Thursday, August 27, 2009

How long has your PS3 lasted?

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  • My 360 died on me and I'm thinking about getting a ps3 slim..
  • Purchased October 2007 and still running strong!
  • Mines lasted me for 2 years. lol im kinda sad because i wasted $50 on an extra 3 year warranty and i dont think i ll need it, but thats a good thing
  • i got it at christmas 2007 and it is still working! get playstation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…
  • I had mine for about 1 year and it is awesome!!!
  • It's lasted so long that I can't even remember when my boyfriend and I got it.

    Go PS3!
  • lolwut
  • ive had mine for 2 years
  • i got ine a couple years ago and its still running i dont think

    they die out...
  • u SHOULD GET THE FAT PS3... the ps3 slim could suffer from over heating like the xbox..
  • PS3 Slim vs PS3 Phat?

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  • Ive had enough with my xbox career so far, cause I have had 3 previous xboxs that have all broken down within 6 months on average and now my current arcade one has just fried, and I havent used it more than any other 360 person. Maybe its that Im just unlucky because many people are fine with theirs.


    Im gonna go with a PS3 and just ignore the high price compared to the xbox. So far all Ive found out in differences with the phat and slim is that the slim uses less power, it gives off less heat is quieter and you can by a 120gb slim for the same price as a 80 gb phat . Is that right? but the phat looks way better than the slim and many people are sticking with their phats cause they know its very very reliable.

    So basically the scores are:

    Phat: - Slim:

    2 - 4

    Please could any one that has an opinion give an answer that covers as much as possible cause I will give the most detailed the best answer and if you could sum it up or whatever with summin like;

    phat:- slim:

    2 - 4

  • The 80 GB looks cooler but its a dust magnet body.If you got 80 GB then you have always clean your 80 GB PS3.Because its get dirty fast because of thier ceramic black paint.In my opinion you have to buy PS3 slim because The PS3 slim (officially called the PS3 CECH-2000) will feature an upgradeable 120GB hard drive and is 33% smaller, 36% lighter, and consumes 34% less power than previous models.The cooling system has been redesigned and Cell processor has moved to a 45nm manufacturing process.The PS3 slim will also include support for BRAVIA Sync allowing control of the console over HDMI and will run quieter than previous models but no longer has the ability to install third party operating systems such as Linux.

    So buy it Because it has more features then PS3 80 GB.Sorry for bad English.
  • well phat for the looks and slim for the hardriove and the weight and the size
  • slim is better if your going to be playing it all night plus it's the 2nd gen of playstation3
  • Well for starters the PS3 had a price drop of $100 effective now ! So the Slim and Fatty PS3 go for $299 while the 160GB with Unchartered: Drake's Fortune packed in goes for $399 !

    Yes you're correct about the Slim being quieter and it does use less power ! On a down note, neither PS3 will play PS2 games nor can you download the LINUX OS ! Sony has stated that BC is not coming back so that's a bummer for people who wanted a BC PS3 !

    Thew only major differences between the Slim and Fatty besides the size is the Slim can now be paired to any Sony Bravia tv with a feature known as Bravia Synch !

    If you have a Bravia TV and you hook up your new PS3 with an HDMI cable (…not included), you can operate the PS3’s media bar with your TV’s remote – you can even set it to turn the system off when you turn the TV off.
  • Play station 3 ps3 Ethernet cable.?

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  • ok so i got a ps3 slim today this is my first time

    and i need to know what kind of cable i need for the ps3 Ethernet cable

    please quick

    i don't know what to do

    i know where to put it and stuff i just dont know what kind i need for the ps3
  • all you need is an Ethernet cable, because the Slim has Wi-Fi it doesn't come with one so you'll have to go buy one, or if you have any extra ones lying around use one of those
  • an ethernet cable that came with the ps3
  • Is it true sony are going to start charging?

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  • Is it true sony are going to start charging for their live service?

    My bro's a Dm working in the industry - hes a bit sketchy about details but told me sony are going to start charging (possibly around christmas time) in Europe for a premium live service. I googled but all I’ve found is this:…

    Cant find anything concrete or official. Please understand I’m not after personal opinion (I’m looking for backups or links on this from experts, retail employees etc if you've they've 2 minutes)?
  • I dont think anyone on yahoo will be able to answer this. Sony certainly won’t confirm it because they have a history of BS. Youre better off asking this on the official forum or user forums. Every 12yr old who owns a games console thinks theyre an expert on yahoo.
  • That's highly doubtable. If sony were to do that that would just give undecided console buyers a reason to get xbox because if I'm gonna pay for somthing its gonna be top of the line. Sony decided om free service to lure gamers not push them away. Let's say there's a small chance sony needs a profit and and does charge, it wouldn't be near 50 dollars and if it did, u can just see PSN soaring past xbox live.
  • You won't find a true answer here, just opinions. At this point in time, I would say no. I don't own a PS3, but I'm pretty sure Xbox Live has a lot more features which is why it costs money. So as long as they are trailing the Xbox in feature, I don't see how they could charge. They would also be taking away a reason why some people like PS3 over 360. When people give reasons why they like PS3 more, they always say free online play.
  • Used PS 3 Battlefield: Bad Company Gold Edition---Unlockables Question?

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  • If I buy a used copy of the Gold Edition, am I able to use the unlocks that were included with it when it was new? I know that all the same unlocks are accessible through playing the game on the standard edition so if they are designed to be used by the original owner and can't be accessed when you buy used, then it isn't worth the extra money to me. Thanks in advance for any help that anyone can give me.
  • yes they are on the disk not on a card so youll get them

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  • if it isnt turning on then the battery must have depleted. Just put it on charge with a usb and it will instantly come back to life lol u can even play with it still while on charge.
  • Charge it using the USB cable that came with it. Or press the home PS button in the middle.
  • maybe the battery is dead
  • Is it all the way charged? Otherwise i don't know
  • Wednesday, August 26, 2009

    How to get free playstation network cards. Free psn cards?

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  • how can i get free psn cards or playstation network cards without paying any money and not using a credit card? Best answer gets the points.
  • Here's a site for free psn cards and ps3 games. Works great. Get free games for any console. Free accessories. They have a live chat community to make friends or ask questions about the site and a lot more. I think this would be your best option. Check it out
  • You cannot get PSN cards for free unless you steal them. You cannot get them anywhere online.
  • You don't pay for online on PS3.
  • How do you get full HD on a ps3 with the 2 red, green, yelow, and blue cables its only 480i?

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  • i recently bought a new 42inch phillips HD tv for my family. and my son talked me into it because he has the ps3 40g and the hd stuff, but my step son told us to buy the colored cables so we did and when he plugged it in he noticed it said 480i not 1080p can any body tell us how to change it my son try ed be fore but did something wrong any. do i need to but different cables or in the display setup what does he do because we cant figure it out. it dosent say colored cables or have a picture of them.
  • First of all lokk at that cable you are using. One set of Yellow, Red and White should be seperate from the Red, Green and Blue(maybe also Red and White). Only plug the Red, Green and Blue cables into the TV.(also the appropriate sound cable) I am guessing you have that yellow one plugged in and are on that input on the TV. I hope this helps.

    Also try
  • you have to go to Settings>Display Settings>Video Output Settings then configure the ps3 to either 1080p, 1080i or 720p.

    You can get HD out of component (the one with lots of colors) but it doesnt have enough bandwidth to support Full HD and for that you need an HDMI cable
  • Since you have been using the SD cables, your ps3 thinks that it can only emit an SD signal even though you are using HD cables. You have to go to your ps3 settings and enable 480i, 480p, 720p, and 1080p. Then, you will get an HD quality signal.
  • The component video cables support up to 1080i and you could always buy a HDMI cable of amazon for 4 cents and give that a try. Other wise try changing the setting on the ps3 or it could be the game you are playing.
  • go into the video setting on the ps3 and click 480p, 720p,and 1080i the ps3 will then ask u do you want to keep this settings click yes..and your in hd heaven
  • the component cables of which you speak will give you full hd but he may need to change the settings on the ps3 to go to 1080p
  • If you would like to know PS3 info 24/7?

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  • it is

    I got so rapped up that I forgot to put that in
  • Sounds interesting, however what is your twiiter account? I love my ps3 fat.

    answer mines;…
  • Or...

    That's better.
  • um I stared your newer question and answered it so ... yea thanks.
  • For those wondering about the ps3 slim vs ordinary ps3?

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  • I got my ps3 yesterday afternoon from game stop. i had it on pre order and they got them in early (yay!). This is what i've found.

    It is thinner than the ps3, but nearly just as wide.

    Still kinda heavy

    It looks nice but no rotating Playstation Symbol

    Wouldnt trust it standing upright, wobbly without stand

    New start up screen displaying PS3 new logo

    A bit faster than the original

    Very quiet, can barely even hear it at all in a quiet room

    I had it on for 4 hours trying to download Killzone 2 demo, and it got pretty darn hot/over heated. bummer :(.

    Do you trust the original ps3 or the slim? any other questions?
  • Just make sure that the ps3 can get a loit of air to help cool the system.
  • Thanks for giving us a little review. I still trust the slim, but not as much as the original because the original has been out for much longer so it's more trusted. When you say a bit faster do you mean the games load quicker? The original looks nicer than the slim, and they want you to buy a $25 stand so you can stand it upright.
  • thank u very much...
  • Do u think that there will be a remake of ff10 for ps3?

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  • No, because FFX is already on the PS2. The game isn't that old. Besides, SE isn't remaking FFVII so why remake FFX. Very few people say that FFX is the best FF game, while a lot of people say that FFVII is the best FF game. If SE isn't going to remake the more popular game, why would it remake a less popular game.
  • They have left the door open for a FFVII remake
  • No!

    Now go and pull the thing that's in the rectangle hole in your wall walk through it and inquire about purchasing a life.
  • Playstation 3 skate 2 question??? please help?

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  • i'm having trouble on the career challenge high and dry, the one where you have to gap the fountain ledge, i've used the mini ramp that is close by, someone help me please, thank you
  • Go to youtube and search on where you are stuck some one will show you how to do it.
  • Tuesday, August 25, 2009

    How to burn ps3 games to disk?

