Tuesday, June 30, 2009

What are the pros and cons of the PS3 and XBOX360?

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  • im trying to decide which console i want to buy. the decision will be made soon and i need to know from people who have a good knowledge of both systems to give me the pros and cons of each system. best answer will go to person who gives me an unbiased list, no fanboy crap.
  • Xbox 360:


    Regarded to have better online service e.g. voice chat party system

    Halo and Gears of war very popular games

    Everyone has a headset

    Good for shooters

    Gets DLC sooner than ps3 in a few cases or only dlc specific for xbox

    XBL arcade


    Higher breakage rate

    Have to pay more after you buy the system e.g. Wifi adapter, Microsoft Hard Drive

    Have to pay to play online

    Only uses dvd (9gb)

    Only uses Microsoft accesories e.g. microsoft webcam not just normal one, microsoft wireless headset not the one u use for ur phone

    Not as much variety in the games


    Great Value for $$

    Bluray player(50gb disk means bigger games in future)

    Very good first party developers e.g. Naughty Dog, Insomniac games

    Gets very fun exclusives

    Exclusives have had 1/3 metacritic rating which is higher than any other console

    Free online play

    Constant free updates

    PSN sotre (which includes PS1 Classics to download)

    Wide variety of games

    Built in WIFI Connection


    PSP Remote play connection(Also Sony Ericsson Aino will have this)

    Great Quality Peripherals

    Better Hard drive (sata 2.5") up to 500gb

    games aren't region locked

    Play TV(A tv recorder)


    Initial price is alot

    Not everyone will have a headset

    Doesnt get as much DLC (downloadable content)

    gmae patches are sometimes big like 100mb download
  • depends if you want to play with your friends get the system they have, which is probably a 360 because its cheap. It has many exclusives and most of the game ps3 has. internet costs about ten bucks a month. Not to get down on the ps3 it has some great exclusives like mgs4 or little big planet. It often has better graphics and has blueray, online is free but not that great. Really the main thing is what type of games you play. if you play shooters xbox is a better console if you play racers and sports and like blueray get a ps3.
  • Xbox 360

    pros-Larger online community

    -a few better games


    better downloads on marketplace

    cons-online community is more of a younger audience(immature)

    -not much you can add on

    -online play is $50 year


    pros-free online play


    more up to date gpu


    wireless reciever built in

    web browser

    can install o/s on it to use it as a pc

    cons-not many epic games, but it does have good ones

    everyone hates it for some geeky reasons

    not many games released for it the past year or so

    I own both systems and love both, but to be honest Sony is catching up to Microsoft if not already passed them. Try both and see which one best suits you.
  • 3 things that there are better on the 360

    1online it wont lag as much


    3the store is so much better which also inculdes dlc

    ps3 has 3 better things than 360

    1 games more games dont belive me tell how many games microsoft as made which are great

    here the list


    mass effect 1 mass effect 2 mass effect 3 fable 2 fear files halo 3 halo odst gears of war 1 and 2 left 4 dead thats about it froza

    now ps3 only games lbp kz2 ristance 1 and 2 infamous uncharted uncharted 2 warhawk god of war 3 gran turismo haze heavy rain heavenly sword so anyone who says 360 has better games is stupid the 360 has better dlc but not games

    2 has blu ray

    3 wont break so easily like 360 with the ring of death and the e74 error


    1laggy sometimes

    2 graphics a small difference who cares i dont

    3price and users not so many have it

    4 price

    5 dlc

    360 flaws

    1it can break as soon as the first day u get it and might have to buy another one

    2 360 games exculsives not so many

    3the price shows that if it breaks u need to buy another one why not buy 1 ps3 than buy 5 360s

    4 u can get reported for about anything come on i cant f in the 360 its my house

    winner in the long run who ps3

    anyone who says the 360 has more games is an idiot it has more games becuase they came out a year eariler and got some ps2 games on the 360 but the exculsives sony wins
  • Rocker pretty much said everything I was going to say. Except the PS3 seems to have better graphics to me. But that may just be my XBOX 360. It is a 1st generation and does not hook up through HDMI. I have mine hooked up with VGA which is fairly close. However the XBOX is better for multiplayer games because XBOX LIVE is way more sophisticated than PSN but it costs $50 a year but well worth it!
  • SO is the 80 GB PS3 compatable with SOME ps2 titles?

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  • i bought my 80 GB ps3 on april 16. and iv been reading people are saying it has some compatability with some ps2 games. others are saying its not. so my question is. IS IT COMPATABLE WITH SOME PS2 TITLES?
  • Only old, 2007, NTSC 80GB is compatible with ~70% of PS2 games. New 80GB can't play them at all and there is nothing to be done with that. It's easy to differ between those two, compatible has 4 USB slots and a chrome trim, incompatible - only 2 USB slots and no chrome trim.
  • No there are no ps2 games that an play on the new ps3s because it doesnt have backwards capability like the old ones did- it cost sony too much
  • most games it will
  • PlayStation Top Contributers Help?

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  • what did sony really do wrong with the ps3?

    i know blu-ray wasnt a mistake, and that they have farelly close GPU's and Ram.

    So really what is the problem, the Cell? the price thanks.

    also i dont think sony can afford to drop the price it might help but i have 2 suggesions to increase ps3 sales.

    1. Launch a limited edition silver/white ps3.

    2. PUT MORE ADS, most people dont know that the ps3 can watch blu-ray movies,wifi etc.

    WTF, so 360 gets all the glory.

    put more info out there
  • IMHO, Sony's mistake isn't with PS3 itself (this console is great), but with marketing strategies, PR and so on. Sony must invest a lot of money in development of exclusives for all tastes, keeping it's exclusives to PS3 (look how many already lost - GTA, MGS, etc). PS3's cost reduction is a must. Look at Nintendo - they are about to cut the price, Microsoft had done it a couple of times, Sony had done it long time ago, before financial crisis. Sure, some features must go, but it's the console war after all.

    Also Sony made another bad move with PSP Go. Portable market is OK for Sony, they could keep releasing old PSP and work on PSP2 or investing in PS3 cost reduction and games production, but no, they have to release a watered down (yet more expensive) PSP Go (no UMD, smaller screen, clumsy controls for big handed people, etc). Do you think it's smart? Not me.

    I agree with you on 100% - Sony can put more ads, sell ad space (in Home, for example) for lower prices to attract more $. They can make a lot of $ by starting to sell PSN cards in PAL regions, but no, they prefer to waste money on some unimportant crap.

    Will we see PS4 if Sony continues to behave this weak and stupid?

    Very good question, have a star, man. ;-)
  • Sony definitely needs to put more ads and commercials in the Medial that one of the Reasons it selling so poorly compare to the 360 and wii.

    And I don't think Sony can afford any more price cuts they are already losing lots of money just selling the ps3.Even with a price cut it won't help anymore since I think the Wii is getting one so it will make it even cheaper.

    Even if the ps3 sells more I doubt it will ever catch up the the Wii it might be even with the 360 but It will take years before they can ever sell as much as the wii.

    The thing is that last Generation it was the ps2 era now its the Wii era Sony can't aways be the one with the best selling console.
  • You are right however, Sony cannot afford to put down the PS3 prices any longer, it already makes a LOSS for each console it sells.

    Launching a 'limited edition' console i believe would not 'combat' the problem, i for one am not to bovered about the colour of my console.

    As for your AD suggestion, Sony does need to put some form of advertisment out there, I never see a PS3 advert anywhere. XBOX has loads of AD's out there. (however terrible they maybe)

    What sony needs is some more exclusives to really stand out from the crowd, not a new average game like, say, God of War III, but something that can reall bring a new dimension to the console.

    As i am sure you are aware, Home is a dissapointment, It is O.K. but it has not much depth. If home gets a major improvement and a wider appeal, get the word out, actually make some use of all the furniture you have to pay for, and we may see sales shoot. Who knows?
  • Okay first of all dude, stop being such a fanboy... Seriously, I respect the fact that you like the PS3 better than the 360, but some people like the 360's game selection better, or they just find it cheaper. I think the PS3 is much better, but I still don't hate the 360 as much.....

    I agree with #2. They don't have any commercials for it. Microsoft is advertising all the time.

    They need more and more ads and commercials. And seriously, the PSP Go is going to fail. Big time. There's nothing that they improved about it. Smaller screen, weird controls (they are all the way on the bottom, which sucks), and games are only downloadable. The only good thing is that it has a lot of memory.

    And it costs $250...... WTF Sony?!?! The Wii is gonna cost less than that!!

    Advertisement and cost reductions are the two things that Sony must do in order to increase the PS3 sales.
  • Why did the guy who said 'the price' get a thumbs down? A price drop is clearly needed. Making bundles like GT5 bundle and GoW3 Collector's bundle would be nice.

    The one thing that would put PS3 ON TOP... (but would never happen):

  • The Price...how are you going to compete in the video game market with your product and make it more than double the price of the competition.
  • I'm not a top, but personnally I don't think Sony has really lost the war to hardcore gamer's, it's just lost to the casual and amateur gamers which make up a fairly large percentage of the current market. The Wii market has tapped people who couldnt have cared less about video games b4 it came out. Personally if it's not the best systems with the best graphics out there I dont want it, but above all this half a grand for a game system didnt really make those casual gamers too happy.
  • PSN is currently undergoing maintenance?

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  • PSN is currently undergoing maintenance?
  • Its undergoing maintenance because its all on servers. Servers need maintenance to stay running right, just like a vehicle or the human body.

    EDIT: What do you mean am I real?
  • It's undergoing maintenance right in the middle of the day.

    I have the same problem.
  • yea its been like tht for a couple of hours hope it ends soon!
  • Playstation 2 question.......?

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  • is there a second sims theme park game for playstation 2?
  • there isn't a Number 2 if thats what you mean but there are other games that are similar in nature that are for the ps2

    theme park 2001

    thirill vill

    not much that i can see other then those. hope this helps.
  • Ncaa 08for ps2 campuslegend?

