Friday, July 31, 2009

Can you play SOCOM PS2 games online on the PS3?

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  • I wanted to know since I wanted to buy a couple of the ps2 socoms to play on my PS3 since I have the 60gb that has backwards compatibility.
  • No Network CD is needed to play SOCOM Ps2 titles on the Ps3 because your network is already set-up on the PS3. What you will need though is the System Game data from the PSN if you plan on Downloading the maps from SOCOM 3/CA. Just search it in the PSN. after that everything should be good.
  • Don't listen to the people above.

    You can play PS2 games on the PS3 online as long as you have the Network Set-up CD. You could try finding one on ebay or something. Or you could get one of the old Socom games on PS2. They have the set-up included on the disk and it will allow you to play using the PS3.

    I'm not sure all Socom games have the set-up on them. But I know for certain the Socom 3 has. I have done it myself. Just go to online section and it will say we will need to set-up your connection or something like that. It works. Trust me.
  • I think that you can't play any ps2 games online on ps3, i have tried and i didn't have any luck.
  • Yes, as long as the servers for the game are still up.
  • no you can't ps2 games can't get online for ps3.
  • Ps2 controller help ANYONE?

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  • i got a ps2 analog force 2 controller about 2-3 weeks ago. and now the analog will not stay on. it'll turn on and off and its sony made. can anyone help me plz.
  • if i was you i would return you probaly can exchange it for a new one but make sure you saved the receipt
  • I have this problem sometimes too. What you could do is clean the pins on the controller port at the end of the cord, or whenever it turns off pause and then shake the controller a little bit.
  • Why Is There A Heart In GTA IV ?

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  • Like Why Is It In The Game If You Destroy Will u ruin the game hahaha !!
  • It is an Easter Egg.

    I have never destroyed it, but I assume you would unlock a hidden Trophy/ Achievement.

    The heart is located on Happiness Island, and can be found by jumping out of a helicopter and landing on the top ledge on the Statue.
  • That was one of my favorite part of the games.

    It was chained up and everything, and it really had a heartbeat too. Too bad it's a pain in the *** to get there.
  • yes
  • ...what?
  • Can ps3 play xbox 360 games?

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  • ive watched youtube vids that say u cna but idk plz help
  • A Playstation 3 cannot play xBox 360 games. This is because the games were originally made for the xBox 360.

    Sony and Microsoft are two seperate companies trying to make money.

    So no, a PS3 cannot paly xBox 360 games.

    The videos you watched were probably modified to try and trick people into doing something stupid.
  • No, i saw this videos they are fake i will tell you why ?

    he have a video recorder so he just record he game while it's on xbox 360 then he unplug it

    then he record with his digital camera and plug the ps3 and start the fake video he made using a device who view the fake video he recorded, also xbox 360 games are coded to work with xbox 360 games

    if you want to waste your money try it
  • i saw a video and i think ps3 can play xbox 360 but it's locked to can't play it... it's starting with a message which saying "to play this game put the disk into a xbox 360 console"

    maybe the video was fake i don't know
  • No way in hell !!!!

    First of all PS3 games are coded only to work with the PS3 not the 360

    and Secondly PS3 uses Blu ray while the 360 uses crappy DVDs
  • No, not really. The PS3 can't read DL-DVD's. There are video's, but they don't involve any type of gameplay what so ever
  • no you cant sry

    the ones in the vid were probably modded or fake with some movie editing
  • .... yeah, if you buy the PS3 version of the game. :/
  • rofl, agree with the first answer :)

    If you buy the same game on ps3 version :P
  • What do you guys think about the game "Haunting Ground"?

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  • for the PS2 !
  • It's okay, but I didn't get too far in to it. I am looking forward to getting a used copy soon.
  • What is the difference between the ps3 dualshock 3 controller and the sixaxis controller?

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  • what is the difference between the ps3's Dualshock3 and the Sixaxis controller? i have a game that says you can control and do certain things with the sixaxis controller. The controller im using said it was a dualshock 3, yet i can still do the things it says i need a sixaxis for.
  • Dualshock 3 has vibration

    Sixaxis doesn't

    That's the ONLY difference.

    P.S. A Dualshock 3 technically is a Sixaxis (because sixaxis the name of the motion-sensing technology)

    Your game is telling you that if you have one of the non-sony controllers (some don't have the motion feature), then you won't be able to do motion-controlled stuff.
  • Lol, what are you blind? It says SIXAXIS on the Dualshock 3 controller.

    As said, all PS3 controllers are SIXAXIS controllers. Dualshock 3 controllers are SIXAXIS controllers with vibration.
  • The Sixasis has motion control.

    The Dualshock 3 has motion control and vibration.

    Dualshock is superior.
  • Dualshock 3 = vibration

    Sixaxis = motion sensing

    There are only 2 types of PS3 Controllers.

    DualShock 3 Sixaxis & Sixaxis
  • The dualshock 3 is a sixaxis with vibration and a different build.
  • Thursday, July 30, 2009

    How would one move data from one sony mamery stick duo pro to anuther?

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  • I want to get a bigger one for my PSP but i don't want to lose all my game saves.
  • Hi. I recently went from a 2 to 8GB card on my PSP. Now, being a stickler for things working correctly, I ran into a snag doing this - but if you don't care about it then it's way easier for you. Here's what I did AT FIRST.

    Anyway, I simply connected the PSP to my computer and opened the memory card up like a huge pen drive. I copied each main folder from the PSP card to the PC's folder, just to make a copy of everything there.

    After that, I shut down the connection and switched memory cards. Turned on the PSP with the new card inside and (?) maybe formatted it just to be sure. Then I connected it to my PC, and opened it up like a pen drive again. Highlighted each folder in my PC-PSP backup folder and transferred it over to the PSP's new card. Then I shut down and was done.


    BUT when I looked at my game saves on the PSP, everything was dated TODAY and NOW. Ugh. I loved having my gameplay history in the form of psp saves, where I could scroll down and say "hey I last played Ridge Racer on Sept 13 2007, whoa" and stuff. Not now. It would say "July 30 2009". Grr.

    Looking back on my PSP backup folder, I went into the game saves folder (PSP > SAVEGAME). Every game had a cryptic filename, like ULUS00183profile and each game had its own folder. Right-clicking and selecting properties revealed the "creation date" of the folder was "today" (because of course it was copied today). BUT when going inside the folder and checking the creation date of one of the files inside (like the .DAT file) revealed the actual date and time of the last real save.

    SO IN TRUE NERD FASHION, I wrote down all these cryptic folder names on paper, and also the "true" save date/time from the latest file within that folder. It helped to switch the display to "details" instead of right-clicking all the time. Did that for every game in my SAVEDATA folder.

    And then, after wiping the new memory card clean again, I connected back up and transferred everything EXCEPT the SAVEDATA folder. Then I think I created an empty SAVEDATA folder on the PSP and opened that up.

    Here's where it gets tricky. (I did this from oldest to newest but don't know if it made a difference, I also wanted the names in the same order.) I opened the SAVEDATA-copy folder on my computer, where all the ULUSxxxxx folders were. Then, one at a time, I would RESET MY COMPUTER CLOCK to the actual time/date of the oldest entry. Then I would highlight and transfer that one ULUSxxxxx folder over to the PSP. Then I'd change the PC's time to the 2nd oldest gamesave, then transfer that folder over. And so on, for about an hour this took.

    My last folder was copied over and I finally reset my PC's time to actual current time. I didn't do much with my PC while the time was different, because I didn't want to flag lots of real files wrong on my machine as I mucked about.

    Finally I disconnected the PSP and looked into my gamesaves from the handheld. Yes! Everything had the original final-date of play, and my look back into time had been preserved. Of course things might be a minute or two off, but that's okay.

    But even better, if you don't care about the times the files are stamped with, then all you need to do is copy the contents of your memory stick to a PC folder, then dump them back into a new memory stick, overwriting the few folders that might already be there.

    Sorry this was such a long response. This time problem was what brought me to Y!A in the first place, but no one answered, and my question got deleted. Kinda frustrating, so I wanna help you.

    Whatever you do, DO NOT erase the contents of your "original" memory card. At least not yet. Make sure everything works properly, and maybe pop in a game or two to ensure the saves work, and that you can resave to the card your new progress. I don't know of anything that went wrong with what I did, it just seemed to work, and that was months ago.
  • put it in a memory card reader - plug into a ps3 - copy

    plug psp in with new card and copy back

    might work

    try calling sony to see how it's best done 1-800-345-sony
  • Is it ok to unplug ps3 after your done using it all the time?

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  • because my mom makes me unplug after i am done to save energy,same question for the computer
  • IDK about the computer the computer depends on how many files you have. But it is safe to unplug your ps3 as long your not right in the middle of a game (go back to the main ps3 screen) turn of the system and then unplug it should be fine
  • Yes, but you should tell your mom unplugging the PS3 only saves about 20 cents a month.

    I dunno about the computer. I guess it depends on the computer and/or its power supply unit.
  • I unplug it so if an electric surge occurs it's safe that's why you should unplug it when not in use.
  • I unplug my PS3 since I use my PC monitor as the screen and b/c I have run out of outlets on my surge protector
  • Would this make the PS3 much better?

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  • ok so we all know the ps3 has a blu ray player and all, and we know it can play or at least my 60gb blu-ray,dvd, ps1 and ps2 and super audio cds and regualr cds. and we know it can rip music from cds and we can store it on our HDD but how much better would the ps3 be if it can burn cds, dvds and blu ray??? my opinion i think its would make it alot better and be soo close of being a real PC, now i dont want hear u people puttin down ps3 or xbox360 or anything just wanna hear ur opinions and what u thinnk thanks
  • yea i agree

    as u said it is like a pc and there is always system updates that always add new things to the system that make it cooler but anyway in my opinion the 360 cant even compete with the ps3 coz the blu ray reading and we all know that blu ray is a new technology that has alot of potential that will always make ps3 the best gaming system
  • Why not just use a computer?

    I mean of course it would be cool to have burning capability, but it's really not necessary. The music and video importing options were meant to be run through the PS3 in regard to it being the "ultimate media player" which it is. Being able to rip things contributes to this.

    Being able to burn things does not.

    Furthermore, the software needed to burn music and movies would be too impractical for the PS3's current hardware (as it would need to be specially made for the PS3's OS) and would likely be very expensive, meaning the system itself would cost more.

    I mean, it's an awesome thought but just too impractical.
  • Built in? No, the price would be too high then.

    Now if I could attach a burner via one of the Firewire ports, that would be cool.

    Also, an external hard drive to off load and back things up to would be very cool.
  • Not really much better, as burning ps3 games would be illegal anyway. Almost nobody would use this feature - maybe you but not everyone - and it would make the price tag higher.
  • PS3 problem! 10 points to first correct answer!?

