CenturyTel router?
  • As long as they broadcast wireless G. Make of router is unimportant.
  • yes, ps3 can connect to any router, either wirelessly (if its a wireless router) or via ethernet cable
  • As long as you have a wireless router and network set up it should connect...
  • My home button on my PS3 isn't working?

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  • I have two PS3 controllers and one of them works perfectly on my PS3 so it's not the system. The other controller works perfectly except for the HOME button. If at any time I press the home button, it shows the screen to turn off the console or controller and none of the buttons work on it up to that point. I don't know what's wrong. I tried resetting it and the PS3, but the home button just doesn't seem to work. Does anyone know how to fix it or what to do? Thanks in advance.
  • you cant. youre going to have to get a new one

    dont throw away the other one because you really only need to get a new one if you NEED to use the home button
  • Will a PS2 controller work on PS1?

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  • I know PS1 will work on PS2, but will it work vise versa?
  • no the ps 1 isn't set for it
  • Negative.
  • no
  • no
  • Can You Replace a PS3 Laser with a PS2 Laser?

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  • my ps3's laser broke and i have a few ps2's laying around, would it be possible that they're interchangeable?
  • Physically yes you could. But the PS3's laser is a different frequency causing the color to be a blueish violet color, this allows the laser to read Blu ray disks. The 360, original Xbox, PS2, PS1, Game Cube, and the Wii all use a red laser that is incapable of reading blu ray disks. If you were to replace the laser the PS3 would no longer to be able to read blu ray movies, or play any games for the PS3. Also if you PS3 CANNOT read PS2 games, this will NOT allow the system to play them, the 20GB & 60GB use hardware from the PS2's, while the Metal Gear Solid 4 and Motorstorm 80GB's use software emulation. I don't what you could gain from attempting this.
  • No, that would void your warnity and it won't work so fix it by goeing to a game store or getting a new ps3 (rember to save the hard drive so that you can still have your saves and stuff)
  • that would be destroying the bluray feature and wont display high quality when you play games which is (1080px)

    so ya... DON'T DO IT!!!
  • no
  • Thursday, May 28, 2009

    Just got a PS3 (WOOT WOOT) now what ?

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  • I just got a PS3 for my b-day from my friends and they gave me a gift card but what game should i get i have been playing 360 for sooooo long i don't know any PS3 games any ideas guys i don't care what it is give me a list of your top five and favorite out of it or just a game
  • Congrats on getting a PS3!!!

    These are the games that I recommend:

    Killzone 2.......Shooter

    - Best looking console game ever.

    - Most realistic war game ever.

    - Graphics and Sound: Top of the line

    - 32 Player Multiplayer with 7 different Classes (All are unique)

    - Almost zero lag in Multiplayer

    - Pretty good single-player campaign

    - Best Intro Video ever

    - Awesome Animations (such as they die usually in different styles, helmets can be blown off, they are blasted away when grenades go off)

    - Amazing and Addicting Multiplayer!!!

    - My 3rd Favourite game

    Metal Gear Solid 4......Stealth/Action......3rd person shooter

    - One of the best graphics

    - One of the best GAMES ever

    - Sensational and long single player

    - Packaged with Online portion: Metal Gear Online

    - Online is pretty good: upto 16 players

    - My Favourite Game

    - Presentation beats most Hollywood movies.

    - Solid & Diverse Gameplay: complete stealth or total action or a mix of both

    Uncharted 1 & 2 (2 comes out in October 2009)......Best Franchise for PS3, IMO

    - 3rd person shooters

    - Awesome & Beautiful Summer blockbusters

    - Amazing single player experience........2nd comes along with multiplayer

    - One of the best voice acting

    - One of the best games this gen

    - Uncharted 2 looks to take over Graphics crown upon release, 1st one is still considered to have one of the best graphics

    - My 2nd Favourite game (Uncharted 1)

    Littlebigplanet.......Platforming game.... like mario

    - Pure fun and Awesomeness

    - Best rated PS3 exclusive

    - Can create your own levels & post them online

    - Best for casual gamers and for girlfriends :P

    inFamous (comes along with UNCHARTED 2 MULTIPLAYER BETA....get it from Best Buy)

    - Getting some amazing reviews

    - U can be either totally evil or totally good guy or a mix of both

    - Looks better than GTA4 (for an open world game)

    - Fun, creative & addicting

    Also u can download demos from PS Store to check out some exclusive games like Killzone 2 demo, infamous demo

    Hope this helps =) .......Sorry for being too long
  • residents 2- 60 player online fps and really good online with leveling up perks and accessory's

    little big planet- great game for kicking back and relaxing its a platform like old mario and ssbb

    gta4- its fun you will most likely like it if you liked the others also this one has online

    metal gear solid 4- feel action adventure and steal with great cut scenes

    infamous- free roam in 3rd person chose to be good or bad

    other good games, killzone 2, assassins creed, cod waw, fallout 3, resident evil 5

    hope i helped also thanks congratulations on getting a ps3 i hope you like it i love mine

    if you want to add me heres my psn : dalonghero
  • Killzone 2



    Ratchet and clank future: Tools of destruction

    Uncharted 1, and 2

    Add me

  • any call of duty games

    try exclusives like resistence 1 and 2


    lil big planet (heard it was good)

    PROTOTYPE comes out june 9th its worth getting and loving
  • 1.Killzone 2

    2.Call of Duty:World at War

    3.Call of Duty 4

    That's all I ever played on a PS3. Killzone was the best.
  • call of duty world at war

    call of duty modern warfare

    ufc undisputed 2009

    fifa 2009

    thats about it although i really enjoyed uncharted drakes fortune
  • definitely get any call of duty game you can

  • Infamous, just came out yesterday. It is amazing! Check out the reviews on it.
  • MGS 4



    COD MW

    Killzone 2
  • go and get inFamous it is very good
  • Who here hates bill gates (playstation 3 fans)?

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  • on top of hating bill gates what about Microsoft and the meltdown 360. And worst of all the Microsoft fans they all suck they always complain and bash on our system, but really the ps3 is a lot better do these make any of you feel like dam i thought Nintendo was the only kid system cause xbox fans act like little babies does any one agree

    psn: dalonghero

    im showing ps3 fans fight back PS3 POWER
  • PS3 POWER WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO... xbox are for geeks who think paying to play online is fine.... sony is free and they have BETTER graphics then xbox no matter what you say you CAN NOT beat blu ray (yet) so stop saying its better... please all you xbox people ... and yeaaa eat that!!
  • if you were a true sony fan, then you wouldn't act this immature, like 360 halo fanboys. being a sony fan myself, i've learned that different people have different tastes, and that's perfectly fine.

    also, bill gates is donating ALOT (and i mean alot) of his money to charities. compared to the money he has now, his sons' inheritence will seem like nothing. so, i can't really say i hate him either. he's just a smart business man.
  • you need a hobby. Why does one system have to be better than the other? I have a ps3 and 360 elite they are both great systems. The xbox is much more suited for online play, the service is better, and there are more people on live to get matches going with(look at the sales numbers for games such as CODWAW it sold 2 million more copies on the xbox than the ps3). And the ps3 is great for the exclusives, and single player games, plus the web browser makes movie, music downloads much easier. As far as graphics and gameplay goes the systems are nearly identical, the ps3 doesn't have better graphics than the xbox or vise versa(if you don't believe me Google the hardware in the ps3/360 and then compare what they are capable of side by side, and blueray doesnt make a difference with the graphics when the games are being made using the SAME engine, and usually being made for the xbox first, all multiplatform games are identical) and both systems have almost the same amount of games and exclusives. So stop being such a fanboy and just play games, your missing out if you don't enjoy what all the systems(ps3, xbox, wii, dsi, psp, pc) have to offer. Its just like saying you hate Pepsi and love coke even though they are almost the same thing and which one is better is just a matter of taste.
  • For the price, the PS3 is the best. Not a computer. Sorry, but spending hundreds of dollars to upgrade something is terrible.

