Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Know any Good Playstation 3 Games?

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  • My husband was siked to buy Grand Theft Auto 4 yesterday but found out they don't have it out for PS2. They have it for PS3 and X-box.

    Other than GTA4, are there other good games out there? We like games like House of the Dead but not war games and don't care for the Sim series. I personally like the Mario games and Ratchet and Clank games but read that the latest Ratchet and Clank game was terrible.

    Or should I bite the bullet and buy a Wii? I was really hoping to buy a $60 game and not a $500.00 system!
  • There are a few good games for PS3 actually. From my recent memory, they are Devil May Cry 4, Burnout Paradise, Assassin's Creed, and of course everyone's favorite online shooter Call of Duty 4. To be honest, I am not really a war game fan either before COD4 converted me. It just looks too good to pass on. I am glad I gave it a try cause and now I am a fan, but still not a fan in other war games at all. lol

    Since you like zombie game, there is this survival horror game called Condemned 2 for PS3 (also on xbox) you might want to check it out as well.
  • the ratchet and clank game for PS3 was one of thebtter launch titles. other games you shoudl look into if your interested in the PS3:

    heavenly sword

    uncharted: drakes fortune


    devil may cry 4

    lair(lair has a quirky control scheme that most publications and somegamers hated, but there is a downloadable patch to give you an alternative)


    the orange box

    gran turismo prologue(i would reccomend renting this as it is not the full game, but a teaser of sorts)

    assassin's creed

    metal gear solid 4 in june

    guitar hero(with the aerosmith version set to hit stores in june)

    also there are some downloadable gems like:

    everyday shooter(basic top down shooter, but entirely muscially based with a novel chaining system for better points)

    super stardust HD(the playstation's answer to geometry wars)

    high velocity bowling(like wii bowling, but withbetter graphics and control)
  • LOL I got both the wii and ps3 and just to say my ps3 sees more action. and besides its kind of hard to buy a wii at the moment
  • Wii is like EyeToy You'll get sick of it and the types of games you can play is VERY VERY limited. Maybe you should try Need for speed? racing games up ur alley?
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • GRAND Theft AUTO IV?

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  • is it out on the 29 of april and i was wondering if you can go in all buildings and blow up any windows
  • get the hell off here kagan you tool
  • You can only enter certain buildings...but can bust out windows in cars and some buildings, using rocks and bricks and such
  • No. Only certain buildings are accessible and have "breakable" windows.
  • I have the game but i don't think you can do that.
  • in some building only you can enter
  • its out on 29 april yh which was yesterday and u can only break windows of the buildings that u can access on GTA4
  • **** if i know, i dont have the ******* game yet you *****
  • not sure i tried and it had a glitch kept reloading when i tried
  • Can the Playstation lay on its side? Can any componets be on top of it? Does the name plate change?

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  • thanks...getting one today...which game should I get with it?
  • Can the Playstation lay on its side? If you mean flat, yes. It can also stand on it's side, but I'm always afraid one of my cats will knock it over.

    Can any componets be on top of it? No, the top of it is curved. It will be better placed on top of your entertainment stand with good ventilation. Not in a closed in shelving unit.

    Does the name plate change? Not that I can tell.

    If you're old enough, get GTA4. Your PS3 will come with a game though, which one depends on which console you get (how many gigs). You can also download free demos and videos so try a few out before buying one to see what you like.
  • this site will give you a playstation 3 just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you're broke but really want a ps3 (like me).
  • Why do my parents are not letting me to play this game grand theft auto 4 for the PS3?

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  • Well, Grand Theft Auto 4 has been in the media lately and on the news and that's probably why.

    I think that it's just stupid that the media always talks about Grand Theft Auto and the game being violent, but there are even more bloody games than GTA4 that are out now.
  • REASON 1:they probably want u to concentrate on ur education,

    i've been thru that and i hated it but in the end they were rite

    if u reeeeeli want to play this game make sumin up or say if i do my homework and good at skwl wud u let me play this game

    REASON 2: it all depends on wot age u r and if ur parents concentrate on PEGI/ESRB ratings. gta4 i 18+ so that is a reason y

    but wen i woz young eg. 9 years of age i still played 18+ games so i didnt care

    in the end hope u do get to play it GOOD LUCK
  • Probley because you need to catch up at school.

    or its to graphical,or rude,or violence,or swearing.

    i dont know how old you are so i dont know but lollll

    nick it and put it in your bedroom :P

    good luck
  • Probably because you should be studying or doing chores. Why not ask them? If they tell you to mow the grass do it! Then play the game till your fingers fall off.
  • Why waste time in violent activities instead of other activites that can be more beneficial in the long run of your life???
  • because you are obviously too young for this game. go back to your school work. you seriously need to.
  • Either its ur studies, which if u do 4 a while, they will probably get it 4 ya, or they think its too graphic, too violent, and has too much sexual which case, your screwed
  • Just download it from a torrent site and play it when they're not watching.

    ITS RATED 10/10 - THE GAME OF 2008!!!!!!!
  • Because it is a game for adults.
  • Because the violents an it is an 18plus
  • Not to be rude, but maybe you need to concentrate on your schooling.
  • bcoz there are voilent acticities in this game which may affect you
  • Because it is violent, has heavy drug use, and sex.
  • Whats jobns can i do to make good money for a ps3?

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  • so please answer and please seriouse answers about the jobs and ps3
  • Well I just got a PS3 for Blu-ray, and I would play my Xbox 360. And then, pretty soon, I was just playing the PS3. So maybe sell some old game systems, or mow some lawns, babysit, ect. You should accumulate a vast amount of wealth (for a teenager) in a few weeks.
  • garage sale work at like a electronic stores you will probobly get discounts if you work at a electronic store so work at a store that pays good or go to a electronic store to get discounts you can also sell your electronic games at the garage sale and make a big notice of it but go with the electronic job that will make it cheaper
  • I'm guessing you're a teenager?

    You could get a job busing tables at a restaurant. I did that and would get like 6-7 dollars an hour plus $20 or so in tips every night.

    You could even wash dishes. Mow some lawns. Help local businesses do misc. stuff. If you know any mom and pops stores around you, you could go in and be like "yo...I'll work for cash cleaning windows and stuff."

    Good luck!
  • Depends on your age..

    My kids perform dog waste removal, dishes, housework, baby sitting.
  • wash cars, tidy gardens, get paper route, babysitting, maybe ask ur mum to buy u one if u do better at school...

    sell some stuff(with permission), make candy and lemonade to sell
  • A paper route is great. You do it around 2-3 times a week and it got me around $100 for roughly 90 house.
  • Work for Bestbuy or Circuit City. Not only you get paid, you also have employee discount. :-)
  • If the 40gb ps3 costs 39.99 how much will it cost in june 2008?

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  • pelase anaswre i awan buy
  • I got mine for £300 and no i don't think it will go down untill 2010 as there starting to get money from the model 40gb.
  • The price won't really go down. They just started the production of the 40GB'S.

    I didn't even bother buying the PS3, I have so many other systems. I'll just buy the PS4. Buying the PS3 now is just a waste of money now.

    So yea The price will stay the same.
  • If you don't want to spend $400 for a 40GB PS3, you can get a used one off of craigslist, ebay, or amazon.
  • They are going to have a slight price drop by the end of the year. When the 80gb comes out again it will be 500 again. But it will have an emotion engine and a dual shock 3.
  • first things first it costs 400 dollars and the price will most likely to not drop they say it is to much money to be droping the price you can bye used ones at a cheaper price
  • Most likely $400. It wont go down because they just started making the 40GB and it will be the only one left.
  • 399.99 the price wont go down just because there re-releasing the 80GB
  • Tuesday, April 29, 2008

    Can you connect ps2 to my laptop to play without using a TV sceen?

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  • Hiya,

    I was wondering if there is a way to connect the ps2 to my laptop and use its screen to play the games rather then using a TV.

    Moving to uni and I hardly use the TV. Dont see the point of paying for tv Licence when I hardly watch anything.

    Thank you
  • It is highly unlikely that your laptop will come with any forms of video input. You will need a video capture card of some sort.

    There are many USB video capture devices. With it, you can plug your PS2 into the device which will convert it into USB signals and play it on your laptop screen.

    Do a search on "USB Video capture" you'll get tonnes of devices.
  • Been there , Done that . I used the Pinnacle Studio PCTV-USB. It worked ok but the video lagged.
  • Is Grand Theft Auto IV going to be on ps2??

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  • It came out today but only on xbox 360 and ps3, i have none of these!! Will it ever be on ps2? If so when? I really want it!
  • No, PC aren't getting it either i think they pay to only have popular games on these 2 consoles to boost the sale of these consoles.
  • My brother has a xbox360, but i prefer my playstation 2 lol.

    And i was actually wondering this yesterday.

    I hope it does anyway.
  • no, it wont be.

    your lack of gaming knowledge made me laugh =]

    thanks :P
  • I think the ps2 is kind of out of date, people are getting rid of those systems and sending them to poor countries where they dont have videogames
  • I'm sorry to say but.... no, it's for 360 and PS3 consoles only. :|

    Hopefully you be able to get yourself a 360 or PS3 soon.
  • No just the ps3 and xbox sorry.
  • no bcoz it is not powerful as xbox and ps3
  • sadly not im gutted 2 !!!.....
  • Nope.
  • NOPE only for next-gen SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • straight up no. It won't be appearing on the PS2, its a dying system.
  • the ps2 cant handle it, sorry kid
  • Gta 4 broadband required??

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  • OK I got my GTA 4 and when I checked the back it said "broadband required" so does that mean I cant play the game unless I have interenet, or is that for like multiplayer. It would only make sense if its for multiplayer, otherwise that is the stupidest **** I have ever seen.

    The same problem occured to me when I bought unrealtournament 3, and warhawk.

  • that is ONLY required for internet......dont worry, there is a single player mode that will comsume about 100 hours of your life according to several reviews.
  • broadband is the only way you can go online. if it were anything other than broadband the internet would stall and lag.
  • it means for online multiplayer..
  • Does Playstation Network put trojans in your computer?