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  • Hi there, iv'e been doing a little research i have come across two sites:

    Now from as far as i can gather you can burn the game onto a dvd + r Dual Layer.

    What i really need to know is that

    1. It requires no flashing/modding consoles whatsoever

    2. That it runs completely normal when you put it into your ps3, xbox 360

    3. That it would run on any other console, e.g. my friend's absolutely fine like the real thing.

    Before i pay for the membership, i need to know these things, and if the information above is provided could you tell me which site is best to go with?

    Thanks guys
  • They are both scams. Here are my sources:
  • there both scams you cant even play copied ps2 games without a modded ps2 so there's no way you would be able to play copied games on a ps3 with the advanced technology and even if you could you would need to burn it onto blu-ray or the ps3 wouldn't recognize it as a game
  • I don't believe most PS3 games will copy to a DVD-R. They use Blu-Ray for a reason; the DVD-R doesn't have enough space to hold it all. You must copy to Blu-Ray. Its not easy to compress that data either.

    You can't copy PS3 games and this is common knowledge. That's how we know its a scam. Sony and the game developers do not permit copying any Playstation games for any reason whatsoever and they do not provide legal downloadable copies to sites like these.

    Another reason is its too good to be true. Downloading games for any console with one flat fee? It is never, ever that simple or easy, especially with the current gen consoles. (One of them is using the concept pic of the PS3, how pathetic).

    All Playstation consoles require a mod chip to play burned games and they never play without console modification (since all of this is illegal). There is no mod chip for the PS3. That is just one reason why it won't play burned PS3 games. No exceptions to this.

    Copied games will not work once game updates become available. This is probably one of the biggest reasons why copying PS3 games have been so unsuccessful to this point. The console itself will probably stop working it you had attempted to mod it.

    Sony will ban you from the PSN permanently once you try to run the copied game. Sony could also have you reported to the local authorities for committing piracy. Your ISP can also report you for committing piracy. They will figure out what you're doing because you're gonna be attempting to download some really big files and that will use up cap limits and things like that.

    Its cheaper to buy the game in the end. Don't risk missing out on updates or trouble with the law.
  • So the ps3 is going down in price?

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  • does any one know what the new price will be???
  • The PS3 should have already gone down in price everywhere. It was announced at GameCom last week and should have gone into effect immediately. 80 GB is $299 and the 160 GB is $399. Once these models are gone, they're gone forever.

    The new PS3 Slim model will be released soon and is priced at $299. Its replacing the Fatboys.
  • US- 120GB Slim model 299$

    UK- same above model 225-250£

    Europe- 299 Euros

    US- 80GB old model with a game 299$

    UK- same model with game 225-250£.

    Europe- 299 Euros.
  • theres a new ps3 coming out on 1st september and that going to be priced at £250 so the original one is guna be about £150
  • In europe: 300 Euros

    In USA: $300
  • I dont know the exact price but g4tv said they were coming down 100 dollars.
  • Depends where you are on the planet.
  • a couple days ago in certain walmarts they came down to $300 thats all i know about.
  • In england, America Canada where are you??? Probably 300 pounds i hear!!
  • How long will they keep making PS2 games?

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  • i know the ps2 is pretty old, and now there is a ps3, but i still see some new ps2 games once in a while, how long will it be before they totally stop making ps2 games?
  • Game developers will keep making games for the PS2 as long as they're still making money off of it, even if Sony stops producing the PS2 console itself. The PS2 is still a successful and profitable platform.
  • The same thing with the PS1, when majority of the people decided to play with their PS3, the demand for PS2 games would drop.
  • PS2 is almost 10 years old. THey are going to stop very soon. Im suprised they still making games people like totally forgot about GBA and wii even tho its newre then ps2 and xbox is gone LONG gone LOL
  • not for too much longer hopefully, ps2 is getting old and junk, collect as many as you can now!
  • As soon as people don't buy them or when they do not make as much profit from it.

    But hey,PS2 is still popular,I still play the PS2 myself.
  • se..ps2 is not like ps1 even if its getting old...according to me there are still many more games to come in ps2...and some people said that fifa street 3 will not be available on ps2..but now it is
  • Not long, because in the U.K. there is this shop that dropped the price because they have to get rid off everything!!!
  • as soon as the ps3's price drops
  • PSP Go! or Ps3?!????

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  • you see the psp go has bluetooth capability so is compatible with the ps3 dualshock controller, and connected to the tv, it's practicly a game console, so with that being said what is best the ps3 o psp go!?
  • they are basically 2 diffferent consoles with the same games.

    ones for gaming at home with hd and ones for gaming where ever u want.
  • Are you joking

    PSP GO has 16gb vs PS3 slim 120gb GEE i dont no

    go with ps3 its like almost the same price ( $50 bucks difference ) and its so small you gotta bring it to your eye socket to see or play any games trst me they wont make much money outta the GO people dont give roll wit PSPz no more

    and no its not a game console or even close its a game handled
  • mhm i see i was actually thinking about this other day wait for the psp go. psp can wait. instead do what im doing get the ps3 slim comes out first week of september for $299.00 120 gb hardrive . and i currently have all 3 main sytems and handhelds. and yeah i have 4 x box 360"s 3 which are broke from red rings of death and the other ones sounds like a effin gocart like i said ps3!!!!! anymore questions e mail me
  • I would get a Ps3

    mainly because it does everything the PSP Go can, and more.
  • the psp go is exactly the same as the old is not high def graphics or anything special dude.the ps3 is what u should buy
  • Buy an Xbox 360.
  • ps3!!!
  • ps3 is the best!!!!!
  • Ps3 split screen games?

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  • my friends coming over. and i want to get a ps3 split screen game that we can play. i have 2 dual shock 3 controllers already. i only have one game mgs4
  • LittleBigPlanet

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Call of Duty: World at War

    MotorStorm: Pacific Rift
  • Call Of Duty 4 Mordern Warfare OR Call Of Duty 5 World At War plus it has Nazi Zombies I would go with COD5 cause of the zombies.
  • CoD4, CoD5, Rainbow 6 Vegas 2,
  • How much would i get if i sold my ps2 with 67 games?

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  • well i wanna sell my ps2 with some game but i was wondering how much alll of it would be because i really wanna buy something but idk if all this would be enough.

    im selling:

    PS2 system(not slim)

    PS2 controller



    Ty the Tasmanian

    Sonic Heroes

    Van Helsing

    Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec

    Pacman World 2

    The Sims

    Jak 2

    Tekken Tag Tournament

    Jak And Dexter:the Precursor Legacy

    Harry Potter Quidditch World Cup

    X-Men The Official Game

    Mortal Kombat Deadly Alliance

    Rachet And Clank Going Commando

    Rachet And Clank

    Lord of the Rings Two Towers

    Lord of the Rings The Return of the King

    Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone

    Grand Theft Auto 3

    Grand Theft Auto Vice City

    Crash Nitro Kart

    Jam Pack Volume 11

    Wave Rally

    Crazy Taxi

    Army Men:Green Rogue

    Gauntlet Dark Legacy

    Armored Core 2

    Dark Cloud


    Roboech Battlecry

    SSX Tricky

    Jam Pack Winter 2002

    Tak and the Power of Juju

    Sly Cooper and the Thievius Raccoonus

    Virtua Fighter 4

    Tekken 5

    NBA 2K3

    Dragonball Z Budokai

    Bloody Roar 3

    Def Jam Vendetta

    007 Everything or Nothing

    Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2

    Tekken 4

    Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi

    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution

    Dirge of Cerberus Final Fantasy VII

    SSX 3

    The Nightmare Before Christmas Oogies Revenge

    Devil May Cry 2-(2 disc)


    Trigger Man

    Soul Calibur II

    Jak 3

    God of War

    Time Crisis 3

    Lego Star Wars The Video Game

    Rachet Deadlocked

    Viewtiful Joe 2

    Getting Up

    Backyard Wrestling 2 There Goes the Neighborhood

    Smackdown Here Comes the Pain

    Smackdown Just Bring It

    Smackdown Shut Your Mouth

    Pro Race Driver

    UFC Sudden Impact


    Metal Arms Glitch in the system.
  • Don't expect too much, most Id say, would be like 90$ to gamestop, they seriously RIP you off!!, sell these items on ebay or craiglist and you're looking at 150$+

    Note: Don't expect too much and you'll be surprised how much you get out of that, great things happen when you least expect them, better keep your fingers crossed.
  • About 30-40$ for the console itself if you are lucky. Factor in another 2-3$ per game and your looking at at least $200 from gamestop or another store. Its not much but hey.
  • depends on where you sell it if you sell at a game store you'll only get a fraction of what its worth try selling it on ebay.
  • Over $100.00
  • Monday, August 24, 2009

    What Ways Can A 12 Year Old Make Enough Money So That I Can Get A X-box Arcade And Halo.?

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  • i live in a bad neighbor hood so i cant do cleaning house jobs and i cant get an allowance, and i cant sell stuff on the internet so all i can do is sell stuff at school and i wont make enough money doing that i also have tons of old stuff to sell but i don't know were to sell it so i need major help.!
  • i agree with the other person here, you can get an arcade but if you want to play Halo online you will need a hard drive which cost a lot of then you will have to get a subscription to Live which cost more money, i mean don't get me wrong if you can buy this with the money you make more power to ya but this is usually the case with the 360. If you have old games or old consoles take them to gamestop you might get some stuff, to sell some stuff try although be careful since it could be a dangerous place, have an adult with you if you do sell something ok buddy!

    Good luck my friend!
  • Hey dude, you know you have to spend another $100 for a wifi adaptor just to play online right? and you have to spend another $50 a YEAR just to do online gaming. Then, you have to spend another $30 just to charge your controller right?

    I'm not kidding :|. Also, you have to get hard drive for your 360 or else your can't save games or even go on Xbox Live. That's going to cost you another $100.

    Your going to spend a total of $280 more than what your supposed to :\. With the Arcade, that's $480, not even including Halo.