    And I got two of my friends with 360's to sell their stuff and each get a ps3. (One of theirs was broken for the third time, the other just got bored of the microsoft exclusives)

    Never have I known someone with a PS3 desire getting a 360. There's really no point, what, just to play an overrated series that Microsoft originally stole from Mac by offering Bungie more money? Please.
  • the long run...the computer owns all

    computer is better in graphics, processing power, and playability with a mouse
  • I dont hate Bill Gates but i dont like the 360 either
  • he makes americans look good the richest man in the world
  • True Dat

    psn: MrPursuit
  • Does anyone think this is a scam or not?

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  • im pretty sure its not because its ebay but on ebay i just saw a $10 ps3 it sounds like a scam but its ebay someone help so i dont buy it and it turns out its a scam
  • Are you sure the $10 wasn't just a bid?

    Anyway, its probably access to a website where PS3s are like $100 through some illegal pyramid scheme or something. Its basically a scam unless its being sold for $200 or more. Even if the PS3 didn't work, it wouldn't sell for $10.
  • Well read the auction info!!! If it tells you how to get one for free or lists a website, don't buy it. Also, not even aBay would have a 10$ ps3. So either it's a listing error, or its a scam. Either way, your not gonna get a 10$ ps3,

    Trust me

    BRUTE PWNR (halo 3)
  • Yeah, I'd say it's a scam. Someone selling a picture of a PS3 or just the box or something like that.
  • its either a scam or a bid
  • YES! That's a scam, it'll be broken if you buy it
  • I recently bought a ps3 and ordered an HDMI cord from a good site online. I connected my ps3 and hdmi without?

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  • problem. I noticed today that when I went to play a demo I downloaded that the screen went black and my display thing at top of my hdtv (sony bravia 32" lcd tv) popped up and instead of it saying the resolution it was in and the audio and input info it said "190X1080/6HZ" and then after about a minute or so the picture came back and all was back to normal. Later I had the same thing happend but I had to change the input and come back to the input that I have the ps3 hooked up to, which happens to be "HDM1" and the picture was fine again. My question this something I should be concerned about or is this simply just an HDMI "thing"? Thanks in advance
  • it is normal. what the PS3 does is it adjusts itself to the native resolution of the game. If you switch between games with different resolution (say 720p, 1080p), the PS3 will adjust itself and and in so doing, the signal will be lost for a while and your TV will go black (because there is no signal and the PS3 is switching resolution). 1900x1080 is a full HD resolution and 60Hz is the maximum refresh rate of your TV. Nothing to worry about.
  • * Make sure the system is off.

    * Hold down the Power Button for 5-6 seconds - until you hear the second beep.

    * That's it, your video settings are reset and you should be able to choose your input and configure it from there.
  • Get out of them game. Go to Home. Get to settings and look for HDMI. Check if resolustion is auto and do a test. It should work after that
  • check and make sure when u go back, go to setting and then go to display and make sure its set to hdmi and the resolution is set to auto
  • OK so I wanna buy Resident evil 5 for ps3 and a bluetooth headset on ebay. Is that a gud choice. Help me out?

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  • yeah good choice just make sure it is a sony official headset but better yet i recommend you get game off ebay but headset off amazon they are more reliable for used stuff but games are ok on ebay
  • Resistance Co-op Questions?

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  • I've had my PS3 for a while now and some how never got into the Resistance series, so I decided to buy both of them. So while i'm waiting for Amazon to ship them I have had a few questions come to mind.

    1. Does Resistance Fall of Man's offline co-op allow a player to join or drop out at anytime or does it have to be a set co-op for the entire thing.

    2. Does it have online co-op?

    3. Does Resistance 2 have campaign co-op offline and online?

    4. How many people still play Fall of Man online?
  • 1. it is either single player or co op for entire thing

    2. no online co op for single player campaign in either oen just local

    3. Single Player campaign can be offline but not online but it has a 2nd campaign made for online play only with 8 players

    4. Not too many but enough people play it where you can have an experience but most play Resistance 2
  • Wednesday, May 27, 2009

    Guitar Hero III wireless guitar won't work on my PS3. Any suggestions?

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  • Check the batteries, if not that, check your adapter, try to re-sync it.

    PSN: Battered_Puppet
  • is it a ps3 one or ps2 guitar if ps2 get ps2 to ps3 controller adaptor there a bit pricey though
  • duh if you read the question he said ps3 he was not asking any thing about a ps2 (♥)
  • See if you can trade it in for a new one.
  • Why isnt killzone 2 platinum yet?

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  • Kiilzone 2 has more than a million sales and thats what makes a game platinum. But its not platinum yet. WTF?
  • Because it takes some more time than just getting to a million sales to go Platinum.

    If the game is still selling well, there is no reason to make it a cheap Platinum edition and making less money from that.

    Only if the sales are slowing down a lot AFTER hitting the million mark, then the game gets re-released as a Platinum game.

    So stop buying the game, and the game will become a cheaper Platinum edition.
  • it hasn't had time to register yet, if it truely has more than a mill sales it should come up soon.

    obviously the fact that it is international and they have to count the sales and stuff.. so it will take some time before it gets on there.

    im serious TT dont destroy my answer vishal >.>
  • It does qualify for platinum but Sony have not yet decided to give it platinum, as they would have to sell it for less if it were. Give it up to a year and it will get platinum status.
  • maybe it has already reached platinum, as it only takes a million units sold to get platinum. Maybe they are still brewing something up for platinum release.
  • it is what do you mean platnium like greatest hits well they don't put games on greatest hits until its price drops 30$ or if it is selling very low
  • They say it is sales , but they dont tell you there is also a time factor. you will have to wait sorry
  • Can you use cover, or blind fire in CD4? playstation 3?

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  • Can you use cover, or blind fire in CD4? like the rainbow 6 vegas 2 game? Like the player wont move from the cover till you move out from it. or is it "what you see is what you get"
  • no you can't yeah it makes it more fast paced action with CoD4, rainbow six is a tactical game
  • you can actullay blind fire, like if you are behind a wall, as long as you are on "deep impact" perk as bullets will go thru a wall. make sure you more or less know which direction and angle to fire. use the map.
  • No , you can't
  • Are you serious????