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  • i am playing ncaa 08 and need help on db cover drill

    all tips are acceped
  • 1) Use the strafe button (R1) as you backpedal. This helps you change direction better when the receiver makes his break. Once the receiver breaks, then it is time to let go of strafe and maybe hit the turbo to stay stride for stride with the receiver.

    2) Jumping for the interception is a good way to get beaten. Your timing has to be excellent to out leap the receiver who usually always has perfect timing. You are better off trying to swat the ball down with the L1 button. Yes the INT would be great, but what's better? Giving up a huge play because you missed the pick, or an incomplete pass?

    3) Never overrun the receiver, meaning don't go past his route. Try to stay between him and the ball and if you can, stay as close to his route as possible and then go for the swat ball.

    It is tough, especially when the receiver does a double move route that can really mess you up if you bite on the wrong break.
  • Monday, June 29, 2009

    Why can The 360 Games Almost All Do 1080p, yet ps3 most games are 720p?

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  • cause it upconverts it the ps3 does native reolution no sizing
  • Any model of either the 360 or PS3 are capable of doing 1080p. The way they both go about it is slightly different.

    Most games for either console are actually 720p native; there are a few more games for the PS3 that are 1080p native than there are for the 360.

    However, the 360 has a hardware scaler built into it that every game will use, so if you set your 360 to 1080p, then every game will be sent to your TV at 1080p -- the 360's hardware is handling the conversion from 720p to 1080p.

    The PS3 doesn't have a hardware scaler; it does it in software. Because it's in software, not every game will use it. As a result, some 720p games will be sent to your TV as 720p, while others will be upscaled to 1080p.

    Oh, for those that say that older 360 consoles only do 1080i, that's only sort of right. You need a new 360 with an HDMI port to guarantee 1080p. Every 360 does support 1080p over the component (red/green/blue) connectors, but not every TV supports it so sometimes the TV will force you to max out at 1080i.
  • The 360 Elite will upscale to 1080p. All the other 360 consoles go to 1080i.

    PS3 games have a native resolution of 720p. That doesn't mean they won't play in 1080p.

    720p is the native resolutions for the majority of the games of both consoles. I doubt any 360 game has a native 1080p resolution since not all their consoles will go to 1080p.

    Sports games tend to be 720p only since its easier to view the ball in 720p, which is why ESPN/ABC is only 720p on the TV.
  • There are more PS3 games which run natively in 1080p than there are 360 games.

    Both consoles can upscale most games to 1080p.
  • The xbox 360 can do 1080i not 1080p, which is not near the ps3 which can do 1080p.
  • If The 360 DVD Game can do 1080p, why do we need blu-ray then?

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  • The 360 DVD can't do 1080p. The 360 Elite can upscale 360 games to 1080p. The other 360 consoles won't do 1080p.

    You need Blu-Ray because its storage capabilities allow you to NATIVELY run 1080p, which doesn't require upscaling bullshit and gives the more natural picture over upscaling, and add all the other game features. You can't really do all that with DVD. Blu-Ray's scratch resistant surface is a plus too.
  • first of all get to tv's that are 1080i put them next to each other pop in a blu ray movie on the ps3 and pop in a hd dvd movie on the 360 you will see the most craziest difference ever
  • because a Blu-ray disc can fit about 5/6 times more data on it - which you definitely need in the case of HD films and which games are utilising more and more as time goes on.
  • You can watch blu-ray movies on the 360. And, blu-ray discs hold more data and are harder to duplicate.
  • DVD cant do 1080p
  • Reccomended games for a ps3?

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  • me and my brother are going halves to ge ps3 but i dont know what games to look out for.

    i already know i deffinatley want: GTAIV and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

    my brother likes sport, war, driving, and action games. i like adventure, arcade like, and platform games. aswell as party games and driving.

    i was thinking of getting that new game infamous aswell....

    any other games you think we should get?







  • yeah Burnout Paradise is the best racing game on ps3 so get that one and your brother will like Call of Duty 4 and Call of Duty World at War as his war games and you may like a few of these

    Uncharted Drakes Fortune

    Prince of Persia

    Ratchet and Clank Future Tools of Destruction

    As games you both can play together you may like these

    Saints Row 2( it is similar to GTA 4 but better)

    Resident Evil 5( it is shooting zombies)
  • Motorstorm, metal gear solid 4, infamous, killone 2, call of duty series, etc.

    hey if you want to get video games for free you should really check out this website. Click on the link below.

  • I would suggest DC univers online if you're going that rout. It's going to be available for the PC and PS3. Then you can actually be Harley Quinn youself since you both have the same hairdoo and she did work at Arkham until she became an inmate there! LOL
  • Definitely check out Bioshock. I played it on the XBOX 360 and it was fantastic! IGN rated it a 9.4 out of 10! You can read the review here: http://ps3.ign.com/articles/920/920389p1...
  • here are some good games to get

    need for speed undercover

    heavenly sword


    cod world at war

    mirrors edge


    rockband 2

    gta iv

    little big planet

    uncharted drakes fotune

    virtua fighter 5
  • http://seeanswers.fotoloser.com.ar

    A very informative website, kindly stay a minute in website and check
  • motorstorm
  • Little Big Planet
  • call of duty 4 and waw

    metal gear solid 4


    fifa 09

    gta is really good
  • You should get KillZone2 it rocks with lots of new maps
  • Why is one of my PS2 games keep freezing once in a while?

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  • I have been playing this game the last few weeks (2-3,to be exact) and it froze today and a couple days ago.What's going on with it?Is it the game or system?I don't know,so can someone please answer,please?!
  • 1). May be the disc has some scratches or it's just dirty. Clean it;

    2). Nothing is perfect, especially software. Some games have bugs. Perhaps it's one of them.


  • Test out another game, if that freezes then it may be the system. Most likely though, the disc is scratched so it keeps freezing up.
  • 1. What is the game?

    2. What is the condition of the disc surface (mirror side)?
  • my ps2 dose the same thing sometimes. The game i scratched or your ps2 is just old and you need to get a new system.
  • What type of hard drives do the PS3's have?

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  • All of the PS3 hard drives in the PS3 history are 2.5 SATA sized laptop hard drives. They all spin at 5400 RPMs and are of the Seagate brand.
  • 20gb,60gb,120gb 5400rpm Seagates and 40gb,80gb,160gb 5400rpm seagates, both are 2.5" SATA
  • PS3s use 2.5 SATA 150 hard drives (the same as many laptops.

    Currently they come in 80 GB and 160 GB versions that run at 5400 rpm.
  • If you are trying to upgrade here is a great link.

  • there seagates all 2.5 inch 5400 rpm and then whatever gb it is 20,40,60,80,160 gb sozes
  • Dead Space controls not good?

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  • Are the Dead Space controls not good? I heard it's horrible on PC.

    I'm planning on buying it for Ps3, are the controls for the PS3 ok?
  • Yeah they are great actually, but warning, although it isn't as scary as people say, it is very very difficult.

  • The controls are great I had no problem with them
  • Sunday, June 28, 2009

    When is the Sony PS3 going to be $300 Brand New?

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  • When is the PS3 going to drop down to $300 for a Brand New system? I heard something like either Next Year 2010 and something like this late August. When will it drop? I am desperate of buying one.
  • Noone really confirmed the date yet but people at Sony are indeed saying there will be a price drop in late august or early 2010. Every time the PS3 gets a price drop comes something has to be taken out of the model itself, that's why Sony can't just issue a price drop right away.

    E.g. The "original" PS3 (the one that came out in 2006-2007 costed like $599 but it had everything. The current version of the PS3 is $399, but it no longer had backwards compatibility because Sony had to use a cheaper software to run the PS3.

    Edit: I randomly looked up the price cut out of curiosity and many reliable sources claim that the PS3 is not issuing it's price cut until August so they could release it with the new Madden NFL 09 game AND so it will be out during the back to school sales to boost marketing.
  • you are right. it will be late august. if sony does not cut the price, game companies like guitar hero will not support it anymore because nobody will buy it.
  • maybe in august
  • What is the title of the game on PS3 that utilizes steam instead of electricity?

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  • It is a shooter game and it has steam powered rifles.
  • Damnation.

    It was a terrible game.
  • What is the whole gamerstag or gamer points for the ps3?

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  • I read all about gamer tags and if I get this I get 100gamer points.what is it.
  • that's 360 language. ps3 has

    psn accounts= gamertags

    ps3 trophies= gamer points/ acheivements
  • Huh?
  • Is it okay for a 13 year old to play gta san andreas?

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  • don't see why not it is just a video game make sure he can handle it though
  • No, it's rated Mature for 16+. And trust me, you don't want your child playing that! The main character kills everybody, sleeps with everybody and kill innocent people. It's very violent and even I don't play that!

    This webpage might interest you, it's about GTA

  • GTA is the bane of gaming existence. it is the most pointless stupid series to ever be made.

    but yea if your 13 year old isnt like the majority of americans that do not understand how to separate entertainment from reality then he should be fine. This reason is why japan can have a game whose sole purpose is raping women. they understand that you cannot do that in real life. if it were in america people would be doing it all the time and then say "well i did it in this game" because america is full of retards.
  • It depends on if you think your 13 year old

    is mature enough to realize that you cannot do the stuff that you do in the game in real life.
  • as long as you know what's coming up in the game. you wouldn't want to be surprised when you walk in and he is in a strip club. LOL
  • Yes i played gta 3 when i was 8. Now im 17 and i got gta 4. Theres nothing wrong with the game.
  • As long as they understand that you shouldn't do the things the game depicts in real life.
  • Hey im 13 i got GTA when i was 9 im not mental but im fat.
  • It's not ok for anyone to play GTA... -_-

    Ah what am I sayin'! This is the modern age.
  • yea, unless he/she is immature.
  • YEA.. ITS OK
  • Naw man it is fine they just are bull shïtîń ÿâ
  • yeah me personally i don't care.
  • yeah why not its a fun game
  • Is the ps2 version of guitahero on tour exactly the same as the ps3 version?

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  • besides different grafix, are the ps2 and ps3 versions of guitar hero the same? or is the ps2 version laking some features/songs?

  • yes that other guy is wrong the ps2 version has a full band kit, the only difference is no online, otherwise it's excactly the same
  • Yes, they are the same.