    Good luck making money man. If I were you, I would rather buy a PS3.
  • what about a yard sale? also do you just not have a computer to post on ebay? if u dont how about getting another family member or a friend to help.

    what about other ways to make money? baby sitting, mowing lawns, raking leaves, etc.
  • Parents? Your 12 so they gotta help you out some how. Make your parents a promise that you do good in school they will buy you a ps3.
  • hmm why u asking this on the PlayStation section.... either open ur eyes n get a ps3 or go back to the xbox sextion
  • Lemonade stand
  • Rob a house! JK Don't do it! There's garage sale (maybe that won't work) Well... yeah good luck!
  • Sell crack and get a PS3...
  • Get a paper route
  • the corner? lol jk jk.. mowing lawns . yard sale..not ebay they charge you for posting stuff on ebay..
  • New PS3 Slim Wattage consumption ?

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  • How many watts (electricity) does the new PS3 Slim consume ?

    Easy 10 pts???
  • read all about PS3 slim..…

    it tells you the difference between old and Slim
  • its supposed to use 2/3 the power of original ps3 however what that is im not sure
  • It consumes 34% less energy than the current Playstation model!
  • whAT EVER the fatboy is just take away 34pct of it..
  • Best RCA cords for PS3?

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  • Hello, I have a 32" sd tv hooked up to my PS3, I was wondering what the best Red,White, Yellow cords are that could hook in from my ps3 to the TV? Links e.g the cords on or .com would be great fully appreciated!
  • With a standard definition tv you cannot get more that a RCA cable(Red, White, Yellow cords) all are the same so don't waste money. If you want the PS3 in HD, you have to buy a HDTV and a HDMI cable.
  • I have always been real happy with the price and quality of…

    Take a look usually you can't beat the price.
  • Any RCA cords will be fine. There isn't a certain cable that will give you a better signal, they are all the same.
  • If the TV is SD then the cords that came with ur ps3 are ur best bet nothing else will do anything else better or worse
  • Since Sony has been so adamant about BC not coming back to the PS3, will BC be in the PS4 ?

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  • I personally believe Sony has disappointed people who bought non BC PS3's and I'm guessing they won't add BC to the PS4 once it debuts ! They underestimate how much people want BC in their PS3 and as consumers who support Sony, they should do the right thing and release an update to bring BC back !
  • It's too early to tell but I believe Sony underestimated just how much BC means to a lot of PS2 owners who still like playing their PS2 games ! No one wants to buy another PS2 console when their old one breaks down !

    I doubt they'll BC to the PS4 !
  • It really depends on how successful Sony can be at emulating the Graphics Synthesizer chip.

    Adding PS2 hardware to the newer consoles has proved to be expensive, therefore, Sony has to charge an arm and a leg for it. Most people aren't willing to pay that much, so Sony removed it. It sucks, but you can't have it both ways. Since too many people were b*tching about the price, you'll never see the hardware in newer consoles again unless the PS2 hardware gets cheaper and that isn't likely anytime soon.

    That leaves emulation. This is very easy and cheap to do with PS1 games, which is why its been available from the get-go. Not so much with the PS2. Emulating the Emotion Engine isn't a big problem. Its the emulation of the Graphics Synthesizer that is difficult, mainly because it runs so damn fast. Recent patent filings for GS emulation shows that Sony has at least attempted to work on it, though.

    If Sony plans to ever bring BC back, it will be through 100% software emulation and that will depend on how successful they can be at emulating the Graphics Synthesizer. Emulation isn't as expensive as the actual hardware and Sony could even charge for it as add-on firmware to help cover the costs (demand is high enough). Also, they won't release it on the PS3 as long as they are still selling PS2 consoles.

    By the way, I was not disappointed about the lack of BC on my 40 GB. Its not like I had to sell my PS2 to get a PS3.
  • y r u talking about a ps4...there coming out w/ another ps3, so y would u talk about a ps4? mine got BC....& whenever the ps4 comes out u wont even be thinking of ps2 games
  • probably not if you seen the price i got mine a little before they took out BC
  • I don't think they'll put BC, as it would cost more money to produce and the console's price would be higher.
  • PS3 New or Old???????????

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  • i've been wanting to get a ps3 for awhile now and i have to choose between uncle is willing to sell me his and it has the ps2 compatablite and i have A LOT of ps2 games or should i buy a new one my uncles is about one or two years old
  • Buy Your uncles. I've got the last line of PS3's with backwards compatibly and i love it. Your Uncles will probably be cheaper too. Also you can install Linux and it should have 4 usb ports plus the sd card readers.
  • Buy your uncles, you lucky dog.
  • Which one do you think has gut better graphics PS3 or xbox 360 or pc?

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  • PS3 of course didnt they teach you that in school?
  • PS3 i have 360 and ps3,i put in cod4 in both and you can really see that the ps3 version looks alot better.
  • ps3 but it would be pc if i has a good graphics card
  • PC will always have the best
  • Sunday, August 23, 2009


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  • Damn so messd i went brothers house last week n took ps3 n played on his hd tv, now im back we dont have a hd tv n the settings changed on ma ps3 to hd, and i cnt play my ps3 no more, dnt knw wha to do
  • all u need to do is hold the power button for 5 seconds and it will restart and settings will be adjusted!
  • First, I would stop skipping your english class. Second, I would take extra english classes because right now you're ******.
  • hold the power button for 10 seconds i had the same problem
  • Help please(details inside)?

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  • My PS3's fan occasionally makes a very quite clicking sound,but that sound is so quite that I can't hear it except when I put my ear right next to the rear vents,is that sound a bad thing?
  • i wouldn't worry about it if it that faint just keep an eye on i it in case it gets louder they all make a lil bit of noise listen to a stupid xbox sounds like someone is vacuuming in other room
  • Will i have trouble connecting my PS3 to a linksys WRT54G WiFi router if my PSP cannot find an access point?

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  • I don't believe that linksys routers support AOSS, WEP should be the encryption best for portable devices like a PSP. Try using normal wireless setup instead of AOSS and if the PSP associates with the AP but doesn't get a IP Address, try setting a static IP address on the PSP instead of having it get the address through DHCP. The Secure Easy Setup button is not the same as AOSS sadly so you could be associating with it incorrectly. Also the PS3 should connect fine, If you buy one and neither of them connect, it could be a AP issue. In my references I gave links to some Connection setup guides for the PSP, they might help you.
  • hmmm there may be an issue with your PSP's wifi, I have the same router and am able to connect both PSP SLim and PS3
  • When does the DLC for fallout 3 on ps3 come out?

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  • Or has it already?

    also, how would it work on the ps3?

    I download it and then install or buy it at the store and it's a new game i don't really understand how it works!

  • Forget what that guy said the DLC's for fallout 3 are coming the first one is going to be at the end of september then 2-3 weeks apart....i know it sucks. If you look at the trophies for it you will see new ones for the add ons. But instead of buying all of the add ons for about 100 dollars wait till October 14 and the game of the year edition is coming out for 50 dollars.

    Also put into google Fallout 3 PS3 DLC and you will find alot of stuff.

    hope i helped
  • What a noob @ first answer. GOTY edition is coming out for PS3 also...

    Well, there's a lot of rumor that it will all come out in mid-September. The Game of the Year edition of Fallout 3 is coming out on October 13th, that's when you get the game and all 5 of the DLC's.

    Edit: Ok first you buy a PSN Card from like 7-11 or Target. Then you scratch the code in the back, enter the code to your PSN Account and now you have money on your account. Then just select what you want to buy, and let it download until complete.
  • never! thats why fallout is 30 bucks for ps3 and 60 for the xbox.

    we have dlc, and you do not.

    and wont.

    notice how GOY edition is for 360 only??

  • That beep from the ps3?

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  • when i turn the ps3 on and off it makes a high pitch beep. can i turn this off?
  • No thats how u know its working right
  • What is wrong with my ps3?

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  • when I tried to last night it wouldn't load any games and when I restarted the ps3 the screen was flashing different colors and it just froze it did it twice 2day and it gets hella hot hella fast.
  • The system ha a overheating problem try to keep it in a cool open area an if the preblem keeps persisting you want to see if you can bring it in for a warrantee or you need to just go get another.
  • place it in a cooler spot
  • Saturday, August 22, 2009

    Will they still make the old ps3?

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  • so i heard that the new ps3 is slim and i saw the picture and it is so ugly and i like the old ps3 but will they still make them
  • No, Sony stopped production on them awhile back. The last PS3s are on store shelves.

    They stopped production because the Slim is cheaper to make, sense the Slim is cheaper to make they can lower the price. Lower Price means more sales. So they will NOT make another old PS3 because then they will have to raise price again and sales will lower.

    If you want a old PS3, then buy one now before they are sold out!
  • No , the only PS3 being produced at the moment is the PS3 slim , the Other ones are on sale only still the stocks last , so if you want a new fat PS3 ,get one quick
  • It depends on the older´s sales.If the older sales better than the newer then yes...they might keep making the older-it´s about the customer here-they should be able to understand that continuing with a prouct that doesn´t sell isn´t worth it...
  • Yes but it will get phased out eventully as Sony did with the ps2 (fat)

    as there are no ps2 fats avaliabile but only ps2 slims
  • Im sure they will. I haven't seen the new slim one. I hope I helped!
  • get free stuff here!
  • ya
  • naaaaaaaaaa bruv, u betta get the dossssssh iin quick u get me?
  • Will the price of Call of Duty 4:Modern Warfare drop when the Modern Warfare 2 comes out?

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  • Should I go ahead and get CoD4, or should I wait for it to drop. I have already waited over half a year from when I got CoD World at War, so I really dont mind waiting.
  • LOL, they might actually RAISE the price. If everyone plays Modern Warfare 2, then HUNDREDS of people will wanna get COD4 to see what happened before MW2.
  • Depends if MW2 is better than cod5 (doubt they can get worse) then prbly like 30
  • well call of duty is already 30-40 bucks so i doubt it
  • How to play ps2 games on an 80gb ps3.?