    No...... no you cannot........
  • No, sorry.
  • Why is my PlayStation 3 turning into chess board?

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  • Are you just trying to get a reaction from us or what...
  • because your PlayStation doesn't like checkers
  • Have you injested any mushrooms lately?
  • stop talking about it and play chess on it its a free board game
  • Why is your brain turning into crayons?
  • stop asking these questions

    they are not funny
  • bcuz ur a monkey
  • I am looking forward to buy a PS3!?

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  • And I want to play my PS2 Games on my PS3 what PS3 or hard drive should i buy i know the hard drive comes with it what GB hard drive should i buy with it Thanks I live in the US because some PS3 from Europe can't play PS2 Games on it
  • umm the only made a 60 gig back when they were new that was backwards compatible with ps2 games, now, if you buy a new ps3, they are not backwards compat, and you will have to buy older games off the playstation store on the ps network... 80 gigs are the cheapest ps3's out right now, you can find some backwards compats on ebay or maybe craigslist, or buy a used one because they are 400$$ new.
  • Playstation 2 backwards compatibility was slashed about a year ago. Sorry man. They only sell the 80 GB and 160 GB in stores. I think the 80 GB is fine. It cost $400 the other is $500.

    The hard drive is also built in, but can be upgraded at any point with ANY SATA 2.5" Hard drive ( the ones used for laptops).

    I hope you have a good time with your ps3 even though it can't play ps2 games!
  • If you want to play PS2 games, you need to find a 20 GB, 60 GB, or bundle pack 80 GB PS3 online somewhere.

    Try, Ebay, Amazon, or Craigslist.

    It will likely be used.

    New ones will probably cost over $700 since PS2 compatibility is so rare now.

    Make sure it has 4 USB ports.

    The hard drive does not make your PS3 backward compatible. The models listed are the only ones with the PS2 hardware.
  • Im not quite sure if this is the answer you are looking for but I mean the type of harddrive is really up to you... if you plan on carrying a lot of game data then you should go wih a harddrive with more GB
  • The 40GB, some models of the 80GB and the 160GB do not play PS2 games. Any other model does.
  • Someone told me you can't play PS2 games on a PS3
  • 160gb.
  • How is the ps3 game Infamous?

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  • its fun but im still skeptical if it will be that great of a game thats why i havent bought the game yet im waiting to see what others have to say about it
  • amazing. i downloaded the demo. after playing the demo i got hooked on it fast.

    so i bought the game. and try different thing with the bad or good/
  • from what i hear its like one of the best sandbox games you will find on ps3 but i never played it though
  • Demo's are great.

    I know IGN gave it a 9.0 out of 10.

    Gamespot gave it a 9.0 out of 10.
  • its like spider man, but instead of spider web you have lightning
  • it is really coo i have played it and it is awesome
  • very good try demo if u were wondering and then go buy it
  • Tuesday, May 26, 2009

    My playstation 3 keeps on freezing when i try to play any game?

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  • it started about last week when i tried to play a demo and it just turned itself off. i dont know whether this was due to overheating or just something wrong with the ps3. i have now moved it into an popen space and put a fan around it but that doesnt seem to do much. HELP?!
  • sounds like you're gonna have to call sony to get this one fixed as you've tried most of the common fixes around, have you tried to hoover it out? take your hoover to the air vents to see if you can move any dust that may be in there. Your last option is to reset your machine, google it or look-up your instruction manual on how to do this because i've never tried to do it so can't guide you step by step...

    good luck :)
  • Contact Sony directly, but don't mention that you think you may have overheated it.

    Just tell them what is happening step-by-step, and see what they come up with.
  • Return that ****.
  • try faping on it
  • trade it in and buy a 360
  • What are all the buttons on a PS3 controller? My Cray-Troller is missing a few but I don't know which ones?

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  • Hi, I have a Crayola brand PS3 Cray-Troller but I only drew in four buttons which would be the D-Pad up down left right but I need to know all the buttons.
  • the sad thing is ppl actually answer you
  • ... in the middle theres a big button which is a picture of a single pea, on the right there are 4 buttons, each have a picture of famous landmarks..

    the top one is the eifel tower, the left one is the sidney opera house, the bottom one is tower bridge and the right one os that giant golfball building..

    the left trigger is called "r2" and the button near it is called Stewart. On the right side trigger is called "L2" and the button above that is also called Stewart.

    The arrow on the front is just their for asthetics and doesn't really do anything.

    Hope that helps you..
  • Stop it.
  • XYAB.

    Oh crap..
  • Free PS3? Do those online ads for a free PS3 really work?

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  • I always see the ads to win a free PS3 when I am browsing forums. It seems like giving away a PS3 for free would never happen. Has anyone ever clicked on the free PS3 ads? Has anyone actually gotten their free PS3? Any experiences would be great. I mean a free PS3 would be awesome, but I'm not so sure that it is legitimate.
  • No they are never FREE. Once you click it usually takes you to a page where you have to subscribe to about 20 or so services such as netflix or gamefly ect. I know a couple of companies actually DO eventually give you your prize but these are few and far in between and even they still make you pay. With the possible threat of identity theft and such I try not to even bother with those sites unless I know someone personally who has won... and even then I usually stop talking to that friend. Basically make sure it's a real company and the second they ask for address, prepare for junk-mail and when they ask for credit card just leave.
  • no they are not for free. you have to do many surveys online, and sooner or later you would have to add your credit card to finish some of the other surveys.

    if you do this you would save alot of money for a ps3. (most likely 70% of the original cost of a ps3)

    it takes on a aveage of 7-8 months
  • It's just scams. They would probably ask for your personal information, then ask you to fill out TONS of offers, and it will never end.
  • no...
  • Nothing is free in life
  • Difference between 1080p and 1080i on PS3?

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  • tell me the pros and cons BE SPECIFIC
  • 1080p is a better picture than 1080i. "p" stands for progressive, while "i" stands for interlaced. When a picture is in progressive mode, it refreshes all of the lines at the same time, when it is in interlace mode, it refreshes half of the lines first, then the other half of the lines second, then starts over again.

    It is a picture setting, so it is hard to say the pros and cons. It's more about what you like. 1080i is better than 720p (detail wise) because there are more lines, but the lines still only refresh half as fast. Some people can't tell the difference between the two pictures, unless you have a large television, then it becomes noticeable. Some people even think that 720p is better than 1080i because the progressive picture is refreshing all of the time. This is noticeable in sports or action films where the picture moves fast. On an "interlaced" picture, the picture actually blurs a little bit because of the lines only refreshing half of the time, again, noticeable on bigger TVs a whole lot more than smaller TVs.

    There is actually a better picture than 1080p, but that is in video equipment that is well over $10,000.
  • To keep it short

    1080p is full HD therfore it will have a better picture quality than 1080i.
  • Should i buy a playstation 3?