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  • when i got playstation network i kept getting spammed and crap ,then a trojan came out of no where as soon as i got playstation online. is it the Paystation network or just unlucky timing.
  • I have read information and I have heard nothing about Playstation Network viruses so I believe its bad timing. All I know about is hackers hacking the PSN network nd An unlukly few were suspetable to fraud. Also there is 1 visus from an invite you can get from a guy called j_neutron07 which can cause hard drive failure but it doesn't sound like ths has happened you but just felt to let you know.

    One question is do you use Linux on your PS3?? If you do it is a possibility that a virus tranfered from the OS through the internet to the PC

    other info

    Ps3 OS is pretty safe as it is so restricted due to OS

    Can only run simple Java progs.

    SO MY CLEAR ANSWER IS PROBABLY UNLUCKY TIMING . Add a comment of a virus report or Hjack This log and i will try to find out more!!
  • i have been using my PS3 to browse the internet,download, buy things online. everything i would do on a normal computer since june 06 and i have had not a single problem. it might just be your system or your connection. if you are worried about it take it somewhere to get it checked out.
  • I just bought GTA4, should I buy a DualShock controller now?

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  • I already have 2 regular controllers. I'm concerned that if I'm getting shot in the game from the back I'm not going to realize it. Is it worth an extra $55?
  • the dual shock is pretty sweet. i had 2 of the regular sixaxis controllers, but i traded one in....the dual shock does both functions...vibration and the regular tilt functions of the's totally worth it.
  • Yeah you should. Sony's dumbest decision, not to include a vibrate feature in their controllers. What were they thinking...
  • How can i make enough money for a ps3 i want it so badly?

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  • please answer
  • Heres some things you can do

    1. get a job

    2. do odd jobs if you have to

    3. garage sale

    4. sell on ebay

    5. Bake sale

    6. do household services

    7. Baby sit

    8. car wash

    9. gardening service
  • It might be a little too late in the season, but try to get a job caddying at a local golf course. I've wanted one for almost 2 years now, and in just 3 weeks of working weekends, i've already made $450. (16 hours total) Making about 50-100 a day. It's also a very rewarding job, helping you meet rich old guys (if is a nice private club) that can help you get places, not to mention a tan, and free workout.
  • Try making an add to post at the local corner store or local stores stating that you're offering lawn mow-ing or babysitting for ___$$.. concidering its summer you can also offer weed wacking and gardening, weed pulling all that stuff.
  • sell your valuables or get a job
  • Uh, work..?
  • dont get a wii
  • get on ur knees close ur eyes and say AAAAAAHHHHHH
  • ummm u must try the BOD..i mean Bank Of!!! or else beg,borrow or steal!
  • Monday, April 28, 2008

    Will cd cleaner on disc damage my ps3 laser or lens?

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  • laser lens
  • Maybe. Some of them are reliable and some of them aren't. But the bottom line is, you can't guarantee good results if you put a disc in your ps3 that is designed to touch the lens while spinning around.

    I have a 60, I have heard there is some kind of self-clean mode on the 40...

    However there is only one truly safe way to clean the lens of any optical media, that is to open the case, and gently rub a propanol-moistened q-tip from the center of the lens outwards in a spiraling motion, then very lightly touch the dry end of the q-tip to the lens to soak up excess propanol. Then give it a minute to evaporate and you've got a clean lens.

    You don't want to open the case until your warranty has expired, but if your warranty hasn't expired yet, the chances that your lens needs cleaning are virtually nil. It is not easy for dirt or dust to get inside the ps3 disc slot and reach the lens.
  • If you use the liquid, it will damage the PS3. Playstation even says not to use it. It will not damage the system to use the laser lens cleaner with the bristles, I use that and my PS3 has been fine.
  • you should check out this site where you can get a playstation 3 for free (hey, that rhymes!)
  • It shouldn't if you use it according to the directions.
  • How excited are YOU for GTA IV?

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  • I am this excited:

    I am watching all the available internet footage

    Watching all the video reviews

    I just spent 15€ on an import of the official UK PLaystation Magazine to read the 5 page review

    Me, and my mates, are all doing Nico Bellic accents


    Note: Any answers caliming me to be pathetic or telling me it is just a game will not be appreciated because you will be telling me what i already know.
  • I'm very excited about it and it's just a couple of more hours away.

    There has been many gaming sources in the U.S. that has already reviewed the game, and of course, all reviews are high. IGN even gave GTA4 a 10/10 and they haven't given a game a 10/10 in nearly a decade.

    Even though I wont get my copy until Friday because I'm having it shipped to me, I really can't wait for it. We already know about the hard drive installation, but the PS3 version will have shorter load times, so it all works out for the best.

    You guys in the U.K. are really lucky because you get the game first because of the time zone differences.

    When I first get GTA4, I don't think that I'll even do one single mission until I explore the city and get used to the city for a day or two. And one thing that I really like about GTA4 now, is that each day is now 48 minutes long in the game and not 24 minutes long like in GTA3, Vice City, and San Andreas because I really felt that each day went by to quickly previously.

    Good luck with GTA4 and I hope you enjoy it as much as I will!
  • V3RY Excited!! I mean this is actually the real video game that pretty much is like a second life for real. (cept your a bad guy and you're hired to kill other people and do all other mischievous things) but this game beats every game out there that has ever came out or that is going to come out. The hype is true. that's all i gotta say
  • terrified. I work at GameStop and so far have no register experience, so I'm terrified over how busy the store is going to get and how upset customers are going to be. I'm just glad we're not doing the midnight release. other than that, I don't care. I don't really play the GTA games. the only time I did, it was San Andreas and all I did was blow up cars and catch hookers on fire.
  • Haha. I like the way you ended the question.

    I'm super excited. Going to pick it up at midnight!

    HEll yeah!

    See you in liberty city!
  • I would be more excited if I had the money for it. ;)
  • Jack Thompson is angry.
  • I could care less.
  • Ps3 slim and lite?

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  • Will the ps3 slim and lite come with a boomerang controller, and does it have card readers,how many usb ports do you get,and how many gb the hard drive ?

  • From what i've seen and heard, the slim ps3 will just be a slimmed down version of the PS3, no new or additional hardware. The boomerang controller was a concept back in 2005 and was discontinued a long time ago. So it will not come with one. There will probably be about 2-4 USB ports on it, and the hard drive could be anything, based on how much they will cost when it comes out this fall. My predictions are: Black Silver or White, 4 USB ports, Wi-Fi (and wired internet) HDMI, 80 GB or 120 GB HD, and 1 Dualshock 3 controller.
  • There hasn't been anything Officially announced by Sony about a PS3 slim.

    I would guess that a PS3 slim might come out sometime by the end of next year, but that's just what I think.

    And I doubt that Sony is going to make a Boomerang controller for the Slim PS3. The Boomerang controller was only a concept design that was shown at E3.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • Madden question??

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  • Ok guys, the past 3 games I played Madden (PS2, Online) whenever an opponent QUITS and I finish the game, it doesn't appear on my record even though I finish the game and win.. my record is 84-40.. I should be 87-40 but my last few opponents quit. It never did this before and was wondering what is happening??
  • They quit, they get the loss. You unfortunately get nothing. What I do is usually check the disconnect percentage of my opponent and if its high then I usually don't play them. You should do the same, you don't want to play someone and win but don't get the win.
  • Is there a way you can play PlayStation 3 games on PS2 ?

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  • $400 is a bit steep for us who can't afford it yet all the NEW games seem to be only for X-box PS3 .

    So is there anything out there that I can get to hook to PS2 to PLAY games for PS3 ?

    But I guess if there was people wouldn't have to spent the $400+ on a PS3 huh ???
  • umm... nope and I will tell you why.. PS3 games are made on Blu-ray format and a PS2 only supports DVD-ROM format..... see its that simple.... also people would spend 400 dollars on a PS3... I mean have you seen one? its really worth the money... and yea i love my PS2 and i cant believe they don't make any good games for it.... and i dont want to hear that the 360 and PS3 games (like rainbow six vegas) can only be made for those consoles.... because the PS2 and 360 are made on the same type of format.... (true fact)
  • just buy a 360 its better than ps3 or 2... i should know i have both of em... i did not see a difference in blue ray and just standard high deffinition.. actually i was able to get better picture with my hd dvd player than the ps3 blue ray..and u think if u gonna spend your hard earned money u beable to play the old games from playstation on the ps3 wtf.. who wants a bunch of different machines setting sucks plus the downloading takes way to long..if u wait another year i bet the price will be down to 199.00 just like always...
  • No. The PS3 game disks are manufactured to a blue-ray format. The PS2 is not capable of running these disks since it is not familiar with this type of format.
  • I'm sorry mate but theres absolutly nothing out there except the ps3 itself. You'll sadly just have to wait a few years if you want one cheaper
  • No because there is like a certain code for the PS3 games and PS2 games and they are both different. Sorry!
  • of course im doing it right now
  • no u cant sorry
  • Will walmart let you buy 2 grand theft auto 4 games at once?

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  • Will walmart let you buy 2 grand theft auto 4 games at once?
  • you can call them, just go to the pretty self explanatory link and type in your zip code under "Find A Store" and you could probably find a number for the store near you

    i think gamestop will only allow 2 per household, i really dont see how they would ever know, for example: i go in or one of my brothers go in and buy one, and then a different brother goes and gets one.

    i dont know why you would want two though, i guess if they sold out you could always sell one off for like $80 to someone desperate :D

    and you can also just look for the game on and see if it says limit 2 per household or something
  • Don't worry, they will let you.

    It was only back when the next-gen consoles first came out when they limited one console per household. Even then, they let you purchase multiple copies of a game.

    And they let you buy multiple copies of Brawl, I think, so they should let you buy multiple copies of GTA4 as well.
  • Dude, I've seen guys buy girl products and Cosmopolitan magazines before.