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  • Few months ago when my mom got an HD TV, I change the settings on my PS3 to HDMI. I brought it back to my dad's home, using AV Inputs (red, yellow, white) and all it says is no signal.

    PLEASE! Does anybody know how to change the settings on the PS3 from HDMI back to regular AV input.

  • To change the video output setings for diffrent tvs, when you FIRST turn on the PS3, hold the power button (next to the word SONY) for about 3-4 sec. You wil hear a beep and that means that the video output settings are now back to 480i instead of 720p and 1080i settings which are for HDTV's. Make sure to do this when you first turn on the PS3.
  • In the settings part of the PS3's XMB there is a category for Video and somewhere there is a way to change the resolution to what is fit for a standard TV.
  • Resistance 2 Help (PS3)?

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  • On cooperative mode, I played with my friend on my user account. exp. (Richie, Mine) and Richie(2, his).

    For some reason when i would level up, mine saved and his did not after we quit the game.

    My real question is; if he were to create an online account too, will he be able to keep is level and not have to restart all over? This goes for online as well. Thanks!
  • If you use the same account for both people, it won't save player 2's progress.

    Make a separate Ps3 user (not a PSN account, just a ps3 user account on the XMB)

    Then, next time you play, it will give an option to choose the profile of the new user you made. This way, it will save.
  • How to earn money for a ps3 when your 13 and your broke?

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  • i checked online for a ps3 and the price said it was in between 300-400 dollars i was going to use my christmas money but my stupid aunt used it to buy herself cds of viet pop(its awful) im moving to seattle and once i get there im going to pawn some stuff but it costs alot so im going to have to get a job and theres no way im going to work at mc donalds theres no other jobs and i only get paid 5 dollars each chore i do but i just want to know a better way of getting money in seattle(i know seattle very well i lived there for almost all my life until i moved to arlington temporarily)
  • when I was 13 or 14 I made money by knocking on doors in my neighborhood and putting flyers on telephone poles

    I let everyone know I wanted to earn some money and was willing to work for it , mowing lawns , weeding gardens , painting , washing cars or whatever they had

    after a while people would phone and ask if I could help with odd jobs and I made a ton of cash

    I actually made more once in a week than my dad did

    get the word out and do a good job and not only will your neighbors hire you again but they'll tell their friends too
  • You could make decent amounts collecting beer bottles, aluminum cans and other refunded recyclables in an urban area. Plus you're your own boss, you can work when you want.

    If your in the suburbs, you could offer yard work. But you'll probably work less and make more with the recycling.

    At 13yo you probably wont get a job anywhere.
  • Depending on who you know, you could always try to sell a kidney. You can function COMPLETELY fine on just one.

    Also, try to get close to as many old people as you can. I just takes one dead millionaire to be able to buy as many PS3s as you want.
  • I don't live in Seattle I live in Australia.

    Kids around that age usually put adverts up at the corner shops for dog walking and lawn mowing. I don't know US currency but kids around here charge around AUS $10 a job. I think that's around US $8
  • sell some stuff on
  • Kids today think they are too good for any will be lucky to even get one the way things are today in the world....Don't plan on getting a job until you turn 15 atleast. and even then the best shot you will have IS McDonalds.
  • Wednesday, July 29, 2009

    Can I Block My PS3 from other people?

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  • i don't want my brother to play with my ps3. can i block the ps3, like set a password and don't let him do nothing in it??? not even be able to create another user? or be able to play with my user... just block everything from anyone...
  • I tried doing the same exact thing. Theres no way to block the whole system, so what I do is, I take out the power cable and I hide it somewhere my little brother can't find it.
  • that is selfish lol anyways there is just go to the settings and select security options there it will be the option to block the games you play and also the internet but he will be able to access your music pics etc...
  • evil little child.. xD i would do the same. you can set passwords on the psp by going to settings and security or something like that. i would think you would be able to do that on ps3..
  • :( y dont ya share??? serious why do brothers always fight with each god??? :/
  • PlayStation 3 Network!?

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  • I have a Wireless-G Broadband Router with a 4-Port Switch and I just want to know if I can log in to the PlayStation Network with it. First Answer get's choose as best answer.
  • yes you can make sureconnetion is hooked up correctrly
  • On a PSP slim 2000 with software update 5.51, how do i see how mutch memory is left in the memery stick duo?

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  • There is no way to do this directly on the PSP. You have to plug it into a computer and view the properties of the memory stick to see how much freee space it has.
  • A PS3 Message Question?

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  • Ok.

    Say you are playing a game (COD4),

    and your whoopin *** in a Sabotage mission(which does not happen too often),

    and your about to win,

    and the Host(Derlys1) gets butt hurt and leaves the game whining that you need to get a life.

    Then he messages you saying that "you need to get a life",

    then say you message back saying "you first crybaby" or something like that...

    Then you add them to your block list...

    If they try to send a message back to you, will it say that they can not do it because they are blocked? Or do they think the message goes thru?

    I hope this makes sence. You know how the lil kids act online, talking trash while they are safe at home with their parents watching over them.
  • They don't know they are blocked, but should figure it out after talking smack for hours and no one talks back to them.

    You talk smack because you want a response, so they feel like they can manipulate you. The most aggravating response to people like that is none. Thus proving you are beyond their control.
  • he wont know that he is blocked and he will think that the message got delivered...

    hope i could help...

    i have already done this to people
  • The message goes through on their end, but they don't know you don't get it since you blocked them.
  • He'll send messages or message to you, but he won't know that if you got them or not.
  • Rock band rock shop for ps2?

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  • how do i get the rock shop in rock band for ps2
  • you can't

    no hdd to download tracks to means no dlc
  • How do you know if a game supports the trophy system?

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  • For example, I have MGS4.

    How do I know if it supports the trophy system or not?

    The trophy system that shows the trophies I have on my PSN.
  • Games that support trophies will show up in the Trophy Collection found in the Game XMB Category.

    I'm pretty sure all new PS3 games are required to support the trophy system. MGS4 was released before the Trophy System was added on. These older games had the option whether or not to make a patch that supported trophies. It was not done for MGS4 and is not likely to happen.
  • like sarcastic joker said all PS3 games now need the mandatory trophies since 2009
  • Tuesday, July 28, 2009

    What are all the ps3 games that you have?

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  • both on disk and those you've downloaded.
  • on disk

    gta iv

    mgs 4


    killzone 2

    far cry 2

    cod 5

    r & c future tod

    assassin's creed

    oblivion goty edition

    burnout paradise

    midnight club la

    skate 2

    shaun white snowboarding

    smackdown vs raw 2009

    50 cent blood on the sand


  • Soul Calibur IV

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    NCAA Football 09


    Guitar Hero World Tour

    Rock Band 2

    Bladestorm: Hundred Years War

    Saints Row 2

    Elders Scrolls IV: Oblivion (game of the year edition)

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare (game of the Year edition)

    MLB 09: The Show

    Fallout 3

    Street Fighter 4

    Pain (downloaded)

    I'm pretty content with my collection. The only one I've sort of regretted is Pain, but it's a very fun game in small doses (I typically play in large doses though, lol).
  • Disc:

    Metal Gear Solid 4 : GOTP

    Killzone 2.

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Call of Duty : World at War


    Heavenly Sword

    Saints Row 2

    Guitar Hero : World Tour

    PSN Download:

    Super Stardust HD

    Kung Fu Rag Dolls

    I regret paying for GH:WT, Turok, Heavenly Sword and Kung Fu Rag Dolls (but I got that one for free :P)

    But especially GH:WT.

    I could get 3 games if I traded that in. I don't even play GH anymore.


    Wow? How can some of you guys afford so many games. I've bought my PS3 for just about 10 months and only 10 games.
  • on disk:


    little big planet

    killzone 2


    heavenly sword


    metal gear solid 4




    resistance 2

    ratchet and clank future: ToD


    madden 09 collectors edition

    ncaa football 09

    guitar hearo 3

    guiar hero aerosmith

    guitar hero wolrd tour

    eat lead

    street fighter 4

    MK vs. DC

    assassin's creed


    dead space

    civilization revolution

    chronicles of riddick

    trivial pursuit

    ninja gaiden sigma

    overlord: raising hell

    devil may cry 4


    everyday shooter


    1942: joint strike

    castlevania: symphony of the night(ps1 download)
  • GTA 4

    MGS 4

    Madden 09

    Skate 1

    call of Duty 4


    Kill zone 2

    American Idol (to play with my wife)

    I think this is it. The good thing about PS3 is the old games are good to. I remember when I had a PS2 the old game on the system seemed really old after a couple of years. I need to trade in one or two for a new one maybe dirt and madden 09?
  • On Disk:

    Gran Theft Auto 4


    Resistance 2



    Unreal Tournament 3

    NBA Street Homecourt

    Killzone 2



    Rockband 2

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Smackdown vs Raw 2009

    Madden 09

    NBA Live 09

    Fifa 09


    High Velocity Bowling

    Pixeljunk Monsters

    (gonna get Fat Princess this Thursday)
  • Games on disc:

    Call of Duty 4

    FIFA 08

    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2

    Rainbow Six Vegas 2

    Metal Gear Solid 4


    Socom: Confrontation

    Call of duty: w@w

    Saint's row 2

    Tomb raider: underworld


    Resident Evil 5

    Sonic's ultimate genesis collection


    -Mortal Kombat II

    -Castlevania: symphony of the night (PS1 classics)

    -Syphon filter (PS1 classics)

    -Mega man 9

    -The last guy

    -Wolf of the battlefield: Commando 3

    -Bejeweled 2

    -Magic Ball

    -Astro Tripper
  • In order of purchase (latest to oldest)



    Dead Space

    Resident Evil 5


    Mirrors edge

    Far Cry 2

    Killzone 2

    Little Big Planet


    Fallout 3

    Call of Duty World at War

    Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

    Army of Two

    Battlefield Bad Company

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Condemned 2

    Burnout Paradise

    Call of Duty 3



    Dark Sector


    Medal of Honor Airborne

    Rock Band

    The Orange Box

    Unreal Tournament III
  • Uncharted Drakes Fortune

    Call of Duty 4 MW

    Call of Duty WAW

    Resistance 1

    Resistance 2

    Killzone 2

    Motorstorm Pacific Rift

    Tomb Raider Underworld

    Prince of Persia

    Gran Turismo HD

    Dead Space

    Little Big Planet

    Burnout Paradise


    Ratchet & Clank:Tools of Destruction

    Ratchet & Clank Quest for Booty

    Resident Evil 5

    Lego Batman

    Lego Indy

    Lego Star Wars

    Farrari Challenge,

    Wipeout HD

    Burn Zombie Burn


    Super Stradust HD

    Marjong Tales:)

    I'm a bit addicted, lol
  • Disk's Only

    AC/DC Rockband Track Pack

    Assassins Creed

    Battlefield: Bad Company

    Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

    Call of Duty: World at War

    Enchanted Arms

    Fallout 3

    The Godfather

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

    Guitar Hero: Metallica

    LEGO Starwars: The Complete Saga

    Madden 09

    NASCAR 08 (Only cuz it had Tony Stewart on the front)

    Resident Evil 5

    Resistance: Fall of Man

    Resistance 2



    Stuntman Ignition

    **That is all that I think of atm, I NEVER sell my games**
  • SOCOM Confrontation (Download)

    Madden 09

    Midnight Club LA

    Grand Theft Auto IV

    Call of Duty 4

    Mercenaries 2

    Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    I don't regret any of these purchases, but if I could do it all over again, I would have bought NBA Live 09 or NASCAR 09 instead of Madden.
  • Gran Turismo 5 Prologue

    GTA 4

    MGS 4


    Call of Duty 4

    Kill zone 2


    Lost Planet


    Really regretted Uncharted and GTA 4. The rest were pretty good.