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  • I recently bought a PS3 and learned that I had to update it to play my PS2 games. So I updated it to version 2.80 ands it still would not play. The game I tested was the original kingdom hearts. I am not sure if I downloaded the wrong thing or if the game is just not compatible. Please tell me what I need to do to get it to work.
  • The newer 80 gig ps3 models have Limited backward capability if you want to be able to play your ps2 games you'd have to get the 06 and 07 versions which are the 20 gig and the 60 gig
  • only the 06 and 07 models of ps3 are backwards compatibility, 20gb 60gb and some 80gb's. Only way is to buy one off ebay, gamestop, amazon etc. "used"
  • Playstation 3 help!!!!?

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  • Ok i made a playstation acc and i forgot the password and i had to put in incorrect info which again i forgot. So i went to and i made a new acc and my ps3 says that i can log in as another gamer. please help!!!
  • This is a common fault and what i would do make a back up of ps3 content. Use the format utility and then the memory is wiped for you to add any playstation account name that you want
  • HA! Happened to me as well. I was in a rush and I didn't put the right info. I contacted Sony via email. I explained the situation. They asked for some detail and then they emailed me a link and redo the info and a password. Warning, the password has a limited time, so when they send it to you, you have a day or two to do something about it.

    Google PS3 go to there website and look up customer support. Send the info and your problem.
  • Create another user on your PS3 and then make another account on that user on your PS3, and then select SAVE password so you never forget it.

    May be...
  • Anyone actually realise that this kid is a PS3 fanboy?

    Clearly joking about 360 being the best (imo it is the best console to have as its cheaper and microsoft just buys everything)

    I do love my PS3 resistance has my heart

    But being serious guys PS3 just isn't doing it, Activision is already threatening to stop publishing for it, imagine no call of duty on the playstation, it would be the death of the console.
  • You know what sucks? The fact you don't have enough money to buy a PS3 even though you begged your mom (with tears) to get you one.

    The other thing that sucks is your spelling. AM I RITE?


    Go get a life.
  • yes you are right. IN YOUR DREAMS! lol ps3 waw better than everything.
  • PS3 FTW!!
  • what are you, a five year old, son you forgot to turn the caps off.
  • HA HAS all i can say is rr of death!!!!!!!1111
  • the only thing that sucks is your spelling, ...and of course your attitude.

  • you is a ******* idiot asshole go **** off
  • PS3 is better than 360 because we get better than decent shooters. exp Killzone 2
  • 360's suck cuz you have to pay to play online
  • Any one needs help with gta IV?

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  • Im bored and wonder if anyone needs help with a mission from gta iv
  • beat the game 4 times
  • How hard is it to kill someone and finish a mission? lol not me
  • Friday, August 21, 2009

    Tomb Raider Underworld SUX who agrees?

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  • The worst game on PS3
  • Tomb Raider has lost its appeal for me. It no longer has the excitement of the old games when there were hours of puzzles, moments when you were scared, and the whole alone, excited feeling. now it is great graphics, short on gameplay, and very short on imagination. So yes I agree TR:Underworld stinks!!!
  • true
  • definitely not the worst game. i liked it, it was just way too short though.
  • A quick question about the PS3 blu-ray drive?

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  • How does the quality of HD movies played on the ps3 hold up with those played on Blu-ray only players? Is there a notable difference? And if I play a standard definition dvd on the ps3 will the quality be unconverted to 1080p like those other blu-ray players do? Thanks to all who answered.
  • They are the same, and in fact, because the PS3 is the first Blu-ray player on the market, the PS3 gets any and all updates before any stand alone Blu-ray player does (PS3 was first to have BD-Live). The PS3 also has every Blu-ray feature possible (not all stand alone Blu-ray players have every feature).

    The PS3 does up-convert all DVD movies, just like an up-convert DVD player or stand alone Blu-ray player does.

    The PS3 is the best Blu-ray player on the market, and oh yeah, it plays games, too, along with a whole lot of other stuff.
  • if someone on here tells you that there is not a noticable difference and that makes you not end up getting a PS3 or a blu-ray disc player u will be kicking yur self for ages after trust me wen they say the picturs is 5x better and the soundis 8x better they mean it i went to my grannys the other day and my cousin ut on pirates ofthe carribean 3 on and it was a blu-ray and it was practically picture perfect
  • ps3 is one of the best blu-ray players on the market

    it can upscale dvd to 1080p

    also ps3 can play cd, dvd and of course blu-ray
  • Is anybody as excited as I am about the upcoming ps3 slim?

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  • 360 owners should be jealous. sony fan boys will be happy . The price is now $299.99 for 120 gb. Obviously way better than paying $400 previously for the 80gb model, which too is now $299.99. plus blu ray player!
  • Yea, I still will pick the 80Gb over the slim, 80Gb is such a sexy looking console, compare to the slim version.... but definitely them xbox fan boys are going to become ps3 fan boys, soo prepare to see a lot of ppl in the playstation section
  • I would pick the slim over the fat ones.

    Its the 120 gb PS3 but a slimier version of it,

    It has better cooling and uses less power, and will probably be slightly faster then the old ones.
  • Yo is a ps3 worth 160 bucks?

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  • because there is one at this pawn shop for 160
  • I bought one for 600$ and still say it was worth it... It's a freakin steal at 160 bucks (well if it's working that is)
  • it depends since it is so cheap there might be something wrong with it cause usually they go for about 399 each so i would ask the that works at the pawn shop if it is any thing major wrong with it but if it is not nothing major wrong with it i would buy even if it only had a few scratches i would still buy it but if it is something else wrong with it dont waste your money buying it just save up your money and buy a new one
  • You should test it out and make sure it works. it also depends on how many GBs it is. The old 60GB ps3 had problems. The new ps3 slim is $300 and coming out september 1st. It is 120GB.
  • i am not sure but its a good deal if you are getting it for 160.but make sure its not second hand .and check the warranty card. And most importantly get it checked on the shop itself before taking it home.
  • Depends... The new PS3 slim which has a 120gb harddrive costs 300$ new. So get the new one: smaller and probably more memory.
  • if it works it up and resell it on ebay!! make a good 150 bucks!
  • $150!?!? If it works get it. That's 50% off!
  • What is the PS3 game sharing policy?

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  • Can you share a game five times each or 5 times for each system?
  • Sony doesn't want you sharing your content with other PSN users. Their intent was for you to personally use your content on different machines if you're using a friend's PS3 or there are multiple consoles in your home. Be aware that you will get banned if Sony finds out you are sharing your content with others.

    The deal is your PSN ID and content can be used on 5 PS3 machines at once.
  • Should i get the new ps3 slim or the old one?

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  • i like the old ps3 because of all the cool stuff you can do with it using linux

    but u hear that with the new slim it will not have all the cool features

    but it comes with more gigs and it cost the same
  • The new model is smaller, uses less energy and has a bigger hard drive.

    The best deal, if you like the features in the older model, would be to get a 40GB version and upgrade the hard drive. You could get a 120GB laptop drive and you'd still pay less.

    The fact that you can't install Linux on the new PS3 Slim is not a big deal really unless you did plan on doing that. If you did install linux it basically becomes a linux box and no longer a playstation. You can't play PS3 games on it then. You could buy a PC without an OS, keyboard, mouse and monitor that out performs the PS3 and install linux on it for under $400 (Linux won't take advantage of the cell processor fully).
  • The PS3 Slim will not take as much power as the PS3's right now.

    Over 1/3 of power has been cut off, which does save a lot of money if you play the PS3 quite often.

    Also, the PS3 Slim's heat is also reduced by 1/3 of the original PS3, which will mean that the chances of yoru PS3 overheating or getting hardware fail has been cut to around 33% - Great!

    So I do recommend a PS3 Slim but maybe wait 1 week after its release since the PS2 Slim didn't turn out to be so great at first.
  • i would recomend the slim it has more memory and all the other features the other one had ........... by the way if u want it free or want free ps3 games u can go here --> this website's awsome its were i get all of my games and accesories try it out i can get a free game every week its no scam really
  • The PS3 slim is still new. I prefer if you wait just to hear more about it because maybe you will have troubles with it. Anyway it's smaller and got more memory also cheaper then why not.
  • im thinking about that too. i bought the ps3 the fat one yesterday and i dont know if want to return it and get the slim one
  • everyone is asking tht question i asked tht question too the ps3 is really ugly i recomend the ps3 it looks better and u dont really need more memory but its ur choice
  • i say get the new one bc of more memory smaller weighs less uses less energy and no fingerprints but can you tell me what linux does or what it is
  • slim definalttly its wat better
  • theres a slim PS3???

    idk i got mine the 1st day it came out
  • PS3 Slim!
  • Thursday, August 20, 2009

    How Long Will It Take Sony To Fix My PS3?

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  • Hey, I live in Canada, and my PS3 was just shipped out yesturday to Whitby Ontario to be fixed, any of you know how long I'll have to wait for??
  • I had a problem with my PS3 about two years ago. It was during Christmas holidays.

    It took about 2 1/2 weeks when I shipped mine to receive my replacement.

    Be strong, lol, I know how it feels not having my baby around to!
  • i had my 360 fixed in 2 weeks dont know about ps3 but probably the same time

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  • MY PS3.

    and that thing is so expensive!!!!!