    If they don't let you buy 2 games, they must not know what it is to work in Wal-Mart.
  • I dont see why they wouldnt let you. The best thing to do is call and ask them.
  • its not a crime 2 get more then 1 copy right?
  • I don't know why they wouldn't
  • umm yesss, why wouldnt they??
  • Sunday, April 27, 2008

    Has anyone ever played mlb 08 the show for ps3 in 1080p HD?

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  • if you have are the graphics alot better than 720p? i heard it looks awesome anyone else think so? 10 points for best answer
  • i did and i think 720p looks better because the colors looks more washed out in 1080p... it gets upscaled to 1080p. the native resolution for this game is 720p...
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • Does anyone know when HOME for playstation will be released?

    May be...
  • No one really knows its been delayed a lot.

    Sony is saying Open Beta for the Fall.

    Full release early Q1 09 or maybe even christmas time of 08 if the beta goes well.
  • Open beta this fall

    full release TBA
  • Autumn [Fall] 2008
  • How do i create a PlayStation Network account?

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  • please tell me the steps to get internet connection on the PS3, because I'm having a hard time -- therefore, i cannot start to make the PSN account.
  • you need a wireless broadband (with wireless router) then go to network settings under settings on the ps3 go to the third one down choose wireless> scan>SSID>type in password>then just select easy and ur dun

    happy gaming
  • You need to either plug your PS3 into your computer using an Ethernet cable, or buy a wireless router. Then, you go to Network Settings, and set up a new connection by following the on screen instructions. Then, you can set up and Online Account.
  • well what the previous person said isnt do not need wireless u can select wired connection also
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • Which game to buy?

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  • This is a question dealing with R6V2 and COD4

    1.which has a longer campaign

    2.which has a better campaign

    3.which one do you prefer

    4.which one is better in online play
  • COD4
  • Best game for my 4 and 5 year old boys on the Play Station 3?

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  • What would be the best game for my 4 and 5 year old boys on the Play Station 3?

    They loved Spider Man Friend or Foe and Viva Pinata on the Xbox 360. However, neither of those titles are offered on the PS3.

    Have thought about:

    Spider Man 3???

    Surfs up and

    Sonic the Hedgehog.

    Any ideas?

  • I would recommend a sports game! It seems like a perfect fit for them since they play sports! But of the three you mentioned, I would say Spider Man 3, 'cuz Sonic the hedgehog is not very good.

    Or you can try downloading a couple games off the ps store! They have quite a few games suitable for children!
  • Well I think the ps3 is a wonderful console (not a fanboy) but i would rather not recommend it especially if you have 4 and 5 year old boys. Ps3 was made to target teenage and adult gamers.. i would recommend wii however.. The wii has so many great kiddie games and you won't ever have to worry about finding the right ESRB rating for the wii.
  • MX Atv off road games free play especially ...

    Any of the racing games

    Spiderman friend or foe is on the ps2 though do you have the 80 gig or 60gig ps3 because it should be backwards capable

    Sonic the hedgehog is good as well.
  • It doesn't exist, my family has no Play station or Wii or any thing like it. Daughter is honor role every semester since second grade. Son just tested as gifted borderline genius. Get them some books or science projects. No cable T.V. or crap like that either!
  • ratchet and clank:tools of destruction is kind of a kids game but itd be hard for 5 year olds to play =/ and any other ps3 game
  • none. they should go play catch. dude- if u want to keep them occupied, let them watch pbs or if you have it, the pbs sprout channel.
  • The PS3 is seriously limited to games at that age.

    All three you listed up there seem good though for their age though.

    EDIT: Also MX vs ATV
  • Kk i wanna save money and wanna hide it from everyone and i noticed that in the back of my Thick PS2 that ther

    May be...
  • is a slot for the expansionbay and its pretty big and i was wondering if i put money in there would it burn up if i play my playstaion some times?
  • I am not too sure why you would want to hide money from other people instead of putting it into a CD or savings account (or anything that would make your money earn some type of interest).

    I would just go for a old textboook or some type of book you no longer use or read. Hollow out those pages and paste them together to form a cavity.

    Oh the bad thing about sticking your money in your PS2 is that if it gets stolen you also loose your stash.
  • put it in the bank anyone can open an account & you'll save more, outa sight outa mind. & it wont get stolen or lost.
  • probably
  • Saturday, April 26, 2008

    I dont want a free playstation from blogspot......why does every question have that as a answer?

    May be...
  • Because they are spamming noobs that's why.
  • It's just one company operating some spambots.

    They're not even humans.
  • Spammers are invading this site. i've also seen it on the xbox category.
  • Is it worth buying Call of Duty 4...?

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  • There are so many cheats people are using like god mode and stuff. Is it worth buying if there are cheaters on it...?
  • Every and any game will have people who just can't play the game fairly and will cheat to win, it sucks but it's just the way it is. But has that ever stopped you from buying a game before? I played it briefly and it was a pretty damn cool game. I heard it's fairly short to beat, but the online play is really great. I say go for it.
  • I'm pretty sure god mode is for campaign only correct me if I'm wrong. I have it on the PC and I've rarely seen anyone cheating, and if anyone calls them out for cheating they usually get booted.

    I wouldn't worry about it.
  • yeah.. it rocks

    its weird how expensive CD games in the states

    wheas CD game here in Malaysia cost around 5 USD each.
  • yea, it's the hottest game out for ps3. If you play online, u i will like it. By far the best game online for ps3.
  • its definitely worth getting
  • My boyfriend is in love with it. yu would probably love it too.
  • it absoloutly worth it its' the game of the year man!!!

    but if ur not going to play online u shouldnt' buy it its' short...

    <<<WISH U LUCK>>>
  • Anyone know how to connect a playstation 2 to a car TV??

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  • we have a tv in our car but obviously the playstation has to have power.

    Is there a cable that goes connected to the car or something??

    If so, where can I buy it? Walmart?
  • You have to find in your car the spot where the cables go (just like the back of your TV, red, white, and yellow ports) after you plug it in you have to have a power converter (you can buy them a Wal-Mart, Target, etc.) it looks like a car charger but it has an outlet just like the one on your wall at your home. After that you turn it on play till your hands fall off! lol
  • Yea, for our van w/ a tv, we had to buy this adapter thing for the power, prolly just have to ask about it at best buy where we got ours, cuz there is multiple ones that give you an outlet to plug it in, and the audio/video cord i believe should just be somwhere on the car if the car came with the tv.
  • You can use a simple power inverter like this...
  • yah theres this thing that looks like a car charger but it has the power outlet instead of a wire and yea i saw it at walmart
  • no idea!
  • Are you a videogame GOD?

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  • On a scale of 1-5 how good are you at games...Could you qualify to be a proffesional gamer? (1 being worts, 5 being best)
  • Probably around a 4 give or take a point!
  • im only 12, so id have to say 4, when it comes to playing FPS games and fifa games

  • I'm an average so im a 3.....i can play all sorts of games and beat it like GTA, Metal Gear, etc......but im not THAT nice....
  • I'm basically the best :]
  • About a 4.9...

    No I'm just being modest.
  • Can the PS3 find access points like the wii?

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  • Yes sirrrr mr., but anyways yeah they can. All PS3's are Wifi enabled and can track down local internet connections if they're wireless. (but only if you can find a hotspot in your area) Btw the 20GB PS3 does not have Wifi, but it's discontinued...
  • Of course. If you have a PSP you know that you can acces the internet with it using WiFi technology. All PS3s support thi and they all have built in WiFi. You must go to settings and go to where you change the options for the internet.
  • this site will give you a nintendo wii just for completing some quick online tasks! really recommend it, especially if you're broke but really want a wii (like me).
  • Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters PS2?

    May be...
  • Does anyone have Gameshark codes for it?
  • Heres good one:
  • Just go to
  • Friday, April 25, 2008

    How can you clean a PS2 game so it won't freeze!?

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  • I have Grand Theft Auto San Andreas but it keeps on freezing at the start because it has a thew scratches on it is there any way to make it work or a way to get rid of the scratches PLEASE i need your help thankyou so much.
  • Take the disk to your nearest video shop, and they will repair it fully with money back guarantee
  • I bought a "Disc Dr." disc resurfacer, it works pretty good.

    I've also heard you can buff out small scratches w/ soft cloth & auto wax, but I have not tried it.
  • just clean the disk with cotton or buy a disk cleaner for the ps2
  • use rubbing achohol with some soft cloth it works perfectly
  • How do you pay for PS3 downloads, in PS3 store?

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  • I was wondering how you payed for them because I wanted to buy some Rockband songs... Please tell me!
  • first u go out of rock band entirely. in the main menu of ur ps3 to the far right is playstation network stuff. sign in there and then find the setting for managing your account. that's where u go to add money to what they call ur wallet.

    after u have done that, u can restart rock band and then go to their store. when u pick a song or song pack it will take u to a shopping cart looking screen but i couldn't figure out any way to add items keep shopping and then check out; so u complete the purchase of each item, select download now, select run in background after the download starts and then back out of that screen to shop more.

    when u used up all ur money u can play games while the downloads will keep going by themselves. or u can go back to the ps3 main screen and find download manager to watch each package's progress. whenever one gets fully downloaded a message will pop up in the upper right corner even if ur in the middle of playing a game. then u still have to go back to the main screen to tell each package to install.

    haha long answer but its still fresh in my mind
  • You can set up your own account with your credit card, to pay in PS store. I heard that PS point card is in Japan now, you can purchased that then put it in the Store as credit just like Wii...but it's not available in the North America yet. Hope it's coming soon. I like the idea.
  • You need to add funds to your virtual wallet, either by using a credit card, or by redeeming PSN Cards, available in $20 and $50.
  • with cash....................................
  • Playstation 3 question?

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  • can anyone who has a ps3 or doesnt use their ps3 but has one give to me? i cant buy it myself cuz my dad wont let me, add me as a friend if u want to give me ur ps3, pls, thnx
  • i would not advise giving ur personal info (like physical address) to someone who is promising to give u a ps3. in my country that's just asking to be scammed.
  • sorry i got well over a grand dumped into mine extra controllers stands games and movies. im not just going to give it away as i am sure that is going to be the typical response here
  • Well if you cant buy one because of your Dad, then why is he letting someone that you dont even know give one to you???????????????????????????
  • same problem of mine
  • Are you in a ps3 clan?