    I have a lot more games for my xbox instead of the playstation
  • littebigplanet

    resistance fall of man

    call of duty WAW

    Skate 2

    Mlb 08 the show


    battlefield bad company

    the simsons game

  • Disk:

    Grand Theft Auto 4

    Saints Row 2

    Little Big Planet

    Fifa 09

    Resistance:Fall of man


    Rag Doll Kung Fu:Fists of Plastic
  • Lost

    Guitar Hero Legends of Rock
  • Looking for a tv that would work with my english ps3?

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  • Ive got an english ps3 here (PAL)

    And im currently in an NTSC region.

    Ive bought a tv from here before that worked with my ps3 before, but i cannot remember what spec it had.

    Is there anything i can look out for, or anything on the box that i should look out for?
  • The TV has to support PAL video.

    If you're gonna get a new TV, why not just get an HDTV? Your console and games from anywhere in the world is guaranteed to work if you use HDMI on an HDTV.

    EDIT: Jeez, where are you, South America? There aren't that many NTSC regions in the world and surely you wouldn't refer to the USA as a 3rd world country, would you?

    Again, the only requirement is the TV must support PAL video. Most new TVs tend to support both NTSC and PAL. You can check the the tag on the back of the TV where FCC and power info is listed. If its one or the other, it will probably say so there.
  • Get a HDTV if you can get on and use a HDMI cable then there shouldn't be any problem with the NTSC and PAL issue. But if you can't get one get a standard definition TV that supports PAL and then you'll be able to play your ps3 games but not in the HD glory they should be played in.
  • You should go for the spectacular. Look at this... real quality :-o
  • PS3-Port forwarding??

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  • I am new at this. I am trying to lower nat type. So what do you use as the internal ip address when port forwarding. Is that the computer ip address or the ps3's or what is it?
  • Click the links below to find your ip pc ip address and to learn how to forward ports ! It would help if you gave your router make and model and isp provider !

    The first two links are for obtaining your ip address, port forwarding information and the last link is Sony's help for getting your PS3 online !
  • Try this site:

    gives step by step instruction on how to forward a port.
  • Will the game M.A.G for PS3 be good?

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  • A game will be released next year in January, M.A.G, it says there will be 256 players online at once. I was wondering how the graphics will be, and if it will lag at all? And also, how will the game overall gameplay be? I bought a ps3 and have Killzone 2 and MGS 4 there both amazing, and I wanted to ask how M.A.G will be?

    Thanks, will give the best answer many points!
  • I was at E3 and played MAG (though not with 256 player... a much smaller group.) and I must say I was really impressed. The game controls feel like COD... The movements also feel the same... The graphics though not KZ2 quality are still good judging the scale of the game (again COD kind graphics)...

    The only main concern about the game is that will it hold up with more than 200 players... They did show a 256 player demo at E3 and the game played without major frame rate hitch... So thats good news.

    There are 3 different groups to select... Also, each team gets divided in squads of 8.. You get options to select any missions from blowing bunkers to striking a place and capturing it (tons of missions show up and you have option)... All in all each individual mission affects the war balance... It works really well.... You feel a part of the 'War' going around you when you play it... With each mission shifting the outcome. You also rank up like every other FPS...

    All in all, MAG looks great if you ask me. I felt like I am in the middle of a war.... It's like COD on a massive scale... Trust me the scale is massive.... I thought it would be a killfest where 1 grenade drop would kill many, but the map are again really really massive (bigger than anything yet) so 256 player can be accommodated well.

    The main thing I like about it is that it's not run and gun like COD or KZ2... It requires team work... Sometimes you will have to join with other squads (of 8) to take down a more fortified target.. that time, air strikes at strategic points and helicopter re-spawning at nearby locations are crucial... So teamwork is really important...

    I really hope this game does well... The only problem it will have to face is to keep the frame rates up during many people on screen.. If it can do that, then everything else is top notch... It's early, but the online can be revolutionary.

    EDIT: Don't mind the above guy.... Poor kid hasn't had his medicine or probably can't afford a PS3....
  • MAG stands for "M"an, playstation is "A"ctually "G"ay. You should throw your piece of crap playstation in the trash (preferably a compactor just to be safe). Then go out and buy a 360 they are way better anyways. Also this trick will save you money in the long run because, if you keep playing your ps3 later on in life you will spend a fortune on a psychiatrist to deal with your inadequacy complex.
  • What are those little red boxes next to things I've downloaded in the Playstation 3 store?

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  • Everytime I go to the playstation 3 store , i see red boxes i believe next to things i've downloaded. What are these and how do i get rid of them?
  • It's a symbol to let you know that it's something you've already bought or downloaded so you don't accidentally try to buy it again, or if you're just looking to re-download something you've already bought. You can't get rid of it.
  • they mark that their purchased, and your can re download them to another system.

    You can have one purchase on up to 5 systems.
  • If i get a ps3 60gb that can play ps2 games?

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  • and upgrade the hard drive will my ps3 be able to play ps2 games still
  • Backwards compatibility has nothing to do with the hard drive. It's in the PS3 itself, so yes.
  • Yes. It runs ps2 games natively via emotion drive. Every PS3 after it wont run ps2 games as well. The ones right after the 60gB emulate PS2 and have slow games. The new ones cant play ps2 games at all. Make sure that it is the very first 60GB, not a new one with a replaced smaller hard drive.
  • but they dont sell 60 gig ps3s now
  • yes
  • Monday, July 27, 2009


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  • leave your psn ill add you next week i got yellow light so im getting it repaid.
  • Luis89 COD 5 No Juggernaut BS!
  • Rashod1
  • tsu16044
  • How can I convince my parents to buy me a PS3?

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  • I didn't get anything for my birthday or last Christmas. I have a Wii but it's getting boring now and I really want a PS3.

    Oh! and which model 80GB or 160GB

    and I heard for the new models, that there is no memory card slots, no PS2 compatibility, and only 2 USB ports.

    Please help!
  • do nothing but please them. do stuff like mow the lawn do laundry sweep vacuum, all without them asking. then do the sweet talking and mention how you didn't get anything on the occasions.

    btw the 80 and 160 should both have the memory card slots

    if you find an older model on craigslist or ebay you can get the ps2 compatibility.
  • Yep the more reseach you do the better, and yeah you can get a huge trade in value for your wii since everyone still wants those. Um I found a 60gb one in the trash of a house I was cleaning after the people moved out, just had to buy the cords and everything, would ya believe it worked, for about 3 months than I had to send it in to Playstation, cost me about 140 bucks ut they replaced it. anyways 160 gb if your gonna do a lot of downloading games , otherwise the 80 is plenty of room. Go for a used one or refurbished one from Gamestop wih your trade in if you can. Well good luck.
  • i got one for christmas, since the ps3 in kind of expensive i say you raise 1/3. that's only 133. 160GB is way too much. its nearly impossible to fill up a 160. it has memory slots, it doesn't play ps2 games. only the few earlier models. yeah and only 2 ports.
  • i had the same situation exept i had an xbox 360 not a Wii.

    tell them that the ps3 plays blu-ray and games and cd's but it still costs less than a blu-ray player.

    sell ur Wii and ur DVD player if u have one.

    get the 80 GB, thats all i got!!!

    plus dont waste ur xtra $ on more GB's, im not even close 2 runnin out of memory and ive had my ps3 4 a long time
  • buy the 80 gb one i heard it has ps2 backward compatibilaty and all ps3 models can play ps1 games and i have also heard the 20 gb one also can play ps2 discs but if it doesnt you can tell some guy from gamestore to put backward compatibilaty
  • tell them it's one of the best blu ray players out there and you're willing to trade-in your wii to get a discount at a gamestore for it. and that it'll make up for the fact that you didn't get anything on previous said occassions.
  • It's true the facts you said about the newer models.

    Save your own money and buy your things ;-)
  • tell them all your friends have one and say ill be good
  • xbox360 is way better...look into it... trust me..
  • Ps3 directv hookup help?

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  • alright, so I'm stuck with a really old tv, from like, before the red/white/yellow cord was put into tvs. I hooked up a directv reciever with the cable, but I have no idea how to hook a playstation into that...any help?
  • well , basically you need someplace to hook up the output cable

    if there is an input on your directv box you can probably use it

    you also have the options of hooking it through a vcr or something or getting an av to composite adapter
  • Playstation 3 Recovery help?

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  • About 2 months ago my Playstation 3 was stolen along with some other stuff. The Police have been searching and nothing has come up. Before it was stolen I played online with my Ps3. Is there anyway I can track the PS3 because I played on it. I do still have the box of the Playstation, meaning i do have the serial number. So please help me. If there is anyway I would like to know.

    Thank you.
  • You can contact sony and give them your serial number. If the Ps3 you had ever gets repaired by sony for some reason, they'll be able to give it back to you and identify the thief.

    By knowing your username of the PlayStation account, sony probably can track from where your PlayStation Network account it's used from. How could they track it? Each person using the internet has a different IP adress, which corresponds to the location of the PS3. But that would only work if the thief is using your PSN account. So if you put your PS3 to automatically log-in to your account (you don't need to write the password every time), there is a chance of you being able to find it.

    If you have more questions I'll be sure to answer. I'm adding you as one of my contacts so that I can keep track of your questions.

    I am very sorry for the fact that it was stolen.
  • You can try to call sony if they are any help.
  • maybe U would need a software that would be able to enter the ps3 # and then u would get the i.p were it was being played
  • Which Bluetooth headset should I get for the Playstation 3?

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  • I am stuck between the Jabra BT 125 and the Sony Official headset for the Playstation 3?

    Which one stays on your ear, and has better quality?