  • I love how half of these answers are actually trying to be serious and logical. That's hilarious!!
  • Well I 'm shocked that the Ps3 fit in the vaccum cleaner but don't worry find the switch on the vacuum and open it up because you have to empty vacuums so then open it and pull it out. if it'a an old one you might have to rip the vacuum bag open to get it if you have a bag that is.
  • Well, it depends. Is it central vac (like you just plug the hose into your wall and it takes all the crap you vacuum up to some big trash can thing) or is it a mobile one? If its central vac, I would recommend going to the basement to find the trash can, open it and receive your dusty piece of equipment. If its a mobile, you're ******.
  • wow... well if you can really vaccum up a ps3 simply take off the front of your vaccume and get it out of the bag or container which ever kind of vaccum you have...but if the wires are what u vacumed turn the vaccum on and pull out the cords itll make an awful smell but they should come right out with a couple of tugs :)
  • It really depends on your vacuum cleaner. But you need to open the bag (that all the stuff it sucks up goes to) and look for it. One time I sucked up part of my bed skirt, and it starting smoking, it scared me so bad, but now its just a funny story. I hope you get it out!
  • you vacumed the whole PS3 up? that seems pretty impossible, but normally you can open up the vacum cleaner to empty the trash inside it, if it is stuck in side the tube then you are going to have to cut through it to get it out.
  • if its a canister empty it on top of newpaper and swift through it. same for the bag. if you cant find it trace the path of the trash your vacume picks up. it could be lodged in the vacume itself. most of the lines can be cleaned or poked out with a clothes hanger.
  • If i were you i would just cut open you cleaner get your game . its worth it besaue it is expensive and one way or the other you are going to need and realy want that psp so cut it or ask for help by you mom or dad
  • one time i vaccuumed a pair of noise cancelling headphones. the vaccuum tore it up so i had to get them out and throw them away :(

    take out the bag that you take out to throw away. it'll be in there with everything else you vaccuum up

    sorry :/
  • IDIOT... how freakin big is your vacuum??.... anyway, i suggest opening up the filter or the bag and see if its in there. If not you might have to cut the entry way, that's if it's not in 1 million pieces by now.
  • There is a place on the vacuum and it lifts up lift it up and there is a bag inside the vacuum just look inside the bag and your ps3 will be inside there ! =]
  • You're PS3 Or PSP? I don't think a PS3 Could fit in a vacuum. Just open up the zipper in the back, and take out the bag. It will be in there. If you used a Wet Vacuum, Just open up the top.
  • 1. Unplug the vacuum

    2. Rotate the plug 180 degrees

    3. Plug it back in.

    4. It should now blow instead of suck. Keep blowing until it comes out.
  • Okay no worries. Open the front of the vaccum. Take out the bag. Cut the bag open and (with gloves) dig through the stuff to find the ps3. Goodluck :D

    everyone knows if you get a good jack hammer, you can drill a hole right through the vacuum and it should just be sitting there(:

  • do u mean psp because a ps3 is very big and i dont see how that can get vaccum but find out where the bag thing is and take it out from there or take the whole vaccum apart
  • How big is your vaccum???

    just open the hover back and just rub the dirt of with dry cloth

    then leave it in a cool dry place for about 2 days
  • what ? just open it and get it out the go to the place that you get it from and ask hem to clean it for you
  • if its a vaccum like mine you can ask your parents to open it up and get your PS3 out in no time flat. DONT ASK YOUR PARENTS TO DUMP IT IN THE TRASH CAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope you get it out.
  • send me your vaccum and ill get the ps3 out and then ill send back the vaccum
  • i doubt this really happened but open the vaccum cleaner then get a knife and rip the bag and take it out
  • You take out the garbage bag. It'd be easier to help if you told us what kind of vacuum it is, although I'm pretty sure that's just impossible.
  • How da crap you sweep up that thing? Just grab a sledge hammer & wack it open!
  • How did you vacuum your PS3??? If it was a psp, I could understand. You just need to open the vacuum and empty the bag.
  • I think the vacuum really was stuck somewhere else.
  • Next time be more careful and take care of your things.
  • yo obivosuly di not vaccuum up your ps2 amfgggg.
  • break the d@mn thing. DUH! PS3's are expensive
  • You vacuumed the whole ps3? Doubt it....
  • open it up and search through the dirt. if it is in the vacuum itself take it apart
  • haha.

    **** one,dude.

    Just open the vacuum up like you were taking out some dirt :)
  • Question on the Persona (FES) series for PS2?

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  • I'm planning to get Person 3 (FES) and Persona 4 soon. I'm new to the series and I've noticed for the PS2 console, there is a Persona 3 and a Persona 3 FES. Can anyone explain what the difference is between the two? And does it matter which order you play in? Thanks for any help.
  • order doesn't matter.

    there isn't too much of a difference really between 3 and 3 FES. 3 is the original game while FES is the original game (The Journey) with new Personas, extra social links and an additional 30+ hours of gameplay (The Answer). so FES could run you at least 130 hours. I played for around 200 hours.
  • Can you hook up a ps3 eye to a laptop?

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  • i want to use it on my laptop so i can talk to my friend on it
  • that would take a mod for that to work i would think unless they have pc software for it, i don't think sony is going to do that fun pc users
  • Ps3 problem help!!!!!!!!!?

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  • ok i connec the ps3 and no picture come out and the lil fan thing doesn't spin fast if you know wats the problem plz tell me
  • Ok turn off your ps3 from the back from the switch then put your finger on the power button until it beeps twice
  • Omar is right because that will reset the picture setting for your ps3 it'll have you set up your display settings again hopefully this works for you
  • Just do what Omar said I hope he helps you.
  • What is this person's name? He works for Sony.?

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  • I think people should know.

    In this video, who is that guy. 10PTS
  • CEO of Sony Kaz Hirai realeased the PS3 Slim at the Colonge's Gamescom.
  • Wednesday, August 19, 2009

    Will the PS3 Slim be exactly like the original PS3?

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  • does anyone know?.....
  • Its going to be slimmer and a couple of new features on the home menu. Also, 120GB.

    btw, nice avatar
  • Playstation 3 Slim on August 18, 2009 at the Sony Gamescom press conference. It will feature an upgradeable 120GB hard drive and is 33% smaller, 36% lighter, and consumes 34% less power than previous models.The PS3 Slim will also include support for BRAVIA Sync allowing control of the PS3 Slim over HDMI and will run quieter than previous PS3 models.The PS3 Slim will focus on delivering games and other entertainment content and removes the feature to install other Operating Systems to the PS3 Slim.

    So its lighter, uses les power, smaller, and quieter than the original PS3

    Hope this helps!
  • New PS3 Slim

    slimmer, lighter PS3 system. 33% smaller, and 36% lighter.

    120GB HDD for storing games, music, videos, and photos

    Built-in Wi-Fi and Blu-ray player

    Free PlayStation Network membership

    Plays DVDs and CDs
  • Slim obviously states it will be a slimmer version but will probably come with additional characteristics or so.
  • if you mean the original ps3 as in the first model like the 60gb and 20gb then no but if you just mean the ps3 fat in general yes exccept it removes install other os so no more linux
  • You will probably need to fit it with a bigger fan as it may overheat faster than the regular Ps3
  • No its lighter and slimmer And it doesnt Look as Good as original
  • its exactly the same
  • No, from what I hear it's 36% smaller statistic wise.
  • What is the current price for a PS3?

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  • the slim is 300
  • New PS3 Slim - $299.99

    PS3 80 GB - $299.99

    PS3 160 GB - $399.99…
  • $299.99 for 80GB

    $399.99 for 160GB [Includes Uncharted [$29.99] and Pain [$9.99]

    I would rather get the 80GB.
  • The 80GB versions have also been reduced to $300. Check shops that keep up to date with their pricing. Like Best Buy, Gamestop or Amazon.
  • Yes the new slim will run 299 but the cureent price is roughly $400 depends on what package you get though. I would wait and buy the slim for sure
  • 300 slim and fat
  • the normal prob bout 180
  • Infamous - Have a Nice

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  • Hey guys

    I'm trying to get all stunts, and cant seem to figure out how to do 'have a nice fall'....coming across three reapers on the same roof is tough enough, but I don't know how I'm going to find three, and simultaneously take them off the roof. I've looked all over the web and cant seem to find a way to do it...

    How did you do it?
  • Hey, I had the same problem.

    This vid helped alot:
  • PS3 Slim, Star For More Views! From PlayStation Official Magazine!?

    May be...

    Games Radar And PTOM Unbox The PS3 Slim In HD.

    Please Star To Raise More Views=]
  • That was boring to watch but okay PS3 slim aka the 360 funeral coming September to a Gamestop near you

    Please People Star For More Awarness!

    Thanks For the Link =]
  • It said that the PS3 slim has built in wi-fi so does this mean that I can access the internet automatically?

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  • Just a simple question in which I found out that the new PS3 Slim is coming out September 1st. I was just wondering if I need all those cables and stuff to access the internet on my PS3 Slim?
  • In all of the PS3 models, wi-fi is built in. If you have an internet router, then you can connect it with the PS3(all models). You can also go and take advantage of the web browser on the PS3(all models). I think you'd have a better time on your desktop or laptop, but if your desperate.

    Unless you program it to not do so, every time you turn on the PS3 it logs on into the internet. No router, use an ethernet cable.
  • Well, you will need your own internet service and a wireless network. Or you could use a wireless network in the surrounding area (if you have their network password or it doesn't have any wireless security). You don't just plug the power cord in and automatically get wireless internet, if that's what you're thinking.

    You have a modem. Its either connected to a wireless router that send out wireless signals or the modem itself is wireless and sends out wireless signals.
  • sorry to tell you but the ps3 slim is not even definate yet they havnt officially announced it so theres no tech specs realeased but more than likely it will be wifi just like the normal ps3 so if you have wireless internet in your house then the ps3 can connect to it. but technically there is no ps3 slim yet so ide hold my breath.
  • No, you don't all ps3's are wireless. You can connect to the internet wirelessly. Yes you access automatically but, you have conntect it to a connection but you can do that wirelessly.
  • you dont need cables anyway. the ps3 is wireless
  • Should I get Call of Duty 4 or pre-order Uncharted 2?

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  • I want to play Call of Duty 4 before getting Modern Warfare 2, but I think that might risk my oppotunity to pre-order Uncharted 2. But I was going to pre-order 3 games. The reason I'm saying this is because I want LittleBigPlanet GOTY edition and its $60. If I get CoD4 I could probably only pre-order 2 games and the 3 main games I want are Uncharted 2, Modern Warfare 2, and Demons Soul's.
  • Rent CoD4, Buy Uncharted 2

    Simple ;)
  • Uncharted 2.

    Call of Duty kinda made history but this year and next year, games have over-taken Call of Duty.

    TBH, I recommend that you save your money and DON'T buy Modern Warfare 2 but that's totally up to you.