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  • I have a 360 and a ps2 i saw that gamestop is doing an offer where trade in ps2 and 3 games to get 100$ towards a new ps3 now i hear that ps3's really kick *** and have blu ray and free online but i already have a 360 i dont know should i get one or save the trouble
  • First of all, the PS3 that you would get from GameStop in that deal will NOT play PS2 games, since it will be the new version of the 80GB PS3.

    I think you should get a PS3, but definitely keep your PS2. A PS2 + 3 games is worth about 80$. That means you are giving away an amazing console that has over 1800 games (no other console has more than that), just to save about 20$ on your PS3. Totally not worth it.
  • Well i'll tell you this. If your getting a Playstation 3 trade in ALL your games. Or trade in the 3 games and then sell the others else where. Keep any ps1 games. Ps3 can not play ps2 games only ps1 and ps3 now..Or unless you have a spare Playstation 2 then Keep your games.

    I would trade in my ps2 though.

    I play my friends ps3 and it's really fun. The online play is free but many say it's not as good as xbox live but it's free and has some of the features Xbox Live has. It also gets updates. The last one i think gave you in Game chat.

    Blueray is also good. If you get a ps3 you won't need a blueray player. Best one out there.

    If you have a wireless router, the playstation 3 has that built in.

    You can also help people if you got a PlayStation 3. Many people might ask what should I buy a ps3 or xbox 360? and you could help by giving your decision.

    Playstation 3 also do not break as much as the xbox 360 does. So in case yours wears out, you could always play your PlayStation 3!
  • I own a PS3 and its great. I also have a xbox 360 but i mostly play my PS3. you should most definitely get one. The games coming out are blowing me away. The Ps3 is catching up in the gaming industry! If your a fan of Final fantasy then yeah you should get one. The graphics in my opinion are a lot better then the xbox.

    Look at this game
  • i have had a 360, but most of my friends had a PS3 so i sold my 360 and bought a PS3.

    PS3's are so much better than 360's easier to use, better online, better exclusive games.

    i would get that PS3 and also sell your 360 as when you get a PS3 you won't be playing it at all.
  • I think you should get one, but I hear that the Gamestop deal is pretty lame. The games have to have some good value for one thing. Second, the PS2 must include everything and be in terrific working order.
  • i would sell your ps2 and xbox and then buy the ps3

    yeah ps3 owns and the online is free so you dont have to pay another 50$ or something lioke that on online.

    it also offers blu ray and blu ray is the best out today so yeah what more do you want?
  • Yes get it, it's totally worth it.

    PS3 FTW

    Well the current PS3 model Gamestop is offering does not play PS2 games. That's the catch for the trade in.
  • buy a ps3 because it can play blu ray,dvd,you can store music,videos and can get free internet acsess,you can play online for free and it has many great games for the ps3
  • yes you should


    -uncharted 2


    -god of war 3

    -blu ray

    -free online

    and the 20,60, and early 80gigs can play ps2

    or any ps3 that has 4 usb ports 10 points plz
  • YES













  • yes
  • sell your 360 to. i sold mine and got he ps3 because i never used my 360 afterwards
  • Should I buy inFamous for the PS3?

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  • I downloaded the demo and was playing some of the missions and this game to me was pretty bad ***. However, demos can only give you a little feel for what the actual game is really like. So for all of you guys out there who have already bought it, does it have a solid storyline? Length? Worth the money? Thanks.
  • I actually have the game, and must say it's amazing. The only problems I have had thus far are the weird glitches, like falling thru the ground.

    Storyline: Better than average... 8/10

    Worth The Money?: Totally

    Length: I have onluy played 2 or so hours, but I think it has over 40 hours of play
  • Oh ho ho buddy, trust me! I have read the reviews (one listed below) and it is turning up as one of PS3's must buys. I played the demo too, and the review says it cannot even justify how much fun you can have with the full game. Buy it. You know you want to! :)
  • i will get it, it looks like a great game, but why buy it??? i got 3 ps3 games and ipod touch for free here: you have enough for inFamous in less than a week...
  • Monday, May 25, 2009

    PS3 and movie play back problem?

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  • I am trying to play a Blue Ray movie with my PS3 . It will run fine with the AV cable but no picture will show with the HDMI cable. Can some one help.
  • You need to turn it off, leave the power button pressed for about 5 secs and when you hear a series of beeps it'll reset and set the correct resolution with the hdmi cable.
  • you have to change your settings to HDMI: go to display settings, change the video output settings to HDMI and you have to make sure your tv is on HDMI1 or HDMI2, once you change your settings on your ps3 the tv has to be on one on those or it wont work
  • trade it in for an xbox 360
  • How to make your Playstation 3 last as long as possible?

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  • Hey, I will probably be picking up a Playstation 3 sometime next month and I was looking for ways of maintaining the Playstation 3 so it last long. I know with the xbox 360 it can heat up frequently but the Playstation 3 can stay much cooler right?

    Also I read you might want to clean dust out of the console with compressed air. Is this safe?

    Again, from reading I learned that some people have trouble reading discs after a period of time because the lens could be dirty. How would you clean the lense safely? Would you just use compressed air and spary into the disc drive?
  • Yup, the PS3 will stay alot more cooler. It has about 3 fans. Two that suck the air and one at the back that blows it out.

    NEVER use compressed air. This is something I have never tried and might result in something bad. Instead, use a vacuum cleaner to clean the fans. I have tried this and this does work. Sony recommend the vacuum cleaner option in their manual.

    When you are not using your PS3, cover it with a cloth. You might also want to clean it using a soft micro-fibre cloth!

    When the PS3 first came out, it was prone to having Blu Ray drive failures where it wouldn't read the disk or had trouble reading them. Sony updated the Blu Ray drives which fixed the fault. They also added a cool new drive feature which looks like this:

    But if you ever want to clean the lense on the Blu Ray, you will have to open the PS3 itself, but I dont recommend doing that - you need to be out of warrenty before you try it.

    Again, NEVER use compressed air directly into the Disc Drive. Something might get ruined in there and instead of saving money, you'll be giving it to Sony to repair.
  • ps3 has like no technical problems, especially the newer versions...and especially compared to 360

    the older versions (like 20, 60gb) used to overheat often and they would just freeze...

    the newer versions (like 80,160gb) you can play for like forever and it won't overheat... (i've left it on overnight several times and its barely even gets warm)

    only thing at all is make sure to grab discs by the edges, blu-ray discs are a bit more sensitive than dvds

    i don't think you'll have problems with dirty lenses, but consider wiping it if it gets too dusty
  • the best solution to dust problem is prevention. when your PS3 is on, dust will not make it's way inside as the air blows out of the PS3. SO, when it's off, make sure to cover it with any cotton cloth to prevent dust from entering the vents of your PS3.