    Also if there are any other headsets that you recommend go ahead and tell me!
  • sony official is the best i think. you can get it stand alone or bundled with socom. good luck!
  • you dont need either of those- If you already hav a phone bluetooth, you can use that for it and its fine. (i use a jawbone)
  • Ehh, i say the official headset.

    You can just get it here. Screw the cost.
  • Sony Official headset
  • Is it safe to play PS2 games on PS3?

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  • I have a PS3 that is compatible with playing PS2 games. i was told that it's not wise to play PS2 games on your PS3 because it's unstable.. it could ruin the laser and what not. (i wasn't given a direct reason why, i was just told this)

    so i want to know, is it safe to play PS2 games on your PS3?

    i have the 80gig, i bought it a year after the PS3 came out, i had to get it repaired because of the laser not reading back in december.
  • The PS3 may have a slightly higher risk of overheating when playing PS2 games, but that is it. PS2 games may make the PS3 run hotter since it requires more power than any other PS3 feature, including PS3 game playback. It should not ruin the laser or make the PS3 unstable in any way.
  • Of course they work. Saying a ps2 disc would ruin the laser is the same as saying a DVD would ruin the laser. Playing PS2 games won't cause any problems but since you're using an 80gb ps3 which uses software backwards compatibility, not all games will function right. I think it has something like a 90% compatibility rate.
  • yes it's safe
  • Sunday, July 26, 2009

    Is it worth getting a ps3 now?

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  • My 360 has just got its 1st red light (only had it 1 and a half months!) and I'm really annoyed. I used to play my 360 all the time but I obviously can't now. I was thinking of getting a ps3 for my birthday in october and now that sounds more like a good idea. What should I do. Get my xbox 360 repaired to risk it getting another red light and me being one step closer to getting the red ring of death or just go and sell my 360 and games and getting a ps3. I heard ps3 are more reliable and my friends and cousins have ps3
  • Hmm if its for your birthday definetly. Next month theres a strong rumour a PS3 Slim along with a price drop will come so that will be good. I got my PS3 last month and it is probably the best thing I have ever gotten.

    The games are awesome, the online is good, the acessories are awesome and the features are jammed pack. I havent played my Wii scince I got my PS3 and I cant stand playing my friends XBOX. I reaallyyy think the PS3 is awesome and so many good games are for it! Theres also a heap more coming out end of this year/start of next... Heres the exclusives:

    Uncharted, Uncharted 2, MAG, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Little Big Planet... Theres afew more I can't think of...

    Anyway I think you should get one in October when hopefully therl have been a PS3 slim along with a price drop!
  • Yes! I had a 40 gig and sold it and upgraded to a 60gig ps3 for the backward compatibility and it was so worth the extra money. 60 and original 4 usb port 80 gig ps3's are both backward compatible with ps2 games but 60 is more compatible. the price of both is pretty high for being used though and very close to the price of a new 160gig that i heard wasnt b/c. backward compatibility is definetely worth it if you have alot of ps2 games that you still like to play.
  • the ps3 is rumored to go down $100 in august or september. so if u get one in october u should get the new lowered price (itll be like 299 instead of 399). but it is still a rumor and many companies are pushing sony to lower the price. but if it does get lowered itll happen in aug or sept. goodluck
  • Do it! ps3 is only going to get better titles and it's rumored there might be a slimline ps3 coming out. late 09 2010 will be ps3's year. I believe there are going to be some great (ps3 only) titles coming out. and dude get nhl 2010 when it comes out (nhl series whore).
  • Go with the PS3 and with its amazing gaming lineup you'd be more impressed and as most of your friends have the ps3 as well you can share your games as well - this is a big advantage !!
  • yes.. i was at the doctors the other day.. and i was waiting like 2 hours and all i can think of is.. i wish i had my psp right now..
  • I think you should go with the PS3. I am a girl but my brother has one and we play it all the time its sooo much fun and the graphics are awesome.
  • Its worth it ps3 game lineup in the next 12months is better than the other consoles in terms of quality and quantity
  • Ya get a ps3 it has awesome graphics and the best rated games.
  • Get a Sega Genesis
  • if i were you i would get a wii.......... lololololololoolol

  • Hmm if its for your birthday definetly. Next month theres a strong rumour a PS3 Slim along with a price drop will come so that will be good. I got my PS3 last month and it is probably the best thing I have ever gotten.

    The games are awesome, the online is good, the acessories are awesome and the features are jammed pack. I havent played my Wii scince I got my PS3 and I cant stand playing my friends XBOX. I reaallyyy think the PS3 is awesome and so many good games are for it! Theres also a heap more coming out end of this year/start of next... Heres the exclusives:

    Uncharted, Uncharted 2, MAG, Resistance: Fall of Man, Resistance 2, God of War 3, Killzone 2, Metal Gear Solid 4, Wipeout HD, Ratchet and Clank: Crack in Time, Gran Turismo 5 Prologue, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm, Motorstorm: Pacific Rift, Little Big Planet... Theres afew more I can't think of...

    Anyway I think you should get one in October when hopefully therl have been a PS3 slim along with a price drop!
  • I would wait. PS3s will soon get a drop in price and it would be best to wait a little while since youve already waited this long. Also, the 360 is well within warranty so if anything were to happen for atleast a year then they would fix it for no fee, just call xbox support and theyll talk you through it. Plus, if has to be fixed 3 times, they send you a new console altogether. 360s are way better, just use your friends PS3 and send the xbox in.
  • well i got a 360 then got a ps3 2 years later and i kind of regret it still cause i already got the good games. Don't like metal gear solid 4.
  • Are PSP games softwares region free????

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  • i mean are there any PAL or NTSC configuration like in PS2 game softwares.
  • I heard that all PSP games are region free. It's the PSP Dvd's/UMD movies that are region coded.

    Here's a few similar answers;…;…

  • Easy 10 points ? ps3 ?

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  • so ok i downloaded ubuntu 7.04 for the ps3

    should i install it

    will i get wifi
  • Yes but you have to do it carefully and you need to seriously KNOW what you are doing.

    Note: You WILL loose your PS3 OS.

    You may get WiFi because of the WiFi module built inside the PS3.
  • i dont see why you shouldnt install it and hope fully yeah you will but be careful it might cock the system up a bit
  • what is ubuntu 7.04 what is it????????
  • must be careful
  • PS3 internet connection help!?

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  • I've had my ps3 for a week I already set up the wired internet connection and it was working fine online. Now Rogers gave me a free 1 month faster internet connection and my ps3 can't connect to the internet. It won't even pick up the ip address. I have no idea about what I can do.
  • When you put in the ethernet cord make sure the light is blinking(You'll have to do it a few times). If you put in the cord and a solid green light comes on it won't work(most of the time).If you switch between your computer and PS3 a lot then after taking out the ethernet cord and putting it in your PS3 unplug the outlet that your ethernet cord runs on.Then plug it back in and put the ethernet in the PS3. Make sure the light is blinking green.

    If you have questions

    PSN ID: Mastadisasta94
  • Whats a good picture setting for a hd tv 1080p with the ps3 game naruto ultimate ninja storm?

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  • the exact setting would be helpful such as brightness, sharpness, color, etc..
  • 80-100 Brightness

    30-46 Sharpness

    56 Color or so.

    Just tune it while the game is playing to see how it visually appeals to you!
  • Lets have a vote. Is xbox360 or ps3 better?

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  • i just want to know if i should buy a ps3 cuz i already have a 360
  • 360: $7.99 a month for xbox live

    ps3: $0.00 a month for ps3 live

    360: plays movies in HD

    ps3 plays movies in BLUE---RAY

    360 halo, halo : odst, HAlo wars

    ps3 killzone2, uncharted 2, infamous

    360 graphics : 720 p

    ps3 graphics : 1080p

  • PS3 is definitely better, for several reasons:

    -BluRay Discs (Hold 6 times as much space, which means more area's, maps, and overall gameplay, as the DVD's XBox games are printed on.) You can also play BluRay Movies.

    -More Hard Disk space. 80G or 160G, whereas XBox is 60G or 120G.

    -Better Graphics. With 1080p, the PS3 conquers 360's measely 720p.

    -More variety of exclusive games: Uncharted, inFAMOUS, LittleBigPlanet, Disgaea 3, WipeOut HD, Killzone 2, Bigs 2, etc. Where it seems 360 is stuck with shooters and RPG's...Halo...Halo...Oh did I mention Halo? yeah, that's about all wait, that's not even worth far as exclusives go, that's about all they have. (Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, Star Ocean, and most other popular games, are also available on PC)

    -No batteries for controllers! You don't have to replace, or buy rechargeable batteries, since the controllers are already rechargeable.

    -Better online play: No cost. Internet is 100% free. Little to no lag. (In all my experience with online play, I haven't once found a bad lag. (except with LittleBigPlanet, which has horrible online play anyway...) The community is small, but to me, that means, less annoying ten year olds ruining your fun.

    -Game Sharing! You can download games your friends buy, and they can download games you buy, so you don't all have to pay for it just to play with your friends! That's, I have about 17 games, and I only bought about 5-6 of 'em!

    W3ll, that's all I got right now...pl3as3 mak3 th3 right d3cision. ;)

    Side Note:

    XBox tries to act like a lot of multi-platform games are there's:

    Call of Duty 4




    Thy're just mad that we have it too...I guess...Oh also, word on the street is that PS3 will be getting Castle Crashers, Left 4 Dead, and possibly Gears of War!!!
  • ps3.

    ive played online for 360 and ps3 and theres not much of a difference. if you care just about actual online gameplay, they are the same, 360 only has a better online store.

    ps3 has wireless, 360 wireless is an extra 100 bucks


    and of course kz2, uncharted, lbp, etc
  • Ps3, i had a 360 and its nothing but **** (like my wii which i only play for zelda and ssbb)

    Ps3 has my favorite games, free and great online and can play blu ray which is's like when i bought my ps2 for the first time.
  • ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 ps3 yea its worth it
  • PS3 hands down, the biggest reason is they are more reliable
  • This is a no brainer. Definitely the PS3!!!!
  • PS3 is better.
  • Ps3 is better.
  • 360 is better.
  • Xbox 360 is better.
  • 360
  • 360 for online multiplayer ps3 for single player and multimedia.
  • Saturday, July 25, 2009

    Why does my PS3 have issues taking out discs?

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  • Whenever I go to eject a disc it makes weird noises and never comes out. I have to hold the button FOREVER until it comes out. Sometimes I can't even tell if somethings even in there, and I sometimes have to jam the disc in it to get it work, I don't think this issue is natural.
  • dont jam it in ...u might wreck the feeder.....just take it to sony and get it checked ....and just once reset all by pressing the on/off for 5 secs...

    for any other query see
  • DVD cleaner on a playstation 2?