    But yeah, get Uncharted 2. Call of Duty 4 will just make you pull your hair out when you hit all 4 shots of shotgun and you get pistol-killed.
  • Honestly, I wouldn't get CoD4 instead of Uncharted 2. CoD4 for starters is getting fairly old. Plus, ever since it was released, so many amazing FPS games were released that it simply doesn't live up to. Granted it's a great game, but not interesting anymore.

    Uncharted 2 on the other hand is an extremely promising game and so far, most impressive game I've seen this year. If I were you I'd preorder it instead.
  • COD4 is a sick game man i have it sealed for a month but i aint playin it until i beat R6 i no i will hate R6 once i start playin COD4

    anyways i bet there wont b much of a differnce with 2 and first one in da end of da day its up to u
  • Uncharted 2. just pre-order it for $5...then pay the rest when it comes out.

    In the mean time...go RENT Modern Warfare. Then that way you can save money and get the games that you want.
  • I say get Uncharted 2 CoD4 is'nt that amazing anymore... since many hackers and glitchers.... CoD WAW on the other hand is better (if you don't have it though).

    I really hope CoD MW 2 will be patched on regular bases to prevent glitchers :/
  • just leave littlebigplanet out of it or Demon's souls and get both of them i think you could wait 1 more year for LBP and you can wait for Demon's Souls too
  • CoD4 because like the other guy said, it made gaming history. LOTS of people play it everyday and it will get you prepared for CoD:MW2.
  • get a preowned cod4 it will be 20$
  • Tuesday, August 18, 2009

    PS3 Slim Coming To America?

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  • How many so-called questions are you gonna make? At least make one big one that everyone can star, lol.
  • Yes, of course.

    Should be everywhere by September 1st.
  • Ugh... yea... If Sony wants to sell good
  • PS3 Slim Same Features, But HDD Changable ?

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  • There isn't anything that suggest it isn't changable. And only a 34% reduction in size? I don't think that would require a different type of hard drive.
  • according to that official picture:… , there appears to be a removable plate that gives access to the HDD
  • Probably the same way as the fat PS3. Screw the side open, blah, blah, blah...Not all simple and easy like the Xbox.
  • IT's been moved to the front.

    Opposite side of the USB ports.
  • PS3 Slim Not As Small As i Though?

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  • Well, 34% isn't too much.
  • Idk wtf el manico is talking about. No disc based games for ps3 slim? That is entirely untrue. He is thinking of the new psp go, not the ps3 slim.

    Anywho, the original ps3 is a monster and any size reduction is a good thing. Not to mention it comes with a 120 gig hdd standard and uses 34% less power
  • It's actually wider than the original.
  • Its not to small, but none the less smaller.
  • the original is way better
  • no its not small and you cant buy disk based games for it too so you will have to buy all new games for it so do like me and get an ipod touch
  • PS3 Price Cuts True????????

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  • Alright.I live in Canada, and will the ps3 price cuts work for Canada-Toronto? And will it work for the slim as well as the fat ps3? 10PTS
  • Yes, it's true. Effectively immediately, all PlayStation 3 consoles are $299 EVERYWHERE.
  • Yup starts tomorrow. $100 off regular prices for the fat ps3.

    Slim ps3 will be $299 and is released in October.

    I'm using American dollars and not sure how exactly that will translate into Canadian dollars but I'm sure the discount is comparable.
  • Price cut starts Worldwide tomorrow. Some retailers will sell it to you and give you back $100 if they will start the price cut tomorrow like they are supposed to.
  • YEA ISN'T IT GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • PS3 slim vs xbox 360 elite?

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  • So I heard that there was gonna be a ps3 slim and i ws excited about it. However, i also heard that ps3 doesn't really have many good games. Also, the price is cheaper by a hundred dollars... What should i buy!!!!!!
  • Like Sarcastic Joker said, they both should be priced at $299. Rumours are saying the Xbox 360 Elite will keep it's same specs, just a price drop.

    In the actually boxes you would most likely get:

    Xbox 360 Elite 120GB hard drive

    -HD Cables

    -HDMI Cables

    -Power Cable

    -Black Headset

    and maybe Fable 2 and Halo 3 ( The current ones come with those games)

    PlayStation 3 Slim 120GB Hard drive

    Power Cables

    USB Charger

    standard cables

    So you would get more in the actual xbox 360 box then Ps3 box how ever what may be a better reason for a Ps3 is:

    Blueray-HD Movies and now games will be able to be put on disc with 50GB of space. Game developers are using more and more space now so Blu-ray does come in handy.

    Built In wifi- If you have a wireless network & want to add your console to the network a Ps3 has this built in. For the xbox 360 elite you would dish out $100. So this could should be a factor for you if you need wifi.

    Free online play- For xbox live you pay $50 a year,for PlayStation Network it's free. The main difference between both is you get some what more features on Xbox Live but on PSN ( or atleast on paper) you should be getting a better connection. This is because PSN uses dedicated servers, so if one person lags, not everyone does. The opposite is for Xbox Live.

    Games selection*-There are more games to choose from on Xbox 360 and extra content tends to be on xbox 360 first ( like the Fallout 3 content). Xbox 360 has more games because of the Arcade games. Games though are a PREFERENCE so you may like some games more then others but for the most part both consoles have great games.

    Xb0x 360 Exclusive Games

    Fable 2

    ForzaMotorSport 2

    Project Gotham Racing3

    Project Gotham Racing 4

    Left 4 Dead

    Halo 3

    Gears of War

    Gear of War 2

    Grand Theft Auto:Lost and Damned* 90



    Dead or Alive 4

    Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts

    Viva Pinata

    Lost Odyssey


    Ace Combat 6

    Halo Wars

    and more..

    PlayStation 3 has:

    Little Big Planet

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Heavenly Sword

    Uncharted:Drake's Fortune


    Killzone 2


    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistance 2


    Motorstorm:Pacific Rift

    Time Crisis 4

    Ratchet & Clank Future: Tools of Destruction

    Ratchet & Clank Future: Quest for Booty

    and more...

    I personally think you will be happy with either console you get because both have amazing games,great features, and will give you hours of entertainment.
  • They are basically the same price now. PS3 includes free Wifi [Pay $100 on 360], Free online gaming [$50 a year on 360] and comes with free USB cable to charge your controller [$30 on 360]

    As you can see, you will pay more on 360. PS3 also includes free Blu-Ray player and internet browser, those you can't find on 360.

    The games are basically even, only thing that seperates them are exclusives. I can do a really short one for you right now.


    Halo3 - Shooter

    Gears - Shooter

    Left4Dead - Shooter

    Forza - Racing


    Killzone - Shooter

    Resistance - Shooter

    Metal Gear Solid 4 - Stealth Action

    LittleBigPlanet - Platformer

    God of War - Action Hack&Slash

    Uncharted - Adventure

    Ratchet and Clank - Platformer

    Gran Turismo 5 - Racing
  • Incorrect about the "doesn't really have many good games."

    Both should be priced at $299. I dunno if Microsoft has had its conference yet, but a lot of people are confirming that both consoles will be priced at $299.

    PS3 has always given you more value for you money from day one. More people are gonna realize this now that its cheaper.
  • dude listen ps3 has 35 exclusive titles coming out in 09 but i can't name them all and if you don't believe me go to youtube and listen to blackbuster critic's video's

    here is a list of games the ps3 has coming in 09,10 and already has

    uncharted 2 - tomb raider on major steirods

    ratchet and clank a crack in time - awsome platformer

    white knight chronicles, also level 5 is working on white knight chronicles 2 - both rpg's

    demons souls - hardest game ever made but is rewarding as it is hard

    yakuza 3 - action fighting

    yakuza 4 - action fighting

    twisted metal ps3 - great action racing game

    god of war 3 - action speechless a reason to get a ps3

    heavy rain - thrill type game

    modnation racers - kart racing sort of like little big planet meets mario kart

    MAG online game that lets you play with 256 players online

    gran turismo five - best racing game ever

    Africa - ?

    last rebellion - ?

    the agent - gta espionage in the 70's

    big time revenge - ?

    eye pet - explaines it self

    final fantasy 13 VERSES, final fantasy 14 online

    the last guardian - im speechless another ps3 seller


    plus the awsome games ps3 already has like killzone 2,metal gear solid 4,motorstorm, motorstorm pacific rift, and the game of the year LIttlebigplanet just to name a few

    playstation online is free and is getting better by the day

    also most of 360's games are availble for pc

    last time i went on ign which was 8/18/09 it said that xbox 360's failier rate is 54% PS3 10.3%
  • ps3 slim beacuse it has FREE online play

    xbox 360 u have to PAY for online games


    u will miss out on Halo 3 Odst a new halo game coming September 22

    i have a ps3 and xbox and i love to play the xbox more cuz if the great games

    but if u are willing to pay to play online then xbox
  • Please go jump off a bridge just stop with the PS3 slim thing ok its real but it got annoying already also its a regular ps3 just smaller what a difference and besides XBOX360 sucks you will later on need a towell to make it work for 10 minutes!!!!!
  • uh this is a no brainer definitely the ps3 slim and i dont know why people say the ps3 doesnt have games it has better games than the xbox360 uhuh piece of crap.
  • Is this enough to play the sims 3?

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  • Yeah, those specs look good enough to play Sims 3, also on the game you can always configure the settings of the graphics and such to make gameplay better. I have a laptop with a lower processor (2.0 gHz) and RAM (2 GB) and it works perfectly after I adjusted the settings and the graphics still look good. So you should have no problem with playing.
  • Yes. Those specs are better than mine and it plays fine for me. You can look at the requirements in the link below.
  • Monday, August 17, 2009

    HDMI w/ Optical Cable and PS3?

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  • Need help getting 5.1 Surround Sound and keeping HD graphics for my PS3 using an old receiver with no HDMI Output.

    Alright, I have an old Sony receiver with no HDMI output. I'm using a Samsung HD TV which supports HDMI but recently I became interested in installing some of my old surround sound speakers along with my PS3/TV to enhance my gaming experience.