    But the PS2 didn't get a Full Band version (comes with instruments) like the PS3, 360, and Wii. So it was sold game only, but still the same game as the others.

    Also, I think you mean Guitar Hero World Tour, because On Tour is the GH DS game.
  • What do you think of Dead Space?

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  • Aren't the controls awkward? It's weird that the character you play is at the left part of the screen. Is that anoying and disturbing when you play?

    Oh, is 20$ a good deal for it?
  • It was great. I have it for my PS3 and I beat it. I like the gameplay, the graphics, and the sound effects are great.
  • 20 bucks sounds like a steal.

    I have it on the PC, and it runs great... but the controls are TERRIBLE.
  • i really liked that game it was awesome

    but i guess it depends on the eprson
  • Played it for ten minutes, and I have to admit.. its way too damn scary!
  • that game sucks
  • honestly I hate it. lol
  • Saturday, June 27, 2009

    Where can I get a free or cheap PS3 (Playstation 3)?

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  • I heard of sites where you can get a free PS3 by simply signing up for a trial offer of Netflix or other companies. Are these offers actually legitimate or are they scams?
  • you have to look to find the right sites because some work and some are scams. i found a site called YourPS34free.com and it works great i got a free ps3 by signing up for a netflix account and getting a few other people to sign up too. check it out if you want and good luck !! -------> http://www.YourPS34free.com/index.php?re...
  • Want a free PS3? Go to this blog for info and the link!!


    Please sign up here with the link in the blog! I need the refferals!

    Here it is right way if you don't want to read the blog:


    This place really works!!
  • They are all scams

    I mean, Who is so fool that he'll give anybody a $400 PS3 for just signing up for a site...........

    But you can get cheaper ones at

  • eBay !!!!!!!! =D

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  • I am planning to buy 2 Call Of Duty 5 map pack (items) in the playstation store with my PS3 in Japan. If i was to go back to the United States and play on the same account i bought the items with (in Japan), would i still have the map packs on my PS3 in the United States, if not, is there any way to transfer the data (with a USB etc.) from my PS3 in Japan to the PS3 in America? I SERIOUSLY NEED HELP!!!
  • yea man, they will work any where...as long as your on your own PS3 or if you download them again from your account.

  • yeahh it would work

    but u would have 2 log on 2 ur online japan accont on ur U.S. ps3
  • yes you would still have them but i am not sure if they would function online
  • Far cry 2 question... ps3?

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  • should i get this game on ps3... some people say it is awsome...some say it is rubbish
  • this games looks and graphics are draw dropping i had it on ps3 and hated it but i later got it on pc and now its one of the greatest games ive ever seen i recommend getting it on pc but be sure ur ps3 can run it on ultra high the graphics are unbelievable when on those settings
  • I have farcry 2 on xbox 360..i think it's okay..not the best, but just ok lol...i just like to shoot baddies from far away lol
  • How much should I sell my PS3 rockband drums for?

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  • I just don't use them any more and they work just fine.
  • 30-40 dollars, since you can get a whole rock band set for 100 dollars.
  • 4.00
  • How do you send pics to other people on ps3?

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  • I got a pic tht was pretty funny and I wanted to send it to the people on my friends list. how do I do that?
  • go under a friends name and push triangle

    click creat message

    make a subject push enter

    make a body, push enter

    and lastly click the paper clip and and browse through the photo you want to use!
  • While writing a message to someone, scroll all the way to the bottom until you highlight a paper clip. Press the x button, and it should ask you to attach a picture to the message.
  • Playstation 3 ® Upcoming Games 2009 - 2010?

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  • My personal list of upcoming games from June 2009 til March 2010.

    Release Dates Sources:





    * = Must-buy

    ^ = Great

    Upcoming Playstation 3 Games:

    ^ Call of Juraez: Bound in Blood - 23/6, 2009

    Batman: Arkham Asylum - 25/8, 2009

    ^ Afrika - Q3, 2009

    Just Cause 2 - 27/9, 2009

    Red Dead Redemption - 9/10, 2009

    ^ Mafia 2 - 9/10, 2009

    * Modern Warfare 2 - 11/10, 2009

    ^ Bioshock 2 - 30/10, 2009

    Max Payne 3 - 30/10, 2009

    * I Am Alive - 30/10, 2009

    * Assassin's Creed 2 - 17/11, 2009

    * Uncharted 2: Among Thieves - 00/11, 2009

    * The Agency - 27/11, 2009

    * This Is Vegas - 30/11, 2009

    * Heavy Rain - 26/3, 2010

    * Final Fantasy XIII - 25/6, 2010

    * God of War 3 - 00/3, 2010

    ^ The Outsider - N/A

    My question(s):

    1. Am I missing anything?

    2. What's your list?

  • Well im not sure if these have released dates yet but:

    Metal Gear Solid: Rising? Isn't that on Ps3 or just xbox 360?

    * Massive Action Game Q3 2009. This is a must buy for me when I get a Ps3.

    *Quantum Theory 2010. - Looks like gears of war.

    * The Last Guardian 2010

    * White Knight Chronicles Q1,2010

    * Fifa 10' - Had to see that coming..

    *The Bigs 2 , July 7

    *Ratchet and Clank Future: A crack in Time Q3-Q4 2009

    *Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince

    * ModNation™ Racers

    I would say Gran Turismo 5 but there is no release date yet. Same with Final Fantasy Versus 13 and Final Fantasy 14.

  • i think you have most of them but there is madden 10 and ncaa football 10. that list would pretty much be my list just about.
  • Friday, June 26, 2009

    How much is a ps2 slim worth to this date?

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  • how much will i get for it
  • to buy one, the console alone is $99.99. if someone bought one used for $120, they got ripped off. they don't even sell for that much new.

    to sell one at GameStop, $30 in working condition.
  • if you are selling it......depending on the condition you may get a good $70 but if it almost brand new and every thing u may get $90
  • max 30pounds . i got a ps2 slim boxed sealed for 25 and i got three games with it and works perfectly
  • about a 100.00 dollers
  • Um i think about 120.00. My cousin had one and she sold it for that much at a yard sale.
  • 100 dollars
  • 20pence
  • about 100 dollars
  • Is Tiger Woods 2010 for PS3 worth the money to upgrade from 2009?

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  • Are the graphics, feature, etc. really that much better?
  • I am going to say absolutely, TW10 is the most realistic golfing simulation we have ever seen. Check out our review at:

  • just a few more courses and now it updates scores online as they happen and uses actual weather info for the courses

    if you think that is worth upgrading for , get it

    I got the Wii version for the play mechanics of being able to swing the club ( motion plus is cool ) , and kept last years ps3 version
  • check out gamespot for reveiw it got like a 7 or 8 i think nothing epic
  • I dont have internet for my ps3 but i want to get backgrounds off the internet and use it anyone kno how?

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  • Can i use like a jump drive or something cause i have internet on my computer
  • You sure can. Go to your themes website and download a few good themes..

    i reccommend www.allps3themes.com

    Get your USB and put it in your computer, and in the ROOT directory, as in the very start of it make a new folder called 'PS3' without quotes.

    THEN make another folder called 'THEME' without quotes inside the PS3 folder. Make sure they are in capital letters. In the THEME folder place your theme files, and remove the usb and plug it into your PS3.

    Go to Settings>Themes and install from removable storage device, then youve got your themes! easy as that.
  • Yes, you can do it that way. But it really is a pain in the *** to do so. You can go to sites that offer backgrounds/themes for the ps3, and they should have a tutorial on how to download them on to a potable memory device.
  • You can download the picture/image on your computer and transfer it to your PS3 via memory card or flash drive.
  • you can use a jump drive.
  • Uh, yeah.

    Just hook up your PS3 at a friend's house who has internet and download your backgrounds there.
  • use a flash memory
  • PS3 scary noises, what is it?

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  • So i have had mi ps3 since 2007 and recently got threw playing madden and in the middle of the game a vacum-cleaner like noise comes from the back of the console. What does this mean? What will happen? And do I need 2 send it back 2 sony?
  • Hey,

    That is just the fan =)

    when games that are really demanding or CPU hogs the fans turn on higher.

    There are about 7 levels of fan speed, and one time when i was playing GTA IV which is usaully always 2 or 3x louder than if its not doing anything, i accidentally left the door closed so it got really hot, i opened it i could feel the heat wave and it sounded like a jet taking off lol

    okay exaggerating but like a small vaccum

    so i would reccomend maybe vaccumiong the vents on your ps3 as its recomnned to do monthley or so, and let the side vent get room to blow off heat,

    good luck =D

    so no worries bud, if you need further help feel free to contact me or add my


  • It definitely sounds like the fan.

    Try to make sure that there is no buildup of dust in the vents, as this can cause overheating which will make the fan work a LOT harder than it should.

    If there is excess dust, you can usually just wipe it off with a clean cloth (socks work very well). If there is an actual clog, then you can get that out with a vacuum but I would suggest watching a YouTube demo on how to do that before actually attempting it yourself.

    Whatever you do, do not open your PS3 to get rid of the dust, as Sony will not help you if you do this.
  • step 1. get rope and book on how to make slipknots.

    step 2. create a slipknot with the rope.

    step 3. tie rope to object 6-7 feet above the ground.

    step 4. get a stool.

    step 5. while standing on the stool, place head into slipknot.

    step 6. kick stool out from underneath feet.

    *actual answer now* fyi, it's your fan, nothing really serious. it probably has something caught in it or it's a bit worn out. nothing to worry about
  • PLAYSTATION network help?

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  • So, today I was going to play a game on playstation network when I signed in I got this message "you cannot use playstation network with this account error (8002A227)"
  • Error code: 8002A227 means that you have been suspended from use of the PlayStationNetwork.

    If happens for many reasons, but since I don't know what you did, I can't tell you how long you are banned for. You can NOT make a new account on the PS3 system because they ban your mac address.

    If it is your first suspension, it won't be for long.