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  • I just bought a dvd lens cleaner from walmart and i was wondering if it would be okay for me to use it on my playstation 2 and not damage it
  • DVD cleaners can scratch the lens sometimes. That is the only potential damage.
  • Poll: Ps3 slim...... have to add 20 Characters.?

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  • If the Ps3 slim comes out will this be awesome specs for it?

    No wifi

    1 usb port

    a small HDD

    Cheap fans

    .I hope the slim has cheap parts and break easy, people have to stop complaning about the fat boy... It's the best model but people are blinded by the price tag.... sad hope ps3 slim owners suffer and regret not getting a fat version.

    BQ: Map3 coming out for Cod:Waw are you excited because I'm!
  • yes i totally agree with you

    people think sony will reduce the price and give them the same specs

    when they released the ps3 40 gb and make it $400(dropped $100-$200) they took out bc and 2 usb ports and no chrome trim

    the ps3 slim will sure has no wifi and maybe 10gb and cheap fans but also 2 usb ports

    and they will make it at best ( means cheap) $300

    people will wish they got the fat one

    ps3 slim is not confirmed yet
  • Nope. It may have cheap fans, but I think its still gonna have WiFi, 2 USB ports, and a 2.5 SATA hard drive that's used in all other PS3s.
  • Nope. It may have cheap fans, but I think its still gonna have WiFi, 2 USB ports, and a 2.5 SATA hard drive that's used in all other PS3s.
  • In silent hill 2 on the hardest difficulty how do you get past pyramid head?

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  • when you are trying to escape to the elevator with maria

    this should help
  • Playstation eye as a webcam?

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  • Can i use it on aim or msm? on my new asus desktop running vista home?? just wondering
  • I tried it once and didnt work for me, give it a try.…

    yes it works
  • it had worked for me by plugging it in in usb`
  • Ive owned several ps2s in the past large slim new used and they all have had 1 problem or another?

    May be...
  • with dvd movie playback, some dvds seem to play better then others, the games play fine its the movies in a ps2 that never work 100%
  • Me too, DVDs always froze up and sh*t.
  • Out of all video game systems I've owned, and I've had everything from an Atari (2600, 5200) to my curent PS3 and I've never had as much trouble with any of them as I've had with the Playstation line of consoles !

    PS1, PS2 and now my PS3 have all gave me problems in one way or another !
  • o... ok whats ur question my friend?
  • Sounds pretty normal to me. The PS2 has always been an average DVD player at best.
  • Friday, July 24, 2009

    What is the best Racing game for ps3?

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  • not an offroad lik motorstorm (own it) more of a street racing game dont say Burnout paradise i dont like that game.
  • What kind of racing? Gran Turismo 5 Prolouge is the best realistic racer (until Gran Turismo 5 comes out anyway). Midnight Club LA is the best arcade racer.
  • I liked need for speed undercover.( i think that's what it's called) the newest one.
  • Is it bad for ps3 while in standby that a power outage occurs and also while playing but not accessing the HDD?

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  • And how loud is the ps3 supposed to be because I can hear it when I mute my TV at least 2-3 feet away(it is well ventilated but it really gets hot in the house with no A/C just a regular fan)?

    When a brownout where the power shuts off the whole appliances in the house when ps3 is on standby and also during game play is it bad for PS3?Will it damage it or shorten the lifespan or whatever?
  • Its bad for the PS3 hard drive if its shutdown improperly. This means that the PS3 is running (regardless what you're actually doing) and then immediately shut off without using any of the shutdown menus or options. It doesn't mean sh*t if its already in Standby because the system is not running in Standby.

    As for damage to the console itself in power outages, this is why a responsible owner will have it hooked up to a surge protector like any other expensive electronic.

    Your PS3 is running normally. Remeber, its summertime and the PS3 is sucking in that hot air around it.

    EDIT: If its in Standby and a power outage occurs, it won't damage the hard drive since the hard drive is not running in Standby mode. If the PS3 is on, regardless if the hard drive is bein accessed or not, and the outage occurs, it might shorten the lifespan or corrupt the hard drive. Usually, you would have to do this improper shutdown multiple times to really cause any damage to the hard drive. I would not worry unless there are power outages in your area every week (unlikely).

    As for damage to the PS3 itself (like motherboard or power supply) the PS3 should be hooked up to a surge protector so things like power outages don't damage your electronics in any way. This is why you see companies advertise these $5,000 guaranteed deals to replace your equipment if any of your electronics get damaged when you use their surge protector products. You could also use UPS ones that have battery backups and keep the electronics running when a power outage occurs and gives you a chance to shut the equipment down properly.

    As for the fan, I have noticed my fan running a lot more since July regardless what I'm doing. I don't know how hot my apartment is, but I know its pretty warm in here. The fact that your fan is fluctuating in speeds tell me its operating normally.
  • Resident Evil 5 (PS3)?

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  • I own an 80 GB ps3 and i know its kinda late to ask but i want to rent resident evil 5 for it, i want to know if i should rent it first or is it so good that i just have to buy it, also i never played the previous resident evils, will i understand resident evil 5?
  • Since it doesn't look like you're much of a fan, I also think you should rent it. I bought it, but only because I am a fan of the series. The game is good, and it does have online play, however, you might not like it too much, 'cuz it's pretty repetitive.
  • well i think the game is a buy like MikeyMike said there are tons of things you can unlock the weapons finding every treasure collecting every trophy and has tons of replay value especially mercenaries it does not matter if you do not know the game's history i only played a little bit of past Resident Evil games before and RE4 and i was not confused at all so i say a buy
  • During the load times for the game, they give you brief history lessons of the series' story. So yeah, you'll be able to understand Resident Evil 5.

    If you asked me, I would say rent it. It's an alright game, but it's not as good as Resident Evil 4. You can finish the game probably in a couple days. Especially if you decide to do online co-op. I just don't think it's worth the buy though, but that's just me.
  • I say you should buy it. You will probably NOT understand what's going on in the story. But it's really fun and has some replay value (getting trophies, getting all weapons, unlocking costumes). Plus, if you have a partner to play with, it rocks.
  • I found re4 better, it gets boring after a week or so
  • Tired of the run around pleas help?

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  • I am tired of this run around im getting from people all over about the ps3 and the tv's I miss the days when the kind of tv you owned and used had nothign to do with graphics of video games other than the size of the screen. this is the one i was looking into PS3

    I ask a simple questions of The 2 things Im wondering are 1. I was told that 1080p on anything under a 40inch is a waste or wont be noticable. and 2. I was told that ether a the tv would scale PS3 games and they would look jagged on edges and the menu / text in games is harder to read.

    Is there anyway to keep this from happening so i don't end up with those issues.

    my responces allsay well get a 40inch so and so or for 1800$ you can get a great plasma. If i had that kind of money i would not worry about this so much but i dont this tv i linkd is just about price range for me so i figured it was great for the ps3 and price. Pleas people help with answers that do not reqire me to have about $1000+ laying around
  • there's nothing wrong with your choice and it will give a great picture with a ps3

    you don't need the largest screen around unless you have a large room and even though the response time isn't as fast as a plasma you won't notice it much beyond having to sync a game like rockband

    you can always upgrade later if you want to

    for gaming all you really need is 720p anyway , I can't name one that's been in a higher resolution , 1080p is just necessary for the best blu-ray picture
  • Try and get a TV that supports both 720p and 1080p, because not all PS3 games are 1080p.

    As for the text readability, it should be better, not worse. At least that's been my experience.
  • 1. This really depends on the person.

    2. Game text is only hard to read on SD, not HD.

    Just make sure that monitor is HDCP compliant and it should satisfy your needs.
  • I'm not too fond of playing HD games (or any game for that matter) on Plasma TVs, as I tend to play for extended periods of time and that isn't good for them. Therefore, I would suggest an LCD screen if you're a heavy gamer/movie watcher. Also, the thing about the 40-inch screen is rubbish. Things that look awesome on a 46 inch screen still look awesome on 37 inch screen, but there will be less detail (smaller tv's have less power to process the images). Although it won't look as good as it will on a larger screen (and this opinion really depends on YOUR eyes as pictures look different for everyone) it will still be HD quality, so don't let that deter you from saving a bit of cash.

    As for pricing in general, the old adage "you pay for what you get" is pretty much true when it comes to HDTVs. I would suggest checking websites of major electronics sellers and look for deals. In the case that they're liquidating their inventory for newer products, you can find some killer deals (I bought my 42 inch Sony for $400 off retail price). If you want a "quality" TV then you're going to have to pony up the dough (in my opinion, you can find some great TVs between $900 and $1200). If you want something to "just get buy" then you'll spend less (usually $600-$700), but will have a lower quality television. In my opinion, it's worth it just to save up a bit longer and get something nice.

    Also, be sure to look at your output settings; if you're paying $1000 for something that has outputs you'll never use, look around for something that has specifically what you want. This will usually save you a couple of bucks. In regard to PS3 gaming, you definitely want to go HDMI.
  • Linux for PS3 ? easy 10 points?

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  • i thinking of installing linux on my ps3 but i have some questions ?

    1 - what is the best version for the ps3 ?

    2- is this really worth it ?

    3- will the ps3 take the full advantage of linux ?

    4 - do i need a cd or i can use a usb ?

    5- can i play the games for linux on the ps3 ?

    6- if i want to return to the game os what should i do ?

    7 how can i remove linux from my ps3 without putting the harddrive in my laptop ?

    10 points for best answer
  • If you don't know what you're doing then don't do it. Linux will give new users headaches instead of joy.

    EDIT: Running Linux on a laptop is much different than running it on a PS3. If you have a laptop with Linux already there is no purpose to put it on your PS3 because your laptop will be much better at running it and its applications. The processor on your laptop is better suited to run general PC applications and other Operating Systems. The PS3's Cell Processor is not. Its slower and you don't get a lot of RAM to work with. Use the PS3 for what its main purpose is: PS3 gaming.
  • 1. It really doesn't matter but go on google and search easy linux for ps3

    2. No, I've tried it and not really worth it. Just a slow computer

    3. Yes

    4. You can use a usb. Like I said go on google and search easy linux for ps3

    5. Yes/No not all will work

    6. Press and hold the power button on the ps3. Continue to hold till you hear more beeps than what's required

    7. Press and hold the power button on the ps3. Continue to hold till you hear more beeps than what's required. Once you've completed the setup, go to system settings and make sure it's at Game OS. Make sure you delete the Linux OS off your hard drive. No need to take HDD out.
  • 1. Yellow Dog Linux 6.1.

    2. well it still missing a lot of things but if you dont know where to get the codes and how to enter them, stick with your pc.

    3. ???