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  • Nope but when I buy mines I plan on joing or maybe even starting one...we could be a two person
  • I am in a clan on my PS3 for Call of duty 4. It's called (100) with over 20 members. It makes the game much funner when you are in a clan. If you want to see if I can get you in, add me, my PSN is: whitwe
  • No. Although I have had a few invites, I am not in a clan due to the fact that I am always on, while my ps3 friends are offline, therefore, there would be no sense in me joining their clans!
  • register here:

  • What color is your ps3?

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  • Mines is black (well going to be)
  • Mine is a kind of jade green with forest green trim and black racing stripes. There is an off-white lens-flare pattern on one side of the top, and low-opacity, watermark type images of metal gear and warhawk themes, mainly in dark blue or sepia.

    Just kidding. It's black, with silver trim. Since it's the 60gb, I figure that's the best ps3 color of them all.

    I wouldn't put any extra cases around my ps3, because it could slow heat dissipation. Changing the case itself will void any warranty, though it won't risk any heat problems.
  • All PS3's come in black but can be changed to the color of your choosing with a case, or full body color. My PS3 is black and I really would not mind changing it, my only concern is sending in. This is the best site to get the best colors for your PS3:
  • I don't think they sell the PS3 in any colour other than black. At least they don't where I live. Which sucks because I'd like a silver or white one.
  • Mine is black. They come in black white and silver.
  • Mine is black.

    I think they come in Black, White and Red.
  • Dont all PS3s come in black
  • mine is black
  • How'd u connect ur ps3 bluetooth?

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  • I bought a bluetooth device for the playstation yesterday and I think my ps3 might be difected bec. I bought my bluetooth to connect to my NBA live 08 chat and I tried to sync the bluetooth but it didn't work, so I was going to inquire about how to install it online in and I went to site to inquire, the site will give you step by step instruction on how to install, I found out that I'm missing a key concept in installing my bluetooth the "register bluetooth device". My ps3 is 40gb and I bought it at Wal-mart 3 weeks ago
  • I had a tough time doing this as well.

    When your at the startup screen of the ps3, scroll all the right to the left where it says like settings etc... and theres a thing that says like register device and then its pretty self explanatory.

    Good luck
  • I think you are saying you don't know how to register it? If so then you go to settings and accessories. In there is a section for blue tooth. You can then select add new device and follow the steps. If the code is not 0000 then your items instructions should tell you the code.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • well just to let u know if it asks for a pass code is 0000
  • Thursday, April 24, 2008

    Anyone heard?

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  • Any news on KH3 yet?
  • its def coming out but they still working on final fanasty 13
  • yea its still coming but I don't think its gonna be all the disney cartoons this time.
  • Burnout paradise ps3?

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  • Is it normal that burnout paradise freezes on you once and awhile? Cos my last ps3 got Disk Read error from burnout. So my new one comes in in the mail, and so far it has froze 2 times. Once during a race, and last night while exiting the game going back ti XMB. Is this normal? Anyone else had this problem with this game?
  • mine got some times freezed while playing/racing, so i guess its normal or somekinda problem with EA makers.
  • The Sims 2 Pets for PS2: Do you get any new clothing or objects?

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  • I've never played it, but I was considering on buying it (for PS2)...And I was wondering if you get any new stuff for it.

    Also, if you have any more information about the game (if its slow-loading, glitchy, etc.) feel free to post.

  • yes but very little. the game is pretty much the same so not very much new stuff
  • i wouldnt really recommend buying it if you already have the sims 2 for ps2
  • Urbz Sims in the City for PS2: Yay or Nay?

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  • What's your opinion on it? What features do you like and dislike?
  • yeah i think its a pretty awesome game
  • YAY!!

    ok ok McDonalds!!!!
  • nayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  • Urbz Sims in the City for PS2: Yay or Nay?

    May be...
  • What's your opinion on it? What features do you like and dislike?

    I'm considering on buying it, and was wondering if it's worth it.

  • i'd say yay. It lets you change your character every time you go downtown and you can get your own place. i love the sims & i happen to be addicted... :)
  • nah

    it really isnt that good

    the sims is much better

    the sims 2 has more and better features.
  • Super Smash Bros Brawl for PS3?

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  • Is there any way to get Super Smash Bros Brawl on PS3? My friend told me to install linux and to find a Wii simulator but I'm not sure what he is talking about. Is there any way to get Super Smash Bros Brawl on PS3?
  • No, there is no way to get SSBB on the PS3. As yet there are no Wii emulators for any platform.

    Assuming such an emulator became available under Linux it is questionable if the PS3 Linux environment would be capable of playing Wii games as OtherOS has no access to the RSX's 3d graphics acceleration.
  • There is no way to do it legally or illegally.

    You cannot get access to the PS3s graphics power in Linux, so if you did install a Wii emulator (if such a thing exists yet) it wouldn't run correctly (if at all).
  • no there is absolutely no way to do it legally I'm sure three's ways to do it but if you get caught you will be arrested or fined or sent to jail for copyright violation of Nintendo
  • No it is impossible if it was the graphics would look like a bad pirated movie.
  • there is no way to do it LEGALLY!!! but there is a way where u can download the wii emulator but i dont know how
  • yes there is ur freind is right download the simulator then get any game u want
  • Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Do you belive sony prices are too high or? (PS3)?

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  • That its the right price since it will be the futures new main console to make games?
  • Mmmm problaly...but that is a good idea about it being the futures technology, sony problaly planned ahead for this...or...they made so little for high demand...I mean they have somwhere around 11.9 sales soooo....
  • Yeahh i believe the prices are reasonable.

    PS3 is a good console considering i have one myself :]
  • too high we all know it doesn't cost that much to make it but they only produce a low number to increase the demand so we will pay outrageous prices.
  • no is value for money..
  • You get what you pay for!

    I got every appliance by Sony and I'm loving them.
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • too high
  • way too high i wanted to get one until i realized that they are like 500 dollars which is making me think of just getting an Xbox 360.
  • Oh yea. Thats funny because I went Bestbuy today & I saw a 40''Sony HDTV/LCD with 1080P & it cost $2,600. The other one was a 40''Philips HDTV/LCD with 1080P that cost $1,800. There were no difference between the two. Oh yes, the new PS3 with 80GB it cost $500 & plus tax.
  • In my honest opinion, a video game console should never approach the $400 mark ! With the PS3 launch prices of $499 for 20GB and $599 for the 60GB, Sony alienated potential buyers who just weren't ready or willing to fork over that kind of money ! I actually seen people buying the 60GB, an extra controller a couple of games then walk next door to the circuit city and buy a $1,500 hdtv set just to paly their PS3 games in high definition ! That's absurd !

    CAN BE AROUND $40.00
  • PS3 vs PS2?

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  • Is the PS3 just like the PS2 (gameplay wise) or better (overall with technology and games)?
  • PS3:

    -it has blu-ray

    -built in wifi

    -backwards compadibility



    -echanced graphics

    Basically overall its an big improvent
  • it is more advanced and better technology

    watch this video and it will explain it!
  • PS 3 is much better than PS 2, in the graphic side, color, virtual, sound and so on
  • waaaaaaaay better. I found the ps3 doesn't have to be focused on games, I've spent hours on it, without a disc in it.
  • The PS3 is a whole new playstation in almost every aspect and has stepped its game up even to its competition (PS2 was the weakest console of its generation technically, the PS3 far surpasses both the XBOX and Wii now)

    Gameplay is another thing tho, the PS2 had one of the largest and best game libraries but the PS3 isn't quiet there as yet. It needs time. But then when you think about it if you got a PS3 before the 40GB version (20/60/80) you still have the whole PS2 library in your grasp.
  • if you just complete a few quick tasks on this site they'll send you a playstation 3, completely free of charge!!
  • Of course the PS3 is far superior to the outdated PS2 technology !

    PS 3 :

    CPU: Central Processor Unit: Brand new Playstation 3 exclusive 3.2Ghz Cell Broadband Engine

    GPU: Graphics Processor Unit: NVIDIA/SCEI "RSX"

    Blu-ray dvd drive for high definition gaming and movie playback including dvd, cd, and Super Audio CD !

    Storage Medium: 2.5 GB SATA Hard Drive: Available in 20GB, 40GB, 60GB and 80GB !

    Flash card reader and wifi in some models !

    PS2 Specs:

    128-bit Emotion Engine CPU

    GPU: Graphics Synthesizer clocked at 294MHz

    Media: DVD, DVD-DL, CD

    Storage medium: Memory Card

    Any more questions ?
  • ps3 better obviously
  • PSP question, how do I load saved games? Help?

    May be...
  • Everytime I try to go to a game I thought I saved I have to start from the very beginning, this is getting old, can you help me figure out what I'm doing wrong? I do have memory sticks and the memory stick menu shows that progress was saved. How do I access these saved games?

    Thank you
  • once you start the game there should be a place that says load game.
  • Why my $61.45 Dual-Shock 3 would not rumble? And my roommate she is dieing laughing at me???

    May be...
  • Hi I using dual-shock 3 on Condemned 2,Heavenly Sword & Assassin Creed would NOT rumble. Yes I set my dual-shock 3 controller on. Now, I have my roommate she is dieing laughing at me? Her 360 controller rumbles. Damn you Sony!!!
  • Not all PS3 games will feature the rumble feature. Some of the games will require a patch that will release sooner or later by Sony but we have to wiat. Here is the list of games that will work with the Dualshock 3:

    * Formula One Championship Edition* (PS3)

    * MotorStorm* (PS3)

    * PAIN (PSN)

    * High Velocity Bowling (PSN)

    * MLB 08: The Show (PS3)

    * Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (PS3)

    * Resistance: Fall of Man* (PS3)

    * Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)

    * Go! Sports Ski* (PSN)

    * Folklore* (PS3)

    * Heavenly Sword* (PS3)

    * Warhawk* (PSN / PS3)

    * Super Stardust HD* (PSN)

    * Snakeball (PSN)

    * Toy Home (PSN)

    * PSOne Emulation (PSN)

    * Piyotama (PSN)

    * PixelJunk Monsters (PSN)

    * Blast Factor* (PSN)

    * Condemned 2: Bloodshot (PS3)

    * Lost: Via Domus (PS3)

    * Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2* (PS3)

    * Burnout Paradise (PS3)

    * Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3)

    * Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)

    * Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (PS3)

    * Turok (PS3)

    and many more.