    Is it possible for me to get surround sound on my PS3 with an old receiver? If so, how? Would I have to buy an optical cable? How would I make my settings on my PS3 and how would I configure the wires?

    Thanks a bunch!
  • The PS3 does not require you to use the HDMI for both video and sound. You can use the HDMI for video, but use the Optical or RCA for sound if you wish. Sony did this for people like you who want to enjoy the PS3 on receivers that don't support HDMI. You just go to the Sound Settings and choose the connection type you want to use, just like the Display settings.

    Besides, an HDMI is not required for 5.1 surround sound. Hell, the PS3's RCA cables will give you 5.1 surround, let alone Optical.

    EDIT: Do you really need step-by-step instructions for the PS3 menu setup? I mean, its pretty straightforward.

    As for the actual cable connection, you hook up the video cable (HDMI) to the TV and the whatever sound cable you choose to your A/V receiver. You don't connect the sound cable to the TV unless you want the sound from your TV, and frankly, I don't know why you'd want TV sound if you're using an A/V receiver.
  • you use an optical cable and select the hdmi as video output and optical cable as audio output in settings

    connect both cables to the ps3 then the hdmi cable to the tv and the optical cable to the amp then go to settings and select which output to use for video and audio respectively
  • Playstation 3 question?

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  • i am 100% sure im getting a ps3. but if im going to be the only one using it should i save some money and get a 40gb instead of a 80gb?

    i prolly wont use all 80gb's by myself
  • thats ur call

    if u are going to play alone in the ps3 and feel that the 40GB is enough then get the 40 GB model

    but just to give u info : each game for the ps3 takes at least 4GB when installing it to the ps3 so u can play
  • I'd say go ahead and grap the 80 GB anyway just in the case that you download demos and get several games. The firmware updates alone take up several GB of space, so it is better to have as much space as possible, unless you want to obssess over managing your HDD space.

    Of course, if you're only going to get a couple of games then you'd be just as good with 40 GB, but it's a risk as t won't be under warranty from Sony. Personally, I advise against buying used game consoles; the lack of warranty is a very serious and potentially expensive issue. The 80 GB version (non backward compatible) comes with a 1-year guaranteed replacement/repair warranty if something goes wrong. In my opinion, this warranty is at least worth $70 in itself.
  • the 40 gig isn't available unless you find one online

    only 80 and 160 gig consoles are sold now

    you can easily use 80 gigabytes if you download games , add-ons and movies plus game installs and updates use from 1-4 gigabytes each but the hdd is user upgraded easily to a larger one later
  • There is no place to buy the 40gb unless its used.

    80gb or 160gb is the only two models.

    But Sony is suppose to announce this week

    1. A new slim 80gb PS3

    2. A price cut on this new 80gb

    It should be 299 soon.
  • go for the 80gb, i just got my ps3 and already used 20gb, with the firmware, 2 demoms, pshome and life with ps

    add me when u get it

  • 40GB's aren't produced any more, go for the 80gb.
  • I want to delete one of my PSN accounts or.....?

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  • I made a PSN account that has the address of a hotel in the U.S just so that I can buy map pack 3 for Call of duty World at War. I bought a PSN card in the U.S, when I tried the card in my hometown in Canada, it couldn't work. So I made a U.S account, and downloaded map pack 3. I wasn't sure if it's legal using an adress of a hotel without permission, so if it isin't, how can I delete the account, or how can I change the address to my own. Furthermore, for people who move from Canada to U.S or even the other way around, how would they change their PSN address? Oh and by the way if it's actually legal, can someone give me proof?
  • don't worry about changing the address , nothing will happen to you , without a u.s. address the account won't work

    you can't delete the account , if you do you can't use the map pack

    people all over the world do this - I have accounts from 5 countries because all have different things available at their playstation stores
  • PS3, HDMI, Optical...?

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    I added additional details to the question and need an answer ASAP as I'm heading out to Best Buy soon. Sorry for being impatient. :)
  • check your original question for added details
  • Playstation 1 Main Menu popps up after the logo...?

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  • At the moment, I'm trying to play Spyro, Year Of The Dragon. I turned the console on with the game, then it made this horrifying scratching noise. Then the title screen came up- I thought nothing was wrong. After that, I got a blue screen with four bubbles, and in the top right corner it says "MAIN MENU", though it isn't selectable. The two options that are, say "MEMORY CARD" and "CD PLAYER". I've clicked them both, and it just directs me to the memory card data.

    I looked multiple times in the Playstation, there isn't anything wedged in a crack, it's good as new. The CD Is in correctly, it's not upside down.

    This is also working with every other game I put in the Playstation, so don't just say "Try another game", it will not work.

    I've also waited for about an hour and a half now, and nothing has changed.

    Please help!!! All answers appriciated.

    Thank you!

  • make sure the disk is totally clean and make sure you place it in the playstation firmly and push it down gently. Then gently shut the lid and see if its any better. If not try gently rubbing the lazer with a dry cloth.
  • Why doesn't anything show up on my tv when I turn on my ps3?

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  • Ok so I bought an 80gb ps3 on and it is broken. I am using av cables. I pluged it to the tv and to the ps3 and when I turn on my ps3 nothing shows up on the tv. I got some new av cables and same thing happens. The ps3 turns on, but nothing shows up and no sound. What is wrong? Also if I go to like gamespot or gamecrazy how much would it cost to fix it?
  • it could be set up for HDMI tv what u want to do is hold down the power button (glows red when the systen is turned on) till you hear it beep 2 or 3 times this will reset the system to factory settings. if that dosent work try it while system is on and running (glows blue/green) then turn back on. good trick if going to be used on both HD and AV tvs
  • berfor you go and spend any money try changing the imput settings on our tv itself you may jut be on the wrong imput setting in which case you only need to change it and it will work also if you using an hd tv try getting an hdmi cable
  • maybe its the TV or its the ps3 system itself
  • Sunday, August 16, 2009

    What kind of HDD can I install in my PS3?

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  • After some research I've found out that:

    -the PS3 takes max 500 GB HDD

    -5400 rpm is smarter than 7200rpm since it's less likely to overheat.

    -it needs to be a 2,5" Serial-ATA (SATA) drive

    my question is this:

    There are two different types of SATA-HDD, the serial-ATA 150 and serial-ATA 300. Which one is better, and which is supported by the PS3?
  • The 150 and 300 is the amount of the data throughput and is measured in Mb/s (Megabits per second). It is also stated as 1.5 Gb/s and 3 Gb/s (Gigabits per second), instead of 150 and 300. A 300 is better than a 150.

    The PS3 uses a 150 Mb/s as its OEM HDD, but can use a 300 Mb/s. The difference is how much data can transfer at one time, not the speed at which it transfers. Think of it like this. Normally one person can walk through a door at a time (front door for example). If you use the garage door instead of the front door, more people can walk through it at the same time (side by side). You can walk through the door slow (5400 RPM HDD) or fast (7200 RPM HDD), but the speed at which you walk through the door doesn't effect how many people (150 Mb/s or 300 Mb/s) can walk through the door.

    Either one will work with your PS3, the 300 is better, but not necessary.
  • Any 2.5 inch SATA laptop HDD will work as long as it has 5400 rpm !
  • hmm doesnt mater i believe hmm u can call gamestop and ask them or call sony
  • Help with PS3 DLC support?

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  • I didn't get DLC before on my PS3. But soon, I'll have my first. I will be getting the South Central pack for Midnight Club. After the DLC is downloaded, is there a particular procedure to get it working?
  • If you download the content in the background, then you will need to install it after it is finished downloading (it will be below your game disc icon). If you watch it download, it will install itself when it is finished downloading.

    Once the DLC is installed, start the game and it is available. If you are playing the game while it is downloading, you must quit the game and restart it for the content to become available.
  • When you go to the game area, you may see the DLC with a bubble around it to say that it needs to be installed. Just click on it to install it and it will work from there.
  • PS3 Blu-Ray Remote. Yay or Nay?

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  • Should or Shouldn't I get it?
  • yay, its really nice to be able to control you ps3 without the usual gaming controller.
  • Yay. The PS3 Blu-Ray is quite handy and cool.

    It has more features on it than the standard controller, so you can flick through movies and other videos very easily.

    If you won't mind spending the money, then go for it.

    Hope this helps!
  • I bought it, because I watch a lot of movies on the PS3. It really makes it alot easier. If you want to optimize your PS3 Blu Ray Player, get this remote. I got it on Amazon for $20 with free shipping and no tax.…
  • i bout it and looking back its not a total waste but i can definitely see myself using 40$for something much more useful because it doesn't do anything the regular remote does except it looks more like a blu-ray remote thats about it
  • Ps3 PROBLEM!!! need to farmat hard drive and ps3?

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  • i was playing gta4 online when it foze i wated forever so i just switch it off from the back switch later on i turn on my ps3 and it says hard disk corrupt and it has to format so i click ok then its says must format ps3 so i click ok then it get to 11 and 12 % and the light turns green to yellow to flashing red and when i touch the off bottun it turns solind red
  • Ouch! Call Sony NOW. Tell them the problem, then they should help you from then.

    Hope you PS3 gets better soon :)
  • I need a quick decision. THE SHOW 09 or COD5. No comparison.?

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  • Ok my friend wants me to get cod5 so we can play together and kill zombies. But i told him i would get it today but i dont really want to get it because im not into those ww2 games. i like modern warfare. another thing is that MW2 is coming out in 3 months and to me theres no point in already getting cod5, i mean once people get MW2 they will probably stop playing cod5. then i want to get The show 09 which i heard is a good game. but i dont want to pay 60 bucks for a sport game which they make every year. so what would you guys do in my position. ASAP.
  • get the show 08. graphics prob better on 09 but i read a review that said check swinging was very irregular on 09. when i play 08 i check swing roughly 10% of pitches seen. so for me that was a deal breaker. codwaw was good for online but nazis gets old fast. if you're not into ww2 games don't buy a game to make your friend happy. mw2is going to be sick. hey baseball, any ww2 rpg you'd care to recommend?
  • I'd say The show 09, although I love the WW2 RPG games, it wasnt something i would encourage to others.