    If you are still left puzzled, call Sony Customer Support for PlayStation - although I don't recommend it. PlayStation Support is useless.
  • Recently about a month ago i got that error. It turned out my account was suspended. Now this can happen for many reasons. Profanity, sexual harrassement, racism or sexism, any mean comments, or anything like that could do it resulting in a suspension. You shouldn't get banned unless you get this code again. Longest suspension is probably 1-2 weeks but i highly doubt one week. But however if you go to playstation.com and email sony they will tell you why your suspended and how long your suspended. If you still left scratching your head(meaning you still dont get it) call sonys hotline. Its that simple. However your probably suspended for 1 week unless you got this code a 2nd or 3rd time. the second time its suspended for a couple weeks the 3rd you strike out and your banned forever. So is this the first, second, or 3rd time you got this error code? cause this all depends on that
  • Call Sony.
  • Question to people who finished inFamous?

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  • If you choose to activate the Ray Sphere instead of destroying it, do you automatically get the Infamous rank even if you're a Hero? Thanks.
  • yup you become evil does not matter if you were in hero you will go all the way down but aside of activating it you also get like 4 more of those power slots
  • Yes. You do. I'd rather stay good though.

    When you activate the ray sphere, the lightning looks wack.
  • Yes and your Lightning turns to a sleek black colour
  • Thursday, June 25, 2009

    PS3 Hardrive Question?

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  • My ps3 harddrive only has about 500 mb left,, and im wondering is there anyway to buy a new one and put all your data onto the new one.. Can it be done at gamestop, and how much will a bigger hard drive cost
  • Yes there is ! I recommend buying the Samsung Spinpoint 2.5" M6 500GB 5400 rpm ! They go for around $90.00 although I bought mine back in Jan 2009 for $87.00 before shipping and handling ! I recommend buying from newegg as they have excellent shipping and customer service !

    Now you will have to manually back up your data from your current drive to export it to your new HDD ! To do that you will need to use the PS3's built-in backup utility !

    The PLAYSTATION 3 system's Backup Utility feature can be used to create a back-up of all data from the PLAYSTATION 3 system's Hard Disk Drive (HDD) on a removable storage media (such as, USB storage device, MemoryStick, SD Memory Card, or CompactFlash. This feature can also be used to restore data that has already been backed up.

    For more information regarding the Samsung HDD and the PS3's backup utility, click the links below !

    NOTE: Keep in mind that your new HDD must be a SATA 2.5" 5400rpm notebook HDD ! Anything else will not work !

    Also gamepro.com has an excellent how to article regarding HDD upgrade ! I included the link below as well !
  • You can do many things before actually needing to replace your hard drive. To answer your question: Gamestop will not do it (not that I know of). Also, it's possible to put your data on to a new hard drive, but you'll need to copy it to an external hard drive, or some sort of portable memory device (something like a memory stick).

    I suggest you try to delete some of the game installs for games you are not playing anymore. You can also try to delete some of the messages you've received/sent to your friends. Things like that will free up some space.
  • Why the heck would you have a Gamestop or Best Buy do it for you? A 5 year old can replace the PS3 hard drive; its seriously that easy.

    Use any 2.5 SATA hard drive that spins at 5400 RPMs. You will also need an external hard drive with enough space to back up all the data on your PS3 through the Backup Utility.

    A 500 GB, the biggest available replacement, should cost about $90 or so.
  • You can't use an external hard drive. The ps3 doesn't recognize them. I know because I've tried. Replacing the HDD in the ps3 is easy. It tells you in the instruction manual for the system how to do it. The HDD will cost around 150-200 dollars. Putting your save data on a flash drive is your best bet since the data is such a small size.
  • You should be able to hook up any external drive to you ps3. If you want a internal one, I'm not sure many places can do that. Except sony or best buy. I've been wondering this myself, but I'm just going to opt for a external. Seems to be a better and cheaper option.
  • Best Buy will install a larger hard drive and transfer your old data

  • PS3's HDD can be replaced with any 2.5" SATA 5400 rpm HDD.
  • PS3 Great Cell, but tied down by its GPU?

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  • my brother said that the ps3 has a great CPU, but the fact that it has a bad GPU it ties it down, is this true.

    also why do so many ps3 games look the same as 360, even most people said that games like Killzone 2 could run on the 360, its just a matter of space.
  • That is somewhat true. The GPU is smaller compared to the Xbox 360, but the PS3 was designed that way. With a Cell processor you are able to do more complex calculations, so in theory the Cell processor would be able to do part of what the GPU does. But this means you have to program the game for a cell processor. This means your game can only run on the PS3, not on the xbox or a PC game.

    This is why so many games look the same on xbox and ps3. Its easyer to develop a game for the xbox (better tools and so forth). Most companies that are building games for three systems (xbox, Ps3 and PC) they develop the game for xbox and PC (which is the same). and then PORT the game over to PS3. Take the same code and make it work on a ps3.

    Some games do have more graphics that couldn't really fit on one DVD Xbox game disc, but those games took some 4-5 years to develop. Which would mean it would take at least another couple of years to do it again.
  • I disagree, the ps3 has gpu that runs with 550 Mhz while the xbox has gpu that runs with 500 Mhz.

    The ps3 has 7 CPUs that run with 3.2 Ghz while the xbox has 3 CPUs that run with 3.2 Ghz, thus the ps3 is much stronger.

    The ps3 has much greater graphics , and still the game producers didn't use the full power of the great ps3.

  • Do You Think Final Fantasy XIV Will Stay PS3/PC Exclusive?

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  • i doubt it i kinda lost trust with them.

    i hope they dont betray them again like on 13.

    to be honest i could care less about 13 versus..
  • How could you not care about XIII Vs?! It's PS3 exclusive and seems more interesting with a dark plot. uhh... back on topic.

    First of all, there is no "exclusive" part about FFXIV, it's multiplatform. So I guess you mean 'will it go to 360?'. And the answer to that is probably no. Since Microsoft already has it on PC, they don't need it on 360.

    But ya know, anything can happen...
  • You didn't hear FF13 is coming out for the 360 too.
  • How Do I Back-Up My PS3 HDD To A Portable HDD?

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  • i clicked on the system back up but it says not all content can be copied.

    so does it copy

    1. My E3 Videos?

    2. My Demos/PSN Bought games

    3. Pictures?

    also** one time i switched HDD from mine to school to play a demo with friends but it said i need to format it to work so how is the back up any diffrent?
  • The "not all content" probably refers to any material that has copyright protection. Some game saves have copyright protection placed on them; you can check to see if your saves have any by checking the Information for each in the Save Data Utility. This also may include music or videos you may have purchased from third party sites.

    I don't think PSN games or demos are copied. I think Sony makes you redownload them via your Download List in the top of the PSN.

    Everything else should copy, though.
  • it copies everything, Videos, Demos, Gamesaves, PSN games, Pictures, Settings, Theme, Firmware and so on. You need a big HDD it has to be at least 60GB
  • Can you help me with getting my Playstation 2 setup?

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  • My PS2 is in my basement, but I want to move it upstairs. I mvoed it upstairs and plugged everything in (and I tried around 3 times) and it wouldn't work. Everything is plugged in correctly, and I have OnDemand if that has anything to do with it? Please help, thanks.
  • Your TV needs to be on an input channel (kind of like channel '0') or channel 3.

    Are the audio/video in-out cables connected properly (yellow white and red), and it is connected to an AC wall adapter (the wall plug)
  • Ps3 oblivion help ( EASY 10 POINTS)?

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  • i wanted to know that can you still go to daedric shrines and do daedric side quests after beating the main quests?

    thank you
  • Yes.

    After the last main story mission, you can keep playing as long as you want.
  • Wednesday, June 24, 2009

    My PS3 is not detected by my tv. How can i fix this?

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  • I recently bought an HDTV. I had my PS3 hooked up to it via the standard cables that came with it and it worked fine. I then got an HDMI cable which i switched the PS3 to and the PS3 still worked fine. I later found i could get a better HDMI cable for cheaper so i returned the HDMI cable i had. I'm currently waiting for my new HDMI cable to come in the mail so i plugged in my standard cables again. The PS3 is no longer detected by my tv. I think what happened is the ps3 is still on the HDMI setting, but now that i have no HDMI cable, i can't set it back to standard. What do i do?
  • With the PS3 in standby mode (solid red light), Press and hold the power button for 2 beeps.

    This will reset the video output settings.

    On screen you will be prompted to choose new settings.
  • 1) turn of ur ps3 on the back

    2)turn the power boton(swich on the back)

    3)pres and hold (C-) right side of the eject boton

    4)it will reset urps3 when u hear 1 beep

    5)it will turn off ur ps3 when u hear 2nd beep

    6)press C- again and play

  • check you got the AV cables plugged in the correct holes.

    if your using the HD cables you need to plug the white and red ones in too so you have only yellow left over.

    so basically you need to plug in a blue, green, 2 reds and white to plug in...
  • Which Playstation 2 will also play the games from the original Playstation?

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  • I heard it was the Black one but the silver one doesnt, it there a difference.
  • All PlayStation 2 consoles are backward compatible, which means any PS2 will play any PS1 game. The color of the plastic doesn't make a difference as all the hardware inside the system is exactly the same.
  • All PS2 models can play PS1 games.

    The color is just a color. They're the exact same thing, except their color differences.
  • all the ps1 games work on ps2
  • When will the next PS3 Price Drop Occur?

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  • When is the next price drop for the PS3 going to be?? I am planning on getting one next tax season so around 6 months.
  • there is a rumor that in August there will be a madden 2010 bundle with the 80gb ps3 for 300 bucks lets see if it comes true
  • There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop in March. Didn't happen.

    There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop in May. Didn't happen.

    There was a rumor of the PS3 getting a price drop at E3. Didn't happen.

    You can see what the rumors are worth. Bottom line is nobody knows except Sony so there is no point asking about it.
  • yea theres a rumor going on about a 100 bucks drop on august when madden comes out
  • Would i be able to sell my ps2 at gamestop?