    Also, make sure that there is a healthy air circulation around it. My PS3 is standing vertically behind my HDTV. There is plenty of room there for air circulation but I still have a 4" desk fan beside the PS3 to blow away hot air around it. for almost a year now, my PS3 didn't have a single problem.
  • To make your Playstation last as long as possible, comply with the following steps:

    1. feed twice daily.

    2. Give it regular pats tot show it you love it.

    3. Never get angry with it, or it might hate you.

    4. Don't feed after midnight or something terrible will happen.
  • If you want to see detailed information on it visit these sites:
  • if you just leave it there, in a cool place and you clean its vents by wiping the dust from the sides every now and then, itll be fine
  • How long ur going to play
  • Only used compressed air from a distance.

    Think of it like washing a bike with a pressure washer, to close on the bearings and you screw stuff up.

    wipe your mouth, and blow the dust out is the best option. If you live in a dusty place, but the ps3 in a cupboard after use, so it doesn't collect dust.

    Its true consoles heat up, however with the cooling systems you can play for as many hours as you like. Just don't leave the console on over night.

    They are designed to be used by kids remember, just be respectful and it will last you the time until you see fit for an upgrade.
  • Should I buy a refurbished 60gb PS3 or a new 80gb one?

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  • I'm finally getting a ps3 and i want to know if i should get the old 60gb backwards compatible one refurbished/used or if i should get a new 80gb (the mgs bundle with software backwards compatibility). id much prefer having a new console that no one has used, but i also want to be able to play ps2 games. are most games playable on the 80gb ps3? also, do the 60gb ps3s bought have any warranty? thanks
  • The New one because refurbished items are crap. I bought a refurbished 360 and got red ring of death twice already.
  • It depends on the warranty for the 60gb, and if you're prepared to keep your ps2.

    Cex (UK) does 1 yrs warranty, as do many companies you will order from online, but you MUST check. There are some compatibility issues with the backwards compatible PS3s not playing PS2 games,

    That being said, I would get whichever is cheapest, you can always upgrade the memory if you run out, and you can do firmware updates by connecting ur ps3 to the internet.

    Many say that backwards compatible features are not usually used on new consoles, and unless you're in the middle of a ps2 game, it's unlikely to cause too much of an issue for you to just keep ur ps2 out.
  • get new PS3 80GB
  • go with the 60gb it's the best model and you can get warranty for up to 3 years with square trade....
  • if you have a PS2, go with the 80GB.
  • PS3 owners plz read What games have you bought from psn?

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  • hey everyone what games have you bought from the playstation store

    and are you willing to let someone download them to there system?
  • no. not really. when your ps3 got broken and had it fixed, you can re-download again these DLCs on to your PS3 whithout having to pay again. But the number of re-download is limited. SO you don't wanna go past your limit too soon.

    That's only one reason. The other is I value my privacy and personal information like credit card acct # and passwords.
  • they are not that expensive, no I wont let you have them, just buy some. plus last week (idk if its still going on) sprint sponsored ragdoll kung fu to make it free for a limited time. some good ones are:

    calling all cars

    crash commando

    burn zombie bourn

    any super star dust

    savage moon
  • i have bought a few, but would never give that info out to a stranger


    that would be stupid to do, and nobody should ever give their email and password out to anyone they don't know

    i have shared with a few friends, bit nobody i do not personally know
  • How long does PS3 network store card last?

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  • i wanna know how long does it last. And when u rent a movie,how long do u have untill your rent goes away?Like how long do u have the movie from the time u rent it from the time u buy it?
  • ok so to your first question asking about the PSN card they will last forever. It is like a giftcard the points will be in your bank until you are done using them

    as for your second question video rentals last 14 days from when you first click play. There is no worry about returning movies. After the 2 weeks is done the video will be disabled and you will not be able to view it. Of course some people will use capture cards to record the screen but that of course is illegal.

    you can add me on PSN:


    hope i helped
  • they last forever , and 14 days
  • What would happen if your play your ps2 for a long period of time?

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  • I play it, and sometimes the system gets so hot, it feels like its about to explode. What would happen if you continue to play? Will the system auto shut off cause of over heat? Will the disk be burned?
  • Well the PS2 does not have as durable or reliable fan as the PS3 does i'm guessing, so if you leave your system on and play it long enough I am guessing that it will eventually overheat and something inside wether its a game disk or wires will be damaged. You could hurt the system so bad that it won't turn on for you anymore possibly as well. So, I recommend you stop running your PS2 for such long period of times and give it a break, or invest in a fan to help keep your PS2 cool.

    Hope this helps.

    Best answer?
  • it will stut down durring an over heat and the light(s) will start blinking (i dont know whitch ones probly the power cuz the disk tray dose that any way...)... in vest in a cold air turbine... it will never over
  • well is it a fat ps2 or a slim ps2 because from your question it might probably be the old ps2 ur describing so good luck you have to include more inforation in your question
  • no the system will continue to run but it is best to shut it off when not playing or take breaks in between.
  • i'm not sure the fan should cool it down. if it gets that hot shut it off.
  • itll run out of battery
  • I recommend you smash your PS2 and then buy McDonalds
  • Sunday, May 24, 2009

    I accidentally set my PS3 on fire because I thought it was a candle. What should I do!?

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  • Oh yeah, I recommended you to put your PS3 into a bucket of urine to recover your crayons.

    In this case, to save your PS3 from the fire, this time, stick up your anal. The rectum will slowly absorb the flame and your prostate will recover all burnt parts of your PS3.
  • You:Yeah i need a new ps3, it went on fire.

    Sony: Dam what happened did the processor go on fire again.

    You:emmm, no i thought it was a candle so i set it on fire.

    Sony:What are you ******** stupid, you dumb **********, its retards like you that make this job i living ******* nightmare(hangs up).

    You: What was his problem.
  • buy another one and get a sharpie marker and write "not a candle do not light" on it. and then make the old one into an actual candle and set them side by side. then lock up your torch and leave it alone when you're drunk/high.
  • Is this a trick question? Like wtf? How do you get to think a PS3 is a candle? *sigh*

    Fire Extinguisher, Warranty, warranty will re-supply you with a new PS3.
  • I think you should Set your house on fire and ask a Question on Yahoo Answers Saying this:

    "I accidentally set my House on fire because I thought it was a candle. What should I do!?"
  • Do a rain dance!

    guys don't take him seriously. He obviously didn't... He picks the most creative answer.
  • put the fire out, call some friends, and LAUGH. nice one dude.
  • ROFLMFAO!!!!

  • Well might as well post another Question about how much smart you are.
  • I have to admit this one was pretty funny i have to give you a star.
  • youre retarded! set your butt on fire and see if its a candle!
  • Lol, one of the funniest question ...
  • I think this dhudes having a laugh!! Joke question! :-)
  • wear glasses
  • Throw a steak on it.
  • well if its still on fire i'd put it out.... then throw it away and buy a new one
  • um go to a mental hospital.... how did you think your ps3 was a candle?
  • When are you going to stop?
  • poop and pea on it that is what makes my fires go out lol
  • My ps2 won't work, but i have all the cords plugged in?