    4. a dvdr with the program installed on it

    5. some have but I havent been able to.

    6. go to PS3 os in the file menu

    7. delete the 10gb partition on the PS3 XMB menu.

    hey dont get your panties in a bunch with joker, if you ask a question be prepared to recieve all kind of answers
  • well Personally its cool but its also slow and just kind of a lot of trouble. because you have to back up your ps3 to an external HDD then Partition it then install the data then re configure its not that hard its just a lot of waiting around. BUt honestly the processing power sucks and unless you upgrade your hard drive its kind of a waste.
  • PS3 question? Knowledgeable gamers only please!?

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  • Need help making a decision as to whether I should purchase a 160 gig PS3 now or wait for a later model with reverse compatibility, less bugs in it and when prices are possibly lower. I've been told that if I buy one now with a big enough hard drive, I can download an emulator that will allow reverse capability (which is a huge concern for me. I want to play my older games on it too) but I want some second opinions or if someone has a news link about a newer model coming out that would be awesome too.

    Thanks for the help.
  • Sony will never ever make another backward compatible PS3 again.

    There is a rumor that a firmware update could be made available that would allow the PS3 Cell Processor to emulate the PS2 Emotion Engine, but honestly I'm starting to think it would be for future PS2 titles on the PSN instead of actual disc playback. Again, rumor.

    The PS3 does not have bugs. The 160 GB is the exact same machine as the 40 GB that was released over a year ago save for the hard drive capacity and the included contents. It is a much more efficient machine compared to the older backward compatible PS3s and Sony isn't likely to change it anytime soon.

    I have yet to see a non-Sony PS2 emulator successfully run on the current PS3. Its only possible when you run a Linux OS (can't do it with the PS3 OS) and you get no 3D acceleration. Not to mention only 256 MB of RAM. I'm sure the PS3 will struggle if you tried. And I don't think that would work with disc games. They'd have to be downloaded from a torrent site or something. Best to use a regular PC if you wanna go that route.

    I've always felt the PS3 was never as good as the PS2 when it comes to playing disc PS2 titles. It also made the PS3 run a little hotter and used up more power than any other PS3 feature. It really is best to use a PS2, if you're serious about still playing old games. For what its worth, PS2 games feel like Sega Genesis games to me after a year and a half of PS3 ownership.

    The PS3 Slim is a rumor. Sony has not confirmed nor denied its existence. There is rumors of a price drop along with its release, but we don't know what PS3 model will get the drop. Some are speculating the Fatboy will. Again, all rumors and speculation.

    I would only buy the 160 GB if you don't plan to ever upgrade the hard drive or you really, really want Uncharted. Otherwise, I'd choose one of the many 80 GB bundles available in several stores right now.
  • I would hold off until the rumors of a backwards compatibility thing going on is proved true of false, or until the end of the year when the supposed slim s coming out.

    And no, there is no emulator, torrent, download, nothing you can do to make your PS3 play PS2 games.
  • There won't be any backward compatibility for Ps3 not anymore i think and hard drive won't bring back B.C not until sony said so!!! because all Ps3 can run it if sony would release an Emulator update it's only software. I recommend getting 160GB a lot of space other than that it's a lame cheap piece of cr-p because it's not like the first 60GB one's.
  • well sony have patent and made the technology to play ps2 games on ps3 now so they will do it in a firmware update as of when im not sure, and as for hard drive u can always upgrade it and its as good as the same as an current 80gb model
  • first the ps3 slim won't play ps2 games ( because that will make it at least $500 so it's better to re-produce the old 60 gb

    ps3 don't have any kind of emulator

    the fat one is always better than the slim ( it has more features like more usb ports ,etc )

    i advice you to get an 80 gb and you can change the hard drive after that to 500gb so hard drive space is not important

    for me i have ps3 40gb and i have a lot of space as i don't put ton of music and videos also as for demos i play them then i remove them

    IMPORTANT : ps3 slim is not confirmed yet there is no official information so we don't know the realese date maybe there isn't a ps3 slim

    ps3 has no bugs

    ps3 slim price if confirmed would probably be $350-$400 but not less

    just get a ps3 now

    the fat ps3 will be better than the slim one as the ps2 was
  • Thursday, July 23, 2009

    For PS2 wireless can you stick in a Belkin wireless connecter in the USB port?

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  • I was wondering if you could get a normal belkin wireless connecter like the one you stick into the USB port to get internet and could i do that for the PS2 wireless internet?
  • those usb sticks require software to be installed in your computer to use them so I would think it wouldn't work since you can't install that software in your ps2 to recognize it

    a router is cheap , why not just use one
  • What are the ps3 games that i should get?

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  • i already have these games

    gta 4

    mgs 4


    killzone 2

    burnout paradise

    skate 2

    resistance 2

    shaun white snowboarding

    far cry 2

    cod 5


    smackdown vs raw 2009

    assasin's creed


    ratchet and clank future tod

    midnight club la


    sonic unleashed

    fallout 3

    what the best games that are currently available other than these?

    best answer gets 10 points. ty!
  • nice collection of games you've got there. you could try these games which are available now.


    50 cent - blood on the sand

    resident evil 5

    ufc undisputed 2009

    fight night round 4

    or else you could wait for these titles

    uncharted 2 - among thieves

    assassin's creed 2

    smackdown vs raw 2010

    R & C crack in time

    mafia 2
  • Damn !! I would love to be in your shoes with this collection of games

    Anyway it seems you've got all the good games that i can think of right now !!

    The only games that are missing from this list are Prototype and COD 4 ( but I'd wait for COD MW2, but seems your rich and can afford noth lol )
  • Dude u have a really good group of games...

    but if u want more u should get prototype and wait for the upcoming uncharted 2. I hear its amazing!
  • Bioshock RE5 cod 4 Prototype
  • motorstorm
  • Top five playstation 3 games Please?

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  • i just bought a ps3 and i am wondering which games i should buy. give me a list of your top 5 please. and put the genre beside the name of the game.
  • Killzone 2 (FPS)

    Resistance 2 (FPS)

    Resident Evil 5 (Third-Person Shooter, fun with a partner)

    Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns Of The Patriots (Stealth action, very fun)

    LittleBigPlanet (cute side-scroller, REALLY fun creating levels)
  • there is:

    inFAMOUS if you are into sandbox games you will love this

    COD WAW it is very fun just because it went back to the WW2 era many people hate it but i like it better than COD4

    Killzone 2 a very good game good storyline and there is 30-32 player online

    Dead Space a very scary game monsters just pop out of nowhere if you are into horror this is a must buy for you

    Resident Evil 5 the game is pretty good storyline is nice that has a good replayability also Mercinaries is pretty fun
  • Grand theft auto 4 (extremely fun, never gets boring)- action, adventure, sandbox

    LittleBigPlanet (loads of fun lolz)- platformer

    Call of Duty 4: Modern warfare (best online shooter ever)- FPS Shooter

    Resident evil 5- action, adventure, survival horror

    Skate 1 or 2 (if ur into skateboarding games, these are amazing)
  • Uncharted: Drakes Fortune - Shooter/Platform

    Call of Duty 4 and 5 - Shooter

    inFAMOUS- Sandbox. Action, Platform

    GTA 4 - Sandbox

    MGS4 - Shooter
  • Killzone 2 ( #1 )


    Street Fighter 4

    Call of duty: WAW

    Resistance 2
  • Killzone 2


    Cod 4, waw

    Burnout Paradise

  • Rainbow6Vegas2-shooter

    Call of Duty4-shooter

    Little Big Planet- platform adventure
  • gta 4

    cod 4



    metal gear solid 4

    May be...
  • i want an extremely scary ps3 game that will give me nightmares

    Any Suggestions?
  • Dead Space

    Silent Hill: Homecoming

    FEAR 2
  • play resident evil 5 in the dark that oughta scare the shitzu out of you Report Abuse
  • Dead Space is the scariest game in PS3 and probably all other consoles. I guarantee that it will make you piss in your pants, perhaps literally.
  • the original F.E.A.R.
  • Dead Space

    Silent Hill: Homecoming

    Resident Evil 5
  • well i bought a scary game and i payed alot but i learned to play it without getting scared
  • The first F.E.A.R. but you eventually get used to it
  • Try Siren
  • Dead Space!
  • dead space is ok scary...try Fear and fear 2
  • DEAD SPACE will make you **** in ur pants
  • fear 2
  • Is Silent Hill: Home Coming really that scary (ps3)?

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  • I want a really scary ps3 game?
  • I was thinking about getting the game myself. Although I don't personally have an answer i can give some facts on the game. Silent hill got 64/100 on the metascore (that is the overall result of the game from the gamer crtics). 64/100 basically means it was an alright game. However none of the critics stated it wasn't scary (or none that I know of). It seems to me that it got 64 because it wasn't a major improvement from the other silent hills. That basically means that it might bug you a little if you played the earlier silent hills. However what I can assure is that this all the previous silent hills were rated scary so it would be very unlikely for this one not to be scary. I bet it is scary personally. Hope this helps!
  • I have a question about Call of Duty World at War for Playstation 3?

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  • Well, i would like to play Nazi Zombies with my friends offline, and all we can play is either 2 or 4 ppl at once, and is there anyway we can play 3 ppl at once... if so how can we do that?

    Thnx so much for help!

    Ask me if you need more details...
  • Yeah sorry I had the same experience too there isn't a way to play with just 3 people. And sorry about this weebol above me. He doesn't know the difference between off and online.
  • Yes I think you can do that cause me and my cousin did 2 players nazi zombie offline.
  • You can play 4 people offline?
  • well I havent been able to play more then 2 players offline can someone explain what im doing wrong???? Im going to ask this question
  • you just need to invite 2 people works 4 me
  • Wednesday, July 22, 2009

    How do you honk the car's horn in Battlefield 1943 for the PS3?

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  • Easy points!!! I know it's a dumb question but I don't have a headset and I've seen other players honk at me to get in.
  • L3 or R3 one of those (the analog sticks)
  • why would u wanna honk the horn? nah just kidding i think its down on the d pad
  • If Other Companies Can Create Blu-Ray Players, Why Cant Microsoft Use Blu-ray in there next console?

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  • Cause Sony Hold Most Of The Royalites And Stuff
  • Microsoft can and they probably will, but their next console will most likely appear around 2015. That's because if Microsoft makes a new console now, they will most likely give up support for the Xbox 360 (like they did for the orginal Xbox). Plus they will piss a lot of people off who have Xbox 360's for such a fast change. Anyways if a new Xbox came out right now with a Blu-Ray player in it, the console would cost around the same as the PS3, which ruins their main price advantage they have over the PS3 now. Sony was really smart with the Blu-Ray move and it will put Microsoft in a tight spot in few years when all the game developers come to realize the potential of the Blu-Ray disc and the PS3.
  • Sony doesn't hold most of the royalties. Blu ray is a new technology invented by 7 of the most influential tech companies in the world. Some of the most famous of the 7 are Hewlett packard, sony, and apple.