    I will get MW2 no doubt. Prestige Edition
  • Tell him to get COD 4
  • Difference between original ps2 multi tap and new slimline mult-tap?

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  • i have a ps2 slim(new version of the ps2) and i heard an old ps2 multi tap wont work with the new ps2

    it would be great if someone could also add pictures
  • You can tell the difference with how they look, the fat version has the memory card slot further out than the controller slot. The slim version has the memory card slot and controller card slot about the same distance.

    Both multi-taps are the same distance apart height wise, but the controller portion comes out further on the slim version (fat version doesn't come out as far).

    PS2 fat multi-tap (which is compatible with a PS1):… On this picture, the bottom part (controller port) is shorter than the top part (memory card port).

    PS2 slim multi-tap:… On this picture, the top part (memory card port) is about the same distance as the bottom part (controller port).

    In the second picture the cable is upside down. To make sure the multi-tap is compatible with your PS2, make sure it says it is for model numbers 70000 and 90000. These are both the slim model versions, and the only versions the slim multi-tap will work with (and make sure the two ports are close to the same length, not offset like a step).
  • it won't, the gap distance between the mem card and controller is too wide
  • Saturday, August 15, 2009

    Hey my ps3 broke an i went to put my hard drive in my friends PS3 but...?

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  • it says i have to reformat it but the way we even out our hard drives in are diffrent on our systems could his PS3 for any reason be doin it

    an it wasnt just the hard drive in my PS3 when it broke my other one wouldnt either our hard drives are seagate mine

    hitachi his

    both came with the PS3 I need help
  • PS3 hard drives are locked to the console that they were originally formatted in (by serial number). You can't just move it from system to system like you can a 360 hard drive.
  • Your grammar and the way you phrased your words heavily confused me but I think that I know your problem.

    When your PS3 hard drive is put into another PS3 (20,40,60,80,120GB - it doesn't matter, if it's different) then on the other PS3 it will ask to format your HDD.

    So there's no point trying, but since your PS3 has broken, there's small chance of you getting your saves back anyway.
  • I have a big Ps3 problem! please look at the details and help me out!?

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  • I need a little advice-i'm leaving to Sri Lanka for a year from the U.K. and want to buy a ps3. I really need someone to tell me a).if I should buy it here or if it is available at Heathrow airport duty free for cheaper. b).whether I should wait until it gets cheaper and c).whether it will get damaged by Sri Lanakan weather,dust and voltage fluctuations.I would really appreciate an answer.Thank You in advance and no i'm not interested in any other device :)
  • prolly, because Sri Lanka is in Asia the region for your PS3 will be different from the one in UK, so, if you buy is in Sri Lanka you wont be able to buy any game in the UK.. b'cause it wont play..

    So it's better for you to buy it in UK, and buy also some games..

    About the cheaper thing.. videogames are always getting cheaper.. you are the one to decide if you should buy it now, or wait for a cheaper one.. but don't wait too long, 'cause if you do, it will prolly release another better and more expensive one.. Think about it..

    Don't worry about the whether.. the PS3 resists to a lot of situations.. they can't make one saying that is not made to play in some place... you know what i mean?

    Hope i helped..

    sorry about my english.. im from brazil..
  • Ps3 games from the uk WILL play on an Asian ps3, if you have got an HD tv. Ok, have you looked what price the ps3 is in sri lanka, because if you buy it in the uk, you will need a volatge converter which can be quite expensive
  • Is this PS3 bundle worth it ?

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  • I'm getting an 80gb PS3 with , Fight Night Round 4, Infamous, COD:4, Gran Turismo 5 : Prologue ( which I already have so will sell) and a SIXAXIS Controller for my birthday for £349.99 from GAME. Is it worth it and how much will Gran Turismo 5 : Prologue sell for unopened .

    Also it says it is £79.99 under RRP
  • Considering it would be $349.99 I'd say yea because a ps3 by its self is $399.99. Though sony might announce a price cut next week along with the PS3 slim and others.
  • The ps3 slim is merely a rumor and we know NOTHING about it.

    That bundle you listed should be worth way more. You're getting one great deal there.
  • Wait a while, there is rumours that there will be a price drop during August.
  • Which of the upcoming psp games should i get?

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  • socom 3, little big planet, motor storm, gran tourismo, soul caliber legends, lego hp or star wars battlefront elite squad. i can choos 2 of those.
  • Out of those, get Gran Turismo and Littlebigplanet.

    Try to get Motorstorm if possible.

    And if you're a Metal Gear Solid fan, you probably have heard of MGS: Peace Walker.
  • socom 3 is the way to go if you want a sick online game to play. Online for socom 2 there are still maybe 6,000 people online everyday. It should be good.
  • Playstation network.. cant see my friends on the friends list.?

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  • I can see every friend but it says they are all offline, even though i know for a fact that some are on. When i go into a game such as call of duty world at war and try to invite a friend, i cant because it says i have no friends currently online. Wierd thing is that i just randomly pressed find game in nazi zombies and it joined a game where my friend was! pretty lucky. but anyways how do i fix this?? i tried restarting the ps3, internet router, and everything. And is anyone else still getting double xp? i am:) it was supposed to end thursday!
  • Just delete your comment in your PS3
  • I had the same problem as you did Report Abuse
  • i have a question im doing a glitch on der reise (dont stop reading IM not a nerd) i was wondering how long can i keep my PS3 on without it overheating. (NOTICE if u want to know glitch add autoturdgun55 Report Abuse
  • ehh its a small problem. It happens to everyone including me. One of my friends enters the text chat and my friend list says offline when they really are online. I was the first person to do this and even my friends had this problem.

    It'll fix by itself sooner or later.
  • its probably because they didnt accept your friend request
  • Whats a good downloadable PS3 game for 10 dollars or less?

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  • I got a 10 dollar playstation card for use on the downloadable games but there's so many games offered. Whats a good one in your opinion?
  • $10 PSN Card?...sweet!

    some good PSN games are

    Shatter: $7.99 it is amazing. its like an old brick game. not sure if you are familiar with those. you have to stop the ball from falling, and have to break all the bricks. there are new functions like pushing and pulling the ball. very nice and recommended.

    Flower: $9.99

    I love this game. its so unique and nice. you are a petal and the whole purpose is to go around and wake other flowers. awesome game.

    Namco Musuem Essentials $9.99

    great collection of old classics like Xevious, and Pacman. 6 games in total.

    Super Stardust HD $9.99

    Here is another great game. I loved this game when it first came out. still play it to get some trophies. lol if you like arcade shooters, then get this.

    Burn Zombie Burn $9.99

    cant say much about this one, I have it, but never got the time to play it, but I heard its real addicting and fun.

    Age of Booty $9.99 this game sooo addcting. if I start playing it, I cant get myself to stop playing it. haha plus the best part- all the DLC maps are free. xD

    If you want, there are some PSN Classics like Crash, Rainbow Six, Final Fantasy 7, and Medal of Honor, Metal Gear Solid, and a lot more.

    If you want, you can also download some games for $4.99. I believe I have all the $4.99 games except for Gunstar Heroes, and the Buzz games. the best from all of them is wolfenstein.
  • Here are the best $10 games:

    Super Stardust HD ($5). Amazing game for geometry wars or asteroids lovers. Very addicting for points whores.

    Wipeout HD (I think it's $10 now). Very good value and an amazing racing game.

    Flower ($10). One of the most unique and relaxing games ever.

    Ratchet and Clank Future: Quest for Booty ($10). Five hours of ratchet and clank for ten dollars? Well worth it.

    Pixeljunk Monsters (I think $5). The most addicting tower defence game ever made.

    Shatter ($8). Best brick breaking game ever made.
  • well there is

    Mortal Kombat 2 it is pretty fun especially with the online

    Megaman 9 the game is pretty fun but also a challenge Capcom decided to make it challenging

    Bomberman Ultra if you love bomberman then you will like this one packed with more than 60 costumes, crazy power-ups and online it is pretty fun in my opinion

    there are also classic PS1 games like Street Fighter, Crash Bandicoot, and Metal Gear Solid

    only thing is do not get Rag Doll Kung Fu even though i got it for free it is not worth it not even free

    if you got any questions feel free to send me a message
  • burn zombies burn is okay
  • Flower
  • Shatter. its kind of like peggle or brickbreaker if you ever played those and its only $8
  • Friday, August 14, 2009

    PlayStation 3 store games searching option?

    May be...
  • anyone know how to get more games at the ps3 store to show up or is there a search game option? or we stuck with the old games at the online store till they decide to put more games in for purchase? i'm really looking forward to download some great ps1 hit.
  • Create a sub-account for hong kong so you get access to tons of ps1,ps3 games. There is even a seperate search function for demos! And the hong kong psn store is all in English, so it's bloody easy to use. And it's perfectly legal, so no worries
  • Purchase is nicer than anyone
  • Assassin's creed PS3 glitch?

    May be...
  • when Altair finishes his conversation with the Bureau Leader about Tamir, the Bureau Leader says "I give you leave" but it does not return to the game, it stays in the video screen!

    has anyone else had this glitch? is there a way around it?
  • Sorry I haven't seen this before but I think you should check your disc for scratches.If you do find some you can look online for methods of cleaning. The best I've found is to use tooth paste on the disc or even brasso for really bad scratches. Basically a scratch doesn't harm a disc it just is like placing an obstacle in front of the disc that pervents the laser from reading the data from the disc (any format of disc i.e.dvd, cd,br-d, hd-dvd etc). Basically brasso and toothpaste are two of many lite acid liquids that dissolve plastic around the scratch to make it clear again. This is fully true and using this method has saved many of my games, dvds etc.

    You also could have a dirty laser so you can pick up special dvds from hmv etc with brushes that clean the laser. This also works.

    It could also be a saved game glitch i.e. a corrupt game save. This happens to me alot in FC2 but it happens in every game. But don't delete the saved game unless you are sure it is this.

    And finally it could be just a general game glitch. in which case I advice you to do the game again and try again. If it is a game glitch there is a possibility it may be patched (fixed).

    Hope I helped and you fix the problem.