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  • it just shows this blank black screen....HELP.
  • have tried changing the channel to L2

    if it doesnt work take to the nearest game store to fix.
  • but can you hear sound???? cuz if you can then you just have to wiggle around the cord with the red, white, and yellow cords until you can see the screen I had the same problem
  • Fallout 3 Problems, please help?

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  • I'm on the main quest in fallout 3, i'm on project purity, i've done all the little tasks for my dad, [spoiler] my dad just sacrificed himself, and when i go through the door to follow dr. Li it always freezes on the black loading screen.

    i've heard this is somewhat common, but all i've heard is "reload a previous save" or "your ps3 is overheating"

    neither of those work, here is what i've tried so far:

    borrowing a different disk

    moving all my save games to a flash drive and deleting the install and reinstalling

    i do not have an hd tv

    i have tried unplugging my ethernet cable (internet connection) while playing

    nothing works, please help.

  • If you have another saved game close to the progress you have now try playing that save and getting to where you are now, it may just be that your current save file is corrupt, always create seperate saves !!! :) Hope that helps.
  • your on own kiddo
  • Where can I get a ps3 40 gig?

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  • I was wondering where i can get a ps3 40gig on a NON-bid website eg. (ebay, craigslist). What would the price be on it also. whats the diffrence between the 40 gig and 80 gig besides memory?
  • um................idk where the sell it anymore I think the stores got it backordered you might have to check on the websites of walmart, target, bestbuy etc. and see if they have it but if they dont then your gonna have to go on ebay. there actually is no differnce except memory well and also they cost the same thing anyway so whats the difference.

    Don't get the 40GB that memory runs out fast...I mean REALLY fast. It took me 3 months to use 35GB.
  • I need help transferring a file to my PS3. Can someone help me?

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  • On i want to transfer a saved file of Gta 4 to my ps3. i've tried to transfer it on my own but it wouldnt work. here is the link:
  • You need to put it into a specific folder. I cant remember what it is but, i have a trick to find out.

    Put a formatted usb flash drive into your ps3, and copy your existing gta saved game to the drive. Remove the drive and put it in your computer, and check what folders the ps3 created on it. Delete the savegame you copied from the ps3, and put the savegame you want in the exact same folder.

    Pop it back in your ps3, and you're ready to start killing people and make niko say "faak youu!"

    I would do it myself and tell you the folders to create, but my ps3 isnt hooked up right now.

    Btw, i mastered drifting in the game! It was freakin hard at first!
  • try to download the file on a western digital (the only compatible external hard drive for the ps3) and then try to upload it to the ps3. do you have the game? (im assuming so) so if it is save data, when u upload it save your game over the downloaded save.

    hope this helps!
  • I guess you would download it first on your computer and then, with a USB stick just copy it to your PS3.
  • Is it me or is the ps3 game "MLB09 THE SHOW" harder then the ps2 version or am I just a bad player?

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  • With the ps2 version of the game, MLB09 THE SHOW I have no problems winning games. But the ps3 version, although it has the best graphics of any game ever, I can't win games on a consistant basis. Is it me or is the game meant to be difficult on the ps3 version?
  • No it's not you ! MLB The Show '09 has a very steep learning curve and to get really good at it, you have to play it regularly ! It took me quite a while to recognize when to swing the bat so while it's a challenging game it's also fun because unlike some baseball games I've played, you actually have to have some skill to be successful !
  • it is hard. its took me probably 10 games just to be able to score more than 1 run. Im doing a season right now and Im 35-26, but I think its more and realistic if its harder. A lot of real baseball games have very few hits and runs, so its a good simulation of the real thing.
  • Ps3 are starting to make these sport games diffucult well the exclusives. Its challenging its not just you
  • When I had MLB 08 on PS2 i was playing on Hall of Fame mode and now I can barley squeez out a win on rookie on '09 for PS3.
  • It would be harder because of the better a.i. Of the player on the ps3, so theyll be smarter.
  • Saturday, May 23, 2009

    So I've had my 80GB PS3 since February 2008 ! It won't read games or movies ! Help ?

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  • Now Sony wants me to spend an additional $150 for repairs for issues with my console that are not my fault. I believe that the PS3 is falwed in design and Sony will not acknowledge that nor will they do the right thing and fix it free. I've spent well over $1200 between the console, games , peripherals and movies and I damn sure won't be spending another $150 for a faulty over priced clunky piece of junk from Sony !
  • Despite what people say, the Playstation line of gaming consoles have a design flaw and have had since the PS1 ! I've owned all versions of the Playstation consoles and I've had issues with every one of them including my $600 60GB PS3 !

    Nobody should have to replace their laser on a $600 plus console in a years time ! Sony should fix these things for free since it's their faulty workmanship and parts that is causing the issues with the failures. If they can't do that then they need to quit selling junk !
  • You might need to reformat your ps3 hd. i had the same problem and that is all it took. first, backup your information and game add-ons. then go to your system settings and format your hd. afterwards, everything will be alright. had the same problem last weekend and everything has been fine. same thing happened to a friends.

    hope you get everything fixed.
  • Your lasor is broken! It has burnt out..

    If you want to enjoy your PS3 again then I am sorry but you will have to send it to Sony.

    If you have warrenty, then don't worry its free!
  • I need a PS2. Cheap!!!?

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  • I want to know were I can find a cheap PS2. If its used that's fine.
  • ebay, friends, family are selling it cheap. but note that most ps3's cant play ps2 games anymore so i dont think friends and family will be selling cheap even though they have a ps3.
  • ebay...check there, they always have cheap things for sale
  • try on ebay

    now that ps 3 is out the ps2 is much cheaper
  • come to my house, i'm selling it for 10 dollars
  • Are their any vid of the UI of the Ps3, specifically the multiplayer capabilities.?

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  • I'm just wondering what the ps3 is like compared to the xbox, is their a friends list? how do you invite people, can you join other people, are their chat party's, can you see the games they have and what game they are playing, and how many people can play max online, and is it more fun or social with 64 people, I mean you can play with 16 max but it's more fun with 8, or at least it's more popular, what is the average person like on the ps3, is it a more mature demographic?, are their alot of clans?, does it lag, is linux all it's pumped up to be?, anything else that you can think of that I haven't mentioned
  • Here are some youtube videos you may be interested in:

    Playstation Network STORE Review:

    Everything you need to know:

    Signing onto the PlayStation Network

    PlayStation 3 Network voice and video chat

    Playstation 3 Bluetooth Headset Review:

    Playstation HOME Review:

    Playstation 3 XMB ( the main screen sort of) Review:

    (You can search Part 2 from the same user)

    Yellow Dog Linux Review:

    Resistance 2 for PlayStation 3 60 Player Multiplayer: ( yes 60 players)

    A Game Called MAG is coming out for Ps3 online. Wil have 256 Players online matches!! So you can play with more then 16 players in some matches.