    I don't know if you are asking about the xbox 360, or the computer consoles.

    For the xbox 360, microsoft entered into a contract with the HD dvd program. You buy the xbox 360, and then buy an external hd dvd drive. They aren't putting them into the 360 consoles because they don't have the contract for it. Other companies enlisted into contracts, as well as sony being one of the contributors.

    For computers, microsoft does have upgrades to put blu ray in, but as a custom add on, because not enough people want or need a blu ray drive in their computers. I believe a blu ray drive can be bought for about $200-$250+, depending upon whether read only or blu ray writeable.
  • Microsoft can probably easily put blu-ray on their Console.But the reason I think they don't put on the 360 is because you can just buy a movie on the xbox 360 for $20 with 1080p which is cheaper than buy a $30 blu-ray disc for the ps3 and and the movie is probably going to look the same.
  • Because by then Sony would have another format better than Blu-Ray as for their next console.
  • Which console generates superior graphics? (PS3 or 360)?

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  • I recently saw an article that claims that the 360's gpu is better so the graphics will be better. However, other articles suggests that the ps3 is more capable of making better graphics and performance because of its rsx and cell. And in another article believe it or not, claimed that 360 has unified graphics. Whats that?
  • Most multi-system games will have the same graphics on either system. The system exclusives are where the differences are. The PS3 is a more powerful machine and its exclusives have better graphics. However Gears of War 2 impressed me by showing what the 360 could do but it just doesnt compare to games like Killzone 2 which nearly max out the Ps3's capabilities.

    Im terms of graphical quality the PS3 is head-and-shoulders above the 360.
  • The PS3 has a better graphical inclination due to the fact that it outputs 1080p, not 1080i. The Cell processor in the PS3 also is stronger than the XBOX360, but it rarely is used to its full potential. Report Abuse
  • PS3

    Oh my, Microsoft is brainwashing people saying that their console has better graphics than PS3.
  • ps3, and it can do even better if developers try....the hardware is just amazing
  • ps3 has much better graphics
  • ps3
  • ps3
  • Is the 160GB model of the PS3 reverse compatible with PS2 games?

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  • I have the 160GB PS3 model and downloaded the PS2 software program from the PlayStation Store but when I tried to play a PS2 game it said that the software wasn't supported.

    I noticed there is an area in system settings for formatting the hard disk, which of course would erase all my current save data. So is that the solution to the PS2 software issue? That I haven't formatted a utility space for it, or is the 160GB model just unable to play PS2 games.

    Note: If it IS the formatting issue, how would I back up my data? Using a memory stick?
  • sorry to tell you this but you wasted all that time for nothing, the 160 gig cant play ps2 games only the 20,60,old 80 gigs can
  • It won't play them period. There is nothing you can do right now.
  • Who do you think will win the console war ps3,xbox360 or wii?

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  • in my opinion its the ps3 because sony has been the leader since the release of the ps1 and ps2 in the last console wars.People who think its the 360 are naeive it has way too many flaws unlike the ps3 which only has the yellow light of death which only occurs 0.2% of the time and the 360 has the red ring of death which occurs 33% of the time and overheats too quickly but with the ps3 you can leave it on for a week and it won't overheat if its in a well ventilated are.the wii should just be cut out of the picture for how terrible it is.
  • Many 360 owners claim the 360 has better games. I have both systems and I don't think thats true. I think the PS3 has better games by far. Uncharted, MGS4, KZ 2, Resistance, LBP, Infamous, God of War, the list goes on.

    The only reason I still have my 360 is to play L4D and Gears of War. Also a few of my friends have a 360 and we play COD.

    The 360 has a better online community. The PS3 wins in every other category.
  • You fail to mention the fact that sony is now last in the console wars and will continue to lag far behind Microsoft and Nintendo with their overpriced system. Funny thing that people that advocate for the PS3 rarely bring up which system have better games. (the 360 obviously). People that advocate for the PS3 ALWAYS bring up:

    -Blue Ray


    Nothing else, not online, not games
  • ps3

    smart people know it's the ultimate all in one entertainment system

    btw I'm starting a campaign to get some upgrades added to the ps3 on the next update so please contact sony support and let them know we want :

    more avatars

    more music player visualizations

    the ability to put digital copies included in dvds and blu-rays onto the ps3 hard drive

    the more e-mails they get the better the chance of getting it
  • yeah it's the ps3...


    Because it has free online, a bluray player and a better controller.
  • The wii definitely its getting far more better exclusives its gameplay is like no other and the motion sensing took the video game industry by storm.And it out selling the ps3 6 to 1 no matter how much Sony fans want the ps3 to win it won't.

    I mean seriously what does the ps3 have that other consoles don't? the only thing I can think of is blu-ray.Graphics the 360 also has in sixaxis the Wii by a long shot wins.

    If you think the wii is terrible how is it possible it out selling the ps3?

    I have to admit the ps2 and the ps1 were the best but Sony can't aways be in the top spot.This Generation is 1st wii 2nd 360 and sadly for the ps3 its third.

    Sorry Sony better luck next time.

    On the over heating thing I leave my ps3 over a week and then when I play it freezes on you but on the Wii however leave it and nothing will happen.

    Sony can't aways be leader it nearly impossible for something to aways be leader just look at history

    Leader of the world

    -27 BC–AD 476-Roman empire

    -1600s-1600s-British empire

    -1900s-? -USA

    -?-? eventually another country (most likely China or Russia)

    You can see that no country ever stayed leader Forever
  • Is there a way to get a picture off of your ps3 and put it into lbp?

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  • You can copy them to a USB stick and transfer them that way. Just put a USB stick into one of the USB ports on the PS3, find the pic you want to copy, press triangle, and select copy.
  • Usb gee ive done it
  • Tuesday, July 21, 2009

    In Kingdom Hearts II when you finish the story can you still play the game and have all the worlds????

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  • unlocked so that you can train to fight sephiroth and then just keep playing for the fun of it?????? or once you finish the story you cant do that or what? also how should i train i know there are a lot of people that say only the ultima key-blade can kill him but where do i get the recipe for it and where do i find the ingredients???? and lastly where do i find him and what level do you reccomend that i have and/or abilities or summon or magic AMD I DONT WANT ANY ONE TO POST AN ANSWER (I.E) MAYBE YOU CAN FIND THE ANSWER HERE : WWW.SOMEWIERDNBASHOESITETHING.COM/ JORDANS. THANK YOU!!!
  • No, the last save before the final boss is the last save in the game. If you want to do anything else go ahead, it doesn't matter. As for Sephiroth, it doesn't matter which keyblade you use, it's just the Ultima keyblade is one of the more powerful ones to use. I beat him with it, and I've also beat him with just the regular keyblade as a challenge. Just get to the max level if you want to make it easier. You find him at Hollow Bastion past the point where you fight the 1000 heartless. I suggest you have at least the abilities like Second Chance and that other one that ensure you have at least 1 hp left after an attack. I don't think you can summon anyone because you have to fight him as Sora alone.

    And once you beat him, you can't fight him again. So if you want to fight him again, save an extra save file.
  • yes
  • I am making a review for Shi No Numa and I need some tips...?

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  • It's for PS3, and I already have all the people I need to make the review, but I was wondering how I should start off. I am going to put the video on Youtube, and am looking to make it 6-7 minutes long. I was thinking of recording little tidbits of gameplay first, then after that I will put it on my computer and voice over on Movie Maker with my microphone.

    Should I record using a camcorder or using my DVR? I found that the angle in the camcorder is a bit off, but whenever I need to stop recording on the DVR, there is a big message that pops up on screen for atleast 10 seconds, which can distract me from my gameplay.

    Also, I need a program that is simple as Windows Movie Maker but has a lot of cool text features. I downloaded Jahshaka and Wax last night, but I found them too complicated.

    Any other tips would be appreciated.

    This is my first video on Youtube, by the way.

    Thanks ^__^
  • If you have a HDTV, then just record with your camcorder. HDTV's aren't like the old TV's that when you film them, you get black bars running down the screen.

    Windows Movie Maker is probably the simplest movie editing software there is. Sony Vegas is alot better for editing but its expensive and its hard to use!

    I always use Windows Movie Maker.

    If you have Vista, then using Windows Movie Maker will be alot better.

    Have the camcorder set up behind you on a tripod - you sit infront of it and below it on a chair - and then do a test clip, to see how good the angle and the quality is. If its good, continue!

    Good luck!
  • Ps3 problems???????????

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  • Well I left my ps3 on for about five days and I gave it about 12 hours to cool off from the overheat and now it will not go pass the main color screen. Some help ???
  • Hold the power button until the 3rd beep. Reset your PS3. I hope this was able to solve your issue. If not, call sony.
  • Need a bit more info, when you say "main screen" do you mean the XMB (cross media bar) Could be an easy fix but I need some detail.

    Email me if you don't get any help full answers or add some detail to your question. It could take under 2 minutes to correct the problem

    Try this, put PS3 in standby (red light on) Press and hold power button on the console, the machine will turn on then off after a few seconds(there will be a couple of beeps). Press and hold the power button, the console will beep once, then once more then twice in fast succession take hand off power button. Doing this takes you into the "PS3 recovery system"

    Choose option 3, make sure you only choose 3 for now, this option will not wipe any data of the PS3. When it has finished (60 seconds maybe) I think you have to press OK, then turn console off and on in the normal way.. If your lucky all will be well, If not you may have to do a "System restore" this works just like a PC and you will loose all data on the PS3 unless you have it backed up somewhere else To do a "restore" repeat what we just did to get into the "recovery console" and choose "restore PS3 system" be warned you will loose all data, games ect. I told you this assuming the console is out of warranty. If you still have a warranty then of course contact Sony, who will repair the console for free.

    Let me know how you get on

    Good luck
  • i would just turn the WHOLE thing off..meaning hitting the off switch on the back of the PS3. DON'T turn on or play your PS3 for at least a full 24 hours. after that amount of time, turn it on and see if it works. if it doesn't, contact Sony. but it should work. you just need to give it some time to really cool off.
  • If you can't even access the menu - contact Sony.
  • Will the Call of duty modern warfare 2 night vision goggles be release with the Ps3 version of the bundle?

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  • I heard a rumor that the night vision goggle will only be available for Xbox360 owners.
  • yes it will be coming, it is the prestege editon for $149.99 USD
  • I didn't even know they were releasing the game with goggles.

    How could any self respected gadget freak (i.e me) not buy it.

    HMV exclusive £120 release date 10/11/09

    I gotta get me one of these.