    The "*" signifies that the title will receive an update that will make it compatible with the DualShock 3.
  • You have to remember that Sony stated that the six axis controller would supplant the dual shock feature in the PS3 controller and as a result of that, most early PS3 games did not have rumble support as designers left it out because Sony stated they wouldn't install a rumble feature in the PS3 controller !

    Most of the upcoming games should be rumble compatible !

    Note: Games such as AC, or Heavenly Sword may need a patch to enable the rumble feature. You should be able to download the patch via your PS3 console ! Check the download update section ! Happy Rumbling !

    Known dual shock compatible PS3 games: All games with an asterisk require a patch download for the rumble feature to be enabled !

    * SCEA - Formula One Championship Edition* (PS3)

    * SCEA - MotorStorm* (PS3)

    * SCEA - Gran Turismo 5 Prologue (PS3)

    * SCEA - PAIN (PSN)

    * SCEA - High Velocity Bowling (PSN)

    * SCEA - MLB 08: The Show (PS3)

    * SCEA - Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune (PS3)

    * SCEA - Resistance: Fall of Man* (PS3)

    * SCEA - Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction (PS3)

    * SCEA - Go! Sports Ski* (PSN)

    * SCEA - Folklore* (PS3)

    * SCEA - Heavenly Sword* (PS3)

    * SCEA - Warhawk* (PSN / PS3)

    * SCEA - Super Stardust HD* (PSN)

    * SCEA - Snakeball (PSN)

    * SCEA - Toy Home (PSN)

    * SCEA - PSOne Emulation (PSN)

    * SCEA - Piyotama (PSN)

    * SCEA - PixelJunk Monsters (PSN)

    * SCEA - Blast Factor* (PSN)

    * Sega - Condemned 2: Bloodshot (PS3)

    * Ubisoft - Lost: Via Domus (PS3)

    * Ubisoft - Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six Vegas 2* (PS3)

    * EA - Burnout Paradise (PS3)

    * KOEI - Dynasty Warriors 6 (PS3)

    * Capcom - Devil May Cry 4 (PS3)

    * Atari - Dragon Ball Z Burst Limit (PS3)

    * Disney Interactive - Turok (PS3)

    * Sierra Games - TimeShift (PS3)
  • When will the Ps3 go down to $299.99 and is there a ps3 modchip avalible...?

    May be...
  • when will the ps3 be 299.99 and is there a modchip....
  • I got a free Playstation 3 from this site, I highly recommend it!
  • The PS3 wont be $299.99 until this Christmas or until Next year sometime most likely.

    The 40GB PS3 is already selling well without a price drop, the new 80GB PS3 bundle has already been announced to retail for $499 in June, and it's going to be a while before the PS3's price drops again, but I'm pretty sure that the PS3's price will drop by some amount before this year is over.
  • Sony has no plans to make the PS3 cheaper that it is now....this will mean the company would loose millions.....besides it will also loose prestige....
  • it will probably go down when the Ps4 comes out but it will only go down to 199.99 so i will get it also when it goes down. and yes there is a modchip for it but i dont know where to get it
  • $300 for a PS3??? LOL!!! that'll be a while.

    also, no mods available for the PS3.
  • PS3 will NEVER be $299 but the 40GB might go to $350 next year and no mods yet
  • How do you get the yellow light of death on ur ps3?

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  • just wondering cause gta 4 is out on the 29th and i dont want it to happen.i have a 60g ps3 and i heard it happens with them 1s.
  • If the hard-drive fails on the PS3 you may get a solid yellow led, this is referred to as the yellow light of death in response to the infamous red ring of death.

    The yellow light will show if the console is overheating as well, but the console shuts down so you don't it for long.

    The PS3's overall failure rate is about 1% and hard drives, although mechanical, have a very low failure rate (over million hours mean time between failure, so on average your hard drive would fail every 114years) which means you are very unlikely to see a YLOD, however one in three XB360 owners are unfortunate enough to see the RROD first hand.

    I have a 60GB PS3, and it has been running for seven months now 24x7 (either games, or folding@home).
  • I never heard of such a thing! Well it may not be common. The ps3 has a .5 chance of breaking.

    you can get much information in this website,kindly stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,and you can aslo get your question answer in Google Search in this website, which has already helped me very much.
  • No such thing.

    Nice try.
  • That isnt whats it's called. It's called overheating of the PS3. You leave it in a tight space with absolutely no breathing room and let it collect dust. Let it have atleast 3-4cm on all sides of the PS3 including front and back. Dust it off weekly. Do those procedures and you will be fine. The PS3 does not usually overheat but when it does is easily replaced for free. Always remember...IT'S NOT A XBOX 360.
  • The yellow light only happens if you overheat your console. It is definitley not called the "yellow light of death" since in most cases its just a warning that the PS3 had to turn itself off in order to prevent damage.

    To prevent it from happening give your console plenty of room to breath and don't cover it with anything. Also do not lay it flat on a rug. Just take care of it and don't block the air vents.
  • Dont listen to the people who said there is no such thing. THERE IS such a thing for the PS3. What it is; its like the Xbox 360 RROD (red ring of death) but for the PS3, it turns yellow.

    But dont worry because the PS3 (all models) have a .3% failure rate, unlike the 360 33% rate. So maybe it will be a 1:100000 chance that this will happen to our PS3's.

    How do you get it? Well the PS3 is designed to NOT overheat. If it does overheat, and you press the on button, it turns yellow to turn off, to prevent it from over-overheating if you get my drift. Also, it could be a problem with the HDD.
  • why spend money on a playstation 3 when you can get it for free? just go to this site and complete a few quick tasks and they'll send you one - at no charge!
  • Tuesday, April 22, 2008

    PS2/PSP Question?

    May be...
  • I have a slimline PS2 and a PSP, not the new slimmer PSPs, one of the orignal ones. What do the "R" sensors on both systems do? I have SvR '08 for both systems and i tried connecting a USB cable from my PSP to my PS2 and nothing happend and i tried "Wireless Mode" on my PSp to see if it worked with my PS2. Can someone please help me?
  • The R is actually IR for the psp which they never really used for the psp, that's why it was not used on the new psp. Connecting your PSP to your PS2 will do nothing unless ur hacking a game and use it as a flash drive. And the IR sensor for the PS2 is for using remotes mostly.
  • Playstation 3 Home?

    May be...
  • When is that coming out? Full not BETA.
  • Around September
  • no its not, the full beta is projected to come out till fall of 08. straight from sonys people. Report It
  • check out
  • check



    I have the beta version of it, and sony still has a lot of work to do...I hardly find anyone online at the same time as I'm...
  • Top 3 PS3 Games?

    May be...
  • Top 3 PS3 games are:

    1: Call of Duty 4 (best game for online for ps3)

    2: MLB 08 The Show (best baseball game for ps3)

    3: Assassins Creed (best adventure game for ps3)

    Some other good games are

    Army of One

    GTA 4 (coming next week!!!)

    and Metal Gear Solid 4 (not out yet)
  • cod 4 best game

    uncharted drakes fortune

    rock band
  • Call of Duty 4

    Ratchet and Clank


    I think you can come to the conclusion that CoD4 is the best game for the PS3. These are my favourites. Avoid games like Assassins Creed and Army of Two. The games look really good but AC is too repetitive and Army of Two is just too boring
  • well to my opinion


    2.assasins creed

    3.burnout paradise
  • well if you are looking for games strictly by sales then

    1. motorstorm

    2. call of duty 4

    3 assassin's creed
  • resistance fall of man

    call of duty 4

    rock band

    i think motorstorm is kinda boring and uncharted was also not that fun =/
  • 1.Ratchet & clank FTOD

    2. Heavenly Sword

    3.Uncharted/ Resistance
  • 40gb PS3????

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  • Why does the PS3 40gb not have backword compatability? Will they make updates? or recalls?
  • Because it dont have an emotion engine
  • Launch ps3s (60gig) had actual ps2 hardware in it. They removed it from the 40 gig to cut costs so they could offer the ps3 at a cheaper price. You will never be able to play ps2 games on it...I believe psone games are still playable...
  • yea and that site is b.s i highly not recomending it
  • My plastation is from the uk the adaptor says iput:100-240v 60/50Hz can it work in usa?

    May be...
  • Yes, though most US TV's wont accept a PAL TV signal.
  • Have you ever played playstation while naked?

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  • I did so the other day while playing warhawk and i feel i played better, you see i consider myself rather good at warhawk and I usually get a total fo 50-60 points, however this time i got more than 80 and i attribute it to my nakedness.

    Have you evr played naked on or offline? How did it affect you?
  • Yes, I tried it once and then I've realized that the neighborhood's watching me play.... =)
  • This has to be one of the most random questions I've seen on Yahoo Answers. No, I've never played Playstation while naked.
  • No actually, but im gonna hav to try it now!
  • ....that was just too much info! by the way-I tried and did worse than I did before. lol
  • I play CoD4 and average around 20 kills per Team Deathmatch or Free for All. I played naked last Saturday and I was near enough the same. I don't know about you though, if being naked gives you some sort of gaming boost but not me
  • All the time, baby ;)
  • You've gotta be kidding me, a question like this from a top contributor

    No, I play Warhawk fully clothed, and if anybody in my clan doesn't and I find out, I will kick them out.