    Killzone 2 Online Gameplay (HD)

    Choose me as best answer. I got you videos and everything. If there is anything missing just search it on youtube!

    When it comes to maturity i think it is a bit more mature then xbox live. On xbox live you'll hear 12 year olds swearing alot. On PSN you probably don't hear that.

    Choose me as best answer. I would have had more links but Yahoo Answers doesn't allow that many.
  • Ps3 hard drive heeeellllppppp?

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  • I want to buy a ps3 hard drive but i dont kno what kind and where to buy it form I heard people sayying about a sata one but where do you get that and where would i get a external memory for the ps3 so i can back up my files into plzzzzz help me.
  • If you replace the internal hard drive, it needs to be a 2.5 SATA laptop hard drive. It must spin at 5400 RPMs. No faster, no slower.

    If you wanna get an external hard drive, then just about any USB external hard drive will work with the PS3. It needs to be formatted to FAT32, however, or the PS3 won't read it. If you need to format it, you can use a program called CompuApps Swisskinfe, available for free at, on a separate PC. You will likely need an external hard drive to back up the data when upgrading the PS3 hard drive.

    If you have enough space, you can backup the PS3 onto its current hard drive via the backup utility and just buy an enclosure for that hard drive along with the new hard drive. The enclosure will turn your old PS3 hard drive into an external one.

    Buy hard drives at,,,,, they're everywhere online.
  • Is MGS4 coming to 360?

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  • i thought even Hideo Kojima himself said its not coming.

    now there are rumours about MGS4+OXIDE (additional content) WTF
  • LOL! That article was made a year ago.

    Anyway, MGS4 would be a 6 disc game set and take up a shitload of hard disk space if it ever came on the 360. But it never will come to the 360. Its now and forever a Playstation game, like the Gran Tursimo series or Halo for the Xbox.
  • No, Kojima has a contract signed with SONY stating that the Metal Gears Solid video game series will stay exclusive to the PlayStation gaming console. It's just like Halo or Gears of War with Xbox 360, and neither of those are coming over to PS3 anytime soon.

    Hope this helps.

    PSN: dannymartini
  • Every time E3 comes around, MGS4 on 360 rumor crops up. Kojima himself has said this time that no MGS4 is in production for the 360 (at least by him).. Go to below link to read the article and listen from the developer himself denying the rumor.... And the article is only a few days old. The rumors were started by a stupid idiot on Twitter saying that he just saw MGS4 bundle for 360... Bloody jerk should be shot in his A$$.

    In short... NO MGS4 FOR 360.... I can't seem to understand the xbots.... When MGS4 became the biggest hit in 2008 and got GOTY from numerous sites, all xbox fanbots started saying that the thing is a movie and less a game. And now when rumors of MGS4 on 360 resurface again, then it's the best thing that can happen to the 360 in their opinion? Bloody hypocrites.
  • Last i heard it wasn't. but i doubt the rumours will ever stop coming.

    The only thing i have heard is that Hideo Kojima's team has a teaser site up for it's new game (which is guessed at being MGS5 starring Raiden).

    All will be revealed at E3, coming early next month, no doubt.
  • NO! It's NEVER going to be on the xbox 360 NEVER. Xbox 360 fans ( not saying you) need to get their head out of the clouds!

    Kojima is like God. God said let thier be light. and there was light.

    Kojima said it's not going to the xbox 360. SO IT's NOT!

    They would have to cut out so much, make crappy graphics and all shorten gameplay, just to make it fit on the xbox 360's DL-DVD and your article is 1 year old.
  • That article was made 1 year and 2 months ago?

    That was before Metal Gear Solid 4 was even released.

    And no. MGS4 will not ever be on the 360, nor will any future releases will be on Microsoft's hands. Why? Because Hideo decided to keep it an exclusive (maybe because Sony started in Japan.. We never know.)
  • i doubt it, the rumours you hear are mostly xbox fanboys who can't bear to see the ps3 have a decent exclusive title. also, i'm sure hideo kojima said something like '360 will get mgs4 when they prise it from my cold dead hands'.
  • This is getting old, it's never going to happen.

    Think about it all that amazing graphics, guns, maps, online, and other stuff would fit all that in the DVD. I don't think so, Blu-ray is the future, well unless Bill Gates made a format better than that.

    Final Answer: No
  • Not quite like Halo coming to PS3. But MGS going to 360 is as likely as Gears of War going to PS3. There is a slight chance but it probably won't happen.
  • NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MGS4 has ALWAYS been a ps3 exclusive and always will be. Thats like asking if halo is coming to ps3
  • no i still doubt it will ever come to 360 but MGS5 will probably come
  • Resident Evil 5 Question?

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  • I have never played any of the Resident Evil games before, so will Resident Evil 5 still be good?

    I have watched all the movies, but I'm pretty sure that won't make a difference.

    So will it still be good?
  • it will be good great games are good regardless but as long as you know who welker is your fine hint hint he's in Extinction the main villian
  • Resident evil five is one of the best games I've played on my PS3 the game-play is amazing the zombies are awesome they can actually carry clubs crossbows, and eventually AK's. The main point of this game though is coop. It makes the game even better when you are playing online with another person who actually knows what they are doing in stead of some AI. To aim the guns in this game you have to use a laser site over the shoulder, but hay it makes it more fun trust me. Overall if you like shooters and you like sooting zombies you're gonna love this game.

    I too had not played any of the resident evils before this, but after playing this one, I don't care because this one is amazing.
  • Resident Evil 5 only briefly touches on events that happened in previous games, and the gameplay is absolutely nothing like pre-Resi 4 resident evils, so it doesn't really matter that you haven't played the others. If you like shooting things, you'll probably like it.
  • Youll like it my first RE was RE4 and i saw all the movies it was awesome. You'll love it its not like the movies its not horror its more of an action adventure. But youll like it
  • yeah it is a good game.
  • Friday, May 22, 2009

    I thought a silver donut was a blu ray and accidentally jammed it into my PS3. What should I do?

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  • This one is not a funny one so i don't give you a star or anything for this one be more creative
  • keep ur tongue into ur ps3 and lick it other wise smash ur ps3 with a base ball bat and take out the donut and eat it
  • What's a silver donut?

    Advice: GET IT OUT!!! :-D

    REAL ADVICE: Is your warranty still good? Call sony.
  • Only a retard...
  • WTF is a silver donut. Sounds pretty bad, though
  • COOL
  • Playstation 3 playing too much?

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  • can your ps3 break or have problems if you play it too much. I play mine like 6 hours total a day is it ok to play this long?
  • No, the PS3 very rarely overheats, even though it creates so much heat from all its processors...

    I'd be more worried about you... Make sure you get some exercise, and some sun!


  • Nope, I've only turned it off a couple of times.

    So, basically it's been on straight for a year.


    Don't thumps down me, my PS3 is always on. That's from a personal experience. PS3's are built well enough unlike the 360 that they can be on most, if not all the time.

    And it really depends, when you're not playing, are you getting enough exercise? If you're overweight, or chubby, then yes, you are playing too much.