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  • i don't care how much money i get but would they accept it if it has stickers on it?

    or no?

    i really need money and i want to sell the ps2 along with all the games. thanks
  • i think they might take it with stickers but it's best you get them off before taking it up there. because they might probably say something about not wanting it.
  • yes gamestop will take your ps2 but they won't give you much for it i only got 20 bucks for my original ds. they'll probably give you 30 or so for it.
  • yea i think so...but still call gamestop and just ask
  • yes i sold some of my games
  • Do they have PS3 in North Korea?

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  • If so, would I be able to play a game with someone in North Korea?
  • About to get a ps3 things to get?

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  • I'm about to get a ps3 wat accesseries and games should I get
  • Accessories:

    - keyboard

    - headset (bluetooth)


    - NHL 09

    - Call of Duty 4 or Call of Duty World at War (both good)

    - Resistance 2

    - Little Big Planet

    - Motorstorm
  • They've already said almost everything but... You have to have an HD tv and hdmi cables for your ps3. The graphics are amazing and if you dont have them you've wasted your money. Also, the ps3 games are way cool online so if you dont already have a way to hook your dsl to your new system you may need to buy a router (wired is way better for gaming but wireless will work if it is too far to run an ethernet cable).
  • Accessories

    Extra controller

    Bluetooth Headset

    HDMI (If you have an HD TV)


    Call of Duty WaW

    Killzone 2


    GTA 4

    Resistance 2
  • A second controller, a wireless router if you don't already have one, an USB extension cable, BlueRay remote, HDMI cable if you have a HDTV, Madden 10 and GTA 4 are always good.
  • headset


    silicon cover for your controller

    Call of Duty WaW (Zombies!!!!!)
  • Tuesday, June 23, 2009

    I have codww for ps3 and a turbo controller, unless i shoot in burst, it shoots really slow. how do i fix this?

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  • What a noob.
  • yea just learn how to play man!!!!! Report Abuse
  • You can't fix it. This is a system put in by treyarch to stop people from using turbo controllers online. They think of it as cheating so they make it shoot slow to help stop people from using it.
  • Just play like the rest of the people in CoD-WAW, FAIR.
  • Ps3 vga cable?????????

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  • i wanted to plug my ps3 to my pc monitor, so someone told me about this cable that is supposed to work. It is the ps3 vga cable. I have listed two websites that show the specifications and information of my monitor and tower. Please help! Also will this cord give me sound or will i have to get a cord for sound.

    Pc monitor information:


    Pc tower information:

  • The Tower PC is not needed.

    But from the monitor I see, that it only has a 15 pin Sub-D analogue connector.

    This won't work with the PS3 then. If you had a Xbox 360, you would just get the HD VGA cable, and would have high definition on your monitor.

    But the PS3 doesn't have such a cable.

    You would need to get a new monitor, with HDMI or DVI plug (as DVI is compatible to HDMI with an adapter).

    But with standard 15pin VGA connections the PS3 doesn't work, unlike the Xbox 360.

    If you get a monitor with just DVI, the cord also won't carry sound.

    You would then need an additional audio receiver, that can use optical TOSLINK input.
  • Im not to sure but I think you would need this:


    You plug your PS3's cables into it then the plug in the other end to your monitor (vga). ask other people to though cuz im not sure
  • I have some questions regarding PlayStation 3 Accessories.?

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  • I want to buy a PS3 for the upcoming game Final Fantasy XIV (14) a MMORPG from Square-Enix. I want to have a PS3 that can run the game really well. I want the PS3 to be internet ready (no not wireless; it is wired *an option to use wireless would be nice though.*) I want to have a keyboard and mouse if that is possible. I used a keyboard with my PS2 so I know it is possible for keyboard but mouse too? Dunno. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?... can I use that with a PS3? Anything else would be appreciated, thanks.
  • As stated, the PS3 is ready to be hooked up to the internet straight from the box... wired or wireless, nothing additional to buy. As far as FF14, it may or may not be compatible with a keyboard or mouse.

    With all of that said, any bluetooth or USB keyboard and mouse should work with the PS3. If you want to make sure the keyboard and mouse work with the PS3, then get the bluetooth Logitech Media Board Pro ( http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?... ). I have this board and it works great, both the keyboard and the mouse. The only complaint you may have with it is the letters will eventually come off. If you need the letters on the keyboard in order to use it (I don't), then I would suggest getting some clear fingernail polish and putting it over the letters before using the keyboard... this will keep the letters from coming off over time. The keyboard does take two AA batteries, and I can use the keyboard for a couple of months before I need to change the batteries out. I use rechargeable batteries, but if you don't have rechargeable, you won't have to worry about going through batteries that much, unless you use the keyboard everyday, eight hours a day.

    FF14 will probably use a headset (might have keyboard capabilities like LittleBigPlanet), so if you don't have a headset, I would invest in one of these as well.
  • If final fantasy needs a keyboard, I'm sure Sony wouldn't require people to buy a bulky keyboard and instead, utilize the wireless bluetooth keypad attachment for the DS3. You can use any USB or bluetooth keyboard and mouse with a PS3 but mostly just for chatting or internet purposes. Keybds are not yet 100% compatible with games.

    PS3s are designed to be wireless (that's also the reason for having wireless controls) and the wired connection is the option if you don't have wireless network at home.

    Actually, if final fantasy is coming out in PC platform, just buy a PC version game and use your keybd and mouse. That is, if it is coming out in PC platform. I'm sure the graphics would be the same.
  • Any PS3 console will be able to run the game. And all models will be able to run it equally well. There will be no difference. So you can get the cheapest PS3 bundle you can find, and still get the full experience.

    The PS3 is internet ready right out of the box. It has wireless LAN as well as a wired ethernet port.

    As for your mouse and keyboard combo: I think the keyboard could be used for chatting, but as the game is not ready yet, I can't say for sure, especially since there is a keypad attachment for the sixaxis controller.

    The mouse will most definitely not work.
  • aslong as there usb..
  • Which one is better for soccer game: Xbox360 or PS3?

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  • I want to buy a game but i dont know the best deal out there, .... which one has the best graphic for sporting and fighting game.
  • Xbox 360.
  • i have FIFA for the ps3 but i have also played it for the 360 and to be honest there actually isnt much difference you get the same experience on both consoles
  • defenitly PS3! ps3 has better more detailed graphics than any xbox game
  • ps3 since it has a better graphics card than the xbox360
  • Will my PS3 break!!!?

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  • Omg, i left my brand new, two day old ps3 on in a closed cabinet for like 15 hours!!! I didnt mean to, whats going to happen? Im not going to play it for a day or so to let it recover...
  • Chill, man. It happened only once, it's OK. But next time make sure that your PS3 is in horizontal position, has 10cm gap around it. When it's off - cover it with a piece of cotton cloth, vacuum vent holes from time to time.
  • yea if its off and unplugged nothing will happen thrust me man!!! no problem and if on there is a possibility it might over heat
  • It wont overheat and break, PS3 has an automatic shutdown if it gets too hot =)

    be cool man!
  • it wont break dude, chill, it might overheat thou if it was on
  • it won`t break, calm down
  • Ps2 Backwards Compatibility program on the ps3?

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  • I'm not sure, but i think I may have seen a program in PSN that enables backwards compatibility to the ps3s that aren't backwards compatible at purchase?
  • No, there is no such thing. What you saw is a little add-on for old (4 USBs, chrome trim) 80GB version (it already has backwards compatibility). That patch just improves everything a bit and expands a number of compatible PS2 games, it won't work on newer consoles.
  • Monday, June 22, 2009

    PS3 Freezing, what should I do?

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  • Whenever I play my PS3,which is a 60GB model, it works fine with no problems. It starts up fine and runs correctly when I play games "Except when I play Killzone 2." With Killzone being as addictive as it is, it gets extremely irritating when my PS3 freezes, whether it being online or in the campaign. Like I said, I can plady Cod4 or any other game and nothing will go wrong, but if I play Killzone, thats a different story. Some days it won't freeze at all, but others it can freeze up to 4 times in 1 hour. I really don't want to spend 150 for Sony to fix it if it is a simple problem that can be fixed easily by repair people. I've read that freezing occurs with a messed up graphics card, but since all my other games work, I'm not sure. Anyone else have this problem, or have any suggestions?
  • If you only have this problem with one game, all the other games work fine including similar games like COD4, then the problem is not with your PS3, but with the game.

    Check the game disk it's self, see if it's dirty or if it has a bad scratch, if it is badly scratched, then replace it, if dirty, then just clean it with the proper stuff.

    If the disk is fine, then you could try uninstalling/deleting the killzone game data ( you might not have to unistall game saves) and re-installing:)
  • sometimes it has to do with the internet connection, if you are just playing single player try disconnecting the internet and seeing if that helps. otherwise make sure that your ps3 doesn't randomly disconnect and reconnect to the internet. that was what used to cause mine to freeze.
  • Try turning off Information Board. If this won't help - uninstall the game (not saves) and reinstall it back.
  • dont make a big deal out of it, ur cd might have dust or something, unisntall killzone completely, then install it back again, if that doesnt work just buy a new copy lol
  • ha ha.
  • There is a way to restore your ps3 to the way it was when it was new , I would try that
  • First step would be to buy a 360

    Hope that help good luck on your problem though
  • PS3 internet connection?

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  • I want to get an internet connection for my ps3... but i dont want wifi... is there any way of getting internet on ps3.. with cord or something?.... i have broadband through modem on my pc.... so maybe an adsl cable from ps3 to pc?... i dunno... thx in advance...
  • you can connect the ps3 via ethernet cable. This means that if you do not want to buy a router you can connect the modem directly to the ps3 via ethernet. after you do so go on network settings and create a new internet connection from the 'internet connection settings' link in the settings menu. there isn't a way to split or bridge the wired connection from the pc, to have them both connected through wire you need a router.
  • Yes, you can attach the cable to the modem and then attach a cable from there to the PS3 but it didn't work with me, so I used a wireless modem. much better IMO. why would you want wires all over the place.
  • Buy an ethernet cable they connect from your wireless box straight to your ps3. They are cheap and they can measure from like 1m - 100m.

    You always have good connection with them as well.
  • If the PS3 doesn't have a good year this year, will it spell disaster for the future ?