    Good soldiers generally wear clothes, particularly pilots. The only exception I know of is the notorious "General Butt Naked" in the Liberian civil war a few years back.
  • I've played on my Wii while naked...did naked fitness...

    i think i did better cause everytime I went to swing at a ball or bowl my pants fell down (they were real loose) so i got the bright idea to just let my clothes

    oh i've also played guitar hero in the nude too :D
  • LOL....

    I don't think I have...
  • Man, That would be akward if you played Rock Band with all your friends naked.
  • I'm just here to laugh!

    What a question!!

  • Of course, all the time. I play naked especially when playing Need For Speed Pro Street, the cars really turn me on.
  • hahahahahahaha! this is the most randomest question on this yahoo answers site and also LMAO at your additional details.. no, i don't have a DS3 but no i've never done it haha
  • haha. no. i'd be afraid that someone would walk in the room.
  • No way, i come from a mormon family!! just think what would happen if i were cought!! LOL
  • well.... i did when i was 15 and i got soo distracted (-_-;)
  • Vibration + Nakedness = :)
  • i do it all the time. i enjoy the the breeze but i hate it when you see a hot chick from the game and u just let out all ur manly juices.....but yeah
  • I'm naked while I have sex : )
  • Ofcourse who hasnt...
  • Nope, never have but maybe I'll try it! really random question by the way. Very funny lol
  • no u freak
  • Monday, April 21, 2008

    What type of ps3 do you have?

    May be...
  • I'm buying the MGS4 bundle pretty's an 80GB, I can't wait to buy it in june (thats if I have enough money) It's gonna be awesome
  • Mine is black and 60G.

    Will you be giving out best answer with such simple question? :-\
  • what do you mean like color cause mines black and i got the smaller gig.
  • I have the highest gig playstaion 3 and thinking about sending it out to get a custom color on it. Its gonna rock
  • 40gb
  • I have a 60GB PS3
  • I have the 80gb Ps3....wish i had the 60gb....
  • 40gb/ i sent my 80gb for repair so when the mgs4 bundle comes out ima return the 40 and exchange it for the mgs4 bundle!
  • i have the black 80gb version that came with motostorm from the U.S. (where i Live). I first had the 40 gb but my dad decided we might as well get it all when our 40gb stopped reading any discs after about 2 weeks even though we took perfect care so we returned the 40gb. the 80gb never had any problems. the best video game system ever. and all the best stuff for ps3 isn't even out yet (i.e. playstation home, haze, god of war 3)
  • 40GB / United States Import.

    I imported just so I could play region A BD's. FOX studios is evil!

    I live in Australia which is a region B country.
  • I have a 40GB PS3. If I had previously owned a PS2 with 20+ games then I would go with the 60GB because of the full backwards compatibility. I went with the 40GB because it was the cheapest and had the best possible deal from Sony style and I do not need more than 40GB of memory or backwards compatibility, nor did I need the extra USB slots. I also just found out that the 40GB has an automatic anti-duster built in the hardrive that, when activated blows all dust out of the console. And Dust was kind of a worry when I got my PS3 because of all the overheating because of it, now I dont have to worry.
  • When did you buy your ps3?

    May be...
  • I'm buying mines sometime in june!

    (choose me for best!)
  • a few months ago whenever they introduced the 40gb model.
  • Late March last year. So I've had it for a lil over a year and still hasn't given me a problem. F*** Xbox! lol jk
  • I got my 60GB PS3 in late December of 2006 in the U.S.

    I didn't get a PS3 directly at launch because I didn't have all my money saved up, but a month after the PS3's launch, I had enough money and I had to use Ebay to get my PS3 because they were sold out everywhere. And yes, I paid more for my PS3 than the retail of $599, but it was worth it to me.
  • I got mine in August 2007 when the 80gb model came out. Well, my first game for ps3 was obvisouly motorstorm...yay that was a nice game...
  • i got the 80gb for christmas
  • I got an 80gb for christmas and i love it.
  • I got my PS3 right after christmas. During christmas I got the most money from family, and I sold items on ebay and got the most money from those since it was close to christmas. Also, I bought my PS3 during christmas from sony style because that's when you get the cheapest and best deals.

    Here's the deal I got:

    -40GB PS3

    -Very low tax

    -Free Shipping

    -2 SIXAXIS wireless controllers

    -6 Blu-Ray movies

    All of this for only $417
  • Probly next year, you know once MGS4 and GT5 are out
  • PS3 Rockband/Guitar hero question!?

    May be...
  • Can you use the PS3 guitar hero 3 controller, to play PS3 rockband?

    And if so, is it possible to just purchase the rockband disc and drum set? Without the microphone and guitar.

  • I've seen on a few websites that you can't do it. The only guitar hero 3 controller that seems to let you do that is the wired xplorer controller for the xbox 360. They might let you in the future but as of right now you can't do that.

    Here is a link to a website that breaks down the compatibility for all systems.
  • yes there is a patch type update that lets you use the guitar and it will update when you insert the disc gamestop just realeased the extra peices
  • I asked the same question of a dude working at Gamestop and he said you can't use the guitar, don't know about the mic.
  • Nope, the guitar hero guitar doesn't work
  • if you're thinking of buying a playstation 3 you should out this site first. they give you a ps3 for FREE! all you need to do is complete a few quick tasks for them.
  • Metal Gear Online beta login problem?

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  • Anyone else having problems logging in to the Metal Gear Online beta? I went through the lenghty 1.01 update, registered with Konomi, and now everytime I try to login I get a message:

    Unable to connect to server.(0901:FFFFFFE0)

    Suggestions? I've been waiting for this beta for a long time, and I'm getting real frustrated.
  • The MGO beta has been delayed, so the servers are off now. Why?! Due to high levels of traffic. Konami will make another announcement regarding the beta test tomorrow (April 22nd) at 11:00 PM (PDT).
  • Konami's MGO website :

    We would like to thank all players for their keen interest in taking part in the beta test.

    However, we regret to inform you that due to extraordinary levels of traffic from all around the globe, we have been unable to run the service to the level we expected.

    As a temporary measure, we will be deferring the European public beta test and start it once we stabilize our server.

    We would like to apologize for all inconveniences as well as confusion caused.

    We would like to add that due to the above reasons, we will be making the following changes to the schedule:

    1) Start date: Planned for 04/25/2008 24:00(PDT). While the start is planned for the weekend, it may change due to unforseen circumstances.

    3) Beta Test closure: This will now be on 05/11/2008 at 24:00(PDT) rather than 05/05/2008 at 24:00(PDT)

    IMPORTANT: Please note that your voucher code will only be valid up until 05/05/2008, so please make sure to register them by then.

    damn... i was waiting for a week...
  • Which is faster at transcoding videos to mp4 PSP Video Express or PSP Video 9?

    May be...
  • i don't know i have never really got my psp video 9 to work so i would say the other one you said
  • the same rate when i doing ur mom and that really fast
  • What are some good games for the PSP?

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  • so far i have Socom and the latest Final Fantasy.

    anything else anyone would care to recommend?
  • God of War chains of Olympus. Anyone who likes 3d action/adventure titles will be blown away by God of War.
  • mlb 08 the show
  • God of War: Chains of Olympus.
  • Sunday, April 20, 2008

    Why does the ps3 controller suck so bad?

    May be...
  • from my experiece, the toggle sticks are extra sensitive, at least compared to the 360 when playing COD4 on either console. I havnt checked if its someting you can fix with controller settings or not....but ya i dont like the feel of it either way.
  • The thumbstick is not as accurate mouse. But Unreal Tournament 3 for the PS3 has keyboard + mouse support.
  • it doesnt you dumbass
  • since i am used to the 360 controls, when i played it on my dads PS3 it feels weird, but its not that bad
  • idk. i hope the dualshock 3 is good cuz these sixaxis controllers are trash.
  • Can i use a flash drive to install Yellow Dog Linux onto my PS3?

    May be...
  • Or do i HAVE to burn the file to a DVD? bc i dont have a dvd burner, but i have a flash drive
  • You might be able to use a flash drive:/ but if not then you will have to burn it to a dvd or even a Cd.

    I hope i helped.
  • i thought yellow dog linux was already installed....
  • Will GTA IV be compatible with the new dualshock PS3 controller????

    May be...
  • yep, I remember reading it in an article on the net quite a while ago. Back when Rockstar were allowing 2 hours gameplay for selected magazines, one of the questions asked was this question and the answer was yes. After all GTA has always done everything well :) Hope this helps
  • yes.
  • Yes!
  • Can't go on line with my ps3 wirelessly?

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  • ok today i was online and it was fine then i got disconnected and since then i can't go online. The green light the one that shows your online doesn't turn on when scanning for my internet and i find the internet but the ssid and key but still nothing it says access point not detected (8013030F) I need help. Im using 2wire router
  • Try resetting your router. (if no reset button turn it off then back on) then rerun network setup on the ps3...Your internet service provider may have changed the fixed IP.
  • not sure
  • i think ur connection sucks not the ps3 fault try reseting ur pc router it should fix the problem.
  • The problem is probably from the router or your internet connection. Try testing your router and if that doesn't work, contact your ISP.

    May be...
  • Yes, it will. the ps3 uses 2.5 inch hard drives and if u look in the specs it says 2.5" so it wiill work.,
  • Worst Game Protagonist ?

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  • What is, in your opinion, the worst main character in a game?

    I think it is Gordon Freeman and i know that people will disagree and say the fact you never ever see him and he never talks makes it feel like you are Gordon Freeman but i feel like it just makes him feel bland and emotionless, I feel there is no point never showing the characters face in game when his face is platered all over the box and on pictures from the game.
  • Well it could be worse than a bland char you never see, it could be Tidus from FFX, he was such a horrible whiny loser. While the game was great there were just too many moment you were just praying that he would shut up and grow a pair.

    I know I'm gonna get a lot of hate for this one but worst main char ever I'd have to give to Mario. Sure he makes a great icon but he has no depth whatsoever. I mean his char design was purely due to the fact that at the time he was created that was all they could do. His personality... if you could call it that... of the italian plumber wasn't even Nintendos creation. He was labled that by gamers and they just kind of ran with it. I mean sometimes I'm amazed how long he has lasted. That and why is it that everyone I know who claims Mario is great always plays with Yoshi in any of the million games Mario got attached to?