    Link below…
  • It's available to both PS3 and 360 owners.
  • No, it comes to all platforms. Don't expect those NVG to be a real military ones (those ones are way more expensive). :-)
  • If you watch the official video on youtube it shows the prestige edition for both the PS3 and 360.
  • its available for all versions...
  • they come for all platforms

    but im not gonna waste my money on it
  • woohoo im getting them for free from here:
  • How much does the cheapest used 40G Ps3 cost ?

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  • how much does the used cheapest Ps3 cost that is which i think is the 40G
  • A used 40 gb PS3 would be anywhere from $150 - $300 depending on how healthy it is.

    But why would you go with a used PS3? or a 40 gb (too little space).
  • I found ebay $1 i just don't know if it's bidding or buy now.
  • Are PS3 HD cables really worth it?

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  • I mean, does it really make a huge difference compared to the standard av ones?
  • YES!!!! Yes it makes a really big difference in playinf games and watching movies. I asked the same question and my dad showed me and we compared the to cables. AND O MY GOD it made the biggest difference. so yes change the cables to HDIM (HD).
  • Yes. In all of the videogames, you can get a 2 times bigger resolution and you'll get way better graphics. I can't stand the standard cables since I got my HDMI cable.

    I know what you think: those cables are pricey. I got mine for 25$ so be sure to search at a lot of stores to find the cheaper one. Most of them retail for 60$, but a 25$ cable will do just fine. You won't get a better quality with pricier cables.

    You'll notice that the quality is better and that the graphics look way better. Even on my 22inch LCD the difference from the two cables was huge (and that's a small screen).

    I found the cheapest cables at CanadianTire.

    *Do not forget to choose a best answer.
  • Huge difference. For example, standard resolution in North America and Japan - 640x480. Maximum HD resolution is 1920x1080. Numbers speak for themselves.
  • yeah it is totally worth it

    it doesm't make huge difference but it is very much better graphics that will blow ur mind
  • on a HDTV, HELL YEAH it does make a difference, A BIG DIFFERENCE

    i suggest you to use a HDMI cable
  • Monday, July 20, 2009

    Was $25 an okay price to pay for the game 'Pure' (PS3)?

    May be...
  • I got it off Ebay Brand New (wrapped still) and it was free shipping. Was this an good price? It's for the PS3. Thanks
  • Yess!!!!!!!!!! it retails for $49.99 and you got it for half price. good steal dude.
  • Yeah it's not that bad. Also brand new is good.
  • Yeah, that's awesome.
  • Yeah,they gave you a great price!!!
  • it's rarely cheap price for a ps3...
  • Playstation 3 vs. Xbox360?

    May be...
  • ive been a sony fan ever since i was 7 so im going with the ps3 and personally i freaking hate should have just stuck with what are your opinions and i want detailed answers.
  • I agree with you, I am also a Sony fanboy. I used to have an Xbox 360 but boy what a mistake. It crapped out on me twice in two weeks, so I just returned it. Microsoft should stick to computers, although they can't even get those right. I mean Sony has made consoles since 1994, Xbox has only made them since 2001. So they have more experience. Also Xbox live isn't that great and you have to pay for it, and the Xbox 360 overheats and breaks down so much (Trust me mine broke twice in 2 weeks). Sony PS3 is awesome and is better than the Xbox 360. I have had m PS3 for 6 months now and no problems, it owns the 360.
  • I really think you shouldn't really "Hate" Microsoft since you've been a fanboy since 7 and probably has never played or owned a Xbox and I'm pretty sure you own a PC not a mac and well PC is Microsoft. I don't hate any console especially if I don't own them or because hate is such a strong word especially for a lifeless object.

    Why saying PlayStation 3 is better than xbox 360 is false-

    1. Don't overheat easily-PS3 it so BIG

    2. Better graphics- Not in many games on in some Titles are the graphics slightly better

    3. Works excellent with HDTV (especially 1080p)-So does the Xbox

    4. Gran Turismo 5-Halo 3 ect.

    5. Don't have that "red rings of death" thing-Has the Yellow Ligth of Death

    6. It supports CD-r;DVD-r/RW;Blu-ray disc- Supports DVD and CD who pay Forr $30 Blu-ray movie when you can buy it 1080p fo $20??

    7. Also PS and PS 2 games- Only on some PS3 does it play PS2 games just like the Xbox

    8. Controller with siaxis technology ( it's the best)- Not the Best Wii has better Motion

    9. Don't scratch cds so much-Warranty was created a long time ago

    10. Better game-play experience-Wii has better Game-play

    11. etc.-ect.

    I OWN A PS3!!
  • hey i see what sweetness is trying to say! and i give him a two thumbs up.he seems to know what he is talking about. yes xbox 360 is a piece of crap, i see how microsoft has to constantly create new patches to cover up their little bugs. all they are good for is creating software, NOT hardware! they just arent cut out to make such a good system. i see titles like HALO-a.k.a gaylo and Gears Of War-a.k.a Qweers of war. but when you got exclusives such as MGS 4 and Gran Turismo you cant go wrong. but i personally dislike the xbox 360. its got HD-DVD which turned out to not be so succesful as Blu-Ray did. you guys got the RROD <-- what a piece of crap. Xbox is definetly good, ill at least give it that. Playstation 3 is the best. wii is just for little baby kids who live with their moms and dads..and just like to play mario brothers and abunch of little kid games. you rarely see COD or Resident evil or any good stuff on that.

    The way i see it is as follows

    1.Playstation 3.

    2.Xbox 360

    3.Nintendo Wii
  • I agree with Luigi but since your Fan of Sony I am assuming that if Sony ever Release a console that was really bad and it had the worst games you will still defend it.

    I don't really hate Microsoft I mean what is their to hate? I own a PC so I don't hate Microsoft since I use some of the companies Products.

    And this is what xbox 360 has and ps3 doesn't

    -Halo 3

    -good controller

    -More games than the ps3

    -Better online

    but just because the 360 has this doesn't make it better than the ps3.I mean the ps3 vs 360 is just opinion and will never be a fact on which one is better.Ps3 having the strongest hardware doesn't make it the best.Me personality I would rather choose the Wii over the 360 or ps3.But that just me.

    I don't hate Microsoft or Sony I just prefer a Sony console over Microsoft
  • I like PlayStation 3 for its hardware, graphics, controls, and overall games are just simply more fun on the PlayStation 3. Also, the convenience is great, because Microsoft is stuck-up about what you can and cannot use with it.

    XBox 360 has great online features, but its not worth the $50.00 for the Live and then the extra $100.00 to put that router/modem thing on the back.
  • depends....

    personally i like the 360 because you can mod games for free....

    everyone thinks RROD is the death of the 360....really it is an easy fix...

    controller i give to 360...the analog sticks are much tighter....

    online i give to both...360 you pay for but match making is better...

    as far as that wireless adapter, you dont need it you wire it to your router....the ps3 also needs a wireless adapter, but it can use any one not just the special one....

    graphics are pretty much a tie....certainly PS3 has the better potential, but they do not take advantage of the power they have at their disposal....

    as far as people saying it is just a better experience on the PS3, that is just ludacris....they are the same exact games....

    games wise...both systems have their MUST PLAY EXCLUSIVES...

    on that I give the edge to PS3 because it has God of War, which is AWESOME....but for the shooter fan, XBOX has Gears of War and Halo....

    overall, yes the PS3 has better specs, and if thats all you go by the yes PS3 is the winner, but if you go by type of games you play and other things you can do with the system (modding) have to go with XBOX....

    I have actually owned both systems, so i do say this unbiased...
  • LOL where are these xbox/wii fanboys coming from?

    luigi knows nothing

    Blu ray is actually the best of the best now.

    Gran turismo > forza 3 + halo put together

    now ps3 is releasing more and more better games than xbox. Xbox now has natal but ps3 has motion sensors coming out and MAG (256 players online in 1 room at once). At E3 Sony blew out wii and xbox.

    Oh yes Ps3 online is free and its basically the same as xbox only a couple of things it dont have that xbox has, but our ps3 dont keep on overheating. Yes Ps3 does have Yellow light of death but out of like 100 ps3's only like 1-5 would overheat from playing tons.

    If your getting Xbox then remember not to play over 1 hour or watch a movie an hour or otherwise it'll need some fresh air.
  • I respect your choice so I am telling you to choose a ps3. it's a lot better than xbox 360.


    Why is playstation 3 better than xbox 360?

    1. Don't overheat easily

    2. Better graphics

    3. Works excellent with hdtv (especially 1080p)

    4. Gran Turismo 5

    5. Don't have that "red rings of death" thing

    6. It supports cd-r;dvd-r/rw;blu-ray disc

    7. Also ps and ps 2 games

    8. Controller with siaxis technology ( it's the best)

    9. Don't scratch cds so much

    10. Better gameplay expirience

    11. etc.

    Enjoy playing!
  • I will keep it simple: Playstation 3 was recently rated the number one Blu Ray player on the market today. Most Blu Ray players cost almost as much as a PS3. So... you get the number one Blu Ray player in the nation with all the added benefits of the gaming experience. X Box cannot beat that simply because they chose HD DVD, and it is an add-on that you have to pay for. That was enough for me to go with a PS3.
  • PS3 is better than Xbox360.Why?Because:

    1.It has a better controller(I like more the XBOX controller)

    2.It has better games(Gran Turismo 5)

    3.It doesn't scratch your games so much like Xbox360

    4.It hasn't god the "RED RING OF DEATH"

    5.It supports PS1 and PS2 games

  • Im here bored. enlighten me xbox360. ps3 is better ^_^F U?

    ok i own my ps3 its the s--t

    wat can u 360 do that ps3 cant ???

    we got bluetooth

    ow we can surf the web

    we can im and play a game online

    we can play and hear music for u that think we cant

    did i mention we get free online

    so lets see u pay for online and lets see 360 has been out Sense 2007

    man im sure u have payed more then i have lmao

    well we got blue ray

    ow wait u got hd-dvd wait they stoped that

    ow u can use microsoft or something like that

    ow we can use linux omg a computer

    we get hdmi arnt their only some 360 with that

    RED RING of death

    man im SERIES who made the 360 why would you put the main thing that heats up in a 360 right below your lence that reads your disc

    that burns your 360 is useless

    so tell me im diein to know wat iv missed out in my research cause that is wat u have to do before u talk

    u know nothin dont bother to answer

    and your halo aka gaylo

    or gears of wat

    dont tell me thats your best combak cause thats old

    tell me somethin new that i havent thought of




    OMG ITS LIKE 50%


    and cooler sticks to your 360 hahahaha ah
  • for normal gamers, the only thing good about the xbox 360 is the games. but like i said, it the ONLY thing.
  • wow