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  • Many thought that 2008 was gonna be the year for the PS3 but it didn't quite turn out that way so if 2009 isn't the PS3's breakout year with all the exclusive games that are coming, will it be disastrous for the PS3 !
  • Being an owner of the 60GB bought at launch unlike many PS3 owners, I for the most part have been wholly disappointed with the games thus far.

    It seems that the PS3 has become the defacto FPS console since many of the games so far have been in that genre and while I like FPS games, I also like adventure, action, puzzlers, rpgs, strategy etc and so far those genres haven't had much PS3 exposure.

    The PS2 at its height offered games that appealed to the masses and sadly the PS3 with its steep price and limited library approaching its 3rd anniversary, hasn't lived up to expectations.

    All of the bells and whistles that so many people were touting have now become a non issue as many games simply want to play games and not download music, photos etc.

    Doing away with BC has also alienated millions of PS2 owners who have yet to take the PS3 plunge. Sony has made blunders at every turn regarding the PS3 design, marketing and price.

    If they don't get it together soon, the PS3 will become an overpriced paperweight !
  • I don't know why people keep calling PS3 a disaster? I mean compared to the 360, it's sold more units (3 million to be exact) in the same time frame (3 years... The 360 has sold 7 million more due to 1 more year under it's belt) and that too at nearly twice the 360's base model price.

    Yes the thing isn't an instant hit like a PS2, but it's still fighting for the market.

    And does every year has to be a consoles year to be successful? I mean in terms of sales, non of the year even belong to a 360 cause the Wii has taken a market every year...

    And by the way, seeing the current roster, the exclusives I see coming this year are Uncharted 2,MAG,NGS2,R & C.... GOW3, GT5, Heavy Rain, FF vs 13 all are coming out next year. Sony does a good thing is distributing it's exclusives well.

    PS3 just is lagging behind 7 million consoles to the 360. 7 million is peanuts in the gaming world. Even if PS3 stays in the market for 6 more months than the 360, then too that lead is easily bridgeable. Only thing required is a price cut. Just imagine, at nearly 2 times the price, the PS3 is selling nearly equal amount as the 360... Just imagine what even a 100$ price cut will do to the sales and that too during holiday season.

    Even if the sales lag, then too Sony will never give up support on a PS console unlike the way Nintendo did with the GameCube and Dreamcast.... This is Sony... The company with the largest 3rd party team greater than M$+Nintendo combined. Trust me, give it another year and a price cut and then see.
  • The console itself is great. Great games too. Online service is very good. Technically PS3 beats any other console. PS3 exclusives win by all means, hands down.

    The bad point is Sony's greedy tactics. Instead of investing in PS3's cost reduction - they are going to release a pathetic PSP Go (I can only guess how much money they're spending on this failure, while internet is already full of complaints).

    Sony must think, how they can win in console war. Right now they're losing it (less exclusives, Valve rejects PS3, Activision almost done it too), because of high prices on hardware and software. Look at much weaker and highly unreliable 360 or childish Wii. Sure, hardware is crappy, but M$ and Nintendo invest a lot into exclusives and cost reduction plans. Wii is going to have another price drop soon. If Sony won't reduce prices on games and consoles - I'm VERY afraid, but it can follow Atari's or SEGA's steps. Remember those great consoles (technically they were very good for that time)? Bad marketing and awful PR killed them. Looks like Sony does the same.

    PS3 is great, games are great, but Sony's marketing strategy is simply awful. Sure, Sony had losses, but these are bad times for everyone, look at Sony's rivals - they are doing much better even with technologically inferior products. Sony must fire it's analysts, it looks like Sony CEO hires his relatives and complete idiots to do that job.

    Will we see PS4 and PSP2 if Sony continues to act this greedy and thoughtless?
  • Short answer: No.

    But 2009 & 2010 is looking good.
  • i hope not i just got a ps3
  • Judging from E3 that was held earlier this month, it seems that once again Sony is saying "the big games are coming! next year, that is..."

    God Of War is now slated for 2010, as is Uncharted 2. Gran Turismo will hopefully, FINALLY come out in 2010. I remember when it was a 2007, then 2008, release.

    Final Fantasy XIII (RPG) and XIV (online MMO) are both slated for 2010. XIII will be a multiplatform release outside of Japan, but XIV is PC and PS3 only...for now anyways.

    For 2009, the PS3 has Prototype (PS3 exclusive), Infamous (multiplatform) and a new Ratchet & Clank (I hope...) So it's not quite fair to say the PS3 has nothing for 2009.

    What's a larger concern is that the PS3 is now almost 3 years old, and still costs $400 or $500. Even Activision is now threatening to stop developing for the PS3 unless Sony cuts the price on the PS3 in an attempt to boost sales. Right now, Activision's sales numbers show that they're paying more in licensing fees than they're making back in game sales. That's not good, especially when paired with complaints that the PS3 is just too complicated to program efficiently for. As a result, what games that are released on the PS3 aren't pushing the hardware to its maxium, which then results in releases like Ghostbusters, where the PS3 version is visibly LESS detailed than the 360 version. If you have both consoles, like I do, which would you choose?
  • Does the GunCon,for the PlayStation,work with the PS2?

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  • I've heard it has better accuracy than other light guns,so I'm going to get it,but the GunCon was for the PlayStation,not PS2,but is it compatible with a PS2?
  • If it is USB then yes, otherwise no.
  • Will Fallout 3 DLC be on ps3 this thursday, June 25th?

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  • YES or No, and if not When
  • Possibly Bethesda hasn't said a word about it but it should come this thursday
  • Anyone excited about GTA: chinatown wars coming to psp!?

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  • http://psp.ign.com/articles/996/996667p1...
  • yeah, can't wait to download a free copy to my psp
  • Sunday, June 21, 2009

    What game should I get COD 4 vs GTA 4!?

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  • I don't know much about either, but I do know that GTA is long with a good story and COD 4 has amazing online play. Thanks for the help.
  • I've got both. I'd sugest GTA 4 because its a realistic urban setting. Although, if u like war then go for COD 4
  • cod 4, even though i got it the day it came out i still paly it, its an amazing game with a very very long playability, gta iv, bought it, 4 weeks later traded it in. get cod 4, its the best, you can't really get bored of it =D

    add me :P

    Xx DeadShadow x
  • I Personally Think you should get COD 4, Yes, it has amazing online play, Yet it also has a great storyline, If it was me, I would choose call of duty 4.
  • Actually GTA4 isn't that long. Heck the 360 version has an achievement for finishing in under 30 hours.
  • I love COD 4 but if you happen to be a fan of the GTA series then get GTA 4, their both great games.
  • gta 4 is an amazing game, but i find myself playing cod much more
  • gta4 is long but the story sucks. i play it for the multiplayer.
  • GTA IV because that has guns too.
  • CoD4 is much more funner and doesn't get old quick like GTA 4 does
  • What's an,atleast fairly,good space shooter for the Playstation?

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  • My dad wants a video game for his PS1. He wants a space shooter..

  • R-types, R-type delta
  • I dont know if it is for the ps1 but battle ront is a nice space shooter, and It has land combat also.
  • $55 for PS2, 1 controller, Wires, Memory Card?

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  • Any gamers interested?


    or any price you want.
  • the page won't work
  • The Page won't work but a Ps2, controller and Memory Card for $55 is good. I can't check shipping because the page doesn't work.

    I would be interested by I already own a Ps2.
  • On PS3 do u need the other red white and yellow cable i u have a hdmi cable.?

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  • If you have an HDMI hooked up that is all you need, it reads just from HDMI.
  • Depends on your setup. HDMI carries both audio and video signals, but if you want to get the sound out of your sound system (and your TV isn't connected to it) - use RCA cable or (if your system supports it) optical out. My TV is plugged into my sound system, so I'm using only HDMI cable.
  • no, HDMI will carry both audio and video signal. No other cables are needed.
  • nope
  • Favorite PSP game of all time?

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  • god of war chains of olympus
  • Coded Arms, Twisted Metal Head On, Star Wars Battlefront 2, Gta LIberty City Stories, Resistance; Retribiution God of war :chains of olympus,
  • i really enjoyed god of war chains of olympus. i also enjoyed metal gear solid portable ops and resistance retribution, but mi favourite is crisis core final fantasy 7
  • its a 3 way tie between Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops, God of War Chains of Olympus, and Final Fantasy Crisis Core
  • 1. Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories

    2. God Of War Chains Of Olympus

    3. Star Wars Battle Front 2
  • star wars battle front 2, untold legends: brotherhood of the blade, and rock band unplugged
  • I like turtles.
  • My games for the PS3 or pixely?

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  • I just bought a PS3 three days ago. Also today I bought Killzone 2. I noticed it is really pixely and not clear. I am playing on a 26 inch 720p Toshiba. I used to have an Xbox 360 and I never had this problem. What do I do?
  • the ps3s cable aren't hdmi cables thats an extra $20
  • buy an HDMI cable and connect it to your T.V. with that.
  • Saturday, June 20, 2009

    Isn't the 360 more expensive than the PS3?

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  • Here are some fees (mostly hidden) for the 360:

    $200 for Arcade model (which is the model people refer to when they say the inexpensive model)

    $100 for Wifi Adaptor

    $100 for 60GB HDD

    $40 for 1 year XBox Live

    $10 HDMI Cable

    Total $450

    Here is what a PS3 costs:

    $400 for 80GB PS3

    $0 for Wifi (included)

    $0 for HDD (80GB included)

    $0 for PSN (included, free forever)

    $10 HDMI cable

    Total: $410

    P.S. And that is just the basic price comparison. That doesn't include the fact that the PS3 has a Blu-ray player included, and the fact that the PS3 failure rate is less than .5% (where as the 360's is about 30%). What's even better is that most developers say they've almost reached the limit with what the 360 can do (that's why new model is on the way), whereas they haven't even gotten close to the potential the PS3 has.
  • OMG you are god.

    though the hdmi cable was quite expensive but luckily before circuit city went out of business i bought a 52'' lcd tv and they gave me 2 free monster cable cuz they couldnt get rid of them. XD
  • Actually since you get the blu ray, you can also look as a console for 150-200, and the blu ray which stand alone run about 200-250 for a decent one. At this rate comparion, why not just go for the 160G ps3? And you can find any model with some decent bundled games, like on Wal-Mart.com.