    Another horrible char that I can't understand why people love is Master Chief. Everyone claims he is so sweet, but why did it take 3 games before he decided to talk and actually develop a personality? As far as looks go, hes a Spartan and looks like oh every other Spartan out there. I mean come on the guy doesn't even have a name, he has a rank. He is basicly your generic Spartan, why is he so cool? Sure go ahead and say Spartans rule but other than the fact that he is the main char he doesn't stand out from other Spartans at all as far as I can tell. At least with Gordon Freeman they tried to make it feel like you were Gordon, with Master Chief they made the bland char and gave you no way to relate to him.
  • Bonk!

    lol... :P
  • I would say Hercules in Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkachi 3 because its sometimes fun to play with him and mess around but when you face the oozaru form against hercules u just want to flip the game over and throw it at the screen in anger and in the tv show i hated him every time he would say he defeated cell
  • the GTA 3 guy just because he doesnt talk.
  • Wario in any of the wario games.
  • i would have to say that the thing that shoots lasers in space invaders would have to be the most underveloped character ever. i mean, what is his (or her) motive. It wants to save the earth from aliens, how many time before have we heard this

    Apart from this theres the rub a duck in super rub a duck challenge on ps3

    take your choice
  • Saturday, April 19, 2008

    PS3 controller case mod?

    May be...
  • I want to mod a PS3 controller to have it look & feel like a 360 controller (with 360 shoulder buttons & D-Pad reversed with left analog stick)

  • if you want an xbox controller get an xbox. but the ps3 controller is optimized for a wider set of games, while the 360's controller is optimized for FPS's. and come on, only a tool would really notice a difference in placement of the analog sticks. an OCD tool at that.
  • Yo if you even try to mod it than it will mess up your controller.

    Dont get an xbox
  • um why? Get a 360 then.

    If you mess with the PS3 controller it could ruin the configuration, until sixaxis is replaced by dualshock 3 and you find a suitable tutorial on, I would strongly advise you against it.

    Anyhooo... you can get a decal for both ps3 and controller at:
  • get an xbox.
  • Urgent PS3 Help!!!?

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  • Im a ps3 soon and i only have a cable modem that i got with io. Will the internet on the ps3 work if i connect the ps3 directly to the cable modem's ethernet slot?Thankyou for any help and best answer will be awarded.
  • There is definitely an ethernet port on every model of the PS3. All you need to do is plug it in and set it up in the PS3's Network Settings.

    You also have the option of using wi-fi if you have a wireless router, but it is not necessary (plus wi-fi is less stable).

    If I understand what you're saying correctly, you want to use the modem that the cable company/internet provide gave you. These usually only have one ethernet port. You can switch back and forth between the PC and PS3 (or other devices) and it will work fine. If you have the money a router would be more convenient, but again, it is not necessary.
  • i don't think there's an ethernet port for the lan connection on the ps3. but you can buy an adapter. or hook the cable modem to your computer via ethernet and use ethernet slot for the ps3. most cable modems have multiple ethernet ports though

    you should be ok.

    worst case scenario, buy an $8 router and feed the ps3 and your computer w\ that

    good luck
  • You may need a crossover Ethernet cable, it will depend upon your modem. Just connect the modem to the PS3, and use automatic setting on the PS3 to set it up.

    Sometimes modems will only provide the IP address information once, so if you switch the cable from one machine to another you may need to reset (power off then on) your modem.
  • Problems with my Playstation 3.?

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  • When I connect my playstation 3 to my HDTV (Or any other TV for that matter) and turn it on, nothing shows up on the TV at all.

    I only got this problem recently, I could use it fine before.

    What's going on with my PS3?

    Before you answer:

    -I'm using a multi-color AV cable. (I've tried buying a new one)

    -There's nothing wrong with any of the TV's

    -I recently carried it in a backpack, across a few blocks, I don't think anything damaged the PS3 as I was walking though.

    -I brought it to one of my neighbor's houses to let them take it out for a spin, they used an HDMI cable instead of my multi-colored AV cable. Would that affect anything now that I'm not using the HDMI anymore?

    Thanks in advance,

    Best answer is the one that makes my Playstation work.
  • Relax, when you plugged in the HDMI you set the video output to use the HDMI, it is easy to fix;

    When powered down press the power on sensor for about 5 seconds, you will hear your PS3 beep twice. That will reset the video out so you can use the AV cables again.
  • I just came across a site that sends you a Playstation 3 for free! I'm ordering mine right now.
  • The Fan Test 40gb PS3 ?

    May be...
  • By doing this (The Fan Test) on the 40gb PS3, Will it harm the PS3 in anyway ?

    Thanks in advanced

  • No it won't hurt the PS3 at all. Just don't do it to often or you could burn out the fan motor.

    I wouldn't do it more often than once a month.
  • Probably not
  • I don't think Sony would make a feature for the PS3 that would damage it. I don't recommend using it, however, if unnecessary.
  • Should I sell my ps3?

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  • I have about 15 blu ray movies and 4 games If I sell it I would get a blu ray player of course....I have a xbox 360 and all the games come out for both and xbox has better online and achievments so it makes replay value high ill play a game through just for achievements and on ps3 its one and done...
  • no dont, there are a lot of great games like final fnatasy 13, metal gear solid 4, spore, god of war 3 and Home

    the ps3 will get better i advise you stick with it and achievements are coming

    besides at least online is free on ps3

    well good luck making a decision anyway
  • I've played the PS3, and while the graphics are better on some games, I still prefer the Wii. Much more interactive and more fun with other people come over.
  • PS3 will get "HOME" - it will have achievements and a lobby and an option for you to create your own room - move around places and stuff.

    Final Fantasy 13 and Metal Gear Solid 4 are PS3 Exclusives.
  • Wow. So MGS4 doesn't interest you. Nor killzone2 or Socom Confrontation. To be such a heavy gamer and own 2 systems I would assume those games would be interesting.

    To own the PS3 blueray player with blueray movies I assume you have an hdtv. Why would you sell your ps3 blueray player just to be forced to buy a stand alone blueray player somewhere down the road. Your Logic seems inconsistent.

    Acheivements- COD4 Have you gotton your 10th prestige, I play alot and am only on my fourth prestige online (ps3)
  • you should get a free playstation 3 from this site instead of buying retail
  • GTA4 vs COD4?

    May be...
  • Which will Dominate this Summer's Online Gaming Charts?
  • I think GTA IV, who doesn't love GTA! But, I gotta admit that COD4, is the most addictive online game.
  • GTA4.

    COD isent first no more and GTA4 hasent even been realesed!
  • Friday, April 18, 2008

    No NBA Live '95?

    May be...
  • I was flicking through my NBA live 06 for PS2 instruction manual the other day and there's supossed to be something called ea sports retro but i cant find it any where on the game. Did it get cut out of the Aussie version?
  • Suppose so.I also have NBA 95'.Trust me,it's not that great for a retro game.
  • 1080i vs 1080p?

    May be...
  • Is there any visual difference between the two on the ps3?
  • 1080p owns 1080i in many ways.

    When watching sports and stuff if your tv has a fast frame rate such as 100hz, you will really tell the different between 1080i and 1080p.

    1080i uses 2 diagonals scans (interlaced)

    whereas 1080p uses one continuous progressive scan.

    If your display is under 40" (give or take some) I wouldn't recommend paying extra $$$$ for 1080p, but if you are looking for a display 40" + then here 1080p really shines...

    If money isn't an issue and you are looking at LCD TVs, look for a 1080p TV, 40" +, with 100hz or faster. Also when buying a tv the dynamic contrast can be a major factor ( some cheap brands who offer 1080p cheap sometimes arn't very big on the other stuff that DO MATTER).

    On the ps3, I think there is a big difference. I own 2 TV's both bravia, one is 1080i and one is 1080p. The 1080p tv is awesome and offers greater picture clarification. I play a lot of cod4 and with 1080p the explosions look better and more realistic. Also the writing is much clearer.

    1080p is a bigger resolution so expect better picture quality.
  • only if your tv is bigger than 40in

    edit. 1080p is a higher resolution
  • 1080p is better
  • The visual difference between 1080i and 1080p is very minimal.

    1080p is the best though.
  • 1080p is Full HD. Always, Progressive (p) Scan is better that Interlaced (i) Scan!
  • 1080i is better.
  • I have a question for the ps3...?

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  • how do i change my online name... i went to the edit online profile but the only thing i can change there is my avatar... please help...
  • Currently there's no option that allows you to change your PSN name, you will have to make a new account if you wish to have a new name but doing that will mean you will have to start again online with your games because your stats, etc cannot be transferred over.
  • i'm not sure you can change your name, you can just make nother profile, the PS3 doesn't keep track of games played etc so you wont lose any content.
  • Sorry, once you create your PSN ID there is no going back.
  • You can't change your online ID! You need a new account if you want that.
  • Has Uefa Euro 2008 been released today on PS3 ?

    May be...

    10 points for best answer.
  • yes it is out today just checked the game website
  • it sure is, are you willing to get it on ps3?
  • The Console War is over, the winner is.....?

    May be...
  • Xbox 360....honestly the ps3 never had a snowballs chance in hell...sry ps3 fanboys
  • i knew the 360 would be better from the start
  • Wow dude you're a biased microsoft fanboy who really needs to get a life. i mean for real! Report It
  • Troll. Nice one little boy, I'll carry on playing the beta of MGS online when the servers go live on Monday and you can pay for a service which is always down. That's if you console actually works.
  • playstation home is coming out which is just as good as if not better than xbox live, i think this is absolutely ludacris you are declaring the console war over, i believe that Microsoft's xbox 360 is only in this discussion because they pay millions to get exclusive content (i.e. GTA IV) just so you xbox fanboys can sit there and gloat about it.....but if you want to declare this war over, that is fine, cuz while your xbox is gone for weeks and weeks recovering from the "victory" by getting a good old case of the red ring of death..I will be loving my Sony Playstation 3, Thank You, Have A Nice Day
  • Yeah this troll would have worked a lot better in 5 years, not at the start of the console war. Seriously I love my 360, stop being a moron and giving it a bad name. Also why are fanboys the first ones to make fun of fanboys?
  • Who are you to pick the winner..?
  • PS3's are much better.
  • As with most argument starting fanboys you have no REAL evidence to back this up and dont take into account any pros of PS3

    I also notice you are a repeat offender seeing as this isnt the first fanboy "question"you have posted that isnt really a question.