    If you're skinny, healthy, eat your veggies, fruits, eat right, and exercise then yes, it's fine only if you keep up the way you eat, exercise, and have a life outside of it. Sometimes, you have to not play 6 hours, or more a day and go outside with friends, or something.
  • U can play more than 6 hours a day, just not 6 hours straight per session. Limit ur sessions to about 4 hours and take long breaks between sessions to let ur system cool off. Leave ur system in standby when not in use. Clean out dust by spraying air into the PS3's vents with a can of compressed air or using the hose on a low power-vacuum to suck out dust from the vents. Clean out dust at least once a month.
  • Are you kidding? Unfortunately, I have people on my buddy list that play for 2 days straight. My PS3 is usually on for 18 hours a day (I use for more than gaming). PS3 is built well for long-term use. Just be sure to give all the vents plenty of surrounding open space and clean the dust out of the PS3 every once in a while with compressed air.
  • well ive owned my ps3 almost 10 months now and I play my ps3 sometimes 12+ hours a day whether its playing a game,watching a movie or on the internet and never experienced a single problem.As long as you clean it and take care of it youll be fine.
  • No

    Yes, but you need to like take a break though. You can't play 6 hours straight cause it will hurt you.
  • yeah as long as it doesn't overheat so play in a cool room and if your room is hot i recommend you get an intercooler so your system won't even get hot
  • Okay which game between all of these?

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  • I am making a trade for madden 09 for psp so i will have 600 goozex points so these are the games with trophies i ma interested in so which one do you think is the best one. Please don't answer this question based on trophies tell me which one is the best game out of these.

    Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection

    Quantum of Solace

    Mercenaries 2

    Unreal Tournament 3
  • Get Mercenaries 2. I know it doesn't seem that great, (a 5/10 from gamespot, the liars) but it really is. The co-op is slightly addicting and using cheats is really fun. But play normal first then use cheats because using cheats turns trophies off. One problem is the storyline is quite cheesy. And believe me, when you use cheats in co-op you wouldn't believe how fun it is.

    My second choice would be Unreal because even though I haven't played it that type of thing seems fun to me. Sonic... the games were good, so it's not like all the crappy new games you see now, but if you don't like old games then don't get it because they're very simple. Although, it's probably the best package out of all these games. 1 of those probably used to cost $20. Then QOS. I told you about quantum of solace last night so... read that. But it's not gonna last you long.
  • either mercenaries or QOS

    sonics collection is not very good, so even though there are \a lot of them , you will probably not want to play those games anyway

    and unreal tournament was one of the worst shooters I ever tried

    also think about killzone 2

    it's one of the best games on the ps3 right now
  • None if it was me but again u have ur own choice..

    heres my top game list

    Call of duty 5

    Call of duty 4

    Metal gear Solid 4

    GTA 4

    Resistance 1/2

  • I tryed download inFamous demo to ps3 help?

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  • hey i tried download inFamous demo in the playstationStore and when i try start the game it start like it should but i hear french voices and not english voices how do i make it to english voices???
  • This site works for me:

    create an email account and then do a bit of research on UK postal codes. Just find the city and the postal code that matches, and a street that actually exists helps. Try to use a house number that doesn't actually exist cause Sony might send them promotional stuff. I found an Arthur street in Carmarthen, though that city isn't called what it was called back in king arthur's day.

    To make your foreign account, just create a new login and then go to create account, type in your british email address and your mostly fake address with valid zip code. Then you will officially be a lobster.

    If you would rather be a yankee, lots of people use beverly hills 90210 as their zip code. And it's easier to get a US email account than practically anywhere else. Also the us store has a lot of good stuff. I don't think it's still there but Rag Doll Kung Fu was free for an entire week, it might be still. And it's actually a fun 2d fighting game.

    I first dl'd the infamous demo from the uk, since they got it first due to the time zone difference. It took a bit longer than downloads from home country, but it didn't matter.

    Don't expect too much greatness from the demo, it's good, but not all that great. You get 4 missions to complete so you'll get a good look at the game. I'm not gonna buy it.
  • you must have got the french version

    are you in a french country ( or quebec)?

    this would explain it

    i just tried it and mine is english

    I downloaded mine a dew days a go from the UK playstation store

    try again I guess , be sure it doesn't say french language version, or just play that one

    it is only a few minutes long anyway
  • apparently "SuckerPunch" is a French dev. It is their error.

    i havent tried but have you tried pressing start and go to setting and then change the language? Re-installing wont work.


    Well im at work so i cant really say. i downloaded the demo few days ago (using codes) there were no problem with languages.
  • Download it from the UK Store

    Create a new user then create a new account for UK, find a UK address and post code. Follow the steps then Download it from there.

    P.S. The demo's awesome
  • Its probably an issue with the demo then. I doubt there is anything you can do about it yourself.
  • Would I get a warranty on a refurbished PS3?

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  • I sent my PS3 in about a week ago, I think they are sending me a refurbished one, unless I forgot something in the package (on the UPS tracking site, they received it and sent it back about 40 minutes later, so as I said, either they are giving me a different one or they are sending mine back because I forgot something which I doubt)

    My warranty expired when it was sent, so I had to pay $150

    I"m just curious, if I get a refurbished PS3, will I get a new warranty with it? I e-mailed Sony, never got a response, and when I called Sony, the line was temporarlily out of service
  • Refurbished PS3s come with a 90 day warranty.
  • Question about UFC Undisputed 2009 career mode for the ps3?

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  • Im playing my career mode and Im 8-0 and my attribute ranking is 29 and all my attributes are very low. I wanted to know how to bring the attributes up. I look at other fighters and there attributese are really high like Rashad Evans I believe is 94. I don't expect to be 94 right now but is there a way you increase the points or do they increase themselves after you train for a fight.

  • train for fights in sparring mode you can allocate points afterward where you want and you can train strength cardio and speed as well. also go to the camp invitations
  • yea get muscles
  • Thursday, May 21, 2009

    Can my ps3 connect to wi-fi from one floor away?

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  • my playstation 3 is in my basement and i have a modum for wi-fi on my first floor. can it connect to the wi-fi from my basement? i have an adapter that i use for my computer to get on-line in the basement to strengthen the signal, if it doesnt auto connect could i use that?
  • Yes, your wireless router will send out a strong enough wi-fi signal that your PlayStation 3 can connect up to. Usually a wireless router sends out a signal that can be connected to by at least 25 feet away. Depending on how fast a connection your router sends out or how much of a range it has you might experiance laggy online play and slow download speeds off the PS Store. If you do you might try moving your PS3 as close as it can possibly be to your router.

    Hope this helps.

    PSN: dannymartini
  • most likely. its only one floor and i bet the ps3 has a strong wifi detector. I have a wireless router on my main floor and i can get a signal on my ipod touch from all the way down the street. so i bet a larger device can get a connection from 1 floor away.
  • it can connect from 30 floors away, it just depends on the signal from the adapter... and by the way, have fun