    This comparison makes me sad, I should have bought the 160G!

  • well yeah and if your an online gamer for lets say 3 years 120$ so nomatter what it costs more and i disagree with all those xbox FANBOYS saying online is better it is basically thne same freakin thing and controllers is a matter of preference.

  • Yes, but people don't see that.

    They just like see the commercial or go to the store and see the price tag which like $199 or something. Then they compared to other consoles and but they don't really see the overall amount of the console.
  • Keep in mind if you're willing to pay for quality. On average, 360 has more quality games, better online service, and more comfortable controllers. Also xbox has a vast majority of downloadable content available such as games, movies, and DLC.
  • From the looks of this it does look like that is true. But having to pay for Live gives Microsoft money to pay for exclusive content that gives people a reason to want Xbox. Maybe....
  • Don't forget the costs of AA batteries for the 360 if you don't have the rechargeable pack or wired controllers.
  • I think you answered your own question lol, but it is true the xbox is more expensive. Everybody go with SONY!!!!
  • Once I get my psp, will I still want my ps2?

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  • Does it get boring after you have something new or does it still stay fun? Should I sell it or should I keep it?
  • keep your PS2, only sell your PS2 when you are going to upgrade to a PS3

    PS2 is better than PSP, PS3 is better than both combined

    If you do sell your PS2, you going to REALLY miss playing games that need 2 analog sticks. Which is every first person game out there!
  • what kinda question is this?dont ask strangers ask this question to your self **** foir brains!!
  • Can any pair of USB Headsets work on ps2, or only the ps2 USB Headset?

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  • Cause i bought a usb headset, but its not the ps2 one. And it doesn't seem to work..... If it helps, its not for online gaming, its just for Nascar 06 Voice Command?
  • unfortunatlyit has to be ps2 but if you will use it alot try the ps3 bluetooth
  • No it doesnt work you have to use the ps2 headset
  • What's the best PS1 classic offered at the PS store?

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  • Metal Gear Solid followed by crash bandicoot and spyro (tie) then FF
  • Final Fantasy VII, hands down.

    First of all, all of the other games that people mentioned are pretty easy to find. Metal Gear Solid is a good game, but you can buy it at GameStop (it's included in the Essential Collection of Metal Gear Solid).

    Final Fantasy VII is one of the best RPGs EVER. It's also the best of the series.

    The game is just purely amazing.

    There's also another reason why you should get it. The game is really rare. If you look on eBay or Amazon, the game costs a fortune (for a PS1 game).

    In the PS Store, it's only going to cost you $10. That's an awesome deal.
  • It really depends on what type of games you like. Im a fan of rpgs so yeah.. FF7 or Suikoden. RE directors cut is great too, since its pretty expensive if you buy it off ebay or something.
  • No way it has to be Red alert the most classic game and the best of its time.
  • Crash bandicoot
  • as of now.....metal gear solid or Final Fantasy VII
  • final fantasy
  • Can you copy ps3 save data to?

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  • to a blank cd??
  • No, the PS3 is NOT a CD Burner out of the Box.

    I think that is a more of a future thing that consoles will be able to do.

    You can save data to Memory Sticks with the USB ports on the front.

    If you have the older models (40/60 etc..) then you will have the memory card readers.

    You can also save data on memory cards through the readers.
  • A CD? I don't think so, I don't think the PS3 has the ability to burn disks. Just plug in an external hard drive, that's what I did and it worked perfectly. Just make sure the external hard drive is the correct format. I think it has to be FAT32
  • you can copy it to a flash drive and then burn it onto a cd from your computer, ps3 does not have capabilities to write disks
  • No you can't, try a flash drive though.
  • no idont think so just to a usb or other external hard drives
  • Itouch and skateboard or just ps3?

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  • I got an xbox 360 but my dad nags me about getting ps3 but if i dont get it i can get a itouch and skateboard so which should i choose itouch and the skateboard or ps3?
  • Well, how passionate are you about skateboarding? If you really like skateboarding, then you should go with the iPod Touch and the skateboard, since you can listen to the iPod while you skateboard. If you aren't that into skateboarding, then you should get the PS3.
  • ps3
  • Friday, June 19, 2009

    How Important Are Good Exclusives To This Generation Of Consoles?

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  • Long Live God of War III!

    2/3 Of GOW3 Buyers DONT have a PS3 YET.
  • Exclusives are crucial for consoles. One good exclusive (such as GOW III, MGS 4 or LBP) pushes consoles sales higher.

    For example, my PC is relatively strong, so I don't buy multiplatform games for PS3 - waste of money, I can play those on my PC anyway (PC games are cheaper than PS3's). My PS3 is only for PS3 exclusives (I think, a lot of people will agree with me).
  • True Dat Exclusives make or break a console that is why the sega dreamcast failed playstation crushed it in exclusives and that is why ps3 is losing right now its main audience hasn't upgraded and until we upgrade we will not move further so it is important in the life cycle but also as much important as exlcusives are playstation 3 hasn't started to compete fully because Sony is still working with the playstation 2
  • Much more than any other gen I believe. Since systems are becoming much more expensive (especially the PS3) people are going to need a reason why they shouldn't just spend less on a Wii or 360
  • really important, games like god3 and mgs4 really help to boost the popularity of the system.
  • Have You Converted Any Of Your Friends To PS3?

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  • i have converted 2, and another into a raging ps3 fanboy lol.

    one Xbot

    And one Wii User hehehehehe

    feed sony =D
  • Yep, one! Not really a conversion, just a reluctancy to upgrade from a PS2.
  • Well it isn't complete yet but one of my friends has a wii already and wants a next gen system and i keep telling him about the superior playstation 3 so he says he is gonna get it because of Playstation HOME and stuff but he has 125$ right now but he says he may have enough from working this summer so that will be one
  • I have 2 of my best friends selling their 360s. One has his packed up and ready to be sold, the other needs 150 more bucks.
  • God of War 3 and MLB the Show have convinced me.
  • Nah. To each his own.
  • Haha I'm trying to. I think it worked cause he really likes the game prototype so I told him it's only ps3 XD
  • I convinced a couple of my friends to get PS3 (or they dream about getting it). ;-)))
  • No, I'm still trying... :(
  • Is this ps3 controller wireless?

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  • this is what im buying http://cgi.ebay.com/New-DualShock-Six-Ax... scroll down to the picture, what is that thing next to the wire for
  • Yes it is.

    That thing, you plug it up to one of the usb ports, and ta-daaa its wireless. I think it tales batteries.
  • It is wireless 4 the P3. The other piece is the USB adaptor to make it wireless. Probably early model before bluetooth built into controller
  • All PS3 controllers are wireless. The mini USB to USB cable is needed to recharge the battery when it needs chargin'. The internal battery cannot be replaced.
  • It's Dualshock 3 - the latest controller for PS3. Yes, it's wireless (via Bluetooth).
  • I seriously don't know all the PS3 systems support wireless controllers. good question. Ask the seller.
  • yes it is wireless!

    wired ones are really hard to find
  • I can play ps2 games, and regular dvds, but I can't play ps3 games or blueray dvds... help?

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  • Well I can play ps2 games and watch regular dvds but oddly enough I can't play ps3 games or bluray dvds because it doesn't even read it. It used to read it then give me an error but now it just doesn't read it at all. Please help as I know many people have gone through these types of situations as well.
  • Your Blu-ray laser may have gone out. Try the Disc Loading Problems page ( http://playstation.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/... ).

    If this doesn't fix your PS3, you will need to send it into Sony to get the Blu-ray laser fixed. 1-800-345-SONY (7669)
  • Playstation 3 2 questions?

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  • 1st- i want the psn name Jankyralo its taken though any tips on what to do?

    2nd- Can Two Ps3's Share SR2 DLC Packets?
  • 1. JANKYRALO, jankyralo, jAnKyRaLo... they are all the same name, it doesn't matter how you put it in, you can't just change upper or lower case letters and get it to work. I use all lowercase letters in my PSN ID, but you can type it in as all uppercase and you can still add me as a friend. The name is mine, no matter how you put it in upper/lower case wise, so you have to modify the name to get what you want. Try putting some numbers in, or using hyphen or underscore. The first position has to be a letter, so you can't start out with a number, or hyphen, or underscore.

    It could look like this:


    or: XX-Jankyralo-XX

    or: Xx_Jankyralo_xX

    or: Jankyralo_

    or: Jankyralo-

    or: Jankyralo_4_u

    or: Jankyralo-4-u


    There are many ways to get the name, you just have to do a little creative thinking and use all the tools available to you.

    2. Two PS3's can share the same DLC. You need the orignal PSN ID that has the content on the PS3 that doesn't have the content. The PSN ID will have to stay on the PS3 or the content becomes inaccessible.
  • 1st- append a number on Jankyralo,,, example, Jankyralo01, 01jankyralo, etc.

    2. i believe not.
  • 1. Replace numbers with letters or alternate between Caps or lower case.

    2. Yes use one PSN account and download it to both PS3's.
  • XBOX 360 or playstation 3???????

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  • ok well im thinking about getting an xbox 360 or ps3. dunno which one is better please give me each some plussses and minuses about both of the consoles and all the stats thanks.
  • I recommend the xbox 360 because:

    -They are in my opinion better for shooters.

    -The location of the analog sticks are more comfortable

    -There are better games i.e. Gears and Halo(unless you like ratchet and clank or god of war)

    -Xbox Live is a better experience than PSN, although you have to pay

    -Removable Hard drive

    -more people have the 360

    -The ps3 is more so made for "Button Mashers"

    -Easier controls

    -Has great additions coming up (NATAL)

    -Down-loadable Movies (Netflix)

    -Usb port


    -Free internet (PSN)

    -Graphics are a tad bit better

    -Has a Virtual reality chat room in my opinion is pretty cool

    -PSN is pretty cool

    -connects to PSP

    -Has multiple usb ports

    -When purchased comes with loads of memory (80gb to 120gb)

    -Great customizable avatar

    -Outstanding upcoming exclusives (Modnation Racers, God of War 3)

    -Amazingly quiet when running a game

    -Starts with just a slight touch of the power button.