    I would debate you but that would make me as low as you and you are going to give the best answer to the person who agrred with you anyway so theres no point of me investing effort.

    I will, however, star so someone else can do that for me.


    Just because it sells more doesnt mean it better.

    PS2 outsells 360

    Do you think it is better?
  • What the HELL are you talking about?! The console war is NOT over. The console war is just heating up and if I remember correctly, it's the Wii that has the lead in sales, but like most people, I don't really consider the Wii a competitor in the 7th gen console race.

    The Xbox 360's total console sales worldwide aren't really that accurate because it doesn't count for how many Xbox owners that bought multiple Xbox 360's because their 360's Red Ringed.

    I can't stand 360 fanboys like you that always flare up this Console War stuff because it gets so old. Just shut up and play your games on your favorite console and keep sending in your 360 for repairs.

    You are a FOOL if you think that Console War is over. Metal Gear Solid 4 hasn't even come out yet. Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 haven't blown away the world yet, Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy versus XIII haven't blown away Fable 2 yet and God of War 3 hasn't blown away Ninja Gaiden 2 yet. Give me a break, you have no idea what you're talking about and the PS3's upcoming exclusives are going to CRUSH the Xbox 360.

    The PS3 has been outselling the 360 in the U.S. for the past couple of months and it's been selling better worldwide, you can say what you want but you can't give any facts can you?
  • I still think it's too early to declare a winner.

    Unlike the previous 2 generations, we don't have a single standout in both hardware and software sales.

    Globally speaking, the Wii is way in front in terms of hardware sales, but not so much in software sales. Numbers show that most people only bought Wii Sports (which is included), maybe Wii Play to get a 2nd controller, and not much else.

    The 360, meanwhile, is way ahead in software sales but the PS3 is beginning to catch up - especially in Europe. We'll have to see what will happen as big cross platform titles like GTA4 and exclusive titles like MGS4 hit the shelves.

    Even if we can declare a true "winner" later on in this generation, I think it's going to be a much closer race than what we've seen in the previous 2 generations where 1 console clearly dominated, leaving the other consoles to fight for a distant 2nd place.

    Either way, the true winner from this intense competition is the consumer who benefits from low prices and an increasingly compelling library of games.
  • Man dude, after everything comes out for the PS3 you will be pissed. Lets see which consoles the best at the end of the year. Stop making dumb fanboy fights. You can choose your system, but you don't have to be a total dick about it.
  • Dude the wii is frying them both right now. I can tell by you're answers and you trolling the PS3 section you are a Xbox Fanboy. Get a Life.
  • okkkk,,,, who the fu*k r u to say the console war is over?? ill tell u who u r u aint nothin but a lil punk pu*sy xbox fanboy who has nothing better to do but come on yahoo answers and post some dumb sh*t like that. NEWSFLASH!! the war isnt over!! wait no it is over and do u wana know who the winner is?? ITS THE PLAYSTATION 3!!

  • Dude where have you been the last couple of months the ps3 just outsold the xbox 360 for like the last 3 months. Didn't you even see what bluray did to hd-dvd. Dude I think you need to get out of 2007 and into 2008
  • what r u talking about.The console war isnt over and who r u to choose the winner.The PS3 is much better than the Xbox 360.
  • How cute. An Xbox troll whose 360 is busted so he goes on Yahoo Answers claiming to own all 3 systems saying that 360 is the best.

    Poor, poor 360 troll.

    There are 125 million PS2's in the world little troll. When thos epeople go next gen guess what they will buy? Thats right little troll, a PS3.

    PS3 has also been globally outselling 360 since late '07. 360 is only popular in the States.

    Xbox (Xbox+Xbox 360) = 50 million consoles sold to date.

    Nintendo (NES+SNES+N64+Game Cube+Wii) = 180 million consoles sold to date.

    Playstation (PSone + PS2 + PS3) = 240 million consoles sold to date.

    Xbox isn't even a blip on the map as far as console success. Right now they are basically the Sega Dreamcast that Playstation will destroy.

    PS2 destroyed Dreamcast

    PS3 will destroy 360.

    Do your homework bro, you sound like a fool.
  • You know, it's funny looking at how all these Xbox fanbois pretend that the Wii don't exist.
  • PS3 online information!!!!!?

    May be...
  • ok im signing up for the account but im stuck on something of course. Its about my online ID. what is that? is that a name i have 2 make up? and if so ive tried evil angel sora, and many more but it keeps saying online id cannot be used. Please help, i just got one problem done and here i found another.

    GOOD LUCK!!!!


    Try this site its free. No credit info. Plz use this link. I got 1 free ps3 already. Im going for my second

    Thank You very Much
  • Online ID is basically a Gamer Tag or Alias, a name that people will see if you are online.

    Your ID can't have:

    - Less than 4 Characters

    - Spaces

    - More than 16 Characters

    - The same as someone elses

    It should work, I fixed up my brother with his own ID yesterday. Without any problems. Just think of a name that no one will have but still relates to you.

    And don't waste your time looking at those sites above, they never work or you will have to pay money anyway
  • Thursday, April 17, 2008

    Only Playstation 3 fans/owners answer this?

    May be...
  • One simple question.

    When is PS Home released?

    I have spent in total around 20-25 hours looking on the internet and have mostly found the beta trial will be available in the ps store on the 18th April (tomorrow)

    But I also heard the full project will be launching May 20th.

    It has been delayed so many times.

    Do you think they are been serious this time.. or is it another hype to get people excited ..then let them down.

    Sony isn't doing a great favour right now.
  • Unfortunately that April 18th date probably isn't real, and I doubt the May 20th date is legit either. It wold be awesome if it were, but Sony not laid down a firm date. They just keep saying "soon," or "by summer."

    At this point I wish they would just put a realistic date on the table. Teasing us about it is just causing frustration. There are signs that Home is coming out soon, like the Warhawk 1.3 patch which enables Home integration, and the fact that some people have downloaded Home 1.0 (but not been able to play it). I just keep getting my hopes up, only to have them crumble with disappointment. Siiiiiiiiiigh.

    I'm starting to wonder if Sony is just waiting for E3 (July) to release it. It would be a pretty huge announcement so hopefully they'll have it done by then at the very latest.
  • It is planned for Q2 2008. As of two days ago, that is all I know. If anything new has been said since then, you may be correct, though I doubt it.

    And just so you know, this question is asked about 4 or 5 times a day. Just look up past questions, save yourself the 5 points.
  • On Wiki it says Spring 2008 so soon probably... at most next couple of months
  • Does taking out a Ps3 hard drive void the warranty?

    May be...
  • my friend has the 60gb model and i have the 40gb model and his can play ps2 games. I want to swap mine and his but he wants to keep his HD.
  • No. Sony made the PS3 so you would be able to change the harddrive whenever you wanted. your warranty is still valid.


    The PLAYSTATION®3 computer entertainment system hard disk drive (HDD) is removable and upgradeable. An upgrade can be performed by removing the hard drive and replacing it with a larger capacity drive. Please refer to the PLAYSTATION 3 system owner's manual on how to properly upgrade the hard disk drive. The HDD must be a 2.5” SATA HDD.

    Sony Computer Entertainment America, Inc. (SCEA) does not have any information regarding specific compatibility or recommendations for hard disk drives for the PLAYSTATION 3 system. Upgrading the HDD will not void the warranty, however, the consumer takes full responsibility when upgrading the HDD. If you wish to back up your data, you may use the back up utility on the PLAYSTATION 3."
  • Not sure about the question, but by the way, swapping hard disks isn't going to allow you to play PS2 games: the hardware in the 40gb model isn't the same as the 60gb (60gb has special semiconductors for PS2 emulation), so it's impossible in the 40 to do this.
  • Most Frustrating Level You Have Ever PLayed?

    May be...
  • On a mainstream console, preferably on a current or prev gen console.

    I would say either climbing that giant kebab in hades in GoW or in Jak 2 when you have to get the seal peice from the end of the water district and have to fight your way out through legions of krimzon guard and laser turrets wihtout touching the water,
  • The last part in the last level of Black. I couldn't beat the end of it and I didn't want to restart the whole thing, so I had to leave my PS2 on for 4 days so I wouldn't go back to the begining and my PS2's rotor burnt out.and it broke, but I still beat the level and won a day before it did. Man, I love that game.
  • Jordan by Buckethead on expert on Guitar Hero.....still haven't beat it.
  • Crash Bandicoute (the original one). The last stage before the final boss. So many lives lost
  • For the ps2. This race In Midnight Club Dub Edition. I still can't beat it.

    As of current gen, A level in Blazing Angels 2
  • Through The Fire and The Flames on expert...Oh, boy...
  • Stuntman - that last level was a beeotch and I gave up.

    GoW - that hades spike wall thing crap.
  • Defeating Krew in Jak II
  • Lest stage of Nightshade for PS2. Basically an entire stage without a floor, so you have to bounce off walls and enemies to get to the end. And if you get hit, you likely fall to your death.
  • Grand theft auto vice city. when you had to kill that cuban guy with the mansion. he was pretty hard to kill.
  • Haha, Jak 2 is basically unbeatable without some type of Action Replay or CodeBreaker.

    Mine would have to be anything on any Crash Bandicoot Game
  • I would say killing Officer Tenpenny in GTA: San Andreas....I still haven't killed him. DAMN that fire truck!!!!