    -Good gaming interface (menu with no game in it)

    -Internet Browser (awesome in my opinion and fast!)

    -Pretty good shooters (Killzone 2, Resistance 2)

    I hope that helps.
  • Xbox 360

    -Halo, Gears of War, Mass Effect, Viva Pinata, Halo Wars, Splinter Cell Conviction)

    -Xbox Live Service ($59.99)

    -Xbox Live Marketplace (buy xbl arcade games, and rent movies via netflix)

    -*20GB HDD for certain Xbox models, other models like the cheaper arcade model comes with a 512MB card

    -**to play online you need to pay and also requires a hard drive and you need the xbox that comes with a hard drive in order to play


    -Capable of full HD visual and audio

    -internet browsing ability

    -built in wireless wi fi

    -multimedia: music, movies, photos

    -help cure cancer via PlayStation Life

    -wireless and rechargeable DualShock Sixaxis 3 controller

    -PlayStation Network (play online for free)

    -Blu Ray movie player

    -40GB or 80GB HDD storage

    -Sony Exclusive games (Killzone 2, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, Uncharted, Littlebigplanet, Infamous, etc)

    -PlayStation Store (download full games, psn games, and other stuff)

    to tell you the truth, i used to own a 360, and now i have a PS3, overall, there is more value with a PS3, its 100 bucks more but if your smart and know what your money is worth, you owe it to yourself to get a PS3 instead of a 360. Sony's exclusive games offer more value than 360's, and overall last year and this/next year, Sony has more and better exclusive titles like

    -Killzone 2


    -Uncharted 2: Among Thieves

    -God of War 3

    -Heavy Rain

    -White Knight Chronicles

    -Demon Souls

    -Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma

    -DC Universe Online

    -The Agency


    -The Last Guardian

    -Ratchet and Clank Future: A Crack In Time

    -Gran Turismo 5

    -Final Fantasy XIII: Versus

    -Final Fantasy XIV: Online

    against this year/next year's Xbox 360 exclusives

    -Halo Wars

    -Ninja Blade

    -Alan Wake

    -Splinter Cell: Conviction (probably timed exclusive)

    -Forza Motorsport 3

    -Crackdown 2

    -Halo 3: OSDT

    -Mass Effect 2

    If you want games, yes theres games that come out on both systems, but as you can see, if you want great exclusive games, Sony PlayStation 3 has a crap load of great exclusives that weren't advertised at E3, but that are coming out real soon
  • I dont know either, i have an Xbox 360 and the only thing that sucks is you have to buy xbox live to play online and on a ps3 it is free. A ps3 has BlueRay and built in memory. With an xbox 360 you have to buy memory seperate and to get online you have to have a modem connected directly to it or buy a wireless adapter for $100. You can buy games and demos on Xbox 360 and im not sure about the PS3.
  • i say xbox.


    Large xbox live community

    Many exclusives

    Live is very fun


    Gotta pay for live

    Can't think of any more



    blu ray

    Some exclusives, but not as many good ones as the 360

    free live



    Not many good games for it
  • xbox 360 has a better online community and great games.

    ps3 has better specs. good games.
  • A PS3 is worth the money because it has more features and you don't need to subscribe online. An XBOX 360 needs subscription to go online and it might get the Ring of Death when you play it too much
  • palystatin has internat an x box has music but playstation has music and internet

    IT WILL GET THE RED RING OF DEATH (trust me i have one)

    (i have the ps3 and I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!)
  • At the top of this page there is a little bar that says " Search for Questions", enter your question there..it's been asked and answered a lot.
  • Thursday, June 18, 2009

    What's your ps3 gamertag?

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  • I play cod 4 and 5 (i play nazi zombies a lot), mlb 09 the show, and killzone 2 are the games i play online. Oh and i do have a mic

    My gamertag is packerfan0361
  • It's actually called a PlayStation Network Online I.D (PSN ID)

    Mine is McCloud-64
  • Can you change you PSN ID?

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  • Can you change it like you can on the 360? Is it free?
  • No, you can't change the one you already have, but you can make a new one, and yes it is free:)
  • Nope you can't at all, you'll need to make a new one, but maybe in the future it can possibly happen, who knows.
  • Can I make my PSP system into PS3 system?

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  • I had update my version of my PSP. After I got an idea if I could change the system into PS3 system! Can you tell me is it right?
  • No. The PSP's processor and memory would not be able to handle it.
  • No, you can't, they are different machines. A PSP is a PSP, and a PS3 is hugely more powerful, it will be a long time before something with the power of PS3 could be made the size of the PSP. Given the size of any portable screen, it wouldn't really be necessary anyway:)
  • Well why do you want to change it to a ps3 system if it is like a ps3 system.
  • that wouldn't work and even if it did you wouldn't be able to do anything. THe closest thing would be on of those PS3 laptops like Ben Heckendorn's
  • No. That be cool thou. The ps3 is big for a reason
  • Simple answer: NO!!
  • No you cant! Sony cant even do it yet =S
  • How to change ps3 to nat type 2.?

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  • Ok so I play ps3 online which is connected through wi-fi and for some reason I cannot get my connection on nat type 2 which is the best setting for wireless, right now my connection is on nat type 2 and is really laggy.

    So far i called my router company for tech support which is belkin and so far we did two things and neither worked, we opened the correct ports for the ps3 and we typed the ip address into the dmz firewall thing and neither worked. It is so frustrating when I'm always laggy. Can someone please help me??
  • nat type is a router setting, not a PS3. go to your router settings.

    Game lags is not only caused by changing nat types. it is caused by traffic in your internet connection. meaning, you have to make sure you are the only one using the internet. If you are on wireless, make sure it's secured so that nobody else in your neighborhood can connect to your internet and give you lags. or maybe someone in your home is also using the internet on a PC or laptop. sharing connection can cause lags.
  • Help from those of you with a 720p and 60Hz TV, hooked up to a PS3!?

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  • If you have a 720p(definition) and 60Hz(refresh rate) TV, hooked up to your PS3 I have one question. Are you happy with the quality? I just want to know. Because, I will be getting one and I will be hooking my PS3 into it via a HDMI cord. Will it lag, and is the screen clarity perfect? My main question is just if a 60Hz TV has any bur/lag/"ghosting" when seeing something fast-paced. Thanks for the help.
  • I have my ps3 hooked up in hd via HDMI cord the quality is great and it is not laggy, however if you play first person shooter game like call of duty for example it will look and feel different when you first start playing in hd, not lag or anything just takes a little time to get used to.
  • you don't wanna worry about that if you really want a PS3. Some people just have a regular SDTV and they are happy. You don't have time to check for lags once you get one. You will be just in cloud 9. Forget about it. Just get one.
  • Ps3 psn network prob?

    May be...
  • i asked this question before that i couldnt sign into my account responses were my account got banned so im ***** pissed cuz all the stuff i unlocked in some of my games like killzone 2 online all the badges i unlocoked i wnt have them anymore wud there be another way of getting my account bak with everything i already had
  • If you have been banned, you have no access to your account, even if you bought it. You should have read the rules before accepting them, as it clearly states you forfeit all rights if you breach any of the rules. You can call Sony to find out if you have been permanently banned, or if it is temporary. They may have only banned your account, have you tried another account? This won't help you get your stuff back you paid for, but it will let you know whether it was your account or your PS3 that got banned... or again, you can call Sony and ask them.

    The only way to have access to your stuff is if Sony lifts the ban. That is the only way. And yes, if you have used foul language on Home (or any game for that matter), Sony can ban you.

    If your account got banned, then you can still use your PS3 online, but will have to use a different account (without access to previously purchased content). If your PS3s MAC address is banned, you will need to buy a new PS3 in order to play online. If your IP address is banned, you will have to move, buy a new PS3, and set up a new account to play online.

    The best thing for you to do is to call Sony and see what the exact problem is: 1-800-345-SONY (7669).

    It may have been your PSN ID. I had a friend whose PSN ID was BADASS_BILLY, and he got banned because someone reported him for the name. Once he called, Sony explained the situation, they changed his name (that he picked) and Sony gave him access back to all of is content. If you have a vulgar PSN ID (or one someone else thinks is vulgar), it may have been banned because of that. Make a call and find out for sure... that will help answer a lot of your questions.
  • When you're ban is over, you will receive everything back that you originally had. Next time try to act more appropriate while using the online service, hopefully a two month ban will teach you a lesson in behavior.

    Secondly, my suggestion would be to do a little self education while your account is banned. By reading your question you clearly need more focus on education than video games.
  • you probaly have a certin time period b4 you can access your account

    and to the 2nd part of Ripcord's answer ur an idiot
  • Wednesday, June 17, 2009

    Should i buy a used 80 gb ps3 from gamestop for 300. Or buy one new and buy a warranty. Do they break easy?

    May be...
  • Should i buy a used 80 gb ps3 from gamestop for 300. Or buy one new and buy a warranty with it because i don't know if they break easy?
  • Never ever buy used electronic products ! Get you a new PS3 !
  • You should buy a PS3 from gamestop. theyre's already a warranty with them.

    unless you do not drop them from too high, there shouldn't be a problem. I droped mine on the ceramic tiles a couple of days ago (from about a meter) and it works as well as new (even a little bit more!).

    So the S in Sony stands for Solid!

    So get the used one, it's going to save you a lot of money. But buy it only if it's in good shape!
  • They break easily if you treat them bad EX like throwing it dropping it and etc now I would buy a new one with a warrenty sticker because who knows what could happen to the used console because sometimes the Retailer doesn't even check to see if it works. So your best bet is buying a new PS3.
  • you can buy a used ps3 on ebay and get a warranty through Square trade warranties.
  • If you don't have something to try and cool it down like a fan, buy a new one. It overheats like crazy @_@
  • the ps3 will last you a long time so you might just buy a used one there cheaper that way.
  • i think i go with warranty just to be safe and no they dont break easy,